Kidney tea: its beneficial properties and contraindications. Kidney tea - instructions for use

Orthosiphon kidney tea is named after the plant of the same name, which is part of it. Orthosiphon is a perennial plant and belongs to the shrubs and herbs of the Lamiaceae family, and is also a close relative of Basil and Sage. The popular name for this shrub is “cat’s whisker” due to its long stamen structure. The part of the plant that grows above the ground is the most valuable; medicines, including kidney tea, are produced from it. For the production of bud tea, the foliage and apical shoots of Orthosiphon are used.

Useful substances included in Orthosiphon

Cat's whisker foliage contains a large number of healing and highly effective chemical compounds. The leaves contain bitter orthosiphonine glycoside, essential oils, triterpene saponins, as well as a large amount of organic acids. Organic acids in the composition of orthosiphonide include: phenolcarboxylic, tartaric, citric and rosmarinic acids. In addition to organic substances, cat's whisker leaves are rich in potassium ions and salts.

Positive effects

The subshrub Orthosiphon staminate has a huge number of positive effects, among which the following is worth noting: a pronounced diuretic effect. In this case, increased diuresis does not lead to significant losses of potassium. Due to this unique property, the renal collection Orthosiphon can be considered a potassium-sparing diuretic drug. In addition to the diuretic effect, phenolcarbon compounds have a remarkable anti-inflammatory effect, which is why the renal collection can be used for kidney diseases such as glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis and urethritis.

The anti-inflammatory effect of orthosiphon is achieved by activating the local immune response, reducing venous stagnation, thereby reducing tissue swelling and improving microcirculation in the tissues of the kidneys and urinary tract. The drug has proven itself well in both acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. Kidney tea perfectly complements conservative therapy in the treatment of kidney stones.

Dried orthosiphon leaves, ready for infusion

Many doctors recommend the use of Orthosiphon kidney tea during pregnancy to relieve the woman’s body. Renal collection helps to gently, without increased load on the filtration glomerular apparatus of the kidneys, remove the main metabolic products and metabolites.

When orthosiphon is used together with the herbs bearberry and horsetail, the therapeutic effects of both drugs are enhanced. Kidney collection has proven itself in the treatment of edema syndrome of various etiologies, including those arising due to diseases of the urinary system and pathology of the liver.

Mechanism of action

Kidney tea increases the rate of glomerular filtration, improves the function of reabsorption in the renal tubules, and is a muscle relaxant for smooth muscle fibers, thereby promoting the expansion of the renal tubules and relieving spasm in their system. The drug promotes alkalinization of urine, which is the prevention of urolithiasis, and also has a good effect on cystitis.

Medicinal use

In urological practice, orthosiphon is used for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra, as well as for metabolic disorders in the body. The drug well complements the therapeutic effect of crushing kidney stones using ultrasound.

In addition to the direct effect on the filtration activity of the kidneys and improving their functioning, orthosiphon has other positive effects. Thus, in case of chronic diseases of the gallbladder, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and cholelithiasis, renal collection promotes improved discharge of bile by reducing the concentration of mucus and leukocytes in it. The choleretic effect helps prevent the occurrence of obstructive jaundice due to obstruction of the cystic duct. Orthosiphon has a therapeutic effect in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice.

Orthosiphon kidney tea can be used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gout;
  • cystitis and urethritis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes.

Orthosiphon can be purchased at any pharmacy

Thanks to its wide range of positive effects on the body, orthosiphon has proven itself not only in urological practice, but also in gastroenterology and endocrinology. Many people will include orthosiphon in their diet for weight loss, as tea helps to effectively remove waste and toxins from the body, helping to cleanse it as quickly as possible.

The use of the drug orthosiphon during pregnancy and lactation deserves special attention. Kidney collection improves the well-being of a pregnant woman and her general health, relieves swelling, which is sure to form in absolutely any woman.

It is worth noting that orthosiphon should be used in its pure form, without additional additives, so be sure to take this point into account when choosing a drug, since there are a large number of preparations that contain a complex of medicinal substances.

Taking the drug

Be sure to read the instructions before starting to use the drug. The instructions are attached to the drug, it details the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drug, as well as side effects from taking it. Be sure to read the contraindications for the drug!

Orthosiphon is used 30 minutes before meals. To prepare kidney tea, you need to pour 5 grams of orthosiphon into 250 ml. boiling water and leave for 3 hours. After this, the tea is ready to drink. The drug is used 2 times a day, in the morning and at lunch.

Orthosiphon can also be used as an infusion; for this, 1 teaspoon of the drug is poured into 200 ml. boiling water and incubate for 20 minutes, after which the infusion is ready for use. It is advisable not to use kidney tea in the afternoon. Orthosiphon is used as a course of treatment, which directly depends on the disease. On average, the cycle of taking kidney tea takes 2-3 months, followed by discontinuation of the drug and control testing.

Orthosiphon kidney tea is a medicinal product that has a positive effect not only on the body’s urinary function, but also on bile formation, as well as most parts of metabolism. The drug is suitable for the treatment of a large number of diseases associated with the genitourinary and digestive systems of the human body, which is why it has earned such good reviews not only from patients, but also from doctors.

Orthosiphon is an excellent addition to the treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

Traditional medicine today is at the peak of its popularity.

Many people, suffering from allergies or wanting to be treated with natural remedies, choose herbs and various herbs.

And this is not surprising, since many medicines are based on extracts from plants.

For example, for kidney diseases, doctors often prescribe diuretic herbal teas, as well as real kidney tea - the main component of which is cat's whisker, or orthosiphon stamen.

Kidney tea leaves are used for collection, but flowers and roots are much less common, which are listened to, crushed and sometimes diluted with lingonberry, strawberry leaves or corn silk.

Features of kidney tea

The plant from which kidney tea is made grows in a humid climate, therefore, when preparing it, all rules must be followed so that the plant retains its healing properties. Therefore, you should not save and choose the cheapest fee.

A medicinal infusion, which has an excellent diuretic effect, is most often prescribed for stagnation of urine and the need to pass a large amount of fluid through the kidneys. It can also relieve spasms and reduce pain when urinating.

From the gastrointestinal tract, tea provokes an active outflow of bile and awakening of appetite.

Urologists noted that drinking this tea by men is useful for the prevention of prostate adenoma. And in older people, the risk of and is significantly reduced.

Also, if orthosiphon stamen is combined with other medicines, then this cocktail can boost immunity and improve health.

Composition of the drug

Such amazing results are achieved thanks to the unique composition of kidney tea.

It contains citric, phenolcarbolic and tartaric acid, essential oils and tannins.

It is also rich in microelements - potassium salts, calcium, selenium, magnesium, iron, boron.

You can also find flavonoids (powerful antioxidants), glycoside (increases appetite) and mesoinositol (strengthens and improves hair growth).

In pharmacies you can find a collection of kidney tea, which includes, in addition to orthosiphon, other herbs that are beneficial for the kidneys and health.

They come in three types:

  1. Nephron - which includes lingonberry leaves, calendula, nettle, St. John's wort, knotweed, mint, corn silk, calamus root and hop cones. Its additional beneficial properties are the normalization of water-salt balance and the reduction of inflammatory processes.
  2. Phytonephrol - which includes bearberry leaves, marigold inflorescences, eleutherococcus roots and dill seeds. It actively relieves inflammation and painful spasms.
  3. Urophyton - which includes bearberry leaves, horsetail, birch leaves and earrings, plantain, calendula flowers and licorice root. It relieves well, relieves allergic manifestations and has a general sedative effect, and can also fight fungal infections in the urinary tract.

Useful properties of components

Undoubtedly, such a medicine as kidney tea has beneficial properties and contraindications.

Among the useful properties are:

  • Powerful diuretic effect and removal of chlorides and uric acid from the body.
  • Normalizing kidney function.
  • Prevention of kidney stone formation.
  • Normalization of metabolism.
  • Cleansing the body and removing waste and toxins from it.
  • Strengthening the body by increasing immunity, improving the condition of skin and hair.

If attacks of hypertension are caused by kidney problems, then drinking this tea will normalize your blood pressure.

It is often prescribed to pregnant women, as it relieves swelling well and gradually.

It is also prescribed to children who suffer from inflammation of the genitourinary system and decreased appetite due to low acidity.

Uses of kidney tea

Therapists note that in order for kidney tea to have a therapeutic effect, use must be regular and for at least six months.

Sometimes results become noticeable within a few months, but even in this case it is recommended to continue treatment to consolidate.

Only then will it be clear what kind of individual effect the treatment had and whether it can be continued to the required extent.

In addition to pyelonephritis and other kidney diseases, the therapist recommends drinking kidney tea for the following diseases:

  1. Kidney stones and cholelithiasis.
  2. Gout.
  3. Cystitis and inflammation of prostate adenoma in men.
  4. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels that cause swelling.

Instructions for use

Nowadays, herbal teas are sold in filter bags that resemble tea bags and are very convenient for consumption.

The daily dose is two filter bags or one heaped teaspoon. The herb is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for about 15 minutes.

An important condition is that the infusion must be covered with a lid, and it should not boil.

Then, for about an hour, the resulting composition is cooled and infused. When cold, strain it and dilute it with another 200 ml of water.

Drink it 2 times a day in the morning and evening before meals, dividing the infusion into two equal parts. Be sure to shake it before drinking so that small particles of the herb enter the body.

  • From 3 to 7 years you should not drink more than one teaspoon.
  • From 7 to 12 no more than one canteen.
  • From 12 to 14 approximately 1/3 cup.

If the above-mentioned medicinal infusions are used in addition to kidney tea, they are brewed separately.

Two heaped teaspoons are poured into half a liter of boiling water and left for about 8 hours.

After filtering, the resulting drink can be drunk instead of water throughout the day, half a glass.

In case of acute kidney disease, consultation with a doctor is necessary and if he recommends taking kidney tea, then the infusion must be at a temperature of at least 40 degrees.

Contraindications for use

As you know, any medicine has its contraindications. Kidney tea has them.

A controversial point is taking kidney tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since orthosiphon itself does not have any harmful effects on the fetus and small children.

But other herbs that are sometimes included in this collection can cause allergic reactions, so you should carefully study the composition and if there are no impurities, then feel free to drink.

Heart failure is one of the contraindications when taking kidney tea

You should drink it with great caution if you have problems such as: and, the presence of which requires a careful medical examination.

If any allergic reactions occur, you should immediately stop using and consult an allergist.

This may be a consequence of impurities and it is advisable to carefully study the composition with your doctor in order to exclude dangerous plants.

If it is known that the patient has high acidity, then the dose should be reduced and food should be taken immediately so as not to provoke gastritis.

In general, pediatricians note that in its pure form, kidney tea has no contraindications if the dosage is strictly followed and the patient does not drink more than 100 milliliters at a time.


Kidney tea is a very useful natural medicine that will help heal the kidneys of both children and the elderly.

It is very important that it has no side effects, in parallel with treatment it strengthens the immune system, improves appetite and has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Video: Kidney tea: beneficial properties

Orthosiphon staminate is a medicinal plant that is actively used in modern medicine to treat diseases of the urinary system. It does not grow naturally in Russia, but is cultivated in the southern part of the country for medicinal purposes.

The leaves of the shrub under discussion can effectively combat various ailments without impairing the functioning of healthy organs. Kidney tea had a minimal list of contraindications.

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    Features of kidney tea

    Orthosiphon staminate is an evergreen shrub whose leaves are actively used for medicinal purposes. The plant has other more popularly known names - cat's whisker or kidney tea. The last option appeared for a reason. The plant was so named for its diuretic effect and other properties that have a positive effect on kidney function. The product can be used not only for the prevention and treatment of ailments of the urinary system, but also to combat other pathological processes.

    Kidney tea is harvested in October. All leaves are cut from the bush, which are subsequently dried and compacted into fabric or paper bags. It is very important that the container in which the medicinal plant is stored allows air to pass through. Dried leaves are stored in a well-ventilated, dry place.

    On sale you can find already dry stamen orthosiphon, packaged in convenient filter bags. They are brewed with boiling water immediately before using the medicine according to the regimen recommended by the doctor. Sometimes the patient is prescribed infusions that, in addition to kidney tea, contain other herbs, for example, bearberry and/or lingonberry.


    The leaves of the plant under discussion are a storehouse of useful healing substances. Among them are:

    • magnesium;
    • aglycone;
    • various essential oils;
    • tannins;
    • strontium;
    • iron;
    • phenylcarboxylic acids;
    • organic acids;
    • calcium;
    • mesoinositol;
    • potassium and others.

    Such a rich composition has turned the remedy into a universal medicine against all kinds of diseases of the urinary system. Each patient, if desired, will be able to grow it themselves or purchase a ready-made dried preparation. The second option is preferable, since any mistake when collecting or drying medicinal raw materials can completely ruin the resulting medicine.

    Beneficial features

    One of the names of the natural medicine suggests that it is especially beneficial for the kidneys. The drug improves the functioning of the renal tubules and normalizes the blood flow of this organ. Potassium salts from the composition help remove excess fluid, as well as harmful substances, from the organ. When using the product, urine becomes alkalized. Along with it, urea, chlorides and uric acid are removed. It facilitates the passage of stones and sand from the bladder and kidneys.

    Among the beneficial properties of cat whiskers, one can highlight not only a strong diuretic effect, but also the ability to accelerate the removal of bile from the body. If a patient suffers from cholecystitis or cholelithiasis, his general condition improves as a result of proper intake of kidney tea. The number of leukocytes in bile and mucus decreases rapidly.

    The product is also an effective antispasmodic. Its active substances relieve spasms of smooth muscles of various organs. Since they also increase the activity of the gastric mucosa, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is significantly improved.

    Indications for use

    You cannot start therapy using kidney tea on your own. The drug must be recommended to the patient by a doctor. Cat's whiskers are used for the following diseases:

    • kidney inflammation (both acute and chronic);
    • cholecystitis;
    • diabetes;
    • cystitis;
    • gout;
    • cholelithiasis;
    • heart and vascular diseases accompanied by edema;
    • problems with the heart and blood vessels, accompanied by swelling.

    For pregnant women, medicinal herbs are prescribed to combat swelling. This is especially true in the last weeks before childbirth.


    The list of contraindications to the use of kidney tea is short. It is prohibited to use the medicine:

    1. 1. Patients under 12 years of age. The product is not intended for young children.
    2. 2. If you have an individual intolerance to the cat's whiskers.
    3. 3. For gastritis, duodenal or stomach ulcers at the acute stage.
    4. 4. For hypotension.

    During pregnancy, the product should be used with caution. During the process, a woman should carefully monitor her own condition.

    During breastfeeding, the medicine will not harm the baby and mother if taken strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the dose. It is strictly forbidden to combine the drug with alcoholic beverages.

    How to use?

    Instructions for use for kidney tea are always located inside the packaging of the medicine. If the doctor has given the patient individual recommendations for taking the drug, then they should be taken into account first.

    If you follow the standard scheme, you will need to brew 1 filter bag of dry leaves with 130 ml of boiling water, close the lid and leave for at least 12–15 minutes. After the specified time, the bag is squeezed into a cup, after which the infusion is diluted with warm water. Then you can drink it 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment will take 15–20 days. The remedy prepared according to this scheme is used for swelling.

In order to cure urinary tract diseases, it is necessary to use medications from various pharmacological groups and drugs based on natural ingredients.

for kidneys

Today, manufacturers are trying to make a large number of goods for less money, so you should not be surprised by counterfeits, this even applies to herbal preparations. Of course, it is unlikely that another medicinal plant will be sold instead of the one declared, but it can simply be diluted with something, poorly collected and dried, and also grow near the highway, which immediately reduces its quality and can make the drink toxic. Therefore, if possible, it is better to order such a product from those who live near where herbs grow, or purchase kidney tea in good pharmacies from manufacturers who have long established themselves in the market. A quality drink must have the following components:

Triterpene saponins;
- orthosiphon (bitter glycoside);
- potassium salts in considerable quantities;
- essential oils;
- tannins.

The harvest may look different; it primarily depends on which parts of the plant were used for its production. Most often these are just dried leaves, sometimes they are diluted with flowers and roots, naturally, of the same plant.

Features of use

Methods of using tea directly depend on the disease.

1. Orthosiphon herb is prepared and drunk for preventive purposes and for chronic ailments at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. l. raw materials for 1 tbsp. boiling water Before each meal you need to drink a third of a glass of the prepared broth. The course of treatment consists of 8 months, of which 30 days are taken, and then a week break is taken and repeated.
2. If there is inflammation in the urethra, bladder, kidneys, as well as mild swelling and hypertension, then you need to add 5 grams of herb to 250 ml of hot liquid, and then place the decoction in a water bath for 5 minutes. Then it is removed from the stove and infused for 3 hours, then decanted through gauze. Take half a glass twice a day before meals.
3. Tea for kidney stones and cystitis is brewed in this way: 3 grams of herb are steamed in 200 ml of boiling water for 20 minutes. And then it is filtered and water is added to the top of the container. The strained drink is taken 150 ml before meals. This method of preparation is suitable for those who have high blood pressure, stone deposits in the kidneys, uric acid diathesis and inflammation of the urinary system.
4. Urofiton herbal tea is sold in prepared filter bags. Several servings of it are brewed in a glass of hot water, and then taken in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.
5. If urination is delayed, painful sensations can be relieved with an infusion, for which 1 tbsp is added to 250 ml of cold water. l. cat's whisker herb and aged for 12 hours. This medicine is taken 2 times a day, 1 glass.
6. Tea for kidney disease “Nefron” is steamed for 10 minutes and consumed in the same way as the previous collection.
7. To prepare the “Fitonephron” decoction, you need to pour 2 tbsp into an enamel pan. spoons of the composition and pour a glass of boiling water over the herbs, and then put them in a water bath for half an hour. After 10 minutes, when it has cooled down a little, the broth is filtered, and the raw material that remains in the gauze is thoroughly squeezed out. Add water to the liquid to make 200 ml. The medicine is distributed into three doses.

List of useful herbs

Tea for kidney disease helps restore the normal functioning of the urinary system. As practice has shown, the use of folk remedies is a fairly effective method.

The main group of herbs includes:

Greens and parsley root;
- Birch buds;
- corn silk;
- half fell;
- horsetail;
- orthosiphon staminate;
- bearberry;
- field steel root;
- juniper fruits;
- knotweed grass;
- black elderberry flowers;
- blue cornflower.

At the time of kidney disease, the body begins to actively accumulate fluid. Therefore, to relieve swelling, the doctor prescribes treatment with diuretic herbs. All of the above have just such an effect and will be able to solve a certain problem.

Beneficial features

Kidney tea helps cope with certain ailments:

1. Fights inflammatory processes.
2. Has a detrimental effect on infectious agents of various kinds, and also reduces the pathogenic reproduction of various pathogens.
3. Accelerates reabsorption and filtration in the glomerular apparatus of both kidneys, restores diuresis.
4. Removes the spastic component of hepatic colic, thereby reducing severe pain.
5. Relieves swelling in urinary diseases, as well as during pregnancy.
6. Helps dissolve small stones and remove sand, as it promotes alkalization of urine.
7. During the period of drinking such tea, the activity of secretory cells that are located in the mucous layer of the stomach begins to accelerate, which quite strongly affects the possibility of producing hydrochloric acid at the time of breakdown of food.

Indications for use

In order for a doctor to prescribe herbal medicine to a patient, he must have certain symptoms:

1. Urolithiasis.
2. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis in the chronic or acute phase).
3. Problems with the bladder or urethra (cystitis, urethritis).
4. Renal failure of moderate or mild severity.
5. which occurs due to a pathological process of cardiovascular origin and in diseases of the urinary system.


Despite all the positive qualities, kidney tea may have its drawbacks, and because of them, the doctor is prohibited from prescribing it in a number of cases:

1. Since most collections contain the herb Orthosiphon staminate, its intolerance can have a negative effect on the body and cause allergies.
2. The presence of very large stones in the renal pelvis apparatus, since there is a serious probability of their movement along the urethra. As a result, there is a risk of blockage of the lumen of the urethra or ureter.
3. Severe heart or kidney failure.
4. At the moment of alcohol intoxication of the patient.
5. For signs of gastritis or during an acute peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach.
6. Major urinary retention or other etiology.

Composition of Evalar tea

The collection contains birch leaves, which have an excellent diuretic effect. It removes inflammation in the urinary system well. Polygonum herb and cherry stalks cause a choleretic and anti-edematous effect, which is why Evalar tea for the kidneys helps cope with the problems of the organ so well. Thanks to strawberry leaves, the effect of all active components of the collection increases. Peppermint and black currant improve taste and aroma characteristics. For the cultivation of medicinal herbs, the use of synthetically harmful fertilizers and genetically modified technologies is not practiced.

How to use Evalar BIO tea for the kidneys

As a rule, such a product is produced in filter bags of 2 grams each. To brew, place one portion in 200 ml of boiling water and cook for ten minutes. In order to get the best result, it is recommended to take the course for at least 20 days, then take a break for 10. If there are still any ailments, then the reception is repeated again to consolidate the effect and make it last longer. It is very important not to skip and drink this drink regularly, then a positive result will come quickly enough.

For pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system, in addition to traditionally used pharmaceuticals, folk recipes based on medicinal herbs that have diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects can be used as part of complex therapy. Today on the shelves of pharmacies you can find various herbal infusions called “kidney tea”, packaged in filter bags convenient for brewing.

The main component of these collections are the leaves of the orthosiphon staminate plant, popularly known as cat's whisker or kidney tea. In folk medicine, this evergreen shrub with beautiful pale purple flowers has long been used to treat gout, kidney disease, heart disease, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. Over the past decades, its healing properties have been recognized by official medicine.

Types and compositions of ready-made kidney teas

Kidney tea is intended for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary system (pyelonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, urolithiasis), as well as some diseases of the body caused by metabolic disorders (gout, diabetes mellitus, uric acid diathesis).

It helps cleanse the body of toxins, remove sand, normalize the urinary system, and has a diuretic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antiseptic effect. Of the kidney teas produced, the most popular are the following herbal infusions:

  • “Nephrophyte” consists of chamomile flowers, black currant leaves, orthosiphon staminate, lingonberry, rhizomes and roots of calamus, knotweed grass;
  • “Urophyton”, contains birch, bearberry and plantain leaves, licorice root, calendula flowers, St. John's wort and horsetail;
  • “Phytonephrol” consists of bearberry and peppermint leaves, fragrant dill fruits, calendula flowers, roots and rhizomes of Eleutherococcus senticosus;
  • “Nefron” is a collection of St. John’s wort, horsetail, knotweed and goldenrod, lingonberry leaves, nettle and peppermint, calendula flowers, corn silk, calamus rhizomes;
  • "Kidney tea" contains leaves of Orthosiphon staminate.
“Kidney tea” contains only one medicinal plant - Orthosiphon staminate. However, if you take it together with the leaves of lingonberry, bearberry, birch buds and other herbs that have similar healing properties, then the therapeutic effect of such a drink will significantly increase.

Description and chemical composition of the orthosiphon staminate

Orthosiphon staminate belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is a perennial subshrub, reaching 1 - 1.5 m. At the tops of the tetrahedral, highly branched stems in the axils of the leaves there are racemose pyramidal inflorescences 15 cm high of pale lilac flowers. The plant blooms from July to August, and it is at this time that it is harvested. The leaves are arranged oppositely, on short petioles, and have a diamond-shaped or oblong shape.

Orthosiphon staminate is a tropical plant and is found naturally in Australia, America and the countries of Southeast Asia. In the Caucasus, Crimea, Georgia and other regions, it is specially cultivated to obtain medicinal raw materials.

Interesting: Orthosiphon flowers have four very long stamens, somewhat reminiscent of cat whiskers, for which the plant received the popular name “cat’s whisker”.

Leaves and shoot tips, including two pairs of leaves, are suitable as medicinal raw materials. They contain:

  • macro- (Ca, K, Mg,) and microelements (Fe, Mn, Zn, Co, Al, Se, B, Pd, Ba);
  • fixed oils;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • organic acids (tartaric, rosemary, citric, phenolcarboxylic);
  • essential oils;
  • phytosterols (betasitosterol);
  • vitamin-like substances (mesoinositol);
  • glycoside orthosiphonin.

Medicinal properties of orthosiphon staminate

Kidney tea or orthosiphon stamen is very effective for various pathologies of the urinary system. It has a diuretic effect, improves tubular function, increases glomerular filtration, promotes the removal from the body of toxic substances, end products of protein metabolism (urea and uric acid), chlorides, and relieves pain when urinating during the inflammatory process in the urinary tract. Orthosiphon stamen also has an antiseptic and antispasmodic effect, relaxes the smooth muscles of the internal organs and thereby relieves pain caused by spasms.

When taking tea for the kidneys from Orthosiphon stamen, there is a shift in urine pH to the alkaline region, increased secretion of gastric juice and bile secretion, increased appetite, decreased levels of leukocytes and mucus in the bile. It can be used in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, cholecystitis, and some liver diseases.

Teas, decoctions and infusions based on the plant are taken for edema caused by cardiovascular failure, urinary incontinence, hypertensive nephropathy, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract, stones and sand in the kidneys, gall bladder or bile ducts. Kidney tea helps as part of the complex treatment of atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, uric acid diathesis and gout.

Kidney tea can be taken not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of acute and chronic diseases of the urinary system. It is included in some weight loss preparations and helps to remove extra pounds caused by stagnation of fluid in the body due to an imbalance of water-salt balance.

Kidney tea during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not an easy period for a woman’s body, since at this time it has to work in an intensive mode. A special burden falls on the kidneys, whose function is to filter the blood, regulate the water-salt balance, and remove excess fluid and harmful substances. By the beginning of the third trimester, the total volume of circulating blood in the body of a pregnant woman increases by about 30%. In addition, as the uterus grows, it begins to compress all the organs surrounding it, which to some extent complicates their work. As a result, most pregnant women develop swelling in the legs and bags under the eyes in the later stages, while the list of pharmaceuticals and herbs that can help with this problem is very limited due to their unsafety for the fetus.

Unlike many other medicinal herbs, orthosiphon staminate is approved for use during pregnancy if indicated. This kidney tea is prescribed for edema in women in the last months of pregnancy. The course of treatment should not exceed three weeks of continuous use.

Kidney tea during pregnancy can be used not only to eliminate edema, but also to treat inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system, the likelihood of which increases due to a general decrease in immunity. It also helps in the complex treatment of gestosis, in which there is a risk of intrauterine hypoxia in the fetus. In some cases, it is prescribed during pregnancy to women suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary system to prevent exacerbations.

Important: Before drinking Orthosiphon stamen tea, you should carefully study the composition given on the package. It should not contain any other medicinal herbs that are contraindicated during pregnancy.

If prescribed by a doctor, kidney tea from Orthosiphon stamen can be used by women during breastfeeding in case of insufficient breast milk production.

Methods of application

Orthosiphon stamen is produced in the form of dry medicinal raw materials, packaged in 50 g per package, or in the form of filter bags for brewing tea, 20 pieces per package. It is available in pharmacies without a prescription.

The easiest way to use it is to use ready-made filter bags. To obtain a medicinal drink, you need to pour 1 sachet with 100 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, cover with a lid, then carefully squeeze out the sachet and dilute the finished infusion 2 times with warm boiled water. Adults are usually recommended to drink this tea twice a day, 100 ml half an hour before meals.


Dry leaves of Orthosiphon staminate (3 g) are crushed, placed in a cup or glass, and 200 ml of boiling water is added. Leave for 20 minutes. Filter and then bring the volume to the original volume with boiled water. Take 100 ml warm twice a day before meals for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, gout, rheumatism, cystitis and cholecystitis.


Dried orthosiphon leaves are crushed. Place 5 g of the resulting mass in a small saucepan, add 200 ml of boiling water, cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Allow to cool slowly and brew for 3 hours, then filter. Drink 100 ml morning and evening half an hour before meals for renal and heart failure, inflammatory processes in the urinary system, the first symptoms of hypertension and coronary artery disease.

Remedy for acute cystitis

To 1 tsp. orthosiphon leaves add the same amount of bearberry leaves. The resulting mixture is poured into ¼ liter of water, left for 10 hours and filtered. Drink the prepared kidney tea in warm small sips 2 times a day.


The peculiarity of Orthosiphon stamen is that, despite the large number of beneficial properties of this kidney tea, it has very few contraindications and side effects. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor, this is especially important if a person has severe pathologies of the heart and kidneys.