Cake "Potato" from cookies. Potato cake

Each person has dishes that remind him of his childhood. For many, chocolate potato can serve as such a sweetness, which so often beckons with its mouth-watering appearance of ns on shelves in pastry shops. But the recipe for chocolate potatoes is very simple and this cake can be easily prepared at home.

  How did sweet potato come about?

Most likely, such a simple cake simply cannot have a special history of occurrence. And yet, all over the world, this cake is known as the "Runeberg Cake."

There is such a story that the wife of a famous Finnish poet one day accidentally received guests, and there was nothing for tea in the house. Then the smart hostess mixed all the available sweet ingredients, namely, crushed crackers, flour, cookies, jam, added a little rum to this mixture. From the resulting quirky dough, the woman rolled up buns and served this dish for tea. The delight of the guests knew no bounds, and since then the cake began to gain popularity during tea drinking.

Saving Chocolate Potato Recipe

This cake can rightly be called economical, because it is prepared from the most common ingredients that are in every home.

So, for cooking, we need:

  • 500 g of any cookies such as "Tea", "baked milk", "nut", etc.
  • 100 g walnuts
  • 150-200 ml of milk
  • 3-4 tbsp sugar
  • 1-2 tbsp cocoa
  • 150 g butter.

Cooking method:

1. Cookies must be detailed. This can be done with a meat grinder, blender, or even just do it with a fork or hands. It all depends on the desired consistency of the cake itself.
2. Nuts also chop.
3. Heat the milk over a fire in a saucepan and add cocoa to it. Stir very well so that no lumps form. The milk-chocolate mixture must be brought to a boil. Here we add pieces of butter, let it completely melt.
4. Now you need to add chopped cookies and nuts to the liquid from cocoa and butter. Mix everything thoroughly until a thick mass is formed, from which koloboks can now be made.
5. From the mass, form cakes in the form of a bun, ovals, or even in the form of sausages. Ready cakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or chopped nuts. That's the whole secret of making such a tasty and familiar cake to many.

Cooking options

Sometimes adult guests can be surprised by the almost classic Runeberg cake, for which 1-2 tablespoons of rum or liquor should be added to the main ingredients. From this, the taste of the delicacy will acquire an unusual taste and more persistent aroma.

Classic also implies the use of crushed crackers, not cookies, in the recipe. In this case, sugar will have to take a little more, because crackers are not as sweet as cookies.

The composition of the ingredients can safely include a wide variety of dried fruits, which it is desirable to chop before adding to the cake dough. It can be raisins, dried apricots, prunes, slices of dried pineapples, cherries, etc.

For more sweet treats, regular milk can be replaced. In this case, sugar should be excluded from the recipe because the cookies will then be very sweet.

You can use cocoa as well as chocolate chips to break in the cakes. Well, to make the cake even more chocolate in the ingredients, you can also include crushed or grated chocolate. If it is possible to add melted chocolate to the "dough" itself, then the taste of the cake will also benefit from this. In this case, it is only important to choose the right chocolate so that it does not roll in lumps during melting and does not release water. It depends entirely on the quality of the chocolate. Also, then you can not add sugar to the dough.

You can use cream to serve potato cake on the table. Most often, a creamy or buttery color is used for these purposes, which is given different shades, and the cake is decorated like a small cake.

Taste, like happiness, is present in the simplest things. Remember this!
An interesting video on the topic: "An economical recipe for chocolate potatoes - a cake from childhood":

Cake "Potato" from cookies  Got its name for the shape and size that resemble this root crop. The color of the finished treat is also a bit like a potato, but it depends on the recipe you choose. To date, hundreds of varieties of this cake have been invented. Some of them are good only for home use, while others can easily be added to the restaurant menu. At the same time, “Potato” always turns out to be very sweet, satisfying and appetizing in appearance.

The classic Potato cake is very simple to prepare, because you don’t need to knead the dough for this treat. It is enough to take the simplest shortbread cookie and crush it into crumbs. This will be the basis for the rest of the ingredients. Most often, condensed milk, including boiled milk, is added to the liver. Walnuts, sugar, cocoa, powdered sugar, butter, etc. are also popular components. Usually, the potato cake is very sweet, which certainly pleases the sweet tooth, but those who do not like such taste, dilute the dough with milk or dark chocolate.

Cake “Potato” from cookies and condensed milk at home

The most popular recipe for a potato cake, which everyone has liked since Soviet times. At that time, it was one of the most favorite desserts in every family. Everything is prepared very simply, the cakes are very tasty and sweet. The main thing to remember is that the calorie content of the dish is very high! If desired, a little cocoa powder can be added to the dough, and instead of powdered sugar, use confectionery powder to decorate.


  • 300 ml of condensed milk;
  • 1 kg of shortbread cookies;
  • 150 g of walnuts;
  • 70 g of butter;
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Scroll the cookies through a meat grinder, then chop the nuts as well.
  2. Soften the butter, mix it with nuts and cookies.
  3. Add condensed milk (not boiled) in several stages and mix well.
  4. Make pastries that resemble small potatoes in shape and place them on a flat dish.
  5. Sprinkle icing sugar with the finished dessert.

A very tasty and delicate dessert, which is similar to the classic Potato cake, but at the same time has a less sugary taste. The finished treat looks very appetizing. If you decorate the balls correctly, you will get a great dish for the festive table, which will be very convenient to serve guests with tea. By the way, cakes according to this recipe are less fatty and high-calorie than Potato with condensed milk, so that with their help you can more often indulge yourself with delicious desserts.


  • 400 g cookies;
  • 80 g of butter;
  • ½ cup sugar;
  • ½ cup of milk;
  • 4 tbsp. l cocoa powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat well, gradually adding sugar.
  2. When all the sugar grains have dissolved, put the butter in a saucepan.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the heat and wait until the oil has completely melted and everything turns into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Grind the liver to the state of small crumbs in any convenient way.
  5. Mix biscuits with cocoa powder and gradually introduce the dry ingredients into warm milk.
  6. Knead the dough and make identical cake balls out of it.
  7. Put the prepared “Potatoes” on the dish and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Now you know how to make a “Potato” cake from cookies according to the recipe. Bon Appetit!


  • Cookies (sweet, dry) - 900 gr.
  • Oil (75%, butter) - 250 gr.
  • Condensed milk / cream - 200 gr.
  • Sugar - 130 gr.
  • Cocoa Powder - 65 gr.


  1. An hour and a half before the preparation of the cake, so that the butter becomes soft, I place it at room temperature.
  2. Beat it with a whisk or electric whisk along with sugar until a thick foam forms.
  3. Add gradually condensed milk, again, beat everything well.
  4. Cookies without packaging, put in a deep dish, preferably with hard walls and bottom, carefully crushed. Can be a device for making mashed potatoes.
  5. Sweet mass is poured into crumbly cookies, everything is well mixed. To do this, use a large spoon, because if you use a mixer, the mass can become very liquid.
  6. Add cocoa powder while continuing to stir.
  7. Send the workpiece to the refrigerator for about 35 minutes.
  8. Make a cake in the shape of a real potato, as required by an old proven recipe.
  9. Put on a dish, previously covered with food foil.
  10. Remove a place with a low temperature, for about 40-50 minutes.

Potato cake “Nut Miracle”


  • Sweet plain cookies - 1.2 kg.
  • Milk or cream (condensed) - 230 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 140 gr.
  • Cocoa (powder) - 70 gr.
  • Nuts - 250 gr.


  1. The oil should be soft, so it should be kept at room temperature an hour before starting work.
  2. Add sugar to melted butter and beat until thick foam.
  3. Gradually pouring the condensed milk to continue whipping.
  4. Free the cookies from packaging, put them in a deep, metal dish and grind them very well with a special device.
  5. Pour butter into it whipped with sugar and condensed milk, continuing to stir for at least five minutes with a large spoon.
  6. Add to the mass of cocoa, stir well.
  7. Divide the nuts into exactly two parts, chop one of them manually, add to the finished dough, mix.
  8. Put in a cold room for 25-30 minutes.
  9. Grind the second part of the nuts in a coffee grinder or mixer, dry until the cake blank is cooled.
  10. Make a cake in the shape of a real potato, as required by the recipe.
  11. Roll each potato in nut crumbs.
  12. Put everything on a dish covered with food foil and refrigerate for an hour.


  • Dry sweet cookies - 1.1 kg.
  • Butter 75%, butter - 150 gr.
  • Condensed milk (milk or cream) - 250 gr.
  • Sugar (sand) - 150 gr.
  • Cocoa Powder - 50g.
  • Coconut Chips 150 gr.
  • Kiwi - 2-3 pieces.


  1. Thaw the melted butter with sugar to a state of tight foam with a whisk or electric whisk.
  2. Whisking gradually pour in the condensed milk.
  3. Free cookies from plastic packaging and crush in a deep dish.
  4. Pour the whipped mass into the crushed cookies, as required by the recipe, mix everything well with a large tablespoon.
  5. Divide coconut flakes in two.
  6. Add cocoa and some coconut, mix.
  7. Place the cooked mass in a cold place for 30-35 minutes.
  8. To mold a cake in the form of an ordinary potato, as the classic recipe advises.
  9. Put on a large dish, pre-coated with foil, decorate with sliced \u200b\u200bkiwi sliced \u200b\u200bover previously.
  10. Then put everything in a cold place for 1.5 hours.


  • Ordinary cookies - 1.2 kg.
  • Cow butter 75%, butter - 280 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 180 gr.
  • Sugar 180 gr.
  • Cocoa (powder) - 50 gr.
  • Nuts - 200 gr.
  • Confectionery sprinkle - 150 gr.


  1. Make the butter softer and beat it with sugar until very foamy.
  2. Gradually pouring the condensed milk to continue whipping.
  3. The sweet mass should stand in the refrigerator until the cookies are cooked.
  4. Scroll the cookies in a meat grinder or grate. Pour whipped oil into it, stirring everything with a large spoon.
  5. Add cocoa powder for the desired color, once again mix the cooking mass.
  6. Manually chop the nuts so that they are about the size of a grain of buckwheat.
  7. Add the nuts to the cookies and stir, so that they are distributed throughout the sweet workpiece.
  8. Cool the cooked mass well.
  9. Take the cling film, spread the so-called dough in width, roll it into a roll, pick the diameter yourself. Then cut the film, smooth the workpiece again.
  10. Place the twisted sausage in the freezer for 20 -25 minutes.
  11. After cooling, separate it from the film, cut into flat medals on a cutting board.
  12. Put on a wide and flat dish, having previously covered it with foil, so that the particles do not touch the friend’s friend.
  13. Garnish with confectionery sprinkles of gold and silver colors. You can make inscriptions as on medals.
  14. Once again, cool everything cooked, but not in the freezer anymore.


  • Ordinary cookies - 1.3 kg.
  • Butter 75%, butter - 350 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 220 gr.
  • Loose sugar - 80 gr.
  • Cocoa (powder) - 50 gr.
  • Sweets M & M 250 gr.
  • Confectionery topping, different colors - 100g.


  1. Beat the softened butter with sugar very carefully with an electric whisk, gradually pouring in the condensed milk.
  2. Put to cool.
  3. Grind cookies, add M&M sweets to it, mix everything thoroughly again.
  4. Pour chilled whipped oil into it without stopping mixing.
  5. Color to chocolate with cocoa powder.
  6. Cool cooked mass.
  7. After cooling, fashion pastries in the shape of potatoes.
  8. Cover the dish with foil and put the finished potatoes there.
  9. Garnish with confectionery sprinkles.
  10. Again, briefly clean in a cool place

The classic recipe is quick and easy to prepare, but you can make some changes to it and make it your signature one. A method of cooking in milk is popular.


  • Shortbread Cookies - 250 gr;
  • Butter - 100 gr;
  • Pasteurized skim milk - ½ tbsp;
  • Walnuts - 50g;
  • Sugar - ½ tbsp;
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sprinkling (icing sugar, cocoa, coconut flakes - as you wish).

Cooking process:

  1. Add sugar to milk and put on a slow fire;
  2. Cut the butter into pieces and send into warmed milk. It is necessary to ensure that the mixture does not boil;
  3. Dilute cocoa with warm water, mix until smooth and pour into a container over a fire;
  4. Pass cookies and walnuts through a meat grinder, you can grind with a kitchen hammer to beat meat;
  5. Pour a mixture of milk, butter and sugar into a bowl with chopped nuts and cookies;
  6. Knead the dough, put in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  7. After cooling, form cakes from the resulting mass, cover with cling film or parchment paper and leave in the refrigerator for another 2 hours;
  8. The final step is to dump in your favorite sprinkle.

Potato cake with nuts is not only tasty, but also very healthy. After all, nuts have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, help strengthen memory and are antioxidants.

Children will love it if there is still a cream inside. How to make custard filling?

To make it, mix sugar, flour, vanilla and milk. Beat until all lumps dissolve, heat over a fire. This is the usual custard. Grind cookies and add cocoa, divide the dry mixture in half. Pour cream in a thin stream in one half. Form balls and run in the rest of the crumbs. Then refrigerate for an hour.

Also popular is the "potato" with chocolate. In this case, the cake is prepared without cocoa. Chocolate is melted in a steam bath and poured into a prepared milk mixture in a thin stream.

The “Potato” cake from cookies does not require any fuss with dough, or baking, or any other culinary delights. You just need to stock up on the right ingredients and form beautiful round balls out of them. This means that even a person far from cooking will figure out how to make Potato cake from cookies, especially if you read the following tips:

  • The easiest way to grind all the ingredients for the cake using a blender or meat grinder. Pounding them by hand will be much longer and more laborious;
  • Cakes can be served immediately after cooking, but they will be even tastier if you hold them in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours;
  • To make the Potato cake even more tasty and aromatic, you can add a little liquor to the dough;
  • For guests, cakes can be decorated with grated chocolate or coconut. Also for this purpose you can use any glaze;
  • For the preparation of "Potatoes" absolutely any cookie is suitable, but the most delicious cakes are obtained with shortbread. You can immediately choose cookies with flavoring or aromatic additives to diversify the taste of the dish.

Uncomplicated cake “Potato” is a favorite treat of children and adults, it is easy to cook it at home from cookies. It will take a few simple ingredients, no need to bake a cake. There are many recipes for making this delicious dessert, one of the simplest options for making “Potato” cake from cookies is given below.


- for the basics:

  • Cookies - 250 grams (it is better to take shortbread, you can "Anniversary");
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons.

- to improve the taste:

  • Walnuts - 50 grams;
  • 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of cognac (vermouth, rum, liquor) or juice (for children).

- for decoration (what is):

  • Powdered sugar;
  • cocoa powder;
  • coconut flakes;
  • confectionery sprinkling;
  • ground cookies.

How to cook

The cookie dough for making Potato cake should look like in the photo.

  1. Grind cookies and walnuts with a meat grinder or blender. You can put cookies and nuts in a bag and grind with a rolling pin.
  2. Put the mixture in a bowl.
  3. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar and heat over a fire.
  4. In hot sweet milk, add slices of butter and stir until the butter has dissolved, avoiding boiling.
  5. Put cocoa powder in a cup and add a tablespoon of warm water; mix thoroughly and put the mixture into hot milk with sugar and butter, we get chocolate milk.
  6. In a bowl with ground nuts and cookies, carefully pour the chocolate milk and mix the resulting mixture. Add juice or cognac (vermouth, liquor, rum). If the mixture is too liquid, you can add a little flour or starch to it.
  7. Leave the chocolate mixture to “stand” for half an hour in a cool place.
  8. After wetting the hands, we form billets in the form of sausages or balls from the chocolate mixture.
  9. We place the blanks in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours to “set”. From above we cover them with cling film so as not to wind up.
  10. We decorate cakes: roll in cookies crumbs, coconut flakes, almond flakes. The cakes, densely sprinkled with a mixture of cocoa with icing sugar, look beautiful.

The photo shows one of the options for decorating the “Potato” cake in the form of a sprinkle of cookies and ground nuts. The “Potato” cake quickly melts in your hands, so it is recommended to place each cake in a paper mold or place a piece of pastry paper under it.

Potato cake is a fun dessert dish that resembles a popular and beloved vegetable - potatoes in shape and color.

The traditional potato cake recipe is very simple., even the smallest sweet tooth can be used to prepare it, because dessert does not need baking. In addition, the design of "Potatoes" in the form of balls and rolling them in cocoa will bring real pleasure to your baby.

There are many variations of this dish. Most of them have a biscuit base, nuts, butter and cocoa powder in the recipe. Many nationalities serve “potatoes” on Christmas holidays - for them it has become a kind of ritual, an unbreakable tradition.

The basic potato cake recipe is quite simple.. For the preparation of chocolate "hedgehogs" I traditionally use crumbs, most often biscuit, but you can replace it with your favorite cookies, vanilla crackers or gingerbread cookies.

The simplest homemade potato cake production scheme includes   three elementary stages:

1. One kilogram of raw flour is carefully crushed into small crumbs. If desired, cocoa, nuts, coconut, etc. can be added to the crumbs.

2. Mix the scattering with soft butter (about 50-60 g.), Sugar and cream (200-250 ml) until a homogeneous plastic mass is obtained.

3. Hands form oval or round cakes. Bred in cocoa powder, ground nuts, cooled and consumed with hot tea or milk.

Potato Cake - product preparation

Raw materials for confectionery can be both a biscuit and cookies, gingerbread cookies or vanilla crackers. You can safely use unused leftovers from sweet homemade pastries. So, we decided on the raw materials. Now it is necessary to grind it well into small crumbs. This is usually done manually or using modern automated tools.

In order to “glue” the crumbs, we need a cream based on melted butter at room temperature. For taste, it is flavored with condensed milk, meringue, cream, powdered sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, and also sour cream. And the very last step in making cakes is the abundant roll-off of finished products in cocoa powder. As a rule, it is pre-mixed with granulated sugar or icing.

Cake "potato" - the best recipes:

Recipe 1: Sponge cake

The closest to GOST version of the preparation of delicate delicacies. For a richer taste, add some cognac or rum to the “potato”, with one condition - if the dessert is prepared exclusively for adults.


For biscuit:
- six eggs
- six table. tablespoons of sugar
- 4 tablespoons of flour
- one art. spoonful of potato starch
- 30 gr. chopped walnuts
For the cake:
- 150 gr. drain. oils (cream)
- three table. lies. granulated sugar (cream)
- two eggs (cream)
- three spoons (tablespoons) of brandy / rum
- cocoa powder or chocolate fudge

Cooking method:

1. Make a biscuit. Mix the eggs with sand, put in a water bath and constantly beat, bringing the mass to 50 C. Then remove from the bath and beat with a mixer until it reaches room temperature. Put nuts, mix thoroughly (carefully). Add the flour cooked and sifted twice. We start a soft dough. We spread it in a greased form and send it to the oven, where we will bake for about forty minutes at a temperature of 200 C. The biscuit is ready. Leave it in shape until it cools.

2. Cook the butter cream. To do this, beat eggs with sugar in a water bath, bringing the mass to 50 C. Next, beat the softened butter with a mixer. Mix the ingredients until smooth. The cream is ready.

3. We pass to the cakes.  Remove the cooled biscuit from the mold and pass it through a blender (meat grinder). In the container, mix the biscuit crumbs, butter cream and cognac / rum. Part of the cream is left for decoration. The resulting mass is divided into 10-12 parts, of which we form cakes. Mix the powdered sugar with cocoa powder and crumble the products. "Potato" can also be filled with finished chocolate fudge. We remove the dessert in the cold before cooling and eat with pleasure.

Recipe 2: Cookie potato cake

Lightweight version of the "potato". There is no need for a biscuit, and you can take absolutely any cookie - purchased or baked at home according to a company recipe.


- 300 gr. cookies
- 150 gr. butter
- 200 gr. thick condensed milk
- cocoa powder - about four tbsp. spoons with a slide
- 100 gr. walnuts
- a teaspoon of vanillin

Cooking method:

1. Grind cookies into homogeneous small crumbs. Mix condensed milk with softened butter. Do not whisk, but simply mix with a fork or whisk.

2. Add vanillin, crushed nuts and cocoa powder to the mass. Stir. Next, combine the crumbs with the cream and form the cakes in the form of potatoes.

3. Cocoa powder is mixed with granulated sugar and sprinkled with products. Put them in the refrigerator until cool and serve for tea.

Recipe 3: Gingerbread Potato Cake

Incredibly delicious dessert is the result! He will especially appreciate the small sweet tooth, and is prepared in a matter of minutes. For the experiment, add a handful of raisins to the cake, previously washed and aged in hot water (to swell).


- 200 gr. any nuts (roasted)
- 200 gr. any gingerbread without filling
- one jar of dumplings
- 50-70 gr. dark chocolate
- a handful of dry raisins (soak in hot water for about 10 minutes)

Cooking method:

1. Grind the gingerbread cookies into small crumbs. Pound the nuts into powder. Mix them with gingerbread and grated chocolate.

2. There we send boiled condensed milk and raisins. Mix thoroughly, form cakes in the traditional way. Cool and feast on.

Recipe 4: Cracked Potato Cake

This, of course, is not about ordinary breadcrumbs, but dessert vanilla crackers made from long loaf.


- 100 gr. butter
- 100 gr. thick cream or sour cream
- to taste granulated sugar
- three to four tablespoons of any fruit syrup
- 500 gr. vanilla crackers
- six tbsp. spoons of cocoa
- about 1 cup of milk
- at the request of nuts

Cooking method:

1. Beat sour cream (heavy cream) with sugar. The resulting foam is combined with melted butter. Add fruit syrup and two tablespoons of cocoa here. We mix everything.

2. Grind crackers, nuts (if you add), too. Mix with cocoa. Pour milk and mix until smooth. Leave for 10 minutes. Then softened crackers are mixed with cream.

3. We make oval cakes, roll in cocoa powder mixed with powdered sugar, remove them in the cold for at least an hour. We get out and eat. It turned out very tasty.


Cake "Potato" - Recipe number 1 from crackers

Ingredients  (for 20 pieces):

Vanilla rusks - 500 g
  Condensed milk - 400 ml
  Cocoa Powder - 50 g
  Butter - 200 g
  Dark chocolate
  70-80% cocoa - 100 g
  Cognac - 30 ml
  Candied citrus fruits (to taste) - 20 g

Cooking method:

1. First you need to grind crackers into small crumbs. This can be done using a meat grinder or mill, the main thing is that there are no chopped pieces left.

2. In a separate bowl, mix a can of condensed milk with cocoa powder. Cocoa you need to take 2 tablespoons with a slide. Grind until the lumps disappear, add the butter, cut into pieces and put on a small fire (until the butter melts)

3. Next, in a bowl, melt a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath. To do this, pour hot water into the pan, put the bowl with the broken chocolate into the water and put it on the fire so that the water constantly boils.

4. From the chocolate mass add half to the chocolate butter cream, i.e. 50 grams, and the rest will go to the decoration.

5. At the end, mix two tablespoons of brandy (for flavor) in chocolate cream.

6. Now mix the crumbs and chocolate cream.

7. The result is such a chocolate chip. If the “dough” is dry, add some milk to it.

8. For the formation of potatoes, it is better to first form sausages from the dough, cut them into identical pieces and roll balls or sticks out of them.

9. You can put some stuffing inside, preferably something with a bright taste. As an option, candied citrus fruits (taste).

10. To decorate, we cut all the same citrus candied fruits with very thin strips.

11. The chocolate remaining from the preparation of the dough is once again heated to a liquid state. Coat each cake with chocolate on top and put two slices of sliced \u200b\u200bcandied fruit on it.

12. Now we wait when the chocolate hardens. The cakes are most delicious the next day, when they are thoroughly soaked.

Cake "Potato" - Recipe number 2 from shortbread cookies


100 g butter;
  100 g of condensed milk;
  2 tbsp. l cognac or rum;
  2 tbsp. l cocoa powder;
  1 cup of milk;
  400 g shortbread or biscuit cookies.

Cooking method:

1. Grind cookies in a blender or meat grinder into crumbs.

2. Grind butter with condensed milk, add rum.

3. Mix the crushed cookies with the resulting mass and 1 tbsp. cocoa powder.

4. Blind cakes in the form of potatoes and send in the refrigerator for an hour.

5. Sprinkle the finished cakes with the remaining cocoa powder.

Cake "Potato" - Recipe number 3 from cookies


  200 ml of milk
  100 g butter
  2 tablespoons of sugar
  2 teaspoons flour
  1 egg
  300 g cookie crumbs
  2 tablespoons of cocoa
  50 g nuts (optional)

Cooking method:

1. Grind or grind nuts in a meat grinder, mix with crumbs.

2. Add cocoa.

3. Cooking custard

4. Sugar flour and vanillin pour a little milk (mix with a whisk so that there are no lumps!)

5. Beat the egg, mix. Pour the rest of the milk into a saucepan and heat.

6. A thin stream pour the egg-milk mixture into the hot milk, with constant stirring, over minimal heat!

7. The milk mixture thickens quickly! Add oil and mix until completely dissolved. Remove from heat.

8. Gradually pour the crumbs into the hot cream.

9. We form a cake.

10. Roll the finished cake in cocoa or in the Nesquik drink. Decorate as desired.

Cake "Potato" - Recipe number 4 from cookies


500 g cookie crumbs
  200 g butter
  200 g sugar
  2-4 Art. l cocoa
  150-200 ml of milk
  cinnamon to taste

Cooking method:

1. Grind cookies in a food processor.

2. Pour cocoa, sugar, vanillin and cinnamon to the liver, mix.

3. Melt the butter, pour to the liver.

4. Milk a little warm and pour in a little to the liver.

5. From the dough, form a potato cake from cookies and put in the refrigerator for several hours.

Cake "Potato" - Recipe number 5 from biscuit

Ingredients  (for 10 servings):

For biscuit:

3 eggs
  90 g sugar
  75 g flour
  15 g of starch

For cream:

125 g butter
  65 g icing sugar
  50 g of condensed milk
  1 spoon of Beilis (can brandy, rum)
  Cocoa powder

Cooking method:

1. Bake a biscuit: Separate the proteins from the yolks.

2. Beat the yolks with 2/3 of sugar to a white cream.

3. Beat the whites in the foam, add the remaining sugar and whip in a strong foam.

4. Protein mix with the yolks. Add flour, starch and mix everything carefully.

5. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

6. The finished biscuit needs to be cooled well, and then crushed in a blender into crumbs. Cooking cream:

7. Beat butter with powdered sugar into a cream. Attention! Powdered sugar should not be replaced with sugar, as sugar will not dissolve.

8. Little by little add condensed milk and continue whisking.

9. A little bit of cream is left for decoration. Making a potato cake:

10. In the bowl we spread the biscuit crumbs, on top - the cream, beilis and mix everything properly.

11. Form cakes (I had 9 pieces of medium size and one small one), roll in cocoa powder and decorate with cream on top.

12. Put the potato cake in the refrigerator and in an hour or two you can already enjoy the wonderful taste of homemade “Potato”.

- It is impossible to imagine a real “potato” without a drop of good cognac, liquor or rum. We advise you to refrain from alcoholic supplements if the dessert is prepared for children;

- Purchased "potato" according to GOST should be light inside. A dark color (chocolate or cocoa powder is added to the mass) may indicate poor quality of the biscuit, on the basis of which cakes are prepared. Manufacturers thus "paint over" a flaw.

Perhaps, today's recipes of the famous "Potato" are one of the most popular since Soviet times. At that time, little baked goods were sold in stores, and so they baked and made desserts on their own. And of course, the most affordable of them was this cake.

It was prepared on condensed milk, and simply on milk, and sometimes even with boiled water. But invariably with cookies, or with crackers. Instead of butter, margarine was often used, and cocoa was sprinkled, or added directly to the “dough”.

All these were the so-called home-cooked options. Cakes were prepared on them for weekdays and for holidays. And the children with pleasure sculpted balls and whetstones in the country in the summer, and then with no less pleasure enjoyed them.

Another thing is when you bought this dessert in the stores "Culinary", or in the buffet cinema. There the "potato" was real - with a white biscuit inside and a brown crust on the outside. And the taste of such a dessert was different from homemade. And it could not be otherwise, he was preparing according to GOST. And this word in those days was simply magical.

In fact, of course, there are many more recipes. But those proposed today are the most basic. In them, we can say the classic composition of the ingredients and their proportions. And on the basis of this, you can already manipulate them as you want. Instead of condensed milk, add milk and sugar, instead of crackers, cookies, or the remnants of crumbs from cakes for cakes.

And you can mix all of them together.

I love this recipe for its simplicity and its taste. We all know the recipe when cookies crumbs are mixed with butter and condensed milk.

But when there is no condensed milk, then this is not a reason to refuse a tasty treat. It is enough to have only a little milk. Yes, even if it is not, then you can use boiled water.

You can cook the product in the usual form, that is, having the shape of balls, or elongated whetstones. But today we will make them in the form of cones. In this performance, they will take their rightful place even on the festive table.

We will need:

From this amount of ingredients, 17 to 18 cakes are obtained.

  • cookies - 500 gr
  • butter - 200 gr
  • milk - 1/3 of a glass
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • walnuts by the number of ready-made cakes


1. For the recipe, you can use cookies, biscuit, or crumbs from vanilla crackers. But I like this dessert with cookies. Perhaps this comes from childhood, when they prepared this delicacy together with his father.

Therefore, today I take ordinary cookies. It must be ground into very small crumbs. The smaller it is, the more uniformly the “potato” as a whole will turn out. And also the finer crumb is better absorbed by butter and milk, and will make it even more delicious.

You can grind in a blender. And if it is not, then you can crush the cookies with a rolling pin on a cutting board, or scroll in a meat grinder.

2. Butter must be removed from the refrigerator in advance, this will allow it to melt under natural conditions. However, it should not be liquid. Its normal state, when it still holds its shape, but at the same time easily changes it when pressed.

3. Put the stewpan on the stove and pour milk into it. Add sugar and cocoa, mix until a powder has dissolved and the mixture begins to boil. Turn off the fire and let it cool slightly. It will be enough to stand for 5-6 minutes.

4. Place the crumbs in a bowl in which it will be convenient to knead the mass. Add butter to it. I do not cease to repeat that it is better to take it with a fat content of 82.5%, it is an excellent tasty and healthy oil, and not trans fat.

In Soviet times, it happened that they used margarine for these purposes. Although of course, they tried to purchase any oil, without looking at its percentage. But now is another time, and there is a choice. Therefore, it is better to make it in the right and useful direction.

5. Mix the crumbs with oil directly with your hands. So it will be not only faster, but also more convenient. You can use gloves for this. It should get such a "fat" viscous mass.

6. Pour in a cooled sweet mixture of cocoa with milk. And continue to mix until the mass becomes homogeneous, both in consistency and in color. Do it also with your hands. At first it will seem that the liquid is not enough, but this is not so. Continue to do your job, and soon the mass will acquire the necessary state.

Defining this will be fairly easy. If you take a small lump and squeeze it in the palm of your hand, it will keep its shape and will not crumble. This is what we are achieving, because we are to mold from it preforms of a certain shape.

If suddenly for some reason the mass turned out to be too loose, then you can add a spoonful of milk. If, on the contrary, it is too liquid, then you need to add another crumb.

Although, subject to the proportions given in the recipe, such surprises will not happen.

7. Excellent, the "dough" is ready. We proceed to the formation of products. You can simply roll the balls, or ask them a slightly elongated shape resembling potatoes.

And we will make the form that we have in mind. To do this, I take a tablespoon and fill in a mixture with a large slide. I put a nut in the middle (we still have a bump, so there should be a nut), and form a slightly elongated blank, resembling a forest beauty.

8. To form in this way all the blanks. The fact that we use a spoon is great. Thanks to it, the workpieces will be not only with a smooth smooth surface, but also of the same size, which will give its plus when feeding.

You ask, “Where are the bumps?” What we have done reminds them very remotely. Do not worry, everything will be. But it’s not the time yet. To create an already complete and complete image, it is necessary to place our products for 20 minutes in the freezer. Yes, not in the refrigerator, namely in the freezer.

9. After the time has elapsed, get, and armed with sharp scissors, make small cuts at the very tips. They will look like notches. First make cuts along the edges of the workpiece, and then go to the middle. When you have done one of the parties, the same can be done with the second. Then the cake will look, in general, like a real craft.

But if you wish, you can draw only the front surface in this way.

If you do not understand how to do this, then look in the video that will be next. You’ll see everything there.

10. Of the given number of ingredients, we got 17 "bumps", it took 10 - 12 minutes to cut it. Ready-made "bumps" can be immediately placed on a plate. They are cold and will not stick to each other.

You can put a kettle and call your loved ones for refreshments. Cakes are not only delicious, but also beautiful. Try to cook, you will certainly enjoy it!

Video on how to cook "Potato" at home

And here is the promised video. It was created specifically for this article. It turned out not to be long, as well as the cooking process of our today's snacks. In it you will see how easy and simple everything is.

And also you will see how to make out the “bump” itself, that is, how to make notches.

Agree, it turns out very original, and not like usual. And if it’s unusual, then it seems that something new. We have such cones scattered from the table in 10 - 15 minutes. With hot tasty tea. Beauty and tasty !!!

So be sure to try. I think you will like the recipe!

And also I invite you to subscribe to my channel on You Tube. I will be very glad to see you. Although he is still quite young, he already has interesting recipes on him. And their number is growing quite quickly.

Cake of cookies and condensed milk in 5 minutes

The simplest recipe for preparing “Potatoes” involves combining cookies and butter with condensed milk as a whole. As a rule, this is one of those recipes that children master in their culinary endeavor. They are happy to mix the necessary components and mold them into balls and oval blanks.

This cake is also a favorite dessert in the country. Indeed, in this case, nothing is required to bake, and it takes only 5 minutes to prepare sweets for tea.

We will need:

  • cookies - 650 gr
  • butter - 180 gr
  • condensed milk - 300 ml
  • cocoa - 5 teaspoons
  • nuts for decoration


1. First of all, we need to grind the cookies into small crumbs. The smaller it turns out, the products will be tastier. They will not be tasted like something disjointed. The baby is soaked in cream of condensed milk and butter, and we get a real full-fledged dessert.

Almost any cookie can be used. From early childhood, we prepared this delicacy from ordinary square cookies sold by weight in the store. And they always believed that the tastier it is, the tastier the cakes will turn out.

Maybe this is actually so, but already having matured, I found out that they are obtained no less tasty from simple crackers. It could not be otherwise. Indeed, as a cream, we have condensed milk and butter.

Grinding the base for our sweets is most convenient in a blender. You can put them all at once in it. And before, they could only dream of such a miracle technique, and they crushed cookies on a board with an ordinary rolling pin, or they twisted them in a meat grinder.

2. In a separate bowl, mix condensed milk and slightly melted butter. Therefore, it must be removed from the refrigerator for 30 to 40 minutes before starting cooking.

I do not advise using a microwave and water bath to soften it. In this case, it is better to use the first proposed method.

Mixing the mixture is easiest with a mixer. In this case, it is much easier to get its desired consistency. And it should turn out pretty dense, about the same as the softened butter itself.

3. Pour cocoa into the mixture. To prevent lumps from it, it is better to sift it through a sieve.

And then mix again until smooth and get a new color, the same uniform.

4. Pour crumbs into the finished mixture and mix.

If desired, 1 teaspoon of brandy can be added to the mixture as a flavor. But at the same time it is worth remembering that our products will not be baked, and alcohol will not evaporate. He will remain in them. Therefore, decide for yourself whether to add or not.

You can also introduce chopped nuts, or raisins. There are no limits for imagination in this case.

A smooth homogeneous mass should be obtained, which when connected to a lump does not fall apart, but holds very firmly.

5. Form blanks in the form of bars, or you can make them in the form of balls. The main thing is that they all turn out to be the same size. Although someone may want to have them in different shapes.

6. You can leave our cakes the way they turned out. And you can additionally decorate them. For decoration, it will be possible to use any nuts, even in the whole form, at least in halves, even in chopped parts.

7. Put the finished product in the refrigerator for about an hour and allow them to cool.

Then serve and invite your loved ones to tea!

The classic recipe "Potatoes" according to GOST USSR

The basis of these cakes is a crumb from a biscuit. Usually, when baking in the production of cakes, there are always a lot of scraps. So, they just made crumbs out of them, which were later allowed to prepare delicious desserts, in particular the one that we are preparing today.

And today we will prepare sponge cake and cream on our own.

We will need for a biscuit:

  • flour - 200 gr
  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • salt pinch

It happens that part of the flour is replaced with starch. But if we say, they added a spoonful of starch, then less flour should be added to this amount.

For sprinkling:

  • cocoa powder - 10 g
  • icing sugar - 30 g

Biscuit for making crumbs

There are many ways to make a biscuit. We will use one of its simplest options.

It should be said that it is necessary to bake it in advance. You can bake it in the evening, and already in the morning or in the afternoon you can start cooking crumbs.

So, let's begin.

1. Separate the proteins from the yolks.

Pour a pinch of salt into the proteins and knock them down at medium speed until a lush mass is formed. Then add half the cooked sugar and continue to beat until stable peaks form.

Check if the mass is ready, you can simply tilt it, it should not drain and move.

In order for the proteins to stray well, you should make sure that they do not get a drop of yolk. It is also necessary that the eggs are fresh.

2. Now go to the yolks.

Pour the remaining sugar into them and also bring down to a magnificent state. Also, the mixture should change in color, becoming lighter.

3. Put the yolks to the yolks and then gently mix with a spatula with movements from top to bottom, from the edges to the center. Use a wooden or silicone spatula for this. It is not recommended to use a metal spoon here.

4. Pour the previously sifted flour with baking powder into the mixture. It is better to sift these components twice so that the biscuit turns out to be more porous and airy. Enter all this also gradually, constantly mixing with a wooden or silicone spoon or spatula in the same movements from top to bottom, from the edges to the center.

Stir to a state until you mix all the flour and the mass becomes homogeneous.

5. Preheat the oven. We will need a temperature of 180 degrees.

6. Meanwhile, cover the baking sheet with baking paper and pour the resulting mass on it, leveling it over the entire area with the same spatula that was mixed. It is good if the layer is not less than 2 cm thick.

It is important for us that the biscuit quickly dried up, therefore, it is not necessary to bake it in a detachable form high and magnificent. On the baking sheet it will turn out not high, and with it it will be possible to start work quickly.

7. Put the baking sheet with the dough in a preheated oven and bake it for 20 minutes. This time is approximate, and depends on the features of the oven. Some may need only 15 minutes to bake, and some may need 25.

The finished biscuit should lighten, but only slightly. If it is pierced with a toothpick, then batter should not remain on it. And also, if you press on it with your finger, the surface should recover quickly.

It is not recommended to open the oven within 10-15 minutes, otherwise the dough will fall and the biscuit will not bake well inside.

6. Take out the finished baked goods and let it rest for 15 minutes. Then cover with another piece of parchment paper, on top you can cover with a large cutting board and turn the cake. Remove parchment paper on which it was baked and allow to cool completely and insist. This will require just at least 10 - 12 hours.

Or there’s a way to dry the biscuit quickly. To do this, it must be broken into smaller pieces and dried in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 100 degrees.

Butter cream on milk and eggs (Charlotte cream)

Before you start cooking cakes, you need to cook the cream.

We will need:

  • butter - 200 g (softened)
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons (if you love the better, then with a slide)
  • milk - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla - 1/4 tsp


1. Pour all the milk into the stewpan. As soon as it becomes warm, add sugar. When stirring, bring to a boil and wait until it is completely dissolved.

2. In a separate bowl, beat down the eggs. You can make it a mixer at low speed, or you can use a regular whisk.

3. Continuing to churn continuously pour in a thin stream of sweet milk.

4. Then again pour the mixture into a saucepan and put on a small fire. Constantly stirring to warm it, but do not bring to a boil. Remove from heat and pour into clean dishes.

Stir periodically so that a coarse film does not form on top, and so that the mixture quickly cools to room temperature.

5. Meanwhile, chopped into pieces and softened butter (with a temperature of about 20 - 21 degrees), beat together with vanilla. It is better to use a mixer for this. But if it is not there, the whisk will also work, or, in extreme cases, a wooden spatula.

6. When the mass becomes homogeneous, without stopping knocking down, pour the milk mixture into it, which by then should already have cooled to the desired state.

Continue knocking down until lush.

In such a cream, you can additionally introduce 1 teaspoon of cognac, rum or liquor. But it is optional.

We prepared the cream in ordinary milk using eggs, or we can make it without them and use condensed milk. And in this case, you do not need to cook such a cream.

Cooking Potato cakes

And so, we have a biscuit ready and a cream is ready. Now it remains to combine all this and prepare our dessert, which used to be eaten only in the "Culinary", or bought in candy stores.

1. Break the biscuit into crumbs. Since it is quite soft, you do not need to use a blender for its preparation. Just break pieces of biscuit, they will easily take the shape we need.

2. Put part of the cream to them and mix, kneading the mass with your hands. Then add as much as needed. Perhaps a little cream will remain. Therefore, do not overdo it with its addition.

In any case, a little cream should be left, about 2 tbsp. spoons. They will decorate our sweets.

As a result, you should get a soft plastic mass, which, if put together in a lump and squeezed, will keep its shape perfectly.

3. From such a substance it is already possible to form workpieces that are necessary in shape and size. They can be round, or oblong, resembling a familiar vegetable.

4. When all of them were formed, all that was left was to sprinkle them with sprinkles. To do this, mix cocoa and powdered sugar and first roll our products in a mixture, and then sprinkle on top.

5. Put all the products on a plate and make two or three small holes on top. You can use a Chinese stick for this.

6. Put the left cream in a pastry bag and place the “sprouts” in the holes, as if small seedlings had grown on the potato.

That’s basically all. Our cakes are fully prepared and good. If you cut one of them, you can see on the cut that inside the dessert has a light flesh, which is surrounded by a thin brown “skin”, just like a real vegetable.

Such a recipe! Of course, not as simple as the previous ones, but the present according to GOST, according to the USSR recipe.

Cooking a cake of vanilla crackers and condensed milk

You can also cook your favorite pastries from crackers. You can buy them ready-made, or you can use a dried loaf. If we consider it as one of the main ingredients, it is better to cut it into 1 cm pieces, and bake it slightly in the oven.

If you use a store product, it is best to buy vanilla. And today I will prepare a cake with crackers with raisins. It's just that they have already been bought from me and are slightly stale.

We need (for 10 cakes):

  • vanilla crackers, or with raisins - 350 gr
  • condensed milk - 150 ml
  • milk - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • butter - 75 gr
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • nuts - 1/2 cup
  • cognac or vodka - 1 teaspoon
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • cocoa - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Grind crackers in a blender bowl. If there is no blender, then you can use a meat grinder with a fine grill. Nobody had a blender before, that's why they always used it for these purposes.

Pour crumbs into a bowl. Make sure that no large pieces of crackers remain. In general, the finer they are crushed, the tastier the finished products will be. When each of the smallest crumbs is filled with milk and butter, the taste will turn out to be simply magnificent.

2. Immediately can be chopped in a blender and nuts. You can make them in any size - the same as grind crackers, or make larger ones. Today I’m dealing with ordinary walnuts. In general, you can use any. Or, instead, put raisins, or dried cranberries. Or nothing at all to add. In any case, it will turn out delicious.

Do not forget to sort out the nuts so that in the finished product the case does not turn out to be partitions and shells.

3. In a separate bowl, knock down melted butter with a mixer. To do this, you need to get it out of the refrigerator in advance, in the kitchen it should stand for at least 30 minutes, and preferably more.

But it should not spread out at all. The normal state of the oil, when it still holds its shape, but when pressed easily lends itself to this.

4. Pour condensed milk to it and continue to mix. The mass immediately becomes more supple and tender, pleasing to the eye.

If there is no mixer, then all this can be done with a whisk. True, it will take a little longer than when knocking down with a mixer, but we are not afraid of such minor difficulties !!!

5. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add milk to it, pouring a little bit. To make the mass not so thick, I needed two tablespoons.

6. The next step can be skipped, it is optional. But knowing how it would be tasty and aromatic, I decided not to miss it and added cognac. Just one small teaspoon.

But what flavor immediately went !!! That's why I add. Not for the sake of alcohol, but for the sake of this magical enchanting smell.

There are recipes where vodka, liquor and rum are added. But this is at the discretion of everyone. And of course - don't get carried away!

And also add some vanilla, even if you have vanilla crackers. Just a little bit of a fresh smell will not hurt, and even vice versa - it will add palatability.

If you want to subsequently decorate the cakes with cream, then leave it with two teaspoons. Put in the refrigerator for the time being, so that the oil does not melt even more.

7. And so, the delicious fragrant cream is ready, it’s time to mix it with crumbs. Pour the crumbs into the cream, or vice versa put the cream into the crumbs, where it will be more convenient to mix. Do not forget to add ground nuts.

8. Stir the mixture with your hands, a spoon will not work so thoroughly mix. We should get a homogeneous mass resembling a dough. And in it, as mentioned above, each baby should literally be nourished with a sweet fragrant cream.

Gloves can be worn to mix and further form the workpieces.

9. When the "dough" becomes as it should, we will begin to form our cakes.

There are several ways to do this. You can first make a "sausage", then cut it into equal pieces and roll up the blanks of the desired shape. Or just take the viscous mass with your hands and form from them.

I’m already going the tried and tested way, and am gaining weight with a spoon. I form a high hill on it. And only then I shift the workpiece into my hands and roll up the same elongated sticks resembling potatoes. And you can roll the balls, if you want.

Put the formed products on a plate.

10. And now we have two ways. The first is to immediately roll them in cocoa powder. But in this case, they will take it quite a lot. And this is a minus. And the second minus, the oil is absorbed into cocoa, and the cakes will look greasy. I showed in the photo how.

But if at first they are briefly put in the refrigerator (for 20-30 minutes), then when we get them out and begin to roll in cocoa, we will see a completely different picture. And I like her more.

Cocoa, by the way, must be sifted through a fine sieve so that the cakes do not pick up unnecessary brown lumps.

11. Put the finished product on a plate and sprinkle on top of them again with a small amount of cocoa powder to eliminate unevenness in the coating.

Cocoa can be mixed with powdered sugar in a ratio of 1 to 3, that is, if you take a tablespoon of cocoa, then three tablespoons of powdered sugar.

12. In this form, you can leave. But we left the cream, and we will decorate it. You can use a pastry bag for this. And you can put the cream in an ordinary dense bag, and cut a small corner, decorate directly from it.

And so that the cream lies in the right place, we will pierce this place with something sharp, for example, a Chinese stick.

If such decoration is considered complex, then you can simply put half a nut on top.

And you can make another cream: for those cakes that turned out we need 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons butter and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of powder. Mix the components with a mixer, and apply in the form of "seedlings".

That's all, perhaps. As you can see, we have got a real “potato” - inside is light and outside is dark.

I’ll tell you right away, it turned out very tasty. They ate immediately over tea. Yes, and complained that did little. And much more! The pastries are painfully high-calorie. A lot is harmful!

And so little by little, sometimes you can treat yourself. So you will be pampered, and yourself, and your loved ones.

Friends, how do you like the recipes? Did you like the video? I hope that everything is accessible and understandable. And I hope that you understand the general scheme of preparation.

  • the basis of the cake is a biscuit, or cookies, or crackers (something from which you can make crumbs)
  • in all cooking methods, butter is necessarily present (it is better to have 82.5% fat content)
  • milk can be used both condensed and fresh
  • cocoa powder is laid both in the "dough" itself, and just sprinkled on top
  • nuts, raisins, dried cherries or cranberries can be added as a filler
  • vanillin, cognac, rum, liquor is added as a flavoring

These are the highlights. And in accordance with them, you can make recipes yourself. There is nothing difficult about this.

And be sure to cook "Potato", it really is very tasty.

Bon Appetit!