What to do with boiled squid. Squid and Seafood Recipes

Squid is characterized by a high content of proteins, group C vitamins and minerals. Dishes from it will be useful for children and the elderly. But, for their preparation it is very important to properly prepare the squid.

How to choose and defrost squid?

In order to cook delicious squid, you must follow how simple rules are:

  1. When choosing a squid in order to cook, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that carcasses should easily be separated from each other. If this is not the case and squids stick together, it means that they have already been thawed. Cooked from re-frozen squid dishes will be bitter. The color of the meat must be white, and the film that covers the carcass should be light pink or even purple.
  2. Defrosting squids to cook is best done simply in the air. Thus, more beneficial substances and properties are preserved. In case you are limited in time, put the carcass of frozen squid in cold water. Under no circumstances should hot water be used.
  3. They eat the head, tentacles, and the body of the squid. Before preparing squids, it is necessary to clean the film, remove the insides and chitin plates. The peel is removed very easily: the carcass is pressed to the cutting board and the skin is pulled with a fingernail. The squid peel should be removed with a “stocking”. The cleaned squid carcass must be thoroughly washed under running cold water both inside and out.

How to cook squid correctly?

There are several ways to make squid. The main rule - the duration of cooking squid should not exceed 3 minutes. If you cook squid meat for longer, it will become tough and tasteless. The first way to prepare squid is as follows: add salt to boiled water, dip the peeled squid carcass into the pan and remove it from the heat. After 10 minutes, the squid will be ready. The second method of cooking squid is even simpler: lower the squid carcass into boiling water, count to 15, and then remove the meat with a slotted spoon. A little secret to making squid is this: if you originally digested the carcasses, this is easy to fix. You need to cook squid from 30 to 40 minutes. The meat will again become soft, but at the same time lose half of its volume and weight.

Thus prepared squid can be used as a main dish, pouring them with some white sauce. Also, carcass boiled carcass squid is an excellent basis for a variety of salads.

Squid meat recipe in batter

Fried squids are also an excellent base for many dishes. In order to prepare a squid snack, you need to defrost and clean the carcass, cut it into rings. Dip squid rings in batter (0.5 kg. Flour, 0.5 liter of beer, 2 eggs, salt to taste) and fry them in deep fat.

Squid Meat Recipe with Cauliflower

In order to learn how to cook squid meat correctly, you need to take the squid itself, 2 liters of water, salt, bay leaf, a pound of cauliflower, carrots, onions, 1 tbsp. l greasy cream.

If you cook squid meat correctly, the taste and aroma will resemble lobster meat, and remember: the smell of fish should not be present in the finished product. You can use boiled squid for the preparation of salads, soups.

Squid Meat Soup Recipe

A method of preparing a soup of squid meat is that cauliflower inflorescences are put in a pan, chopped carrots and onions are added and everything is filled with water. The broth is salted and boiled for 30 minutes. Then the broth is poured into another dish, the vegetables are crushed. Fat cream is added to the resulting vegetable puree and diluted with broth. Cut squid meat into thin rings, put in a pan with mashed vegetables, boil. Squid soup puree is ready.

Tips for choosing and cooking squid meat

When buying squids, be sure to pay attention to their appearance. They should be easily separated from each other, even when frozen. By the way, the color of fresh squid meat is completely white, do not confuse it with the color of the film, which usually covers the carcass, it may just be pinkish, purple.

To cook squids, you always need to clean the film. To do this, you should lower the frozen carcasses into hot water, as a result, the skin will curl up and independently move away from squid meat. You just have to remove the remnants of the film under running water, as well as remove the insides.

How to boil squid meat?

  1. We advise you to cook squid meat in the simplest way - boil. Cooking squid meat is better for about half an hour 30, then it will become tender and soft, however, it will lose its useful qualities. Or they can be cooked for no more than 3 minutes
  2. To cook squid meat, we collect 2 liters of water in a pan, boil, salt, add bay leaf. We omit one defrosted, already peeled squid, let it boil a little, then count to ten and take it out with a slotted spoon. Repeat the procedure with the rest of the squid. As a result, the taste of squid meat is tender and soft.
  3. Pour squid meat with any sauce and use it as the main dish. Or you can make a salad with squid, fry the rings in deep fat.

Squid is the largest invertebrate clam. The carcass of squid and its hands are mainly consumed. It consists of protein. How to cook frozen squids tasty? Talk about it now!

How to cook frozen squid?

Dishes from frozen squid are easy to prepare, and the meat itself contributes to the release of digestive juices. For cooking you need:

  • 300-400gr. frozen squid;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • 150g Adyghe cheese;
  • 100g grapes;
  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • 1 PC. lemon or lemon juice.

The recipe for frozen squid

  1. When you choose a squid to cook, you should pay attention to the fact that the squid carcasses themselves can easily be separated from each other. If they stick together, then this is a sign that they were once thawed. The color of frozen squid meat should be white, and the film that covers the carcass is barely pink or even purple.
  2. Before cooking frozen squid, it must be thawed. If you don’t have much time, then put the meat in cold water, but at the same time you will still lose the beneficial substances of squid. Only in no case do not defrost it in hot water.
  3. If you bought a squid that has not yet been cut, not frozen, then first remove the film from it, clean it from the insides and separate the head and tentacles from the body. Rinse thoroughly.

How to cook frozen squid?

  1. Now proceed to make frozen squid. There are several ways, but there is one main rule, frozen squid meat needs to be cooked no more than 3 minutes, if you miss this moment, the carcass will become stiff. 1st method how to cook squid: boil water and salt. Now boil the squid meat in boiling water and close the lid. Turn off the fire and after ten minutes the carcass will be ready.
  2. The second method is how to cook frozen squids: throw the meat into boiling water, count to 15, and remove from heat (little secret: if you accidentally digested squid, leave it to cook further, after 30-40 minutes after the start of cooking, the carcass will again become soft, but will lose its weight and volume.
  3. After your squids are ready, leave them to cool, and during this time make the rest of the salad preparations.
  4. Cut each grape in half (pick it without seeds). Pour lettuce into large pieces and sprinkle a little with lemon juice, mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Cut boiled squid into small strips, and Circassian cheese into cubes (if you want, you can use feta fat).
  6. Put all the ingredients together with squid in a salad bowl and season with olive oil. Now you just have to mix everything carefully and you can serve it to the table.

The gifts of the seas and oceans have long since confidently entered our lives and have occupied a special place in our menu. Frankly speaking, more often they still appear on the festive table, however, probably no family can do without marine animals nowadays. Many fans of diversity in food also have their own “suffering” recipes for making frozen squids, mussels, or, say, octopuses. But some people come across them for the first time, and for such - our article.

Clean correctly

Let's start with how exactly the ocean inhabitants get onto our table. Since not all cities and towns are surrounded by salt waters, the gifts of the oceans are delivered to us, naturally, in ice cream, otherwise they would not have reached us. It is worth considering that when buying the same squids, you need to pay attention to their preliminary preparation. If they are already cut, you are spared some extra work. If not, you must clean them before preparing frozen squids. First of all, the skin is removed from these. Then lateral growths similar to wings are cut off, which also need to be cleaned. Transparent "inserts" from chitin are extracted from the inside of the carcass - and your squid is ready for further manipulations.

Cook correctly

Most recipes that describe how to cook frozen squid (for salad in particular) require boiled carcasses. And here the recommendations vary. For example, many people think that the product does not even need to be thawed - just lower it in salted boiling water for a period of 3 to 5 minutes. Readiness is determined by the white color that the squid acquires.

Other chefs advise, before making frozen squids, to defrost them nevertheless, and in vivo, without resorting to hot water or a microwave. Then a whitish film of carcasses is cleaned under water and they are sent to boiling water at the same time. And there is another opinion: the prepared product is dipped in boiling water, closed with a lid and immediately turn off the fire. Moreover, in a sealed container, squids are left under the lid for about ten minutes. It is believed that while gradually cooling water at the same time prevents them from digesting and brings them to the desired condition. So you have to choose how to cook frozen squid. You can try all three cooking methods and decide which one suits you best.

We fry right

Interesting and varied are the ways to cook frozen squid carcasses by roasting. There are also disputes over whether they should first be thawed. However, most authors are still inclined to what is needed. But there are no arguments about the methods: everyone is inclined to believe that the fire should be medium, the lid on the pan is removed, and the frying time is five minutes. If you bought not whole animals, but their rings, then the frying time is reduced to 3-4 minutes (depending on the thickness of the pieces).

  in salads

If you know how to cook frozen squids correctly and follow these rules correctly, you can build an abyss of delicious dishes. The most common salads with their "participation". And no wonder: these animals are combined with many products to taste and give the final dish piquancy and sophistication. One of the most noteworthy options is with crab sticks. A half pound of squid will go 240 g sticks and 300 g low-fat and non-rigid ham. Cooked squid and sausage should be chopped into strips, and the crab component with cubes. Dress with salt, mayonnaise and pepper - you get, consider, a smart dish. And if you replace the sticks with natural crabs, it will be much more expensive, but also much tastier.

There is another interesting way how to cook frozen squid fillet and salad from it. A quarter of a kilogram of base will require “in company” three eggs, two sour apples, 50 g of cheese, onion and mayonnaise to dress. Eggs and peeled apples are rubbed (medium, not small and not large), the onion is cut into half rings, squid into cubes. Everything is mixed, spilled with mayonnaise, and sprinkled with grated cheese. Tasty, juicy and beautiful!

Unusual and tasty

There are ideas about how to cook peeled frozen squid as a main dish - instead of meat or poultry. We presume that 300 g of the gifts of the oceans fall on one serving. Then they should be joined by a half-glass of orange juice (preferably squeezed on their own), soy sauce (preferably classic, without additional flavors), butter and olive oil, and leek. Carcasses are cut into pieces convenient for you personally and fried in a mixture of oils. Remember: this should not be done for long! After the allotted time, sauce and juice are poured into the pan, leeks are added with rings and the contents of the dish are stewed for about ten minutes. Then everything is laid out on lettuce leaves - and bon appetit! If you want a side dish - rice will be just right.

And you can stuff

No less curious is the way how to deliciously cook frozen squids by stuffing. The main thing here is that when cleaning the carcasses they should not be damaged. Then they are boiled - as you like. A pair of onions is finely chopped, a large carrot is rubbed, and they are fried together. Crumbled pickled mushrooms (100 g) and three chopped eggs are added to the vegetables. All components are mixed, flavored with mayonnaise, pepper and salt. This amount of filling is enough for 8-10 marine inhabitants. The resulting mixture runs into squid carcasses, the edges can be chopped off with toothpicks - and ask the guests to the table.

Grilled squid

Pork, lamb or beef is usually cooked over an open fire. Less often, a bird or fish goes to the grill. But if you know how to prepare seafood for the process, you can also successfully bake them. For squid, you need to make a special marinade, which includes vegetable oil (give preference to olive), two cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of ground paprika, a little sea salt and a few sprigs of thyme. All this is mixed, the squid itself is cleaned, washed and dried, then coated with marinade, put in a plastic bag or wrapped in cling film and stored for pickling for at least half an hour. If you continue to cook carcasses over an open fire, we recommend using a grill, and pre-grease it with vegetable oil. If home cooking is expected, bake them in the oven for 10 minutes on each side. When serving squids, it is worth sprinkling them with lemon juice and sprinkle with herbs.

Beer snack

Those who like a foamy drink do not neglect the sharp-salty accompanying additives. There may be crackers, thinly sliced \u200b\u200bsmoked pork ears, and chips ... And there may be squids! It remains to prepare a pinch of cardamom and coriander, a tablespoon and four - soy, 2 chili peppers (you like very hot, you can increase the number of peppers, but carefully so as not to overdo it) and the squid themselves - seven hundred grams. For the marinade, a little oil is poured into the heated pan, in which the spices are allowed. Squids, cut into small pieces, are poured with two sauces, sprinkled with toasted seasonings and marinated for half an hour in all of this. Then a deep frying pan is taken (ideally a wok), half a glass of vegetable oil is poured and the future snack is fried in batches. Please note, spices can peel off squid. If you notice this, change the oil to fresh - several times overcooked seasonings will give a slightly unpleasant aftertaste. Those who are not too lazy to make such an appetizer claim that there is no better accompaniment to beer.

Frankly speaking, this is far from all that can be “figured out” from such a fertile material. It remains only to point out a couple more tricks. Some do not like the fact that after cooking, squids seem to contract. To avoid this, you can either lightly beat off the carcasses on both sides, or use a very sharp knife to make shallow cuts - at the same time it will look more appetizing. And as a complement to any, lemon juice or garlic cream sauce will do.

Squid  - a clam provided to us by the sea. Its tender meat is soft and unique in taste. In addition to taste, it is rich in potassium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium. With its help, you can diversify your daily diet, making the menu not only sophisticated, but also useful. Today, everyone can buy a frozen squid carcass in the store, but not everyone knows how to cook it correctly. Let's look at how deliciously and simply prepare squid meat dishes and take note of the delicious recipes for simple dishes from this clam.

The main thing in the article

What can I cook with squid?

  A dish of squid is a great variety. From the simplest salads and snacks to gourmet dishes, which include frying, pickling in herbs, baking, etc.

Whatever dish you choose, the main rule: you need to cook quickly (up to 3-5 minutes) or for a long time - more than 40 minutes.

The delicate taste of this mollusk makes it easy to combine it with almost all the products we know. Therefore, you can cook from squid:

  • salads and snacks;
  • main dishes are hot or cold;
  • first courses and much more.

Having shown your imagination and using the recipes below, you can easily diversify your home menu with new gourmet dishes.

How to make squid tasty and simple: useful tips

  Each dish has its own secrets, no exception and such a product as squid. To cook it deliciously, you need to know a few nuances:

  • Squid fin is tougher than the meat of the rest of the carcass. This must be considered when cooking.
  • The taste of the squid carcass depends on its size. The smaller it is, the more tender the meat.
  • Properly cook squid meat for no more than 3 minutes. If it happened that the meat was digested and became tough, it can be saved by further cooking for up to 30 minutes. During this time, the carcass will regain its former softness, however, it will decrease useful substances in it.
  • Squids are fried for no more than 1-2 minutes, after which they are left in a hot frying pan under the lid in order to “get it”.
  • Squids “love salt”, but do not overload, as the taste of meat can be lost.

Frozen squid: how to cook?

Today in the store you can find dried, smoked, canned squids. But the hostesses prefer ice cream seafood.

Before talking about frozen squids, they need to be correctly selected in the store and thawed.

When choosing frozen squids in a store, pay attention to carcasses. They should not be glued, but freely separated from each other. If the carcasses are glued and have an unnatural gray color, then they are not frozen for the first time.

As for defrosting, two main methods can be distinguished that are less “traumatic” for the structure of meat and allow useful substances not to lose their properties.

  1. Put frozen squids on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for 12-18 hours. This method is perfect if cooking is planned tomorrow - then the frozen product is left in the refrigerator for the night.
  2. If faster defrosting is necessary, then fill the frozen carcasses with cold water and leave at room temperature. After 4-6 hours, they can be cleaned and cooked.

After defrosting the carcass should be cleaned. See how to do it in the video below.

You can cook squid in many ways. We will share two options on how to cook squid, so that the meat is soft and tastes delicate.

  1. Dip the purified squid in boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. The smaller the carcass, the shorter the cooking time.
  2. Put the squid carcass into the dishes and pour boiling water 2-3 fingers higher than the product. Soak the squid in hot water for a minute and perform the action again.

The squid meat cooked in one of the ways is ready for use in salads, appetizers, first or second courses.

Squid salads: delicious and simple recipes

Salad  - A dish that is present both in the festive and in the daily diet of a person. Consider the delicious recipes for this dish using a clam such as squid.

Salad "For the holiday"

  The salad is prepared from seemingly incompatible products, but the end result will certainly amaze all guests. The following ingredients are needed for the dish:

  • Squid carcass - 200 g.
  • Ham - 200 g.
  • Cucumber - 1-2 pcs (100 g).
  • Hard cheese - 100 g.
  • Two eggs.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 0.5 heads.
  • Peas (canned) - 150 g.
  • Mayonnaise - 2–4 tbsp.

We prepare the salad as follows:

Boil eggs and squid carcass. As for cooking squid, then after cleaning it must be immersed in boiling water and count to 10-15. Pull out the carcass and let it cool. Clean the eggs.

  Chop the cooled squid carcass and ham into small pieces. Dice the eggs.

Onions - in half rings, sweet pepper - in a cube.

  Put all the ingredients in a plate and add green peas.

  Send a cucumber cut into a small block there. Grate cheese in a salad and season with mayonnaise. Be sure to salt and pepper to taste.

  Stir and you can treat.

  Bon Appetit!

Simple squid salad

  For a simple squid salad, you need the following ingredients:

  • Squids - 0.5 kg.
  • Two eggs.
  • Onion - 0.5 heads.
  • Green and black olives for decoration.
  • Mayonnaise.

Boil the eggs. Grate, it is better to use a coarse grater. This is the first layer of lettuce.

  Boil squids in salted water for about 3 minutes. Cut them into rings.

  Grease the eggs with mayonnaise and lay the chopped squid on top.

  Salt, pepper and lay onion on top, cut into a small cube.

Cover the onion with mayonnaise and grate the egg on top. Garnish with greens and olives before serving.
  Such a salad will be appreciated by any gourmet.

Second hot squid dishes

From mollusks called squid, very original and delicious hot dishes are obtained. Let's try to surprise you and present the following recipe.

Squid Dumplings

  The non-standard use of squid meat makes this dish truly unusual, breaking all standards.

For the dish, a dough of the following ingredients is kneaded:

  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp; you may need a little more.
  • Boiling water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Oil (can be olive or sunflower) - 2 tsp.
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp.

For minced meat should be prepared:

  • Fresh-frozen squids - 600 g.
  • Onion head.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Salt pepper.

Initially, knead the dough:

Add salt to the flour and gradually pour boiling water.

  While stirring the dough with a spoon, introduce the butter.

  Knead the choux pastry. If there is little flour, then you should add.

  Roll out the dough and use a glass to make round billets.

  To clear squids from a skin, entrails and a ridge. To wash. Grind raw squids and onions in a meat grinder. Add garlic, salt, pepper. Mix all.

  Put minced meat on the workpieces and mold the dumplings.

  Boil in hot water. When they come up, you can get it.

  Serve this delicacy warm, with soy sauce, sour cream or mayonnaise.

Korean squid

For cooking you need:

  • One carcass of squid.
  • 2 cm ginger root.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • A bit of soy sauce.
  • 2 tbsp chili sauce.
  • 2 tsp honey.
  • 1 tsp of mustard.

Clean squid, wash. Incise as shown in the photo.

  Combine grated ginger, garlic, chili sauce, honey, mustard and soy sauce.

  Fry the squid grill in a pan on both sides for 30 seconds.

  In turn, coat with sauce one and the second side of the squid and fry each for another 30 seconds.

  Garnish warm squid with herbs and you can try.

How to cook squid in a pan?

Squid stewed in sour cream: a simple recipe with a photo

  Essential Ingredients:

  • Two large carcasses of squid.
  • Sour cream - 150-200 ml.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g.
  • Butter - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Spices: salt, pepper, zira.

Peel squids and cut into rings. Melt the butter in a pan and put the squid rings.

  Extinguish the rings for 2 minutes and add spices.

  Pour in sour cream, mix and hold the pan on the stove for another 2 minutes.

  Try it if you still need spices - add, and you can serve.

How and with what to cook stuffed squids?

Stuffed squids are prepared quite simply. They are cleaned, stuffed and baked in the oven with sour cream or sauce. The cooking process takes from 5 to 20 minutes. The main thing is to choose the filling to taste. We offer two options for the squid filling. The proportion is given for 3 large carcasses.

Topping Recipe # 1

  • 120 g of rice.
  • 4 eggs.
  • A bunch of favorite greens.

Boil rice and cool.

  Boil three eggs and cut into a cube. Greens also cut.

  Mix everything, drive a raw egg.

You can stuff squids.

Topping Recipe # 2

  • One onion.
  • 200 g of champignon mushrooms.
  • 200 g of boiled rice.

Peel the mushrooms and onions, cut into cubes. Fry in a pan until cooked.

  Mix fried vegetables with rice. Add spices and you can stuff.

  Since squid is a gift of the sea, combined with many products, you can choose different options as a filling.

Calamari rings: squid photo recipe in batter

  To prepare such an original snack you will need:

  • 400 g squid.
  • 1 tbsp flour.
  • 200-250 ml of light beer.
  • One egg.

  Mix the egg with beer and flour, salt.

  Mix everything.

  Peel squids, boil for 1-2 minutes. Cut into rings. Sprinkle squid.

  Dip each bite into batter and fry in a saucepan in boiling oil.

  Take off on a paper towel so that excess oil drains.

Squid dishes: delicious video recipes

Mediterranean cuisine has long been no new thing to us, and squid is its integral part, like other seafood. They are not only tasty, but also very useful, especially for those who care about their figure. Each hostess has several recipes for dishes from this seafood. But can we cook squids correctly? Here are a few tips to help you do this task easily and without errors.

Rules for selection and preparation of squid for cooking

Today squid can be bought at almost any supermarket. Most often they are sold frozen, of your choice - with or without tentacles. During storage, the squid carcasses must not be thawed and cooled again, otherwise the product will be hopelessly spoiled: it will have a bitter aftertaste and an unpleasant fish smell. In addition, during cooking, the squid will sprawl and will foam during cooking.

If the squid was stored correctly, its carcass will be dense, the meat white, and the upper peel pink-brown or grayish-purple.

When properly stored, the squid carcass has this color

Please note: when choosing squid in the store, give preference to uncleaned carcasses. It is on the skin that you can determine the freshness of the product and the correctness of its storage. A grayish or yellow skin, from under which you can see meat with the wrong shade, is a sign of a stale squid.

If you are sure of the freshness and good quality of the squid, you can buy peeled carcasses. There will be practically no trouble with them: you don’t need to peel the skin, which means that the cooking process will not take much time.

The easiest way to clean frozen squid is boiling water. Just fill the carcasses with boiling water or dip them into it for literally 1-2 seconds. The film that covers the carcass will immediately curl up, and you can easily remove it, and the residue can be washed off in running cold water. Also peel the wings. Chitin plates inside the squid also need to be removed.

Cleaning squids is a must if you plan to use their meat for salad.However, it is also useful for other dishes: the skin can give a bitter taste and stiffness, and the plates are generally superfluous.

Cooking Features

The main thing that should be remembered in the cooking process - squid should be cooked no more than 2-3 minutes. Otherwise, the meat may acquire a “rubber” consistency and lose a lot of taste. When the squid whitens completely in boiling water, it is considered ready.

It is most convenient to cook squid carcasses in small portions. Dip 1–2 carcasses into a pot of boiling water, remove and place the following. At the same time, during cooking, you can use, in addition to salt, any seasonings and spices: pepper, dill, parsley, cloves, basil.

Ready squid carcass becomes white

There are several easy ways to cook squid.

  1. Put a pot of water on a large fire, add salt and spices to taste, boil. Throw a couple of carcasses into boiling water and hold for no longer than 3 minutes. Pull out with a slotted spoon.
  2. Boil 1–1.5 liters of water, add salt and spices. Lower the thawed and prepared carcasses. Cover the pan and remove from heat. After 10 minutes, the meat will infuse and be ready. With a gradual cooling of the water, the squid carcasses will not become stiff.
  3. If you have a lot of squid meat, use this method. Pour as much water as needed into the pan to fit all the meat, salt and add spices. When the water begins to boil over high heat, dip the prepared squids into it. Wait until the water boils again, cover the pan with a lid, remove from heat and let it brew for 5 minutes. After that, the water can be drained.
  4. You can not defrost squids before cooking. In this case, the carcasses are lowered into boiling water for 1 minute, after which they remove the pan from the heat and insist in water for 3-4 minutes.
  5. If you do not want to clean the squid before cooking, you can throw them in boiling water directly from the package without cutting it. Frozen crude carcasses are boiled for about 7 minutes, thawed - no more than 3 minutes. After that, pour them with cold water, and you can easily peel the meat from the skin.

These rules are equally suitable for whole carcasses, rings and squid fillets.

A few nuances

From boiled squid, you can cook many dishes. It can be salads, toppings for pies or pizza, soups and much more. And as a separate dish, the squid will take its rightful place on your table.

For salad, cook squid meat for 7-10 minutes until cooked (white), and before cooking, you can not defrost them. If you want to make stuffed squids or fry them after cooking, just keep them in boiling water for 3 minutes and remove. The final preparation of meat will be achieved in the process of stewing or frying.

Most often, boiled squid is used to make salads.

You can cook squids not only in a pan with water, because now there are so many devices that make it easier for the hostess to work! Cooking squid meat in various devices:

  • in a slow cooker - 2 minutes;
  • in a double boiler - 5 minutes;
  • in a pressure cooker - 1 minute;
  • in the microwave - 1 minute at maximum, pre-adding oil, lemon juice and spices.

With the latter method, you will get squid in your own juice. They are perfect for salad or as a separate dish, for example, beer snacks.

Video: how to cook squid

Work on bugs: we correct our own oversights

Often the first pancake comes out lumpy, and if you are still inexperienced in cooking squids, mistakes cannot be avoided. The most common nuisance is that the meat has been in boiling water for a long time, which means it has become stiff. It turns out that this is not difficult to fix. Put the carcasses in boiling water again and cook for as long as possible, at least half an hour. The meat will again become soft, however, it will almost halve in volume. It may also lose its palatability.

Have you already heard that squids are boiled in boiling water for only 10-15 minutes?

Forget it!

During this time, get a rubber sole, devoid of taste, and not juicy and healthy seafood.

In fact, everything is much simpler, faster and tastier.

How and how much to cook squids so that they turn out soft and tasty?

How to cook squid - general principles

Buying fresh seafood is quite difficult. Most often, frozen squid is used in food. The carcass has a white, slightly pink or lilac color. But in fact, the shade does not mean anything, the color of the product shell does not affect the taste.

What to look for when buying:

The meat itself should be light and in no case have a yellow tint. This indicates a low quality product.

Squid carcasses should easily lag behind each other. If they are glued together with one block, then, most likely, they thawed. The manufacturer always freezes one thing at a time and only then packs it together.

If there is a lot of “icing” on seafood, that is, there is a coating of ice crust, then the buyer will give up to a third of the amount for water.

Pay attention to the expiration date of seafood. But you need to look not at the label stuck in the store, but at the packaging itself. Very often the dates on them are different.

Try to choose small carcasses, their meat is more tender. Also for cooking it is better to take close-sized seafood.

How to prepare squids before cooking? The main task is to remove the skin. It will give the product an unpleasant taste. You can simply pour the carcass over boiling water or pour water for three minutes at a temperature of about 70 degrees. Then the skin peels off easily. You also need to remove the chord or spine, which is located in the carcass. This soft cartilage is usually easily removable and not difficult.

How to cook squids so that they are soft (basic recipe)

The main secret of squid juiciness is short cooking. Seafood is never laid in cold water, like meat or fish. The liquid must be boiling.


1 kg squid;


1. Put 2 liters of water in a pan, pour 2 teaspoons of salt and send to the stove.

2. We pour the prepared squid carcasses with steep boiling water from the kettle and remove the skin under the stream of cold water with our fingers. Usually, she slazit easily.

3. Run the seafood in boiling water, to which we added salt.

4. Turn on the maximum heat and cook for 1.5 minutes. Get out and done!

How much to cook squids

Many housewives are afraid to use water for cooking seafood, so as not to make them harsh. But in fact, you can digest and cook a rubber delicacy. Therefore, you need to know how much to cook squid and how best to do it.



Bay leaf;



1. Prepared squids are placed in a double boiler capacity.

2. In the ode, add a bay leaf and a couple of peppercorns. But it is possible without them.

3. Set the timer for 10 minutes and that's it! The assistant will do everything for you.

4. What to do if there is no double boiler? You can use a pressure cooker, install a colander or other device on the pan. In this case, after boiling water, the carcasses are boiled for about 5-7 minutes.

How to cook frozen squids (in a pan)

Before cooking, seafood is always thawed. But you need to do this correctly, otherwise the product will be tasteless. And never use a microwave or hot water to defrost. So, how do you cook frozen squid?




1. We take the seafood out of the freezer, put it in a cup and leave it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 10 hours. They must thaw.

2. Or we put it in cold water and leave it warm. The fluid must be changed periodically.

3. Drain the water from the carcasses, rinse.

4. Then scald the carcasses with boiling water, remove the skin.

5. Boil water with spices, lay the squid.

6. After boiling, cook for 2 minutes and remove. Cool and use.

How to cook squid for salad in a saucepan

It is not necessary to boil the squid for the salad in plenty of water. If you use a small amount of liquid, then less nutrients pass into the broth. Consequently, the product is more aromatic and tasty.


1 kg squid;

0.5 l of liquid;

You will also need a stewpan, but you can use a wide and low saucepan, in which the carcasses will fit in one layer.


1. The washed and cleaned carcasses are placed in a stewpan.

2. Sprinkle salt on top, one teaspoon is enough.

3. You can also throw a few peas of pepper, laurel, dried leaves of parsley.

4. Boil water, pour into a saucepan, cover.

5. At maximum heat, let the seafood boil.

6. Reduce and allow the carcasses to simmer for three minutes. Then remove from the liquid and cool.

How to cook squids so that they are soft in 10 seconds?

This method is used by many cooks restaurants. It is a win-win, the product always remains juicy and is ideal for any dishes. Its feature is that carcasses are cooked one at a time.




1. Seafood peeled, remove the chord and washed.

2. Boil a liter of water, you can add salt and pepper. We make the biggest fire, the water should boil actively.

3. Now take one carcass, drop it into the pan and count to 10. Take it out.

4. Take the second carcass, lower, count and take out. And so on. It can't be easier!

How and how much to cook squid in the microwave

Cooking squid in the microwave is as quick and easy as cooking on the stove. This method will help out if there is no way to use the pan or the gas is suddenly turned off. You will need special dishes for the microwave with a lid.


2 carcasses of squid;

0.5 lemons;

2-3 tablespoons of water;


1. Rinse and prepare the carcass according to all the rules, that is, remove the skin, remove the chord.

2. Put in a container for the microwave.

3. Combine water with juice, which is squeezed out of lemon.

4. Add a pinch of salt and stir. You can put a pinch of ground pepper.

5. Pour squid carcasses with lemon dressing.

6. Cover the container with a lid and put in the microwave.

7. How much to cook squid? With a power of 700 watts, two and a half minutes is enough. If you put more power, then even less. At 800, exactly two minutes is enough.

How to cook frozen squids (without preliminary defrosting)

It turns out that if there is no time to defrost squids, you can cook them like that. But something still needs to be known. How to cook frozen squids?




1. We take out the carcasses from the refrigerator and put it in one layer right in the sink.

2. Boil the kettle and water the carcasses from above. We use half of the prepared water.

3. Turn over to the other side and pour over the remaining boiling water.

4. Remove the peel, rinse the seafood with running water.

5. We put in a pan with salted and boiling water, you can lay spices.

6. Cook in the usual way for two minutes.

How to cook squid for a salad with lemon (vinegar)

Adding lemon juice or vinegar to the broth makes seafood especially delicious. And squid is no exception. Such seafood will fit especially well in hearty salads with mayonnaise. But how are squid with vinegar for salad cooked?


2 tablespoons of vinegar;

Or 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;

1 kg squid;

2.5 liters of water;


1. Throw vinegar into the water, put a pinch of salt and send to the stove. Instead of vinegar, you can similarly take lemon juice.

2. While the water is boiling, we clean and prepare the carcasses.

3. Run the squid in boiling water, make the maximum heat and cook for four minutes.

4. We take out a slotted spoon from the broth, cool it and you can cook delicious salads!

How and how much to cook squid slices (rings)

Squids can be cooked not only whole, but also in pieces. Most often these are rings, less often chopped carcasses are prepared in cubes or straws. And sometimes in the store you can find frozen rings, ready to cook. But how much to cook squids in pieces so that they remain soft?




1. Lightly salt the water and put on the stove. Add greens, spices, lemon juice if desired.

2. We clean the carcasses, remove the chord and shred the rings one centimeter thick.

3. Run the prepared pieces in boiling water, boil for a minute and remove.

4. If the squid is cut smaller, then cook even less in time.

5. You can immediately cut the seafood into cubes or straws for salad, then in this case it is enough to boil for 15-30 seconds, and then simply pour into a colander.

How to cook squid with onions and carrots

A recipe for a second dish of squid and vegetables, which will simply help out if there is no time, but you need to quickly have lunch or dinner. The amount of vegetables can be added at your discretion.


1 squid;

1 carrot;

2 tablespoons of oil;

Bay leaf;

Salt pepper;

1 tomato.


1. Cut the onion into cubes, toss it in the pan and fry for a minute.

2. Add the grated carrots and bring the vegetables together until soft. At the end we put the mashed tomato. You can change it tomato paste or ketchup. It will be even faster.

3. While the vegetables are fried, peel the squid and cut into rings or just straws, but not very small.

4. Add a glass of boiling water in a skillet to vegetables, salt, and pepper.

5. Spread the squid and cook for three minutes.

6. Add the bay leaf and you're done!

7. Arrange on plates, add greens, you can put a spoonful of sour cream.

How to cook squid with rice

Rice and squid are a classic combination. Based on these two products, there are many different recipes and at least one of them needs to be tried. But how and how much time to cook squid with rice?


1 glass of rice;

2 glasses of water;

2 squid;

1 onion;

1 carrot;

2 tablespoons of soy sauce;


1. We chop the carrots with straws. We clean the onion head and cut into cubes. All together, fry in a deep pan.

2. Add soy sauce, stir, put the pepper. You can put seasoning for pilaf, a mixture of spices for rice, cumin, zira.

3. Add washed rice, pour boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes under the lid.

4. Squid pour boiling water and hold for a minute. Rinse with cold water, remove the skin, remove the chord and cut into thin strips. But not very long.

5. Open the rice, add the squid, mix and leave under the lid for a couple of minutes. The stove can be turned off, they will reach readiness.

6. Put in plates, decorate with herbs.

Squids can not be cooked at all. This method is useful to those who have only one electric kettle or just boiling water. We put the prepared carcasses in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and spices, pour boiling water. Cover and stand for 4 minutes. Done! Seafood is juicy and tender.

If you are afraid of short-term cooking squids, then add vinegar to the water. It kills microbes well, and also helps to improve the taste of the product.

Squids will be especially aromatic and tasty if you put citrus zest in the water. You can use not only lemon peels, but also orange, grapefruit.

Squid digested and become tough? Now do not pull it out of the pan, but cook for another half hour. The carcass will become softer, it will not be so rubber. But it is worth warning that it will greatly decrease in size.

Squids are not only cooked quickly, but also fried. It is enough to hold them in a pan for 1-2 minutes. Therefore, immediately make a big fire, heat the oil well so that a delicious crust has time to appear.