Papa John's pizza how to cook. "Papa John's": spring, pizza, love

One of the main components of pizza is the dough. We will specialize in “American style” pizza, which is made with a fluffy crust (though thin crust pizza will also be on our menu). It is “American” pizza that is most suitable for delivery, since the fluffy dough retains its freshness and taste for a long time. Thin crust pizza cools and hardens quickly, so this product is more suitable for a stationary restaurant.

From my point of view, there are two big misconceptions about pizza.

Misconception #1: real Italian pizza is made only with thin yeast-free dough. This is wrong. In Italy there are many varieties of pizza, including those with thick dough (for example, Sicilian pizza). In general, the concept of “real pizza” does not exist. Pizza today is an international product. American pizza appeared thanks to Italian immigrants. But even in the USA there are a large number of varieties of pizza - New York, Chicago, California... Pizza takes root very well in different countries, and each culture adapts this product to suit itself. For example, there are unique types of pizza - Australian, Indian, Japanese, Brazilian... Pizzas differ not only by country. Each chain tries to create its own unique dough recipe.

Misconception #2: pizza with fluffy dough is a “homemade pie”, and pizza with thin dough is a work of art. In fact good fluffy dough is much more difficult to make than thin dough.

Since August 2010, I have been conducting market research - tasting, studying and photographing pizzas. I wanted to find the most delicious dough. I tried the products of all pizzerias in Syktyvkar, transnational chains Pizza Hut, Domino’s, Sbarro, Papa Johns, Moscow “Fabrika-Pizza”, “Allo-Pizza”, the leader of delivery in St. Petersburg - “Two Banks”, and other St. Petersburg chains.

In the end I settled on Papa John's. I liked their pizza base the most. This is a fluffy dough, but not a “pie” at all. Moderately rich, with a crispy crust, and not so thick. When you eat pizza, you don't feel like there is too much dough. The “lush” pizzas that are prepared in Syktyvkar are not at all similar to the Papa Johns product.

But how do you make pizza like Papa Johns? The Papa Johns dough recipe is a big trade secret. The dough at Papa Johns is prepared in special indoor quality control centers and from there it is distributed to restaurants. The procedure for preparing the dough itself is a rather complex process. The result is influenced by many factors - ingredients (there can be many of them - salt, sugar, soybean oil, olive oil, egg, or maybe very little), proportions, water temperature, air humidity, type of flour and yeast... The dough is the most important component product success. How can you get closer to Papa Johns quality?

To be continued…

Bonus. Guess whose pizza is where? The photos show pizzas from Pizza Hut, Sbarro, Domino's and Papa Johns. All of these are world leaders in pizza production. Photos were taken on the phone during the research process :)

P.S. Which pizza do you like better - thin crust or thick crust? Where have you eaten the most delicious pizza?

Pizza No. 1

Pizza No. 2

Preparing pizza dough

Recipe Italian pizza dough. How to do Pizza dough. Real pizza dough from Italian flour, recipe with photo. The right pizza dough. Filling and sauce for Italian pizza. Cooking Italian pizza at home.

In this pizza recipe, I applied all the knowledge I acquired on preparing pizza dough: information from Italian chefs, articles I read. I tried to make Italian pizza at home, as close to the original as possible. Of course, the big minus is the lack of a wood-burning pizza oven, but this is not available everywhere in Italy. Looking ahead, I will say that it turned out very well. All the ingredients for the pizza were purchased in chain stores in Moscow, fortunately, there is no shortage of authentic products now. Prepare for two large pizzas. If you prepare the pizza dough in advance, the pizza will not take much time to prepare. Let me make a reservation right away, if you don’t want or have the opportunity to order pizza, you can always do it on the website, try it, you won’t be disappointed.

So, to prepare pizza dough we need:

  1. Finely ground flour 500 gr. preferably Italian.
  2. Plain flour 1 cup.
  3. Dry quick yeast, 1 sachet
  4. Olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons
  5. Salt, sugar to taste
  6. Warm water 1 glass

For pizza toppings we need:

  1. Pickled cucumbers 3-4 pcs.
  2. Salami 200g.
  3. Hunting sausages 2 pcs.
  4. Mozzarella cheese 400 gr.
  5. Olive oil - grease the baking sheet and pizza base.
  6. Ready-made Italian pizza sauce.
  7. Tomato puree.

Let's start preparing the pizza dough. My advice is to approach this process calmly and thoughtfully, the dough cannot be rushed.

We dilute the yeast in a glass of warm water.

Sift finely ground flour onto the table. Add a little of our flour, about two-thirds of a glass. (Makfa type, highest grade).

We make a depression at the top of the slide.

Add to Pizza dough sugar, salt.

Two tablespoons of good olive oil. I don't like Iberica oil (pictured above), but there was no other oil available at the time of preparing the dough.

Add water little by little and start kneading. Pizza dough.

The dough must be kneaded well so that it becomes completely homogeneous and elastic. Place the dough on a plate, cover with a damp cloth and place in a warm place for an hour to rise.

The dough has risen. Now we will divide our pizza dough into two equal parts. And knead each of them well again.

Cover two pieces of dough for pizza damp cloth and set aside for 15 minutes. For now, you can start preparing the pizza toppings.

We cut the hunting sausages into circles, and the salami into thin strips.

Crispy pickled cucumbers are a great addition to pizza toppings.

Cut the cucumbers into thin slices.

Let's prepare pizza sauce. This time I'm in italian pizza sauce I added some Italian tomato puree. It turned out great.

Grate the mozzarella on a coarse grater.

By that time Pizza dough ready to take further action with it. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil. If you cook on a special pizza pan, you don’t have to grease it, but it won’t hurt. We stretch the dough with our hands to the desired size, during the stretching process we give the dough the desired shape pizza- circle or rectangle.

We install ready-made foundations for pizza into the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. This is where there are differences. Some cooks brush the dough with sauce and then put the dough in the oven. Others do like me. But both of them do not put the filling right away.

Remove the dough from the oven, brush the pizza dough with sauce and sprinkle grated mozzarella cheese on top. It turned out to be a classic margarita.

Place in the oven for 10 minutes. I waited a bit.

Second pizza we make it more substantial, with sausage, salami and cucumbers.

In this case it turned out thicker, keep it in the oven a little longer than the previous one.

Pizza ready. It didn't turn out bad.

To the American chain of pizzerias " Papa John's» I’ve been eyeing the AS IS HERE tasting club for a long time. Fluffy, not the most common thin dough in Minsk. A sauce made from tomatoes ripened overseas in the California sun. The stated cooking speed is 4 minutes. All this aroused in us a healthy curiosity and an immodest appetite.

The company has been operating in the Belarusian capital for almost a year, and is still promoting traditional types of pizza that have proven themselves around the world to the Belarusian masses. Therefore, it was decided to conduct a tasting with an emphasis on different sauces: from Californian tomato to varieties popular in America. We chose six people who have long been familiar with pizza, but specifically with Papa John’s pizza, have a minimal degree of familiarity, and asked them to compile their hit parade of five traditional types:

  1. The most popular pizza in the world Pepperoni— Papa John’s signature tomato sauce, pepperoni, mozzarella cheese (price from 95,500 BYR.) *
  2. Chicken Florentina– based on a delicate creamy spinach Alfredo sauce, with bacon, grilled chicken, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese. (from 112,500 BYR)*
  3. Chicken Ranch– based on the very popular garlic ranch sauce in the USA with grilled chicken, bacon, tomatoes, garlic and mozzarella cheese (from 122,500 BYR)*.
  4. Cheeseburger– pizza, repeating the composition of a traditional cheeseburger: beef, bacon, onions, tomatoes, pickles, mozzarella cheese, as well as “1000 Islands” sauce, which is popular in America as a salad dressing (from 112,500 BYR)*.
  5. Vegetarian– Papa John’s signature tomato sauce, tomatoes, champignons, onions, sweet green peppers, olives, mozzarella cheese (from 95,500 BYR)*.
______________ *price is indicated on the date of publication


Kate, student, 21 years old. He approaches the choice of pizza carefully and with great responsibility. An avid meat eater.

Papa John's has been in my heart for a long time. I won’t hide it, pizza is a little expensive for students. But, having bitten off the first piece, you understand that every thousand rubles given for it is worth it.

During my school years, I did an internship in the Criminal Procedure Code in one of the expensive cafes on the avenue. Believe me, I know what improper food storage is and how long ham lives. Then I wanted to run into the hall and shout: “Guys, let’s go!” After that, I couldn’t eat in a cafe for a long time. But Papa John's is another matter! If I were a champignon or a pickled cucumber, I would want to be stored in this place.

But let's move on to the pizza. Here's my top list:

5th place: Chicken Ranch. Delicious, tender pizza. The fact that she is in fifth place does not in any way detract from her merits. But after the other four I somehow didn’t remember it.

4th place: Pepperoni. Everything ingenious is simple. The simple ingredients made the results worth it. Delicious, simple, satisfying.

3rd place: Cheeseburger. This pizza is the student's anthem. It is filling and a little “heavy”. An excellent choice if you have a large group and need to eat two pieces. And it tastes like a first-class cheeseburger. Perhaps due to the sauce and cucumbers. I will order this pizza for my boyfriend, a lover of pizza and cheeseburgers. Very unusual sensations.

2nd place: Vegetarian. I really love meat, though. But the vegetarian one turned out to be a juicy, rich, bright pizza. Of course, I had a prejudice towards her, because in other establishments she looks somehow “poor”. But here it turned out to be a full-fledged pizza, and very tasty too!

1st place: Chicken Florentina. Pizza with creamy spinach sauce and chicken is a symphony, not a pizza. Light, pleasant, spring. Moderately salty and moderately filling. After it, you don’t want to lie down on the sofa and wait until it gets easier. After it you want to do great things!

In general, I urge you not to believe me, and make your own top list. It is very nice:)"

Pizza "Chicken Florentina"

Evgeniy, 32 years old. I’ve lost faith in Minsk catering, so I don’t trust local pizza and eat it infrequently. Leads a sporty lifestyle. Never a vegetarian.

“I often go to city cafes, but even there I look at pizza at the very last moment. This is probably due to the fact that often in our catering, what is photographed on the menu will be strikingly different from the dish in reality. If this is not particularly noticeable with soups and hot dishes, then this trick will not work with pizza: 3-5 pieces of sausage, a pinch of cheese and wilted herbs, beautifully smeared over the entire 32 cm of the “pancake” and generously covered with mayonnaise and ketchup. All this does not cause any appetite.

5th place. Cheeseburger. Yes, it somewhat resembles the taste of a cheeseburger, but for some reason it reminded me more of “Khutka-smachna” pizza. The taste of pickled cucumber is very good. The pizza is quite dense and you can fill up with just a couple of slices.

4th place. Chicken Florentina. Very light and tender pizza. Perhaps, one such pizza will not be enough to 100% satisfy the feeling of hunger - it seemed to me that the ingredients were selected precisely for this purpose. For me, the pizza didn't have any distinct flavors.

3rd place. Vegetarian. Perhaps one of the classic meatless pizzas. Only vegetables. I liked the abundance of mushrooms and tomato sauce at the base. When you don’t know exactly what you want to get from pizza, you can take this option.

2nd place. Pepperoni. It stood out from the rest with delicious pieces of salami in the most delicate tomato sauce. Salami gives this pizza a spicy flavor. Even though the whole pizza is strewn with sausage, it doesn’t seem like a lot. The trick of “Papa’s” pizza is that the sauce is not added on top of all the ingredients, but on the base of the pizza. Because of this, the sauce does not dry out during cooking and does not slide off the dough along with all the filling.

1st place. Chicken Ranch. I confidently put pizza with garlic ranch sauce in first place. It’s not harsh, so you can eat this pizza even before a date 🙂 Papa John’s Ranch tasted somewhat like Heinz garlic sauce. By the way, an excellent replacement for harmful mayonnaise!

The super first place is the “side” and a cool feature of Papa John’s pizza. I only learned about it at a tasting, but now I can’t imagine how to live without it. The edge is formed when the dough is rolled out. At the time of cooking, it rises a little, turns out fluffy and soft and therefore resembles Italian grissini breadsticks. The side has its own mission: it is dipped into the sauce that is served along with the pizza. It was for the sake of the side that I was not too lazy to eat a couple more slices of pizza during the tasting.”

Pepperoni Pizza

Elena, 33 years old. Office worker. An ardent fan of everything spicy. Consists of a long-term food romance with jalapeño and piri-piri peppers.

“I don’t eat pizza often, but if I order it, it’s definitely something spicy. I love it when pizza has mushrooms, pickles, onions and jalapeno peppers. For me this is the ideal option. Therefore, in my personal top list at Papa John’s, the first place, of course, is Mexican, and I conditionally and unconditionally leave it to it, although, alas, it was not included in our tasting list.

5th place I gave it away Chicken Ranch. Despite the fact that it contains garlic (and I warned you that I like everything spicy), this pizza has too many different meats for my taste. And chicken and bacon. For me this is overkill. Very filling. The male version, it seems to me. Although, if you add pickled cucumber and at the same time you are very hungry, then it will be just that.

4th place – Cheeseburger. Onions, tomatoes and pickled cucumbers did their job and raised this pizza to 4th place in my top list. The presence of beef and bacon will definitely appeal to those who like to eat a lot of meat. A very satisfying option. If you are very hungry, I highly recommend trying it.

3rd place – Vegetarian. In fact, it turned out to be quite difficult to distribute the first three places. I really liked all three pizzas. When ordering pizza, the last thing you will think about is your figure. But if such a thought nevertheless creeps into your head, take the “easiest” option for your stomach - vegetarian pizza. Tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, sweet green peppers, olives, mozzarella cheese and nothing meat. The delicate taste and abundance of vegetables did the trick.

2nd place – Pepperoni. Unexpectedly, I put the meat option almost in first place. It’s not for nothing that they say that the simpler the dish, the tastier it is. At Papa John's, pizza is smeared not with ketchup, but with proprietary tomato sauce. The difference is noticeable. Pepperoni gives the pizza a spicy kick, and combined with the sauce and mozzarella cheese, it's the perfect option for me.

1st place – Chicken Florentina. This is when the sauce makes all the difference. I looked at the ingredients again and was surprised – bacon and grilled chicken. It was for the abundance of meat that I gave Chicken Ranch pizza 5th place, but here I didn’t even pay attention to it. The fact is that the pizza contains creamy spinach sauce. Thanks to him, the pizza turns out to be very tender, not dry and somehow... light, even despite the abundance of meat.”

Chicken Ranch Pizza

Natalya, 35 years old. Everyday work requires not so much physical strength as mental energy. Therefore, he resorts to pizza only in moments of acute hunger, as well as in a large company with a glass of cold, unfiltered glass. Meat eater. Loves seafood pizza. Doesn't like onions.

“My relationship with Minsk pizza was initially very strange and “sinusoidal.” How much depends on the dough itself, the composition of the filling, the quantity of ingredients and their quality. And also this creative chaos in the minds and kitchens of pizza makers - when they check the readiness of the pizza in the oven “by eye” (which is why 70% of the pizza I ate always turned out to have burnt dough), and they put the ingredients in as if they were the last reserves during the blockade.

What about garlic? No one feels sorry for him. Never. And it doesn’t matter whether it interrupts the taste of everything else or not. It doesn’t matter that after pizza you still feel its taste in your mouth for another four hours... In general, understand my enthusiasm for Papa John’s pizza correctly - garlic is only in some cases, and the pizza is so fluffy, juicy and aromatic that I’m already becoming biased at the stage of inhaling its smell.

5th place. Cheeseburger. I'm not a big fan of the burger theme, and that's about it. Because pizza one-to-one repeats the composition and taste of the famous “sandwich”. I think fans of American fast food and hungry men will appreciate it.

4th place. Vegetarian. Pizza without meat, but with mushrooms and olives. At first glance, the composition is purely female, but in my case there was just not enough meat. Another factor that lowered pizza in my personal rating was onions. Although it is not visible, it still appears in the filling. But the tomato sauce and bell peppers are delicious.

3rd place. Chicken Ranch. And here comes the garlic! He, of course, plays first fiddle in this pizza. Both in the sauce and in the filling - in general, there is no escape from it. One huge plus in the case of the garlic in this pizza is that it is so delicate that during the day nothing will remind you that you ate it. This is what “Chicken Ranch” won me over.

2nd place. Pepperoni. Direct confirmation that the simpler, the tastier. It turned out that all you needed was dough, delicious tomato sauce (cry, ketchups!), mozzarella and salami. Just be careful for those who avoid pepper - salami is not only salty, but also spicy.

1st place. Chicken Florentina. Here she is - the star of the tasting! And love at first bite. I can’t even pinpoint what exactly was the best thing about this pizza - either the grilled chicken, or the bacon, or the most delicate sauce with a sweetish taste...

And I can’t help but mention separately the proprietary method of eating pizza sides with a bite and sauce - this is first place with a plus in all five cases. In general, our tasting confidently put pizza “from the Pope” on the same level with my favorite pizza “Jurgis ir Drakonas” from the Lithuanian capital. It's a big compliment, believe me."

Sergey, 39 years old. If you look at the rating, your culinary preferences are obvious

“In fact, I started to perceive pizza as a normal food only 3 years ago. I had some mistrust in this product. Serious mistrust - in our village pancakes were made differently.

And then I tried it. And it turns out – a very gluttonous thing! I mean, if you eat a big pizza, you'll be full for half the day. Especially if the pizza is meat. In general, I won’t say that I started eating this product every day, but I feed it 3-4 times a month.

With Papajohn's pizza, we used to be like two parallel lines: we existed simultaneously, but did not intersect. But I'm always ready to try a new product. Especially in large quantities :)

So, my subjective (and not imposed on anyone) rating of the pizzas offered to us.

5th place. Vegetarian. Well, what can I say... Pizza without meat is money down the drain. No, of course I understand that there are people who do not eat meat on principle (but I don’t understand their philosophy of life at all). Therefore, a vegetarian dish has little chance of ranking higher than last in my world. Because without meat. In general, what I ate, what I read the newspaper. Although I won’t blame the taste – it’s not bad. But it's pointless.

4th place. Chicken Florentina. Somehow she is too “light”. Perfect for dessert - eating meat pizza. And for some reason I didn’t feel a pronounced taste. Spinach is like that (for me, these spinach of yours are the same as quinoa: I never understood the delight associated with them). In general, pizza is for glamorized girls. It seems to me.

3rd place. Chicken Ranch. But I’m already starting to like this! The question of gluttony remains open, but it tastes wonderful. Pronounced, original and tempting to “trample” another piece. Overall, Chicken Ranch gets a well-deserved bronze medal. I recommend it to those who are not very hungry and have a little time left to enjoy the taste to the fullest.

2nd place. Pepperoni. Moderately spicy pizza with sausage. What I love. Here you have both taste and satiety. So, I ordered another slice and decided that this was now my favorite Papa John's pizza. But then they brought...

1st place. Cheeseburger. If the Pepperoni fully met my expectations, the Cheeseburger pizza exceeded them. Probably, my grandmother could make such a pizza - if she knew how to cook pizzas (in fact, she didn’t even know about their existence). Great balance of meat, cheese and dough, excellent sauce and great flavor. Well, the satiety index should strive for the maximum. In general, I changed my mind. Now the Cheeseburger is my favorite Papa John's pizza!

Pizzas "Cheeseburger" and "Chicken Florentina"

Natalya, 39 years old. A creative worker with a flexible nature of work. A big fan of real Italian cuisine in all its forms.

“Show me a person who doesn’t like pizza, and I’ll tell you that he was unlucky with the cook 🙂 So, in our country I eat pizza extremely rarely. Rather, this is an extremely forced option when you want to eat, you are not at home, there is no time to run into a cafe, but you can treat yourself to junk food. This is exactly how I perceive the pizza of most establishments in Minsk.

New pizzerias haven't improved the situation much. Yes, this is no longer the same as in ordinary eateries, but it is not Italy yet. That’s what I thought until, with the project “AS IT IS HERE,” we visited the famous American chain of pizzerias, Papa John’s. They immediately confidently declared: “We will surprise you.” “Well OK,” we said, “try it!” ...

The result exceeded the claims.

Surprise 1. What I didn’t expect from the tasting was that I might like thick dough. Or rather, they are simply airy, juicy and really tasty.

Surprise 2. I am that person who never eats flour edges! I didn’t eat it... Until we were told that the “pizza skirt” is a separate delicacy that needs to be savored with a special sauce. Friends, this is really tasty!

Surprise 3. Banal Pepperoni with peppery sausages and high-quality cheese - it turns out that it’s not just tasty, but very tasty!

So, my top of the tested options. Depending on the need: tasty and spicy or “Lent has begun.”

4th place. Chicken Ranch— left a slightly garlicky-mayonnaise aftertaste. At the same time, I couldn’t shake the feeling that the mayonnaise was not store-bought at all. As it turned out later, this is again a signature sauce. Anyone who loves this combination will really like pizza.

3rd place. Cheeseburger took an honorable third place, considering that the first place was shared by two pizzas at once. Everything about this dish is good: pickled cucumber, signature sauce and natural meat. Everything in moderation. Salty lovers will love it.

2nd place: Chicken Florentina— very spring pizza with spinach sauce. I eat chicken very rarely, but the combination of ingredients plus the non-standard sauce won me over.

1st place divide Vegetarian pizza and Pepperoni. Pepperoni - juicy, airy, salty and slightly peppery. Now I will periodically treat myself to this product. You can eat vegetarian simply without a twinge of conscience. Fresh vegetables + natural sourdough dough. Every girl's dream! I will treat myself to this pizza much more often, remembering the delicious “Papajohn’s” crusts in sauce.

The main conclusion that I made for myself while tasting so many Papa John’s pizzas is that their product does not leave a feeling of heaviness, and most importantly... a feeling of guilt;)”

Pizza "Vegetarian"

Where can I buy— Papa John’s pizzeria in Minsk:

  • Pizzeria No. 1 - st. Nemiga 12A
    Pizzeria No. 2 - Pobediteley Avenue 85
    Pizzeria No. 3 - st. Skripnikova 11A
    Pizzeria No. 4 - st. Mogilevskaya 4B

Disputes about food are perhaps the most hopeless in our team. The men have already agreed who is the best in hockey and football, the girls have already chosen the tennis hero and the cutest hero of the next series, but it’s getting more and more difficult each time to name the establishment that will deliver us lunch today. But - lo and behold! - a “magic word” was found, which was greeted with delight by everyone.
But let's start in order.
It happened in 1984, when the hero of our lunch today sold his beloved “bumblebee-striped car” - a 1971 Chevy Camaro Z28 - to buy his first pizza oven. Do you recognize? Yes, yes, this is the same Papa John Schnatter, whose pizza is now enjoyed in 34 countries.
The words “Pizza from Papa John's” uttered in the office sounded like an invitation to a holiday.
And the celebration took place!


Papa John's started making us happy right away: the courier arrived 15 minutes earlier than promised. And he brought hot, aromatic, tempting pizzas, which we immediately began sharing - it’s impossible to resist!

"Super Dad"

“Super” is a great word that suits this pizza exactly. Signature tomato sauce, a classic combination of ham, mushrooms and olives, spicy pepperoni slices, crunchy juicy pieces of sweet green pepper... A little spicy - just in moderation. Real jam!

Meat pizza

The meat filling of this pizza has caused controversy: is this delicious slice ham or bacon? It’s not for nothing that pizza is called “protein”; it does not contain various vegetable additives - only meat and cheese. Food for real men, the guys said, but the girls resolutely took their share.
Let's give the floor to the tasters:
As always, Papa John's delights with its large meat pizza. Yes, these 35 cm are certainly worth it. Ham, sausages, and of course pieces of beef - this is real food! It feels like the ingredients are prepared in advance - for example, the same pieces of beef have a very strong taste. Lots of cheese is great! And it’s not at all that spicy, although it does contain pepperoni.

Inimitable "Chicken Ranch"

Everyone meticulously checked the presence of Chicken Ranch pizza in their order. “Are we sure we’ll take Chicken Ranch?” Don’t forget Chicken Ranch, my favorite,” was heard everywhere. When they started sharing the pizza, it became clear that there might not be enough for everyone. Not because the pizza is smaller than others. It was just immediately obvious who would want more.
It would seem that it’s so difficult? Grilled chicken, bacon, garlic, mozzarella and tomatoes. But in combination with the signature Ranch sauce, the dish becomes inimitably appetizing!
We dug into cookbooks. As it turns out, ranch dressing is made from buttermilk, Dijon mustard, mayonnaise or yogurt and dried herbs (parsley, dill and chives). Although who knows what subtleties distinguish the sauce that Papa John's cooks use. The pizza turns out to be moderately fatty, juicy and light – it simply flies away unnoticed!
What makes Chicken Ranch pizza special is simply the cosmic ranch sauce. The combination of chicken and this sauce is simply delightful, but it’s difficult to compare pizza with anything, nothing comes close at all.

“Tandoori Chicken” – pizza with an Indian accent

What kind of pizza do they eat in India? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Indian cuisine is known for its spiciness, a lot of seasonings and combinations of flavors that are unusual for Europeans. And, of course, the Indians would have turned out to be a pizza unlike anything else.
As it turns out, you don’t need to go to India to try Indian pizza. Just order Tandoori Chicken and you will get a vivid impression of spicy and unusual Indian cuisine.
They tried to balance the fiery hot Tandoori sauce with the cooling mint Raita sauce. Let's be honest - it didn't work out. “Fiery spicy” is the very expression that was on our tongues the entire time we were eating this pizza.
When the fire died down a little, some tried to express their feelings.
Extremely unusual Tandoori pizza - a nuclear mixture of hot sauce and... (drum roll) ... and mint! This combination not only prevents you from instantly drowning in spiciness, but also reveals the entire spectrum of taste sensations (as we know, spicy dishes have a pronounced taste). The chicken on this pizza is just super!
Everything at Papa John's is always delicious, but the favorite of today's table, without question, is Tandoori. As a lover of spicy foods, I will say: for me, this pizza outshines even the legendary Chicken Ranch. Why? Because it’s satisfying, good and perfectly spicy; you can really feel the pepper.


After the Tandoori assault on our taste buds, we cautiously shared slices of the classic Pepperoni pizza. As it turned out, there was no need to worry, the Pepperoni was not too spicy. The salami slices were cut thinly, there was plenty of cheese - an extremely simple and tasty pizza.
Tomatoes, cheese, pepperoni and sauce. Lots of sauce! I just want to stain everything with it, including myself, the men, women, old people and children around me. The sauce that spares no one in this pizza perfectly decorates the interior and living creatures in the affected area of ​​5 (five) meters!
These are the feats that one of the employees was ready for, who inadvertently tasted two slices of Pepperoni.
What’s interesting is that there was also a small argument with her. A girl who recently visited Italy claimed that there was no such pizza there. I had to dig up culinary sources again. And it turned out that in continental Europe this pizza is simply called “salame piccante”, that is, pizza with spicy salami sausage. But in America, the name of hot capsicum somehow imperceptibly “crept” from the designation of a salami variety to a pizza recipe.

Cheese sticks with ham and mushrooms

Papa John's even makes pizza-shaped sticks. Don't believe me? Traditional pizza dough, inimitable creamy garlic sauce, ham, mushrooms, mozzarella cheese. Bake in the oven, cut into sticks - ready!

"Chicken Poppers"

Crispy fried chicken pieces are a great light snack. You could order two sauces with them, and we thought for a long time which one we wanted to try: honey mustard, buffalo, garlic or 1000 islands? We chose garlic and were very pleased.

Large chocolate pie

Maybe someone thinks that after the pizza holiday we gave up sweets? Not at all! The wonderful chocolate cake came in handy. The hard, crunchy dough hid the hot chocolate - perfect for those with a sweet tooth.
The filling is very tasty, the dough is a little hard. While eating, you get your hands very dirty, but overall this is outweighed by taste and pleasure.


The pizza festival was a success:
The pizza was excellent, all of it!
I am more and more convinced that Papa John's is on a level. Any choice of pizza - no disappointments. Fresh products, excellent taste, fast delivery. Other pizzerias should strive for this kind of service.
Do you know what happened in 2009? John Schnatter bought back his favorite car. It cost a quarter of a million dollars, but its engine was “boosted” to a racing engine, so now it is the fastest pizza delivery car. And on the day of the reunion of the pizza magnate and his beloved Bumblebee, all Camaro owners received free pizza at the pizzeria.