Easter eggs painted. How to paint eggs with nail polish

Since ancient times, people have exchanged eggs and Easter cakes for Easter. The tradition has developed over many years, resulting in many ways of coloring and decorating paraphernalia. With the words “Christ is risen!” men and women, children and older generations exchange eggs, later examining the intricate designs. Among other things, coloring eggs is quite a fascinating process that can unite household members. There are basic methods, let's look at them in more detail.

How to prepare eggs for painting

As mentioned earlier, experienced housewives, through trial and error, identified the main options for coloring eggs for Easter. However, regardless of the chosen method, they must first be prepared.

  1. A few hours before you plan to color them, remove the eggs from the refrigerator and leave them at room temperature. This move will help avoid temperature changes that cause the shell to crack. An alternative is to pierce the shell with a thin sewing needle, which will prevent the eggs from bursting.
  2. If food pigments or onion peels will be used as the main coloring method, it is recommended to wash the shells first. To do this, use a kitchen sponge and baking soda. The end result is that the paint will lie smoothly without streaks or spotty inclusions.
  3. Before starting the procedure, degrease the shell by wiping it with vodka or medical alcohol. If neither is available, treat the surface with soapy water, then rinse thoroughly and dry.
  4. To make the shells shiny after painting, wipe the surface of the eggs with vegetable or corn oil. Do not use cotton pads for these purposes; gently wet your fingers in the mixture, then spread over the shell.

When you have prepared the “material”, start painting. Choose the best option for yourself, and then strictly follow the instructions.

Method No. 1. Food colorings

Food coloring is rightfully considered the most common type of coloring for Easter eggs. You can purchase ready-made colors or create your own shades. Pigments can be pearlescent, glossy or matte, it all depends on the manufacturer.

To properly prepare the composition, take care of enough containers in advance so that there is a separate bowl for each color. Dilute the paint with water at room temperature; there should be a lot of liquid so that the eggs completely drown in it.

After diluting the paint, pour in 30 ml. table vinegar solution, then place boiled or raw eggs into the bowl. The duration of exposure varies, it all depends on the intensity of the shade you want to achieve.


  1. Buy tracing paper - ultra-thin paper - online or at a stationery store. Cut out any image from it in the form of a stencil (the inner part has been removed). Anything can be used as a drawing: your favorite cartoon characters, Easter themes, Jesus Christ, etc.
  2. The photo for the stencil can be downloaded from the Internet. The final result depends on the quality of the original image and the material itself. When you have made the stencil base, namely printed and cut it out, moisten the paper in water at room temperature. The material should become elastic, repeating the shape of the egg.
  3. Attach the stencil to the shell and smooth out any creases. If your drawing is small, duplicate it in several places. Secure the stencil with gauze or a piece of nylon stockings (tights).
  4. Dilute food or natural coloring, add eggs to it and cook them until cooked. Upon completion of the procedure, remove the eggs, place them on toothpicks or newspaper, and cool to room temperature. As soon as this happens, remove the gauze and stencil and enjoy the result.

Vegetable oil

  1. A beautiful result is achieved by coloring eggs with the addition of vegetable oil. To perform the procedure correctly, prepare two containers with the same shade. Pour oil into the first one and leave the second one unchanged.
  2. Boil the eggs hard, cool to a temperature of 30 degrees (the coloring composition should have the same indicator). Dip the “material” into a bowl of paint, wait the required interval (the exact period is indicated in the instructions).
  3. After this, remove the eggs and leave the paint to dry. When this happens, place the product in a second container with vegetable oil and wait again. Dry the eggs and evaluate the result.

Insulating tape

  1. Cut the electrical tape lengthwise to create thin strips (you can skip this step if you wish). Prepare several containers with diluted paint, preferably choosing blue and yellow colors.
  2. Glue a strip in the shape of a spiral or any other pattern of your choice. Place the eggs in a bowl with blue color, wait a while, remove and wait for them to dry. Remove the tape.
  3. Now glue the next strips, which will slightly cover the previously obtained pattern. Dip the egg into yellow paint, wait an interval, remove and dry.
  4. You will end up with a yellow egg with blue and green stripes. The good thing about this option is that it allows you to experiment with obtaining new shades by applying one color to another.

Stationery erasers

  1. Buy rubber bands, which are usually used to tighten banknotes (silicone base), at a stationery store. Boil the eggs hard, cool, prepare paint of one or more shades.
  2. Next, you can proceed in two ways. The first involves painting the egg in any color with prominent white lines (rubber bands are attached to a previously unpainted egg). The second option is two-phase coloring, as a result of which the lines turn out to be the color in which the egg was originally painted.
  3. Let's consider the second option, it is more complex. Paint the egg yellow and dry. Wrap the rubber bands in a chaotic crisscross pattern. Dip the “material” into green paint and wait until the pigment sets. Dry and remove rubber bands. You will see that the egg has turned blue with yellow stripes.

Plant leaves
The technique is similar to the stencil technique with only one clarification - plant leaves are used as a design, most often parsley and dill play their role.

  1. To get an accurate result, tear off several leaves, attach them to the shell, and secure with gauze or a nylon stocking. Dip into the paint and wait a while.
  2. When the time is up, remove the eggs, cool and dry them. Unfold the fixing material, remove the leaves, lubricate the surface with vegetable oil and enjoy the result.
  3. An alternative to leaves can be the same electrical tape, self-adhesive paper or tape. Cut out the design you need from the material and attach it to the fat-free shell of a pre-boiled egg. Place the product in the pigment bowl, then remove and dry.

Method number 2. Natural dyes

  1. Natural dyes can be onion peels, beets, turmeric, carrots, birch leaves, calendula, orange or lemon, spinach, red cabbage, nettle, coffee.
  2. The main feature of “folk” coloring is considered to be that the composition acts slowly. As a rule, it takes about 8-10 hours to get results.
  3. To prepare the solution, pour water into a saucepan and add a large amount of your chosen dye. Pour in 35 ml. table vinegar, stir. Bring the solution until the first bubbles appear, then reduce the power and boil for another 15 minutes.
  4. When the paint is ready, leave it for about half an hour, then place the eggs in a container and simmer them over low heat for 25 minutes. Then turn off the burner and leave the product in the solution overnight.

To give eggs a seductive golden hue, use ground turmeric.

  1. Boil water in an enamel pan, add 90 g. turmeric, bring to a boil. Place raw eggs in a container, cook them until tender, then let them sit for another 8 hours without removing them.
  2. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with extreme caution, since it is quite difficult to remove turmeric from the surface of furniture and clothing, just like other natural dyes.

Red cabbage
A cabbage-based broth will give the eggs a rich blue tint.

  1. Chop a whole head of cabbage into small slices, place in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Add 180 ml. table vinegar solution, cover and leave for 10 hours.
  2. After the expiration date, place the eggs in a container and check the color intensity every 2 hours. Then remove the product and leave it to dry. If desired, paint the surface with gouache or felt-tip pens.

Beets will help color the eggs crimson or pinkish, it all depends on the length of time the product is kept in the solution.

  1. Grate 4 medium-sized beets, then mash the resulting mixture with a potato masher or grind in a blender.
  2. Pour boiling water over the finished mixture so that the water covers the beets completely. Pour in 150 ml. vinegar with a concentration of 9%, wait 6 hours.
  3. Place boiled eggs in a saucepan and let sit for 5 hours. After the time has passed, remove the product and leave to dry.

Onion peel
Onion peels will color the eggs red-brown with a bronze tint.

  1. To prepare the coloring solution, you will need to take at least 4 kg of husk. Luke. The raw materials must be placed in a large saucepan and filled with boiling water.
  2. Place the container on the stove, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 1 hour. After this, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 24 hours.
  3. After the allotted time has passed, pass the broth through a colander or cheesecloth and cook the eggs in it for about 10 minutes. Then do not remove the product from the pan, leave until the liquid cools completely.

Regardless of the coloring method you choose, you can create patterns on Easter eggs using available materials.

  1. Cook short grain or long grain rice, soak the egg in water and roll it in the rice so that the grains stick. Tie with stocking or gauze, secure on both sides with elastic bands.
  2. Prepare the coloring pigment, dip the eggs in it and wait the required period of time. Natural dyes are better for this method.
  3. When the eggs are colored, remove them and leave to dry completely. Remove the cloth, remove the rice, grease the surface of the shell with sunflower oil.

Silk fabric
Eggs can be dyed with fabrics; silk or cotton with existing patterns are ideal for these purposes.

  1. Moisten the egg in hot water, wrap it with a piece of cloth so that the design fits tightly into the surface of the shell with the front side. Sew the egg with thread around the entire perimeter so that the fabric does not slip.
  2. Wrap it in a piece of nylon and tie it on both sides, creating a kind of candy. Pour 100 ml into an enamel pan. vinegar (6%), add water, add to the eggs. Cook them for about 15 minutes, then turn off the stove.
  3. Let the eggs sit in the solution for another quarter of an hour, then place them in a bowl of cold water and leave until completely cool. Carefully remove the retainer and stocking and evaluate the fruits of your labors.

First, prepare the eggs for painting: remove them from the refrigerator, leave them at room temperature, and poke a thin hole in the shell with a sewing needle. Consider coloring with food or natural dyes. Use a stencil, parsley leaves, silk fabric or scrap materials to create a unique design.

Video: how to paint eggs for Easter (different methods)

Hello! If you have landed on this page, it means you have asked yourself the question. And I can assure you that you have come to the right place. Today I will try to fully understand all the questions that may arise on this topic.

Most recently we looked at . And more than one article was devoted to them. If you missed those issues, I highly recommend you check them out. Perhaps you will find exactly the recipe you have been looking for for so long.

In the near future, I plan to write more than one article on Easter themes, but today we are painting eggs in different ways at home.

Types of painting and painting Easter eggs

There are so many different options for painting eggs for the Easter holiday. And one type is better than the other. But not everyone knows the correct name and how this or that type of painting is done. Therefore, I suggest that you first understand this issue a little in order to have an idea of ​​​​what we will be doing, and then continue to analyze the main topic.

So, there are 6 main types of painting and painting Easter eggs:

  • paints- These are eggs painted in one color without drawings or patterns. Mostly they paint it this way for holidays. This is the easiest and fairly quick way to get colored eggs in a wide variety of colors.

You can use both natural and food coloring. If you approach this matter with all seriousness, you can get very bright and saturated colors;

  • Easter eggs- perhaps the most complex and painstaking type of painting. To obtain beautiful Easter eggs you need perseverance and patience. They are made as follows: patterns are applied to the egg with hot wax using a metal rod (feather). It is then dipped into the dye and allowed to sit as it is dyed. You need to start with the lightest color.

After this, the patterns are applied again with wax and the egg is again dipped in a different dye, and so on with the rest of the colors. After all the patterns are made, you need to get rid of the wax by melting it off the surface of the egg with a candle.

The wax needs to be wiped off periodically with a cloth as it melts. I think the point is clear. And it is also clear that this is a very painstaking and lengthy work, which will rightfully be appreciated;

  • rags or scraps- a very interesting and unusual type of painting, which also requires a lot of time and effort. Rags are made using a sharp metal object (scissors, awl, knife, etc.). Patterns are applied to a painted and dried egg with a pencil and then this same pattern is scratched along this contour.

It is worth noting that for shell eggs it is best to take brown eggs, since their shells are harder and, therefore, there is a greater likelihood that the shell will not crack when pressure is applied to it with a point.

Also, in this case, natural dyes are better than food dyes, because the latter are very smeared during work;

  • specks- this type of painting implies that specks, stripes and all sorts of specks of different colors are applied to the egg. They are made using wax. That is, various drops of hot wax are applied to an egg painted in one tone, and then this same egg is painted in a different color. Subsequently, the wax is melted in the same way as in the case of Easter eggs;

  • little ones- a suitable option for painting with children. You can use your imagination and give a boiled egg a very festive look by simply applying any pictures and patterns to it using paint. It turns out very cool;

  • eggs- this type of Easter egg decoration has been known for a very long time. They are made from carved stone, wood, and porcelain. Not long ago it became fashionable to decorate eggs with threads, beads, lace, etc. Also, the well-known Faberge eggs are also nothing more than “eggs”.

And of course, thermal stickers, which appeared not very long ago, can also be classified as one of the types of this wonderful art. I just can’t say which of the above. Or maybe this is a separate direction of “painting”, the name of which I don’t know? In any case, it turns out very beautiful.

Well, we have dealt with the question that everyone who is planning to paint and paint eggs for Easter should know. Now, let’s move on to a detailed consideration of how and with what you can decorate one of the main attributes of this wonderful holiday.

5 ways to beautifully paint eggs in onion skins:

The most common and, at the same time, oldest dye is onion peel. And if earlier people used it as a dye using one method, then nowadays there are many different ways to obtain unusually beautiful and unique dyes.

In my opinion, we have selected for you only the brightest and most sophisticated methods, using which you will get very beautiful Easter eggs that will decorate any holiday table with their presence.

Classic ways to color eggs with onion skins

And to open our selection there will be a standard, one might even say classic, option - a single-color, even color of Easter eggs.

Only it can also be divided into 2 different methods - hot and cold. In fact, in both the first and second cases the same ingredients are needed. The only difference is that the sequence of actions is different. And you will decide for yourself how to do it better and more conveniently. Now let's look at both methods.

We will need:

  • onion peel

How to make hot dyes:

1. Wash raw eggs thoroughly with soapy water, preferably with a brush.

2. Place onion peels from ten onions in a saucepan, add 1 liter of water and put on fire. After the water boils, boil it until the water turns dark brown, 40-45 minutes.

3. After this, remove the husks (you don’t need to remove them) and add the eggs to the resulting dye.

4. Cook for 10-15 minutes. To make the color more saturated, you can boil it longer.

5. Take out the colored, boiled eggs, dry them and rub them with a cotton swab moistened with vegetable oil.

We dye eggs with husks in a cold way:

1. Having prepared a decoction of onion peels, cool it, first straining it to get rid of the peels.

2. Meanwhile, boil the eggs until cooked.

3. Place the cooled finished eggs into the cooled dye for several hours, depending on what shade you want to achieve.

In any case, the color will turn out less saturated using the cold method, but it’s still worth doing for variety.

In my opinion, the hot method is much simpler and more convenient. Although the cold version also has its advantages - the color of the testicles becomes more delicate and uniform. This is probably due to the fact that the dye gradually settles on the surface of the shell.

In any case, it is up to you to decide which method to use.

We make dyes with onion peels with a pattern:

To get some kind of drawing, we just need to make a little modification to the classic version described above.

1. Before painting, you need to put stencils on the egg - beautiful leaves of parsley or dill, or any other greenery. For example, it turns out very beautifully with small grape leaves. You can also use figures cut out of waterproof material or something like that.

2. Then we wrap the egg in a nylon or nylon stocking and tie the ends tightly with thread.

3. Paint in the usual way. By the way, this method is also suitable not only for onion peels, but also for other types of coloring.

The end result is very beautiful prints, in the form of the stencils you used.

Bright marbled color with greenery

Every year we dye eggs using this method. And it turns out very beautiful. The testicles acquire a pattern very similar to marble. Conventionally, this method can be divided into 2 options - with and without brilliant green. Let's look at both.

Option 1:

1. To get a beautiful marbled color, we need to chop the onion skins using scissors.

2. Then we take well-washed raw eggs, wet them with water and roll them in this “shavings” of husk.

3. Wrap the egg tightly in gauze or old nylon tights and tie the ends tightly with thread.

The tighter the gauze adheres to the egg, the more distinct the pattern will be.

4. Place the eggs in a saucepan with water and put on fire.

5. After the water boils, cook the eggs for 20-25 minutes.

6. Remove and cool. After this, you can remove the gauze. Wipe the egg with a paper towel and rub with vegetable oil until shiny.

Option 2:

This method is practically no different from the previous one, except that after boiling the water you need to add 1 bottle of brilliant green to the pan.

Advice! Before using this method, I advise you to cover the gas stove with foil. Because during boiling, splashes are formed one way or another, which stain everything they come into contact with. I think that you don’t want to see your tiles covered in green specks, which are very difficult to clean. The first time I did it exactly like this, and if only you knew that I just didn’t have to hear something addressed to me from my mother)))

All other actions remain unchanged.

The results are marble eggs like these with green inserts, which makes them even more elegant.

Use an old pan for painting in both ways, because it will be almost impossible to wash it after use. For example, we got one separate one, specifically for painting, and have been using it for more than one year.

Video on how to paint eggs in their shells with patterns

Here are some more unusual ways to obtain a variety of patterns, in the form of a video master class. Enjoy watching!

Decorating eggs for Easter 2019 without dyes

In addition to the fact that eggs can be colored with dyes, both food and natural, you can also do without them at all. This doesn't require anything supernatural. You just need to use your imagination, put in a little effort and spend a little time.

And everyone can find everything they need in their household. Now I will give perhaps the most common and simplest ways to decorate eggs for Easter, using only the simplest materials.

Iron-on stickers for Easter eggs

I think that this method of decorating eggs for Easter is familiar to many. And if not, then I hasten to show and tell you how to get such beauty.

You will need:

  • iron-on stickers
  • scissors
  • spoon

How to do:

1. Boil the eggs until fully cooked. Cool under running water. Wipe dry with a towel.

2. Meanwhile, while the eggs are boiling, we can cut the stickers into individual pieces. They are sold in the form of ribbons that you need to cut yourself using scissors.

3. Place stickers on the cooled eggs.

4. Dip the egg into a pan of boiling water and immediately remove.

5. Under the influence of high temperature, the sticker shrinks and completely envelops the egg over its entire surface.

It's that simple.

By the way, the eggs can be pre-painted any color, or you can do without it. It still turns out beautiful.

Painting Easter eggs with rags

If you have scraps of faded fabric at home, do not rush to throw them away. They can be used to color eggs in an unusual way. Everything is done quite simply and easily at minimal cost. Old silk ties with a variety of patterns are also perfect for this method. It turns out very cool. See for yourself.

What do you need:

  • scraps of fabric (fading)
  • white fabric
  • threads
  • vinegar

How to do:

1. First, thoroughly wash the eggs with a sponge and dry them. Then we select the necessary pieces of fabric, for example ties.

2. Wrap the egg in shreds, pressing tightly over the entire surface of the egg. We tie it tightly with thread so that the fabric does not move.

The colored side of the fabric should be facing the egg.

3. We wrap the whole thing in regular white fabric and bandage it. This way the drawing will be more saturated and bright.

4. Place the eggs in a saucepan with cold water, pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar and put on fire.

5. After the water boils, you need to boil the eggs for 20-25 minutes.

6. After this, take out the eggs and place them in ice water. You don’t have to do this, just doing this will fix the drawing better.

7. Remove the cloth from the eggs and dry.

To add shine, you can grease with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Master class on decoupage eggs with paper napkins

Now let’s make do with just napkins and decorate the eggs in an unusual way.

What you will need:

  • boiled eggs
  • napkins with a pattern
  • raw egg white
  • tassel

How to do:

1. Boil the eggs in salted water until cooked.

2. Take regular napkins and separate the top layer, which has a pattern.

3. Cut out patterns from this layer.

4. Place the cut out part on the cooled egg.

Spread the protein over the entire surface of the napkin using a brush. Our protein acts as a glue that is absolutely safe.

Repeat the same with the remaining eggs. Fast and beautiful, and most importantly, it is not harmful to health.

Natural dyes for Easter eggs

Now I suggest you consider options for coloring eggs for Easter with natural dyes. Although there is a little more fuss with them than with food ones, the result is almost the same, and sometimes even better.

The biggest advantage of natural dyes is that they are completely harmless to the body. And we can be completely sure that colored eggs in such ways will not cause any harm. Let's figure out how and what else you can decorate Easter eggs for the upcoming holiday.

Color eggs with beets and cranberries

  • Dyeing with cranberries is very easy. You need to squeeze the juice out of it using a juicer.

Boil raw eggs in this dye.

  • With beets the situation is a little different. You need to peel the beets. Cut the beets into cubes and boil. Soak boiled eggs in the resulting dye. You can make a vinaigrette from beet cubes.
  • The second option is to squeeze the juice from the beets and soak the eggs in it for 8-10 hours until the shade you want is achieved.

Video on how to dye Easter eggs with turmeric

Nettle and spinach will give a light green color

Spinach and nettle are also widely popular. The color of the eggs depends on how long you soak them in the broth.

How to make a decoction? Everything is very simple. You just need to boil spinach or nettles in water until the color comes out. Then we simply soak the finished eggs for several hours.

That's the whole process.

How to color eggs with blueberries?

To get an unusual color for your Easter eggs, you can use blueberries.

To do this you need:

1. Pour the dye with water. Boil and let the finished broth brew for 30 minutes.

2. After this, boil raw eggs in it until cooked.

3. Unusual color guaranteed.

Red cabbage - blue dye

Red cabbage behaves unexpectedly. Eggs painted with it turn blue.

To do this you need:

  • Cut the cabbage into strips.
  • Fill it with water and boil. The cabbage should turn white and the liquid will turn dark.
  • It is in this solution that you need to soak hard-boiled eggs for several hours, or better yet, for a day.

Dye eggs with regular tea

To get tea-colored eggs, you just need to brew very strong tea and soak the eggs in it for several hours.

These are not all the dyes that exist. To describe everything, it seems to me that a lot of articles need to be written. But I came across one very interesting table, with a brief description and tips on how to color eggs with herbal decoctions. I saved it for myself, which I advise you to do too.

Unusual coloring of eggs with food coloring

The first method is somewhat reminiscent of dragon eggs. At least judging by the films in which they are shown. But I don’t even know what to compare the second method with. Maybe you have any ideas on this matter? Let's look at both.

"Dragon eggs" for Easter 2019

What you will need:

  • boiled eggs
  • food colorings

How to do:

1. We dilute food coloring in glasses.

2. Take a small piece of cotton wool and form a layer from it. The photo above shows how to do it.

3. Then, using a spoon, apply different solvents in strips along the entire length.

4. Place an egg on it and roll it into cotton wool.

5. Press firmly with your hands and leave for 10-15 minutes.

The result is simply amazing. I really liked this idea. I hope you like it too. Please write what you think about this.

Original painting of Easter eggs


  • chicken eggs
  • food coloring (dry)
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
  • water - 200 ml.
  • boiling water


1. Boil the eggs. Meanwhile, dilute the dyes according to the instructions in cups. Pour water and vinegar into a spray bottle and mix.

Cover the table with cellophane and place paper towels on it. Using a pipette, apply a dot-drop pattern as in the photo.

2. You need to spray water and vinegar on this drawing.

3. Now take out one hot egg and place it on a towel.

Wrap tightly and place in cellophane for 30 minutes.

By the way, the drawing can be anything. Not necessarily points. You can make cells or some stripes, etc.

4. We free the eggs and this is what we see.

Cool, right?

That's all for today. I say goodbye to you and want to wish you all the best. Happy upcoming holiday to you!

Easter is coming soon. This is the most important holiday in the life of a Christian believer. At Easter they bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. Today we will talk about 16 ways to color eggs for Easter. The eggs are painted - a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ. They are presented with the words “Christ is Risen.”

Very soon the bells will ring and the bright Resurrection of Christ will descend on the world, and among the common people Easter. A bright spring holiday, symbolizing not only the resurrection of the Lord, but also the awakening of nature from sleep. On the tables are real hospitable people - Easter cakes, Easter cakes, delicious salads and meat dishes. But the most important attribute of such a table are the painted eggs. Coloring them is a very exciting and creative activity that can be done with your family and with your children. There are more than a hundred ways of coloring and serving Easter eggs in the world. This article describes 16 ways to color eggs for Easter. Choose to suit every taste and color.

What do you need to know before dyeing eggs?

Before you start coloring, you should properly prepare the eggs. A couple of hours before coating with dyes, you need to remove them from the refrigerator and adapt them to room temperature. Otherwise, the shell may crack. Be sure to add salt when cooking to prevent the egg from bursting. You can do it differently: pierce it with a needle from one end. In order for the shells to be colored evenly, you need to wash them with soap or degrease them with a composition containing alcohol. Eggs for painting must be selected without roughness. Your hands shouldn't be greasy. Before painting Easter eggs, you need to grease them with a vinegar solution, and after drying, wipe them with vegetable or sunflower oil.

Krashenki, specks, Easter eggs...

On Easter, every housewife considers it her duty to color eggs interestingly and beautifully. Based on the method of applying paints, they can be divided into four categories:

  • Paints (tinted in one color)
  • Specks (with wax dots of different colors)
  • Drapes (tinted in one color, but the pattern on them is scratched out)
  • Pysanky (with a pattern applied with a pisachka tool)

Methods of coloring eggs: from classic to creative

Method 1

A classic dyeing method is dyeing with onion peels. Our grandmothers and mothers also used it. Prepare a decoction of onion peels in a container and boil for about half an hour. If you need a bright red-brown shade, then take the peels of ten onions per half liter of water. Once ready, the broth is filtered, and eggs are dipped into it and kept until the desired shade

Method 2

It is interesting and environmentally safe to dye Easter eggs with natural dyes. With beet juice you can add pink shades, with lemon or carrot juice the eggs will turn light yellow. Nettle will give green shades to the shell, and red cabbage juice will give blue shades. With coffee you can add beige-brown color, and with violet flowers you can add purple tones. When coloring, it is important to take into account that natural pigments are less active, and you can leave the eggs in liquid with diluted dye overnight or for a day. For better penetration into the shell, pour a teaspoon of vinegar into the staining container and heat it without bringing it to a boil.

Method 3

You can decorate Easter eggs in an original way using the decoupage technique (pasting with napkins). We dilute gelatin, which will act as glue. Strain through a sieve to separate excess liquid. We heat until the granules are completely dissolved and select napkins that we will glue. We remove the top layer of the decoupage napkin, cut out the desired element, apply it and apply gelatin glue on top.

Method 4

The classic way to color eggs is with regular food coloring. All you have to do is pour water into several containers, add a little vinegar, add boiled eggs and after 10 minutes place them on a plate to dry. After drying, rub the finished eggs with vegetable oil.

Method 5

This method is very simple, but the eggs painted with it are bright and unusual. We wrap the eggs with floss threads of different colors and cook until done, then cut off the threads.

Method 6

The marble egg method appeared quite recently, but has already gained its popularity among housewives. We take food coloring of several colors, vegetable or sunflower oil and a creative muse. We paint the eggs in light shades - yellow, pink, orange. After this they should dry. We dilute the dark shades with liquid, pour a tablespoon of oil into each container and mix. You want there to be a lot of oil spots on the surface the size of a grain of rice. Dip each egg into this mixture and take it out. You can read more about this method in the article “Marble” Easter eggs.

Method 7

An aristocratic and noble coloring of eggs can be obtained by painting them with fabric. We take bright wool or silk fabric and wrap it with the front side facing the shell. If the fabric does not fit snugly, you can stitch it along the contour with threads (“tighten it”). From above, this structure must be put in a cover and lowered into the pan. Meanwhile, add vinegar (about three tablespoons) to the pan and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. After cooking, place under running cold water, and only after cooling, remove the cover.

Method 8

A very quick way to paint eggs is hot melt adhesive. Cook the eggs. We put a thermal adhesive cover on each one and simply drop it into boiling water on a spoon. 20-30 seconds are enough for the sticker to take the shape of an egg.

Method 9

A unique and exclusive design can be obtained by coloring the egg with a permanent marker. A design is applied to the boiled egg, previously placed on a stand. You can work using ready-made stencils. After this treatment, the egg should dry for about an hour.

Method 10

Eggs with a convex texture can be created using patterns from powdered sugar. We make the base monochromatic using regular food coloring. Take powdered sugar (about 250 grams) and mix with water until it becomes mushy. If you don’t have powder on hand, you can grind regular sugar in a coffee grinder. Pour the mixture into a pastry syringe and apply to the shell. This treatment takes about an hour to dry.

Method 11

You can color eggs in an original way using several dyes, simply by dipping the eggs not completely, but halfway. Thus, you can apply several tones of paint and your paints will be exclusive and unique. The main thing is to let them dry after each coat of paint, laying them on a napkin or towel. Of course, this procedure takes more time, but the result is undoubtedly worth it.

Method 12

Painting with tape will help you decorate the eggs with interesting white patterns. To do this, before painting with dyes, you need to cover the egg with strips of adhesive tape or designs cut out of it. And at the end of staining, it is simply removed.

Method 13

You can also color Easter eggs using a toothbrush. On freshly boiled eggs painted in one tone, simply spray paint of darker shades. Do not forget to place paper napkins on the table with this type of staining.

Method 14

You can also paint eggs using melted wax with a thin brush or a regular toothpick. After drawing an intricate design on the egg, dip it in the dye, the main thing is that the pigment is not hot. Then, as soon as the egg dries, the wax is removed, the main thing is not to damage the shell.

Method 15

Another option for marble coloring that is currently fashionable is painting with newspaper sheets or notebooks. The egg is wrapped in a piece of cloth, into which finely chopped newspaper is poured, rolled up and boiled in boiling water for 15-20 minutes.

Method 16

Painting an egg with lace is also an unusual way to give an Easter egg originality and exclusivity. If you are using the cold water dyeing method, you can wrap the egg in lace secured with an elastic band. Within a few minutes it will acquire a uniform color, and the lace pattern will be transferred to the shell. The same can be done with various interesting leaves. To do this, an applique of leaves is laid out on a piece of nylon, and the entire structure is secured on top with an elastic band. It is very important that the application is in tight contact with the shell and does not slip. All 16 ways to paint eggs for Easter will make your holiday colorful and varied. Everyone, especially children, loves to play cue ball. And playing with beautiful and colorful eggs is much more interesting.

How is Easter celebrated in other countries?

One of the holidays celebrated in many parts of the world is Easter. For example, on the mainland of Australia this holiday is also celebrated. And the favorite delicacy of local children are Easter eggs, consisting of sugar and sometimes chocolate. Often such figures are made in the form of animals that live on the continent, for example, a rabbit. Their Easter table is quite hospitable: meat and vegetables, desserts, snacks. The apogee of such a feast is considered to be the favorite Easter delicacy - meringue cake with fruit. Family Easter trips to nature are also traditional, because this time falls at the end of the summer period.

And in Bulgaria, just like in our country, there is a tradition of “beating” eggs. They do this with great pleasure, holding entire tournaments.

In Sweden, Easter is also celebrated, but still more modestly than Christmas. Houses are decorated with Easter wreaths and flower beds are set up. Sweets and desserts are given great importance on the tables. The eggs here are not painted, they are made from cardboard and paper, and candy is placed inside such eggs.

In Germany, preparations for Easter begin on Good Friday. On this day, fish already reaches German tables, and in the days leading up to Easter no one works. Bonfires burn across the country on Saturday, which, according to the beliefs of the country's residents, take away all the sorrows and negativity from life for the coming year. On Sunday morning, the whole family gathers at the festive table, gifts from the Easter Bunny are hidden for the children, and then the whole family begins the search. In the evening, trips to visit guests are accepted.

In the United States, it is traditional to attend a Sunday church service where congregational singing is held in praise of Jesus Christ. Here, children are also given gifts from the Easter Bunny and have a fun search. Americans also have such entertainment for this holiday as rolling eggs. To do this, they are laid out on an inclined plane of the lawn and they compete to see who can roll it further. Mass celebrations and competitions of this game are held annually even near the White House.

Have a nice day and bon appetit)) Christ is Risen))

By Easter, almost every home begins to paint eggs. If you paint them one color, for example, using onion peels, you get “paints”. If an egg is painted with multi-colored dots using drops of wax, it is a “speckled egg”. Eggs of the same color, but with a pattern scratched on them, are “drapanki”. The most beautiful ones, “pysanky”, have a complex pattern made using a special tool - a pisachka.

Method one. Decoupage

To decorate an Easter egg with a picture, you don’t have to go to the store for stickers. You can decorate an egg using the decoupage technique.


heat resistant container


1 Prepare glue from gelatin. To do this, soak the gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Strain the gelatin through a strainer or carefully drain off excess water. Heat the swollen gelatin in a container until the granules are completely dissolved. If the gelatin hardens while decorating the eggs, reheat it.

2 Divide the multi-layer napkin into separate layers. Cut out pictures from one color layer.

3 Attach the cut out picture to the shell. Apply gelatin glue directly to the picture.

4 Your decoupage style Easter egg is ready.

By the way
Distribute the gelatin glue evenly over the picture, from the center to the edges.

Method two. Marbling

Today we will share the secret of creating a marble shell.


sunflower oil

containers for diluting paint


1 Color the required number of eggs in light colors. Let them dry completely.

2 Add a spoonful of sunflower oil to containers with darker dye. Gently stir with a stick (do not shake!) so that a single oil stain breaks up into small pea-sized spots. Dip the egg into the oil dye and remove immediately.

3 For a beautiful marbled effect, the egg only needs to be dipped once.

Method three. We paint with fabric

To dye eggs, you can use old silk ties, pieces of silk chiffon or satin, and, if you don’t mind, a Pavlovo Posad woolen scarf.


fabric with a small pattern and unstable dye, for example, silk jersey
white cotton calico - rags 15x15 cm


1 Wrap a raw egg in a cloth so that the front side (with a bright pattern) fits tightly to the shell.

2 Hand stitch the fabric along the egg edge. Try to avoid folds and strong creases.

3 Wrap the trimmed egg in a piece of cotton fabric. Secure the eggs at the blunt end by wrapping them tightly with thread.

4 Pour 3 tablespoons of vinegar into the water. Place the eggs wrapped in cloth and place on the fire. After the water boils, cook the eggs for 10-12 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and fill with cold water.

5 Once the eggs have cooled, remove all layers of fabric. A beautiful, subtle pattern will be imprinted on the shell.

6 Only a professional artist can paint an egg like this.

Method four. Paint with tape

Using a ruler or tape measure to draw stripes or cells on an egg is inconvenient. We suggest using masking tape


colorful dyes for eggs
masking tape

breadboard knife


1 Color a boiled egg a light color. Glue 2-3 strips of masking tape on it at a distance of 3 mm from each other. Since thin masking tape is not commercially available, make strips of the required width yourself. Lay out wide masking tape directly on the reel into strips 5-10 mm wide. Push along the entire length of the line with a paper knife. Now thin strips of tape can be used.

2 Dip the entire egg into green or blue paint. When the egg is dry, remove the strips of tape.

Method five. Eggs with lace pattern

Lace can be replaced with parsley or dill leaves. Then proceed according to the same scheme.


boiled eggs
nylon shreds
colorful food colors

glasses for diluting paints


1 Cut out your favorite lace motif from a napkin. Soak a piece of lace in water and place it on the boiled egg.

2 Tightly tighten the egg with lace into a piece of nylon tights. Tie at the blunt end with thread.

3 Dip the fabric egg into food coloring.

4 After a few seconds, remove the egg and carefully remove the cloth.

5 Leave the eggs to dry.

Method six. Wax crayons

Color the boiled eggs with children's wax crayons. Once the egg is painted, dip it in food coloring. The entire shell will be colored, and the patterns will appear and become brighter against the background of a contrasting color.

Method seven. Decoration with ribbons or braid

Eggs decorated with ribbons, lace or braid look very elegant. First, boil the eggs; you can paint them with special dyes or leave them natural. Tie a ribbon on each testicle. To prevent it from slipping, glue it to the shell using hot glue gun. It is not necessary to buy a hot-melt gun for these purposes—the glue stick can be heated over a candle.

Method eight. Craft egg

A craft egg is a decoration option that will cause a burst of children's enthusiasm. Color boiled eggs with yellow dye. To make a cockerel and a hen, just cut out a comb and beak from paper. Eyes can be drawn with a pencil. Glue the elements using a thick solution of gelatin or PVA glue.

Method nine. Marbled eggs


4 eggs
2 tablespoons tea
1 tablespoon soy sauce
0.25 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 clove bud


1 Hard-boil eggs for 15 minutes, rinse with cold water. Place on the table surface and, tapping lightly, crush the shell over the entire surface of the egg.

2 Boil water in a saucepan, add tea leaves, add soy sauce and spices. Place the eggs directly in the crushed shells and cook over low heat for 40 minutes. Allow to cool without removing from the broth.

By the way
This recipe can use not only nutmeg and cloves, but also any other spices - ginger, cinnamon, star anise. If you plan to serve marbled eggs for breakfast, boil them the day before and leave them in the broth overnight - the color and taste will become even more intense.

Method ten. Decals

All mothers know that children love to paint everything they can get their hands on. Therefore, there is nothing better than entrusting them with coloring chicken eggs for Easter.


chicken eggs
food coloring in tubes
markers with food coloring
egg stickers

glass of water


1 First, boil the eggs and cool. You can paint them in light colors or traditionally with onion skins.

Easter has its own customs and traditions, one of which is the painting of eggs. The article will be useful for both adults and children. Easter eggs are a symbol of the great holiday. Housewives treat coloring eggs with trepidation, and many strive to come up with new patterns.

The tradition of dyeing eggs for Easter

There are several versions of the origin of such a tradition.

Version 1.

When Jesus was resurrected, Mary Magdalene came to the emperor with the news. Since such a trip required a gift, she took a white egg with her. She told the emperor “Christ is Risen.” The emperor did not believe such news and said that it was as implausible as an egg turning red. And miraculously the egg immediately turned red.

Version 2.

Chickens laid eggs non-stop during Lent. The owners were afraid that they would spoil. Therefore, we decided to paint fresh eggs red.

Version 3.

When Jesus was a baby, colored eggs were a source of entertainment for him.

Which eggs should I paint for Easter?

It is customary to paint at Easter chicken eggs: Neither color nor size are important.

IMPORTANT: To ensure even coloring, wash the eggs thoroughly with vinegar and soap. Otherwise the paint will not apply evenly.

What colors are eggs painted for Easter?

Previously, eggs were only painted red.

Now for Easter you can find a wide variety of egg coloring options:

  • painting in one color: yellow, green, blue, orange. In fact, the color can be whatever is closest to your soul.
  • painting in several colors: many patterns, designs

How to dye eggs red?

Dye eggs traditionally Red color will help:

  • Food colorings
  • Onion peel
  • Beet. Boil the egg along with the whole beets. Cook until you get the desired color. You can simply grate a boiled egg with beet broth or grated beets

How to color eggs with onion skins?

  • Take a saucepan filled to the top with onion skins
  • Fill with water not to the very edge
  • Let it cook for 45 minutes. Cooking time depends on the desired paint color
  • Let the infusion cool
  • Place the eggs in their shells and cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling.
  • Cook until you see the desired color

IMPORTANT: The eggs must be completely submerged in water. Turn them over to ensure even coloring.

Food coloring for Easter eggs

Eggs can be colored with natural and non-natural food dyes.

WITH unnatural dyes everything is clear: you go to the store, buy food coloring of the desired color, dilute the dye in water, put an egg in the water with the dye until you get the desired color.

IMPORTANT: Coloring with such dyes usually gives a more uniform color. But this makes it feel unnatural.

WITH natural dye the question is more complicated. Many natural dyes can be used depending on the desired color of the final egg.


Turmeric will help color an egg yellow. Painting technique:

  • Add 2 tbsp to 0.5 liters of water. turmeric, 1 tbsp. table vinegar
  • Place eggs in water
  • Cook until done

Pink color.

The pink color of the eggs will be given by cranberry juice, in which the boiled eggs will lie until the desired color is obtained.

Dark brown color.

Boil eggs in strong black tea.

Blue color.

Red cabbage will help you get the blue color:

  • Finely chop 2 heads of cabbage
  • Pour 0.5 liters of water into the pan
  • Add 6 tbsp to the water. table vinegar
  • Add cabbage
  • Leave to infuse overnight, stirring first
  • In the morning, add boiled eggs to the infusion until the desired color is obtained.

Easter egg painting

Painting eggs will look equally good on both pre-painted eggs and natural-colored eggs.

Painting with permanent marker.

A simple way to paint Easter eggs for those who know how to draw.

Painting with paints.

For painting you only need paints and brush thin. You can use the simplest acrylic paints.

IMPORTANT: Using this method, you can decorate the egg with your child and paint it to your liking.

Painting with powdered sugar.

  • Prepare powdered sugar
  • Add as much water as needed until you get a thick, homogeneous mass.
  • Apply the pattern with a pastry syringe filled with sugar mixture.
  • Let the egg dry

Wax painting.

  • To paint with wax you will need wax pencils or wax paints.
  • Select the tool you will use to paint: knitting needle, needle, awl, copper wire

IMPORTANT: Copper wire will keep the wax hot for a long time, which will allow you to draw more lines at a time

  • Heat the wax to 65 C
  • Dip the tool in wax and apply the design

If you do not have the makings of an artist or cannot come up with the desired pattern, use stencils.

  • Print the stencil
  • Select paints and apply them to a sponge or brush
  • Place the stencil on the egg
  • Blot with a sponge or brush over the stencil
  • Remove the stencil and dry the egg

How else can you paint eggs for Easter?

Colored floss threads.

Wrap the egg completely with different colored floss threads and hard boil the egg.

Beautiful napkins.

  • Buy beautiful napkins with a pattern suitable for the holiday
  • Cut out the elements you want to transfer to the egg
  • Prepare gelatin according to package instructions
  • Dissolve the gelatin granules by heating it
  • Apply the cut out pattern to the boiled egg
  • Using a brush, brush the prepared gelatin over the top.
  • Align the pattern from the center to the edges


  • Cut out figures, stripes, patterns from paper
  • Attach paper of your choice to the egg
  • Wrap the egg tightly with nylon or gauze
  • Dip in desired dye. If necessary, cook in dye.
  • Wait until the egg is completely dry
  • Removing the paper


  • Cut a piece of silk in the desired color
  • Wrap an egg in it
  • Wrap gauze or nylon on top and secure
  • Pour water and 3 tbsp into a saucepan. vinegar
  • Boil the wrapped eggs in water with vinegar for 20 minutes after boiling.

  • Roll a wet egg in rice
  • Wrap with gauze
  • Dip in dye
  • After staining, open the gauze and let dry

Marble effect.

First way.

  • Choose two dyes that match in color (preferably light and dark)
  • Paint an egg in one of them
  • Pour the second into a bowl and add a few tbsp. vegetable oil (depending on the volume of water)
  • Mix water with oil
  • Dip the egg completely into the water once so as to catch as many fat bubbles in the water as possible.
  • Blot with a napkin
  • Let dry