Olive oil: what is the benefit of “liquid gold”? Olive oil: composition, properties and application. Olive oil for frying and salads

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Valuable fat is squeezed from fresh olives. Ideally, the olive pulp is crushed within a few hours of harvesting, which lasts from November to March. Otherwise, rapid oxidation spoils the raw materials and the final product.

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Chemical composition

The calorie content and nutritional content of the product (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) are similar to all vegetable oils.

Per 100 grams - 884 kcal. We present the composition according to the main consumable unit in nutrition - for 1 tablespoon, which contains 14 grams of oil.

  • Calorie content of 1 tablespoon is 120 kcal.
  • Fat - 14 grams
  • Proteins and carbohydrates - 0
  • Vitamin E - 10% DV
  • Vitamin K - 10% DV
  • And tiny inclusions of minerals - up to 0.3% of DN.

*DN is the average daily value for an adult with a diet of 2000 kcal.

Please note, according to the US Department of Agriculture the natural product does not contain vitamins A and D, a myth about which is widespread in RuNet.

Looking at the nutritional value of the product, the healing properties of olive oil seem to be an exaggeration. Just liquid fat, without proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, microelements and moderate amounts of vitamins E and K. Why do nutritionists strongly recommend it for salads and other dishes? especially extra virgin olive oil?

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of olive oil? Let's talk about the best image - unrefined, first cold pressed.

A short list of very valuable characteristics for human health.

  1. There is no harm from skewing omega-6 fatty acids.
  2. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants and protectors against inflammation.
  3. Oleic fatty acid is a therapeutic omega-9 for the cardiovascular system.

Medicinal polyphenols

These are complex organic substances with a wide spectrum of action. Research shows that polyphenols from extra virgin olive oil help reduce blood viscosity and harmonize the lipid profile in cases of high cholesterol.

Also, these biocompounds have pronounced antioxidant properties, protect the cell membrane and help fight inflammation.

Harmony of Omegas without distortion in class 6

Excellent health benefits! And the main positive difference from other oils popular in Russia (sunflower, corn, sesame).

Important! Only oils with omega 6 fatty acids less than 30% can be taken daily without harm (olive, almond, peanut, peach kernels).

  • Oleic (omega 9 FA) - from 60 to 80%
  • Linoleic acid (omega 6 fatty acids) - from 5 to 14%
  • Palmitic and others - from 15%
  • Minor amount of omega 3 FA - up to 1%

Modern diets are oversaturated with omega 6. This leads to accelerated age-related inflammation. A huge contribution to our active and healthy longevity is made by reducing omega 6 FAs ​​and enriching the diet with omega 3 FAs.

Versatile protection for the heart and blood vessels

The benefits of oleic acid and oleocansal have been deeply studied.

  • Reducing inflammation of the inner lining of blood vessels. This is the prevention of the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Protection of low-density lipoproteins from oxidative processes - up to 72%. It also protects the heart and blood vessels from heart attack and stroke.
  • Reduced thrombosis and blood pressure.
  • Containment of autoimmune reactions in all organs and systems. This means fewer allergies, severe arthritis and other diseases when immune cells mistakenly attack the body's own tissues.

An interesting study about 30 tablespoons of olive oil. The strength of the therapeutic effect is equivalent to the 1st adult dose of Ibuprofen. Including 2-3 tbsp in the diet. spoons daily, we regularly receive microdoses of the anti-inflammatory complex. ()

Benefits during pregnancy and in the children's menu

The benefits of olive oil during pregnancy and in the nutrition of children are significant.

Let's repeat about omegas: you should strive for a ratio of omegas 3 and 6 as 1:4. In the usual diet of contemporaries, this proportion is about 1:20.

There are two ways to reduce the harm from excess omega-6:

  1. Remove unnecessary ones;
  2. Add omega-3.

When a pregnant woman switches to omega-6 neutral oil, she insures herself and her baby from many troubles. By introducing this product into baby food, rather than the popular sunflower one, we create the best diet for the child with the correct proportion of fatty acids.

Don't forget to enrich your omega-3 menu with fish oil, which contains at least 450 mg of DHA. We drink 1 teaspoon of this. Every day, with the whole family.

Universal product for skin and hair

Olive oil is a valuable ingredient in cosmetology. Softens, nourishes, and rarely clogs pores. Ideally cares for hair, including brittle and dull hair. In summer, healing fat helps to achieve a smooth tan. One of the best remedies for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy. This is largely due to vitamin E and polyphenols.

Use a high-quality (=expensive) cold-pressed food sample, not store-bought creams that have oil added. Only pure natural ingredients have strong properties.

Let's compare popular vegetable fats

What is healthier: olive or sunflower? The answer lies on the surface if you read the information above.

Forget about vitamin E and oleic acid! Yes, sunflower has more of the first and also has the second. Yes, it is a product of our latitude. But the positive factors are insignificant compared to the harm from an imbalance in omega-6.

What is detrimental to health is that sunflower oil contains linoleic fatty acids - omega-6 - up to 54%. Such a high percentage makes sunflower oil an enemy of health. It dramatically increases the risk of myocardial infarction, provokes inflammation and depression, and increases the risk of cancer.

When looking for an answer to the question of what to replace sunflower oil with and whether it should be done, rely on the omega profile in vegetable fat. You can't go wrong.

Our choice is to at least replace the salad oil with olive fat. Even better - switch to a combination of coconut and olive for all dishes.

Olive oil on an empty stomach - benefit or harm

Let's figure it out. Any oil on an empty stomach will cause an active outflow of bile. Any liquid in a volume of 1 glass or more will lead to a sharp activation of the bile ducts. And when you drink at a contrasting temperature, the effect will be even more pronounced.

Important! People with stones in the bile ducts should not drink either the oil on an empty stomach or a liquid that contrasts in temperature.

Hence the beneficial effects of the olive “panacea” with lemon and honey for constipation. Increased peristalsis - movement of the food bolus - release of gases and bowel movement. Exactly the same effect will be caused by sesame, sunflower, almond - any! - oil. The only advantage of the idea is that olive oil does not overload us with omega-6.

In addition, we are wary of honey in the diet of children, allergy sufferers and people with hyperinsulinism. And allergies and disorders in carbohydrate metabolism are widespread problems of our contemporaries. For ourselves, we don’t see any point in loading up the menu with sugars on an empty stomach. Therefore, the morning choleretic in our routine is 1-2 glasses of clean water, cool or warm, depending on the specific family member.

Olive oil before meals also does not cure gastritis. If your stomach is bothering you, you need a gastroenterologist and a test for Helicobacter Pylori. Diet is extremely important in treatment. If an infection is detected, do not be afraid of antibiotics under the guidance of a competent doctor.

Contraindications and possible harm

1) Remember about the high calorie content.

Olive oil is the highest calorie liquid fat. 1 tablespoon can cover more than 16% of the average daily energy requirement.

If this number seems insignificant to you, imagine eating two or even three generously seasoned dishes a day. Gaining excess weight with such a diet is a piece of cake.

2) We exclude the choleretic effect if there are gallstones or cholecystitis.

We do not take it on an empty stomach! We adjust the amount in dishes - up to 2 tbsp. spoons a day.

3) Ideally, it is better not to fry food with the extra virgin version.

Because heating destroys healing polyphenols. And in general, frying food is not the best choice for cooking. Only a savage from a tropical island has never heard of this.

If we put aside the importance of preserving polyphenols, we can rely on the latest safety studies. They answer the question What olive oil can you use for frying? Average heat in a frying pan is no more than 170 degrees. This means that it does not provoke the formation of carcinogens in high-quality cold-pressed olive oil. After all Smoke point of extra virgin version not the lowest - from 191 to 215 degrees.

Even safer refined olive fat- 240 degrees. But this is the “dead version” of the superfood. Useful biocompounds are completely destroyed by refining.

Our preference is to steam recipes more often and season with oil after removing from heat. Simmer over medium heat with adding water. Eat more salads from fresh vegetables.

Personal experience

For yourself, you can find a different combination of solutions to reduce omega-6 in your diet and remove trans fats. Do this if you want to live longer and healthier!

If you really want to fry, then the best choice is. It contains no more than 3% PUFAs. The abundance of trans fats simply has nothing to form from. And you can stew with water in both vegetable fats - from olives and from coconut.

Today we are trying to replace both sunflower and corn oil. The opinion is non-trivial, but is based on modern knowledge of nutraceuticals and longevity medicine.

Types of olive oil and dosage

The daily dosage varies depending on age and goals. On average, from 1 to 4 tablespoons per day for an adult. From 0.5 teaspoon for children, starting with complementary feeding at 7-8 months.

Important! If you simply add a superfood to unhealthy foods, there will be no healing effect.

The composition of the product is determined by the place where the olives grow and the technology. Below brief information about each type, which can be found on sale. You will learn which olive oil is best for salad and what characteristics are important.

Type of oil /

What is important

Extra virginVirginRefinedOlive oil, pomace, light, pure, purified and others
How to produceFirst cold pressed, predominantly green olivesOnly less valuable ripe olives, cold pressed, incl. repeatedRefining (heating from 200 degrees Celsius, including using hexane)Not ideally extracted fat, of which there is little, diluted with refined, cheap rapeseed or sunflower oil, or purified, enriched with synthetic vitamins, etc.
AcidityUp to 0.8%Up to 2%Up to 0.5%Up to 3.3%
Which is better


Ideal for dressing salads without heating and in cosmetologySuitable for salads, canning and bakingCheap option for frying, incl. fast foodIt is better not to use for food

How to choose and store correctly

Let's focus on the most healing version of extra virgin.

A quality product is not cheap. The price in Europe starts from 8 euros for 500 ml.

The main producers are Italy, Spain, Greece. This does not always mean that the fruits grew in the same country. Italian oil is often pressed from Turkish and Tunisian raw materials.

Unripe (green!) olives contain the most polyphenols. But it’s easier to squeeze out the ripe ones. Therefore, the cheaper the product on the shelf, the higher the likelihood that the fat was extracted from ripe rather than green fruits.

Olives that grow on young trees are less rich in polyphenols than similar fruits from older trees. The most healing raw materials are considered to be unripe fruits from old trees on the Greek island of Crete.

It is also important how the fruits were removed from the trees, how the preparation for squeezing took place, and how long the harvest was stored before processing. This directly affects the polyphenol content. Long-term storage and rough automatic cleaning reduce the cost of oil and, accordingly, reduce its quality.

From air, heat and sunlight, fat becomes rancid. Imports into Russia are carried out from Mediterranean countries. It is difficult to say just by the appearance of the bottle, under what conditions and for how long the transportation took place.

Conclusion. The inscription “extra virgin” on the label is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for quality. “Extra virgin” only tells us how the extraction was done, but not what raw materials were used, how it was obtained, and what happened to the oil after bottling.

It won't help either product coloring. There is no relationship between the color of olive oil and its quality. Only the level of chlorophyll in olives affects. In close analogues, the color varies from light yellow to bottle green.

Shelf life. The packaging most often indicates 2 years. They reflect the maximum time during which good oil does not have time to go rancid. However, after a year there are significantly fewer useful compounds.

Should be kept at home olive oil in a tightly closed dark bottle in a cool place. After opening, let's say a refrigerator. When kept in the cold for a long time, a good sample will form a cloudy sediment. This is a simple quality test.

Personal experience and 6 rules for choosing a brand

For ourselves, we have developed several rules for searching for the best olive oil.

  1. "No!" for products in clear glass and plastic or with any words other than “extra virgin oil”.
  2. "Yes!" dark glass bottle and Greece as the country of origin. Tight fitting cap and bottling date less than 6 months ago. The point of sale is a large supermarket with an active turnover or a popular “grocery boutique” where the goods are also not stale.
  3. The bottle must be marked with acidity - up to 0.8%.
  4. We buy without stock, checking the expiration date each time. There must be at least a year and a half left before it ends.
  5. It's normal for olive oil to taste bitter. The peak of perfection is a light, barely noticeable bitterness mixed with a herbaceous aroma, like the smell of green tomatoes or freshly cut grass. If the smell is like rotten sausage or old socks, it is a sample of rancidity, and there are no more polyphenols in it.
  6. The taste of olive oil can be described as “clean”, “fresh”, “herbaceous”. Olive oil should taste bitter. But the degree of bitterness, like color, depends on the source raw material.

As you can see, choosing among worthy samples is similar to deciding on the taste of your favorite wine or type of coffee. Depends on personal preference.

In addition to the general rules, it is a good idea to take an interest in the results of recent market research. In 2014, the Russian agency Research Center NPE Test led a comprehensive comparative examination of 11 brands of extra virgin olive oil.

Received the highest score TM Mana Gea, Award, Borges. The Maestro de Oliva brand has become a good one. The remaining samples did not meet the high quality criteria.

We will be glad if we could clearly and completely talk about the healing product. How to take olive oil, benefits and harms, contraindications for use, a scientifically proven basis of beneficial properties and rules of choice will definitely be useful to you on the way to a healthy diet in terms of fats. And may good luck be with you when shopping!

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Ancient people always appreciated the gifts of nature and actively used them for medicinal and preventive purposes. The benefits of olive oil for the body are extra class, since this is a unique natural remedy, thanks to its natural composition, that can overcome a number of dangerous pathologies and improve the condition of human skin.

Olive oil - composition

This unique product is obtained by cold pressing, and the preparations are fresh olives collected exclusively from November to March. Since such exotic fruits quickly oxidize after picking, it is necessary to process them productively to obtain a liquid that is valuable for health. The chemical composition of olive oil is rich in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and beneficial microelements. This:

  • phenols, polyphenols, phenolic acids inhibit skin aging processes;
  • oleic acid accelerates metabolic processes and strengthens vascular walls;
  • terpene alcohols, tocopherols stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • Omega 9 is considered to prevent diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis;
  • squalene prevents cancer (especially in modern gynecology);
  • sterol and β sitosterol prevent vascular pathologies and hypertension;
  • linoleic acid increases visual acuity, accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • Vitamin D strengthens bones and is considered to prevent rickets;
  • vitamin A is useful for reduced vision and skin problems;
  • Vitamin E, being an antioxidant, prevents the formation of cancer cells and intoxication of the body.
  • fatty acids steatico and palmitelaiko against atherosclerosis;
  • Vitamin K is good for the intestines, especially in children.

Olive oil - benefits

Before choosing such a natural remedy, it is important to carefully study its beneficial properties and completely eliminate contraindications and harm to health. The benefits of olive oil are noted by modern medicine, dietetics, and cosmetology; even pregnant women are not prohibited from the substances included in the composition for prevention purposes. The healing properties of this oil base are detailed below:

  • reduction of harmful cholesterol in the blood;
  • mild laxative effect, especially relevant for chronic constipation;
  • skin rejuvenation, productive elimination of fine expression wrinkles;
  • prevention of diabetes mellitus;
  • improvement of intestinal motility;
  • acceleration of the metabolic process;
  • healing the body during pregnancy;
  • improving hair quality, getting rid of dandruff;
  • maintaining youth and natural beauty;
  • strengthening immunity for infants.

For women

If we talk about the female body, this product is valuable in modern gynecology. This is an excellent prevention of cancer; the benefits of this herbal component are especially obvious for patients at risk of breast cancer. The harm to health is minimal, but the therapeutic effect is noticeable immediately. The enormous benefits of olive oil for women are detailed below:

  • smoothing the dermis from wrinkles;
  • preventing brittleness and hair loss;
  • nutrition and hydration of dry skin types;
  • increased lactation during breastfeeding;
  • strengthening immunity during pregnancy;
  • increasing nail strength;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

On an empty stomach

The use of an oil base internally is appropriate on an empty stomach, especially for problems with digestion and excess weight. At first, it is recommended to use a teaspoon without harm to health, but then increase the dose to a tablespoon (also every day in the morning). The benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach include starting the gastrointestinal tract, accelerating the metabolic process, suppressing rampant appetite, preventing hemorrhoids, and eliminating toxins. The main thing is to take this unique remedy correctly.


Before choosing an oil base for intensive care, you need to decide on the variety and method of processing the olives after harvest. For example, according to the Spanish classification, this natural product is especially valuable after the first spin. This is Extra virgin olive oil, which costs an order of magnitude more than its “followers”. Virgin olive oil is a second-press product, so it is inferior in quality and characteristics. Pomace oil, Pure olive oil are extracts obtained by chemical extraction.

Effective treatment with olive oil is possible by choosing a Greek product obtained by the first pressing method:

  • elimination of emotional instability, extensive nervous disorders;
  • strengthening blood vessels and myocardium, especially in chronic “core” patients;
  • positive dynamics for back pain;
  • maintaining muscle tone, rapid restoration of affected tissues;
  • improvement of twilight vision.

For hair

Second-press oil base is actively used in cosmetology, not only to eliminate facial wrinkles, but also to strengthen hair follicles and improve the overall appearance of hair. Olive oil for hair has the following beneficial properties, which remain without harm even after cold pressing:

  • moisturizing and nourishing hair follicles;
  • eliminating split ends;
  • smoothing unruly curls;
  • ensuring hair durability;
  • rich hair color after using a refined or unrefined base.

Find out more about the impact.

For face

The oil base after the first spin is especially valuable for sensitive facial skin prone to dryness and flaking. The benefits and harms of olive oil are of interest to every woman, but even in the case of oily skin, such a unique composition does not harm. A few drops and a natural blush will appear on your cheeks, and soon there will be no trace of facial wrinkles. Olive oil for the face can be used unfiltered, but consult your dermatologist first.

For constipation

Cold pressing provides a mild laxative effect in the digestive organs. If you use olive oil for constipation in moderate portions, significant harm to the digestive system is completely excluded. But the benefits for intestinal motility are colossal, since after the first dose the stool will normalize, discomfort and the most unpleasant sensations will disappear.

For gastritis

Wooden oil is actively used for dangerous stomach diseases that are prone to chronic transformation and frequent relapses with acute attacks of pain. Olive oil does not harm gastritis, but it envelops the affected mucous membrane, reduces the aggressive effects of certain foods, and normalizes the acidity of gastric juice.

For pancreatitis

To cleanse the liver and facilitate the functioning of the pancreas, doctors recommend using olive oil at home - the benefits and harms depend on the daily doses and the method of direct use. In general, this natural remedy is used to cleanse the liver and eliminate toxic products from the systemic bloodstream. Olive oil for pancreatitis reduces the number of attacks and prolongs the period of remission.

For hemorrhoids

To prevent the hemorrhoid from becoming inflamed, it is necessary to take Provençal oil orally. The benefits of prevention are obvious, the harm is minimal. If inflammation predominates in the active phase, the patient is advised to use rectal suppositories containing this herbal component. Olive oil for hemorrhoids can be used internally and externally to enhance the desired therapeutic effect.

For gallstones

In case of pathogenic stagnation of bile, as well as in the case of the formation of stones and sand, this natural product is useful. It has an anti-inflammatory and disintegrating effect, ensures rapid movement and productive removal of such tumors in a natural way. Olive oil for gallstones is the main or auxiliary medicine, and is involved in recipes for the preparation of medicinal preparations. Use carefully, otherwise blockage of the duct becomes harmful to health.

Olive oil is harmful

There are also negative effects on the body, for example, it’s time to remember that this is a high-calorie product, which is allowed to be consumed in strictly limited doses. Olive oil is harmful in baby food, so parents try to avoid the presence of peanut and palmitic elements in the product. Otherwise, the risk of an allergic reaction and problems with children's digestion increases.


This fragrant base for treatment and prevention is not approved for all interested customers. Absolute contraindications for olive oil reduce the number of people who want to actually use this healing product. Medical restrictions are as follows:

  • tendency to an allergic reaction upon contact with this fragrant product;
  • risk of developing obesity, diabetes;
  • fatty liver;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • blockage of the duct due to cholelithiasis;
  • potential complications of cholecystitis.


Consumers from all over the world are increasingly interested in olive oil. Benefits and harms, how to take oil for illnesses, properties - all this is of interest. Let's talk in detail about this fragrant product.

The chemical composition of the oil provides its gastronomic and therapeutic value.

The product contains many substances beneficial to the human body:

  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - up to 1%;
  • Omega-9 unsaturated fatty acids, in particular oleic acid, up to 80%;
  • Omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, in particular linoleic acid, up to 15%;
  • saturated fatty acids, in particular palmitic, stearic and heptadecanoic acids, up to 15%;
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins K and C;
  • phenols, polyphenols and phenolic acids;
  • squalene;
  • β-sitesterol;
  • terpene alcohols;
  • microelements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and others).

Table "Nutritional value of olive oil"

The calorie content of the product is 898 calories per 100 grams. This is 63% of the daily calorie requirement for the average person.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of olive oil

The value of olive oil was known many centuries ago. The peoples of Greece, Italy, Spain, Eastern Europe and Asia appreciated this product. Ancient healers and cosmetologists used both the oil in its pure form and healing mixtures based on it.

Modern medicine also actively uses olive oil for the treatment of various somatic diseases. And cosmetologists use this golden gift to rejuvenate skin, hair and nails. Olive and oil-based skin care products are used all over the world.

Useful and medicinal properties of the product:

  • helps restore the normal level of acidity in the stomach, as if enveloping the mucous membranes;
  • prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes by minimizing the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • increases brain activity (memory improves, mental activity increases);
  • carries out the prevention of nervous diseases;
  • increases immunity;
  • has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the musculoskeletal system (cartilage tissue is restored, increases the endurance of muscle fibers);
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the digestive tract (increases bile production, normalizes the digestion process);
  • has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body thanks to the antioxidants it contains;
  • prevents cell degeneration and the formation of malignant tumors.

Benefits for men

The male body responds positively to the use of olive oil. Even in ancient times, it was noticed that the product has a beneficial effect on potency. To increase it, compounds were prepared that were taken orally.

How exactly do the components of the oil affect the sexual sphere:

  1. The production of the male hormone – testosterone – increases.
  2. Blood flows faster to the genitals, stimulating an erection.
  3. The endurance of the male body increases.

How is oil useful for women?

For the female body, olive oil is a storehouse of valuable substances. This is a real elixir of youth and a beauty salon in one bottle. It is useful for women to take the oil both internally and externally.

The oil has the following properties:

  • cleanses the skin, makes it smooth and velvety;
  • nourishes tissues, increases their elasticity;
  • prevents premature aging of the body;
  • removes all toxins, waste and free radicals;
  • provides hair shine, silkiness and well-groomed appearance. You can buy cosmetic hair oil in a store, or you can make a mask yourself;
  • strengthens nails, smoothes the nail plate and nourishes the cuticle;
  • improves hormonal levels and sexual function, as it promotes sufficient blood supply to the genitals.

Olive oil during pregnancy and for children

During pregnancy, the female body needs all the beneficial components of olive oil. Unsaturated acids, vitamins and microelements benefit both mother and child. For a pregnant woman, oil is also useful as a source of additional stimulation of the immune system. It increases the pregnant body's resistance to various infections.

During fetal development, olive oil promotes the proper formation of the brain, the entire nervous system and bone tissue. Without the substances contained in the oil, the child will not receive the necessary components for growth and development. During breastfeeding, it is olive oil that helps the baby’s fragile intestines adapt more quickly to adult food. Pediatricians recommend adding it to first foods.

How to take olive oil for medicinal purposes?

Therapy using olive oil is not new for a long time. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use extra virgin oil. This is a cold-pressed product that retains all its beneficial properties.

For intestinal diseases, the oil is used in the form of formulations, microenemas or rectal suppositories. The most common pathologies that oil can prevent or cure are constipation associated with impaired peristalsis, intestinal cancer, accumulation of waste and toxins, and chronic inflammation.

There are 2 ways to cleanse your intestines:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of oil daily with warm water (the best way to use oil for chronic constipation).
  2. Make microenemas using heated oil. To do this, 100-150 ml of oil is heated in a water bath to body temperature and an enema is given. After 10 minutes they empty.

Olive oil for the liver

Olive oil has a very beneficial effect on the liver:

  • toxins and free radicals are removed from tissues;
  • the liver is rejuvenated and renewed;
  • blood flow improves;
  • produces a choleretic effect, which is extremely useful for cholelithiasis;
  • helps relieve pain in liver diseases.

Application in gynecology

In gynecological practice, olive oil is valued for its medicinal properties:

  • the ability to have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects;
  • prevention of malignant neoplasms.

Most often, olive oil is used to make medicinal tampons. They are made from gauze and cotton wool. Oil-soaked tampons are placed in the vagina, where they have a therapeutic effect. Tampons with olive oil are one of the best auxiliary methods for treating cervical erosion.

Olive oil on an empty stomach - benefits and harm. How to use?

Olive oil on an empty stomach has a powerful therapeutic effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Normalizing cholesterol levels, increasing appetite and normalizing peristalsis are just a small part of the medicinal properties that the product provides.

Nutritionists around the world strongly advise consuming virgin oil on an empty stomach. It is preferable to do this in the morning. In the morning, the body receives the maximum amount of nutrients from the foods consumed. You can drink oil both during the height of gastrointestinal diseases and to prevent relapses.

But this product carries certain harm. It can provoke an exacerbation of certain pathologies. Therefore, you cannot self-medicate. Before taking it, you should consult a therapist.

Oil for weight loss

Even though the product is a fat, it can promote weight loss. Olive oil does not have a powerful fat burning effect. It provides weight normalization in a different way.

Benefits for weight loss:

  • normalization of the level of “bad” cholesterol;
  • ensuring normalization of digestion;
  • cleansing the liver and intestines of toxins and free radicals;
  • normalization of appetite;
  • providing the body with useful vitamins, microelements and fatty acids.

Olive oil in cosmetology

Olive oil-based products are quite popular in beauty centers. They are used for dry skin, dull hair, and brittle nails. First-pressed products have the most beneficial properties for the body. It is used in the production of luxury cosmetics.

Benefits for facial skin

The product contains many useful components that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin:

  • phospholipids normalize metabolic processes;
  • carotenoids have a calming and restorative effect;
  • copper, calcium and iron remove free radicals, thereby preventing skin aging;
  • unsaturated fatty acids protect against harmful environmental influences;
  • Vitamin A nourishes skin cells with moisture and stimulates blood circulation;
  • B vitamins have a rejuvenating effect;
  • Vitamin E renews cellular structure, gives the skin smooth texture and velvety;
  • Vitamin K eliminates pigmentation and evens out the overall tone.

For dry skin, olive oil is used in pure form or with several auxiliary components, and for oily skin it is recommended to dilute the oil with citrus juices. Do not overuse facial oil. With prolonged use of pure oil, a change in the functions of the sebaceous ducts occurs. The skin becomes oily and the pores become clogged. Blackheads and comedones form.

Use for hair beauty

Olive oil has a good effect on both the scalp and split ends. The most commonly used hair mask is olive oil and sea salt. The components are mixed and rubbed into the scalp. Wrap hair and leave for an hour. Wash off the mask with shampoo and rinse with water and lemon or grapefruit juice. This mask nourishes the scalp and makes hair manageable and silky.

IMPORTANT! Before using this component, be sure to perform a sensitivity test.

To do this, place a drop of product on the bend of your elbow. If after 15 minutes there are no unpleasant phenomena (itching, redness), you can safely use it for home treatments.

Olive oil for nails

Women's hands, and especially nails, need nutrition and care. Olive oil has a great effect on the condition of the nail plate. It prevents it from peeling, providing a strong manicure.

The most popular home treatments are an olive oil bath and rubbing the oil into the nail bed and cuticles. Warm baths promote accelerated nail growth. They nourish not only nails, but also the skin of the hands. And rubbing oil with lemon juice at night helps whiten and strengthen the nail plate.

Harm of olive oil to the human body

Despite the sheer number of positive effects, olive oil can have negative effects on the body.

When to avoid using this product:

  • for inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder in the acute stage;
  • with cholelithiasis in the relapse stage;
  • if you have an individual intolerance to olive oil;
  • during the development of diarrhea;
  • Hypotensive patients should avoid large amounts of oil, as it can lower blood pressure.

When using the product you should be careful:

  • daily norm of oil – 2 tbsp. l. Larger quantities of the product may cause undesirable processes in the body;
  • It is better to consume the oil fresh rather than heat-treated;
  • The shelf life of real oil is 1 year. If the selected product has more, it is most likely a fake with preservatives that will not bring any benefit to the body.

IMPORTANT! It is worth remembering that olive oil is, first of all, a fatty product. And, despite its high value, it is worth observing moderation. Otherwise, there is a risk of obesity, disruption of digestion and other systems.

For a long time, humanity has been using olive oil in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Its beneficial properties were discovered by the ancient Greeks. Olive oil is called “liquid gold”. What is its use? How to choose and what types of olive oils exist?

What are the benefits of olive oil?

Olive oil has many beneficial properties. It has a preventive effect against cardiovascular and cancer diseases:

  • fights “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • protects against atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • is a natural immunostimulant;
  • reduces the risk of cancer cells forming in the body.

It also has a good effect on the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and biliary system:

  • improves the functioning of the intestines, stomach, liver;
  • heals ulcers in the stomach and duodenum;
  • helps with hemorrhoids;
  • copes with constipation;
  • has a choleretic effect.

Olive oil is used in cosmetology:

  • has a rejuvenating effect, as it contains vitamin E;
  • it is included in masks and other care products for the face, body and hair;
  • has a healing effect on wounds, cuts and ulcers.

Types of olive oil and their uses

The physical and chemical composition of the finished product and the content of useful elements in it depend on the method of pressing the raw materials. In accordance with this indicator, in European legislation, olive oil is divided into categories:

  • natural olive oil (Extra Virgen and Virgen, Spanish);
  • olive oil (Aceite de Oliva, Spanish);
  • extra virgin olive oil (Romase or Aceite de orujo de oliva, Spanish).

Extra Virgin (unrefined, first cold pressed)

Extra Virgin is the most valuable and expensive type of oil. This is practically freshly squeezed olive juice, bottled. The technological process - from the place of cultivation and collection to sorting and pressing - is regulated and controlled.

In producing countries, the quality of olive oil is checked by a commission consisting of specialist tasters. This procedure is legally established and mandatory. Each of the ten commission members must assign the title Extra Virgin to the sample. Only in this case do the producers have the right to sell the oil under this name. If at least one member of the commission “rejects” the product, the manufacturer is fined and the oil is sent for revision.

This type of oil contains the largest amount of beneficial substances. Its taste is rich, but with a bitterness. The more bitter the oil is, the fresher it is. It is recommended to use it without heat treatment:

  1. For dressing salads and cold dishes.
  2. In dietary nutrition. For people prone to cardiovascular diseases, olive oil is an indispensable assistant in the fight against “bad” cholesterol. Used in diets for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.
  3. For feeding a child. Infants from the age of six months are introduced to complementary foods with Extra Virgin olive oil. The first dose is 2 drops, and by one year it is increased to a teaspoon. The fatty acids in this olive oil combine almost like those in breast milk. Helps children with constipation well.

Virgin (unrefined, cold pressed)

This oil is also a natural product, but the quality of the olives from which it is made is lower. Low quality standards are applied to it. The taste of Virgin oil is not as refined as that of extra-natural oil. Cosmetologists advise adding it to masks for the face, hair and nails. When using Virgin oil in cooking, it is not recommended to heat it to preserve its beneficial properties.

Refined cold pressed

This type of olive oil is obtained by mixing refined extra virgin olive oil with unrefined extra virgin olive oil in a ratio of 85%/15%. It also has excellent properties, but the rich taste and smell of olive oil is absent, and there is no characteristic bitterness. Suitable for heat treatment; no carcinogens are formed in it during frying.

Extra virgin olive oil

This oil is obtained from olive pomace remaining after the first pressing. During the manufacturing process, organic solvents are used and the raw materials are exposed to high temperatures. The oil retains a set of vitamins and microelements, but in smaller quantities. It is ideal for deep frying foods.

Product exporting countries

Which country makes the best olive oil? The dispute has been going on for many centuries. In every country there are worthy producers offering healthy and tasty oil.

The lion's share of olive oil is produced in Europe. Spain ranks first in terms of volume, Italy ranks second, and Greece ranks third. Olive oil is also made in Turkey, Tunisia and Syria, Morocco, Portugal, the USA and France. The volume of oil produced by these countries is a small share of the total. Therefore, the main dispute about the quality, taste and benefits of “liquid gold” flares up between Spain, Italy and Greece. Each country “roots” for its product and considers it the best. Are there differences in the tastes and beneficial properties of olive oil from these countries?

Quality product from Spain

In Spain, the process of producing “liquid gold” is well established and automated to perfection. This fact helps the country take first place in terms of product procurement volumes. The taste of olive oil from Spain is closer to the natural taste of olives than others. It is sharp and bitter.

Real olive oil from Italy

There are many olive oil production enterprises located in Italy. There are more than 400 varieties of olives in Italy. Rich bouquets of taste are created from such a variety. Greater competition in the domestic market only stimulates the improvement of the olive oils being created.

What does Italian olive oil taste like? Italians like to flavor their olive oil with herbs and spices, such as garlic, chili pepper or rosemary. This makes the oil taste a little spicy. Olive oil from Italy is distinguished by its mild taste, sweetish and barely perceptible herbal aroma.

What kind of oil is made in Greece

It was in Greece that the production of olive oil began in ancient times. The Greeks are filling their domestic market more, not striving for primacy in exports. Here they honor ancient traditions, pass them on from generation to generation, and are sensitive to the production of oil. This process is the least automated. The taste of the oil is rich and bright, it contains aromas of fruit and honey notes.

Greece has a suitable climate for growing olive trees. Thousands of Greek families, using home-based, conservative methods, extract the largest volume of extra-virgin olive oil (80% of the world's volume).

If we talk about the benefits of olive oil, then for producing countries there is a special law that sets out quality criteria. Therefore, the name Extra Virgin already guarantees that this oil is the best, regardless of which country it is brought from.

How to choose the right olive oil on store shelves

When buying olive oil, you need to clearly understand what it is for? If you plan to season salads and cold dishes with it, use it as complementary foods, for medicinal or dietary purposes, or in cosmetology, then choose oil labeled Virgin or Extra Virgin.

If you want to use oil for frying, choose olive oil labeled Aceite de Oliva. You can also cook in a deep fryer with oil labeled “Romase” or Aceite de orujo de oliva.

Many take advantage of the ignorance of buyers and sell simple refined olive oil at the price of extra-natural oil. Therefore, you need to look not only at the price, but also study the information on the packaging.

About the cost

  1. Extra virgin olive oil has the highest cost, since only the highest quality raw materials are used to obtain it. One kilogram of olives yields only 250 ml of oil. High quality requirements make this product more expensive.
  2. There is also a difference in the cost of extranatural oils. Oils labeled DOP/IGP/PDO or labeled “biological” (BIO) are significantly more expensive than Extra Virgin oil without such labeling.
    • BIO labeling guarantees that no chemicals or genetically modified organisms were used in the production of the oil;
    • DOP (PDO) - a guarantee that the oil was produced in a specific territory entered in a special register, the entire process from cultivation to packaging is carried out in one place;
    • IPG is a marking indicating that the oil was produced in a certain territory included in the agricultural register (one or more stages of production are regulated, which also has a positive effect on the quality of the oil).
  3. The difference in cost depends on the type of spin used in production. Extra virgin olive oil will always cost many times more than second (hot) pressing olive oil.
  4. Unrefined olive oil will always be more expensive than refined olive oil.

How to buy a good product in a store

Regardless of which type of olive oil you choose, consider the following points:

  1. Olive oil is not produced in Russia, so buy the product only in its original packaging. It is not safe to purchase such oil for bottling in our country.
  2. The packaging must be glass (dark glass) or tin.
  3. The type of olive oil and the exporting country must be indicated on the packaging.
  4. The DOP/IGP/PDO markings or the name “biological” (BIO) are a guarantee of the quality of extra-natural olive oil. Such markings are often counterfeited; to avoid making a mistake in your choice, ask the stores for a special certificate of origin.
  5. The acidity of the oil is always indicated on the packaging: the figure should be no more than 3.3%, if the oil is extra-natural, then no more than 1%.
  6. Pay attention to the production date and shelf life after opening. Typically, oil in unopened containers can be stored for up to 18 months. From the moment of opening - a month, provided that the bottle is tightly closed and placed in a dark place where the sun's rays do not reach.

If you have the opportunity to try Extra Virgin oil, then its features are as follows.

Olive oil is a fatty vegetable product obtained from olives and their pulp. The secret of its uniqueness and value is considered to be its composition, which includes many useful substances. Moreover, they are absorbed one hundred percent, which makes it a most valuable product.

It can be used both internally and externally, but olive oil will benefit most when taken on an empty stomach. This method allows you to rejuvenate the entire body, improve the quality of hair and skin with nails. According to doctors, at this time there is better absorption of substances with effective cleansing of internal organs.

The benefits and harms of olive oil on an empty stomach directly depend on the components of this product:

  1. Unsaturated fatty acids, especially Omega-3, help remove bad cholesterol and cleanse the body of harmful substances.
  2. Phenols help relieve inflammation.
  3. Monounsaturated fats help prevent the development of atherosclerosis and cancer.
  4. A large amount of fat-soluble vitamins improves the normal functioning of internal organs and external systems.
  5. Linoleic acid helps heal various internal and external damage.

The production process and the possibility of long-term storage give olive oil both benefits and harm in some cases, which will be discussed a little later.

Miracle action

Its use helps prevent the appearance of cholesterol plaques, normalize metabolic processes in the body, reduce appetite, slow conversion of lipids into fat, quickly heal existing gastrointestinal ulcers, reduce acidity and eliminate inflammation, cleanse the intestines, activate liver activity, improve skin, hair, and nail plates , cartilage, bones and muscles.

Traditional and official medicine is absolutely confident in the benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach. Doctors explain this by saying that an empty stomach better assimilates the foods that enter it. And it’s better that they are useful, which is what this product contains.

At this moment, cleansing processes that occur throughout the day are activated. But such an intake can also provoke an exacerbation of diseases existing in the body. Even those that the person himself did not know about.

Therefore, before drinking olive oil on an empty stomach, you should familiarize yourself with the conditions under which it cannot be consumed in this form with consultation from a physician. Any treatment must be carried out according to the developed scheme and under the supervision of a doctor. Start taking it, as a rule, with half a tablespoon. The same amount should be taken in the evening before dinner, half an hour before dinner. After two weeks, the dose is increased.

By drinking such a product immediately after getting up, you can permanently remove toxins from the body and normalize internal organs, in particular the liver. This can be done by adding lemon juice - first drink 1 tsp. oil and then a few drops of juice.

This method is the most optimal, allowing you to soften the effect of the oil. To completely cleanse the liver, you need to increase the amount of products - 1 tbsp. l. for the same amount of lemon juice. The same effect will happen if you drink tomato juice instead of lemon juice - 1 glass of juice and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Rejuvenation, cosmetology and figure improvement

The most unique combination is honey, lemon and olive oil taken on an empty stomach. All of them are unique individually, but together they give an amazing effect.

Most of all, this method is used to improve physical fitness. After all, thanks to honey, fats entering the body are digested faster, lemon removes unnecessary water and lowers cholesterol levels, and oil fills the body with necessary healing substances.

It should be borne in mind that while on a diet, this combination saturates with all useful microelements.

Honey, lemon and olive oil

Honey, lemon and olive oil on an empty stomach have a positive effect on the skin and hair. To do this, you need to take 0.5 cups of lemon juice, 1 cup of honey and 50 ml of oil, mix everything thoroughly and put it in the cold. Eat 1 tsp of the resulting mixture every day. and the result will not take long to arrive.

This combination is also popular in cosmetology. To strengthen your hair you need to take half a lemon and squeeze out the juice, honey - 4 tbsp. l., olive oil - 1 tbsp. l. Mix everything and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes. Hair should be washed, dried and combed - apply a mask and wrap your head with a bag and a towel. After 40 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

These ingredients can also whiten your skin. To do this, take a little bit of everything in equal quantities, mix and add chicken yolk. This composition also eliminates peeling and adds elasticity.

Like any product, this one also has contraindications due to its strong effect on liver activity in terms of cleansing. A teaspoon is enough to start the movement of stones in the gall bladder.

In this case, the result may be the need for surgical intervention. To prevent this from happening, before you start drinking olive oil on an empty stomach, you must find out about your health status and consult with a specialist.

To effectively combat excess fat deposits, it is worth adjusting your diet, excluding from it foods and dishes that are unnecessary for the body.

An equally important point lies in the choice of oil:

  1. The first thing you need to pay attention to is freshness and whether the place where it was produced coincides with the place of bottling.
  2. You should look for the presence of this mark - Extra virgin, indicating high-quality raw materials and cold pressing. If only the word Virgin is present, then the quality of the raw materials is slightly lower.
  3. If there is a Pomace inscription, the usefulness is reduced significantly, since cake, heat and chemistry were used in production.
  4. If there is an inscription on any other oil stating that the product contains olive oil, you should not believe it.
  5. The oil should be sold in a dark glass bottle.

Considering all these points when purchasing oil, you can safely use it without fear of negative consequences. It is better to store olive oil in the dark and cool, but not in the refrigerator.

With the right approach, reasonable storage and use, you can get a lot of useful and pleasant things out of this product.