Real English porridge. English Porridge: how to make a treat from oatmeal

Despite the fact that England gave the world many culinary terms, local cuisine has never been considered particularly refined: it is characterized by some monotony of tastes and conservatism. And it’s all about traditions, which people here don’t like to break.

Respect for traditions in everything - this motto of English life has long been unshakable. That is why English cuisine avoided borrowing from its neighbors. Even the proximity of France had no effect on the development of gastronomic traditions. As the French like to joke, they have 3 religions and 300 sauces in their country, while the British have the opposite.

But traditional English dishes have always been distinguished by natural, properly selected ingredients, and the simplicity of preparation helped to preserve the beneficial properties of the products. If you strive to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, then on you will find many useful tips on the psychology of a healthy life.

Thanks to English literature, the whole world learned that they serve oatmeal for breakfast, roast beef or steak for dinner, always drink tea at 5 o'clock, and bake pudding for Christmas. Today we will tell you how easy it is to prepare oatmeal in English so that it is both tasty and healthy.

Oatmeal in English

  • 1 cup traditional oatmeal
  • a pinch of salt

for submission:

  • 1 cup milk or cream
  • sugar
  • fresh or frozen berries
  • 2 bananas
  • ground cinnamon

How to cook oatmeal in English

Pour 1.5 cups of water into a small saucepan, heat and add salt. Add 1 cup of traditional oatmeal. Bring, stirring, to a boil and remove the porridge from the heat. Cover the pan with a lid and let sit for 5 minutes.

When the cereal is soft, return the pan to the heat and heat for 2 minutes, stirring. Place oatmeal into bowls. Add warmed cream or milk. If desired, sprinkle the oatmeal with sugar and garnish with sliced ​​bananas or fresh berries. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon. English oatmeal is ready. Bon appetit!

Airy, tender, creamy vanilla porridge under a crispy caramel crust with fruits and nuts. It's hard to believe that this delicacy can be made from regular oatmeal. Confectioner Natalya Averina told the 360 ​​TV channel about how to make a porridge.

Interesting facts about oatmeal:

  1. Before preparing oatmeal, according to English traditions, rolled oats must be soaked in cold water.
  2. English chefs stir their oatmeal in one direction.
  3. Cream or sugar should be added to English oatmeal at the end of cooking.
  4. Oatmeal cookies are baked for 12 minutes.
  5. Oatmeal cookies prepared according to a classic homemade recipe can be stored for one month.


  • Oatmeal - 170 g;
  • cream 33% - 120 ml;
  • refined sugar - 25 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 4 g;
  • cane sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • salt - 4 g;
  • ground cinnamon - 4 g;
  • raisins - 20 g;
  • walnut - 50 g;
  • pear - 1 pc.


1. Pour oatmeal into a saucepan and fill with cold water. Remove the husks and particles of debris that float on top with a spoon.

2. Then strain the oatmeal through a sieve, fill the washed flakes with cold water and place on the stove.

3. Cook the oatmeal over medium heat, constantly stirring with a spatula in one direction. After boiling, let the porridge cook for another 3 minutes.

4. Add cream, a tablespoon of refined sugar and a pinch of vanilla sugar, cinnamon and salt, mix everything again. Oatmeal is ready!

5. Transfer the oatmeal to a deep ceramic plate, sprinkle cane sugar on top, and use a burner to create a caramelized crust.

6. Cut the peeled pear into slices.

7. Pour cane sugar into a dry frying pan. When it melts, place pear slices and walnuts on it.

Russian-English translation OATMEAL PORridge

More meanings of the word and translation of OATMEAL porridge from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and the translation of OATMEAL porridge from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for OATMEAL PORRIDGE in dictionaries.

  • OATMEAL – Oatmeal
  • OATMEAL – porridge, oatmeal
  • OATMEAL – porridge, oatmeal
  • PORridge – Porridge
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