Do I need to boil chanterelles before frying them? How long to cook chanterelles for pickling

Chanterelle mushrooms are loved by many people. And there’s a reason: these mushrooms can be used to prepare many delicious dishes. In addition, they almost always look very appetizing and attractive. Pickled, salted and especially fried chanterelles can decorate any meal. Mushroom lovers are unanimous on this. But their opinions differ when it comes to the advisability of pre-cooking chanterelles.

This is all due to the inherent bitterness of chanterelles. Usually you get rid of it by first soaking the mushrooms and then boiling them.

But the bitter taste of these forest inhabitants can be caused by various reasons: place of growth, age, weather. Therefore, the methods of getting rid of it are different, as is the time needed for this. In some cases, pre-boiling is indispensable.

Do not fry raw

The question of whether it is necessary to boil chanterelles before frying should immediately disappear if it is +30 °C outside and there has been no rain for a month. In this case, the mushrooms will definitely taste bitter. Without many hours of soaking, changing water and boiling, you cannot get rid of the bitterness.

You should not fry chanterelles raw if you do not know where they were collected: mushrooms growing near coniferous trees are especially bitter. This also applies to mushrooms collected near the highway.

It’s better to lightly boil purchased frozen chanterelles: you don’t know where they grew and whether they were processed correctly before freezing. As a last resort, defrost, separate a small part, fry and taste. If they taste bitter, boil the entire batch before frying and drain immediately.

As for old mushrooms, if you decide to cook them, first wash them well, remove damaged areas, cut the stem halfway through and soak for 10 hours. Then boil for half an hour. Roast and taste. If there is bitterness, it is better not to eat at all.

It may happen that a foreign mushroom accidentally adjoined the batch of chanterelles you purchased or collected. For example, a false fox. This is not fatal, but in this case, even boiling will not help get rid of the unpleasant taste of mushrooms.

Fry raw

If you are sure of the origin of the mushrooms, and the chanterelles themselves are young, plump, without flaws, and there has been no drought, you can safely start frying them. And the sooner the better. Fresh fried chanterelles with onions are the best dish that can be prepared from these mushrooms.


  • chanterelles (1 kg),
  • large onions (2 pieces),
  • salt,
  • vegetable oil (50 ml),
  • butter (50 g),
  • water (100 ml).

First, thoroughly wash the mushrooms and cut off the tips of the stems (the most bitter part of the chanterelles).

Pour vegetable oil into a large frying pan, heat it a little and fill it with mushrooms (you can fill it with a heap - they will fry several times). At minimum temperature, simmer the mushrooms until they release juice (15 minutes). Add water (100 ml) and continue to simmer for the same amount, covering with a lid and slightly increasing the temperature.

Then add salt, cover with coarsely chopped onion and mix. After 10 minutes, add butter and mix again. In 15 minutes, a wonderful dish with a stunning aroma will be ready. The final touch is finely chopped dill or young onions.


When frying mushrooms, as well as with other methods of preparing them, do not get carried away with spices and herbs. A good portion of onions is a sufficient addition to the fried mushrooms. And if you still don’t have enough spiciness, then add seasonings in limited quantities.

Fried chanterelles are a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. However, not everyone knows whether chanterelles should be boiled before frying. It is enough to discover this secret to appreciate this simple dish. At the same time, the incomparable aroma, unsurpassed taste and high nutritional value of chanterelles make this dish worthy of the menu of an expensive restaurant.

Why do you boil mushrooms before frying?

Professional chefs and famous authors of books on culinary art unanimously advise boiling mushrooms before frying, or at least lightly scalding them with boiling water. The fact is that these wonderful gifts of the forest, close in nutritional value to meat, differ in one specific feature. During the growth process, the fungus absorbs all the chemicals contained in the soil. Therefore, almost the entire periodic table can end up in the frying pan if the mushrooms are not boiled first.

Short-term boiling allows you to clean the mushrooms from accumulated harmful chemical components. Therefore, for safety reasons, such additional heat treatment of mushrooms is recommended. It’s better to do it and not risk your health.

Sly little foxes

Chanterelles belong to a small group of mushrooms that simply do not grow in places with unfavorable environmental conditions. They, like champignons, saffron milk caps and porcini mushrooms, are a kind of natural indicator of the purity of the natural environment. Accordingly, many hazardous chemicals do not accumulate in them.

Therefore, when deciding whether to boil fresh chanterelles before frying, you should pay attention to three points:

3 decisive points: should you boil chanterelles before frying?

1. Collection time. If you know for sure that the mushrooms were picked several hours ago, you can refuse to boil them. But it’s worth scalding slightly with boiling water.

2. Gathering place. Chanterelles collected in the forest at a great distance from cities and highways can be fried immediately. First scalded with boiling water.

3. Serving the finished dish. Fried mushrooms that have been pre-boiled are somewhat inferior in appearance to chanterelles fried without
additional processing. Besides, it's still dangerous.

In order to serve elegant golden fried chanterelles, you should choose freshly picked mushrooms. Then you can refuse to boil them completely and preserve the beautiful appearance of the gifts of the forest.

These are one of the most delicious and aromatic mushrooms, and finding them in the forest is the cherished desire of every mushroom picker. To treat yourself to delicious mushroom dishes, you need to know how long to cook the chanterelles so that they are ready to eat. Mushrooms should not be undercooked, but overcooked chanterelles also lose their taste and aroma.

How long to cook chanterelles before frying

All wild mushrooms are cooked until cooked before frying. To cook fresh chanterelles with potatoes, onions and sour cream in a frying pan, you need to cook them strictly according to time.

Place the prepared mushrooms in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. Add salt and spices to taste, cook small or cut into pieces for 20 minutes, whole medium and large mushrooms for 30 minutes after boiling.

How long to cook chanterelles before freezing

Freezing foods allows you to preserve their taste and benefits. Mushrooms that are already completely ready for consumption are prepared in this way. To do this, add water to the mushrooms prepared for freezing, bring to a boil, add salt and spices. Cook for 30 minutes; these frozen chanterelles can be added to all mushroom dishes.

How long to cook chanterelles for soup

For this dish you need to take ready-made mushrooms. If you use frozen ones, you need to add them along with the potatoes, 20-25 minutes before they are ready.

To cook fresh chanterelle mushrooms for soup, add water, bring to a boil, add salt and spices to taste. How many minutes to cook mushrooms depends on their size: small and pieces for 20 minutes, and medium and large ones for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling.

How long to cook chanterelles for pickling

Pickled chanterelles are a very tasty preparation for the winter. Already cooked mushrooms are placed in jars for pickling. How many minutes to cook the chanterelles until tender before marinating depends on their size. Small and pieces are boiled for 20 minutes, medium and large - 30 minutes from boiling.

Fried chanterelles

Delicious forest food made from fried chanterelles! Joyful and simple!

What you need to fry chanterelles

on the frying pan

  • Chanterelles – a large bunch or 2;
  • Onion – 1 head;
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves (optional);
  • Salt;
  • Greens (parsley, dill) - half a bunch;
  • Vegetable and/or butter.

Fresh chanterelles

  • Soak the chanterelles in cool water for 20-30 minutes (to remove the sand and twigs), rinse, cut off what cannot be washed. Cut into large pieces if you find very large mushrooms.
  • Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, add the chanterelles into it. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Drain the water.
  • Cut the onion into half rings or quarter rings. Garlic - in slices. Fry in oil (0.5 cm layer) until softened and the first onion aroma appears.
  • Add mushrooms. Fry over medium heat for about 20 minutes. A sign that the chanterelles are ready is that they become brighter, and the onions fade and decrease in volume, becoming inconspicuous among the red mushrooms. Add salt. Keep it on the fire for a couple more minutes.
  • Sprinkle with herbs.

Very tasty fried mushrooms!

2. Fried chanterelles in a dry frying pan (method 2)

This method is considered the simplest and fastest. It turns out just as delicious. Just a different technology.

  • Clean and rinse the chanterelles as well. Chop if necessary.
  • Throw them into a dry frying pan (without oil) and fry until the released water has evaporated.
  • As soon as the water has evaporated, add butter (preferably butter, but vegetable can be used) and simmer and fry for another 15 minutes. At the end, add salt and sprinkle with spices (dried basil or pepper). Sprinkle the finished chanterelles with chopped herbs before serving!

This is how Natasha Rybka cooks, it’s very tasty!

Chanterelles, butter, salt, herbs. You can fry it with onions and garlic.
The chanterelles begin to release juice
First there is too much water in the pan

The water has evaporated, add oil
Add oil to the pan
Delicious fried chanterelles in butter

These chanterelles were fried by Natasha Rybka - in a dry frying pan

Features of cooking fried chanterelles

Chanterelles fried in butter acquire a sweeter, nobler, richer taste. But if you only have regular sunflower mushrooms, it doesn’t matter, the mushrooms will turn out very tasty!

Plate with fried chanterelles. Very simple, fast and tasty! Natasha Rybka prepared these mushrooms.

What to add to the pan for chanterelles

Fresh herbs (especially parsley) harmonize both the color and taste of a red mushroom dish.

If you have tried ready-made chanterelles and you are a little lacking in sourness or some special note, you can add a drop of lemon juice, but just a couple of drops (not at all).

That's how shiny they are, lubricated with oil!

Dried herbs enhance the pleasant taste sensations: marjoram, oregano, basil. You can add a pinch of them to the chanterelles.

Do I need to boil chanterelles before frying?

If you have very clean, good-looking mushrooms, you don’t have to boil them. Just rinse them, dry them slightly and toss them with the onions.

Eh, where is this plate full of happiness now?! ...)))

How to Chop Onions for Fried Mushrooms

I cut the onion into strips because it’s easier for it to hug each mushroom piece and wrap the chanterelles in their spicy-sweet tender ribbons.

What else to cook with chanterelles

Fried chanterelles are a very tasty food!

They are especially good with young potatoes (boiled or fried). It is customary to serve them with sour cream. Or you can season the mushrooms with it directly in the frying pan (recipe for chanterelles fried with sour cream).

You can make a creamy mushroom sauce from chanterelles and spread it on delicious croutons (recipe).

Chanterelles also turn out very tasty if you stew them with onions, garlic and tomatoes in meat broth or directly with meat (

Some culinary programs talk about how long it takes to cook chanterelles before eating them, it can be only a couple of minutes, unlike. They are even added raw to the frying pan, but this is wrong. Without exception, all wild mushrooms must be brought to full readiness immediately before cooking.

How long to cook chanterelles before frying

To prepare fried mushrooms, you must first boil them. To do this, prepared and sorted chanterelles need to be placed in pans and filled with water. From the moment of boiling, cook small chanterelle mushrooms for 20 minutes, medium and large ones for 30 minutes, adding salt and spices to taste.

How long to cook chanterelles before freezing

Frozen mushrooms are a unique semi-finished product; they are suitable for soup and stew, as well as a filling for pies and simply as a separate appetizer, fried in a frying pan. To boil, you need to sort the chanterelles, put them in pots and add water. Cook from the moment of boiling for small ones for 20 minutes, medium and large mushrooms for 30 minutes, add spices and salt to taste.

How long to cook chanterelles for soup

To prepare a delicious mushroom soup, chanterelles are boiled directly in it, or ready-made ones are added. Frozen chanterelles are added to first courses 30 minutes before the end of cooking, fresh boiled ones - 10 minutes before the end of cooking. You can also add raw chanterelles to the soup, and cook small ones for 30 minutes until the end of cooking from the moment of boiling in the dish, medium and large ones - 45 minutes.

How long to cook chanterelles for pickling

Salted chanterelles are prepared from already boiled mushrooms. To do this, they are sorted, placed in pots and filled with water. Boil small ones for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling, medium and large ones - 30 minutes. Chanterelles are prepared for pickling in the same way.