The filling for homemade Siberian dumplings. Real Siberian dumplings - recipe with photos

In my opinion, Siberian dumplings are the most delicious. The minced meat for Siberian dumplings includes beef and pork in equal proportions, as well as a little sugar to give them a piquant taste. Don’t be afraid to add it to the minced meat, it won’t be sweet, you won’t need a lot of sugar, but you will see how the taste of the minced meat will sparkle in the finished dumplings. The dough here is classic - made with water, egg and vegetable oil. You will get a lot of dumplings, so you can safely freeze them.

So, for the dough, prepare flour, water, egg, salt, vegetable oil, and for minced meat, pork, beef, onion, water, salt, ground pepper, sugar. First prepare the dough. Pour wheat flour into a bowl, make a depression in the center, pour salt into it, beat in an egg and pour in cold water with vegetable oil.

Knead all these ingredients into a dough and leave for 15-20 minutes.

While the dough is resting, prepare the filling for the Siberian dumplings. Chop the pork and beef and chop the onion.

Grind the meat and onions in a meat grinder.

Pour salt, sugar and ground pepper into the resulting minced meat, and also pour in cold water. Mix the minced meat until smooth.

Knead the rested dough, divide it into three or four parts, roll out the first part of the dough and use a glass to make round blanks for future dumplings.

Place a teaspoon or a little more minced meat onto the dough circles.

Bring the edges of the dough together to make dumplings like these.

Then connect the ends to make dumplings like this. Do the rest of the dumplings in the same way. In total you will get about 80-100 dumplings.

Now they can be boiled or frozen. Serve the finished Siberian dumplings with butter, sour cream, tomato sauce or as you personally like.

Thin dough, juicy filling - these dumplings are simply wonderful!

Enjoy and bon appetit!!!

Lumps of minced meat frozen almost to stone in dough fit perfectly into the life of the inhabitants of Siberia. In the taiga, local residents produced a lot of meat, and the climate allowed them to store semi-finished products for months. Far from home, the hunters melted snow in pots, boiled water and cooked dumplings, which they always had with them. Of course, the original recipe for Siberian-style dumplings included the meat of wild animals - bear, elk, roe deer, hare. Today, such versions of the dish can only be found in restaurants, and for home cooking, beef, pork, lamb and poultry are used.

3 secrets of delicious Siberian-style dumplings

  1. Using several types of meat. The filling becomes more tender and juicy if different types of meat are mixed in it. The base, of course, is beef. If pork or lamb is added to it, then the proportion of minced meat is approximately 60:40. If the minced meat consists of three types of meat, then the optimal combination is: 45% beef, 35% pork and 20% lamb.
  2. Cold. Both the dough and the minced meat must be chilled. This makes sculpting easier and improves the taste of the dish.
  3. Water balance. It must be observed both when preparing minced meat and when cooking. Water is added to the meat for juiciness, but if there is too much of it, when frozen, the ice will “burst” the dumpling from the inside, and the dough will crack. When cooking, on the contrary, the more water, the better.

Cooking dumplings “from scratch”: dough, minced meat and modeling with photos

How to properly and tasty cook dumplings with your own hands. You can take into account all the nuances only by constantly practicing, so we will give a step-by-step recipe for Siberian dumplings.

You will need:

  • beef - 400 g;
  • lamb - 300 g;
  • pork - 200 g;
  • onions - 3 pieces;
  • wheat flour - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • water - 400 ml.


  1. Place a container of water in the freezer. By the time you follow the next steps in the recipe, it should be very cool, but not too cold.
  2. Sift the flour onto the table or into a large cup until it forms a mound.
  3. Beat the eggs into a separate bowl and stir lightly with a fork.
  4. Make a small hole in the flour and pour in the eggs.
  5. Start kneading the dough, using your hands to collect the flour from the edges to the center.
  6. Add chilled water little by little. Gradually, the flour will absorb water, and the dough will become more and more pliable and homogeneous.
  7. Place the dough on a floured surface and continue kneading until elastic.
  8. Wrap the dough in a plastic bag or cling film and let it rest at room temperature for 15-20 minutes.
  9. Grind all three types of meat and onions in a meat grinder.
  10. Mix the minced meat well in a bowl, add some salt, add a little water and refrigerate for 5-10 minutes.
  11. Sprinkle the table with flour. Prepare boards or plates - they also need to be generously sprinkled with flour so that the dumplings do not stick.
  12. Separate a small piece from the dough. Roll it into a sausage with a diameter of approximately 2 cm.
  13. Cut the sausage into pieces 1.5-2 cm long.
  14. Roll out each piece with a rolling pin. Place the minced meat in the center of the circle so that there is enough dough left to seal the edges.
  15. Fold the dough pieces in half and pinch all edges to form a semicircle. Connect the bottom corners to each other - you get a beautiful round dumpling.

In some sources you can find the opinion that the appearance of the dish is directly related to the name - for example, that round dumplings are considered Ural, and Siberian ones are those that have a sculpted comb or “pigtail” on top. In fact, these are just habits that are different in every family. The recipe for homemade Siberian dumplings allows for any type of modeling. You can use a special machine that folds the dough and meat in half and forms a patterned “seam” at the pinch point. In many families, it is customary to leave dumplings semi-circular, like dumplings. And so that your workpieces are as even as a selection, you can roll out the dough into a single layer and cut into circles with a glass.

The “Soviet” tradition of storing dumplings on the balcony in winter makes sense not only for preserving semi-finished products. It has long been noted that frozen dumplings release their juice much better when cooked. In the old days, crushed ice was even added to minced meat for these purposes. So, even if you plan to immediately cook everything you put together, put the dumplings out on the balcony for a while (if it’s winter) or cool them in the freezer.

Secrets of proper cooking. Cooking classic dumplings step by step

Siberian dumplings need to be boiled in a large amount of water so that they float freely and do not stick to each other. Water is usually taken at the rate of 4-5 liters per kilogram of frozen product. In this case, the blanks are not cooked all at once, but in batches of 20-30 pieces. For cooking, a special slotted spoon or strainer with a long handle is very useful.

You will need:

  • dumplings - 1 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • peppercorns, bay leaf - to taste.


  1. Boil water in a large saucepan.
  2. Add salt and spices.
  3. Place the dumplings into the boiling water and immediately stir with a slotted spoon so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  4. Wait until the water boils again and the dumplings float to the surface.
  5. Keep them in boiling water for 3-4 minutes and let them “puff up” slightly.
  6. Remove the finished dish with a slotted spoon and place on plates.

To avoid getting burned when throwing semi-finished products into boiling water, adhere to the following rule: do not throw them all at once and do not push them off the board. It is best to gradually lower the dumplings into the pan one by one, bringing your hand as close to the water as possible to avoid splashing.


For a family dinner, dumplings can simply be placed on plates. For receiving guests, an option with a large dish in the center of the table is appropriate. “Real” dumplings go well with a variety of sauces. You can serve them with sour cream, mayonnaise, mustard, adjika, ketchup, melted butter, water with vinegar and even soy sauce.

The recipe for making Siberian dumplings is simple, but it requires precision and accuracy, then the result will be excellent. Involve family and friends in the preparation of this wonderful dish: the most interesting stories are told while modeling. Such moments are remembered for a lifetime!

How to make homemade dumplings

From this article you will learn everything about Siberian dumplings: recipe, tips and interesting facts, the history of the origin of the dish and the secrets of the most delicious minced meat and dough!

2 hours

250 kcal

4/5 (4)

Today, making homemade dumplings is becoming something extraordinary. Many people think that this process is difficult, tedious and takes up too much free time. This is actually not true. Making this dish is fun, creative and simple. And now we will be convinced of this.

History of Siberian dumplings

Most likely, the birthplace of this dish is China, where they have been loved to cook them for more than two thousand years. The names of Chinese dumplings are baozi and wontons. In this country it is considered festive and is often prepared on the eve of important events.

Russia is considered to be the second homeland. When the Siberian Highway passed through the border of Udmurtia, people got acquainted with the culture and cuisine of local peoples. It was thanks to the Siberian Highway that the dish came to Siberia, where it became very popular and was called “Siberian dumplings.” There is more than one, but today we will focus on the most interesting.

What is the advantage of homemade Siberian dumplings?


For minced meat we need:

Advice: You can use water instead of broth, but broth will make the minced meat tender and juicy.

Ingredients for the dough:

Preparing the dough

This recipe is the simplest and most successful. If in the future you want to try making manti or dumplings, it will also be suitable for these dishes.

  1. Take a deep plastic bowl and pour a glass of cold water into it, add a spoonful of salt.
  2. Break the chicken eggs and mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour 4 cups of flour into another container and make a depression in the center (with a crater shape). Pour the prepared mixture into the center.

    Advice: Be sure, before working with flour, it must be thoroughly sifted through a sieve.

  4. Take a spoon and begin to knead the dough in a circular motion from the center to the edge until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  5. Let's start kneading the dough with our hands.

    Advice: To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, you can moisten them with a little cold water.

  6. Next, knead the dough on the table. To do this, take a glass of flour and pour some of it onto the table. As you work, pay attention to the consistency of the dough. Add flour if necessary. The dough should be kneaded cool.

    Advice: To check if the dough is ready, shape it into a ball and leave it for a few minutes. It should completely hold its shape and not spread.

  7. Lightly dust the finished dough with flour and place it in a plastic bag (or cover with a towel) so that it does not dry out or become weathered. Let it sit for 30 minutes. Then mix thoroughly again until it is soft.

If you decide to add hot water, then it will be no less tasty and easy to prepare.

Cooking minced meat

Interesting fact! In the north, sakhatin or venison meat was also used to make dumplings. In our region, not everyone can afford to purchase this meat. But, if you want to try the original recipe of the northern peoples, try purchasing it one day and adding it to the minced meat. The proportions are approximately as follows: beef 50%, pork 20%, venison 30%.

  1. First, the meat is washed, dried with a towel, and the veins are trimmed. We will boil meat broth from these veins, so there is no need to skimp.

    Advice: try not to remove layers of fat from the pork, because they will give the meat juiciness, softness and tenderness.

  2. The meat is scrolled through a meat grinder.

    Advice: Since the goal of our work is to cook easily and quickly, you can replace the pieces of meat with purchased minced meat. This will save time.

  3. Place the minced meat in a deep bowl and begin chopping the onion. Then chop a bunch of parsley (sometimes nettle leaves are added to the minced meat).

    Advice: before cutting parsley, it is better to pour boiling water over it thoroughly.

  4. Mix meat, onion, parsley, add salt, a pinch of black pepper and a spoonful of flour. Mix the ingredients.
  5. Then add 70 ml of meat broth (which we boiled first). To save time, you can replace the broth with plain water. Mix again.

Advice: Do not overdo it with broth (or water), as the minced meat will become too liquid.

Making dumplings

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing our dish so far. Now it's time to move on to the most interesting and creative process - we will make our dumplings!

  1. Pour a little flour onto the table, place a small piece of dough and roll it out with a rolling pin to form a large thin round layer.
  2. Next, we take an ordinary faceted glass and use it to cut the layer into circles.
  3. Place a teaspoon of minced meat in the middle of each round and seal the dough around the edges. Place the finished products on a plate or large tray, sprinkled with flour on top (so as not to stick).
  4. When everything is ready, you need to put them in the freezer.

Interesting fact! The main feature of these dumplings is that they must be frozen before cooking. This is how they improve their properties and taste.

Cooking process

How to cook dumplings the Siberian way? You can boil the finished product in meat broth or water (whichever you prefer). To improve the taste, you can add bay leaves, a couple of black peppercorns, and green onions to the water.

Advice: It is important to boil the dumplings in a low and wide pan, not in large portions, so that they do not stick together during cooking.

You need to put them in boiling water, when the water boils again, after about 7-10 minutes the dish is ready. Bon appetit!

Secrets of successful preparation of dumplings

  • Some recipes use milk to make dumplings. In fact, this is not worth doing, since the broth will turn out cloudy (many people like to serve dumplings in the broth at the table), and the products may become overcooked.
  • To make the dough more elastic and roll out well, it is recommended not just to leave it in a plastic bag, but to put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  • For delicious dumplings, choose good, fresh, quality ingredients. This applies to meat, eggs and flour (first or highest grade).
  • If you are serving the dish in broth, first remove the dumplings from the pan and strain the broth. Then dumplings are placed on a plate and seasoned with clean broth.
  • You need to take a low and wide pan, so that the dumplings are not cramped in it. Water should fill it three-quarters or two-thirds, not to the brim.

What to serve with and how to decorate

  • The easiest way is to put dumplings on a plate, add a piece of butter (or sour cream) and serve with fresh herbs.
  • You can serve it in broth, adding butter or herbs on top. Some housewives add small pieces of carrots and onions to the broth when cooking.

That's all the secrets of making simple and very tasty Siberian dumplings. We wish you bon appetit and an easy creative cooking process!

Today Galina Kotyakhova is cooking in our kitchen:

Nowadays, there are a lot of dumplings on store shelves; you can buy them with any filling and any shape. But still, homemade dumplings and dumplings are much tastier. A friend in my group sent me her recipe, she is Siberian, and now I cook the same delicious dumplings with meat as hers.

Siberian dumplings recipe from mixed minced meat

Siberians typically prepare dumplings by mixing three types of meat. First, let's prepare the minced meat.

Recipe for minced meat for Siberian-style meat dumplings:

  • beef-300 gr.
  • pork-300 gr. And
  • 200 g elk meat.
  • 2 eggs,
  • 2 onions,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt.

Let's start preparing the filling. Pork should not be fatty. Pass 2 onions and meat through a meat grinder with a large grill into a bowl, add minced meat, salt, pepper, mix, and break 2 eggs there. Mix everything again and beat it, then put the minced meat in the refrigerator. While the minced meat is cooling, prepare the Dough.

Dough for homemade dumplings

For it we will need:

  • Flour-500 gr. (2 glasses);
  • water - half a glass,
  • egg-1 pc.
  • salt.

To prepare the dough for homemade dumplings, take a dish, beat in an egg, add salt and cold water, beat everything until smooth, gradually add the sifted flour and knead into a thick dough. Stop adding flour as soon as the dough starts to pull away from your hands. Cover the dough with a napkin and leave for the gluten to ripen for half an hour. Then this dumpling dough can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Cooking homemade dumplings in Siberian style:

1. Remove the dough from the cold and roll it out into a thin layer on a table sprinkled with flour.

2. Then cut out circles with a glass.

3. Place the minced meat filling on each circle and pinch it together; you can give the dumplings any shape.

4. The dumplings are stuck together and you can boil them immediately, or you can freeze them. I always cook freshly made. Put a pan of water on gas, let it boil, add salt and pepper, add bay leaf, butter and onion, including the peel. Let it simmer for about five minutes, then add the dumplings into the broth. When the dumplings float to the surface and inflate (this is a Siberian trick), catch them with a slotted spoon, put them in a dish and pour in melted butter, and
dumplings can be eaten like soup with broth.

Siberian dumplings That's why recipe You can season it not only with butter, but also with sour cream - it’s very tasty.

Bon appetit!

and another unusual recipe for dumplings from the YouTube channel from Dovna:

Japanese dumplings

the minced meat in Japanese dumplings is prepared from meat, carrots, onions and soy sauce, the Japanese dumplings are very juicy and tasty