Simmer the meat in large pieces with seasonings. How to make it tastier

Recipes for pork stew with gravy.

Pork is not a dietary food at all, but it is everyone’s favorite meat. It is ideal for preparing kebabs, chops and fingers. But one of the simplest cooking options is stewing in gravy. This helps solve the problem with sauces and season the side dish with a tasty and aromatic soup.

How to properly stew and cook pork in small pieces: the simplest recipe

Almost every housewife knows how to prepare this dish. Its advantage is simplicity. There are many options for preparing gravy.


  • 0.5 kg pork pulp
  • 1 onion
  • Spices
  • Small carrots
  • Oil
  • Greenery
  • The secret lies in choosing the right meat. You shouldn’t buy too expensive parts for extinguishing
  • Pieces such as meatball and entrecote are more suitable for frying. The bottom line is that when it gets into the frying pan, a lot of juice is retained inside.
  • To prepare the gravy, select the rear or brisket
  • Cut the meat into pieces measuring 4 by 4 cm
  • Pour a small amount of oil into a thick-walled frying pan and heat it
  • Fry the pieces with constant stirring along with the onion. When it is browned on both sides, you can start stewing.
  • Pour in some water and add grated carrots. Cover with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes
  • Add salt, spices and herbs

How to deliciously stew pork meat with sour cream gravy: recipe in the oven

This is one of the French meat options. It cooks quickly and is perfect for the holiday table.


  • 500 g meat
  • 2 onions
  • 300 g mushrooms
  • 150 ml sour cream
  • 100 g cheese
  • Spices
  • For this recipe, it is better to use a cue ball or back end. It is cut into layers 1 cm thick
  • After this, the meat is beaten with a hoe and rubbed with salt and spices.
  • Next, you need to place a layer of onion cut into rings on a baking sheet, and meat on top of it
  • Next, lay out the meat and mushrooms on top of it
  • Grind the cheese and mix with sour cream and pour the sauce over the mushrooms
  • Pour in 100 ml of water and cook in the oven for 40 minutes

How to deliciously stew pork meat with gravy like in kindergarten?

This dish is nothing other than beef stroganoff. Initially, the dish was invented by the cook of the old owner Stroganov. He had no teeth, so he could not chew meat. Then the cook scraped the pork and prepared a very delicate gravy.


  • 500 g pork
  • 2 spoons of tomato paste
  • 2 onions
  • Spices
  • Oil
  • A little flour
  • Pork is cut into very small pieces. Chefs recommend scraping frozen meat
  • Next, oil is poured into the frying pan and the meat and onions are fried in it.
  • When the food is browned, add a spoonful of flour and fry a little more.
  • Pour in the broth and simmer for 30 minutes, add tomato paste, salt and herbs, simmer for another 5 minutes

How to deliciously stew pork meat with gravy and ketchup in a frying pan?

One of the options for beef stroganoff. It's quick and very easy to prepare. It won't take much time.


  • 50 ml ketchup
  • 500 g meat
  • 2 onions
  • 2 carrots
  • Spices
  • Oil
  • Cut the pork into small pieces so that they are easy to put in your mouth.
  • Pour oil into a frying pan and fry the meat along with onions and carrots
  • When everything is browned and covered with an appetizing crust, you need to pour in a little water.
  • Cover with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes, add ketchup and simmer a little more, add spices and salt

How to deliciously stew pork meat with gravy and garlic?

Garlic gives meat a very unusual taste and aroma. You can use both cloves and garlic feathers.


  • 400 g pork
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic and feathers
  • Spices
  • Oil
  • Pour oil into a container and throw in the pork, fry until golden brown.
  • Add the onion and keep it on the fire a little longer
  • Pour in the broth, cover with a lid and simmer for 30 minutes.
  • After this, add garlic, salt, spices and chopped garlic feathers
  • Cover with lid for 2 minutes and turn off heat

How to deliciously stew pork meat with gravy in a slow cooker in large pieces?

A multicooker is an excellent device for preparing a huge number of dishes. Thanks to the huge variety of modes, you can cook both baked meat and stew it.


  • 500 g meat
  • 2 onions
  • Spices
  • Mayonnaise
  • 50 ml sour cream
  • 50 ml milk
  • Cut the meat into thin pieces and rub them with spices and salt
  • Apply a thin layer of mayonnaise to each piece and fry in the “fry” mode
  • After this, add the onion and fry a little more, pour in the broth and cook in the “stew” mode for 20 minutes
  • Add sour cream diluted in milk, add salt and simmer for 5 minutes

What side dish is suitable for pork stewed with gravy: list

Pork with gravy is an excellent meat dish that goes well with almost all side dishes.

List of side dishes:

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Baked vegetables
  • Pasta
  • Paste
  • Boiled buckwheat

Pulled pork is a great dish to complement any side dish. A gentle gravy will make the dish juicy and aromatic.

VIDEO: Braised pork

Stewed meat from even older animals can be tender and soft. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in such preparation. But in order for the finished dish to turn out truly tasty, you need to know some nuances and subtleties, which we will now share with you.

For stewing, they most often use those parts of meat that are not suitable for frying - meat from old animals, streaky, tough. If you simply fry it, then such meat will be dry and tasteless, but it is perfect for stewing.

So, first we wash the meat and dry it with a paper towel. Then cut it into pieces, there is no need to cut it finely, the pieces should be large enough. If the meat is too tough, you can soak it in milk for a while and then dry it. Before stewing, it is recommended to fry the meat in a hot frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. This is done so that the resulting crust does not release the juice from the inside.

How to stew meat in a saucepan?

After the meat is fried, you can transfer it to a pan, preferably one with a thick bottom. In principle, you can immediately fry meat in such a container, without using a frying pan. Now pour in enough water to cover the pieces. You shouldn’t pour too much liquid - we’re stewing the meat, not cooking it. Add salt, bay leaf, peppercorns to taste. When the water boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer until done.

How long to stew the meat?

There is no clear answer to this question. If it is pork, it will cook faster, but if it is beef, it will take longer to simmer. Readiness can only be determined by testing. As soon as the meat has become soft, you can turn it off - it’s ready.

How to stew chicken?

For stewing, it is better to use thighs or a whole chicken, cut into portions. First, these pieces are rubbed with salt and pepper and fried, and then stewed in a pan with the addition of spices. Add enough liquid so that the entire chicken is covered. Chicken stewed in sour cream turns out very tasty. When the water in the pan boils, just add more sour cream and simmer for 15-20 minutes. On average, about 200 g of sour cream will be needed for 1 kg of chicken.

How to stew pork meat?

A neck or spatula is best suited for stewing. Before cooking meat, you can pre-marinate it in your favorite spices, you can use and just salt and pepper. Then fry the meat over high heat until a crust forms, then reduce the heat to low and add a little water. If the meat is not too tough, and you know that it will cook quickly enough, then you should not pour too much water. If necessary, you can add a little more water during the cooking process. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat until done. If desired, you can add onions, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, and beans in the middle of the stewing process. You can find out more about the recipe in the article.

Good afternoon friends! Today in our article we will tell you how to stew meat properly and what nuances and subtleties will need to be observed in order for the prepared dish to truly turn out appetizing and very tasty.
For stewing, they mainly take those parts of meat that are unsuitable for frying - streaky or tough, as well as meat from old animals. If you fry it, it will turn out dry and not very tasty, but for stewing, it’s just right.
So, how to stew meat properly? Take the meat, rinse it and dry it. Next, cut it into fairly large pieces; there is no need to cut it too finely. The meat is too tough, you can soak it in milk for a while and then dry it with a paper towel. Before you begin to stew the meat, it should be fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil. This forms a crust that will not release the juice from inside.

How to stew meat in a saucepan?

Place the fried meat in a saucepan (if you have a thick-bottomed saucepan, then you can fry the meat directly in it without using a frying pan), pour in enough water to cover the pieces. Don't add too much liquid; you'll be stewing the meat rather than boiling it. Add peppercorns, bay leaves, and salt to taste. When the water in the pan boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer until done.

How long to stew the meat?

There is no clear answer to this question. Everything will depend on what kind of meat you will be stewing. If it is pork, then it will cook much faster than beef. Only by testing can you determine the readiness of a dish. As soon as the meat becomes soft, you can turn it off - it is ready.

How to stew chicken?

To stew chicken, use thighs or a whole carcass, after cutting it into portions. First, rub the pieces with salt and pepper and fry, and then simmer in a saucepan adding spices. Add enough liquid to cover the entire chicken. Stewed chicken in sour cream turns out very tasty. When the water boils in the pan, just add sour cream and simmer for 20-25 minutes. For 1 kg of chicken you will need about 250 g of sour cream.

How to stew pork meat?

For stewing, it is better to use a neck or spatula. Before cooking the meat, you can first marinate it using any spices, or you can only use salt and pepper. Next, put the meat in a frying pan and fry over high heat with the addition of oil until a crust forms, then reduce the heat and pour in a little water. If the meat is not very tough, do not add too much water. During the stewing process, if necessary, you can add a little more water. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over moderate heat until fully cooked.

Meat stewed with spices, emitting an absolutely amazing aroma around itself, is a dish that can deservedly become a signature dish on any table. And properly prepared stew preserves all the vitamins and microelements that are so important for beauty and health.

Stew: recipe

How to stew meat correctly

Ingredients for cooking:

1 kilogram of beef (pork, veal or lamb); - 100 grams of sunflower or olive oil; - 4 medium-sized onions; - 5-7 allspice peas; - 1 bay leaf; - 5 cloves; - salt; - broth or water; - coriander.

Before you start cooking, you need to rinse the meat with cold water and dry it. Clear it of films and tendons, remove cartilage and bones to make it easier to cut. In addition, cleaned meat cooks much faster.

A large, deep frying pan with a wide bottom is best suited for frying: it will brown the meat evenly on all sides. Fry the meat in boiling oil until it turns brown and golden brown.

When frying pieces of meat, you should not pierce them with a knife or fork: they will lose their juiciness. It is advisable to use two spoons to turn the meat over.

When the meat is fried, you can add peeled and coarsely chopped onions to it (some housewives prefer to stew the meat without onions) and also fry until golden brown. Onions can be put in whole heads or cut into halves or quarters, depending on their size.

Small onions have a more delicate taste, they have less bitterness, so they can be stewed whole without cutting into pieces

Next you need to pour boiling meat broth or water into the meat. In order to cook a tasty broth, you can use the remaining bones, cartilage and tendons, then it will turn out sticky and rich. The broth should cover the meat completely, but not more than 1–1.5 centimeters (a large amount of liquid will make the meat dry and tough).

Then put the meat on low heat, tightly covering it with a lid. Cooking time depends on the meat: veal and pork cook faster than beef - about 45-50 minutes, but beef should be stewed longer - an hour and a half.

How to make sauce for stewed meat

As a sauce for stewed meat, you can use the liquid in which the meat was cooked, mixed with cream or white wheat flour (or starch) lightly fried in a frying pan without oil. A savory sauce can be made by mixing the liquid from the meat with a little good quality red wine.

Meat can be served either as an independent dish or with a wide variety of side dishes. The dish goes perfectly with baked potatoes, boiled rice, green beans and a salad of fresh green vegetables.

How to properly stew meat video recipe - step by step

Below you will find a step-by-step video recipe that will help you with preparation.

In this article we will tell you detailed recipes for preparing delicious meat and describe how and with what it is best to stew it.

How to stew pork in sour cream deliciously and correctly?


  • pork pulp – 800-850 g;
  • carrots (medium) – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • fat sour cream – 230 ml;
  • turmeric – 1 teaspoon;
  • – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • kitchen salt – 2 pinches;
  • ground pepper – 1 pinch;
  • water – 180 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 60-70 ml.


Cut the prepared flesh of a fresh piece of pork into arbitrary small-sized pieces. Pour oil into a frying pan (preferably cast iron) and place everything on the stove until it boils. Next, put the meat here, sprinkle with pepper, kitchen salt and periodically turning the pieces over, fry them until a light golden crust appears.

Finely chop the onion with a knife into quarter rings, and medium-sized carrots on the smallest grater. Place the vegetables on top of the meat, mix again with a spatula and reduce the heat to medium and fry everything until soft.

Add ground turmeric and mustard to high-fat sour cream. Stir everything with a spoon, and then evenly spread it on top of the meat with carrots and onions and then add drinking water. We wait for the contents of the frying pan to boil, after which we cover it with a lid and, reducing the heat, let the dish simmer for 20, or maybe 30 minutes.

How to deliciously stew beef meat with vegetables in a frying pan?


  • beef pulp – 700 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • classic soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • coarse salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • mixture of peppers - to taste;
  • drinking water – 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 70 ml.


Cut the beef into 3-3.5 centimeter pieces, sprinkle them with coarse salt, a mixture of different peppers, pour over classic soy sauce and, after mixing everything thoroughly, set the meat aside for one hour. Then we transfer the already marinated pieces into the deepest, hot frying pan with the required amount of oil with a thick bottom. Fry the beef until cooked, and then add peeled onions chopped into thin half rings, chopped peppers and finally diced tomatoes. Stirring everything with a spatula, bring the dish until the vegetables are soft. Now add boiling water and when the contents of the pan begin to boil quickly, close it with a lid. We simmer the delicious meat with vegetables for at least half an hour over a slightly less than medium heat.