How to make almond flour. Almond flour – product description with photo, calorie content; recipe on how to make it yourself at home with video; use in cooking; benefit and harm

I don’t know how it is in your city, but here in Saratov you can’t buy almond flour in a regular store. When I first decided to make French macarons, I searched the shelves not only in the nearest grocery store, but also in large chains in the city. The most I found were almond petals (which are also useful only after grinding). Therefore, there was no choice about whether or not to make almond flour at home. Definitely a must try!
I purchased almonds and began the process.


  • Almonds (I have unshelled) - 150 g You can use not whole nuts, but almond petals.
  • Water - 1.5 -2 cups

Place the almonds in a convenient bowl, with the expectation that we will fill it with hot water.

Pour boiling water from the kettle until the water completely covers the nuts.

Let stand for 1-2 minutes.

Drain all the hot water and drain the nuts in a colander. Sprinkle with cold water.

After such a contrast shower, the peels from the almonds can be easily removed. Next step: peel the nuts and place them on a paper towel so that excess water is more easily absorbed.

Attention! Almonds should be thoroughly dried! The moisture content of almond flour directly affects the quality of macarons and other products that we will prepare from it! The flour should be dry and crumbly by the time of cooking.

It is for this reason that grinding ready-made flaked almonds is better than whole almonds. The petals are already quite dry and have no skin. If you can find almond petals on sale, give preference to them.

If the almonds are not fresh, a contrast shower may not be enough to remove the skins. After checking that the skin does not come off or comes off only in small fragments and not as a cover, you should not waste your time. It is better to pour hot water over the almonds again, but leave them in the water until it cools completely. After this, the peel will be removed from even the oldest nuts!

Before you start grinding the almonds, you should dry them well. Naturally, almonds can dry for several days. To do this, leave it in a well-ventilated, bright place and wait until it dries completely.

I usually can't wait to start baking, so I don't wait that long. I dry it on a baking sheet in the oven. Here you need to be careful and prevent the nuts from roasting! To do this, keep an eye on the almonds in the oven, literally not letting them out of your sight.

Place the almonds on a baking sheet (I lined it with parchment, but this is not at all necessary). In a preheated oven at 140 C, place a baking sheet on the middle level. Dry the almonds for 20-25 minutes, turning the nuts over with a spatula every 10 minutes.

Almonds in the oven should not change color!

After this time, remove the pan from the oven and remove the nuts. We wait until it cools completely and start grinding in a blender or coffee grinder.

I use a Braun blender, like the one in the photo.

The power of my blender is 600 watts, in the “Turbo” mode I grind in pulses of 8-10 seconds, no longer! Frequent breaks need to be taken in order not to burn the blender, and also to avoid the release of oil.

Almonds release oil very quickly (and we don't need flour!) To prevent this, you should be careful and grind the nuts in short bursts.

It was precisely because of the fears circulating on the Internet that I hesitated for a long time to make almond flour with my own hands. It seemed to me that I would “spoil” the nuts, the flour wouldn’t work, the oil would immediately start to come out, etc. My fears turned out to be in vain, I just had to be more careful and everything would work out!

Stop the blender periodically and scrape down the corners and sides of the bowl. You need to grind the nuts in small portions, for example, I processed this mass of 150 g in three approaches. Depending on the size of your blender bowl, the portions may be smaller or larger: the most important thing is that the flour does not cake, but moves freely throughout the bowl.

The finished flour needs to be sifted: large pieces remaining in the sieve must be returned to the blender bowl and crushed to the desired fraction.

Store almond flour in a tightly closed glass jar (or tightly tied bag) in a dry place. It should only be applied with a dry spoon!

To make macarons and other baked goods, you can buy ready-made flour, for example, in online stores. I posted a step-by-step video recipe for making macarons on the You Tube channel, I invite you to watch!

I will be very pleased to receive feedback on the recipe: share in the comments whether you got the flour in the blender, what difficulties did you experience or did everything go smoothly? Maybe you grind your almonds in a coffee grinder? Share your experience with other site visitors!

Thank you! Happy baking and only proven recipes!

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Cooking, perhaps, can rightfully be considered a science. This activity can be amazing and exciting! To cook deliciously and efficiently, to keep a lot of recipes in your head, to be able to combine a variety of products or to make “candy” out of nothing - you truly need to be born with this talent. However, it is not the gods who fire the pots! So we can slowly replenish our “baggage” of knowledge!

Almond flour: scope of application

Almost everyone loves baked goods (butter and unleavened), as well as others. However, few people know that to prepare our dear pasta, buns or cakes, not only traditional wheat or rye flour is used, but also, for example, almond flour. The latter is made from almonds, which are ground. At home, this can be done using a coffee grinder. In the food industry, naturally, special mechanisms are used. In confectionery, almond flour is added as one of the main ingredients to nut fillings and creams that fill candies, etc. Nut-protein and nut-sand semi-finished products are produced from it. It can be included in everything, both butter and regular. Almond flour is also used as an independent dish.

And that's not it! This flour is used to bring soups and sauces to the desired thickness (in the process of preparing some national dishes). Moreover, it does not lose the special aroma and delicate taste inherent in the almond itself and preserves all the beneficial properties of this wonderful nut.

Not only that, almond flour is required for the cream that is used to fill buns and tartlets. She is truly for those who care about their figure. Its energy value is much lower than that of wheat or the ones we are used to. It also contains significantly less starch and gluten. In this regard, even mukarzhanaya is inferior to it. And for people suffering from allergies, almond flour is recommended more than others.

We do it ourselves, we cook it ourselves!

Before putting almonds into use, they must be cleaned of the bitter brown skins in which the grains are hidden. If you do this “dry”, the process will drag on for a long time. Therefore, there is a simpler option. Below is its description.

The almonds are placed in a container and immersed in boiling water for 10 minutes. Then it is taken out, washed in cold running water and again sent to boiling water for the same time. Afterwards, it is rinsed again, cooled and cleaned. After such procedures, the skins are removed very easily, and the kernels literally pop out of them on their own.

Some more important information to help you use almond flour optimally.

  • Peeled almonds dry well. If you do this the natural way, you need to wait a day or two. To speed up the process, the almonds are sent to the oven - laid out on a lined baking sheet and dried at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. It is important not to let it burn!
  • When the beans have cooled, they are poured into the coffee grinder and the device is turned on for just a few seconds. Then shake the coffee grinder (otherwise nut crumbs will stick to its blades). The process is then repeated until the final result. But the process should be interrupted every 18-20 seconds, because... the blades heat up very quickly, causing the almonds to release oil and the flour itself to form into weird clumps.
  • If instead of a coffee grinder you have a meat grinder, then the process will be identical. Only the entire mass is passed through the unit twice.
  • The finished flour should be stored in a tightly sealed jar or bag, always in a dry place. She is afraid of dampness and moisture, instantly “huddling up.”
  • When adding flour to the dough, it is first sifted so that it is distributed evenly in the dough itself.

Related advice: if you need dark flour - for biscuits, cream, there is no need to peel the almonds, they are ground with skins. This does not affect the taste!

Almond flour or powder is, of course, not a recipe for some kind of complete dish; it is not eaten with spoons, but without this very flour it is often simply impossible to prepare many delicious desserts, especially French ones. Some people have been dreaming of making macaroni cakes for a long time, but the lack of flour makes this process simply unrealistic. Of course, you can buy almond flour in the store, I often do this myself, but for some this becomes a serious obstacle for the simple reason that in our stores it is not the most popular product, and, I would even say, on the contrary, And you can’t order on the Internet everywhere either. So I decided to tell you that preparing this flour at home is not so difficult, and by following all the instructions carefully, you can get a really high-quality product. And then the desired pasta will become even closer!

Cooking time: 15 minutes
Almond drying time: 30 minutes

Cooking method:
The only ingredient for making almond flour is, of course, almonds. We just take dried, not fried. It must be of good quality so that the resulting flour is adequate.

The first step is to peel the almonds. To do this, throw it into boiling water and keep it there for literally a minute. After this, place it on a board or countertop and lightly dry it with a paper towel. Almonds are very easy to peel. Just press on the skin and the kernels will jump out on their own.

Place the peeled almonds in some form or baking tray so that they cover the bottom in just one layer. If necessary, dry it further with a paper towel and place it in the oven preheated to 80°C. The almonds will dry for 30-40 minutes. During the process, it needs to be stirred well every 7-10 minutes so that it dries evenly.

Let the well-dried almonds cool completely. Now it needs to be crushed. The easiest way to do this is with a good blender (some people use a coffee grinder, but somehow it didn’t work out for me - the almonds are crushed too aggressively and immediately begin to produce oil). The blender blades should be very sharp and close to the bottom so that you don't have to mix in the almonds. Of course, there is no talk about immersion blenders here - you need to grind in a glass. It is absolutely ideal if the blender has a pulse mode, since it is better to grind almonds in short intervals, but at high speed. Some people recommend putting the almonds in the freezer to cool them down a bit - this also prevents the almonds from releasing oil. I've gotten by without this, but if there is a problem, perhaps this method will help solve it.

So, put the almonds in the blender and in short bursts, 5-7 seconds each, begin to grind. Scroll and stop, scroll and stop. As soon as you see that the bulk has already turned into a fine powder, stop and sift the first batch. We put the remaining uncrushed pieces back into the blender and follow the same procedure. The main thing here is to stop in time, since the almonds, having turned into powder, can very quickly begin to give off oil, become wet and sticky, and in this form they can no longer be used for the same pasta. At the end, we also sift the resulting powder, freeing it from small unground particles.

As a result, some part of the waste will still remain - not completely crushed pieces, small ones, but it’s better not to add them to pasta; to many other desserts - no problem.

Total per 100 grams of almonds. 7-8% of the weight goes away with the skin. Another 10% is the so-called defect. And the result is 80-85 grams of almond flour of good enough quality to make the same pasta from it. And here it’s up to you to decide whether to buy it or make it at home, comparing the price of almond flour, which you can buy in a store, and for whole almonds, well, adding your time and some kind of labor. As I already said, you can easily make a mistake here - not drying it completely, grinding it. And although the process seems not at all complicated, it requires some attention.

In an airtight package, flour can be stored for up to 2-3 months, in a simply closed jar or container not so long - 2-4 weeks. It still depends on humidity, temperature - all these factors greatly affect shelf life. I never make large quantities of flour in advance - fresh has better taste and quality. If stored for a long time under unfavorable conditions, the flour may become damp and rancid. If you have questions, do not hesitate to write in the comments, you can leave your additions there.

Almond flour is nothing more than ground almond kernels. This bulk ingredient is found in many gourmet recipes. However, it is not always easy to find on supermarket shelves. In this regard, we will look at how almond flour is prepared at home.

The aroma of almonds attracted us...

Did you go to a restaurant yesterday and try an unusually delicious dessert? The chef was kind and shared his secret with you. And now you are already dreaming of how to cook this dish at home. But here’s the problem: I don’t have almond flour on hand.

Let's start with the main thing. In appearance, almond flour is practically no different from the usual baking powder. It may have a beige tint. The color of the flour will indicate the quality of the processing of almond kernels.

Read also:

If the skin of the nuts has not been removed beforehand, a beige color will appear. This flour tastes no different from its snow-white sister, but can affect the color of the baked goods. That is why it is better to add beige almond flour to salads, chocolate biscuits, and desserts.

Culinary educational program

Few people know that almond flour comes in two types:

  • low fat;
  • ordinary.

If you ask how to make almond flour at home without fat, you are unlikely to find information. You can make regular almond powder at home. Why, you ask? Everything is very simple. Low-fat flour contains virtually no oil. The oil extract is extracted from the almond grains by cold pressing and then processed into powder. As you understand, there is no special equipment at home, and familiar kitchen gadgets are unlikely to help us in such production.

The price of such flour is much higher and it is difficult to find. It differs from the usual one in only two features:

  • it has a finer consistency;
  • No oil is released during heat treatment.

Let's not run ahead of the culinary locomotive, but do everything in order. Any process goes through several stages, such as:

  • Preparation;
  • direct processing;
  • storage.

The preparatory stage is the most important

The company doesn’t knit brooms, and we don’t need the second grade. We will be preparing white almond flour. To do this, you need to remove the skin from the almonds. Blanching will help us with this. Let's do it using the following algorithm:

  1. Place the almonds in a bowl and pour boiling water over them.
  2. After exactly 10 minutes, add boiling water, and in return pour a mug of cold water over the nuts.
  3. Let's play with the temperature contrast again and pour boiling water over the almonds for another 10 minutes.
  4. Now the skin will come off easily and effortlessly.

Cooking process in detail

To make almond flour at home, we need kitchen gadgets. We can use a food processor, blender or coffee grinder. Don't waste your time and effort. The longer you grind the almonds, the finer the flour you will get.


  • almonds - 100 g.


  • Repetition is the mother of learning. Therefore, we are not afraid to repeat that we pre-process the almonds, or rather, blanch them.

  • Pour boiling water over the almonds and note the time.

  • 10 minutes - minimum. You can blanch the nuts longer. The longer we keep the nuts in boiling water, the easier it will be for us to part with the skins.
  • With a slight movement of your hand, remove the skin from the almond nuts.
  • Place the clean product in a dry bowl.

  • If you grind wet almonds, you will most likely end up with a paste rather than flour.
  • We need to dry the almonds. This can be done in the oven or microwave oven.
  • If you are not in a hurry, you can dry the almonds naturally. It is enough to spread it on parchment and leave it in a well-ventilated area for two days.
  • When heat treating almond kernels, it is important not to overdry them or burn them, otherwise we will lose not only their snow-whiteness, but also their original taste.

  • Once the almonds are dried, you can begin the process of grinding them.
  • It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the desired consistency by hand, so you should use modern kitchen appliances.

  • To perfect your homemade almond flour, sift it through a sieve.

  • That's it: almond flour is ready.

A little tip: it’s better to prepare almond flour in small portions so that you can immediately use it for desserts, salads or cream. And if you still prepared a little more almond powder, then you need to store it in an airtight container in a dry place or freezer. Please note that over time, almonds will lose their taste and aroma. You will simply throw such flour in the trash.