Is it possible to dry grapes at home? How to properly dry grapes for the winter - preparing raisins at home

Dried grapes are considered not only a favorite delicacy, but also a valuable food product. It has a long shelf life and is used not only for consumption in its natural form, but also in the preparation of many dishes.

Dried grapes contain from 65 to 77% sugars, mainly glucose (30-48%) and fructose (30-40%). In addition to sugars, it contains organic acids (from 1.2 to 2%), mainly malic acid, tannins and trace elements. The energy value of dried grapes ranges from 3250 to 3400 calories. From grape varieties with seeds it is obtained raisin, from seedless – sultanas.

Get quality dried grapes at home it’s not at all difficult. For drying, it is better to use table or sultana grape varieties, which are characterized by a high accumulation of sugars.

You can dry grapes in the shade and in the sun; recently, greenhouses not used for vegetables are often used for drying. For drying, it is necessary to collect only fully ripe grapes that have collected a sufficient amount of sugars and are not sour. In the collected bunches, it is imperative to remove spoiled berries.

The most common methods of drying grapes: in natural conditions in the sun or shade or in special drying chambers.

In homestead viticulture, the first option is the most acceptable.

Bunches of table or sultana grapes prepared for drying are blanched before drying. To do this, they are dipped for 3-5 seconds in a solution (0.5%) of baking soda, heated to 95-97°C. After this treatment, many tiny cracks form on the skin of the berries, through which moisture then evaporates. After blanching, the grape bunches are washed with clean water and after it has drained, they are laid out for drying on pallets (for their manufacture it is better to use metal mesh that is non-corrosive with small holes). During drying, the bunches must be turned over periodically; the drying berries will fall off the ridges on their own. The process of drying berries, depending on the air temperature, can last from 3-4 to 20 days or more. Dried grapes under canopies with good ventilation turn out to be of better quality.

You can get high-quality dried grapes by solar drying without pre-treating the berries with soda solution. To carry out such drying, the cut bunches are laid out on pallets in one row. If the bunches are very large, they are divided into parts. Periodically, the clusters on pallets are turned over and dried until ready.

It is very practical to use greenhouses for solar drying of grapes. especially plastic ones in which seedlings and early vegetables are grown. Usually, by the beginning of the grape harvest (August-September), such greenhouses are not used for growing vegetables. In greenhouses, the air temperature is higher and its humidity is lower, there are no problems with precipitation, so grapes dried in them are obtained faster and of higher quality.

On grape bushes from which it is planned to harvest for drying, 15-20 days before harvest, the leaves are thinned out, the shoots are minted and their watering is stopped so that the sugar content of the berries does not decrease. Grapes intended for drying are harvested only in dry weather, after the dew has dried.

Of the common varieties and hybrid forms of grapes for making raisins, the best are those that are predisposed to natural raisining and ripen early: Vostorg, Laura (Flora), Kodryanka, Pleven, Preobrazhenie, Long-awaited and some others. For making sultanas, the early ripening sultana varieties Rusbol, Muscat Rusbol, Russian Korinka, Shayan, Yalta seedless and others are very good.

Raisins are an extremely popular product because they have many positive qualities. Those summer residents who have a vineyard on their plot can try to prepare homemade raisins for future use, since such a procedure is not at all difficult. Currently, there are many different methods for preparing such. The finished tasty product can be used for making compotes, baking, etc. We will learn later in the article how to dry grapes at home.

Which grapes are suitable for drying?

Most often, grapes that do not have seeds inside the berries are used for drying. The berries themselves can be either small or large, dark or light. Due to the fact that the dry product retains the taste characteristics of a particular type of grape, raisins can be herbaceous-tart, nutmeg or sweet and sour.
The following grape varieties are most often used for harvesting raisins:

  • Nimrang;
  • Muscat;
  • Sultani;
  • Katta-Kurgan;
  • black, pink, white.

Did you know? The first harvesting of raisins for the purpose of selling them began around 200–300 BC. e. Historians cannot say for sure whether it was the Armenians or the Phoenicians who did this. But it is known that in Greece they later began to grow special grapes for this purpose with small berries that had no seeds, but at the same time had a strong and pleasant aroma. The variety was named “Korinka” in honor of the area where it was grown - Corinth.

In order to get high-quality and tasty homemade raisins that can retain their beneficial properties for a long time, you need to properly prepare fresh grapes for harvesting.
First of all, you should review and remove all unsuitable material, remove berries that have damage, dents, cracks, etc. It is also advisable to separate small and larger berries. The latter can be cut in half for easy drying.

Step-by-step drying instructions

Currently, there are several of the most popular methods for preparing raisins at home. It is very important to select only ripe berries, since unripe berries will produce a low-quality product.
It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • The grape harvest for making raisins should be carried out exclusively in dry, sunny weather. Fruits that are excessively saturated with moisture will cause the product to dry noticeably longer, which will reduce its quality;
  • It is recommended not to water the grapevine for 8-10 days before the planned harvest. In this way it will be possible to reduce the total moisture content of the fruit;
  • There is no need to wash the crop. You need to pick the berries with your hands and shake off any debris and cobwebs, if any. The only exception would be wet treatment with soda, which is carried out to speed up the drying of the grapes.

Did you know?Despite the popularity of raisins in the Mediterranean countries, they were little known in central Europe. This useful product began to be brought to Europe only in the 11th century. This was done by knights who bought it during campaigns.

In the sun

The simplest and cheapest method of making raisins is drying the grapes in the sun. True, this method is only suitable for regions with sunny weather conditions.
Also, if cold weather or rain is predicted for the period of ripening of the grape harvest, then natural drying will not be possible.

  1. You need to sort the grapes by hand, removing debris along the way, and then place them in an even layer of berries in a tray with a mesh bottom. This bottom will provide good ventilation. If you don’t have such a tray, you can use a regular baking sheet instead.
  2. Trays with grape berries should be exposed to sunlight.
  3. After the grapes have wilted a little, you should carefully turn them over to the other side.
  4. The product as a whole needs to dry for 2-4 weeks. The exact time depends on weather conditions and humidity.
  5. Raisins prepared using this technology turn out dry and hard, but they can be stored for a long time without becoming moldy.

In the shadow

You can also dry grapes in the shade. In terms of quality characteristics, such a product will differ from that prepared using the previous method. The raisins will come out moist and softer.
For drying, you will need to provide a dry room that is well ventilated, for example, an attic. The process of such drying is noticeably longer and can take about 2–3 months.

  1. In a dry room, thin ropes should be pulled. You can, for example, use laundry cords. The grapes will dry in clusters.
  2. The bunches should be hung on ropes, securing them with clothespins. Brushes can also be tied with a strong thread, two pieces at a time, and then simply throw them over the rope.

In the oven

You can dry grapes in the oven, but implementing this method is not very convenient, as it takes up to 30 hours. This method also entails the consumption of gas or electricity. But, if this is the only available solution for harvesting grapes, then it is relatively easy to implement.
You will need: 1 kg of grapes, soda (1 heaped teaspoon), 1 liter of water.

  1. It is recommended to first soak the grapes in a soda solution for 10 minutes, then rinse and dry them. This step can be skipped, but the soda solution will help reduce the drying time of the fruit.
  2. Dried berries should be placed on baking sheets, which are first recommended to be covered with parchment.
  3. Next, the product is placed in the oven. It is permissible to place several baking trays at the same time.
  4. The oven should be preheated to 90 degrees. The first drying stage lasts about 5 hours. It is recommended to open the oven door slightly so that moisture can escape.
  5. Then you need to take out the baking sheets and carefully mix the grapes. This way the moisture will evaporate evenly.
  6. The baking sheets are returned to the oven. The temperature should be reduced to 70 degrees and the berries should be dried until ready.
  7. The finished product must be removed from the oven and, along with the baking sheets, placed in fresh air. Since the berries have decreased in volume, they can be collected on one leaf. The raisins must be well ventilated, for this it will take several hours. When finished, it should be stored away.

In an electric dryer

You can significantly simplify the process of preparing raisins at home using an electric dryer. The process of drying grapes in an electric dryer does not require special attention. You just need to load the required amount of grapes into the trays, turn on the device and wait for the result.

It is worth noting that you can put both unwashed grape berries in the electric dryer and those that were previously soaked in a soda solution. Soaked fruits, as you know, will cook noticeably faster.

How to dry grapes at home

Dried grapes or raisins are one of the most popular delicacies from a large number of dried fruits. Raisins are widely used in cooking, adding to baked goods, first and second courses, and desserts.

It is very important that dried grapes retain 70-80% of vitamins and 100% of microelements. In addition, raisins are very useful for heart diseases, help fight anemia, lethargy and irritability, and preserve vision. Therefore, why not dry your own homemade grapes and use them throughout the year.

If you dry the grapes yourself, you will always be sure that the product is of high quality and pure. You can dry any varieties of grapes, but large, sweet grapes are best, and even better, seedless ones. For drying, choose undamaged, ripe fruits.

You can dry grapes in the sun, in the shade, in the oven or in an electric dryer. Before drying, blanch the grapes - this will significantly reduce the drying time due to the fact that a fine mesh is formed on the surface of the skin. This mesh will help the moisture evaporate from the pulp much faster.

Store dried grapes in a dry, tightly sealed container in a cool, dark place.

Raisins are an extremely healthy product, our ancestors knew this. However, dried grapes sold on the market are most often chemically treated to maintain good presentation and extend shelf life. Therefore, if you are pleased with the harvest, you can dry the berries yourself. We will learn how to dry grapes at home from this article.

Sun drying

This is the most natural and easiest way to dry berries and fruits. Immediately after picking, the fruits are removed from the brushes, laid out on a wire rack and naturally dried in the sun. This process usually takes about two weeks depending on weather conditions. Ready raisins should have no more than 20% moisture content, the berries should turn brown and become covered with a waxy coating. You can use wooden boards, cling film, plywood or cardboard as the base.

Shade drying

If the grapes are dried in the shade, the natural color of the grapes will be preserved and its appearance will be more attractive. In addition, in raisins prepared in this way, the amount of preserved nutrients is many times greater. The fruits will need to be dried directly on the bunches; to do this, hang them under awnings or in the attic. The process will take about 4-5 months.

Drying with boiling water and alkaline solution

This is a quick way to dry grapes for raisins. The washed berries removed from the branches are doused with boiling water in which soda is diluted. You need 40 grams of baking soda per bucket of water. First, the fruits are doused with boiling water and then with cold water. The berries are laid out in one layer, after 3-4 days they will wilt a little, they need to be turned over. This option allows you to reduce the preparation process to 8-10 days.

Oven drying

You can also dry the grapes using a conventional oven. You will need two regular baking trays for baking the dough. Scatter the berries in one layer and place in the oven, temperature - 55-60 C °. Leave the door slightly open. This is necessary so that excess moisture comes out. Periodically, the berries on the baking sheets are mixed, and the baking sheets themselves are rearranged, changing the upper and lower positions. Cook until they turn into raisins.

Drying in an electric dryer

Drying grapes in an electric dryer is a very convenient method. The only drawback is that varieties with thin-skinned fruits cannot be dried in an electric dryer; only thick-skinned grapes are suitable. Ripe berries separated from the clusters are washed with running water and placed in trays of an electric dryer. Drying will take 8-10 hours, periodically the device must be turned off. When choosing this method of drying grapes, it is better to give preference to varieties that have medium-sized fruits. For large-fruited varieties, it is better to choose other drying methods.

  • Dried seedless grapes are good for baking, and use raisins with seeds to make compote.
  • Before storing, it is better to place raisins in glass jars to equalize the humidity level.
  • Linen bags are suitable for storage, in which raisins do not lose their beneficial properties for up to one year.
  • Before drying grapes, be sure to remove all unripe and spoiled fruits.
  • If raisins are made from sour fruits, then they can be stored in a glass jar, sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • Choose the best method for drying grapes and enjoy the results of your own labor.

Raisins are dried grapes that have retained all the beneficial components inherent in fresh berries.

Varieties of dark raisins are considered more useful.

There are several types of raisins:

  • Small and light;
  • Large and fleshy;
  • Dark blue;
  • Light olive.

ATTENTION: Previously, raisins were widely used to treat fevers and liver diseases.

Composition of raisins

Raisins are a fairly high-calorie product because they contain components such as:

  • Organic acids;
  • Protein;
  • Alimentary fiber;
  • Small amount of fat;
  • Various vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Benefits and harms

Many experts recommend consuming raisins due to the presence of potassium in their composition., which allows you to maintain optimal blood composition, and also improves the muscular function of the heart and kidneys. Raisins are also characterized by having a calming effect.

Benefits of raisins for the human body:

Experts recommend that people who have the following pathologies avoid eating raisins:

  • Obesity;
  • Acute heart failure;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Tuberculosis in open form;
  • Diabetes.

Choosing grapes for drying

When wanting to dry grapes, the best solution is to use white, black and pink grapes, in particular You should give preference to these varieties:

  • Kishmish;
  • Muscat;
  • Rizamat;
  • Nimrang;
  • Kattar-Kurgan.

ATTENTION: For drying, you should select grape varieties that have thin skin and fleshy pulp.


Having collected bunches of grapes from the bush, you need to carefully examine them, removing all damaged berries. It is also recommended to separate the berries depending on size; large grapes are cut in half to speed up the drying process.

Methods for drying grapes

There are several types of drying grapes to obtain dry raisins.

In particular:

  • Alkaline;
  • Classical;
  • Central Asian;
  • Drying in electric dryers.

How to make raisins:

Alkaline method

In order to obtain raisins using this drying method, you must perform the following steps:

  • You need to prepare water, lime and potash;
  • All components are thoroughly mixed and boiled;
  • The grape bunches are placed in the prepared mixture for 10 minutes;
  • After the specified time, the berries are thoroughly washed;
  • The berries are placed on a baking sheet and placed in a well-ventilated area for 10-15 days.

How to make raisins in the sun?

The grapes are thoroughly washed in water, after which they are placed on any horizontal plane, which is laid in the sun. Every 3 days the berries need to be turned over. On average, the drying process takes from 2 to 4 weeks.

ATTENTION: If you have your own vineyard, preferably 2 weeks before the start of drying the grapes, stop watering it.

Central Asian drying

The use of Central Asian drying involves drying grapes in the shade. To do this, you should choose a dry room with good ventilation and perform the following manipulations:

  • Stretch thin ropes indoors; the ideal solution would be to use laundry cords;
  • Bunches of grapes are hung on a rope and secured with clothespins;
  • The bunches of grapes should be tied together in 2 pieces and thrown over a rope.

Drying time ranges from 2 to 3 months.

Homemade raisins in an electric dryer

An excellent solution for drying grapes is to use electric dryers. To do this, you just need to load a sufficient amount of grapes into special trays, turn on the equipment and wait for the result.

ATTENTION: Grapes should be taken on the basis that 2 kilograms of berries yield 450 grams of dried raisins.

How to determine readiness?

There are several criteria by which you can clearly determine whether raisins are ready after drying or not. The most common include:

  • Lack of stickiness of each berry;
  • When raisins are pressed, they do not release liquid.

Which dryer is better?

There are a huge number of different electric dryers, in particular, plastic and metal. Plastic ones are the best, as they dry the berries much more efficiently and retain almost all the useful components present in fresh grapes.


Many housewives prefer to store raisins in the refrigerator, freezer, or in dark, dry and cool places in metal or glass jars, sometimes you can even use a paper bag.

Why is it better to dry grapes yourself?

Drying raisins yourself has many positive qualities, the main one of which is that a person knows how high-quality the grapes were used and whether the drying technique was followed.

ATTENTION: Dried raisins sold in stores are almost always not made using technology. This is explained by the fact that it is not profitable for product producers to dry grapes for several weeks.

Treatment with raisins

Due to the presence of organic acid in its composition, it strengthens gums and teeth. After all, it is the presence of antibacterial and antioxidant actions that allows you to clean the oral cavity.

For problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, manifested in the form of constant belching, nausea or heartburn, it is recommended to use raisin decoctions, which can be prepared at home.

Since raisins are a source of potassium, doctors recommend their patients use them for poisoning and various types of edema. The product has diuretic properties, so its regular use ensures the removal of toxins and waste from the body.

Raisins are equally useful both when consumed fresh and when used in decoctions and various tinctures. The main thing is to follow the technology when drying it, and then the product will not be inferior in its beneficial properties to fresh berries.

What is useful: