Monastic Lenten recipes. Recipes for Lent, calendar of fasts and meals - shrines of Russia Lenten meal


Baked dessert pumpkin.

300 g pumpkin
1 glass of water
3 tbsp. spoons of sugar (or honey)
vanilla on the tip of a knife
powdered sugar
crushed walnuts

Cooking method:

Remove seeds and skin from the pumpkin and cut into cubes.
Boil water with sugar and vanilla.
Boil the pumpkin in syrup for 5-7 minutes.
Place in pan and bake for 20-30 minutes.
Cool and sprinkle with powder, walnuts, or honey)))


Mushroom pilaf

It will take us about fifty minutes to prepare the mushroom pilaf. We think that for a second course it's even very good. This dish will please everyone.
So let's get started. First, prepare the ingredients: one glass of wheat (rice is fine), 300 gr. fresh mushrooms (can be champignons), 250 gr. vegetable or olive oil for frying, three cloves of garlic, one onion, and spices (black pepper, bay leaf and salt).
Pre-soak the wheat. Then boil it until completely cooked.
Wash the mushrooms thoroughly. If you are using wild mushrooms, then it is better to soak them in water for a few minutes to remove all the sand. Cut them, if the mushrooms are small, then there is no need to cut them.
Next we deal with the onions. Finely chop it and place it in a heated frying pan. Sauté until golden brown. When the onion has taken on its color, place the chopped mushrooms in it and squeeze out the garlic. We repeat, if the mushrooms are wild, then boil them first.
Fry the mushrooms over low heat until the liquid evaporates.
We take a cauldron and put the prepared wheat and mushroom mass into it. Salt, mix thoroughly, add seasonings and cover tightly with a lid. We put the cauldron on the divider and let the pilaf simmer for about thirty minutes.

Mushroom pilaf is ready. You will be delighted with the aroma when you open the lid of the cauldron. Before serving pilaf, place it on a large dish and garnish with herbs. Eat for your health.


Lenten cutlets


1 kg cabbage
1 onion
0.5 tbsp. semolina
0.5 tbsp. flour
2 teeth garlic
greens (I have dill)
vegetable oil for frying
salt to taste
spices to taste

1. Cut the cabbage into 4 parts and boil in salted water for 8-10 minutes.
2. Place the cabbage in a colander, pass through a meat grinder and squeeze to remove water.
3. Grate the onion on a fine grater and pass the garlic through a garlic press.
4. Finely chop the dill.
5. Add onion, garlic and herbs to the cabbage. Salt and season with spices to taste.
6. Add flour, semolina, mix thoroughly.
7. Form cutlets from this mass, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil until crispy and golden brown.


vegetable cabbage rolls

Even cabbage rolls have become a popular Lenten dish. Peel the head of cabbage, cut out the stalk, put the head of cabbage in salted boiling water and cook for 10-20 minutes. After this, place the head of cabbage on a sieve, let the water drain, disassemble into individual leaves, which are placed on the table. The leaf stems must be softened with a hoe or cut with a knife.

Place minced vegetables on the cabbage leaves prepared in this way and wrap them in the leaves, giving the cabbage rolls an oblong shape. Fry the cabbage rolls in a frying pan with oil, place in a shallow pan, add water, tomato puree, cover with a lid and simmer on low heat or in a hot oven for 30-40 minutes.

While stewing, cabbage rolls need to be basted with sauce several times. Transfer the finished cabbage rolls to a dish and pour over the sauce in which they are stewed.

For 1 kg of cabbage - 3-4 carrots, 2-3 onions, 1 pc. parsley or celery, 2 tablespoons of tomato puree and sunflower oil.

For the filling you can use, for example, finely chopped raw potatoes plus chopped champignons. Or stewed cabbage with carrots and slightly boiled rice or other grains.

Angela at mealtime!


Baked apples
A very tasty and healthy dessert made from fruits and nuts.

apples - 4 pcs.,
banana - 1 pc.,
dried apricots - 3-4 pcs.,
prunes - 3-4 pcs.,
sesame, nuts


Wash the apples, cut off the top and cut out the middle to make a depression (you can do this with a spoon).
Remove seeds from the cut out apple cores and chop finely. Peel the bananas and chop them finely. Wash dried apricots and prunes with hot water and chop finely. Mix all the fruits.
Stuff apples with fruit mixture, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and place nuts on top. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes over medium heat until the apples are soft.
Bon appetit!
Tip: You can add a little honey to the fruit mixture. (I would say it’s not possible, but necessary)))
Angela at mealtime!!!


Lavash roll with mushroom filling
Thin lavash - 1 pc.
Champignon mushrooms – 300 g
Carrots - 1 pc.
Onion (large) - 1 pc.
Vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking method:
How to prepare lavash roll with mushrooms:
Peel, wash and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Fry in vegetable oil.
Peel, wash and cut the onion into cubes. Then fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
Wash the mushrooms and chop finely. Also fry in vegetable oil.
Combine all prepared ingredients. The mushroom filling for the lavash roll is ready. Since the roll is dietary, there is no need to add any extra ingredients.
Unwrap the pita bread and spread the mushroom filling in an even layer.
Carefully wrap it in a roll.
Wrap the lavash roll with mushrooms in a plastic bag. Place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to soak the roll.
When the lavash roll with mushrooms is soaked, cut into portions and serve.
Cross-section of a finished lavash roll with mushrooms. Bon appetit!
Cook with pleasure!


Mushroom solyanka
Champignons - 500 g
Onions - 1 pc.
Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 6 tbsp. l.
Pickled cucumbers - 2-4 pcs.
Olives - 1 jar (200 g)
Salt - 1 tsp.
Pepper - a pinch
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
Water - 2 l
Fresh herbs - 1 bunch
Lemon - to taste


1. Peel the onion, wash and cut into cubes. Peel the carrots, wash and grate on a coarse grater.
2. Pour 3 tbsp into the pan. l. vegetable oil. Place onions. Fry, stirring, over medium heat for 1-2 minutes.
3. Then add the carrots and simmer together for 2-3 minutes.
4. Wash the mushrooms and cut into pieces. Pour 3 tbsp into the pan. spoons of vegetable oil. Add mushrooms. Fry over medium heat, stirring, for 5-6 minutes.
5. Add tomato paste and flour to the onions and carrots, stir. You can add a little water. Simmer for 2 minutes.
6. Cut pickled cucumbers into cubes. Add the cucumbers to the vegetables, stir and simmer for another 5 minutes.
Then add the prepared mushrooms. Simmer for 5 minutes.
7. Open a jar of olives. Boil the kettle.
8.Place the olives. Pour boiling water, salt, pepper, add bay leaf. Cook the mushroom solyanka for 7-10 minutes under the lid.
9. Wash and finely chop the greens.
That's it, the lean mushroom solyanka is ready! Sprinkle with herbs before serving. You can put a slice of lemon on a plate.

Bon appetit!

Spaghetti with mushrooms

Champignons – 350g
Spaghetti – 250g
Vegetable oil
Garlic - 3 cloves
Salt pepper

Spaghetti should be boiled in lightly salted water. To prepare the sauce, fry the mushrooms for 5 minutes, add salt, chopped garlic and pepper. Next, add some spaghetti water, stir and add this sauce to the spaghetti. Bon appetit, your dish is ready!



1 stack decoys
1 stack warm water
0.5 stack. rast. oils
100 gr. flour
3/4 cup Sahara
1 pack vanilla sugar
1.5 tsp. baking powder
3 tablespoons with a slide of cocoa
a pinch of salt

1. Pour warm water over semolina and leave for 20 minutes. for swelling.
2. Add vanilla sugar, butter, salt, sugar.
3. Separately mix flour with baking powder and cocoa. Then combine everything and mix with a spoon.
4. Grease the mold with vegetable oil and lay out the dough. Bake ~40 minutes. at medium temperature.
Sprinkle the finished manna with powder or decorate with jam.

LENTEN FRUIT CAKE. Photo recipe by Anna Mishchenko
Ingredients for the dough:
225 gr. flour
1 tsp lie baking soda (or 2 tsp baking powder)
175 gr. Sahara
6 tbsp. vegetable oils, odorless
150 ml. water + 100ml. juice (I have peach + apple) Cream mousse:
2 stacks juice
2-3 tablespoons semolina
2 table spoons Sahara
1 teaspoon starch (optional) For impregnation:
juice and apricot jam

For layering and decoration:
canned and fresh fruits, coconut

1. Sift flour with baking soda (baking powder) into a deep bowl, add sugar, vegetable oil, water and juice, stir well. The dough should be like thick sour cream.

2. Bake 3 cakes one at a time in a greased pan, cool. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes each (depending on the oven). The cakes are quite airy and soft, but very sticky, you need to work with them carefully, better grease the pan and place it on a surface covered with parchment.

3. For the cream, pour the juice into a saucepan, add sugar and semolina, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook over low heat, stirring constantly for 20 minutes.
You can add 1 tsp to the cream mousse. starch (optional) for greater viscosity; this will not affect the taste.

4. Remove the cooked mousse from the heat and let it cool in the cold.
Place the saucepan with the mousse in a bowl of cold water and beat thoroughly with a blender (whisk attachment). If there is not enough sugar to taste, you can add a little powdered sugar and beat again. Refrigerate the mousse for half an hour.

5. Assembling the cake: Lightly soak the cake with syrup from canned pineapples/peaches, grease with jam, lay out a layer of mousse, top with a layer of canned pineapple pieces (spread them on a napkin in advance to drain excess liquid). So assemble all 3 cake layers, grease the sides. Place in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes so that the mousse hardens a little. During this time, prepare the fruit for decoration. Then decorate the top of the cake, sprinkle with coconut shavings and put it back in the refrigerator for soaking.


Incredibly delicious rice with vegetables and mushrooms

- 300 g steamed rice with wild
- 1 carrot
- 2 onions
- 300 g champignons
- 100 g green peas
- 100 g green beans
- 100 g canned corn
- salt pepper
- vegetable oil for frying

Wash the mushrooms and cut them into 4 parts, fry them in vegetable oil in a deep saucepan with a thick bottom.
Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan.
Cut the carrots into strips and add to the onion. Fry over low heat, stirring constantly, for 3-4 minutes. Thaw green peas and green beans.
Boil rice according to package. I take it in special heat-resistant bags for easy and quick preparation. Remove from the bag and place the rice on a plate.
Add fried onions and carrots, rice, pepper and salt to the mushrooms, stir. Keep on fire for 5 minutes.
At the very end, add defrosted vegetables and corn. Simmer for 5-7 minutes with the lid closed.

Bon appetit!


White cabbage salad with apples and sweet peppers

200 g white cabbage
2 apples
1 sweet pepper (red)
1 onion
3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
lettuce leaves

1. Wash the sweet red pepper, cut in half and remove the core. Then cut into thin strips.
2. Chop the cabbage and mash with salt.
3. Cut each apple into four parts, remove the core and cut into thin slices.
4. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Mix all ingredients in a deep dish, season with vegetable oil, salt, sugar, and before serving, place on a plate with lettuce leaves, and garnish with parsley sprigs.
Angela at mealtime!!!

Turnips – 200 g, onions – 200 g, carrots – 200 g, caraway seeds (seeds) – 1 teaspoon, vegetable oil and salt to taste. Wash the turnips and carrots, peel and wash again. Peel the onion and wash it. Finely chop all the vegetables, add salt, add ground cumin seeds and vegetable oil, mix.

My grandfather planted a turnip, and the turnip grew big and big... Everyone knows the fairy tale about the turnip from early childhood, but few people know about the beneficial properties of this vegetable in our time.
In Rus', turnips were grown long before the appearance of potatoes. Turnip was the main garden vegetable, and it is not without reason that fairy tales are written about it; it is mentioned in many folk proverbs and sayings. In addition to the most valuable vitamins and microelements, it contains sulforophane, a substance that enhances the biosynthesis of anti-cancer enzymes.

When preparing turnip dishes, you should not cut off the peel, as it contains many useful substances. The tops are also edible - you can use them to prepare green salads, put them in soups and hash, dry them for future use and add them in winter to first and second courses, sauces, green butter and cottage cheese, and homemade baked goods.

Beetroot – 300 g, onions – 100 g, apples – 200 g, nut kernels (any) – 50 g, lemon – 1/2 pcs., cinnamon – 1/2 teaspoon, honey – 2 tbsp. spoons, vegetable oil – 50 g.
Wash the beets, boil, peel and cut into slices. Peel the onion, cut into thin rings and sauté in vegetable oil. Wash the apples, peel, core, cut into slices and brown on both sides in vegetable oil. Remove the seeds from the lemon and cut into small cubes along with the peel. Combine everything, pour honey, sprinkle with cinnamon, add crushed nuts and mix thoroughly.

Boiled beans - 500 g, onions - 100 g, cauliflower - 200 g, garlic - 50 g, dill (greens) - 50 g, vegetable oil - 50 g, salt - to taste.

Boil dark beans until tender. Peel the onion, finely chop and sauté in vegetable oil. Wash the cabbage, separate into bunches and boil for 5 minutes. Mix the vegetables, adding crushed garlic and finely chopped dill. Add salt to taste.

White cabbage – 400 g, cranberries – 100 g, onions – 100 g, tarragon (greens) – 50 g, vegetable oil – 50 g.

Peel and chop the onion. Wash the tarragon greens and chop finely. Sauté onion and tarragon in vegetable oil. Chop the cabbage, pour boiling water over it, leave in it until it cools, then drain the water, add cranberries, sautéed onions and tarragon to the cabbage, mix everything thoroughly.

Pumpkin – 500 g, vegetable oil – 150 g, garlic – 3-4 cloves, dill – 15 g, flour – 50 g, salt and ground black pepper – to taste.

Wash the pumpkin, cut into slices, removing the peel and fibers of the seed chamber, add salt. After waiting for the juice to appear on the slices, roll them in flour and fry in a large amount of vegetable oil on both sides. The pumpkin should be placed in well-heated oil. Place the slices in layers on a dish, sprinkling each layer with crushed garlic, ground black pepper and finely chopped dill.

You can fry zucchini and squash in the same way. Young vegetables do not need to be peeled.

Mushrooms – 500 g, carrots – 200 g, onions – 200 g, rice – 150 g, vegetable oil – 100 g.
Wash mushrooms (champignons), finely chop and sauté in vegetable oil. Wash the carrots, peel and chop on a coarse grater. Peel the onion, chop finely, sauté with carrots in vegetable oil for 2 minutes.

Boil the rice until half cooked. Combine everything, mix, salt to taste. Place the minced meat on cabbage leaves and form cabbage rolls. Place them in a saucepan, pour salted boiling water over them and simmer covered for about 30 minutes. You can serve it with onions fried in oil.

Ukrainian borscht

Wash 1/2 cup of white beans and cook together with 2-3 small onions, parsley roots, celery, 2-3 small whole beets (the beets are cooked for 20-30 minutes and then removed).
Squeeze out 1 cup of sauerkraut (if it’s too sour, pour boiling water over it and squeeze out) and let it cook. Add two tomatoes, finely chopped turnips and carrots, 6-8 fresh beetroot leaves, and salt. Shortly before it is ready, add 1/2 cup of flour stirred into 1/3 cup of cooled broth. Separately, boil 1/3 cup of millet, crush with garlic and add to borscht before serving.
Grate the removed beets and place directly on plates along with the greens.
You can serve separately cooked crumbly buckwheat porridge with the borscht.

Fresh cabbage soup

Cook a broth from 2 fresh or baked (halved in a clean frying pan) onions and herbs. Add new potatoes. Fry finely chopped carrots, a spoonful of flour and various roots (parsley and celery) in vegetable oil. Cut ripe tomatoes into 4 slices, remove seeds and peel, cut and lightly fry. Chop a forkful (1/2 kg) of fresh cabbage, put it in cabbage soup, add salt and cook until tender. Flour (1/2 cup) can be fried separately in a dry frying pan until golden brown, then diluted with water or cooled broth and poured into the cabbage soup and boiled.
Traditionally, on fasting days, porridge is served as a main course: millet, wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, pumpkin. On days of strict fasting, porridge can be diluted with mushroom or vegetable broth or served with honey or jam.
On other days, you can serve the porridge with fried onions or a sauce of your choice.
There should also be vegetables on the Lenten table, especially in summer.


Potatoes are always on the Lenten table.
Let's not forget the baked potatoes. It can be baked in the oven in its uniform. Can be baked by peeling and spraying with oil.
You can boil potatoes with herbs and garlic (or finely chopped onions), serve with salt, and boil the broth separately in cups on strict days. On days when oil is allowed, potatoes are served with any sauces, or garlic (or onion) is simply finely chopped, crushed with herbs and salt, poured with oil and served with potatoes. You can also add a slice of lemon here.

Butter dough for pies

Pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a glass, add water or rice broth (see above) to 1 glass, pour 3 full glasses of flour onto the board, make a depression, pour in the broth with oil, knead a thick dough, roll out into 12-16 circles , put the filling on each circle, pinch, put on a sheet greased with oil, coat the pies with oil and water and a small amount of flour, put in a hot oven to brown.
Yeast dough for pies and pies
Sift 2 cups of flour onto a board, pour in 1.5-1.75 cups of warm water or rice water (see above) with 10 yeast diluted in it, stir and beat until smooth and bubbly, put in a warm place to rise. When it rises, knead well, add 1 teaspoon of salt, pour in 2-3 tablespoons of good vegetable oil, add the rest of the flour (about 3 cups of flour in total), knead so that the dough comes away from your hands, let rise again. Then roll out the dough, transfer it to a greased sheet, put in the filling, pinch, let rise, grease with butter mixed with cold water and a small amount of flour (or butter mixed with beer; or (if the pies are sweet) with honey) and put in hot bake. Grease the finished pie with butter.


Batter- This is a liquid dough that, when fried, gives a wonderful crispy crust. It is very good to fry pies in batter if you serve them immediately and do not cook them for future use. It is done very simply:
you need to mix 1-2 tablespoons of flour, 1 glass of beer or water, 1 tablespoon of good vegetable oil, 0.5 teaspoon of salt. The finished pies are dipped in batter and immediately placed in a frying pan in hot oil. Fry on one side, turn over to the other and brown.

Potatoes with garlic and oatmeal

Pour 1/2 cup of oatmeal with water in advance, take 5 medium potatoes (raw or boiled), 1 carrot, about 1/4 cup of vegetable oil, 1 clove of garlic, 2 bay leaves, 1 bell pepper and some greens in winter, instead - 1 tablespoon of soup dressing). Cut the potatoes and carrots into slices and fry in a well-heated frying pan, add oatmeal, seasonings, add 2/3 cup of hot water, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Taste and add salt. In 5 minutes everything is ready.

Pancakes with filling

Bake lean pancakes. Prepare the filling.
From apples. Peel and core 6-10 sour apples, cut into 4 parts, place in a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, 3-4 tablespoons of water (or wine, syrup), a little cinnamon, simmer until soft.
From sorrel. Wash the sorrel, chop finely, sprinkle with sugar, stir and let stand for 10-15 minutes.
From carrots. Grate the carrots and simmer with sugar and cinnamon.
From cabbage. Pour oil into a frying pan, add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and fry it until it turns brown. Then add the cabbage, squeezing it well with your hands. Stir and pepper, keep on fire, stirring until it turns evenly brown, but does not burn.
From cabbage and eggplant. Finely chop the cabbage, bake the eggplants and mince them (or add grated zucchini), simmer everything, add fried onions, salt and pepper. Boil the potatoes in salted water, peel, cut into slices and lightly fry in vegetable oil. Fry the onion separately. Mix the potatoes with the fried onions, sprinkle with salt and pepper and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

baked potato

500 g potatoes, salt, vegetable oil. Wash the potatoes well, make several cuts (preferably with a grater), roll in salt and bake whole (with skins) in the oven. To speed things up, you can cut each potato in half and brush the cut side with butter (you can also sprinkle with cumin if you wish).

Bulgarian pepper

Bake the whole bell pepper in the oven, place it in a saucepan with a lid to cool gradually. Crush the garlic with salt, add vegetable oil, let it brew. After 15 minutes, remove the skin, stems and core from the pepper and place in a saucepan. Pour in the dressing and refrigerate overnight. In the morning the pepper is ready. Very simple and very tasty. In the same way you can prepare it for future use; sterilize for about 10 minutes.


It is no coincidence that beans are called lean meat. It is rich in vegetable protein and vitamins. Under no circumstances should beans be soaked with soda - this kills vitamins. Soaked beans retain their shape better, and they are soaked only in cold water, otherwise they will sour. To prepare lobio, when you need to get a thick sauce, the beans are not soaked.
Lobio is made from dark beans. Pour cold water over the beans in a ratio of no less than 1:3. Cook for 3 hours, covered, over low heat, without salt. If your water has boiled away, add boiling water so that the beans are always covered, and if you are cooking for the first time, it is better to pour a little more than the specified proportion of water, even 1:5. When the beans are boiled, remove the pan from the heat and mash the beans directly in the pan with a wooden masher so that approximately half of them remain intact and the sauce becomes thick. Prepare the dressing: crush some walnuts, and crush the garlic with salt. Place in a saucepan, add 2-3 tablespoons of pomegranate extract or ketchup, mix everything. As soon as it boils, the lobio is ready. If there is no pomegranate extract or ketchup, it’s okay. A few minutes before readiness, add uncut greens: parsley, basil, cilantro. When the lobio has cooled, remove the greens. Served both hot and cold.

Lenten sauces are prepared from high-quality vegetable oil, flour and vegetable (mushroom, fish) broth.

Main sauce

Mix 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil with 1/2 cup of flour and fry, stirring. Without ceasing to stir, gradually dilute with 2-2.5 glasses of broth until the consistency of liquid sour cream (the sauce should not be thick). Strain through a strainer to avoid lumps.
Then the rest is added to the sauce to taste:
mustard; lemon slices (without peel and seeds); greenery;
mushrooms; mushroom seasoning; burnt sugar; nuts, etc.
Once a week, make three main preparations for sauces: burnt sugar, toasted flour and preparation for the main sauce.
Everything else must be fresh. Lenten sauce is not prepared for future use, but is served directly to the table. For the sauce, it is important to use not water, but a good vegetable broth: boil several chopped onions and herbs in a small amount of water (2-2.5 cups); You can also add roots (parsley, celery), carrots, turnips. Boiled vegetables and herbs can be pureed into broth or chopped with a mixer.

Pickled cucumber sauce

Peel and cut 3-6 pickled cucumbers, boil 1 tablespoon of toasted flour (see above) with 2-3 tablespoons of good butter and finely chopped parsley, 2 cups of vegetable broth and 0.5 cups of cucumber brine. You can add burnt sugar to taste and boil. Serve with dill.

Sweet and sour sauce

Fry 2 tablespoons of toasted flour in 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, dilute with vegetable broth (boil a small amount of water with onions, herbs, spices), add burnt sugar (see above), cook, strain, pour in a glass of wine, add to taste 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, vinegar or lemon juice, 1/2 cup of raisins, some crushed nuts, boil. Served with potatoes and boiled cereals, pancakes, pancakes and meatless cutlets.


Homemade adjika is vitamins on your table all winter, it is the aroma of summer. Homemade adjika does not necessarily have to be very spicy, because... You can reduce the amount of hot pepper. Preparing adjika requires caution: it is prepared with rubber gloves; passed through a meat grinder not into a bowl, but into a plastic bag secured to the meat grinder with a rubber band. The contents of the package are placed from time to time in an enamel container (3-4 liter) and kept under a lid.

Adjika green

Remove seeds from 1 kg of bell pepper, 0.5 kg of hot pepper, take 300 g of celery, parsley, dill, cilantro. Wash everything and dry it on a towel. Peel 0.5 kg of garlic, 700 g of walnuts, take 100 g of saffron, ground cilantro seeds or sune-li hops. Pass everything through a meat grinder and mix in an enamel bowl with a wooden spoon. Pour in 1 glass of table or grape vinegar and pomegranate extract (or juice from ripe pomegranates) and about 1 glass of salt. The adjika will stand for three days under the lid (from time to time it needs to be stirred with a wooden spoon), then put it into small sterilized jars and put it in the refrigerator or cellar.

Adjika red

Remove seeds from 1 kg of hot pepper, 1 kg of bell pepper, peel 0.5 kg of garlic, wash and dry on a towel 0.5 kg of green cilantro, take 1 cup of ground cilantro seeds, table or grape vinegar, salt, 0.5 kg of good tomato paste. Next, see the previous recipe.

Salad of cabbage, carrots, apples and
sweet pepper

The washed white cabbage is cut into strips, ground with a small amount of salt, the juice is drained, mixed with peeled chopped apples, carrots, sweet peppers, seasoned with sugar and vegetable oil. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

300 g cabbage, 2 apples, 1 carrot, 100 g sweet pepper, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, herbs.

Beet caviar

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry everything in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then add grated fresh beets. Five minutes before cooking, add salt to taste and tomato paste.

1 onion, 1 carrot, 3-4 medium beets, 100 g vegetable oil, 1/2 cup tomato paste diluted with water, salt.

Radish salad with butter

Peel and rinse the radish well, put it in cold water for 15-20 minutes, then let the water drain, chop the radish on a grater, season with vegetable oil, salt and vinegar, put in a salad bowl, garnish with herbs. You can add chopped onions sautéed in vegetable oil to the grated radish.

Radish 120 g, vegetable oil. 10 g, 3 g vinegar, 15 g onions, greens.

Vitamin salad

Finely chop the fresh cabbage and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Mix everything and add salt. Add green peas (canned). Pour vinegar, vegetable oil, sprinkle with ground black pepper and herbs. You can add fresh cucumbers and green onions.

300 g of fresh cabbage, 1 large carrot, 5 tablespoons of peas, salt, 1 tablespoon of vinegar. 10 g vegetable oil, 2 g black pepper.

Salad "Summer"

Place the tomatoes in a colander, pour boiling water over them, and then immediately pour cold water over them. Remove the skin. Cut the peeled tomatoes into thin slices. Cut the peeled apple in half and remove the core. Cut the apple into slices too. Cut the onion and pepper into small strips. Mix everything. Salt, add sugar, add lemon juice and pour over vegetable oil.

2 ripe tomatoes, 1 apple, 1 small onion, 1 sweet peri pod, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, salt, sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

Salad "Vesnyanka"

Peel the cucumber; Cut the radish and cucumber into thin slices. Mix everything and season with salad dressing. Garnish with sprigs of dill and parsley.

1 fresh cucumber, 6 radishes.

For dressing: 3 tablespoons vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.

Cauliflower salad

Peel the cabbage, immerse it in salted water for a few minutes, pour boiling water over it and bring to a boil. Then drain the water and pour clean water over the cabbage to remove the smell. Add salt to taste and cook until done. Cool and divide into small balls. Season with vinegar, vegetable oil, sprinkle with parsley. Garnish with slices of tomato or boiled beets.

800 g cauliflower, 50 g vinegar, 60 g vegetable oil, herbs.

Carrot salad with apples

Grate carrots and apples on a coarse grater, add lemon juice and zest. Season with sugar and salt.

300 g carrots, 300 g apples, 1 lemon, 50 g granulated sugar, salt to taste.

Beetroot with cucumbers

Grate the cucumber and boiled beets on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion. Place everything in a salad bowl, season with vegetable oil, and mix.

1 beet. 1 pickled cucumber, green onion, vegetable oil.

Potato salad

Cut slightly warm boiled potatoes and pickled cucumbers into cubes, add finely chopped green onions, lightly salt, pour in sunflower oil. Mix.

4 potatoes, 2 pickled cucumbers, green onions, salt, vegetable oil.

Radish and cucumber salad

Cut radishes and cucumbers into slices, mix with finely chopped green onions, add lemon juice, salt and season with vegetable oil.

200 g radishes, 200 g cucumbers, 100 g green onions, 50 g vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, salt.

Onion salad

Peel the onion, cut into 4 parts, put in a colander and pour over boiling water. Then cool and chop finely. Also finely chop the cucumber. Mix onion with cucumber, sprinkle with lemon juice. Salt all this and mix with sugar. Beat sunflower oil with mustard and pour this sauce over the salad. Garnish with a sprig of parsley.

2 large onions, 1 pickled cucumber, 1 cm. spoon of lemon juice, 3 cm. spoons of sunflower oil, half a teaspoon of mustard, 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Tomatoes stuffed with vegetable mixture

Wash the tomatoes, cut off the top with a sharp knife, and remove the core with a spoon. Finely chop the boiled carrots, finely chop the apple, grate the cucumbers on a coarse grater. Place all vegetables in a bowl, add peas, salt, vegetable oil and stir. Stuff the tomatoes with this minced meat. Sprinkle dill on top.

5 small tomatoes, 1 carrot, 1 apple, 2 pickled cucumbers, 100 g canned green peas, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1/3 teaspoon salt, dill.

Salad with herring

Boil the potatoes in their skins; when cool, peel and cut into slices. Cut the onion into rings. Cut the herring into slices. Place potatoes, onions and herring in a salad bowl. Season the salad with a mixture of vegetable oil, vinegar, and mustard. Add a little salt.

8 potatoes, 2 herrings, 3 onions, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 4 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of mustard, half a teaspoon of salt.

Rice salad

Boil rice in salted water. Chop the vegetables, mix with cooled rice, salt and pepper, add sugar and vinegar to taste.

100 g rice, 2 sweet peppers, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 1 pickled cucumber, 1 onion.

Eggplant salad

Bake the eggplants, cool, peel, cut into cubes; Remove seeds from pepper and cut into thin strips; cut tomatoes into slices, onions into rings; salt everything, mix, season with vegetable oil, sprinkle with dill and parsley.

500 g eggplants, 150 g sweet peppers, 3 tomatoes, 1 onion, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, salt, herbs.

Sauerkraut salad with pickles

Chop the cabbage, cut the cucumbers into cubes, chop the onion, mix everything, season with oil, salt and pepper.

600 g sauerkraut, 150 g pickled cucumbers, 150 g onions, 100 g vegetable oil, salt, pepper, ground black.

Vinaigrette with fish

Boil the fish with spices, cool, cut into pieces; Boil potatoes, beets, carrots, cool, cut into cubes. Mix with fish, add salt and season with vegetable oil.

300 g fish, 3 potatoes, 1 beet, 1 carrot, 2 pickles, 100 g vegetable oil, spices, salt.


Vegetable soup

Fry chopped onion, parsley and celery in vegetable oil, add water, add chopped carrots, rutabaga and shredded cabbage and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. About halfway through cooking, add crushed garlic and seasonings; add applesauce or grated apple at the very end. When serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped herbs.

2 onions, 1 parsley root, celery, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 liter of water, 2 carrots, 1 slice of rutabaga, 1 cup of finely shredded cabbage (150 g), clove of garlic, 1 bay leaf, 1/2 teaspoon of cumin , 1 apple or 2 tablespoons of applesauce, salt, herbs.

Pea soup with pearl barley

Soak the peas overnight in cold water and, adding washed pearl barley, cook in the same water. Cut the carrots, onions and parsley into small cubes, fry in oil and combine with the peas when they are half cooked. Salt and sprinkle with herbs.

1 liter of water, 1 cup of peas, 1 tablespoon of pearl barley, 1/2 carrots, 1/2 onions, 1/2 parsley root, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, herbs, salt.

Pumpkin soup with peas

Soak dry peas overnight, then add to cold water and cook until half cooked. Add diced potatoes, and after 15 minutes. - chopped roots and diced pumpkin fried in oil. Add salt, season, cook for another 5-10 minutes until the pumpkin becomes translucent. Serve the finished soup immediately.

Instead of pumpkin, you can use zucchini or squash.

300 g pumpkin, 2 potatoes, 1/2 cup dry peas or 1 cup fresh (or canned), 1 onion, piece of parsley or celery, 1 carrot or slice of rutabaga, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 liter of water, salt , pepper, greens.

Thick fish soup

Clean the fish - remove the entrails and gills, rinse well and place in cold salted water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Add spices at the end of cooking. Fry carrots grated on a coarse grater and onions cut into half rings in vegetable oil until soft, then add flour and continue frying everything together. Remove the finished fish with a slotted spoon, strain the broth through a strainer with gauze. Place the potatoes cut into cubes into the hot broth and cook until soft, then add the fried vegetables. Cook for a few minutes, salt the soup again. Pour into plates and sprinkle with herbs.

300-400 g fish (sea bass, cod, silver hake, etc.), 1 liter of water, salt, 3-4 peppercorns, 1/2 bay leaf, 1 carrot, onion, 2-3 potatoes, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp flour, herbs.

Borscht with squid

Thaw frozen squid, boil, remove the main film and rinse in several waters to eliminate the specific smell. Boil for 5-6 minutes in salted water, drain in a colander, cut across the grain into strips or cubes. Cut the cabbage into strips and cook in a small amount of water, chop the carrots and onions, fry, and lightly fry the pieces of boiled squid with tomato paste. Add stewed roots and squid to the finished cabbage, add the required amount of water, season with spices, add grated beets, cook for several minutes, then add salt, vinegar and sugar. Season with herbs.

200 g squid, 150 g boiled beets, 200 g fresh cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, 1 onion, 30 g vegetable oil, 1 tbsp tomato paste, 1 l water, salt, sugar, a few peppercorns, bay leaf , vinegar, herbs.

Botvinya with fish

Boil the fish, separate the flesh from the bones, remove the skin and divide into large pieces. Boil the sorrel for several minutes in a separate bowl and rub through a sieve. Chop the green salad into pieces with your hands, cut the cucumbers. Add sorrel puree, chopped lettuce, cucumber slices, green onions to the kvass, season with horseradish, salt, sugar and grated lemon zest. Keep in the cold. Place the fish in a served bowl and pour in the soup.

1 liter of bread kvass, 500 g of uncut fish or 200 g of fish fillet, 300 g of sorrel, 4 tablespoons of chopped green onions, 3 green lettuce leaves, 200 g of fresh cucumbers, 3 teaspoons of grated horseradish, grated lemon zest, salt, sugar , 3 tablespoons chopped dill.

Sour mushroom soup

Mushrooms are cut into cubes and fried in oil, then onions and flour are added and lightly browned. Pour hot water, season and cook for 10-15 minutes. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add sliced ​​tomatoes or cucumber and apple. When serving, the soup is sprinkled with herbs.

250 g of fresh mushrooms, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 small onion, 1 tablespoon of flour, salt, 1 liter of water, 1-2 tomatoes or 1 pickled cucumber, 1/2 apple, dill or green onions.

Borscht with mushrooms

Prepared mushrooms are stewed in oil along with chopped roots. Boiled beets are grated or cut into cubes. Potatoes, cut into oblong pieces, are boiled in broth until soft, other products are added (flour is mixed with a small amount of cold liquid) and the whole thing is boiled for 10 minutes. Greens are added to the soup before serving. If tomato puree is added, it is stewed together with mushrooms.

200 g fresh or 30 g dried porcini mushrooms, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1 onion, a little celery or parsley, 2 small beets (400 g), 4 potatoes, salt, 1-2 liters of water, 1 teaspoon flour, 2 -3 tablespoons of herbs, 1 tablespoon of tomato puree, vinegar.

Lenten cabbage soup

Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the sauerkraut and place in a clay pot in the oven for 30 minutes. Then pour the broth into a separate bowl, add salt to the cabbage, mix with finely chopped onion, moisten with vegetable oil and rub in an enamel bowl with a wooden spoon so that the oil is completely rubbed in. Then combine again with the broth and continue cooking on the stove.

Prepare 1 liter of mushroom broth, combine the broth with cabbage, adding buckwheat to it, and continue cooking until the cabbage is ready.

600 g sauerkraut, 6 dry porcini mushrooms, I cm. spoon of buckwheat, 2 onions, 1 potato, 1 carrot, 1 turnip or rutabaga, parsley, dill, 3 bay leaves, 4 cloves of garlic, 8 black peppercorns, 2 tbsp .spoons of sunflower oil.

Potato soup

Place chopped onion and diced potatoes in salted boiling water and cook until the potatoes are ready. Add spices and herbs 5 minutes before. until ready.

1.5 liters of water, 6 potatoes, 1 onion, 0.5 heads of garlic, 3 bay leaves, 1 tablespoon of dill, parsley, 7 black peppercorns.

Vegetable rassolnik

Cut the skin off the cucumbers, pour 1 cup of boiling water over it and boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes, then discard the boiled skin, and dip the pulp of the cucumbers into the brine, cut lengthwise into 4 parts, and then crosswise into small slices, simmer for 10 min.

Boil vegetables and cereals in 1.5 liters of boiling water, season with separately prepared cucumbers and herbs.

4 pickled cucumbers, 1 potato, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 3 tablespoons buckwheat or rice, 2 onions, 1 parsley, celery root, 8 black peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, 4 tablespoons dill, salt, 1, 5 liters of water.

Spring okroshka with vegetables

Cut the vegetables into strips, chop the lettuce leaves with your hands. Grind the green onions with salt until the juice comes out. Grind mustard, salt and sugar and pour kvass. Add prepared vegetables and finally add salt. Keep the okroshka in the cold for no more than 30 minutes.

1 liter of bread kvass, 4 boiled potatoes, a bunch of radishes, 2 green lettuce leaves, 1 fresh cucumber, 3 tablespoons of chopped green onions, 1 teaspoon of mustard, salt, sugar, chopped dill.

Cold vegetable soup

Cut the carrots into small cubes. Disassemble the cauliflower into pieces and put in vHa for 10 minutes. into salted cold water.

Place chopped vegetables in hot salted water and cook over low heat until tender. Cool and add the cucumbers cut into strips. Chop the green onions, dill and parsley, sprinkle with salt and rub with a wooden spoon until the juice comes out. Place the prepared products in vegetable broth. Salt the soup, add sugar and citric acid.

150 g carrots, 200 g cauliflower, 4 tbsp fresh or canned peas, 1 l water, 200 g fresh cucumbers, 3 cm. spoons of greens, salt, sugar, citric acid.

Cold cream soup

Finely chop the vegetables, place in a bowl, grind vigorously, gradually add cold boiled water, vegetable oil and vinegar until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Rub through a sieve and keep in the refrigerator. Serve with croutons.

2 onions, 3 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 2 sweet peppers, 150 g of lettuce, salt, pepper, water, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, vinegar (lemon juice).

Apple soup

Remove the core from the apples, peel, cut into slices, cook the core and peel in a small amount of water for 10 minutes, strain the broth, add sugar, add the required amount of water and add the chopped apples. Cook for 5-7 minutes. Dilute the starch with cold water, pour into the soup, stirring, and bring to a boil.

4-5 medium-sized apples, 3 tablespoons of sugar (honey, syrup), 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of starch (cinnamon, cloves).

Dried fruit soup

Rinse dried fruits thoroughly in several waters and chop large ones. Place in cold water, cook until the fruit swells, then add sugar, cloves, and add boiling water if necessary. At the end, add starch diluted with cold water to the fruit soup; Stirring with a wooden spoon, bring to a boil. Season with citric acid or sour juice. A few tablespoons of raw grated apples will add a fresh taste to the soup.

100 g of dry fruits (apples, pears, dried apricots, plums), 1 liter of water, 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, honey or syrup, 1 tablespoon of starch, 2 apples.


Peppers, eggplants, stuffed zucchini

Peel peppers, eggplants, young zucchini from stalks and seeds (cut off the peel from zucchini) and stuff with minced vegetables, which includes finely chopped onions, carrots, cabbage, taken in equal parts, and 1/10 of the total volume of parsley and celery. All vegetables used for minced meat must first be fried in vegetable oil. Also fry stuffed eggplants, peppers and zucchini. Then place in a deep metal bowl, pour in 2 cups of tomato juice and place in the oven for 30-45 minutes. for baking.

Tikhvin porridge

Wash the peas, boil in water without adding salt, and when the water has boiled down by 1/3 and the peas are almost ready, add the mixture and cook until tender. Then season with finely chopped onions, fried in oil, and add.

1/2 cup peas, 1.5 liters of water, 1 cup buckwheat, 2 onions, 4 cm. spoons of vegetable oil.

Simple stew

Cut raw potatoes into large cubes and in a wide frying pan, in vegetable oil, as quickly as possible (over high heat) and fry evenly on all sides until golden brown. As soon as the crust has formed, place the still half-baked potatoes in a clay pot, cover with finely chopped herbs, onions, salt, add boiling water, cover with a lid and place in the oven for 1 minute. The finished stew is eaten with cucumbers (fresh or salted) and sauerkraut.

1 kg of potatoes, 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of dill, I cm. a spoonful of parsley, 1 onion, 1/2 cup water, salt.

Braised cabbage

Finely chop the onion, put it in a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry until golden brown. Then add finely shredded cabbage and fry until half cooked. In 10 min. until finished, add salt, tomato paste, ground red or black pepper, sweet peas and bay leaf. Close the pan with a lid. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs on the table.

2 medium onions, 1 small head of cabbage, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, salt, pepper, 2-3 allspice peas, 1 bay leaf, 1/2 cup tomato paste diluted with water.

Potatoes in garlic sauce

Wash the peeled potatoes and dry with a towel. Cut each potato in half. Heat more than half of the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the potatoes until golden brown. Then prepare the garlic sauce. To do this, grind the garlic with salt, add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and stir. Pour garlic sauce over fried potatoes.

10 small potatoes, half a glass of sunflower oil, 6 lobes of chenok, 2 teaspoons of salt.

Friable rice-oat porridge

Rinse the rice and oats, mix and pour the mixture into boiling water. Keep on high heat for 12 minutes, then reduce the heat to medium and keep for another 5-8 minutes, then remove from heat, wrap warm and only after 15-20 minutes. open the lid. Season the finished porridge with onions fried in oil and finely chopped garlic and dill. Heat in a frying pan over low heat for 3-4 minutes.

1.5 cups rice, 0.75 cups oats, 0.7 liters of water, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 onion, 4-5 cloves of garlic. 4-5 tablespoons of sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon of dill.


Soak the poppy seeds for 10 hours, drain the water, squeeze and grind in a mortar.

Soak the beans for 10 hours, boil for 2 hours and grind the boiled beans into puree, to which hot add mashed poppy seeds, mashed potatoes, finely chopped onion, sugar, pepper, parsley and grind.

5 potatoes, 0.5 cups beans, 2 tablespoons poppy seeds, 1-2 onions, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 tablespoon parsley, 0.5 tablespoons ground black pepper.

Eggplant with pepper

Peel the eggplants, cut into slices and fry in vegetable oil. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, fry them and mix with finely chopped baked sweet peppers. Place the toasted circles on a platter and put some finely chopped tomatoes and parsley on each of them.

1 kg eggplant, 100 g sweet pepper, 200 g vegetable oil, 150 g tomatoes, parsley.

Homemade tomatoes

Take not quite ripe tomatoes, wash them and cut them crosswise, squeeze the halves to remove the seeds and water.

Fry finely chopped onion in vegetable oil, put mushrooms cut into slices, add a little tomato puree, crushed garlic, season with salt and pepper, let this sauce thicken.

Place the tomatoes on a greased sheet, fill, pour with vegetable oil and place in the oven. Serve when the tomatoes are crispy.

8 medium-sized tomatoes, 1 onion, 50 g vegetable oil, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 200 fresh mushrooms, 25 g crushed crackers.

Stewed zucchini

Peel young zucchini, cut into slices and fry in oil on both sides.

Finely chop the onion and fry until golden brown, add the peeled tomatoes and simmer. Mix zucchini and tomatoes with onions, add chopped parsley, salt, and simmer thoroughly.

1 kg of zucchini, 15 g of vegetable oil, 3 onions, 300 g of tomatoes, herbs, salt.

Onions with beets and sweet peppers

Cut the onion into rings, fry in oil, add flour and chopped sweet pepper, heat everything together, then add boiling water. Grate apples and beets on a coarse grater, combine with onions, salt, season with herbs and simmer with potatoes for 20-30 minutes.

400 g of onion, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, I cm. spoon of flour, 3 pods of sweet pepper, 3 apples, 400 g of boiled beets, 4 potatoes, 2 glasses of water, salt, pepper, herbs.

Roll of fresh cabbage, buckwheat porridge and mushrooms

A scalded head of cabbage is disassembled into individual leaves, the thickened veins are cut off with a knife and placed on a towel in the form of a strip so that each leaf covers part of the adjacent leaf. Buckwheat porridge filling is placed on the leaves, they are rolled up, placed on a sheet greased with vegetable oil, and baked in the oven.

Filling: cook viscous buckwheat porridge, cool, add boiled chopped and fried mushrooms with onions, salt, pepper, mix everything. When serving, cut into portions and sprinkle with parsley.

1 kg of fresh white cabbage, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 50 g of dried mushrooms, 1 cup of buckwheat, 2 onions, salt, pepper, herbs.

Potato fritters

Grate some of the potatoes, boil some, drain the water, add salt and add finely chopped onion and fried in vegetable oil. Mix the entire potato mixture, add flour and soda and bake pancakes from the resulting dough in vegetable oil.

750 g grated raw potatoes, 500 g boiled potatoes (mashed), 3 tablespoons flour, 0.5 teaspoon soda.

Radish fried in honey

Cut the radish into cubes and fry over low heat in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Add a little honey during frying. Simmer for 10-15 minutes. under the lid.

Rutabagin-cereal porridge

Boil the cereal until half cooked in water, add finely chopped rutabaga, cook the cereal until the water evaporates, add salt. Cook the whole mass until soft, then season it with oil.

0.5 cups of buckwheat, 2 tablespoons of barley (pearl barley), 1 rutabaga, 2.5 cups of water. 2-3 cm. spoons of vegetable oil.

Kostroma gruel

Rinse the barley in several waters and boil in salted water for 15-20 minutes over moderate heat, being sure to skim off the foam that forms on top, then drain off the excess water, add pre-soaked peas and boiled in water and finely chopped onion and continue cooking over low heat. until the pulp is completely softened. Add oil, stir, boil for 5 minutes.

1.5 cups barley, 2 liters of water. 1/4 cup peas, 1 onion, 3 cm. spoons of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of salt.

Sweet pepper in tomato

Wash the pepper without removing the stalk and prick it with a fork in several places: Fry the prepared pepper in oil on all sides, place on a flat plate.

Peel the tomatoes, chop finely, fry with onions, add crushed garlic, parsley, salt and pour this hot mixture over the pepper, let it soak.

500 g pepper, 100 g vegetable oil, 200 g tomatoes, 1 onion, 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt, parsley.

Potato dumplings with cereal

Peel the potatoes, wash them, grate them, squeeze out the juice. Add the settled starch to the squeezed potatoes. Cook porridge from 1 cup of barley. Add the porridge to the squeezed potatoes, add salt, mix, make round dumplings and cook them in salted water.

Serve the dumplings hot, topping them with onions fried in vegetable oil.

12 potatoes, 1 cup barley, salt, 50 g vegetable oil, 1 onion.

Rice with vegetables

Heat oil in a frying pan, fry onions, carrots, and bell peppers. Then add lightly boiled rice, salt, pepper, a little water and simmer for another 15 minutes. Bring until cooked, the rice should absorb all the liquid. Then add green peas, parsley and dill.

2 full glasses of rice, 100 g of vegetable oil, 3 onions, 1 carrot, salt, pepper, 3 sweet peppers, 0.5 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of green peas.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

Scald dried mushrooms with boiling water, rinse, cover with cold water and leave for 2-3 hours. Chop the swollen mushrooms, put them in the same water and cook. When the water boils, add the toasted cereal and stir the thickened porridge, put it in the oven. Add fried onions to the finished porridge.

2 cups of cereal, 50 g of dried mushrooms, 4 cups of water, 2 onions, 1 teaspoon of salt, 40 g of vegetable oil.


Dried fruit compote

Wash the fruits, and then separate the apples and pears, as they take longer to cook.

Rinse the sorted fruits 3-4 times and place in boiling water. Cook pears and apples for 35-40 minutes, other fruits - 15-20 minutes. Add sugar at the end.

200 g of dry fruits, 5 tablespoons of sugar, 1.5 liters of water.

Rhubarb compote

Rinse the rhubarb stems in warm water. Remove the skin from the thickened ends with a knife. Then cut the stems into pieces 2-3 cm long, put them in a bowl, cover with cold water and leave in it for 15 minutes. Boil sugar syrup. Remove the prepared rhubarb from cold water and immerse in boiling syrup, add lemon zest and cook for 10-15 minutes.

200 g rhubarb (stalks), 150 g sugar, 4 glasses of water, 8 g lemon zest.

Lingonberry compote with apples

Wash winter apples, cut into slices, and remove the core. Then immerse the fruits in sugar syrup made from a decoction of apple peels and cores. Bring the syrup to a boil and add lingonberries to it.

150 g lingonberries, 150 g apples, 150 g granulated sugar, 600 g water.

Pumpkin and apple jelly

Cut the apples into slices, and cut the pumpkin pulp as desired. Place everything in boiling water, cook until soft, rub together with the broth. Then add sugar, bring to a boil and add starch previously diluted with chilled broth. Bring to a boil again.

200 g pumpkin, 100 g apples, 100 g granulated sugar, 40 g starch, 1 g citric acid, 800 g water.


Dry mint and tea are brewed. Syrup is made from sugar. Kvass, chilled syrup, infusion of tea with mint are combined. Season with citric acid and cool.

For 1 serving: 3/4 cup bread kvass, 1.5 teaspoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoon tea, a little mint, 1/4 cup water, citric acid.

Jelly "Amber"

Chop the peeled and washed carrots, add water and cook for 20 minutes, then strain, add sugar, bring to a boil, then add pre-soaked gelatin. Stir the mixture, bring to a boil again, pour into molds and cool.

300 g carrots, 100 g granulated sugar, 30 g gelatin, 3 g citric acid, 600 g water.

Apples baked with honey and nuts

Remove the core from washed apples. Place the apples in a saucepan, fill the holes in them with sugar, pour a little water on the bottom, bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Mix fried chopped nuts with heated honey and pour this mixture over the apples.

1 kg apples, 300 g honey, 10 g nuts.

Honey jelly

Dilute honey with hot boiled water, add citric acid, boil, add starch diluted with cold boiled water and bring to a boil again.

100 g honey, 30 g starch, 1 g citric acid, 700 g water.

Bread kvass

Cut stale rye bread into slices and dry in the oven. Place the crackers in a saucepan, pour boiling water over them, and let stand for 3-4 hours. Strain the infusion, add yeast, sugar, cover with a napkin and leave to ferment for 5-6 hours. When the kvass begins to foam, strain it a second time and bottle it. Place several raisins in each bottle, close tightly, and place in a cool place for 2-3 days.

1 kg of rye bread, 6 liters of water, 20 g of yeast, 30 g of sugar, 50 g of raisins.

Homemade rusk kvass

Dried in the oven until lightly crusted, pour 1 bucket of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Separately, brew mint, separately - currant leaf with a liter of boiling water and leave for 5 hours. Pour the kvass infusion into another container after aging, add to it the strained infusion of mint and currant leaf, sugar boiled in 0.5 liters of water, and yeast, stir and leave to ferment for 4 hours. Then remove the foam, strain, pour into bottles, adding a few raisins to each, and leave for 2 days to age.

1 kg rye crackers, 750 g sugar, 50 g raisins, 10-15 blackcurrant leaves, 25 g yeast, 2 cm spoons of dry mint.

Pear kvass

Pour water over ripe pears, add yeast diluted in a glass of water, and a handful of wheat flour. Leave for 3 days to sour.

Kissel from bread kvass

Strain the bread kvass, pour into a non-oxidizing container, add sugar, add lemon zest, heat to 80 degrees, pour in the diluted starch, bring to a boil (do not boil!), cool. 3 cups bread kvass, 2 tablespoons starch, 5 tablespoons sugar, lemon zest.

Compote of oranges or tangerines

Wash oranges or tangerines in cold water, peel and remove white fibers, cut into thin slices and place in deep saucers or vases. Dissolve sugar in hot water and boil it for 10-12 minutes. Add the zest to the syrup, cut it into thin strips, boil and place on a sieve. After cooling, pour syrup over oranges or tangerines.

200 g oranges or tangerines, 5 tablespoons sugar, 3 glasses of water, 5-7 g zest.


Mushroom vinaigrette

Mushrooms and onions are chopped, boiled carrots, beets, potatoes and cucumber are cut into cubes and mixed. The oil is seasoned with vinegar and seasonings and poured over the salad. Sprinkle with herbs on top.

150 g pickled or salted mushrooms, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 small beet, 2-3 potatoes, 1 pickled cucumber, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 cm. spoons of vinegar, salt, sugar, mustard, pepper, dill and parsley.

Mushroom caviar

Fresh mushrooms are stewed in their own juice until the juice evaporates. Salted mushrooms are soaked to remove excess salt, dried mushrooms are soaked, boiled and allowed to drain in a colander. Then the mushrooms are finely chopped and mixed with chopped onions, lightly fried in vegetable oil. The mixture is seasoned and finely chopped green onions are sprinkled on top.

400 g fresh, 200 g salted or 500 g dried mushrooms, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, salt, pepper, vinegar or lemon juice, green onions.

Stewed mushrooms

Heat the oil, add thinly sliced ​​mushrooms and chopped onions. Broth is added to the boiled mushrooms; fresh mushrooms are stewed in their own juice for 15-20 minutes. Towards the end of the stewing, add salt and herbs. Boiled potatoes and raw vegetable salad are served as a side dish.

500 g of fresh or 300 g of boiled (salted) mushrooms, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 onion, salt, 1/2 cup of mushroom broth, parsley and dill.

Dumplings with mushrooms

Dough: pour boiling water into sunflower oil, add flour to this mixture and quickly knead the dough, kneading it thoroughly with your hands, and then roll it into a very thin layer, without adding flour, because this dough does not stick to the board.

Cut the rolled out dough into 5x5 cm squares, put the filling on each piece and form dumplings.

Grease a baking sheet or frying pan with oil, place one layer of dumplings on it and bake in the oven over moderate heat for 12-15 minutes. Then put the dumplings into a pot, pour hot mushroom broth, salt, add spices and leave for 15 minutes. into the oven.

Preparing the filling. Boil the mushrooms in water, pour the broth into a separate bowl, chop the mushrooms finely and fry with onions in oil, mix with the porridge and mash well into a homogeneous mass.

For the dough: 2 cups flour, 2/5 cup boiling water, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil.

For the decoction: 0.5 liters of water, 3 bay leaves, 4-5 black peppercorns, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1 cm. spoon of parsley. For the filling: 20 dry porcini mushrooms, 1 glass of cool buckwheat porridge or boiled rice, 4 cm. spoons of vegetable oil, 1 onion.

Mushroom appetizer

Coarsely chop the salted mushrooms (leave small ones whole), chop the onion finely, chop or crush the garlic, mix everything, add water and oil.

500 g of salted mushrooms, 2 onions, 1/2 cup finely chopped green onions, 1/2 head of garlic, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, 2 tablespoons sunflower oil.

Mushrooms fried in dough

Boil dry mushrooms in 0.5 liters of water with bay leaf and pepper. Dry the mushrooms. Make a batter from kvass, sunflower oil, salt and flour. Dip prepared mushrooms into it and fry in oil in a frying pan.

20 g dried white mushrooms, 1/2 cup kvass or water, 2 teaspoons vegetable oil + 1/4 cup for frying, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons flour, 3 bay leaves, 8 black peppercorns .

Stewed mushrooms in mustard sauce

Mushrooms are cut into pieces and simmered until the juice comes out. Onions and flour are sautéed in vegetable oil, broth is added and seasoned with spicy seasoning. Stewed mushrooms are mixed with the sauce and simmered for another 3-5 minutes.

400 g of fresh mushrooms, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, I cm. spoon of flour, 1 onion, 1 glass of mushroom broth, 1 tablespoon of mustard, salt, sugar, pepper, vinegar.

Mushrooms stewed with potatoes and peas

Peeled and washed mushrooms are cut into pieces and stewed in vegetable oil along with chopped onions. Add small potatoes and a little water, season with salt and simmer for 10-15 minutes under the lid. Then add young peas (or canned) and simmer until fully cooked. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

500 g of fresh mushrooms, 1 onion, 1 kg of potatoes, 1.5 cups of peas, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, water, salt, dill, parsley.

Mushroom goulash

Mushrooms and onions are cut into oblong pieces, lightly browned in oil, chopped pepper is added and simmered until tender. Sprinkle with flour and add tomato puree. Add a little water, season with salt and pepper and simmer for a few more minutes.

500 g of fresh or 300 g of boiled (salted) mushrooms, 3 onions, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 pod of sweet pepper, 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 tablespoon of tomato puree, salt, pepper.

Mushrooms stewed with rice

Shredded mushrooms and onions are fried in oil until golden brown. Mix with washed cereals and hot water, simmer until the cereal becomes soft, then add tomato puree or fresh tomatoes; sprinkle with herbs.

300 g of salted or 50 g of dried mushrooms, 60 g of vegetable oil, 2 onions, 3/4 cup of cereal, 2 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of tomato puree, salt, onion. parsley.

Mushrooms baked with cabbage

Mushrooms are placed in a greased form, cabbage and chopped pickles are placed on them. Onions and flour are sautéed in vegetable oil. Add water, cook and season. The resulting sauce is poured over the products in the mold. The dish should be slightly browned. The side dish is a salad of raw vegetables.

1 liter of stewed cabbage, 2 cups of mushrooms boiled in their own juice, 2 pickled cucumbers, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 glass of water, salt, 1 onion.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with mushrooms

Cabbage leaves are boiled in salted water until soft. Place 2-3 tablespoons of filling on each sheet and wrap it. Stuffed cabbage rolls are fried in Oil, then stewed on the stove in a low saucepan covered with a lid.

10 leaves of white cabbage, water, salt. The filling is prepared from fried onions, mushrooms, 2 tablespoons of tomato puree, 1/2 cup of crumbly rice porridge.

Hunter's stewed mushrooms

Chop the mushrooms, peppers and onions and simmer in vegetable oil, then add a little hot water, flour and simmer until done. At the end of the stew, add chopped tomatoes, salt the vegetables, sprinkle with parsley.

700 g mushrooms, 5 green peppers, 1 onion, 50 g vegetable oil, I cm. spoon of flour, 3 tomatoes or 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, salt, parsley.


Fish stewed with potatoes and apples

Melt the butter at the bottom of a saucepan, fry the chopped onion in it, add coarsely chopped potatoes and lightly sprinkle with salt. Cut the fish fillet into large pieces, rub with salt and place on the potatoes, then cover everything with water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

Place diced or thinly sliced ​​apples on the fish and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. Make sure that the potatoes do not stick to the bottom. This dish is best cooked in the oven.

50 g vegetable oil, 1 small onion, 6-8 medium potatoes, 400 g fish fillet, 3-4 apples (Antonovka), salt, 1 glass of water, herbs.

Stewed cod with vegetables

Cut the onion into rings, carrots and potatoes into pieces, chop the garlic and crush with a little salt so that it gives juice. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add salt and add hot water, simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Lightly rub the pieces of fish with salt, sprinkle with citric acid or vinegar and let stand.

Place pieces of fish on top of the stewed vegetables and chopped tomatoes on top. Simmer covered for 10-15 minutes. Sprinkle the finished stew with herbs.

1 kg of fresh cod, 1 onion, 3 carrots, 5 raw potatoes, 1 clove of garlic, salt, 1/2 liter of water, 2 tomatoes, herbs.

Marinated fish

Salt the fillet pieces and roll in flour. Fry in vegetable oil. Place the fried fish in a saucepan. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Stew the vegetable mixture in vegetable oil, add half a glass of water. When the carrots become soft, add 3 tablespoons of tomato puree and pepper. Pour the prepared marinade over the fried fish, add 2 bay leaves and simmer over very low heat for half an hour.

1 kg of fish fillet, half a glass of sunflower oil, 3 onions, 3 carrots, 3 tablespoons of tomato puree, 2 teaspoons of salt, ground black pepper on the tip of a knife, 2 bay leaves, 3 tablespoons of flour.

Carp stewed with onions

Cut the carp into portions, salt, sprinkle with ground pepper, bread in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil. Place half in a saucepan, add bay leaf, allspice and hot pepper, vinegar and sugar.

Place the fried fish on top of these products, sprinkle the rest of the fried onions on top, pour in the broth, which is prepared from the head, bones and fins of the carp, and simmer until done.

1 kg of carp, 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of flour, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 peppercorns, 3 onions, herbs.

Fish in Zaporozhye style

Cut the fish into pieces, add salt, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Place the fried pieces in a saucepan, pour over the sauce, which is prepared as follows: cut carrots, parsley, pickles and onions into noodles and sauté in vegetable oil, at the end add mashed red tomatoes, salt, bay leaf, pepper, boil, and then Pour this sauce over the fish and let it simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

1 kg of fish, 2 tablespoons of flour, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

For the sauce: 2 carrots, 1 parsley root, 2 onions, 1 pickled cucumber, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 4 tomatoes, 1/2 cup water, salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

Fried cod with eggplant

Peel the eggplants and cut into circles, sprinkle with salt, bread in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Place fried eggplants around the fried fish, pour in red sauce and heat through. When serving, mix the greens with finely chopped garlic and sprinkle on the fish.

500 g cod, 50 g flour, 700 g eggplant, 80 g vegetable oil, 300 g tomato sauce, 8 g garlic, herbs.

Braised cod with lemon

Place onion rings and carrot slices, chopped parsley, celery, and seasonings into hot water. Cook covered over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Add salt. Grease the bottom of a fireproof glass dish or thick-bottomed pan with vegetable oil, place the pieces of fish, and pour broth and vegetables over them. Place thin lemon slices between pieces of fish. Simmer in the oven for 15 minutes.

1 kg of fresh cod or 500 g of fillet, 3/4 cup of water, 1 onion, 1 carrot, a slice of celery, parsley root, 1/2 teaspoon of cumin. 1 bay leaf, 40 g vegetable oil, 1 lemon, herbs, salt.

Fish stewed with beans and cauliflower

Peel and coarsely chop the carrots, boil the beans until half cooked. Place the cauliflower in salted water for half an hour and disassemble it into pieces. Place vegetables in boiling salted water in the following order: carrots, beans, onions, cabbage. Cook for 5 minutes. Then put pieces of fish on top, sprinkle with salt, sprinkle with vegetable oil, simmer until cooked. Sprinkle with herbs.

3 carrots, 1/2 cup beans, 1 head of cauliflower, 1 onion, 30 g vegetable oil, 700 g fish, salt, pepper, 1.5 cups water, dill, parsley, tomatoes.

Fish stewed with peas

Wash the fish, cut into large pieces, lightly rub with salt and sprinkle with citric acid solution.

Boil the peas together with pieces of onion until soft, then place the prepared pieces of fish on top. Simmer covered for 15-20 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

500 g fish, 100 g peas, 1 onion, 30 g vegetable oil, citric acid, salt, 1/2 l water, herbs

Fried cod with sweet pepper

Finely chop the lemon zest, scald, dry and sauté in vegetable oil. Add thinly sliced ​​sweet pepper and simmer. Cut the tomatoes into slices and lightly fry separately. Fillet the cod, cut into portions, salt, sprinkle with pepper, bread in flour and fry.

Place fried tomatoes on a dish, fish on them, pepper and lemon zest on the fish; Pour vegetable oil over everything and sprinkle with herbs. Fried potatoes or boiled rice are recommended as a side dish.

600 g fish, 30 g flour, 60 g vegetable oil, 500 g tomatoes, zest from one lemon, 200 g sweet pepper, herbs, salt.

Mackerel in onion sauce

Roll mackerel or horse mackerel fillets in flour mixed with salt and pepper. Fry the onion in vegetable oil. Place the fish in the pan and fry it on all sides. Pour in water (a quarter cup), cover the pan with a lid and simmer for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle the fish with parsley.

800 g mackerel (horse mackerel), 50 g wheat flour, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, 5 onions, salt, black pepper, parsley.

Marinated herring

Clean fresh herring, remove entrails and heads. Immerse the washed fish in a salt solution (150g of salt per 1 liter of water with a 1:1 ratio of herring to brine), dry with a towel after 10 minutes, bread in flour and fry.

Place the chilled fish in a glass bowl, pour in cold marinade, apply light pressure and keep in a cold room for 2 days. Serve with vinaigrette or potato salad.

500 g herring, 20 g flour, 50 g vegetable oil, 400 g marinade.

For 1 liter of marinade: 300 g of water, 25 g of carrots, parsley, onions, 700 g of vinegar, 25 g of sugar, 10 g of salt, 1 bay leaf, 5 peppercorns.


The fish is filleted, cut into pieces, placed in a pan with a wire rack, chopped carrots, parsley, celery, onions, peppercorns, bay leaves are added, salted, poured with cold water and cooked until tender.

The boiled fish is removed from the broth, cooled and placed on a dish. The fish broth continues to be cooked with bones and fins. The finished broth is filtered, combined with soaked gelatin and brought to a boil. This broth is poured over the cooled fish and placed in a cold place.

2 kg of fish, 1 carrot, 1 parsley and celery root, 1 onion, 100 g horseradish, 1 bay leaf, 10 peppercorns, 10 g gelatin per 1 glass of broth, salt.


Simple yeast dough

Dissolve the yeast in a clay or enamel bowl in 0.5 cups of water, add another 0.5 cups of salted water and then gradually add flour and the rest of the water; Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and leave for 1 hour in a warm place.

For 1 kg of flour - 25-50 g of yeast, 2 glasses of water, 1 teaspoon of salt.


Prepared from yeast dough with minced fish. Divide the yeast dough into portions in the same way as for pies. Roll out the dough balls and put minced meat in the middle. Cinch the edges, giving the pie a round or oval shape and leave a hole in the middle. Place the formed pies on a greased sheet and place in a warm place to rest. Then bake like pies. Minced fish. Cut the fillet into small pieces, put in a saucepan, add a small amount of water and simmer over low heat until cooked. Chop the fish, cool, add sautéed onions, crumbly boiled rice, salt, pepper, chopped parsley, and the broth in which the fish was cooked. Mix everything.

600 g fish, 4 onions, 10 g flour, parsley, salt, pepper, black.

A pie with cabbage

Simple yeast dough. Make the pie into a rectangular shape.

Cabbage filling. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater; fry everything in vegetable oil. Add finely chopped cabbage, salt, sugar, black pepper, fry a little, then add tomato juice and simmer everything over low heat under the lid until done.

1 carrot, 2 onions, half a head of cabbage, salt, pepper, to taste, 1 teaspoon of sugar, half a glass of tomato juice.

Pies with lemon

Simple yeast dough. Form the pies, place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, and place in a warm place for 1 tea.

Lemon filling. Scald the lemon with boiling water, cut it, remove the seeds, pass through a meat grinder along with the zest, add sugar, starch, mix everything.

6 lemons, 300 g sugar, 50 g starch.

Pies with mushrooms and onions

Prepare a simple yeast dough. Divide the dough into small buns, which are rolled out into round cakes. Place minced mushrooms on them. Pinch the edges of the cakes and shape them into a pie. Leave the formed pies to proof for 15-20 minutes, then fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Mushroom mince. Wash the dried mushrooms thoroughly and then boil until soft. Rinse the boiled mushrooms a second time with cold water and pass through a meat grinder. Lightly fry the mushroom mass with butter and mix with finely chopped and fried onions and flour. Add salt and pepper to taste. To prepare minced mushroom with rice, add boiled rice to the minced mushroom.

50g dried mushrooms, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 onions, 1 teaspoon flour, pepper and salt to taste.

Lenten yeast dough

Dilute Drojkzy, sugar, 2 teaspoons of flour in 1/4 cup of water, leave for 15 minutes. Mix the diluted yeast, water and oil with flour, knead into a loose dough, and leave to rise in a warm place. When ready, cut into pies, dusting lightly with flour.

600 g flour, 1 glass of water, 100 g vegetable oil, 25 g yeast, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon sugar.

Pie with jam

Prepare the dough. Roll out 2/3 of the dough into a large pancake and place it on the bottom of a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Put jam on the dough. Place pastry strips (lattice pie) on top. Hook the edges. Place in a warm place for 30 minutes, then bake in the oven.

Fillings: The fillings include cherry, currant, apple, plum, strawberry, blueberry, lingonberry and cranberry jam. The jam should be well cooked, thick, with thick syrup.

Pie with dried fruits

Raisins, prunes, and figs are used as dried fruits. They are washed in cold and warm water, poured with a small amount of boiling water for 5-7 minutes to steam, cut (the pits are removed from the prunes), add sugar, honey, a little ground cloves, lightly boil for 3 minutes, allow to cool and eat. into the filling in pure form or mixed with a small amount (1/4 volume) of crumbly boiled rice. The pie can be cooked open or closed.

Pies with dried bird cherry

Dry ripe bird cherry in the sun, grind flour from it in a coffee grinder, then boil it in a small amount of boiling water to form a thick dough-like mass, add sugar or honey to it.

Prepare the dough. Divide it into small pieces, roll it out, put the cherry filling in the middle, pinch the edges, and place it in the pan, seam side down. Let the dough rise for 30 minutes, bake in the oven at 180-200 degrees.

Pea pancakes

Boil the peas until soft and, without draining the remaining water, grind, adding 0.5 cups of wheat flour per 750 g of pea puree. Form pancakes from the resulting dough, roll in flour and bake in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

Pies with pea filling

Boil the peas until tender, mash, add onion fried in vegetable oil, pepper and salt to taste.

Prepare a simple yeast dough. Divide the dough into balls the size of a walnut and roll into flat cakes 1 mm thick. Add the filling. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.



Common Kulich

Mix almost all the flour with 1/2 cup of milk, add yeast diluted in a small amount of milk, stir and place in a warm place. When the dough has risen, add 20 egg yolks, mashed until white with a glass of sugar and two glasses of milk, then add a little salt and add flour until the dough is the proper thickness, then knead and let it rise again.

Then knock out the dough as best as possible, put it in the mold, filling it halfway, let the dough rise in the mold, and then bake.

7 cups flour, 1/2 cup milk, 100 g yeast, 20 yolks, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups dissolved butter and a little salt.

Homemade Easter cake

Brew 100 g of flour in 1/2 cup of boiling milk, stirring quickly until an elastic mass is obtained.

At the same time, dilute the yeast in 1/2 cup of warm milk and mix with 100 g of flour, leave for 10 minutes.

Combine the first two mixtures, cover and leave to rise for 1 hour or more.

Then grind the yolks, sugar, and salt into a homogeneous mass and beat until white.

Add this homogeneous mass to the yeast mixture, add 750 g of flour, knead the dough and leave for 2 hours to rise, after pouring warm liquid butter in small portions; let the test rise a second time.

After the dough has risen a second time, lower it to its original position, add 2/3 cup of raisins to it, having first rolled it in flour, and let the dough rise a third time. Bake in pans for 45 minutes.

1 kg of flour, 50 g of yeast, 1.5 cups of milk, 10 yolks, 3 whites, 250 g of sugar, 200 g of butter, 100 g of raisins, 3 teaspoons of vanilla sugar, 1 g of salt.

Custard Kulich

Brew one and a half glasses of flour with one and a half glasses of hot milk, stir. When cool, pour in 1/2 stick of yeast and let rise. Then grind 10 yolks until white with 1/2 cup sugar, beat the whites into a foam, put both into the dough, and let the dough rise again. Pour in 3/4 cup of dissolved butter, add the rest of the flour, beat out the dough as best as possible, put it in a mold coated with oil on the inside, let the dough rise and bake.

9 cups flour, 1/2 stick yeast, 10 eggs, 1/2 cup sugar, 3/4 cup ghee, 1.5 cups milk and salt to taste.

Easter with raisins

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, grind with butter, add powdered sugar, pour in sour cream, add raisins, stir everything, put in a mold lined with a damp, clean, thin cloth from the inside, and put under pressure for a day.

800 g cottage cheese, 200 g butter, 1/4 cup powdered sugar, 1/2 cup sour cream, 1/2 cup raisins.

Boiled Easter

Mix all the products, place in a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom), put on the stove, bring to a hot state, stirring continuously. After removing the pan from the heat, continue stirring the Easter until it cools down, and then put it in a wooden form, put pressure on top and leave it in a cool place for a day.

1.2 kg of cottage cheese, 3 cups of cream, 100 g of butter, 4 raw eggs, 100 g of raisins and sugar to taste.

Easter ordinary

Put the cottage cheese under pressure for a day, then rub it through a sieve, put in it half a glass of sour cream, butter, salt, sugar to taste. Mix everything, put it in a mold, covered inside with a thin, clean cloth, put a board on top, put pressure on it and leave for a day in a cold place.

1.5 kg of fresh cottage cheese, 1/2 cup sour cream, 80 g of warm butter, 1 tsp salt, sugar to taste.

Royal Easter

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add eggs, butter, sour cream - put everything in a saucepan and put on the stove, stirring constantly so as not to burn. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, place on ice and stir until cool. Then add crushed sugar, vanilla, almonds, raisins. Stir well, place in a mold covered with a cloth from the inside, and place under pressure.

1 kg of cottage cheese, 5 raw eggs, 200 g of butter, 400 g of sour cream, 200 g of sugar, vanilla, almonds, raisins.

Kutia from wheat

Boil the wheat until tender and let cool. Add honey, walnuts, raisins, crushed poppy seeds and boiled in sweetened water to the cooled wheat. Mix everything, put it in a mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

500 g wheat, 2/3 cup honey, 1 cup walnut kernels, 1 cup raisins, 1/2 cup poppy seeds, 1/2 cup powdered sugar.

Easter red

Melt 3 bottles of whole milk until red, let it cool, pour in 3 bottles of yogurt, 3 cups of sour cream and 1 yolk, boil all this until the whey is gone; then strain through a napkin, rub through a sieve, add sugar to taste, and 1/2 a stick of crushed vanilla. Place in the cold under a press.

Easter pink

Take 800 g of cottage cheese from the press, mix it with 200 g of jam (without syrup), add more sugar to taste, rub through a sieve, add 3 raw eggs, 100 g of butter, 2-3 cups of thick sour cream. Place under pressure.

Kulich royal

Dissolve 50 g of yeast in a glass of cream and put it into a dough for 600 g of flour. When the dough rises, add egg yolks mashed with butter and granulated sugar (200 g of butter and sugar, 15 yolks), add another 600 g of flour, 2 cups of cream, crushed cardamom (20 grains), 1 crushed nutmeg, chopped almonds, chopped candied fruits and raisins. Beat the dough well and leave to rise. Then place the dough in a mold greased with butter and crushed breadcrumbs. Fill the mold halfway, let the dough rise again and place in the oven over low heat.

Butter pancakes

3 cups buckwheat flour, 2 cups wheat flour, 4 cups milk, 3 eggs, 100 g cream, 1 tbsp sugar, 25-30 g yeast, 2 tbsp butter, salt to taste.

Pour buckwheat flour into a saucepan, pour in 2 cups of warm milk, after diluting the yeast in it. Stir everything well and place in a warm place. When the dough has risen, pour in the rest of the milk, add wheat flour and mix well. Place the dough in a warm place again. After it has risen, add egg yolks, mashed with 2 tablespoons of melted butter, sugar, and salt. Mix everything well. Whip the cream, add the egg whites and beat again. Add everything to the dough, stir and place in a warm place for 15-20 minutes.

Buckwheat custard pancakes

Pour 2 cups of buckwheat flour into a saucepan, pour 2 cups of boiling water over it and stir well. When the dough has cooled to room temperature, dilute 20-25 g of yeast in 1/2 cup of warm water and pour it into the dough. Beat the dough well, cover with a towel, and place in a warm place. When it rises, add 2 cups of buckwheat flour, 2 cups of milk, 1 teaspoon of sugar, salt and place in a warm place.


Pour 1/2 cup of warm milk into an enamel pan and dilute 20-25 g of yeast in it. Add another 1.5 cups of milk. Gradually, with continuous stirring, pour 2 cups of buckwheat flour into the pan with milk. Mix the dough well. Cover the pan with a towel and place in a warm place. When the dough has risen, i.e. will increase in volume 2-3 times, add 2 cups of buckwheat flour, 2.5 cups of milk, salt to taste, stir well and put back in a warm place. After the dough has risen again, you can start baking pancakes. At the same time, you need to scoop the dough out of the pan very carefully so as not to let it fall. The plumpness and friability of the pancakes depends on this.

Prefabricated pancakes

Pour 1.5 cups of wheat flour and 2 cups of buckwheat flour into a saucepan, pour in 2 cups of hot milk and stir well. When the dough has cooled to room temperature, pour 30 g of yeast diluted in milk into it, stir well and leave in a warm place to rise. Boil liquid semolina porridge in milk, making sure there are no lumps. Add the yolks ground with salt and sugar, semolina porridge, remaining flour, milk, cinnamon to the suitable dough and mix well. Beat the whites until foamy and carefully fold into the dough. Let the dough rise again and bake the pancakes.

2 cups wheat flour, 3 cups buckwheat flour, 1/2 cup semolina, 4 eggs, 30 g yeast, 7 cups milk, 2 tablespoons sugar, cinnamon on the tip of a knife, salt to taste.

Potato pancakes

Pour 2 cups of lukewarm milk into the pan, stir the yeast in it, add flour and knead the dough. Cover the pan with a towel and place the dough in a warm place. Peel the potatoes, boil them, rub them hot through a sieve and add butter and cream and mix well. When the dough is ready, add mashed potatoes, salt to taste, mashed egg yolks and beaten whites. Stir the dough well, add the remaining milk and let rise again. Bake pancakes as usual.

7-8 potatoes, 2 cups wheat flour, 30-40 g yeast, 4 cups milk. 1/2 cup cream, 5 eggs, salt to taste.

Sour cream pancakes

Pour one glass of warm water into a saucepan, stir the yeast in it, add all the buckwheat flour, mix and place in a warm place. While the dough is rising, put sour cream in a saucepan, add all the wheat flour and knead a thin dough. Beat the chilled egg whites, add them and softened butter to the wheat flour dough and mix.

When the dough is ready, place it in a pan with wheat flour dough, add a glass of warm milk with salt and sugar dissolved in it, and beat the dough well. Bake pancakes as usual.

2 cups sour cream, 3 cups wheat flour, 5 egg whites, 50 g butter, 1 cup water, 30 g yeast, 1 cup buckwheat flour, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 cup milk, salt to taste.

Boyar pancakes

Boil 2 glasses of milk, cool it slightly, pour half a glass and stir the yeast in it. Pour the milk and yeast into an enamel pan and knead the dough with buckwheat flour. When the dough is ready (after 1.5-2 hours), add the rest of the milk, add egg yolks, grind with sour cream, butter, salt, sugar and wheat flour. Knead everything and let the dough rise again. After the dough has risen again, beat the cream and egg whites separately, combine them and add them to the dough. Gently stir the dough with a spatula from top to bottom. Let it sit for 20 minutes. and bake.

3 cups buckwheat flour, 2 cups wheat flour, 4 cups milk, 1 cup cream, 1 cup sour cream, 100 g butter, 5 eggs, 30 g yeast, 1 tablespoon sugar, salt to taste.

Post calendar

Nothing in life comes without difficulty. And in order to celebrate the holiday, you need to prepare for it.

In the Russian Orthodox Church there are four multi-day fasts, fasting on Wednesday and Friday throughout the year (except for a few weeks), and three one-day fasts.


The Savior himself was led by spirit into the desert, was tempted by the devil for forty days and did not eat anything during these days. The Savior began the work of our salvation by fasting. Great Lent is a fast in honor of the Savior Himself, and the last passionate week of this forty-eight-day fast is established in honor of the memory of the last days of earthly life, the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

Fasting is observed with particular strictness during the first and passionate weeks.

On Clean Monday, complete abstinence from food is accepted. The rest of the time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry food (water, bread, fruits, vegetables, compotes); Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil; Saturday, Sunday - food with vegetable oil.

Fish is allowed on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and on Palm Sunday. Fish caviar is allowed on Lazarus Saturday. On Good Friday you cannot eat food until the shroud is taken out.

Petrov, or Apostolic Fast

On Monday of the Week of All Saints, the Fast of the Holy Apostles begins, established before the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul. This post is called summer. The continuation of fasting varies depending on how early or late Easter occurs.

It always starts on All Saints Monday and ends on July 12th. The longest Petrov fast consists of six weeks, and the shortest one is a week and a day. This fast was established in honor of the Holy Apostles, who, through fasting and prayer, prepared for the worldwide preaching of the Gospel and prepared their successors in the work of saving service.

Strict fasting (dry eating) on ​​Wednesday and Friday. On Monday you can have hot food without oil. On other days - fish, mushrooms, cereals with vegetable oil.

Dormition post

A month after the Apostolic Fast, the multi-day Dormition Fast begins. It lasts two weeks - from August 14 to 28. With this fast, the Church calls us to imitate the Mother of God, who, before her resettlement to heaven, constantly remained in fasting and prayer.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry eating. Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil. On Saturday and Sunday, food with vegetable oil is allowed.

On the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19), fish is allowed. Fish day in Assumption, if it falls on Wednesday or Friday.

Christmas (Filippov) post

At the end of autumn, 40 days before the great feast of the Nativity of Christ, the Church calls us to winter fasting. It is called both Filippov, because it begins after the day dedicated to the memory of the Apostle Philip, and Rozhdestvensky, because it occurs before the feast of the Nativity of Christ.

This fast was established in order for us to offer a grateful sacrifice to the Lord for the collected earthly fruits and to prepare for a gracious union with the born Savior.

If the Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on Wednesday or Friday, then fish is allowed. After the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas and before the forefeast of Christmas, fish is allowed on Saturday and Sunday. On the eve of the feast, you cannot eat fish on all days; on Saturday and Sunday - food with oil.

On Christmas Eve you cannot eat food until the first star appears, after which it is customary to eat juice - wheat grains boiled in honey or boiled rice with raisins.

Solid weeks

Week - a week from Monday to Sunday. These days there is no fasting on Wednesday and Friday.

There are five continuous weeks: Christmastide - from January 7 to 18, Publican and Pharisee - 2 weeks before Great Lent, Maslenitsa - the week before Great Lent (without meat), Easter - the week after Easter, Trinity week after Trinity.

Wednesday and Friday

Weekly fast days are Wednesday and Friday. On Wednesday, fasting was established in memory of the betrayal of Christ by Judas, on Friday - in memory of the suffering on the cross and death of the Savior. On these days of the week, the Holy Church prohibits the consumption of meat and dairy foods, and during the Week of All Saints before the Nativity of Christ one should also abstain from fish and vegetable oil. Only when the days of celebrated saints fall on Wednesday and Friday are vegetable oils allowed, and on the biggest holidays, such as Intercession, fish.

Those who are sick and engaged in hard work are allowed some relief, so that Christians have the strength to pray and do the necessary work, but eating fish on the wrong days, and especially the full permission of fasting, is rejected by the rules.

One-day posts

1. Epiphany Christmas Eve- January 18, on the eve of the Epiphany. On this day, Christians prepare for cleansing and consecration with holy water on the feast of Epiphany.

2. Beheading of John the Baptist- 11 September. This is the day of remembrance and death of the great prophet John.

3. Exaltation of the Holy Cross- September 27. The memory of the Savior's suffering on the cross for the salvation of the human race. This day is spent in prayer, fasting, and contrition for sins.

One-day fasts are days of strict fasting (except Wednesday and Friday). Fish is prohibited, but food with vegetable oil is allowed.


Periods Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Lent xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot with butter hot with butter
Spring meat eater fish fish
Petrov post hot b/m fish xerophagy fish xerophagy fish fish
Summer carnivore xerophagy xerophagy
Dormition post xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot with butter hot with butter
Autumn xerophagy xerophagy
Christmas post until December 19 hot without oil fish xerophagy fish xerophagy fish fish
December 20 - January 1 hot without oil hot with butter xerophagy hot with butter xerophagy fish fish
January 2-6 xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot with butter hot with butter
Winter meat eater fish fish

Everyone who, while living in a monastery, visited the monastery refectory, is surprised at how delicious the food is there, although the products are the simplest. To the question, what is the secret?

The monks themselves unanimously answer: “There are no secrets here, it’s just that when you cook and when you eat, you need to pray.” But still there are some general principles that are observed in most monasteries, following the instructions of the holy fathers.

Firstly, you cannot eat your fill; food should not burden your stomach. You should leave the meal with a slight feeling of hunger, which, by the way, is absolutely correct, since according to all the laws of our nature, satiety occurs half an hour after eating.

Secondly, whenever possible, food should be plant-based and devoid of any spices. As they explained to us at the Solovetsky Monastery, “there is a fine line between satisfying the feeling of hunger and pleasing the whims of the flesh. A monk needs to learn to distinguish between it well. It is no coincidence that gluttony or guttural rage is the first tool of the devil with which he approaches the heart of a monk, suggesting that this is the only joy left to him from the world."

To avoid such temptations, monks adhere to simple rules: food should be simple, nutritious, healthy and contain essential vitamins. Food serves to satiate and maintain strength, nothing more.

Brest Nativity of the Virgin Monastery

Lenten brine cookies

1 glass of brine (preferably from canned tomatoes), 1 tsp. soda, three-quarters of a glass of vegetable oil, three-quarters of a glass of sugar, 1 packet (11 g) of vanilla sugar, flour.

Mix brine, vegetable oil and sugar, add vanilla sugar and flour. The dough should be dense enough so that it can be rolled out into a layer 1 cm thick. Cut out cookies with a cookie cutter and bake in a well-heated oven until golden brown.

Oatmeal jelly (lenten jellied meat)

500 g oatmeal, 3 crusts of rye (yeast) bread, salt, sugar - to taste.

Pour warm water over oatmeal until completely covered. Place the bread crusts in the pan and place in a warm place for a day, stirring occasionally. Strain through cheesecloth, add 0.5 liters of water, salt, sugar. Place over low heat, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, leave for 5 minutes after boiling. Remove from heat, pour into bowls, and let harden.

Lenten gingerbread

4 cups flour, 2 cups sugar. One glass of raisins, finely chopped walnuts, vegetable oil and dried fruit decoction, 25 g of ground cinnamon, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of soda, salt to taste.

Grind sugar, salt and cinnamon thoroughly with vegetable oil. Add raisins minced through a meat grinder and chopped walnuts. Dilute with a decoction of dried fruits and add soda. Then gradually add flour, add vinegar and stir. Pour the dough into a greased and floured pan and place in the oven. Bake at 170ºC for 50-60 minutes.


Recipes for Lenten dishes:

  • Lenten recipes- Orthodox fasts and holidays
  • Life without oil (Lent recipes)- Victoria Sverdlova
  • Lenten recipes: breakfasts
  • Lenten recipes: salads and snacks- Boring Garden
  • Recipes for Lenten dishes: Lenten soups
  • Recipes for Lenten dishes: main courses- Nina Borisova, Maxim Syrnikov
  • Lenten recipes: baked goods and desserts- Nina Borisova
  • Lenten recipes: drinks during fasting- Maxim Syrnikov, Nina Borisova
  • - Alexey Reutovsky
  • The history of Russian cuisine: in Russia we are doomed to eat porridge- Maxim Syrnikov
  • Special dishes of Lent: crosses, larks, ladders, grouse- Maxim Syrnikov
  • Kolivo: Athonite recipe- Boring Garden
  • Fruit table- Pravoslavie.Ru
  • Recipes for the Nativity Fast: lentil soup, bread salad, green soup, squid stew, eggplant, avocado appetizer, solyanka with squid and cuba, couscous, kozinaki, toast with apples, etc. - Ekaterina Savostyanova
  • Recipes for the New Year- Ekaterina Savostyanova
  • Maslenitsa: 10 best recipes- Orthodoxy and peace
  • How I made the ancient Roman sauce garum(with photographs and comments) - culinary reconstruction - Maxim Stepanenko


Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Millet porridge with pumpkin

1 liter of water, 100 grams of pumpkin, a glass of millet.

Sort the millet and rinse. Grate the pumpkin, add water and cook for half an hour. After this, add millet, salt, sugar and cook until tender.

Celery salad

600 g celery root, 200 g each carrot and apple, 2 teaspoons lemon juice

Grate the root, add grated carrots, apple, sprinkle with lemon juice - so that the apple does not darken. Season with vegetable oil.

Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent

Bishop's cutlets

Half a loaf of white bread, 3-4 onions, a glass of peeled walnuts (they replace meat and fish), two potatoes, a clove of garlic.

Pass all other ingredients through a meat grinder. Add garlic, salt, ground pepper.

There is no need to add oil to the minced meat, because... When frying, colettes absorb oil very well.

Do not skimp on breadcrumbs; they form a crust during frying, which prevents the cutlets from falling apart. Make the colettes small and thick so that you can turn them over later.

I think you can experiment: add a can of canned beans or mushrooms to the minced meat, or double the proportion of potatoes.

Pyukhtitsky Assumption Convent

Pea porridge

500 g peas, 2 - 4 onions, vegetable oil, salt to taste.

Place the peas in a large saucepan, wash thoroughly in cold water and add 1.5 liters of water. Leave for 1 hour, then put on high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, carefully skim off foam and cook until tender, stirring frequently. Cooking time depends on the variety and quality of peas and can range from 45 minutes to 2-3 hours. The peas should boil down: turn into a homogeneous mass, like puree. Add salt to taste, add finely chopped onion fried in vegetable oil and arrange on plates, sprinkling fried onion rings on top. Pea porridge can be cooled in the form, then cut into pieces and served as a cold appetizer.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky stauropegial monastery

Lentils with beets

500 g green lentils, 1 large beetroot, vegetable oil, salt and spices to taste.

Wash the lentils, add cold water and bring to a boil over high heat. Skim off the foam, reduce heat to low and simmer covered for 40 minutes, adding salt. Peel the raw beets and grate them on a coarse grater. Place the beets in the pan with the lentils and cook for 5 minutes. Add chopped garlic and spices - ground black pepper, turmeric, garam masala. Remove from heat and leave for 30-60 minutes. You can add vegetable oil. It turns out to be a very tasty dish with a borscht flavor.

Tea in Solovetsky style

Mix three types of tea in equal proportions - black, green and red (hibiscus). Take a herbal mixture - mint, lemon balm, oregano, thyme, cloudberry, a little chamomile and mix in equal quantities. The herbal collection can amount to one-quarter to one-tenth of the tea.

It is better to first put the herbs in boiling water, wait 5 minutes, and then add the tea mixture. Wait 5 minutes again and strain through a colander. This tea can be stored and heated.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery

Valaam cabbage soup (with mushrooms)

A handful of dried mushrooms, 4 potatoes, 250-300 g of white cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste.

Soak dried mushrooms in cool water in the evening. In the morning, strain the water through a fine sieve or cheesecloth into a separate container (do not pour it out, we will need it later). Wash the mushrooms, cut into slices and place in boiling salted water. Cook for 1 hour until done. Chop the onion into small cubes, cut the carrots into thin strips and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add diced potatoes and thinly shredded cabbage to the pan. After 10 minutes, add the prepared carrots and onions and cook for another 15 minutes. The cabbage should not be overcooked, but remain slightly crispy. Shortly before it is ready, add a bay leaf to the soup and pour in the reserved mushroom infusion. Pour into bowls and season with black pepper to taste.

Potato salad

3-4 potatoes, 1 carrot, 200 g frozen green beans, 100 g frozen green peas, 10 olives, 1 onion, several sprigs of dill and parsley, salt to taste, unrefined sunflower oil.

Boil carrots and potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and cut into cubes. Steam the green beans and green peas. Combine potatoes, carrots, beans, peas, sliced ​​pitted olives and diced onion in a large bowl. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs - parsley and (or) dill and pour over sunflower oil. Add salt to taste and mix gently.

500 g buckwheat, 1 large carrot, 1 onion, 300 g frozen green beans, 2 tbsp. l. tomato puree (you can use crushed tomatoes in their own juice), 1 tbsp. l. flour, vegetable oil, chopped herbs, salt to taste.

Cook crumbly buckwheat porridge. While the porridge is cooking, prepare the vegetable part of the dish. To do this, finely chop the carrots, cut the onions into small cubes and fry in a deep frying pan in sunflower oil until golden brown. Boil green beans in a small amount of salted water for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling, drain the broth and transfer the beans to the frying pan with the rest of the vegetables. Pour flour into a small dry frying pan and lightly fry. Add vegetable oil, tomato puree and mix, not allowing lumps to form. Dilute with hot water until sour cream thickens, heat to a boil and pour into a frying pan with vegetables. Cook for a few minutes, add salt if necessary. Place buckwheat porridge and vegetables into plates, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve immediately.

Alexey Reutovsky