Membrane filtration of beer. How to properly filter homemade beer

The Cleaton photonic-ultrasound device is designed for effective use at home specifically for Israeli cosmetic companies "DeSheli". All ultrasound devices themselves have a healing effect, helping to greatly enhance the penetration of many medicinal substances into the deepest layers of the skin. Uniqueness Cleaton is that it has the most effective and at the same time the safest ultrasonic index among devices with a similar operating principle on the world market. This is due to the fact that vibrations with a frequency of 3 MHz are used, which exert their effect only within the skin, that is, no more than 1 cm. Thus, Cleaton causes an incredible lifting effect on your skin without damaging other tissues. The results of the procedures are achieved through vibrations that lead to changes in skin density - a gentle massage at the cellular level. Due to this, metabolism within cells and blood circulation are activated, biologically active substances are released, the functioning of the skin glands is normalized, spasms of facial muscles that form wrinkles are eliminated, scars and inflammatory seals are smoothed out. Thus, the level of synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are so necessary for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, increases several times. Clinical trials have confirmed the reliability, effectiveness and complete safety of Cleaton's work.

Application technology

Rejuvenating effect of use Cleaton is achieved by emitting ultrasound waves of different lengths, as well as light waves of different colors: red, blue and green.

Blue light is essential for RELAXATION. It penetrates to a depth of 0.5 mm. Its main tasks are to combat acne and pimples by regulating sebum secretion, soothing, tightening and thickening aging skin. Suitable for any skin type, including sensitive and oily skin prone to inflammatory processes.

Green light adjusts BALANCE. It has an effect already on 3-5 mm, that is, on the upper and middle layers of the skin - the epidermis and dermis. The bottom layer receives only 5% of the radiation, since green light is necessary to change the processes of cellular respiration in tissues. It also reduces facial swelling and accelerates microcirculation. The therapeutic effect is associated with the normalization of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the skin. Suitable for combination skin.

Red light brings vigor. It penetrates the skin to a depth of 8-10 mm. It is necessary to improve blood circulation and restore collagen through a warming effect, to enhance tissue regeneration, and relieve muscle spasms. All this leads to a reduction in wrinkles, and the skin becomes more elastic and smooth. Suitable for any skin type.

The result of the simultaneous use of Cleaton's sound and light waves is noticeable after the first procedure: the intensity of blood circulation increases, the supply of oxygen to skin cells increases, pimples and acne are treated, and the complexion improves. Make sure that the emitter is in close contact with your facial skin.

Cliaton cannot be used without a conductive agent, that is, without Active liposome gel from cosmetic set from "DeSheli", developed specifically for the hardware procedure. In the “Crystal youth pro age” series for young girls under 35 years old, the device activates the properties of such cosmetic preparations as Night Nourishing Cream and Active Liposomal Gel, which are used in the appropriate order. In the “Crystal youth anti age” series for women over 35 years old, with the help of Cleaton, substances that are found in Collagen Serum, Night Phyto Cream and, of course, Active Liposomal Gel are activated.

Mode of application

  1. First, you need to cleanse your face with the Cleansing Lotion from the Crystal youth pro age series and the Cleansing Milk from the Crystal youth anti age series. The skin must be perfectly clean when exposed to ultrasound, otherwise dirt particles can reach deeper layers of the skin and thereby cause inflammatory processes.
  2. Connect the Cleaton to the network and check its readiness using the “ON/OFF” button. If the indicator lights up, you can proceed to the next step.
  3. Now you need to apply a special product evenly to the skin of your face, avoiding the area around the eyes. The amount of gel should be sufficient for the device to glide easily over the skin. Active liposomal gel from "DeSheli" will bring you a guaranteed result, as it was developed specifically for the hardware procedure by Cleaton.
  4. Apply a small amount of special gel to the surface of the emitter itself.
  5. For different levels of intensity of ULTRASOUND exposure, use the “Sonic” button: 1 – low intensity, 2 – medium intensity, 3 – high intensity, 4 – turn off the mode.
  6. To select the color of radiation during PHOTOTHERAPY, use the “Photon” button: 1 – green light, 2 – blue light, 3 – red light, 4 – turn off the mode.

It should be noted that ultrasound therapy and phototherapy modes can be used both together and separately. But regardless of this, when using Cleaton, you need to slowly slide the device over the skin of your face, calculating the speed so that, for example, the movement from the chin to the earlobe takes 5 seconds. Move only in the directions from bottom to top or to the right/left symmetrically.

Basic care

Takes 8 minutes. Massage evenly Cleaton facial skin. First, treat the skin surface on the right side of the face for 4 minutes, and then on the left side. It will be better if you use a timer. This will help you do the procedure correctly and achieve the best results. Make translational movements from top to bottom along the lines according to the following instructions, repeating each movement 3 times:

  1. Along the oval of the face from the chin to the ear.
  2. Along the oval of the face from the chin to the outer corner of the eye.
  3. Along a line from the corner of the mouth to the tip of the ear.
  4. Along a line from the bottom of the nose to the outer edge of the eyebrow.
  5. Along the nasolabial fold.
  6. Along the double chin line.

Special care

Takes 2 minutes. Apply only after basic care. In this case, it is necessary to press the ultrasound device more firmly to the face to lift the skin and muscles. Each movement should be repeated 10-20 times, depending on the severity of the problem. In order to correctly perform the special care procedure and achieve the best results, it is necessary to know the facial muscles: buccal muscle, cheekbone, masseter, digastric muscle

  1. If you want to tighten the oval of your face, move from the corners of your mouth to the area near the eyes.
  2. If you want to lift the corners of your lips, move upward along the corners of your mouth.
  3. If you have eczema or acne, treat the skin around the affected areas. Do not use the device directly on affected areas.
  4. If you want to remove a double chin, move from bottom to top from the chin to the earlobe, from the chin to the lips.
  5. If T-zone care is necessary, move the emitter along the wings and nose line as shown in the figure for 1-2 minutes.
  6. If you want to get rid of bags and dark circles under the eyes, move from the inner corner of the eye to the temple, along the oval of the face to the area behind the ear, from the earlobe to the collarbone, from the collarbone to the armpit. This procedure must be repeated at least 20 times.

In general, the Cleaton procedure is carried out within 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the device turns off automatically.

Cautions for use

Can not use Cleaton in the following areas: in the thyroid gland area, in the eyes, on the abdomen, on joints (knees, elbows and others), on damaged skin (areas of tissue with dermatitis, skin allergies to cosmetics, rashes, acne, burns, spots caused by physical impact or simply accompanied by itching, areas of the skin after depilation or epilation, after surgery). You must strictly follow the rules described above!

In order to intensify the process of penetration of highly active substances of DeSheli cosmetic products into the deep layers of the skin, a photonic-ultrasonic device “Cleartone” was developed.

This device was created specifically for Desheli, it is easy to use and ideal for use at home. Cleartone is distinguished by the most effective and safe ultrasonic index among devices with a similar operating principle. The oscillation frequency is 3 MHz, the impact area is no more than 1 cm. The action of the device greatly enhances the penetration of DeSheli’s active nutritional and moisturizing components into the skin. At the same time, the skin experiences additional therapeutic effects.

The purpose of using this device is to enhance the restorative and tightening effect, which is obtained as a result of more intense penetration of Deshely products into the deep layers of the skin, and, as a result, activation of metabolic processes, blood circulation, saturation with oxygen and active substances, normalization of the sebaceous glands, getting rid of accumulated toxins, accelerating collagen production.

Clinical trials have confirmed the effectiveness and absolute safety of Cleartone. The use of this device together with DeSheli cosmetics helps smooth out scars and scars, and relieve inflammatory processes.

Application technology

The Cleartone device has a restorative, rejuvenating effect thanks to ultrasonic waves of different lengths and light radiation. Its power depends on the color: blue - weak, green - medium, red - strong.

Blue color Suitable for any skin type, including sensitive and oily. It has an effect at a depth of 0.5 mm. Eliminates acne, various types of inflammation, tightens and tightens the skin.

Green light Suitable for combination skin. It has an effect at a depth of 3-5 mm, affecting not only the epidermis, but also the dermis. Improves the breathing of the skin system, blood circulation, reduces swelling of the face, normalizes the processes of excitation and inhibition in the skin.

Red light Suitable for any skin type. Affects a depth of 8-10 mm. Accelerates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, eliminating wrinkles and smoothing folds, relieves muscle spasms, enhances tissue regeneration.

For a more obvious result, use ultrasonic and light waves in combination.

Mode of application

The Cleartone device cannot be used without a special conductive agent. For this purpose, DeSheli has developed a unique Active liposomal gel, which is ideal for hardware procedures. From the “Crystal Youth Pro Age” series, up to 35 years old, under ultrasound, it is recommended to use Night Nourishing Cream and Active Liposomal Gel. From the “Crystal Youth Anti Age” series, after 35 years, Collagen Serum, Night Phyto Cream and Active Liposomal Gel can be used under the device. Please ensure that the device emitter is in close contact with the skin during the procedure. You work the device slowly, but calculate the speed so that the movement from the chin to the earlobe takes no more than 5 seconds. Move only in the directions from bottom to top or to the right/left symmetrically.

  • The procedure with a photonic-ultrasonic device begins with cleansing. To do this, it is recommended to use the cleansing lotion from the “Crystal Youth Pro Age” series before the age of 35 or the “Crystal Youth Anti Age” cleansing milk after the age of 35. Make sure that there are no contaminants left on the skin, as the device may increase the negative effects of these substances.
  • Connect “Cleartone” to the network, use the “ON/OFF” button to turn on the device.
  • Apply the special Active Liposomal Gel to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. It should be in sufficient quantity so that the device glides easily over the skin. If necessary, additionally moisten the skin with water, thereby diluting the product.
  • Select the required device intensity level and light mode:

1 - low intensity;

2 - average intensity;

3 - high intensity;

4 - turn off the mode.

1 - green light;

2 - blue light;

3 - red light;

4 - turn off the mode.

Ultrasound therapy and phototherapy modes can be used both together and separately.

Basic care

The duration of the procedure is no more than 8 minutes.

For proper and effective care, massage the skin evenly from top to bottom, starting with the Cleartone device on the right side of the face, and then on the left (no more than 4 minutes for each side). The procedure should be carried out along the following lines, repeating each movement 3 times:

  • Along the oval of the face from the chin to the earlobe.
  • Along the oval of the face from the chin to the outer corner of the eye.
  • Along a line from the corner of the mouth to the upper tip of the ear.
  • Along a line from the bottom of the nose to the outer edge of the eyebrow.
  • Along the nasolabial fold.
  • Along the double chin line.

Special care

The duration of the procedure is no more than 2 minutes. It is carried out only after basic care. Special care is needed to combat specific problems:

  • In order to correct the oval of the face, you need to work from the corners of the mouth to the area near the eyes.
  • In order to lift the corners of the lips, you need to work by moving upward along the corners of the mouth.
  • In order to get rid of eczema or acne, it is necessary to treat the skin around the affected areas, under no circumstances using the device directly on the affected areas.
  • In order to get rid of a double chin, you need to work with the device, moving from bottom to top from the chin to the earlobe, and also from the chin to the lips.
  • In order to treat the problem T-zone, you need to move the emitter along the wings and line of the nose for 1-2 minutes.
  • In order to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, you need to move from the inner corner of the eye to the temple, along the oval of the face to the area behind the ear.

Each of the special care procedures is carried out in no more than 10-20 movements of the device. When working with the Cleartone device, it is important to press it firmly onto the skin, thereby lifting and strengthening the facial muscles. A complex procedure, including basic and special care, takes 10 minutes. After this time, the device turns off automatically.

Cautions for use

When working with the Cleartone device, avoid the following areas: on the stomach, around the eyes, on joints (knees, elbows and others), in the thyroid gland area, on skin with open wounds, burns, diseases (dermatitis, skin allergies, rashes, acne), as well as areas of skin after depilation or hair removal and surgery.

Strictly follow the instructions given above! The use of the device is not recommended for pregnant women!