Butter and sour cream from goat milk. How to make delicious homemade sour cream: the best recipes

There are now so many items in the assortment of sour cream that you can stand at the display case with the product for an hour, but still not fully understand which manufacturer to give an “excellent” rating, even if you already know what the difference is between sour cream and “smetanka”, “smetanova” ” and other similar word creation that hides the composition of the product with an affectionate and respectful inscription on the packaging.

What does sour cream consist of? In fact, half a century ago no one would have thought to ask such a question.

Sour cream - from the word “sweep away”. It is clear what to sweep and from what - cream from milk. But after technological progress made a leap forward in the dairy industry, sour cream is not only swept away, but extracted and even invented.

When it’s made from dairy products, it’s not so bad, but when it contains secret components of non-dairy origin, it becomes unsettling - deception is always unpleasant, generates enormous mistrust and causes a defensive reaction.

That’s why people are looking for sour cream from milk - a recipe at home. They are doing the right thing in what they are looking for.

There is a big difference between sour cream and a sour cream product stored in a display case for more than 72 hours. Even if a sour cream product has a pleasant taste and thick consistency, this taste cannot be called milky, and even if you blindfold a person and do not tell him what he is tasting, he will not detect the smell of cream.

Sour cream from milk - a recipe at home with basic technological principles of preparation

Let's first do a little math and compare in order to come to the correct conclusion about the economic feasibility of making sour cream from milk yourself. More on recipes for home use a little later.

950 ml of pasteurized natural milk (3.7%) from a good, well-known manufacturer costs 86.00 rubles. A jar of sour cream (25%), weighing 330 g, from the same manufacturer in the retail network costs 90.00 rubles. Total - 176.00 rubles. But this is only 950 ml of good milk and 330 g of sour cream.

We choose milk at the market. A 3 liter bottle should contain at least 350-400 ml of cream. You just need to choose the right milk. In a glass jar, aged for at least 8 hours, after evening milking, the line of separation of milk and cream is very clearly visible: the cream (the fatty part of the milk) floats to the top and its color is creamy, and the milk remains at the bottom, it is white. 350-400 ml of cream is approximately 1/5 of the bottle. In very good milk, especially in winter, there is noticeably more cream and in the same glass container it takes up 1/3 of the volume, up to 700 ml.

A liter of homemade milk costs on average 60.00 rubles, respectively, 3 liters - 180.00 rubles. That is, for almost the same money you can get more than two liters of good, whole milk, with a fat content of at least 10%, which, if desired, any housewife can dilute with water herself, and not pay money for it. To two liters of milk, as a bonus, comes 700 ml of cream, with a fat content of at least 25% - this practically equals 2 jars of sour cream, 330 g each, at a retail price, made by a good manufacturer of dairy products. And one more thing: even this good manufacturer does not indicate the composition of sour cream on the packaging, and how natural milk is sealed in a plastic bottle with a beautiful label can only be blindly trusted, especially if the buyer has long been unaccustomed to the taste of natural, non-powdered dairy products, or does not even remember his.

Well, how? Does it make sense to make your own sour cream from milk? The recipe at home is very simple. Perhaps someone remembers from childhood in the village how a grandmother uses a spoon to collect the cream from a can of milk that has collected on the surface of the milk after settling. Then this cream will sour on its own, and it will be added to borscht or served with pancakes with cottage cheese.

Later, manual separators appeared, then mechanical ones. Yes, it is impossible to make real sour cream without cream. This is the main difficulty of preparing it at home.

But, remembering the comparative cost of sour cream made from milk, a homemade recipe will immediately seem like a saving grace from the costs of packaging, advertising, transportation, and so on. For this occasion, you can even spend money on a household separator, which will pay for itself in a matter of months, especially if the family loves sour cream, cream, homemade butter and cheese. By the way, with the help of a separator you can adjust the fat content of cream and make sour cream with a fat content of 15%, 20%, 25% and up to 48%.

If you don’t have the money to buy a separator now, then start saving in the old grandfather’s, or rather, grandmother’s way. It’s a little troublesome, but apart from a spoon with a handle bent at an angle of 90 degrees, no equipment is required. Just skim off the settled cream with a spoon and transfer it to another jar, clean and dry.

One can, of course, argue that homemade milk is unsafe to consume, that in addition to beneficial bacteria and vitamins, it is full of pathogenic microorganisms. Yes, if you are not sure about the purchase, then the milk must be pasteurized, especially if it is intended for children. But does pasteurization really cost as much as the product itself, or is there no pot in the house to pasteurize it yourself? Many housewives now use multicookers. This is the ideal way to pasteurize milk. You just need to set the timer for 5-7 minutes and the temperature at 70°C. There is no need to warm it up any more, because the beneficial bacteria will die, and there will be nothing left of the vitamins.

On the Internet you can find many tips on how to make sour cream from milk, the fat content of which is 3.2%. But sour cream should have a sweet and sour creamy taste, and from milk, almost skim, you can only get good sour milk. At the very least, if you make sour cream from milk, the fat content should be at least 15%. Therefore, we will leave the recipes for yogurt until next time, and how to make sour cream from milk, read below in the recipes for home.

1. Sour cream from milk - recipe. At home we make sour cream in a rustic way (first method)

Cow's milk (evening) 3.0 l

Sourdough - sour cream 6 tbsp. l.

We collect the cream from a bottle of fresh, unpasteurized milk. If possible, then place the jar of cream in the multicooker, after pouring a little water into it and laying a mat. Warm up at 35°C. We take out the jar and introduce the starter, at the rate of two tablespoons of previously prepared sour cream for each glass of collected cream. If you are making your own sour cream for the first time, then buy a jar of sour cream at the market, along with milk. You will only have to spend on it once. In the future, leave a few spoons of sour cream for fermenting the next portion.

Mix the added sour cream thoroughly with the cream. It is advisable to mix the mixture with a mixer for a few seconds at low speeds to thoroughly break up the fat globules and achieve a homogeneous, fluffy consistency. In production, the cream is homogenized by increasing the heating temperature to 60°C for 20-30 seconds. We are happy to adopt good technologies. Just don't overdo it so you don't end up with butter instead of sour cream. After 24 hours of aging at a temperature of 18-23oC (the ripening time also depends on the amount and activity of the starter introduced), transfer the sour cream into a sterile jar with a tight-fitting lid and put it in the refrigerator. You can store it for a week if you don’t eat it during that time.

2. Sour cream from milk - recipe. At home we make sour cream in a rustic way (second method)

Whole milk, homemade 3 l

The easiest way to make country sour cream does not require any preparation. In a bottle of fresh milk, in which the boundary between milk and cream has already been marked, put 5-6 tablespoons of sour cream to speed up the ripening. Preheat the milk together with the jar in a water bath. Place the jar in a warm place, near the stove, radiator, boiler. Wrap it in something warm and wait for it to sour. The jar should be kept slightly open to provide free access of air to the lactic acid bacteria (they also breathe). As soon as you notice that a dense clot has formed at the bottom and the whey has begun to separate, take a spoon, a clean sour cream jar and collect the sour cream from the surface of the curdled milk.

3. Sour cream from milk - recipe. We prepare a dietary product at home

Homemade skim milk (10%) 1 l

Special starter (mesophilic) 5 g

Dry cream (15%) 200 g

The milk is pasteurized by heating to 70°C, cooled to 40°C and dry cream is added, with active stirring. The resulting normalized milk is left for 2-3 hours for the dry matter to swell, then heated again to 60°C, stirring with a mixer at low speeds: the centrifugal force creates pressure, as a result of which the fat globules are destroyed while simultaneously heating and this contributes to the formation of a uniform texture. Cool the milk to 20-23oC and add mesophilic starter. Stir again. Pour the milk into jars, close them and after 5-6 hours put the milk in the refrigerator.

4. Sour cream from milk - recipe. Making sour cream from goat's milk at home

Goat's milk, homemade

First, a short introduction. If cow's milk is a valuable product, then goat's milk is healing. It is perfectly absorbed by humans because its composition is suitable for enzymes that are involved in digestion. Goat milk contains antibiotics.

Its fats are smaller in size than cow's milk fats. But precisely because of the structure of proteins and fats, it is impossible to separate cream from goat milk without a separator. Therefore, for full-fat goat milk sour cream, it is necessary to have such a technique.

After separating the cream, it is heated to 45°C, then kept for a day at 23°C and cooled in the refrigerator.

Second method: to obtain sour cream from 2 liters of goat's milk, use homemade sour cream from cow's milk (100 g) or thermophilic starter culture (5% of the total volume). The milk is heated to 30-35 ° C, the starter is introduced and kept until thickened at room temperature, and then stored at 0-6°C.

If you add a little fresh milk to the sour cream, it will not curdle. This can be successfully used when serving it as a sauce for hot dishes.

If sour cream needs to be whipped, for example, to prepare cream, then add egg white to it so that it becomes thick and acquires a stable consistency.

Sour cream is a fermented milk product, which is cream fermented by lactic acid bacteria. As a result of lactic fermentation, changes in milk proteins occur, so sour cream is absorbed by the human body better than cream. It is believed that of all dairy products, sour cream is the most beneficial. The starter culture for making sour cream consists of pure bacterial cultures - lactic acid and cream streptococci, flavor-forming bacteria.

Homemade sour cream is undoubtedly much healthier and tastier than store-bought! It’s not at all difficult to make, but you need to know that not all milk is suitable for these purposes. If you want to make real homemade sour cream, then take the time to find milk that has not been factory processed. So, now we will tell you how to prepare healthy and tasty sour cream at home.

Many people refuse to prepare sour cream at home because they consider the process quite complicated and time-consuming. In fact, everything is not so, and the taste of the finished fermented milk product is in many ways superior in taste and benefits to store-bought options. You can prepare sour cream in different ways; let’s look at the most popular recipes.

How to make homemade sour cream

Homemade sour cream has an expressive taste and excellent organoleptic characteristics. Such a creamy taste is almost never found in industrial dairy products. This is why housewives prefer to make their own sour cream.


  • 3 liters of village milk


  1. In the old days, sour cream in rural areas was made by fermenting milk in a warm place until the cream thickened. Then the pot with the contents was taken out to a cool place, where the product reached the desired condition. Sour cream could be eaten every other day.
  2. It should be noted that the sour cream obtained in this way was thick and fatty. Outwardly, it looked very much like butter; you could even cut it with a knife. The remaining yogurt was used to make cottage cheese.
  3. To make real sour cream, you need to buy 3 liters of village milk. Usually this can be done directly from farmers, because they often sell dairy products on their own on city streets. In this case, you should check the availability of certificates and licenses for this type of activity.
  4. The jar filled with milk is placed in the refrigerator. This is necessary to raise the cream to the surface. After 24 hours, they are removed with a tablespoon and left to sour on the table at room temperature.
  5. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the cream, as there is a risk of overcooking it. In this case, the sour cream turns out to be too sour.
  6. When ready, the cream is placed back in the refrigerator. It is recommended to wait a little more than a day.
  7. Firstly, it is strictly forbidden to stir the cream during the entire souring period, because this will disrupt the natural fermentation process.
  8. The readiness of sour cream is determined as follows: the appearance is assessed for thickness and taste itself.
  9. If you want to get sour cream with a more uniform and delicate consistency, the ripening process should take place in a cool place - not in the refrigerator. Naturally, this process will take a little longer, but the result is worth it.
  10. Quite an interesting recipe for making sour cream using sourdough.
  11. This method differs from the first by the time it takes to ferment the cream. To do this, you need to take cream with 20% fat content and heat it to body temperature.
  12. After pouring the mixture into a jar previously scalded with boiling water, add 2 tablespoons of high-quality sour cream and mix well. Then the jar is wrapped in a warm cloth and left for 7-9 hours. If possible, it is worth eliminating the possibility of shaking the cream, otherwise sour cream may not turn out.
  13. After the allotted time has passed, you need to place the jar in the refrigerator to thicken. It is necessary to understand that the degree of thickness depends on the fat content of the cream, that is, the higher the percentage, the denser the final product.
  14. For those who are watching their figure, skim milk is suitable as a base for sour cream. It is poured into a container and left to sour at room temperature. It is not recommended to cover it with a lid, otherwise the taste will spoil.
  15. It is best to cover the jar with a napkin. After waiting for the whey to peel off by ¼ of the total volume, the mixture is passed through gauze. For convenience, a colander is used. The serum should drain over 2-3 hours. At the final stage, the curd mass must be beaten.

Classic sour cream recipe


  • 3 tbsp. spoons of kefir


  1. Pour the main ingredient into a saucepan and bring it to a warm state. Pour it into a plastic bottle or decanter, cover with a thick napkin, tie it and leave in a warm place.
  2. On average, it takes 2 days for milk to sour, but if the weather outside is cold, it may take 5 days. At all times, it is prohibited to stir or shake the liquid in any way;
  3. Place a colander over the pan or bowl, cover it with several layers of gauze and tip the contents of the plastic container. Leave for a while until all the liquid has drained. On average, this process can take approximately 1.5 hours;
  4. Place the remaining jelly-like mass in a bowl and, using a blender, beat it thoroughly. The desired consistency can be achieved by adding milk. Place the mixture in a jar, close the lid and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Cream sour cream


  • cream (0.5 l), then its fat content must be at least 10%, otherwise nothing will work.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of ready-made sour cream


  1. Combine the prepared ingredients and mix everything, using a regular spoon. Leave for 36 hours at room temperature;
  2. During this time, the mass should acquire the required consistency. After this, put everything in the refrigerator and after a few hours you can use it

Homemade sour cream from milk


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of kefir


  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then turn off the heat and cool to 40 degrees. This temperature is pleasant for the body, and the liquid will be a little warm;
  2. Pour the liquid into a liter jar and add kefir there. Close the lid and shake well. Wrap in a blanket and leave for 7 hours;
  3. Take any deep container and place a colander over it, which you need to cover with several layers of gauze. Pour the contents of the jar into a colander, cover the top with a lid and place in the refrigerator for about 8 hours. To ensure that the whey is well separated, it is recommended to stir the mixture periodically;
  4. Place the remaining sour cream on the gauze into a container and beat with a blender. If desired, you can add a little milk to achieve the desired consistency. Transfer the sour cream into a jar and refrigerate overnight.

Homemade sour cream from store-bought milk


  • 315 ml milk 3.2% fat
  • 300 g butter 8% fat
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of sour cream


  1. Cut the butter into small pieces and leave it in the kitchen until it becomes soft. Then add milk to it, put it on the fire and heat, stirring to melt the butter. Turn off the gas before all the cubes have melted, since they will disperse on their own in the warm liquid;
  2. Pour everything into a blender and blend for 3 minutes. at full power. The result will be delicious homemade cream, which is necessary for further cooking;
  3. Pour everything into a blender, add sour cream and mix well. Cover with a lid, wrap in a blanket and leave in a warm place for 6 hours. In some cases, in order to make sour cream from homemade cream, you will need to spend 10-12 hours. That is why it is necessary to periodically look under the lid and look at the readiness of the product. After this, put the sour cream in the refrigerator overnight.

Goat milk sour cream recipe

For cooking at home, you can use two methods: with and without a separator. Let's consider both options:


  • goat's milk fat content 3.2%
  • butter 8% fat
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of sour cream

Cooking with a separator

  1. The milk should first be left at room temperature for some time. It is important to cover the jar with gauze, but not with a lid. Pour it into a saucepan and heat to 40 degrees.
  2. You should first pass warm water through the separator, and then pour milk into it. Set the toggle switch so that the finished sour cream flows out in a thin stream
  3. Leave the resulting mass in a warm place for a day, and then transfer it to the refrigerator. Once the consistency becomes thick, you can taste it.

Without separator

  1. If you don’t have a separator for goat milk sour cream at home, then you need to add a little sour milk to fresh milk.
  2. Leave everything in the kitchen for 4 days, after covering the jar with gauze.
  3. During this time, a layer should appear on the surface, and this is sour cream.

Homemade yogurt sour cream


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of drinking yogurt


  1. Pour milk into a jar and place it in the refrigerator for 20 hours. After this, a dense layer of cream should form on the surface, which must be carefully skimmed off with a spoon;
  2. Add yogurt, stir and place the container in a warm place for 7 hours. After the time has passed, beat the mixture with a blender at minimum speed, and then put it in the refrigerator. Keep in mind that the longer the sour cream is in the refrigerator, the thicker the consistency and better the taste.

Homemade sour cream in a slow cooker


  • 1 liter of milk 2.5%,
  • 150 g sour cream 20% and the same amount of natural yoghurt


  1. In a multicooker, heat the milk in any program to 40 degrees. Then add other ingredients to it and use a blender to thoroughly beat everything until smooth;
  2. Select the “Heating” mode and set the timer to 15 minutes. After the beep, leave everything for 8 hours without opening the lid. After that, put everything into jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Sour cream recipe


  • Natural or pasteurized cream, 15% fat, 500 ml.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of kefir


  1. Mix the cream and kefir, cover with a napkin and leave in a warm place for a day or until it thickens.
  2. The only difference is that if you look closely at the bottom of the jar, fermentation bubbles are already visible.
  3. Place in the refrigerator for another day. Ready!

Homemade sour cream from cream


  • cream 35% – 1 tbsp.;
  • milk – 1 l;
  • drinking yogurt – 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. If you don’t have cream, take a can of milk and put it in the refrigerator for about 20 hours. After time, you will see the cream rise to the top.
  2. Carefully remove them with a spoon and place them in a separate bowl. Your further actions will depend on what kind of sour cream you want to get as a result.
  3. You can simply put the cream in the refrigerator, and it will harden, turning into a sweetish dense mass. Or you can add a little yogurt to them and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Then place the container in any warm place and leave for about 6–8 hours. After this, lightly beat the fermented milk product with a mixer at the lowest speed and put it in the refrigerator.
  5. The longer homemade sour cream from cream sits in a cool place, the tastier and thicker it will turn out.

Homemade sour cream from milk


  • store-bought milk – 300 ml;
  • butter – 300 g;
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. To make sour cream at home, take butter, cut it into pieces and put it in a saucepan.
  2. Let it sit at room temperature for a while until it softens.
  3. Then pour in the milk, put it on medium heat and, stirring constantly, melt the butter. Now pour the mixture into the blender bowl and turn it on at full power for 3 minutes.
  4. Add store-bought sour cream to the prepared warm cream, mix and pour the mixture into a thermos or a jar, which we wrap in a warm blanket.
  5. Leave this structure in a warm place for about 10 hours. After the time has passed, transfer the sour cream into a container and put it in the refrigerator to mature overnight.
  6. You can regulate its fat content by changing the ratio of products. Remember that the longer it sits in a warm place, the more sour it becomes.
  7. As you can see, making sour cream at home is not at all difficult, the main thing is that you have your desire!

A simple recipe for homemade sour cream


  • milk – 3 l.


  1. We take plain store-bought milk - the cheapest. Then pour it into a saucepan, heat it until warm and carefully pour it into a plastic decanter.
  2. We cover it with a thick napkin on top, tie it tightly and put the workpiece in a warm place to sour and settle naturally. Usually this takes 2 days, and in winter, in cold weather - 5 days.
  3. During the souring process, do not shake or stir the drink. After the specified period of time, you will see that the whey will settle at the bottom and fill about a quarter of the jar.
  4. Next, put a colander on a wide plate, line it with thick gauze and pour our risen milk onto it. Let it sit and drain off all the whey.
  5. When it has completely drained, after 1.5 hours, you will see a jelly-like mass. Transfer it to a bowl and beat thoroughly with a blender.
  6. If you want to get watery sour cream as a result, then add a little milk and stir until smooth. Place the whipped sour cream in a container, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Homemade sour cream from cream


  • cream


  1. So, if you prepare sour cream from cream. To do this you will need to purchase cream. A half-liter pack will be enough, but the fat content of the cream should be from 10 percent. The fat content may be higher, but 10% is the lowest level.
  2. Next, you will need to add two tablespoons of ordinary sour cream to the cream. You mix this whole simple composition with an ordinary spoon and then leave it alone for a day, maybe a day and a half. There is no need to put our future sour cream in the refrigerator; just let it stand in your room, at natural temperature, which is exactly what is needed in this case. But after the lactic acid bacteria have done their “work” and this composition has already turned into real sour cream, then you can put it in the refrigerator.
  3. In terms of taste and consistency, sour cream made from cream is not at all inferior to the one you buy in stores. Here you will also be able to save money, because buying cream will be much cheaper than sour cream.
  4. Another important point to remember when you decide to prepare yourself another portion of homemade sour cream. In the next package of cream, during the second preparation, you will need to put your own product as a starter, and not store-bought sour cream.
  5. But in this short video, they will tell you another option for making homemade sour cream.

Homemade sour cream recipe


  • fresh homemade milk,
  • separator,
  • leaven.


  1. Homemade milk is quite fatty, so you need to understand that the result will be thick and fatty homemade sour cream, which can be added to soups.
  2. To obtain such a product, you must first separate the cream. If there is not a lot of milk, then the cream is skimmed off, leaving the milk to settle.
  3. Pour the milk into a 3-liter jar and put it in the refrigerator so that it does not sour ahead of time. The next day, carefully take it out and use a deep spoon to skim off the cream that floats to the top (also called tops).
  4. On a farm where several cows are kept, it is simply impossible to do without a certain device - a separator. By passing milk through it, the owner can prepare homemade cream, which contains all the fat, and also receives skimmed milk.
  5. This method is much better and more effective than skimming the tops - because you get more cream. In order to make homemade sour cream from cream in the future, you need to ferment it. To do this, it is not necessary to leave them at warm room temperature.
  6. Cream sours well in the refrigerator, although it takes longer. But there are also advantages. In the second case, the cream does not separate, the sour cream turns out homogeneous.

Homemade sour cream recipe


  • homemade milk
  • leaven


  1. Here's another way to make homemade sour cream. It is suitable just for those who carefully watch their figure and for those who prefer store-bought sour cream.
  2. In this method, the fat content in sour cream is easy to regulate and control - you will know exactly what the proportion of fat is in the milk. Let's get started.
  3. To begin with, to prepare homemade sour cream, you need to pour the milk into a jar and leave it at room temperature for about 2 days (if the room is quite warm, it will turn sour in 1 day). Do not shake the sour cream during the entire souring time, otherwise nothing will work.
  4. When whey appears at the bottom of the jar for about a quarter of the entire volume of the jar, carefully pour the contents into a colander with small holes or a sieve.
  5. Allow the whey to drain for 2-3 hours. Transfer the curd mass into a bowl for whipping. Beat well with a whisk. In terms of consistency and taste, such sour cream cannot be distinguished from store-bought sour cream.

Classic homemade sour cream


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 4 tablespoons of kefir for starter culture


  1. Kefir can be replaced with a special starter, yogurt without additives, a tablespoon of sour cottage cheese, and previously prepared sour cream. You can simply leave fresh milk to sour until it turns into curdled milk. The only thing that will change is the cooking time.
  2. Milk must be natural, full-fat. Cow or goat - it doesn't matter. If you use store-bought, choose unpasteurized one with a short shelf life.
  3. We boil the milk first to neutralize pathogenic bacteria. You can skip this step if you are using a product from one cow (or goat) that you are confident is healthy.
  4. Pour the boiled milk into a jar and cool to 36-40 o C. Without a thermometer, this temperature can be determined by hand as a pleasant warmth.
  5. Add kefir and mix. You can simply close the jar with a tight lid and shake several times. Read more:
  6. Wrap the mixture warmly and leave for 6-8 hours. It is important that you get curdled milk with clots that do not easily come away from the walls. If the whey separates at the same time, that’s also good.
  7. Place a colander on a deep bowl or pan. We line the bottom of the colander with a fairly thick cotton fabric (if thin, then in 2-4 layers). Pour out the infused yogurt.
  8. Cover the colander with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours. From time to time we take it out and stir with a spoon so that the liquid drains away better.
  9. After settling and getting rid of excess liquid, the starter will turn into traditional thick sour cream. You can make it smooth and homogeneous by blending it with a blender.
  10. When preparing sour cream at home, it is easy to adjust its consistency. If you need something thicker, strain it more thoroughly, you can even squeeze it slightly. To get a more liquid one, stop the process earlier or dilute it a little with milk while whipping.

Everyone knows about the benefits of goat milk. It contains more proteins and microelements than cow milk. A goat is a clean animal, so its dairy products are clean, and there is practically no chance of infection in them.

Sour cream is a product that is obtained by fermenting cream with the help of lactic acid bacteria. During the fermentation process, the structure of milk proteins is modified, so the digestibility of sour cream by the body is higher than that of cream.

Goat milk produces sour cream with a lot of fat. But despite its calorie content, goat sour cream easy on the stomach. Thanks to its beneficial properties, it improves the digestion process and helps the stomach function. Calcium content and group of vitamins (A, E, B, C, PP) in goat milk sour cream provide an opportunity to restore strength and fight anemia. And the minimal cholesterol content (several times less than in cow butter) prevents the formation of plaques in blood vessels.

From 10 liters of goat milk, about 0.5 liters of sour cream are obtained. Goat sour cream white in color, and made from cow's milk it has a yellowish tint. But if you want to change the color a little, you can add a little carrot juice.

Goat milk sour cream It is very rarely found on sale, since milk is consumed mainly fresh. Production process goat sour cream not simple, since milk fat has a finely divided structure and takes a long time to settle. But there are several ways to make this dairy product yourself at home.

Making sour cream from goat milk using a separator

Separators can be manual or dynamoelectric. The main thing is to be able to assemble them correctly.

Important! Before separation, the milk must be allowed to settle.

But you can’t close it tightly, otherwise a goat taste may appear. It is better to cover the jar with gauze or a napkin, and not with a lid.

To make sour cream from goat milk, it needs to be heated to 37-40 degrees. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can use your little finger to determine if it’s hot and doesn’t burn your finger.

The separator also needs to be heated with warm water, which is poured into the milk receiver. Then you can pour milk into the separator and start rotating. If the noise is smooth, you need to open the separator key slowly and carefully. You need to adjust the toggle switch so that goat sour cream flowed down in a thin stream. You need to turn it evenly. After separation, a lot of fat remains on the separator, so you can run the milk again to wash it off. The separated cream is placed in a warm place for several hours (or a day). Then you can hide it in the refrigerator. When the sour cream thickens, it can already be consumed. To make the sour cream taste better, the jar needs to be filled 4/5 full.

Goat milk sour cream without separation

  • Pour a little sour milk into fresh milk.
  • It should stand at room temperature covered with gauze for 4 days.
  • A layer is formed on top - this is goat milk sour cream. Yogurt will settle at the bottom.

What separators can be used to separate goat milk?

You can buy milk separators HERE!

Nowadays, no one will argue that nutritious goat milk has powerful healing properties. First of all, it is suitable for young children and elderly people. It contains a large resource of acids and fats that are well absorbed by the human body. According to scientists, these animals never suffer from tuberculosis, therefore the consumption of healing fresh goat milk by people is not forbidden, but rather encouraged. In addition, if the goat is kept in proper conditions, the smell accompanying the said product practically disappears.

Not only traditional healers, but also prominent doctors advocate the use of goat's milk. It has been found to be helpful in the treatment of many infectious diseases.

Many residents of homestead farms, as well as summer residents, having one or two goats, do not go to the store for milk. They skillfully prepare feta cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream and, of course, fresh butter from homemade goat milk.

It is no secret that the skills and experience of processing this somewhat unusual product into cream and milk do not come immediately. The instructions of relatives and neighbors help, who usually advise not to delay purchasing separator.

As usual, beginners first purchase a manual device, as it is cheap and easy to use. However, not everyone can turn its handle for half an hour. And willy-nilly, then they give preference to a separator with an electric drive. In general, our industry produces separators of various designs. But what separators can be used to separate goat milk is not an idle question. According to practitioners, goat milk differs from cow milk in its high fat content. Therefore, there are differences in terms of separation. Here you need a device with a higher degree of milk skimming, which is achieved by increasing the number of drum rotations.

Experienced owners, before starting to process goat milk, certainly leave it in a container covered with a piece of gauze (not a lid), so that the specific smell and taste leave the product as quickly as possible. Then the milk is heated to 50 degrees. The device is prepared for work in advance. But before pouring the milk into the container, rinse the device thoroughly with warm water.

Beginning owners are concerned about the question of which separators can be used to separate goat milk. Both domestic and foreign separators are suitable for this purpose. For example, the Irid separator allows you to successfully obtain cream not only from cow’s milk, but also from goat’s milk. The most important thing is that during operation the amount of fat removed is regulated. The product is equipped with the latest type of electric motor, which increases the drum speed to 12,500 rpm. Users also note in it such qualities as a soft start with a slow start of the drum, which quickly picks up speed, which is necessary for separating goat milk. The device is quite attractive from an aesthetic point of view and does not require any special installation costs.

The manufacturer guarantees reliable operation of the separator for two and a half years. The high quality of the product is predetermined by the use of the strongest materials and components by manufacturers. The electric motor and sensor are non-contact, so friction is possible only in the bearings. The engine life is about eight years. This is quite an impressive period.

It is important that the unit (electronic) allows the separator to operate at a reduced voltage of up to 160 W in the network. In rural or dacha conditions, this factor is of great practical importance, because power outages occur there more often.

When asked which separators can be used to separate goat milk, we can safely suggest ESB 02-04. By dividing whole raw milk into cream and skim milk, it simultaneously cleanses it of various types of external contaminants remaining after filtering the product. The summer resident will be quite satisfied with its technical characteristics and price.

The household electric milk separator Rotor SP 003, produced by Altai manufacturers, is distinguished by its high drum rotation speed (from eight to twelve thousand per minute). In all its parameters, the product is quite suitable for processing both cow and goat milk. It is not inferior to many domestic analogues and pleases with its high performance. There are many reviews on the Internet about the high quality of the product. Therefore, when choosing a cream separator, you should pay attention to this rather attractive model.

In this regard, the separators produced by Penzmash OJSC deserve attention: Salyut, ESB-02 and others. They have been used by owners of household plots and summer cottages for a long time.

Buying any separator is now quite simple. They find an online store online, register and ask the question they are interested in. Then they select a suitable separator and click on the button (add to cart). Those who are not very good at computers, of course, are looking for assistants.

Then they discuss delivery and payment issues with consultants. In Moscow and the region, delivery of goods is carried out by courier, in the regions of Russia - by cash on delivery and transport companies.

© What separators can be used to separate goat milk?

Buy a milk separator in Moscow

Goat milk is useful for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing hemoglobin levels, treating diathesis and improving vision.

It contains protein-free nitrogen, piacrine, thiamine, and B vitamins. The beneficial properties are not lost if you diversify the menu and make butter, cheese, yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese yourself from goat milk.

How to make butter from goat's milk?

For 500 grams of butter you will need 10 kg of goat milk. The cooking technology consists of several stages. First of all, you need to get the cream, which will require a special separator.

Collecting the cream

Cream is a saturated concentrate of milk fat.

If you use a separator, then during the centrifugation process the liquid is divided into skim milk and cream. The devices are manual and electric.

If you put the milk in the refrigerator to settle, it will separate into two parts, the top of which must be removed. This method is less productive: small volumes of milk are processed, and fat, on the contrary, is lost.

Whip the butter

The butter is whipped with a special butter churn.

If there is no apparatus, then it is replaced with a mixer, blender, or the mixture is placed in a jar and shaken vigorously. Housewives also use drills to mix construction mixtures.

To whip butter in a one and a half liter glass jar, pour cream into it to 2/3 of the volume. It is good if there is a container with jagged or corrugated areas.

The lid must close tightly. After just 15 minutes of this manipulation, small pieces of oil will be noticeable on the glass.

The procedure must be stopped when a complete piece of product is formed in the jar. Before removing the oil, the liquid is drained from the jar.

If you have a mixer, you need to carefully monitor the thickness of the product. If the butter lump thickens too much, the mixer may stop or break.

Goat milk butter recipe

To obtain butter you will need 1 kg of ice cubes and 14 liters of goat milk. Having a butter churn will help make the task easier.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Heat the milk to +36 degrees and pour it into the separator. If there is no device, then it is placed in the refrigerator for 3-6 hours.
  2. Remove the resulting cream and pour into a separate vessel.
  3. Leave the vessel with the cream to ripen at room temperature for 24 hours, and then put it back in the refrigerator for 3 days. As a result, the cream will thicken.
  4. Beat the mixture in a butter churn for 10 minutes, add 800 g of ice.
  5. Beat with a mixer at high power until a thick, thick mass forms.
  6. Pour water into a large container and add 200 g of ice. In this cool liquid you need to rinse and mash the oil. Change the water and repeat the manipulation until it becomes clear.
  7. Form buttermilk into sticks, wrap in cling film or paper and place in the refrigerator.