Pickled peppers stuffed with tomatoes and garlic. Peppers stuffed with tomatoes for the winter

Peppers are one of my favorite vegetables due to their variety of colors and flavors. In addition, it is very healthy: it contains a huge amount of vitamin C and easily digestible sugars, which help remove metals from the body. In the fall, I try to prepare enough of it, and in various ways: canning, pickling, sauerkraut and ice cream. And all my efforts are to replenish the vitamin reserves of all family members during the winter-spring period. Today I invite you to look at interesting recipes with photos of stuffed peppers for the winter. You'll be licking your fingers - that's the motto of this preparation.

Peppers stuffed with cabbage and carrots for the winter without sterilization

The value of this recipe lies in the ideal combination of pepper and cabbage with carrots, due to their mutually complementary complexes of nutritional and biologically active substances. During the cooking process, the vegetables turn out sweet and crunchy, and most importantly, aromatic.

For 2 cans with a capacity of 1 liter you need:

  • Sweet green pepper – 700 gr.;
  • Carrots – 300 gr.;
  • Cabbage – 400 gr.;
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • Allspice – 2 pcs.;
  • Carnation – 2 socials;
  • Black pepper – 6 pcs.;
  • Parsley – 2 sprigs;
  • Salt – 40 gr.;
  • Apple vinegar 6% – 30 gr.

Brine filling per 1 liter of water:

  • Water – 1 l;
  • Salt – 20 gr.;
  • Apple cider vinegar 6% – 60 ml.

Tip: while stirring, you need to press the cabbage so that the juice appears.

Let's start preparing:

We select medium-sized bell peppers, up to 8 cm long and without visible defects, rinse under running water. We clean and wash the carrots.

Shred the cabbage into small strips, grate the carrots on a fine grater, and place the slices in a bowl. Add salt and apple cider vinegar there, mix everything thoroughly.

We cut the peppers in the area of ​​the stalk and remove it along with the core and seeds. Blanch the peeled vegetables for 3-4 minutes. until softened and rinsed with cold water.

Place the filling into the cooled peppers, being careful not to damage them.

In each prepared jar we send allspice and black pepper, cloves and a sprig of parsley, and then stuffed vegetables with cabbage and carrots, and a bay leaf on top. Fill the contents of the jars with boiling water twice and drain the water when the jars are warm to the touch. For the third time, fill with brine (boil spicy water with salt for 5 minutes)

We take out bay leaves, cover the jars with lids, roll them up and wrap them in a blanket.

Tip: When cooled in cold water, vitamin C is retained in the pepper.

Sealings without sterilization are ready quickly, and most importantly - very tasty.

Stuffed peppers for the winter: recipe with photo “You'll lick your fingers”

You can surprise your loved ones and acquaintances with recipes like this one. You will ask why? It's simple, one of the ingredients is spicy roots, which absolutely no one uses. I assure you that the dish will be unusual, but it will only please everyone.

Amount of ingredients per liter jar:

  • Sweet pepper – 500 gr.;
  • Carrots – 300 gr.;
  • White roots (parsley, parsnip, celery) – 30 gr.;
  • Onion – 40 gr.;
  • Dill greens – 8 gr.;
  • Salt – 8 g;
  • Refined sunflower oil – 80 gr.

Marinade pour into half a liter of water;

  • Water – 0.5 l;
  • Sugar – 40 gr.;
  • Salt – 15 g;
  • Apple cider vinegar 6% – 150 ml.

How to cook:

  1. We wash the selected peppers (without any visible damage), cut out the tails and cores, and rinse the seeds with running water.
  2. To give the fruits elasticity, soak them in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  3. We clean the carrots and white roots and cut them into small strips. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Wash the greens and finely chop them.
  4. Pour sunflower oil into a deep frying pan, after it has warmed up, add onions and white roots, frying them until golden brown, and then add carrots and fry them until soft. Pour into a bowl, let it cool a little, and add salt and herbs.
  5. Stuff the peppers with the vegetable mixture and place them in a jar.
  6. At the same time, prepare the filling: add sugar and salt to boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, and pour in vinegar.
  7. Fill the contents of the jar with marinade and place it in a deep pan for sterilization for 70 minutes.
  8. We take out the jar with oven mitts, cover with the prepared lid and seal.

Tip: the water in the pan for sterilization should be at the 1/3 level so that it does not splash out.

Well, the canned stuffed peppers are ready for the winter - you'll lick your fingers. Recipes with photos are easy to understand and remember.

Stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice in the freezer for the winter

Frozen stuffed peppers are a good solution to quickly and tasty feed your family. The prepared dish from such preparations differs from pickled ones in its unique aroma of fresh vegetables. Fruits in the freezer also retain almost the original vitamin levels. Therefore, it is better for children to freeze peppers for the winter, because they especially need vitamins in winter. And for those children who do not eat fruits, you can easily mix pepper puree into the filling with rice and vegetables, removing the skins from them.

Required ingredients:

  • Pepper – 10 pcs.;
  • Minced pork and beef – 300 gr.;
  • Rice – 150 gr.;
  • Carrots – 100 gr.;
  • Onion – 50 gr.;
  • Cabbage – 50 gr.;
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Dill greens – 5 gr.;
  • Salt – 10 gr.

Tip: you need to undercook the rice a little so that it doesn’t get overcooked in the main dish.

Preparing the dish:

  1. We choose red or orange peppers that are thick-walled and without defects. We wash and separate the stalk with the core and seeds. And soak the vegetables in hot water for 5 minutes. to acquire elasticity. And then put them in cold water to cool.
  2. While the rice is cooking, cut the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots, finely chop the dill and cabbage.
  3. In a deep bowl, combine the minced meat with rice, carrots and onions, and also add the egg, cabbage, herbs and salt.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly and stuff the peppers. Place the prepared vegetables in a vacuum bag and put it in the freezer.
  5. And don't forget to put a bag of stuffed peppers in the freezer for the winter.

Tip: before combining with rice and vegetables, the egg must be washed with soda, even if it looks clean.

Peppers stuffed in Bulgarian style, canned

During the Nativity Fast, I often open these cans for the main course because the peppers are so filling. I use tomato sauce for other Lenten dishes: dressing borscht or stewed beans, which makes the taste more aromatic.

Ingredients for 2 1 liter jars:

  • Sweet pepper – 1.5 kg;
  • Carrots – 640 gr.;
  • Parsley and celery root – 60 g;
  • Onion – 120 gr.;
  • Dill greens – 15 gr.;
  • Allspice – 2 pcs.;
  • Hot capsicum – 3 rings;
  • Refined vegetable oil – 100 gr.
  • Tomato filling:
  • Red tomatoes – 500 gr.;
  • Salt – 15 g;
  • Sugar – 20 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Select yellow, sweet, thick-walled small peppers, wash and cut out the stalk with the inner pulp and seeds. Place the fruits in boiling water and keep them there for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Wash the vegetables for minced meat, peel and finely chop the roots and herbs, cut the onion into half rings, and grate the carrots on a fine grater.
  3. Fry chopped carrots, white roots, and onions until tender and mix with salt and herbs.
  4. Let's prepare the tomato sauce: wash the tomatoes and cut them into pieces, put them in a saucepan and put them on the fire. Cook until soft and rub the hot mixture through a sieve, add hot and allspice pepper, sugar and salt to the resulting mass and, stirring, bring to a boil.
  5. Meanwhile, fill the peppers with minced meat and put them in jars.
  6. And then pour hot tomato sauce on top and sterilize for 80 minutes. Cover each jar with a lid.
  7. Using oven mitts, we take out the pieces, roll them up and place them under the table to cool.

Tip: you need to grind hot food with a wooden spoon, as it does not heat up.

The result was a tasty and unusual appetizer made from Bulgarian peppers.

Preparing stuffed peppers with vegetables in jars

There are dishes that please the eye and you really want to try them. This is how these peppers turn out: whole little orange fruits in a red sauce. One day, at a dinner with relatives, I noticed how my aunt calmly took a small pepper and ate it, and she absolutely did not eat or cover the pepper. And then she told me: well, he looked very appetizing.

Ingredients needed for 2 half-liter jars:

  • Sweet pepper – 6 pcs.;
  • Cabbage – 150 gr.;
  • Onion – 30 gr.;
  • Carrots – 60 pcs.;
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • Salt – 5 gr.

Tomato filling:

  • Tomatoes – 700 gr.;
  • Ground paprika – 3 g;
  • Parsley – 1 branch;
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • Salt – 5 gr.

Preparing the snack:

  1. We wash and clean all vegetables. Cut off the tail of the pepper and remove the inner pulp and seeds. Place the peppers in hot water to soften them, and then in cold water to preserve vitamin C.
  2. Cut the onion, carrots and cabbage into small cubes and grind one by one in a blender bowl until small pieces (not pureed).
  3. Place the onion in a heated frying pan with oil and fry until golden brown, then add the carrots and, after a while, the cabbage. Salt the vegetables, mix and cover with a lid to simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Wash the red tomatoes, blanch them in boiling water and remove the skin. Blend the tomatoes using an immersion blender and pour into a deep saucepan.
  5. Bring to a boil and add spices: paprika, bay leaf, finely chopped herbs and salt.
  6. While we simmer the tomato sauce, about 15 minutes, stuff the peppers and place them in the roasting pan.
  7. Then pour the tomato sauce into the roasting pan, removing the bay leaf, bring to a boil and, covering with a lid, simmer the vegetables for 20 minutes.
  8. Fill the jar with hot peppers, fill with filling and seal. Place the pieces in a blanket until completely cooled.

It’s not at all difficult, so you can also seal peppers stuffed with cabbage and carrots for the winter without sterilization.

Peppers stuffed with eggplants in tomato for the winter

I want to surprise you with the last combination: pepper with eggplant. It would seem that everything is normal and simple, but the eggplant filling will be soft and the consistency will resemble vegetable puree. And combined with delicate peppers, it makes the perfect snack.

For 2 cans with a capacity of 1 liter:

  • Sweet pepper – 1 kg 700 gr.;
  • Eggplants – 1 kg;
  • Carrots – 350 gr.;
  • Onion – 170 gr.;
  • Tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • Refined vegetable oil – 100 gr.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Tomato filling per 1 liter:

  • Apple cider vinegar 6% - 50 ml;
  • Black pepper – 5 pcs.;
  • Allspice – 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 15 gr.;
  • Salt – 15 gr.

Advice: it is better to take thick-walled red pepper, because it does not boil too much.

Tip: the resulting tomato can be rubbed through a sieve to obtain a uniform consistency.


  1. Wash the pepper, remove the tails and core with seeds. Blanch the fruits in hot water for about 5 minutes.
  2. Cut the washed and peeled eggplants into cubes and place them in a bowl with a pinch of salt to remove the bitterness. Cut the onion into small cubes and grate the carrots.
  3. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into halves and blend them in a blender bowl.
  4. Pour the juice into a thick-bottomed pan and boil it for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. In the middle of the process, add sugar and salt, both spicy peppers.
  5. While the filling is cooking, fry the eggplants in small portions in a frying pan in hot oil until soft. Then fry the onions and carrots until golden brown.
  6. In a bowl, combine the onions with carrots and eggplants, adding salt to taste.
  7. Stuff the peppers with minced vegetables and place them in a pan with ready-made hot tomato sauce. We wait until it boils and boil the peppers in the tomato for 30 minutes, and 5 minutes before. Add vinegar until the end of cooking.
  8. Place the peppers in jars, pour the hot tomato mixture and roll up the lids. After cooling, put it away for storage.

Try this recipe for preparing stuffed peppers in jars for the winter.

The video will reveal the cooking technology down to the smallest detail. I hope you liked my selection of recipes with photos of stuffed peppers for the winter. You will lick your fingers during the meal, I guarantee it!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 60 min

Peppers stuffed with tomatoes for the winter are a wonderful tasty preparation for the whole family.
Sweet peppers are a storehouse of healthy vitamins, minerals and microelements. It is useful for all segments of the population from infants to the elderly. All people who care about their health will find it beneficial for their body. Sweet pepper strengthens blood vessels, regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels, stabilizes blood pressure, improves immunity, and corrects weight. It is widely used in cosmetology. Due to its bright colors and excellent taste, it is widely used in cooking. It is eaten in various forms. Fresh peppers are especially valuable and popular in salads. But baked, steamed and stewed peppers are no less valuable and healthy. The juice from sweet peppers has excellent taste and aroma. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to prepare such a wonderful vegetable for the winter, and in combination with tomatoes we will get a very tasty and healthy dish. In addition to all the benefits of these vegetables, we will also take garlic.
Stuffed bell peppers for the winter: recipe.
Cooking time - 60 minutes
Product output: 2 liter jars

To prepare this preserve you need the following ingredients:
- tomatoes - 1.0 kilograms;
- sweet pepper - 14 pieces;
- garlic – 14 cloves;
- vegetable oil - 1 glass;
- sugar - 1.5 cups;
- vinegar - 1 glass;
- salt - 2 tablespoons;
- purified water – 1 liter.

Recipe with photos step by step:

So, how to stuff peppers for the winter. For ease of work, place all the necessary ingredients on the work surface of the table.

We choose peppers that are not very large, but can be of different colors. We thoroughly wash the sweet pepper under running water, cut off the tails and clean the core.

We choose tomatoes that are not very large, with a dense texture. Wash, dry on a paper towel, cut into slices and cut into half rings. Peel the garlic and rinse under water.

Let's move on to stuffing our peppers. Place a clove of garlic on the bottom and fill it to the top with tomatoes. Our peppers are ready to be harvested for the winter.

If possible, place the prepared peppers tightly in jars.

Preparing brine for stuffed peppers for the winter. To do this, boil water, add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and boil for two minutes, then add vinegar, bring to a boil and turn off. The brine is ready.

Fill the filled jars with brine and sterilize for fifteen minutes.

We roll up the finished jars of peppers stuffed with tomatoes for the winter and send them to a cool place until winter.

It turns out just as delicious

When summer approaches its climax, it’s time to prepare for the winter, and canning peppers is a crucial moment for everyone who loves pickled bell peppers, sweet pickled peppers, salted peppers, pickled peppers and other bell pepper preparations. And not only from Bulgarian. Pickled hot peppers and canned hot peppers are an excellent independent snack, as well as an ingredient in various salads. This is why canning peppers and recipes for preparing peppers for the winter are so popular.

Canned peppers can be pickled pepper, pickled hot peppers, pickled hot peppers, pickled chili peppers, canned bell peppers, canned sweet peppers, marinated peppers. There are many people who like to taste pickled peppers in winter; the recipe for pickled peppers allows you to prepare this spicy appetizer. Canning sweet peppers is especially popular. Few people today know how to pickle peppers deliciously, and it’s a shame, because pickling peppers and pickled peppers for the winter will be very useful to you in the cold season. Most often, bell peppers are canned; hot peppers are less often canned, because this spicy snack, as they say, is not for everyone. Preserving sweet or bell peppers can again be done in various ways. One of the most delicious, pickled peppers, is prepared as follows: the pepper is boiled a little, then it is poured with marinade with spices and rolled up. Sterilization of jars and rolling of peppers follow the usual rules. This is how sweet peppers are prepared for the winter.

But you can prepare not only sweet peppers for the winter, hot peppers for the winter can also be prepared for future use. Hot pepper for the winter, in principle, is prepared according to the same rules as bell pepper. Preservation in both cases occurs due to the marinade. Thus, the recipes for canned peppers are similar, but their taste will be different. Bell peppers are sweet; hot pepper preparations will be spicy. An equally interesting process with a very tasty result is pickling hot peppers. Pickling hot peppers is a simple matter, but it requires certain knowledge, so during the pepper season, an army of housewives begins to wonder how to pickle peppers, how to pickle hot peppers, how to pickle peppers. Salting peppers or pickling peppers is the simplest way to prepare bell peppers for the winter or to prepare hot peppers.

At the same time, as they say, not just pepper, because pepper preparations for the winter are quite diverse and these are not only exclusively pepper preparations. For the winter you can prepare pickled cucumbers with peppers, pepper salad for the winter, peppers and tomatoes for the winter. If you love bell peppers, a winter salad made from bell peppers is a great way to stock up on them. In addition, you can prepare stuffed peppers for the winter. For example, by making frozen stuffed peppers. How to freeze peppers, recipes for bell peppers for the winter, canning pepper recipes, canning sweet peppers, pepper recipes for the winter, answers to these and many other questions - search on our website, you are sure to find it.

4 cans of 3 liters

1 hour 45 minutes

36 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Stuffed peppers are a great appetizer that goes well with any meal. In order to prepare it for future use, you will not need a lot of time and ingredients. Pepper must be ripe and juicy, and you can use any vegetables or meat as a filling. Stuffed peppers are rolled into jars or frozen in the freezer. Which type of workpiece to choose depends only on your time and desire.

Recipe for preparing stuffed peppers for the winter in jars

Inventory: board, grater, pan, knife, jars, lids, sieve.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. First, we sterilize 4 jars with a capacity of 3 liters. I sterilize the jars over steam for 10 minutes. You can bake them in the oven or microwave them for 5 minutes with a little water. Boil the seaming lids in water for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Finely chop red pepper (1 pc.) and 110 g of garlic.
  3. Take 2.2 kg of ripe bell pepper and carefully remove the stalks so as not to damage the integrity of the vegetable.
  4. Next, thoroughly rinse the peppers in clean water.
  5. Pour clean water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  6. Place the peppers in small portions on a sieve, place in boiling water and blanch for 3 minutes.

    Blanching is a short-term cooking of a product in boiling water or steam treatment.

  7. Finely chop the head of cabbage using a knife or a special grater.
  8. We also grate 120 g of carrots and mix it with cabbage.
  9. Next, stuff the peppers with the prepared ingredients: inside each pepper we put a little cabbage and carrots, a couple of pieces of garlic and red pepper, and then cabbage and carrots again.
  10. Place the stuffed peppers tightly in pre-sterilized jars.
  11. Pour 4 liters of clean water into the pan and add 105-110 g of salt.

  12. Bring the brine to a boil and pour boiling water over the pepper.

  13. Then we turn the jars over and wrap them in a blanket. Leave them like this until they cool completely.

This pepper is stored all winter in a dark, cool place. It can be served with any side dish or hot dish.

Video recipe

Recipe for peppers stuffed with carrots and tomato puree for the winter

Cooking time– 50 minutes.
Number of servings– 2 cans.
Calorie content per 100 g– 54 kcal.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. We also cut 360 g of carrots into not very small pieces.

    It is better not to grate carrots so that they retain their shape in the finished dish.

  2. Pour 65 ml of vegetable oil into a frying pan and put it on fire. When the oil is hot, add the onions.
  3. Then add the chopped carrots and fry everything together over low heat until soft.
  4. At this time, you can prepare the pepper. We will need 1.8 kg. We remove the stalks and wash it of seeds.
  5. When the onions and carrots become soft, add 400-500 g of pureed tomatoes. Instead of pureed tomatoes, you can use crushed tomatoes or tomato paste. Add about 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and salt, and then simmer the vegetables for another 10 minutes.
  6. Stuff the peppers with the prepared vegetable dressing and place in a pan. The remaining dressing can be placed on top of the pepper.
  7. Place the pan over medium heat and bring the peppers to a boil. This will take you approximately 30 minutes.
  8. Place the prepared peppers into sterilized jars and seal them with lids.

Video recipe

Don't miss the opportunity to watch the video to see how easy it is to prepare stuffed peppers.

You can preserve stuffed peppers for the winter not only through canning. In the next recipe I will tell you how to cook peppers with meat and freeze them in the freezer. This storage method is wonderful because it does not require much effort or time, and the products retain their freshness and all the beneficial substances.

Recipe for bell peppers stuffed with meat for the winter

Cooking time– 1 hour 25 minutes.
Number of servings – 2-3.
Calorie content per 100 g– 106 kcal.
Inventory: board, frying pan, knife, food processor, 1 liter jars, lids.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. In a separate bowl, wash 125 g of long grain rice and 125 g of brown rice. If you don't have brown rice, substitute regular rice.

  2. Take about 2.2 kg of pepper, wash it, and then remove the stalks and seeds. At the same time, try not to damage the integrity of the pepper.
  3. Steam the peeled peppers until half cooked. You can also blanch it for 3-4 minutes in boiling water.
  4. Grind 1.6 kg of meat in a blender or meat grinder. You can use pork, beef or a mixture of both, as long as the meat is fresh. Place rice, minced meat and break 1 egg in a deep bowl. Add 1 tbsp there. l. salt and black pepper to taste, and then mix well.
  5. Finely chop 220 g of onion and grate 230 g of carrots.
  6. Next, grate 650 g of tomatoes or pass them through a meat grinder.
  7. Pour 40 ml of vegetable oil into the frying pan and set it to heat up. Then add chopped onion and fry until golden.
  8. When the onion is browned, add the carrots to the frying pan and fry everything together until half cooked.
  9. Place a third of the fried vegetables on a separate plate. We use them for filling.
  10. Add 1 tbsp to the remaining vegetables. l. fat or butter and 25-30 g flour.
  11. Mix fat with flour and add chopped tomatoes.
  12. Fry everything together for a few more minutes, and then pour a little water and salt to taste. When the gravy boils, you can turn it off.

  13. Fill the prepared peppers with minced meat and place them in portioned plastic bags. We release excess air from the bags and send them to freeze.
  14. We also put the cooled gravy in a tight bag. For convenience, the bag can be placed in a container and placed in the freezer.

Canned bell peppers stuffed with vegetables and rice for the winter are very tasty, juicy and aromatic. But the recipe is not a quick one. You will have to work hard and consistently perform a whole series of actions: prepare the filling, blanch and stuff the peppers, cook tomato sauce, then fill the jars and sterilize them in boiling water or in the oven. But you will receive a complete ready-made dish that will always be at your fingertips and will take its rightful place on the winter table.

To make calculations more convenient, I indicated the proportions based on 1 kg of pepper. From the total volume of products, your yield will be 3 liters. In the step-by-step recipe with photos, I prepared half the portion, so it turned out to be 1.5 liters. In my opinion, it is most convenient to use small-volume containers, preferably 1-liter or 0.5-liter jars. The serving is enough for 1-2 times, and the remaining stuffed peppers in jars will easily stand in the refrigerator for a couple of days under a nylon lid.

Total cooking time: 60 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Yield: 3 liters


  • small bell pepper – 1 kg
  • onions – 200 g
  • carrots – 400 g
  • steamed rice – 220 g (1 cup per 250 ml)
  • tomatoes – 2 kg
  • mixture of ground peppers – 1 tsp.
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l. or to taste
  • salt – 1.5 tbsp. l. or to taste
  • 9% vinegar – 50 ml

Note: the weight of vegetables is indicated in peeled form.

How to cook stuffed peppers for the winter

Rice needs to be boiled until half cooked. I thoroughly washed the cereal in running water until it became transparent - the more starch that can be washed out, the more crumbly the filling will be in the end. Place the washed rice in a saucepan and add 2 cups of cold water. No need to add salt. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, covered, over low heat. It should be a little harsh. To prevent the grains of rice from sticking together, I rinsed the boiled rice again in running water and put it in a colander to drain off all the excess liquid.

The sweet bell peppers were washed and dried. It is advisable to take small peppers - it is more convenient to stuff them and put them in jars. I carefully cut out the seed pods of each fruit so that it was empty inside. It is important that the walls of the pepper remain intact. Place the peeled vegetables in boiling water and boil for 4-5 minutes - due to blanching, the pepper should become softer, but at the same time keep its shape and not be overcooked.

Peeled the onions and carrots. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan - you will need 100 ml to make the filling juicy and not dry. Cut the onion into cubes and fry for 3 minutes, stirring. As soon as it became soft, I put carrots, chopped on a coarse grater, into the frying pan. Continue to fry for another 5-6 minutes until golden brown.

I stuffed the blanched and cooled peppers with the filling of rice and vegetables - densely, it is most convenient to use a teaspoon.

All that remains is to prepare the tomato sauce. To do this, I chopped the tomatoes - you can use a meat grinder or blender, along with the skin and seeds. Pour the tomato juice and pulp into a saucepan, add salt and sugar to taste. Boil for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam. At the very end, I poured in 9% vinegar and removed it from the stove. As a result, you should get about 2 liters of sauce; if it turns out less, you can add boiling water, nothing bad will happen. While the sauce is cooking, do not forget to sterilize the jars and lids at the same time.

I placed the peppers with the filling in clean jars, cut side up, and generously filled all the voids with tomato sauce. Do not skimp on the sauce, try to pour it over the filling of each pepper, because the rice will partially absorb the liquid. For the same reason, there is no need to compact the jars with pepper to the very top. I fill the jar about 3/4 full and then fill it up to the top with sauce. If the peppers are small, then 8-9 pieces fit in a liter jar.

She covered the filled jars with lids, placed them in a saucepan for sterilization, and filled them with hot water up to the shoulders. I sterilized 1-liter jars for 20 minutes, 0.5-liter jars for 15 minutes from the moment the water boiled in the pan. At the end of the heat treatment, I took the jars out of the boiling water and immediately rolled them up. Turned it upside down, wrapped it up and left it until it cooled completely.

As you can see, the recipe for stuffed peppers is labor-intensive, but technologically simple. From a complete set of products, the yield will be 3 liters. The workpiece should be stored in a cool and dark place for 1 year.