Marinade for pork kebab: the most delicious recipe. Pork shish kebab – kefir marinade

How to quickly and correctly marinate pork kebab so that the meat is juicy? This question interests many modern men, since, as you know, meat loves men's hands.

Pork shashlik is a dish that has gained wide popularity not only in the Caucasus, but also in the Russian region. There are shish kebab recipes great amount. The meat is marinated:

  • in vinegar;
  • in mayonnaise;
  • in kefir;
  • in mineral water;
  • in tomato juice
  • with lemon.

In addition, to marinate meat, all kinds of herbs and spices are added to it.

However, in order for the kebab to turn out juicy, you need to master a number of subtleties and know the secrets thanks to which the meat cooks quickly without losing its taste and nutritional qualities.

The most important thing in kebab is the marinade; it consists of several ingredients and is always rich in onions. It is the combination of all components that gives the meat tenderness, piquancy and aroma.

But for a deliciously prepared kebab, you also need to know how to choose the right meat.

To learn how to quickly cook shish kebab, any self-respecting man should know several recipes for this dish, based on mayonnaise, kefir, mineral water, vinegar, and lemon.

Selection of meat and utensils for marinating

Pork shashlik turns out to be the most juicy and delicious. In addition, pork cooks very quickly, which cannot be said about beef and lamb.

It is best, of course, to buy fresh, steamed and moderately fatty boneless pork. The freshness of the product can be judged by pleasant smell and uniform color on the cut.

To prevent the dish from being dry or tough, you need to know which part of the carcass to give preference to. It is best to buy the loin, neck or lumbar region. Ribs, shoulder and ham are not suitable for barbecue. Balyk will make the dish dry.

It is better to marinate shish kebab in a glass, ceramic or enamel container. It is not recommended to use plastic or aluminum dishes for this purpose.

The explanation is very simple; when marinated, meat, along with lemon, vinegar or kefir, can absorb harmful substances, from which the dishes are made.

Preparing the marinade

The products and spices that need to be purchased to prepare the marinade depend entirely on the recipe that the man decided to go with.

However classic kebab unthinkable without onions, vinegar, allspice and ground black pepper, basil and bay leaf. To this list you can add turmeric, adjika, chili, coriander, curry.

Some ingredients can be excluded and others can be added to the recipe.

Shashlik is a huge space for culinary creativity. I especially want to draw the reader’s attention to recipes for marinade with kefir, mineral water, and mayonnaise.

Marinade with lemon is always a win-win option.

Marinades with vinegar and lemon

Pork shish kebab with vinegar:

  1. pork pulp – 2 kg;
  2. onions – 400 gr;
  3. ready-made dry seasoning for barbecue – 1 pack;
  4. table vinegar – 1 glass;
  5. salt.

The pork should be cut into medium-sized pieces and placed in a pan. Add chopped onion and salt there. The meat must be lightly squeezed so that the juice begins to come out of it.

Now you can add vinegar and seasoning. The product should be in this marinade for two hours, but it will only be better if it marinates for 5-6 hours.

Grill shish kebab over hot coals, threading it onto skewers or using a barbecue grill. The finished dish is served hot and topped with ketchup or homemade tomato sauce.

Pork marinated with lemon and onion:

  • Pork pulp – 1.5 kg.
  • Onion – 800 gr.
  • Dry spices – 10 gr.
  • Lemon – 2 pcs.
  • A mixture of different peppers.
  • Salt.

Marinade with lemon for barbecue is no less popular than marinade with vinegar. It cooks very quickly and does not require special culinary skills. The cooking process is almost the same as in the first recipe, but only the vinegar is replaced with lemon.

Lemons are cut in half, the juice is squeezed directly onto the pork pieces, then all the other ingredients are added. The meat must be mixed well with other ingredients; if everything is done correctly, very soon the pork will give juice. It should remain in this marinade for 3 hours; it is not recommended to keep it longer.

The success of this dish lies in the lemon juice, but if you use too much lemon, it can give the meat an unpleasant sour taste.

Marinades with kefir, mayonnaise and mineral water

Pork kebab on kefir is also prepared very quickly and has a rather unusual, but pleasant taste. In order to cook kebab with kefir you need to take:

  1. Pork meat – 1.5 kg.
  2. Sugar – 15 gr.
  3. Onions – 600 gr.
  4. Fat kefir – 500 ml.
  5. Salt and pepper.

Meat cooked with kefir is especially soft. But for the kebab to be perfect, it must be marinated for 24 hours. You should not add a lot of spices to the kefir marinade.

In order for the kefir marinade to be evenly absorbed by the meat, it (the meat) must be stirred several times during the marinating process.

Pork and onions are prepared traditional way, add kefir, sugar, spices and mix thoroughly.

The meat should be infused for about an hour. room temperature, then it is put into the refrigerator. Kebabs are fried on kefir in the same way as all other kebabs.

It cooks very quickly, so you need to make sure that the meat does not dry out.

Shish kebab with onions in mayonnaise:

  • Pork pulp – 1 kg.
  • Mayonnaise “Provencal” - 300 gr.
  • Onion – 400 gr.
  • Salt and spices.

Prepared pork and onions are poured with mayonnaise and all other ingredients are added. The future kebab should be infused in this marinade for two hours. During the time it is marinating, you can prepare the coals.

Pork shish kebab can be marinated in ordinary mineral water. It is in no way inferior to meat prepared from a marinade that uses expensive ingredients. Have to take:

  1. Pork 2.5 kg.
  2. Mineral water (any) – 1 liter.
  3. Onions – 1 kg.
  4. Olive or sunflower oil– 50 ml.

The cooking process is the same as in previous recipes, only here the function acidic component performs mineral water. The product is infused for about three hours.

Vegetable oil is not added to the marinade immediately, but only 30 minutes before frying. To make the kebab tastier, it can be supplemented with fried champignons.

To prepare barbecue, you can purchase ready-made marinades; fortunately, the range of such gastronomic products today is unusually large.

On sale you can find marinades with mustard, pomegranate and tomato juice, with pieces of vegetables and fruits. By the way, all this can be used in winter, because it is no less popular, but definitely unusual.

Small tricks

  • To make the kebab juicier, cut the pork into large pieces.
  • Frozen meat loses its juiciness; to avoid this, add a tablespoon of mustard to the finished marinade.
  • To prepare delicious shish kebab, it is advisable to use dry cherry branches, and not ready-made purchased coals. Such meat will have a specific aroma, even the structure of the product will be much softer.
  • When frying, pieces of meat may dry out over the coals. To prevent this from happening, the pork on the grill is generously sprinkled with white wine, beer or, as a last resort, plain water.
  • When the kebab is already on the grill, the coals should not burn; only moderate smoldering is allowed. The flames that appear during the frying process are poured with water or simply knocked down with a wooden spatula.

The more attention you pay to preparing the kebab, the tastier it will be.

Choose best marinade for pork kebab from 10 recipes: for juicy, aromatic and very tasty meat!

A simple marinade recipe for pork shashlik: it contains nothing unnecessary and allows you to taste the meat in all its glory.

  • Pork - 4 Kilograms
  • Ground allspice - 1 teaspoon
  • White onion - 1 kilogram
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons

Peel the onion, wash it and cut it into half rings. Add salt and spices to it. Mash with your hands so that the onion releases its juice. Place some of the onion on the bottom of the dish, and dump the chopped meat on top.

A simple marinade for pork kebab is ready!

Fry pork in onion marinade on a large wire rack for about 40 minutes. Make sure the onions don't burn. We do not allow direct fire. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: pork shashlik marinade with vinegar (step-by-step photos)

  • pork - 1 kg
  • onion - 500 gr
  • water - 600 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 1.5 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Provençal herbs - 1 tbsp.
  • pepper - to taste

Peel the onion and cut into rings. Cut the meat into large pieces.

Place onions on top of the meat. Then again meat and onions.

It is best to serve this kebab with big amount salad and vegetables.

Recipe 3: marinade for pork kebab with onions

Step-by-step recipe for making pork shashlik with unusual marinade– onions, without vinegar, beer and wine. A very tasty marinade for pork kebab.

  • pork (neck) – 2 kg
  • onions - 1 kg
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs
  • salt, spices

You only need to marinate shish kebab with onions in the evening! If you don’t have time to wait that long, then you should choose a different marinade recipe.

Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into four parts and pass it through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender as I do.

Cut the meat into medium pieces across the grain.

Add spices to the meat to taste: dried parsley, dill, basil and oregano, and also add ground black pepper. Attention, do not add salt at this stage!

Now you can pour all the ground onions into the meat and mix it well with your hands. Leave the marinade to stand like this overnight.

Two hours before frying, remove all the onions and bay leaves from the meat and salt it well.

Place the marinated meat on skewers. You can also peel and cut fresh onions into rings and alternate with meat, or simply put onion slurry from the marinade on top of the meat put on skewers, this also works very well.

Next, put out the fire, spread the coals evenly and cook the kebab in the heat. Separately, pour the marinade juice into a small plastic bottle, add vinegar and, if necessary, water, this is necessary for spraying the meat on top so that it does not burn and is juicy.

Recipe 4: marinade for pork shish kebab with mayonnaise

  • mayonnaise - 200 gr
  • onion - 1 head
  • pork (loin) - 2 kg
  • barbecue seasoning - to taste

We will prepare a list of products for kebab marinade. We use high-calorie mayonnaise, a large onion, and seasoning for grilled charcoal pork meat choose according to your taste. You need to buy selected pork. It’s good if you get a chilled part of the ham. Cut it into small rectangular pieces.

Place in a marinating tray. We chopped the onions and added them to cold cuts. The meat was generously seasoned ground spices and mayonnaise.

The resulting marinade for pork kebab works wonders in just over an hour. The kebabs turn out especially tasty and tender if the meat is not soaked in mayonnaise. Provided that the part of the ham was purchased chilled and not after freezing.

Pork meat is placed on skewers without distance - 5-6 pieces per serving. Cooking pork on good coals, excluding open flame.

Recipe 5: marinade for pork kebab with lemon (with photo)

The simpler the marinade, the brighter taste meat and juicier pieces. The most important thing is the quality of the pork. Made from bad meat good kebab it will never work. And in order not to spoil it or dry it out, remember that salt should be added to the marinade only before cooking.

  • pork neck - 1.5 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • onions - 3 pcs
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • black pepper - to taste
  • salt - to taste

Rinse the pork well, pat dry with a paper towel, cut into large pieces across the grain and place in a deep pan.

To give onions more juice, slice it small cubes and send it to the meat.

Pour olive oil into the pan.

Generously sprinkle the future kebab with freshly ground pepper.

Squeeze the juice of one lemon on top.

Add salt and mix everything well.

Cover the pan with a lid and leave in the refrigerator for an hour or two. The marinade for pork kebab is ready. In principle, such meat can be cooked almost immediately, but the longer it is marinated, the juicier and softer the kebab will be.

Prepare the grill, when the coals reach the required condition, salt the meat (usually a teaspoon of salt per 1 kg of meat) and start threading it onto skewers.

Depending on the width of the grill, you can put 5-7 pieces of meat on each skewer. It is best to shake off the onion so that it does not burn.

Cook the meat for 20-25 minutes, turning it from time to time to ensure even cooking.

Recipe 6: quick kiwi marinade for pork kebab

  • Pork - 2 Kilos (neck)
  • Onions - 4-5 pieces
  • Kiwi - 1-2 pieces
  • Salt, pepper, seasonings - - To taste
  • Fresh herbs - - To taste (the more the better)

It is a well-known fact that it is best suited for barbecue. cervical part pork. Not even experienced kebab This part makes it juicy and tender.

Wash the piece of meat thoroughly, dry it and cut it into medium-sized pieces. It is very important to cut the meat well, because if the pieces are large, they will not be cooked, and if they are small, they will dry out.

Place the meat in a convenient bowl and add chopped onion in half rings. Salt and pepper well, add spices to taste and finely chopped herbs.

Then we peel the kiwi, grate it or finely chop it and add it to the meat. Mix everything well with your hands, cover with a lid and marinate for just half an hour! It is important!

After our meat has been marinated, prepare strong coals and take out the skewers.

We string the pieces of meat tightly enough to each other. I recommend frying the onion separately.

Level the coals evenly and lay out the kebab. Fry the meat for about 20-30 minutes, depending on the heat of the coals. Don't forget to turn the skewers over from time to time.

We serve our kebab with fresh vegetables, herbs, beer, ketchup and a good mood.

Recipe 7: Soy sauce marinade for pork skewers

  • Soy sauce - 0.5 cups
  • Tomato juice - 0.5 cups
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Starch - 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - if necessary
  • Hot peppers - to taste
  • Allspice - to taste
  • Aromatic herbs - optional
  • Spices - optional

Finely chop the onion and chop or crush the garlic cloves. Add spices to taste: aromatic and/or hot peppers, dried or fresh herbs (basil, suneli hops), spices (coriander, ginger), etc. There is no need for salt, because... soy sauce and so quite salty.

Pour soy sauce and tomato juice into the prepared ingredients.

If desired, add starch to the marinade. Stir.

Place pieces of meat, such as pork, in the marinade for at least an hour.

The marinade for pork shish kebab with soy sauce is ready.

Recipe 8: marinade for pork shashlik in mineral water

  • pork pulp – 3 kg
  • onions – 10-12 pcs.
  • sparkling mineral water – 1-1.2 l
  • ready seasoning for meat – 1.5 tsp.
  • ground pepper mixture – 1.5 tsp.
  • ready-made seasoning for barbecue – 1.5 tsp.
  • salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.

Wash the pork thoroughly and dry it. Cut into pieces no smaller than a matchbox.

Peel the onions and cut into rings or half rings.

Place the meat and onions in a suitable sized non-metallic container. Stir. Moreover, choose the dishes in such a way that it is convenient to mix the pork, and the water with which you will pour the meat does not spill over the edge.

Add seasonings and spices.

Add salt. Mix thoroughly.

Pour in mineral water.

The liquid should completely cover the pork.

Cover the dish with the meat and place it in the refrigerator overnight.

Remove the pork pieces from the marinade, thread them onto skewers and fry over hot coals, making sure no flames appear.

Recipe 9: tomato marinade for pork kebab (with photos step by step)

This recipe is used to prepare classic Caucasian kebab.

  • pork pulp – 2 kg;
  • onions – 5-6 pcs.;
  • tomato juice – 1.5 l;
  • seasonings and spices “Caucasian set” – 1-1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to your taste.

We wash the meat thoroughly and cut it into portions so that it is convenient to thread it on a skewer and at the same time the pieces do not hang down to the coals.

Cut the onions into rings.

We do not spare onions so that the meat is tasty and juicy. It is advisable to make the rings denser, then they can also be threaded onto a skewer. Or you can choose small onions; they are strung whole, alternating with small tomatoes and meat.

Salt the pork pieces and sprinkle with spices.

Add onions to the meat and pour homemade tomato juice over the mixture.

Let the meat marinate overnight in the refrigerator. You can add a few tablespoons of vinegar here. You need to stir the meat a couple of times so that it marinates evenly.

Recipe 10: marinade for pork kebab with kefir

  • pork pulp (I have the front leg) – 1.5 kg
  • kefir 3.2% fat – 0.5 l
  • medium-sized onion - about 1 kg
  • 5 pepper mixture, salt, thyme

First, the pork should be washed under running water, unnecessary films and veins should be cut off, dried and then cutting board Using a knife, cut into square pieces, preferably the same size.

The pieces should be neither large nor small - 4÷6 cm.

Meat this size will be easy to place on the skewer and will allow it to cook evenly.

Shish kebab loves onions, so we don’t spare them. Since you are supposed to plant onions along with meat, I recommend taking medium-sized onions.

Remove the skins from the onion, cut half into large rings, and chop the other half very finely.

Place pork and onions in a large enamel pan.

Add salt to taste, a mixture of “5 peppers” or just black ground pepper, dried thyme and any other barbecue spices.

Mix thoroughly with clean hands and pour in kefir. Kefir should coat every piece of meat, so mix everything again.

Place the onion, cut into rings, on top, cover the pan with a lid and put it in the refrigerator to marinate overnight (8 ÷ 10 hours).

Marinade for pork kebab with kefir is ready!

Cooking barbecue is not complete without preparing coals. Therefore, when you come to nature, light a fire or ready-made coal.

While the firewood is burning, place pieces of meat on skewers, alternating with onion rings, while the onion pulp in which the pork was marinated must be removed from the pieces, as it will burn.

Place skewers with meat over hot coals.

While cooking the kebab, turn the skewers several times so that the pieces are fried on all sides, and pour the remaining marinade over the meat several times for greater juiciness.

In 20-30 minutes, the most delicious kebab in the world will be ready.

Its readiness can be determined by cutting a piece of meat with a knife. If the juice flows out clear, the meat can be removed from the grill; if a cloudy reddish liquid comes out, let it cook for a few more minutes.

Pork kebab marinated in kefir can be served directly on skewers, which is very tasty, or remove pieces from skewers and place on a common dish.

Good day everyone!

Today we have a very tasty topic. And it will be dedicated to barbecue. Nowadays it’s impossible to imagine outdoor recreation without this delicious dish. At the dacha, in the forest, or just walking in a park where there is street cafes... Shashlik, it’s everywhere!

For a culinary creation to truly become a miracle, you must adhere to certain rules.

Firstly, the meat must be marinated in advance. And, preferably, keep it in the marinade for a day. Then the meat will be tender, well-fried and the kebab will turn out delicious. In addition, it is better not to use a frozen product, but only a chilled one.

Secondly, when choosing meat, it is better to give preference to pork neck. Today we will talk about pork kebab.

So, be patient. Let's cook the most delicious and juicy kebab pork, and for this we will look at several methods of marinating. Each recipe will have illustrations and cooking secrets.


How to deliciously marinate pork kebab so that the meat turns out juicy and soft

Let's get straight to the point, I'll suggest one of the best ways marinating pork that I use. And those who want more recipes, And step by step process preparations, then read the entire article.

So. My recipe for making the meat juicy and soft looks like this:


  • Pork neck (namely neck) - 2 kg.
  • Onions - 10 heads (about the same as meat)
  • Green parsley and dill (a bunch to fit in your hand)
  • Red tomatoes (preferably in season, otherwise not ripe tomatoes will not add the desired flavor to the marinade) - 3-5 tomatoes
  • Salt pepper

That's all. Simple recipe!

You need to cut the meat, then the onion as you like - into rings or cubes. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, and parsley with dill. Don’t overdo it with parsley, otherwise it can be very cloying! And so, parsley is one of the secret ingredients.

Move everything around (meat, tomatoes, parsley, dill).

Bonus! Delicious pickled onions in a hurry

As a bonus to the recipe, I decided to write my own recipe for pickling onions. Great for a snack.


  • Onion in small rings - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar (table 9% or vinegar essence 70% - 2 tsp) - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons
  • Salt (without a slide) - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Water (boiled and cooled) - 1 cup (250 ml.).
  • Dill (to taste)

Easy way:

I add vinegar to the water so that the tongue has the taste of vinegar in the water. Not too sweet. And then, when the water with vinegar is done, I add all the other ingredients: sugar, salt and dill. At the end, I cut the onion into small rings so that I can marinate quickly in 10-15 minutes. And I put it in the refrigerator. I recommend!

The second method of pickling onions

Serve with fresh flatbread.

The cooking process consists of three stages:

- selection of meat and marinating

— preparation of the barbecue (breeding coals)

- frying meat

The marinade can be different, like vinegar (you can add red wines or sour juices), salt and spices... And other, no less exquisite recipes. We will look at several of them.

The main thing for us is that the meat turns out soft, and when we eat it, it doesn’t just melt in the mouth, but transfers all the juice throughout taste buds, and every chewing with the “jaw” made the facial expression satisfied, from this amazing soft and juicy meat.

Step 1. Choose meat

The chosen meat determines how edible, tasty and lean the kebab will be.

As mentioned earlier, it is best to take it refrigerated rather than frozen. Chilled pork is more elastic, while frozen pork is loose and releases meat juice.

Young pork gives more delicate taste and it's much softer. You can determine the age by the color of the meat; the darker it is, the older it is. You can also check the freshness of the meat by pressing it with your finger. If the dent is leveled out quickly enough, the product is fresh. You can take it!

We also choose meat with small streaks of fat, which should be light yellow and not hang in pieces. If the fat is dark yellow, it means the animal was old.

In addition, it is preferable to take meat in one piece and parts of it such as loin, shoulder, neck or ham - you need to understand what exactly you are taking. Since, if you take back ham, then no matter how hard you try, don’t expect juiciness. It might be possible to make it soft. But the taste cannot be compared to the front part - namely the neck, or the front leg near the neck.

How do these parts of meat differ from each other?

It is the neck that is most often used in kebabs. If you use a moderately fatty piece, the kebab will turn out soft and tender.

The ham is much drier than the neck, and the shoulder is tough. Therefore, when using these parts for barbecue, they must be marinated well. And believe me, you need to try!

The loin is practically the fattest part of the pig. This must be taken into account for those who do not like too fatty meat.

Pork is good because from many of its parts you can prepare a good and delicious kebab. The only difference is how long to marinate each part of the pork carcass. But if you are not a big professional in marinating, then choose the neck.

Step 2. Prepare the pieces. What pieces of meat should there be so that the kebab does not turn out dry?

The meat has been selected. Now you need to cut it correctly. Many may say: " -what’s difficult, take it and cut it". However, a lot depends on correctly cut pieces. For example, the degree of their impregnation with marinade, their placement on skewers, and frying.

It is better to cut meat into medium pieces. These can be identical squares, 3-5 cm wide, or cubes 4x4x4 centimeters. If you cut the meat very finely, it will be dry, and if it is coarse, then it may not be cooked through in the middle. In general, one medium-sized skewer should ideally fit six pieces.

The shape of the meat should be cone-shaped, but square is also suitable. With this shape, it is convenient to place the meat on a skewer, piercing it from corner to corner diagonally.

Cut into pieces across the grain. If you cut along the grain, then during frying it will shrink and be difficult to chew. Accordingly, when cutting meat, it is necessary to clean it of tendons and fat. In order to see how the fibers go, you need to freeze the meat and then carefully examine it. The fibers will look like white threads. We cut them crosswise. However, they can also be seen on defrosted meat. After all, their little white veins can be seen immediately. Especially if your neck is oily.
Just look at the image (photo below), there is a middle piece of meat in the pan, on which the fibers are clearly visible.

As for the knife, in order for the meat to be cut easily, it must be very sharp. I first sharpen the knife on a block. I try to sharpen every time I cut meat.

Try to immediately choose the perfect piece of meat for barbecue at the market.

It’s better to take another walk and see who’s selling what. And it’s even better to buy it in one place on the market, always from the same saleswoman, that the source was verified, and you were confident in the product.

You should end up with roughly the following pieces:

Step 3. Prepare the necessary ingredients

The meat is prepared and cut as needed. The next step is to prepare the marinade. The fun begins.

The taste of the finished dish depends on what the marinade is like.

Also, a lot depends on the choice of dishes. Moreover, you have to soak the meat in brine long time. The best dishes for marinade - it is glass, clay or enamel, but it is better not to use an aluminum or iron pan. Otherwise, it may oxidize and its taste will deteriorate.

Wood, especially untreated wood, releases tannins, which can also change the taste of kebab.

As for the fat content of the marinade, when preparing it for pork, it is better not to use mayonnaise and vegetable oil. Because pork itself is fatty. And if the marinade is also greasy, then the kebab may be hard on the stomach.

Moreover, many people drink it with alcohol. And this loads not only the stomach, but also the liver. On the contrary, it is important that the meat neutralizes alcohol and is easy to digest.

Onions in large quantities will not spoil the meat. Don't be afraid with this moment.

Top 6 delicious marinades so that the meat is soft and juicy

On the Internet, you can find hundreds of the most variety of recipes marinade You just need to decide which one you like and take it for cooking.

It is believed that it is best to marinate meat in onion juice. To do this, the onion is chopped or grated, and pieces of meat can be soaked in it. As a result, the kebab will turn out very tender and juicy. This method begins with the classical one, in own juice.

In this article, we will consider several such recipes, from the most common to the original in their composition.

Below are recipes for the most fastidious readers and gourmets:

Shish kebab with vinegar. What are the advantages and disadvantages of vinegar marinade?

Marinating in vinegar is considered classic. However, some barbecue lovers do not recommend using vinegar, as it pulls off the fibers and makes the meat dry.

But, if you need vinegar, then here is a recipe for a classic vinegar marinade. It is necessary to keep the meat in it for at least 12 hours.

For 1.5 kg of meat we need 4 tablespoons of 9% table vinegar, 150 g water, teaspoon sugar, 3 heads onions, add spices to taste.

  • Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 2:1, add sugar.
  • Cut the onion into rings, lay them around the meat and pour in the diluted vinegar.
  • You can also grate the onion and add it to the marinade.
  • Add spices to taste.

Everything is mixed and left for 12 hours.

If the meat chosen is quite tough, then vinegar will help correct this by softening it. However, at the same time, it dries it out, therefore, it is not recommended to marinate soft meat in vinegar.

How to marinate pork kebab in mayonnaise with onions

Another popular marinade ingredient is mayonnaise. In general, mayonnaise is so popular that it is difficult to imagine a dish where it is not used. Despite what was said above about mayonnaise - many people use it, it is worth mentioning the method of marinating in mayonnaise as one of the simplest and fastest.

For a kilogram of pork, we need 250 ml of mayonnaise, 3-4 onions, salt and spices to taste.

We start by salting and peppering the meat pieces and leaving for 10-15 minutes. After this, add mayonnaise and mix.

There should not be a lot of mayonnaise so that the meat does not float in it, but covers the pieces in an even layer.

If you need spice, then before pouring mayonnaise into the meat, mix it with mustard.

Please note that mustard is also used if you want to speed up the marinating process and make the meat soft.

For example, the case when they took a ham instead of a neck. And to soften it, you can first grease it with mustard, and then after 1-2 hours make a marinade of mayonnaise and onions.

I use this method when I buy fresh pork neck, and 2 hours later guests come. To speed up the marinating process, I grease it with mustard, and then choose the appropriate marinade.

Note! Many people use kiwi to soften tough pieces.

Recipe in your own juice + correct proportions of lemon and onion

The onion and lemon marinade adds a subtle flavor that also makes it soft. For such a marinade, it is better to use meat from the neck, as in most cases, if you want to get - juicy pieces on a skewer.

Here the process lasts about 9 hours.

For half a kilo of pork neck, we will need 2-3 lemons, one medium-sized onion, salt, garlic and seasonings to taste.

  • Squeeze juice from lemons.
  • Chop the onion and also squeeze out the juice, which we mix with lemon juice.
  • Chop the garlic, mix it with seasonings and salt, and add it to the lemon and onion juice.
  • Place the finished pieces of meat in the marinade, cover with a lid of a smaller diameter than the dish and place a load on top (for example, a jar of water).

In this state, the meat is kept for up to 9 hours, after which it is wrung out and you can start frying.

If you want to experiment with the lemon-onion marinade by adding various experiments to it, then you can offer the following options.

— lemon-onion with mayonnaise

- lemon-onion spicy

Additional Ingredients:

  • 100 ml dry wine,
  • 50 ml sour cream and the same amount of soy sauce,
  • a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of honey.

You can also add grated pineapple, or cognac, kefir, or mineral water to lemon-onion juice.

Marinade with soy sauce for pork. Marinade recipe:

Soy sauce lovers can use this product. Here, as with other recipes, there are many variations.

The simplest recipe includes: for 1 kg of pork - 100 ml of sauce, pepper and spices to taste.

Since soy sauce is quite salty, it is better not to add salt to avoid oversalting.

Add pepper and spices to taste to the soy sauce, add chopped pieces of meat and leave for 2-3 hours. After this, you can start frying.

An interesting marinade recipe using honey (I recommend using it for chicken; the fillets or wings turn out rich and tasty. And marinating takes no more than 3 hours)

For 1 kg of pork you will need 1 medium onion, several cloves of garlic, 6 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 3 tbsp. l. honey, pepper and spices to taste.

Mineral water marinade

One of original ingredients is mineral water. It gives the meat original taste. If you decide to use it, then first you need to salt the meat, add spices and chopped onion into rings. All this is left for about 30 minutes. At this time, prepare the marinade itself.

For 2 kg of meat we need 0.5 liters of mineral water, 3 medium-sized onions, 50 grams of dried tomatoes, 250 ml of mayonnaise, salt and seasonings.

Pour mineral water into a cup, add spices, dried tomatoes and leave for an hour.

Is it true that kebab in a jar tastes better than on the grill?

If it suddenly rains while frying, or you are in an apartment, then it turns out that you can do without a barbecue. You will say what is unusual here, we will take a frying pan and finish frying it on it. However, meat in a frying pan is still not kebab.

And in order to cook it on skewers, resourceful barbecue makers came up with a way to fry meat in a jar.

I admit, I didn’t know about this method before. But with each season, it is gaining more and more popularity among Russians.

The method is quite simple! We string the pieces onto skewers, put them in a jar and bake them in the oven. The main thing is that the skewers fit in the jar. You can use bamboo skewers for this.

Place the remaining onion at the bottom of the jar and place 4-5 skewers in each jar (if you have a lot of them) and cover the top with foil. We put the jar in cold oven(otherwise the jar may burst), turn on the heat and bake for about an hour. When the time is up, turn off the oven, but do not take out the jars, but leave to cool slightly for about five minutes.

Someone will be skeptical and say that such a recipe has nothing to do with kebab, but those who have tried it speak of it with delight. Of course, each case has its pros and cons.

Some people like it with smoke, in the fresh air, while others are satisfied with home option in the bank. Each of these methods is good in its own way. And it seems to me that there is no point in arguing which is better.

How to properly grill pork shish kebab on a grill?

Fine. The meat has been marinated, and now you can begin the cooking process itself...

First of all, you need to prepare the grill. It can be metal, or made of bricks, or a whole kitchen complex: grill, barbecue and oven.

For firewood, it is better to use deciduous trees. Plum, apple or apricot work well. Nowadays, ready-made coals are sold in stores. This greatly simplifies the process of preparing a barbecue, since the logs take a long time to turn into coals. Therefore, it is enough to light a small fire in the grill, and only then add purchased coals to it, wait until they are hot enough, and only then start frying.

How to determine the readiness of the grill? Place your palm on the coals at a level of 5 cm from the top edge of the grill. If your palm cannot withstand the heat, you can start cooking.

The coals should not burn, but only have a red color. If they go out, use a sheet of cardboard and wave it over the grill.

When placing pieces on skewers, make them tight to each other. The skewers themselves on the grill are laid out just as tightly, but so that they can be rotated freely.

Don't turn the skewers too often. Otherwise, the meat will be dry, and you won’t get the juiciness that we want to achieve in today’s article.

Do not allow flames to appear.

If during cooking, the juice released from the meat drips into the coals, sprinkle the skewers with marinade.

The meat is fried for at least 20 minutes, but no more than 40 minutes until golden crust. To check readiness, you need to cut the largest piece. If the juice released is clear, then the kebab is ready, and if it is red, then you need to keep it on the coals. And if very little juice comes out or there is none at all, then the kebab is overcooked. We can say that the batch is spoiled.

Shish kebab in a frying pan - fast and tasty!

Classic barbecue, made of course on the grill, no one can argue with that. However, there are situations when it is not possible to cook this dish on the grill. For example, it’s winter outside, and you’re “horrified” about barbecue. Then you can take a frying pan and fry the meat in it.

We will use all stages of preparation, from cutting the meat into cubes, and ending with marinating it in any marinade you choose.

It is better to use a cast iron frying pan.

  • Heat on fire.
  • Place the meat in one layer and fry for 1-2 minutes, then turn over and fry on the other side.
  • Fry until golden brown.
  • Then, pour 100 ml of water, close the lid, and simmer in this way for 10-15 minutes.

During this time, the water is completely evaporated and the meat is already fried in its own juice.

We open the lid, turn the meat over on all sides and see that it has acquired the color of a barbecue kebab. Remove the frying pan and serve the finished dish to the table.

How to cook shish kebab in an electric kebab maker

The electric barbecue maker is convenient for apartment dwellers. Doesn't take up much space, no need to start a fire. Some advantages. And the most interesting thing is that the result is worthy!

The meat is prepared and marinated in the same way as for a regular grill.

The only difference is that the skewers are placed horizontally on the grill, and vertically in the electric kebab maker. Therefore, it is necessary to string pieces of meat in several places so that they do not slide down.

Having installed the skewers, cover the device with a cap and turn it on.

Due to the fact that scrolling occurs around its axis, the meat is fried evenly.

Cooking time is 20-30 minutes.

It is important to control the process.

In the meantime, you can pour some foam and spend time with a friend in the kitchen, in the aroma of smoke, just like in nature.

Shish kebab in the oven on skewers or baking sheet

Cooking in the oven was discussed earlier. It was a kebab recipe in a jar. Let's look at another “oven” option - on skewers and on a baking sheet.

We will use the following recipe.

For 1 kg of pork you will need 200 grams lard, 2 pcs. onions, 3-5 tbsp. table vinegar, 3-4 pcs. bay leaf and salt and pepper to taste.

  • Cut the pork into 3-5 cm cubes,
  • Onion rings and put everything in a bowl for marinating.

  • Add bay leaf, pepper
  • Pour in vinegar (you can use any other sauce instead: kefir, mayonnaise, ketchup).
  • Closing everything plastic film and put in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

After the time has passed, soak the wooden skewers in water for 30 minutes, and alternately thread a piece of meat, an onion ring, and a slice of lard.

It should look something like this...

After this, place the skewers on a baking sheet or wire rack.

Here's the result:

Preheat the oven to 250°C and roast for 20-25 minutes. Every 5-7 minutes it is necessary to turn the meat over and pour over the brine from the remaining marinade.

The dish is ready and can be served with fresh vegetables, pita bread and herbs.

What marinating method will you choose to make the meat soft and juicy?

In this article, we reviewed the most popular and interesting recipes. We hope you found it useful.

Your opinion is important!

Another interesting option A marinade that I will definitely try in the near future is a beer marinade. If you have already used it, please give advice or recommendations...

That's all for today. I wish you good luck and bon appetit!

Share your experience too. Comments and suggestions please below...

Date of publication: 04/24/2018

With the arrival of spring, I want to breathe in the freshness and aromas of budding trees. It is at this time that we celebrate May 1 and 9, for which the state gives us many days off. This is when the outdoor season begins. And, of course, every housewife remembers her special marinade for pork kebab.

There are a lot of them, so in this article I will share with you those recipes that have never let anyone down, and the meat turned out soft and juicy.

And eating shish kebab tastes best with vegetable salads, I propose to make them from Chinese cabbage or with radishes.

  • How to make marinade with soy sauce?
  • Classic recipe with kefir
  • Quick marinade with mineral water
  • Soaking meat in beer
  • Cooking shish kebab with mayonnaise
  • We use mustard and honey

Secrets of marinade to keep meat juicy and soft

You need to know how to cook barbecue. You need to make sure that the meat breaks down into fibers, has a lot of juice and is easy to chew.

Of course, first of all, it all depends on the type of meat itself. Today we chose pork, and it itself is quite tender. And, if you have a neck, carbonate or loin on hand, then the finished dish will turn out to be successful. But, if it’s a different part of the carcass, I advise you to be more careful when choosing a recipe.

Any kebab starts with a marinade. It must include three components:

  1. Acid – makes meat soft and protects against bacteria.
  2. Herbs and spices add additional flavor tones.
  3. Vegetable oil - helps the fibers better absorb acid and spices.

However, remember that salt draws out the juices, so the meat may end up dry. Add it to the general container half an hour before placing the pieces on skewers.

It is better to put pressure on the container. This can be a jar of water from 1 liter.

Also, you should not add a lot of spices, they can interrupt the real aroma of the kebab.

Recipe with vinegar and onions for pork skewers

Any meat, especially pork, loves a lot of onions. It releases juice and saturates the fibers well.

The most popular recipe is vinegar based, it adds the desired sourness. ready-made dish. But this option has disadvantages: the pieces must be marinated for at least 12 hours and the vinegar makes the fibers tough.

Ingredients for 1.5 kg of meat:

  • Vinegar 9% - 50 ml
  • Onion – 700 g
  • Salt – 1.5 tsp.
  • Pepper – 1 tsp.

Cut the onion into rings. Don't make it too small, otherwise it will quickly burn over the fire.

You need to lay it in layers: meat, rings, vinegar, salt, pepper. And then we repeat the entire chain again.

Cover with a plate and place a press, it can be any jar of water, at least 1 liter.

Leave the saucepan in a warm place for an hour, and then put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Armenian recipe at home

This people have a special relationship with kebab, and every Armenian family has its own special recipe, verified over the years, which is inherited.

In general, it is believed that they marinate only with onions and butter. But many will argue and say that without basil Armenian kebab won't be real. That's why there are a lot of herbs in the recipe.

Ingredients for 1 kg:

  • Black pepper
  • Paprika
  • Basil
  • 50 ml sunflower oil
  • 3 onions

If you do not use seasonings, then according to traditional Armenian recipes, take equal proportions of meat and onions.

But every family has several of its own recipes that are passed down from generation to generation. I liked it with the addition of paprika and basil.

Season the pieces and add a pinch of all the herbs.

Cut the head into half rings and send to the meat. And we start squeezing the onion well and mixing everything.
Leave this mixture for 6 hours.

Marinade with soy sauce to keep the meat juicy and tender

They say that salt draws out all the liquid from the meat, as a result it becomes dry. Therefore, we will use soy sauce.

Ingredients for 1 kg:

  • 5 tbsp. spoon - soy sauce
  • 4-5 tbsp. spoons - refined oil
  • 1 teaspoon - marjoram
  • 0.5 teaspoon - paprika
  • 1 teaspoon - coriander

Add soy sauce to the chopped meat and mix.

Add vegetable oil and spices.

Mix and leave for 6 hours.

Classic recipe with kefir

I consider two recipes classic: with vinegar and with kefir. And, if not everyone likes to use vinegar, then kefir marinade does not remove the natural smell of meat, but softens its structure well with its acid.

Ingredients for 2 kg of pork:

  • 1 liter of kefir
  • 7 onions
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.
  • Pepper
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • Bunch of parsley

Chop the herbs and peeled garlic into food processor or blender.

Chop the onion into half rings and not very thinly.

Season the chopped pieces with salt and pepper, place the onion on top and mix thoroughly with your hands.

Pour in the garlic mixture and mix it again with your hands so that every piece of meat is covered in this greenery.

After this, pour the entire liter of kefir into the bowl and mix again.

Leave everything under pressure for 6 hours.

Quick marinade with mineral water

The mineral water is saturated with air, which permeates the pork and makes it even more tender. And, if we use lemon as an acid, then mineral water allows it to penetrate better into the meat. It acts as a good conductor and therefore this marinade is one of the fastest.

For 3 kg of pork:

  • 3 onions
  • 1 lemon
  • 0.5 l sparkling mineral water
  • Salt pepper

We cut the loin into pieces about 5 cm wide; thinner is not necessary, otherwise the kebab inside will be dry.

Cut the onion into half rings.

Divide the lemon in half, squeeze out the juice from one part, cut the other into pieces and place in a container.

Then mix all the ingredients, stir and fill with mineral water.

Leave it for 2 hours and go cook.

Soaking meat in beer

Since you can soak pork in wine, then beer is also suitable. A good unfiltered product contains all the enzymes that will make the fibers juicier. To avoid the beer smell, add spices to the marinade.


  • Parsley
  • 2 onions
  • 1 can of unfiltered dark beer

Cut the onion into half rings and salt it to get a lot of juice.

Finely chop the greens and send them to the meat, where the onions have already been added.

Now you need to crush this mixture well with your hands and mix.

Fill with beer and leave for 4 hours.

Delicious recipe with tomato juice

Tomato juice must be of very high quality. If you have purchased one, then carefully read the composition. It’s better, of course, to take homemade concentrate or adjika.

Ingredients for 2 kg:

  • 600 ml tomato juice
  • 5 onions
  • Barbecue seasoning

Grind the vegetables in a blender into a fine juicy mass.

Let's put it into pieces. Add salt and barbecue seasonings.

Pour in tomato juice and stir.

Leave for 4 hours.

Cooking shish kebab with mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is also often used. It already has lemon juice and vegetable oil, so it replaces almost both of those products and has the same effect on pork. But it has a peculiarity: when fried over a fire, the sauce burns and turns into carcinogenic fats.

If you have the opportunity, it is better to replace it with other products.

For 1 kg of pork:

  • 3 onions
  • 1 large package of mayonnaise
  • Pepper, salt

Place a layer of meat pieces in a bowl, make a grid of mayonnaise on it, then add salt and pepper.

And put the onion tightly on top and add salt to it so that the juice comes out and the mayonnaise comes on top.

Then we repeat the entire sequence again.

Leave for 6 hours.

Delicious recipe with pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice permeates the meat with its tartness and sweetness. You will definitely feel his presence. It is not permissible to add seasonings to this marinade, because they will cover up this subtle sweet and sour taste.

For 2 kg loin:

We cut the onion into half rings, but if you have time, it is better to puree it or grate it into a paste so that it gives more juice.

Place it on salted pieces of loin or carbonate.

Stir and add juice. But, if you are not sure about the quality of the purchased one, then let's use a real pomegranate.

We clean it and remove the grains.

We crush them with a bottle or a crusher. We put them in cheesecloth and begin to crush them. This way you will get real pomegranate juice.

Pour it over the future kebab and mix well.

Leave this mixture for 6-7 hours.

How to prepare a wine marinade?

Meat from the fire noble wine continue to be loved for many generations in a row. Previously, when there was no freezers- it was one of the most available ways extend the life of fresh meat. After all, in southern countries, with a large number of vineyards, produces a lot of wine and wine vinegar.

Ingredients for 1.5 kg of pork:

  • Bottle of dry red wine
  • 2 onions
  • Pepper

Place onion cut into rings onto the pieces of meat.

Pepper and salt this mass and mix.

Fill everything with wine so that all the pieces are under the liquid.

Leave for 12 hours.

We use mustard and honey

But here is a not quite familiar combination of spicy and sweet. You can’t easily eat such a mixture, but the meat comes out with a very unusual sweetish taste of honey.

For 1.5 kg of pork:

  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp. mustard
  • 0.5 kg onions
  • Salt, seasonings

We cut the meat into pieces. Cut the head into rings.

Separately mix honey and mustard until liquid consistency. You can also add your favorite seasonings here.

Pour them over the pork and mix well.

We put the mass under pressure for 1 hour.

Cooking kebab with lemon and onion

If you can substitute vinegar, do so. For example, covering the meat with lemon juice. It will also add sourness, but will not be as aggressive on the fibers. The kebab turns out very juicy and tender.

For 1 kg of meat:

  • 1 lemon
  • 2 onions
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Pepper

Place onion cut into rings over the meat.

Cut the lemon into slices and remove the seeds.

Place the slices in a common container.

Now we begin to mix the meat with our hands; the onion and lemon gradually release their juice.

Add salt and pepper, mix and put in the refrigerator for 12-16 hours.

Marinate meat with kiwi for half an hour

Kiwi contains an enzyme that greatly softens the meat; for pork, half an hour in this marinade is enough. Therefore, before you start cooking, you must first prepare the grill.

For 1 kg of neck:

  • 1 kiwi
  • 3 onions
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Peel the kiwi and grate it or grind it in a blender.

Cut the onion into half rings. We salt them so that it gives juice.

Pepper the pieces of pork and fill them with oil, which seals the pores of the meat and it remains juicy inside.

Add onion and kiwi.

The pork marinates very quickly, about 30 minutes!

Recipe for cooking in an electric kebab maker

When you really want barbecue, you can bake it in the oven or in a special electric barbecue maker. You can use any marinade, but I like to pamper you, so I’ll give you another one good recipe on kvass.

Ingredients for 1 kg of meat:

  • Kvass – 100 ml
  • Onion – 200 gr
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Chili - 0.5 tsp.
  • Ginger – 0.5 tsp.
  • Thyme - to taste
  • Sugar – 0.5 tsp.

Add onion rings, sugar, salt, thyme, chili and black pepper to the meat pieces. Grate the ginger on a coarse grater and also add it to the pork.

Kvass is poured on top of everything.

It takes at least two hours for the meat to become tender.

The electric kebab maker is equipped with a special heating element, skewers and containers into which fat flows. The kebab is fried in it for 20 minutes.

There are small nuances that you need to know before using this device.

You need to thread it onto the skewers so that there is room at the end.

Make the pieces small, otherwise the meat will touch the heating element and burn.

Do not wait for a strong crust, like on a fire. Its presence in an electric kebab maker means that the meat becomes dry and the necessary juices flow out of it.

Video on how to marinate pork in its own juices

But the most delicious kebab is made when you can only feel meat aroma without any impurities. Therefore, I suggest you learn how to marinate pork in its own juice. How to do this is described in detail in the video.

Homemade Tartar sauce. HOMEMADE SAUCES. Simple recipes making sauces at home CORRECT homemade HORRISH!!! Homemade Caesar sauce Salsa sauce: mexican sauce V...

Greetings, our dear readers. Spring is just around the corner, the first warm days are here, it’s time to fry pork kebabs. As they say: open barbecue season. Shashlik - amazing dish, with very delicious meat. Bonfire, smoke spicy taste meat. Yes, this cannot be cooked in the oven.

Today we will talk about classics, almost. Traditionally, kebab is made from pork. The meat is not expensive, but juicy and soft. You can always please your family and friends with this dish.

There are several simple tricks that everyone should know about. Then the kebab will turn out amazing. Today we'll talk a little about this.

Also in the previous article we already talked about juicy recipes, you can read, there is one awesome recipe, which makes even the driest meat juicy and tasty:

Well, now let’s get started and look at the recipe that we have been using for a very long time and often to prepare delicious pork kebabs.

Subtleties of preparation and cooking.

Meat for barbecue.

If we're talking about About pork, it is best to use the neck or neck. We usually take collards. You should always choose fresh, chilled meat. If necessary, you can remove films and excess pieces of fat. But don’t remove a lot of fat, it adds juiciness to the meat.

How to cut meat for shish kebab.

It is best to cut the pork into equal square pieces 3-5 cm wide. If you cut the meat too finely, it will be dry. If the meat is too big pieces, then it will remain raw in the middle.

Preparing coals for barbecue.

Wood-fired kebabs fruit trees are especially aromatic. But you can cook excellent shish kebab on regular coals. Moreover, if you don’t buy coals, you can make a fire using birch wood. They produce more heat and do not smoke much.

If you have a barbecue, then everything is extremely simple. If there is no barbecue, then you need to show ingenuity and a little work to organize a place for preparing barbecue. You can start a fire right on the ground.

If you want to cook several servings of shish kebab, then you need to prepare a place that will keep the heat longer from the heat. You can build something similar to a barbecue from bricks or scrap materials. You can dig a small rectangular hole and make a fire in it. It is important to take into account that in order for the wood to burn out, oxygen must reach the bottom of the pit. To do this, we either make access for oxygen from the side, or stack the firewood in a house (tent).

How to grill shish kebab.

  1. Do not turn the meat too often, this can cause it to become dry. Only at first do we turn the meat quickly. You will get a small crust, and then fry as usual.
  2. Periodically sprinkle the meat with the remaining marinade, wine, beer diluted with water... this way the meat will not be overcooked and will retain its juiciness.
  3. Do not allow the flame to appear, otherwise the meat will burn.
  4. If the heat is not enough, turn the coals around or fan them slightly (do not allow the flame to burn). This procedure is best done after removing the skewers from the heat.
  5. You can check the readiness of meat in several ways: cut the meat large piece meat, the juice should be clear; pierce the meat with a knife; if the meat is soft, then it is ready (again, pay attention to the color of the juice).
  6. The temperature from the heat can be checked by holding your hand over the coals in the place where you plan to fry the meat.
A few words about the barbecue marinade.

Today we marinate shish kebab in onions. Onions have the ability to perfectly soften meat. In addition to the technology described, you can use several more of its variations:

  1. Marinate the meat in onion juice. This method of pickling gives excellent results, but it is not always possible to obtain onion juice.
  2. Grind the onion using a meat grinder, blender or grater and marinate the meat in this gruel. The meat is marinated perfectly. But onions have the ability to caramelize, and if you leave pieces of meat in the onion “breading”, it will burn very quickly. A solution was suggested by a friend - wash the meat in dry wine before cooking.
  3. If you need a very quick result, then you can use the recipe described below, but in addition to onions and spices, add highly carbonated mineral water to the meat.

Classic: pork kebab.

This recipe is quite common, but we do it better than anyone, so we’ll describe it first. Quite simple, it takes time to marinate, it’s better to start in the evening in order to cook kebabs the next day.


  • Pork neck - 1.5 kg;
  • Onions - 500 g.

For the marinade:

  • Onions - 1 kg;
  • Salt - 2 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp.

For pork kebab, it is best to choose the neck or neck. We cut the meat into equal pieces with a side width of 3-5 cm. If desired, you can make small cuts or punctures along the fibers, but this is not a mandatory procedure.

Peel the onion and cut into large rings or half rings.

Part of the onion can be left for stringing on skewers.

Place the meat, onions and spices in a suitable container. If desired, you can add any spices and seasonings to your taste.

Mix the meat and onions well. You need to knead the meat and onions until the onions become soft and acquire dark shade. How juicier onions all the better.

The mixing process may take from 10 to 20 minutes.

We tamp the meat and onions into a suitable container and leave to marinate, ideally overnight.

If you need to speed up the marinating process, you can pour highly carbonated water over the meat. mineral water, then the meat will be ready in 1-2 hours.

Step 6.

The meat can be threaded along the grain onto skewers in pure form, or you can alternate it with onions, tomatoes, bell pepper, eggplants, zucchini, potatoes, or other vegetables of your choice.

We fry the meat with onions, and we use fresh onions not from the marinade.

The onion from the marinade has already given all its juice to the meat, and it doesn’t look very marketable, so we chop fresh onions rings.

Alternately string pieces of meat and onion rings onto skewers.

Thread larger pieces of meat onto the center of the skewer, smaller pieces along the edges.

It is necessary to prepare all the skewers before sending them to the fire.

We check the temperature over the fire with our hands and place the skewers over the coals.

Important! The fire must burn well so that there are no flames, otherwise the kebab will burn.

As the meat cooks, you need to turn the skewers.

This should not be done too often, as otherwise the meat will turn out dry. During the cooking process, the meat should be periodically sprinkled with the remaining marinade diluted with water, wine or beer.

We monitor the temperature above the coals. If necessary, you can lower or raise the skewers/grill. If it is not possible to adjust the height of the skewers, then, depending on the need, you can either lightly sprinkle the coals with water, or mix them and inflate them.

The readiness of kebabs can be checked in several ways:

— You can cut the largest piece and check the color of the juice, it should be transparent.

— You can pierce the meat with a knife, if it is soft and the juice is clear, then the kebab is ready.

Serve the kebab hot, after removing it from the skewers. It is best to serve meat with bread, sauces and a large number of greens, bon appetit!

Pork kebabs according to a very quick recipe (video).

Here good video How to make shish kebab quickly, and it will turn out very tasty. Plus there are several secrets on how to make really tasty kebab. Let's look:

Vinegar marinade for pork shish kebab with mustard.

Very fragrant and spicy dish on coals. For such a kebab, choose pork neck for marinating. Marinade includes fresh vegetables, a little mustard and vinegar. The taste will be amazing.

We will need:

  • Pork neck - 1.5 kg;
  • Onions - 2 pcs;
  • Garlic - 5 cloves;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • Red Bell pepper- 2 pcs;
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Seasoning - to taste.

Prepare the meat, rinse and dry. Slice in portioned pieces deleting excess fat and veins. Transfer to a deep bowl.

Do not cut off all the fat, it will only add juiciness.

Peel the onion and garlic. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the garlic finely, and place in a bowl.

Cut the tomatoes into quarters, remove the core and seeds from the sweet pepper, and cut into rings. Add to the pork, mix everything together with your hands.

Then add the spices, I use natural barbecue mix, grill seasoning. Mix well.

Pour in vegetable oil and vinegar. Add the mustard, then mix thoroughly until each piece is coated with the marinade.

Cover the bowl with meat and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 4-6 hours, or better yet, leave it overnight.

Before frying, thread the pieces onto skewers and fry over coals until cooked. Have a delicious picnic, bon appetit!

Pork kebabs in beer marinade.

Pork kebabs, or rather pork brisket - for lovers of fatty kebab with a lot of fried lard. Fatty meat does not require a special softening marinade, so beer acts as a flavoring agent in this recipe. Lard marinated in beer turns out very aromatic, with the taste of hops.

Everything is prepared quite quickly, it will take about 3 hours.


  • Pork belly - 600 g;
  • Onions - 2 pcs;
  • Light beer - 0.5 cups;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Pepper to taste;
  • Spices to taste.

Cut the meat into pieces, the onion into thick circles. Combine everything in a container, add salt and pepper to taste, stir, rubbing the spices into the meat.

Pour in cold beer and leave for 1 hour.

Thread the meat and onions onto skewers.

Grill shish kebab from pork belly over moderately hot coals until crusty.

Fatty kebab should always be served hot; when cold it loses its flavor. taste qualities, and not everyone likes frozen lard. Therefore, if such a pork belly kebab has cooled down, it can easily be reheated in microwave oven. Serve pork kebab best with vegetables, citrus slices and herbs.

Awesome marinade for pork shish kebab with matsoni (kefire) (video).

Pork kebabs this recipe we did as shown in the video. For those who cannot get matsoni, like us, we tried it for the first time with kefir. It’s also very tasty, so we recommend everyone try it.

Marinade with nutmeg and lemon juice.

Extraordinarily tender spicy kebabs you can make it from pork if you first marinate the meat in nutmeg with lemon juice. Great snack Being in nature will bring a lot of pleasant impressions.

We will need:

  • Pork - 1 kg;
  • Red onion - 8 pcs;
  • Nutmeg - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Juice of one lemon;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Seasoning for pork - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cut the onion into rings and place some in a deep bowl. Place the sliced ​​pork on top. Add spices: salt, pepper, nutmeg, seasoning. Mix everything.

Then, in a separate bowl, mix the second part of the red onion with the juice of one lemon, while crushing the onion until juice forms. Transfer the marinade to a bowl and mix thoroughly. Cover the dish and marinate in a cool place for 6 hours or more.

Fry the meat on skewers on the grill until beautiful crust. Have a good mood Bon appetit to you!

That's all for us, write your opinion in the comments. Also join us on Odnoklassniki and support us on our channel in Yandex.Zen. Goodbye everyone and see you in new releases.

Pork kebabs: best recipes with juicy and tender meat. updated: April 25, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel