Fruit jelly dessert. What dessert is better: video

Various desserts are especially popular in every family. They are eaten with pleasure by both adults and children, but useful qualities such dishes often leave a lot to be desired. After all, purchased sweets contain a lot chemical substances: colorants, preservatives, flavors, etc., which can adversely affect the activity of organs and systems. But tasty and healthy desserts can be made at home. Let's talk on the about how fruit jelly is prepared, we will give a recipe for gelatin and fruits. How to make it at home?

Fruit jelly from gelatin and fruits ( fresh apples and cherries)

To prepare such a delicious and healthy dessert, you need to prepare one medium apple, fifteen cherries, six mint leaves, a couple of tablespoons of gelatin. You will also need one hundred milligrams of sugar, half a liter of water, a tablespoon of sweet white wine, and half a lemon.

First, peel the apple and chop it into small pieces. Boil water in an enamel saucepan, dissolve sugar in it. Squeeze three to four tablespoons of juice out of the lemon and add to the syrup. Pour a tablespoon of wine there and add apples. Cook over low heat for five minutes. Of course, if the jelly is intended for children, the wine should be excluded.

Remove the apples from the syrup, put them in prepared molds. Remove the pits from the cherries and place the cherries on the second layer after the apples.

Soak gelatin in cold boiled water, observing the ratio of 1: 6. After swelling, combine such a mixture with chilled syrup, stir. Pour fruit in tins with such a liquid, add mint leaves to them and send to the refrigerator. The jelly should harden within one and a half to two hours.

In order to remove the jelly from the molds, simply dip them in boiling water for a couple of seconds and turn them over onto a plate. The finished dish can be poured berry syrup(cold) or ice cream.

How to make fruit jelly at home from oranges

To prepare such a delicious dessert, you need to prepare a couple of oranges, one glass of sugar, a couple of glasses of water and a tablespoon of gelatin. You will also need a little citric acid.

Remove the zest and rinds from the oranges, and chop the pulp into thin slices, remembering to remove the grains. Fill the prepared fruit with half a glass of sugar and leave for half an hour in order to get Orange juice... Boil the water with the rest of the sugar and orange peel... Next, cool the syrup a little, add the swollen gelatin (you need to soak it first) and stir until it is completely dissolved. Then mix orange juice and citric acid into the syrup. Strain the resulting liquid and fill half of the molds with it. Place the orange slices on top and fill them with the remaining jelly. Refrigerate until solid. You can make tangerine jelly in the same way.

Cherry jelly

To prepare such a delicious dessert, you need to prepare a couple of glasses of cherries, half a glass of granulated sugar and one and a half glasses of water. You will also need half a tablespoon of gelatin.

Ripe cherries worth rinsing cold water... Next, throw it in a colander and remember well with a spoon. Collect the resulting juice. Pour the cherry mass with water, bring to a boil and strain. Dissolve sugar, swollen gelatin and collected cherry juice in the finished broth. Achieve complete dissolution of the gelatin, then pour the syrup into molds and refrigerate in the refrigerator.

Melon jelly

To prepare amazingly aromatic and tasty jelly, you will need half a kilogram of melon, half a liter of water and half a glass of granulated sugar. Also prepare a couple of tablespoons of gelatin and a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice.

Ripe melon rinse, peel and grains, and then squeeze the juice out of it. Put water on fire, boil it and dissolve sugar in it. Next, add melon juice, freshly squeezed lemon juice and swollen gelatin to the resulting syrup. Stir constantly until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour the resulting mixture into molds and refrigerate until it solidifies.

Strawberry jelly with champagne

This homemade fruit jelly recipe can only be prepared and tasted by adults. To prepare such a delicious dessert, it is worth preparing three hundred grams of strawberries, three hundred milliliters of champagne, one hundred fifty grams of sugar, ten to twelve grams of gelatin and juice squeezed from half a lemon.

First, soak the gelatin in lukewarm water for forty minutes. Champagne with sugar and also lemon juice heat up to eighty degrees (no more). Add squeezed gelatin to this mixture and dissolve it with constant stirring. Cool the prepared solution.
Arrange the strawberries in portioned tins, pour over the prepared jelly and place in the refrigerator for at least four hours until they solidify. You can make pineapple jelly in the same way.

Fruit jelly with fruits (raspberry, apple, strawberry, blackberry, blueberry puree)

To prepare such a dish, prepare one hundred grams of fruit. You can use raspberries, apples, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. You will also need forty grams of sugar, five grams of gelatin, and fifty grams of cream. Sort the fruits and rub them through a sieve or chop them with a blender, combine them with some water, add sugar to the container and bring to a boil. Next, add the swollen gelatin to the hot mixture. Next, cool the jelly and pour it into molds. Leave in the refrigerator to cool completely.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Jelly - useful product, which has been at the peak of "tasty" fashion for many years. This cool sweetness is loved by both kids and adults.

Great news for those who follow their figure. Jelly contains a minimum of calories! Despite the fact that gelatin itself is quite high in calories (350 kcal per hundred grams), dishes made from it are considered dietary. Since only about 15 g of thickener is needed to prepare a liter of dessert.

In order for the jelly to set well and decorate the table, you need to know some basic rules of preparation. First you need to properly dilute the product. Most manufacturers indicate on the packaging all the necessary information, but there are some subtleties, without knowing which you can easily ruin the dessert:

  • it is advisable to pour gelatin with boiled water. After the product "takes" the liquid, it must be darkened over low heat;
  • in order not to guess with the consistency, it is important to observe the proportions. If you need a "light" solidification, you should use no more than 20 g per liter of liquid;
  • if the recipe requires a dense "marmalade" result, a proportion of 40 + / 1 L will do;
  • it is also worth taking care of the "temperature" regime. Do not boil gelatin. After such high temperatures it will not thicken. The same goes for the cold. If you cool the thickener in the freezer, there is a risk of hopelessly spoiling the dish;
  • the most important criterion for preparing a high-quality dessert (or aspic and aspic, where gelatin is also used) is its freshness. Before buying, do not be lazy and still look at the date of manufacture. Also take a look at the integrity of the packaging. It is unlikely that anyone will like to find a caked lump in a bag when cooking, instead of a crumbly product.

How to dilute gelatin for sweet dishes

A great way to calculate the amount of liquid you need is the 1/5 formula. That is, one part gelatin for five parts liquid. You can use water, as well as juices, compotes or wine. The swelling process will take approximately half an hour.

Swollen gelatin must be dissolved. It is best to use a water bath to keep it from boiling.

It is worth mixing the dissolved gelatin with the bulk when both ingredients have approximately the same temperature. This approach will help to avoid lumps in the finished dish.

With soluble gelatin, things are much easier. Cooking information is usually indicated on the packaging and corresponds to the quality of the product. There are usually given required proportions liquids.

Preparation savory dishes does not bear any fundamental differences. The only thing that is important to note is that gelatin can be poured into a hot broth, and even boiled a little (not for long, otherwise the taste of gelatin will be found in the finished dish).

Making jelly at home

For cooking plain jelly you need water, sugar, gelatin, and fruit (or milk) filling. Gelatin is soaked, according to the proportions, and the desired consistency, and after swelling, draining excess water, is introduced into the hot base, while not stopping stirring.

After dissolving the gelatin, the mass is cooled and poured into molds. The setting time depends on the amount of thickener used.

And to free the finished jelly from the forms, you need to lower them into hot water, and then, covering with a plate, turn over.

We propose to complicate the task and find out how to make dessert jelly with gelatin at home.

To prepare "juicy" jelly you will need:

  • juice - 500 ml ( any will do... But it should be borne in mind that sour juices may "require" more sugar);
  • insoluble gelatin - 25 g;
  • sugar - 1 tsp

Cooking time - 2 hours 20 minutes.

Caloric content - 45 kcal / 100 g.

Mix gelatin with juice. Leave to swell for about 1 hour. After this time has elapsed, add sugar to the mass and send the container over low heat. Stir with a non-metal spoon. As soon as the gelatin and sugar dissolve, stop heating. It is necessary not to let the mass boil.

The next step is pouring into molds. For decoration, you can lay out the bottom of the forms with fruits or berries. They should be washed first, and if necessary, remove the bones. This is important if small children are eating dessert.

Having poured the future jelly into molds, it must be placed in a cold place to solidify.

If you have to put it in the refrigerator, it is better to fit the forms cling film, so that the smells of other products are not absorbed into the dessert.

After hardening, the dessert can be removed from the molds. It is best to resort to dipping the molds in hot water. But it is important to ensure that splashes do not fall on the finished dish, thereby spoiling its appearance.

It can be served in combination with ice cream, cream, or as an independent dessert.

Berry jelly recipe

You will need:

  • berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc.) - 500 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 25 g;
  • water - 500 ml.

Caloric content - 300 kcal.

First, soak the gelatin in cold water... Leave it on for one hour.

Peel the berries from the stalks, rinse with running water and leave on a napkin until it escapes excess water... Then rub the berries through a sieve, squeeze the juice. Dissolve the swollen gelatin over low heat.

Berry puree should be boiled for several minutes with sugar, until it is completely dissolved. Then cool and add to the berry juice.

Into the mix berry puree and add warm gelatin to the juice, stir until combined.

Moisten the molds with water, put a few on the bottom fresh berries, pour the mixture and leave to harden.

Lingonberry Jelly Recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • lingonberry berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • gelatin - 50 g;
  • water - 500 ml.

Cooking time - 2 hours 30 minutes.

The calorie content of one portion is 600 kcal.

Soak gelatin in water and leave to swell for one hour. While the thickener is being prepared, you need to sort out the berries, pour boiling water over them and drain the water, leaving a little at the bottom. Then you need to grind the lingonberries and squeeze through cheesecloth.

Add sugar to the juice collected from berries and put the container on fire. Cook until sugar dissolves, stirring occasionally. The next step is adding gelatin. It is important to ensure that the mass does not boil for the next few minutes. That's the whole procedure.

The finished jelly must be put in jars. By the way, they do not need to be sterilized. This berry is not prone to fermentation. Turn the rolled jars over, placing them on the lids, and after cooling, store in a cool, dark place.

For lovers of dairy desserts - white jelly

To make it you will need:

  • milk - 350 g;
  • water - 150 g;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp;
  • gelatin - 1 tablespoon

Cooking time - 2 hours 30 minutes.

Calorie content - 200 kcal.

To prepare milk jelly, start by preparing the gelatin. Cover it with water and leave for 1 hour. Heat the milk almost to a boil, remove from the stove, add sugar to it and warm it up a little more. Separate the gelatin from the liquid remaining after swelling.

While stirring, add the gelatin to the slightly cooled milk. For flavor, it is advised to add vanilla sugar. Jelly must be poured into forms through a strainer.
You can remove the dessert from the containers in a standard way: put the mold in hot water.

Strawberry Jelly Cake Recipe

Jelly - universal product... It's tasty enough to serve as a stand-alone dessert, and it goes well with ready meals... It is often used in confectionery especially when baking cakes.

In order for jelly to serve as an excellent addition to the cake, it must be prepared correctly, following all the rules. If the gelatin is soluble, you can, following the instructions on the package, immediately start preparing the mass.

If it is ordinary, first you will need to fill it with water and let it stand for a while. In total, the thickener will need 10 g. The following is the recipe homemade jelly from gelatin and strawberries for the cake.

So the gelatin is ready. In addition to him, you will need:

  • water - 100 g;
  • strawberries - 150 g;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar.

Cooking time (taking into account the swelling of gelatin) - 2 hours 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 65 kcal.

Grind the berries in a saucepan, adding sugar, then pour in 2 tablespoons of water. Boil everything together for a few minutes. After cool down a little, drain excess fluid and add gelatin to the strawberries.

  • if the jelly is supposed to be used as a layer, you need to pour it into the mold and let it harden. Then cut into pieces and put on the cream, then cover with the next cake;
  • and if you have to make a cake decoration, it should be given special attention. First, cool to room temperature. Having previously prepared the sides on the cake so that the liquid does not "run away". Cardboard rolled into a ring and stuck into the top cake is best suited for this. Pour in very carefully. Place the cake in a cool place to set. After the thickener has set, the cardboard edges can be carefully removed.

Confectioner's Notes

  • if the recipe contains fruit, it is best to add a little more gelatin. Otherwise, the juice, which will give, for example, oranges, may interfere with the seizure of the thickener. Which will lead to a fidgeting layer inside the finished dessert;
  • you love sweets, but keep an eye on the figure, your salvation is jelly. It is nutritious and healthy. You can also use a substitute instead of sugar, which will further reduce the calorie content of the dessert;
  • multi-colored jelly looks very impressive in transparent tall glasses. If you fix the glass in a tilted position before pouring the first layer, you can get an excellent jelly "awry". And to differentiate the colors, you can use the milk layer as an intermediate layer.

In short, there is no more “creative” product than gelatin. It can be used to create great desserts, as well as beautifully decorate ready-made ones. And the benefits of gelatin in the diet are simply undeniable.

There is another recipe for making jelly in the next video.

Bright, summer, refreshing, light and healthy dessert- all this can be said about the gelatin jelly recipe. It is prepared from countless berries and fruits, and dairy products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese and milk) are used as a base. The treat can be served in portions or be prepared in the form of a cake. The main thing is that to create this delicious beauty it will not take much time, and all the subtleties will be discussed below.

Several gelling substances are used in cooking: pectin, which is obtained from fruits (citrus fruits, apples), agar-agar - the same substance vegetable origin(from algae) and gelatin obtained from animal raw materials.

The latter product is most commonly found in culinary recipes... Therefore, before proceeding with how to make gelatin jelly, you need to familiarize yourself with all the rules for its preliminary preparation.

First, gelatin is soaked in cold water. The amount of water is taken depending on which product is used. Sheet gelatin can be poured very big amount water, as it can then be easily drained. For powder or granules of the product, they usually take liquids 3-5 times more than the weight of gelatin.

The swelling time may vary depending on different manufacturers... In this matter, it is worth focusing on the terms indicated on the package.

Melt gelatin soaked in moisture to a liquid state, but so that it does not lose its gelling properties, it must not be allowed to boil. Therefore, the best way to melt is steam bath or a microwave oven "Defrost" mode. After that, the gelatin is completely ready for further use.

Fruit juice jelly with gelatin

Suitable for this dessert fruit juices without pulp with saturated color such as grape, pomegranate, orange or cherry. Using them as a base allows you to get a bright delicacy with a rich fruity taste.

In the recipe for jelly from juice, gelatin and liquid are taken in the following proportions:

  • 500 ml of any fruit juice;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • sugar to taste if the juice is not sweet enough;
  • 25 g of gelatin.

Cooking technology:

  1. Pour water into the thickener and leave to swell according to the recommendations on the package.
  2. Sweeten the juice of fruits or berries to taste and send to the stove, wait for a boil and boil for ten minutes.
  3. If the gelatin is already swollen, but there is still water, carefully drain it. Remove the hot juice from the heat and put the gelatin into it, stir the jelly base until all the gelatin particles have dispersed.
  4. Pour the slightly cooled mixture into prepared molds. If you wish, you can decorate fresh fruit... Allow the dessert to freeze completely in the refrigerator.

Jam recipe

Cherry, raspberry, or other jams can form the basis of a refreshing summer treat - jam jelly. If there are pieces of fruit or whole berries in the preparation, they will add zest to the dessert.

List of ingredients required for jelly:

  • 200 ml of jam;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 25 g of gelatin.


  1. Prepare gelatin for further use (soak and dissolve to a liquid state) as indicated in the instructions on the package. The amount of water required to prepare it is not included in the list of ingredients.
  2. Pour the jam with the amount of water specified in the recipe, add sugar and stir. Then boil the mixture for 10 minutes and cool to about 50 degrees.
  3. Combine the jam base and liquid gelatin, pour everything into molds and put it in the refrigerator for four hours until it solidifies. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream, garnish with a sprig of mint.

Cooking with sour cream

Sour cream jelly is undeservedly considered a high-calorie dessert, because, contrary to popular belief, not fatty is ideal for its preparation homemade sour cream, a store product with a fat content of 15%.

To prepare a delicate sour cream dessert on gelatin, you will need:

  • 400 g low-fat sour cream;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 30 g of gelatin.

Priority of actions:

  1. So that the sugar dissolves faster in the sour cream, and the gelatin does not curl up in lumps, take all the ingredients of the dessert out of the refrigerator in advance, allowing them to warm up to room temperature.
  2. Beat the sour cream with a mixer into a fluffy mass, gradually adding vanilla and regular sugar.
  3. When all the grains disperse in dairy product, a couple of spoons sweet sour cream transfer to a container with prepared liquid gelatin, mix and combine with the total mass.
  4. Decompose sour cream jelly on the bowls and send in the cold until it solidifies. Part of the jelly can be dyed brown with cocoa and put into a mold, like colorful dough when baking Zebra pie. You can also make a flaky dessert by alternating fruits (anything other than kiwi and pineapple) and jelly.

Homemade milk jelly

The simplest milk jelly requires only three ingredients: prepared gelatin, milk and sugar. But this one low calorie dessert can be varied by adding various spices (vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon), chocolate or cocoa, coffee and fruits.

For classic homemade milk jelly, take:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • powdered vanilla to taste.


  1. Put milk on fire and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, add sugar and vanillin to the yolks, grind everything until a homogeneous creamy mass.
  2. Pour hot milk to the yolks with sugar, stir until smooth. Then put the swollen gelatin and warm everything up a little with constant stirring, without heating the mass above 60 degrees.
  3. Pour hot milk jelly on a prepared dry container and after it reaches room temperature, put it in the refrigerator until it is completely stabilized.

Jelly can be served in bowls, cups or other molds in which it has solidified, or you can dip the mold in hot water for a couple of minutes and carefully remove the jelly onto a plate. This creates more room for effective presentation.

How to make dessert from compote

As for the use winter preparations for cooking summer desserts, then you can make not only jelly from jam, but also from compote. Special taste a pinch of citric acid, vanilla or cinnamon can add to the dish.

The ratio of components for compote jelly will be as follows:

  • 500 ml of compote;
  • 30 g of gelatin.

Cooking process:

  1. Strain the compote to filter out fruits and berries. Take a piss required amount liquid and pour gelatin over it. Leave the mixture alone for 30 minutes.
  2. Then put the compote with gelatin on the fire and heat it, not allowing it to boil, until all the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. Pour half of the jelly base over silicone molds for muffins and send to the refrigerator, filling them to the middle.
  4. When the jelly in the molds hardens, put the berries from the compote on it and pour the remaining jelly. Serve after completely hardening, taking out of the molds.

Kefir option

According to the same principle as sour cream jelly, a dessert is prepared based on a different fermented milk product- kefir. The dish can be just white, or you can prepare a beautiful multi-colored treat using food coloring, but even without them, you will be able to make a beautiful vanilla-chocolate jelly.

It will require:

  • 1000 ml of kefir;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 100 g dark chocolate without additives;
  • 15 g gelatin;
  • 3 g vanillin.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Beat kefir at room temperature with a mixer operating at medium speed, together with sugar and vanilla.
  2. When all the crystals of the sweetener have melted, add the prepared gelatin. Divide the jelly base into two equal parts.
  3. For serving, take beautiful stemmed wine glasses. Fix them horizontally at an angle so that they can be half filled with liquid. Pour in vanilla jelly on kefir and put in the cold.
  4. Melt a bar of chocolate in a steam bath and add the jelly to the second part, whisking the mass with a mixer. When the white part has hardened, place the glasses upright and fill them chocolate jelly, after hardening of which, the dessert is ready to serve.

Curd jelly with gelatin

Curd jelly can be prepared only on the basis of curd, sugar and prepared gelatin. In this case, it is better to soak and dissolve it not in water, but in milk. But there is a recipe for a more tender curd dessert more like a souffle.

For curd jelly with a delicate creamy taste, take:

  • 900 g soft dietary cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml vanilla syrup;
  • 20 g vanilla sugar;
  • 16 g gelatin;
  • 250 ml heavy confectionery whipping cream.

How to make gelatin and cottage cheese jelly:

  1. Put the curd in a container of a suitable size, pour in the vanilla syrup and grind with an immersion blender until smooth. Next, add the prepared liquid gelatin and mix everything with a blender again.
  2. Whisk the cooled cream until firm peaks with vanilla sugar... In order not to over-whip the cream and dissolve all the particles, sugar can be ground into powder in a coffee grinder.
  3. Next, gently mix both masses (creamy and curd) with a spatula. Arrange in prepared containers and after hardening, you can enjoy the creamy curd tenderness.

Strawberry at home

In the strawberry season, it will be a big oversight not to try to make delicious jelly from juice and whole berries strawberries.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 550 g of strawberries;
  • 220 g granulated sugar;
  • 200 ml of cold water;
  • 15 g of gelatin.

Cooking strawberry dessert as follows;

  1. Strawberries, sort out, remove the stalks, rinse and dry on a paper towel. Squeeze the juice out of about half of the total number of berries.
  2. Cover the rest of the strawberries with sugar and add water, bring to a boil and boil for 3-4 minutes. Then strain the broth, and gently arrange the berries in the molds.
  3. Prepare gelatin using strawberry broth. Combine the loose thickener with strawberry juice and pour the berries over them, and after waiting for everything to freeze, you can proceed to tasting.

Step by step preparation from cranberries

The recipe for jelly with gelatin and cranberries allows you to get not only very useful, but also original dessert... After all, the benefits of cranberries are preserved due to the fact that the grated berries do not succumb to the influence of high temperatures, and the pink airy jelly foam makes the dish more interesting.

The proportions of the ingredients used:

  • 160 g fresh or frozen cranberries;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 10 g gelatin.

Cooking steps:

  1. First, pour 100 ml of cold water over gelatin and safely forget about it for the next 30 minutes.
  2. If using a frozen product, defrost cranberries, then rinse, dry and puree with a blender.
  3. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve. Pour the cake with the remaining 400 ml of water and send it to the fire, and the mashed potatoes will be needed a little later.
  4. Pour sugar into boiled water with oil cake and boil for a couple of minutes until it is completely dissolved, remove from heat.
  5. When the liquid cools down a little, introduce the swollen and melted gelatin into it. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve and mix with cranberry puree.
  6. Pour 2/3 of the liquid jelly into portioned dishes, without adding a few centimeters to the brim, and send it to the refrigerator until it solidifies.
  7. Cool the rest of the jelly until liquid jelly and beat with a mixer into foam, which is then spread over the frozen jelly, and again put the dessert in the refrigerator.

Homemade plum treat

Plum, along with other fruits and berries, can also be an excellent base for a delicious sweet and sour jelly.

In this case, you need to take:

  • 150 g ripe plum fruits;
  • 100 g of sugar (the amount of this ingredient can be adjusted according to personal preference);
  • 600 ml of drinking water;
  • 20 g of gelatin.

Homemade Plum Gelatin Jelly Recipe Step by Step:

  1. After removing the pits, cut the washed plums into small pieces, pour 0.5 liters of water, add sugar and boil everything on the stove after boiling for five minutes.
  2. Using the remaining 100 ml of water, prepare the recipe amount of gelatin.
  3. Pour hot plums in syrup into a blender bowl and beat into a homogeneous mass. Then return to the saucepan and combine with prepared gelatin.
  4. When the jelly has cooled to room temperature, it should be distributed in portioned containers and sent to the cold for 2-4 hours.

Cherry Jelly with Gelatin

This dessert looks expensive restaurant dish if poured into bowls and garnish with whipped cream and cocktail cherries before serving. You can cook cherry jelly from jam, juice or compote, and in season you can take fresh cherries.

List of products used:

  • 300 g cherries;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 600 ml of water;
  • 20 g of gelatin.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the gelling component with 100 ml of water and leave to absorb moisture. Depending on the product used, it will take up to half an hour.
  2. Place the remaining water and sugar in a saucepan of the correct displacement, stir and heat.
  3. While the syrup is boiling, remove the seeds from the washed cherries. Then put them in a boiling sugar solution and boil for ten minutes.
  4. Remove the cherries from the heat, transfer the swollen gelatin into them, which stir until smooth. After that, it remains only to pour the jelly into the bowls and let it freeze.

Making fruit jelly is a fun process! Prepare this delicious dessert from fruits or berries according to our recipes.

  • Gelatin - 1 tablespoon
  • Water - 1 tbsp. (200 ml)
  • Juice - 400 ml (it is better to take two types of juice, 200 ml each)
  • Sugar to taste
  • Fruit - optional

Most reliable way to cook good jelly from gelatin - read the instructions on the gelatin packaging. After all, the gelling properties of gelatin differ depending on the manufacturer and on the type of gelatin. For example, gelatin in plates has a lower gelling ability than powdered gelatin, and the methods for preparing the gelatinous mass are fundamentally different.

V this recipe suggested approximate rates based on the instructions for the specific powdered gelatin.

1 tbsp pour gelatin with one glass of cold water and leave for about an hour to swell.

Next, prepare the juices, on the basis of which the jelly will be prepared. Juices can be packaged or prepared at home. There is no clear framework for the combination of types of juices, it all depends on your preferences. The only thing that will look more spectacular will be juices contrasting in color. But if you want to make one kind of jelly, this question should not worry you.

Pour juice (in this case pineapple) into a saucepan, add half of the gelatinous mass there. Taste, if the juice is sour, then add sugar to taste. Heat the juice until the gelatin and sugar dissolve. Then pour the juice into containers and send it to the refrigerator until it solidifies. V pineapple layer you can add pineapple slices or slice. It is advisable to pour the jelly into transparent cups or bowls.

With the next layer, you need to do the same, pour into the pan Cherry juice, add the rest of the gelatinous mass and heat until the gelatin dissolves. Carefully pour the cherry juice onto the well-set pineapple layer. Top can be decorated with berries or fruits.

It is ideal to decorate with those berries and fruits, the juices of which were used in the preparation of gelatin jelly. For example, in the pineapple layer it is worth lowering the pineapple pieces, and in the cherry layer - the cherry. This will not only decorate the dessert, but also define the type of jelly.

Recipe 2: how to make pear fruit jelly

You can prepare such a delicacy from pears of any kind, but softer fruits are still best suited, because they boil well. I also want to note that you can replace sugar and gelatin in this simple pear jelly recipe with gelling sugar (500 grams), then you can not add lemon with jelly at all.

  • Pear - 1 Kilogram
  • Sugar - 500 Grams
  • Edible gelatin - 5 grams
  • Lemon - 1 Piece

First you need to rinse the pears and lemon, wipe them, prepare the rest of the ingredients.

We peel the pears from the core and cut the fruit into pieces, put them together with the lemon in a saucepan.

Add sugar to the pan and put it on low heat.

Simmer a pear over low heat for 5-6 minutes, then increase the heat to maximum and bring the liquid to a boil (the pears should be juiced). After that, again make the smallest fire and continue to cook pears with lemon for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

After the time has elapsed, the resulting mass must be rubbed through a fine sieve or using a special device.

Next, soak the gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Pour the pear mass into the pan again, add the swollen gelatin and put the pan on low heat. Stirring the mass constantly, heat it so that the gelatin is completely dissolved, but do not bring it to a boil. We pour the future jelly into sterilized jars and close them tightly with lids.

We make jars of jelly together, cover them with a towel and leave them until they cool completely.

Recipe 3: apple jelly with cinnamon for the winter

  • medium apples - 10 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 piece
  • granulated sugar- 2 cups
  • cinnamon -1 stick

Choose to make this jelly ripe apples not too sweet variety with sourness, rinse them thoroughly in cold water, remove the cuttings, cut into slices and remove the cores (you can skip this process). Rinse the lemon and cut it in half.

Pour quarters of apples into a deep and suitable volume (only not aluminum) pan, send half a lemon there along with a small stick fragrant cinnamon... Pour the contents of the pan with water so that the liquid completely covers the fruit slices, bring to a boil and simmer the apples for 45-60 minutes.

Now the filtering process will take place. Take another one of the same volume and not aluminum pan, put a large sieve or colander with cheesecloth on top, send the contents of the pan with apples there. Over the next night, or just 8 hours, let the apples drip like this.

In no case do not press on the apples, otherwise the jelly will be cloudy, the fruits can only be mixed very lightly and very gently. After the specified time has elapsed, you can send small glass jars into the oven and continue making apple jelly. As a result, your mass should be approximately the same as shown in the photo.

It's okay, if the strained juice after eight hours looks slightly cloudy, the process of further boiling will cope with this hut. We put the pan on the stove, having previously measured the volume of the pure liquid obtained: for about 600 milliliters of juice, you need to use 1 cup of sugar.

Pour the granulated sugar into a saucepan, mix the ingredients with a wooden spoon, heat and dissolve the crystals. After boiling, cook the jelly for about 15-20 minutes until thick and cooked.

Pour hot jelly into previously prepared glass jars of the same temperature, roll it up hermetically or tighten with the same sterilized lids. Leave the jelly until it cools completely. room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator until it hardens, store the workpiece in the same place.

Recipe 4, step by step: apple jelly with gelatin

  • apples 500 grams
  • 2.5 cups water
  • sugar ¾ glass
  • gelatin 15 grams
  • cinnamon to taste

Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan, add sugar there and heat, while stirring until the syrup drips from the spoon slowly.

We wash the apples and cut them into pieces together with the skin and a hard core with seeds, since they contain the substances necessary for the formation of jelly. After that, pour the apples halfway with water and put on fire and cook after boiling for half an hour, then pour the boiled apples into a saucepan with gauze through a colander.

Cover the colander with a lid and leave the apples for two hours until all the juice has drained into the pan. Next, we make jelly from this juice. We measure the resulting juice using a measuring glass. And based on a liter of juice, add seven hundred grams of sugar, add sugar to our juice and set it to cook on the fire.

We must remove the foam that has appeared, and cook the syrup for about half an hour. Before you finish cooking the syrup, it must be checked for readiness: you need to drop a drop of syrup on a cold plate, if the drop has not spread and retained its shape, therefore, the jelly is ready and can be poured into jars.

Recipe 5: homemade orange jelly

  • Orange juice - 300 ml
  • Sugar - 30 g
  • Instant gelatin - 8 g

To make orange juice jelly, prepare the foods on the list. I used instant gelatin, if you don't have one, regular gelatin will work too, but it will require pre-soaking.

Pour orange juice into a small ladle. Add sugar. Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar dissolves. Do not let the mixture boil, its temperature should not exceed 50 degrees.

Pour gelatin into a ladle and stir well so that there are no lumps.

Once the gelatin has dissolved, remove the ladle from the heat and strain the liquid into a cool bowl.

When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, pour it into portioned molds and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

After 4 hours orange jelly ready! You can serve it to the table sprinkled with chocolate or coconut.

Recipe 6: dessert - raspberry jelly with cognac

For lovers of tasty, healthy, juicy and fragrant berries raspberries, you will like the recipe for raspberry jelly with fresh berries. It will take about 2 hours to work, but the effect is worth it - exquisite delicacy from fresh berries, refined taste accentuated by cognac, delicate aroma with a raspberry trail, this dish is for lovers of gourmet cuisine.

  • Fresh raspberries 150 g
  • Gelatin 5 g
  • White crystalline sugar 100 g
  • Lemon juice 2 tablespoon
  • Cognac 1 teaspoon

Wash the berries of fresh or thawed raspberries thoroughly, separate 2/3 of the berries, transfer to another container, preferably enameled and knead. To get raspberry gruel, you can, for example, use a rolling pin pestle.

Pour gelatin with 50 ml of cold water and soak.

Boil water, about 200 - 250 ml, put sugar in boiling water, cook for about 10 minutes. Add softened gelatin, mix everything, bring to a boil again, put in raspberries, cook over low heat or in a water bath. Cook for 30 minutes.

Add lemon juice and brandy to the boiling mixture, cook for 10 minutes.

Strain the hot jelly (for example, through cheesecloth or a sieve), then cool quickly. For example, you can put a bowl of jelly in a large pot of cold water. Pour the jelly into molds and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Take out forms with berry jelly from the refrigerator, put into warm water, carefully put the raspberry jelly on dessert plates, decorate with raspberries to your taste.

Recipe 7: canned cherry jelly

  • Tinned cherries 200
  • Water 250ml
  • Sugar 100
  • Gelatin 1 tbsp. lodges
  • Cherry juice 1 stack.

To make cherry jelly, we need products such as cherries in own juice, water, cherry juice, sugar and gelatin.

Dissolve gelatin in hot water.

Pour the cherry juice into a saucepan and set to warm up over low heat.

Punch the cherries with a hand blender.

We wipe the punched cherries through a colander, on which pieces of skins remain.

We are left with pure puree.

Add cherry puree and dissolved gelatin to a saucepan with heated cherry juice. We heat, but do not bring to a boil.

Pour 2/3 into glasses, and 1/3 let cool slightly and thicken, then pour into a blender glass and beat at the highest speed until we get an airy gelatinous foam. Pour the foam on top of the frozen jelly. We put it in the refrigerator.

We take out, decorate with berries and treat family and friends, bon appetit!

Recipe 8: strawberry banana jelly on agar

Very beautiful fruit dessert cake from jelly and fruits.

  • ripe bananas - 2 pcs.
  • strawberries - 300 g
  • agar-agar powder - 1 tsp without a slide
  • water - 1 tbsp.
  • fresh mint - a few leaves
  • pink pepper - 3-5 peas

In a suitable deep saucepan, soak agar powder in clean cold water for at least 1 hour.

Bring the agar solution to a boil and, with constant stirring, boil for 30 seconds. Remove the boiled solution from the heat and leave to cool to a temperature of 50-80C. At this time, it is just convenient to make fruit and berry puree.

Cut about a third of the berries into longitudinal slices of approximately the same size.

Arrange the berries with the slices outward around the circumference of the culinary ring.

Leave some of the berries for decoration, whip the rest in an immersion blender with bananas until smooth. With constant rapid stirring, pour the prepared puree into the agar solution (not vice versa!) And then pour the mixture into the culinary ring.

Leave the jelly to cool at room temperature (a miracle will already happen here and the previously completely liquid mixture will solidify in the jelly), and then put the finished jelly in the refrigerator for cooling (it tastes better). Then carefully remove the ring.

Place the remaining strawberry slices in a circle on the finished jelly, garnish with fresh mint leaves, ground pink pepper and serve the strawberry-banana dessert to the table. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 9, simple: fresh peach jelly (with photo)

Peach jelly is a delicious and incredibly healthy dessert that will be eaten in a matter of minutes and will please both adults and children, it is not in vain that the peach was nicknamed "the king of summer". This recipe for fruit jelly with gelatin is quick, simple and straightforward.

  • water - 600 ml
  • fresh peaches - 2 pieces
  • gelatin - 20 gr
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons

Meanwhile, peel 2 peaches and remove pits. Cut the peaches into pieces.

This dessert can be prepared all year round as there is a variety of fresh, dried and canned fruits... It is advisable to cook jelly with fruit as often as possible, since it is loved by children, useful and always desirable at the festive table. A sweet dish can be prepared with three ingredients, and for a richer taste, a combination of two or three fruits and flavorings are encouraged.

Jelly with fruit - what products are needed and general principles of preparation

The main ingredients for jelly with fruit will be different kinds fruit, it's a matter of taste for everyone. For festive table jelly is most often prepared from bright fruits, such as: kiwi, oranges, pomegranates, plums, persimmons, and the rest - the flight of your imagination. For children and diet food it is better to take fruit with more delicate taste: apples, pears, bananas, apricots, etc. winter period even dried fruit can be used. In the end, you can experiment endlessly.

Gelatin, pectin, or agar-agar are suitable as gelling agents. Now on sale there is a granular (in the form of sheets) and instant product. Agar-agar - vegetable product, which is made from brown algae, but soak it overnight, and only the next day you can prepare the planned jelly. The finished jelly turns out to be dense and perfectly keeps its shape. Pectin is made from fruit and berry pomace, which contains a lot of pectin. It is delivered to the trading network in packaged form, where instructions for its use are indicated. This gelling agent is less commonly used for jellies, as it keeps its shape worse.

For a bouquet of aromas, you can add a little white or red in jelly for adults aromatic wine... The technology for making jelly with fruit is very simple and consists in preparing fruit puree or juice, soaking the gelling agent, mixing, heating, straining, pouring into molds and cooling.

1. Dried fruit jelly with the addition of grapes

This is so a good combination, there is a sea of ​​vitamins, other usefulness and it turns out very rich taste... For the late autumn period, the most it.

Dried fruit jelly with the addition of grapes


  • dried fruits - 250 grams;
  • grapes - 200 grams;
  • granulated sugar - by preference;
  • gelatin - 35-40 grams;
  • water - 800 milliliters.

According to the recipe for jelly from dried fruits with the addition of grapes, we prepare as follows:

First, let's prepare dried fruits and grapes. Sort the dried fruits so that there are no spoiled specimens, soak in water and rinse effectively. Grapes can be used both in fresh and frozen.

Preparing dried fruits and grapes for jelly

Next, pour the prepared dried fruits in cold water and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes, after this time, add the grapes and continue the cooking process until a beautiful broth appears (another 10 minutes is enough). Strain the finished broth through a colander with gauze.

Strain the finished jelly broth through a colander

Add sugar, bring to a boil. Then the swollen gelatin and warm everything up until the gelling substance is completely dissolved. Cool a little and pour into your favorite molds, placing them neatly on cutting board... After cooling, send the molds to the refrigerator. After 6-8 hours it can be consumed. Nice jelly design.

Dried fruit jelly with the addition of grapes

2. Original jelly from plums

The jelly is prepared quickly, the color is bright, because you just want to cut off a piece of a rich dessert, and now we try and cook, because there are still plums on sale. To reduce acidity, the fruits of an exotic tree are also added here.

Original plum jelly


  • dark plums - 200 grams;
  • pitahaya - 1 fruit;
  • sugar - 160 grams;
  • gelatin - 40 grams;
  • water - 750 milliliters;

On prescription original jelly we prepare from plums like this:

Rinse the plums, cut into two parts, remove the pits, immerse them in water and cook over medium heat until tender, avoiding boiling. Then remove with a slotted spoon. Now add the chopped fruits of the red dragon to the broth, boil all together and the pulp of the pitahaya, remove. The seeds can be left, they look beautiful in jelly.

Pour sugar into the broth, add the swollen gelatin and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. Important! Do not boil, otherwise the gelling ability of gelatin will decrease. Further, if necessary, you can strain through cheesecloth, and if there are no special flakes and clots, then leave it that way. Cool slightly and pour into curly molds or glasses and refrigerate.

3. Apple jelly at home

Apple jelly at home can be prepared in several ways: on a concentrated broth, on mashed potatoes, with gelatin and gelatin. I have apple jelly cooked on applesauce, it has a pleasant apple aroma and delicate taste.

Apple jelly at home


  • apples - 600 grams;
  • water - three glasses;
  • gelatin - 16 grams;
  • sugar to taste;
  • mint - for aroma and decor.

According to the recipe for apple jelly at home, we cook as follows:

1. Rinse the apples well, remove the stalks, core and divide into four parts.

2. Put fruits in a saucepan, add sugar and mint leaves with water. Boil until soft, collecting the constantly boiled foam.

3. Now we wipe the apples through a sieve. Applesauce is formed.

5. After the dissolved gelatin, mix to the apple mass. Pour into molds and put in the refrigerator until it solidifies. Before serving, the dish with fragrant food hold one minute over hot water and put it on a serving platter.

4. Summer fruit jelly recipe

In this recipe, apricots are taken as a basis, but since cherries, early varieties of apples, some berries ripen at this time, but I have presented a recipe from some sunny fruits. Imagine how many vitamins and potassium there are, so cores, and not only cook this dessert and you will not regret it.

You can cook jelly with apricots in two variations: on a clarified broth with the removal of the remnants of the fruit and by pouring several layers of jelly ready-made syrup on the sliced ​​fruits.

Summer recipe fruit jelly


  • apricots - 850 grams;
  • sugar - to your taste;
  • gelatin - 20 grams;
  • lemon juice - 1 2 teaspoons.

According to the recipe, we prepare a summer jelly recipe with fruits as follows:

1. It is advisable to choose apricots for making honeycomb jelly, and not wild game, since they are the most tasty, juicy, aromatic and have a brightly saturated orange... They should be rinsed under running water and laid out on a towel.

2. Divide the fruit in half and remove the pits.

3. Pour 650 grams of apricot with water and cook for 8-10 minutes.

4. During the free time, put the gelatin in a glass + water and let it swell for 30-35 minutes.

5. Combine the broth and gelatin, stir and bring only to a boil.

6. Take a mold in the shape of a heart, put 200 grams of apricots cut into slices and pour in the cooled broth, so that only the fruits are covered.

7. When the first layer with apricots hardens, now you need to pour all the liquid jelly part into molds and refrigerate.

8. On the final stage when serving, cut into portioned pieces and serve.

Summer Fruit Jelly Recipe

5. Useful jelly with fruits

This ancient fruit is referred to by most Eastern cultures as the “fruit of paradise”. Over the past decade, the Western world has finally come to enjoy and appreciate pomegranates. Doctors even recommend this nutritious fruit for a healthy heart and vascular system.

Now I advise you to break this beautiful fruit and collect the celestial pomegranate pearls, bursting with sweet juices and a soft crunch.

Healthy jelly with fruits


  • pomegranate fruits - two large fruits;
  • water - 400 milliliters;
  • gelatin - 35 grams.

According to recipes, we prepare healthy jelly with fruits as follows:

1. In a convenient way, choose pomegranate seeds from the fruit.

2. Leave two tablespoons of pomegranate seeds, and squeeze the juice out of the rest. Pour the cake with water and boil.

3. Drain and discard the dense part of the cake.

4. Prepare the gelatin as previously indicated in the previous recipes.

5. Add sugar to the strained broth, boil and add gelatin. All together, bring to a boil.

6.In round shape with a hole, pour a scattering of pomegranate seeds at the bottom, and then pour them with a hot drink with jelly. Cool and refrigerate overnight, when serving, if the grains remain, you can still sprinkle on top.

With every bite, you will experience the sweet juicy crunch and strong aromas of jelly and pomegranate. The next time you make this recipe, play with the ingredients. If you want to more jelly and less crunch, reduce the grenade to 1 and vice versa.