Crab sticks stuffed with cod liver. Awesome cod baked with crab sticks Fish with crab sticks in the oven

A very simple yet sophisticated dish that cooks incredibly quickly. The combination of fish, sticks, tomatoes and cheese is great! It is especially important if you are expecting unexpected guests for dinner.

Let's cook fish baked with crab sticks at home. Cut the fish into portions and fry in oil. Chop tomatoes and crab sticks at random and mix with mayonnaise and garlic. Put the fish on the bottom of the baking dish, put the sticks with vegetables and mayonnaise on top. We bake the dish in the oven until tender. Good luck!

Servings: 5-6

A simple recipe for fish baked with crab sticks of home cooking step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 1 hour. Contains only 138 calories.

  • Prep time: 12 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 h
  • Calorie count: 138 kilocalories
  • Servings: 12 servings
  • Occasion: For lunch
  • Complexity: A simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Hot dishes

Ingredients for nine servings

  • Cod fillet - 600 Grams
  • Tomatoes - 2 Pieces
  • Crab sticks - 300 Grams
  • Mayonnaise - 4 Tbsp. spoons
  • Garlic - 1 Clove
  • Hard cheese - 150 Grams

Step by step cooking

  1. Cut the fish into portions and fry in vegetable oil and transfer to a baking dish. Chop tomatoes and crab sticks at random, mix them with chopped garlic and mayonnaise.
  2. Cover the fish with the resulting mixture, and sprinkle with grated cheese on top. We bake the dish in the oven until golden brown.
  3. Bon Appetit!

We present to your attention a recipe for a very tasty dish that will conquer everyone.

Such a fish turns out to be very tender, fragrant and mega appetizing. She is entwined with enormous pleasure. With dignity, such a yummy can be served at the festive table. Having cooked this dish once, you will definitely make it your favorite. And it's not at all difficult to do. Save the recipe, cook and enjoy.

The right ingredients

  • 1 cod
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 1 raw egg
  • 200 gr crab sticks
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 30 gr of hard cheese
  • a mixture of peppers to taste
  • salt to taste
  • spices to taste
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

We start the process

  1. First of all, we cut the fish into steaks.
  2. Then salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and roll in flour.
  3. Then we send it to a preheated pan with a small amount of oil to fry on both sides. It is not necessary to bring to readiness.
  4. Finely chop the crab sticks.
  5. Put the prepared fish in a mold, pre-oiled.
  6. Using a grater, rub hard cheese on the coarse fraction. We send it to the crab sticks.
  7. Then we also rub the pre-boiled egg here.
  8. Beat a little egg and pour it into the prepared ingredients along with mayonnaise. Mix well and spread this mass on top of the fish. Distribute it evenly.
  9. We send the form to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 35-40 minutes.
  10. After the required time has elapsed, we take out the finished dish and serve it hot.

You may also like the recipe for which you can find on our Recipe Ideas website.

Pangasius fish, which is sold in our supermarkets in the form of fillets, is called the sea language. Such a name is quite suitable for this marine, if we recall the proverb about a tongue without bones 🙂 After all, the pangasius fillet is really without a single bone, which makes it possible to use it to prepare a wide variety of and interesting dishes. The sea tongue baked under a fur coat is incredibly tasty! This very tender, juicy dish is also light, which is ideal for dinner. And at the same time, it is so easy to prepare that you can call it a "quick dish".

Baked sole: ingredients

  • Pangasius fillet - 1 pc.
  • Crab sticks or meat - 200 gr.
  • Cheese - 150 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Salt, pepper, spices to taste

Soles baked under a fur coat

If you bought frozen pangasius, leave the fish at room temperature to defrost. This, by the way, will happen very quickly! In the meantime, prepare other foods. Since we will have baked sole under a fur coat, we will deal with it. And as soon as the fish is thawed, you should add a little salt to it and season with spices of your choice.

Crab sticks or meat should be cut into small cubes and mixed with mayonnaise. You should get a thick mass, so if your mayonnaise is thin, put it less, otherwise everything will spread in the oven, but we don't need it. The cheese should be grated on a coarse grater.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with vegetable oil. Place the fish fillets, on the surface of which spread the mass of crab meat and mayonnaise.

Cover with grated cheese

Now you can send the sole under a fur coat into the oven. The readiness of the dish will tell you the cheese, as soon as it melts and browns - the baked sea tongue is ready, since the fish itself is cooked very quickly.

Mashed potatoes are ideal for such a dish as a side dish, and read how to make it tender and airy in this recipe >>

Stuffed crab sticks are an original and popular cold appetizer for a festive table. Now there are many options for various fillings, among which the most common is with cheese and garlic. I decided to contribute to this variety and make crab sticks stuffed with cod liver. It turns out very tasty! For us, at least, the appetizer instantly disappeared from the table with the words "is that all?" Therefore, I can safely recommend this combination to you!

To prepare an appetizer, prepare the necessary products from the list. Eggs must be boiled and cooled.

Remove the cod liver from the jar and mash with a fork. If during the preparation of the filling you need oil, for a more delicate consistency, you can add it from the jar.

Add mashed processed cheese and grated eggs to the liver.

Thoroughly knead the filling, add salt and pepper to it to taste.

Peel crab sticks from the film and gently unfold. Let me remind you that chilled sticks are needed for stuffing, not frozen ones.

Grease the inner surface of the sticks with the prepared filling.

Gently roll up the crab sticks and refrigerate for 30-60 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Pollock baked under "crab coat" (and 3 types of filling)

Recently I had to try such a fish in public catering, and I "got sick" with this recipe, then I learned the approximate components and somehow, "composed" the most acceptable version of such a fish ...

The combination of baked fish with crab sticks and cheese is very successful, some new fish taste is obtained, just the most delicate ... I just recommend to fish lovers to try it ...


"Crab coat":

● 100 g of crab sticks (more can be done if you make a taller coat ...),

● 4 tbsp. mayonnaise (perhaps more, it is necessary to look at the thickness of the "fur coat", because mayonnaise is also different, but a lot of mayonnaise is also bad, when baking the coat may "slide" ...),

● 1 tooth of garlic (optional),

● 100 g of hard cheese,

● dill at will (it is possible for decoration).

● ~ 500 g of pollock fillet (I have not tried any other fish, probably haddock, cod, hake and pink salmon ...).

● salt (do not oversalt - cheese and mayonnaise give enough salt ...),

● pepper, fish spices (I did not put any spices),

● vegetable oil for frying (I did not fry).

1st option of filling (under a crab coat) - fried carrots:

● 1-2 carrots,

● vegetable oil for frying.


1. Salt the fish, sprinkle with spices and lightly fry in vegetable oil for 3 minutes on each side (I did not fry and immediately baked ...),

2.Grate the carrots with narrow strips (I use a grater for Korean carrots) and lightly fry them,

3.Crab sticks cut into small strips,

4. Garlic grind or chop,

5. Stir crab sticks, garlic, mayonnaise and grated cheese (you can leave a little cheese on top of the sprinkle, but you can not leave it, anyway the crust will be beautiful ...), we will have a "crab coat",

6. Put the fried pieces of fish in a baking dish, put the carrots on top and cover with the resulting mixture ("fur coat"), if you left part of the grated cheese, sprinkle them ...

(and now, for clarity, in the form of a diagram: fish + carrots + "fur coat" ...).

7. If the fish was pre-fried, then bake in the oven at 180-200 ° C for ~ 15-20 minutes until golden brown, but I do not fry, so I baked for ~ 30 minutes.

And today I have the 1st option (with carrots), at first I did not take step-by-step photos, I added these 2 photos later ... help yourself ...

Girls, although I wrote the quantitative composition of the products, but this is all conditional and approximately, I myself did it by eye ... someone loves more carrots, but someone does not ... also with onions ...

Even if you cook more "fur coats", the taste of the prepared dish will only improve from this (I noticed that for me -

For 1 piece of fish, you need to take at the rate of ~ 1-1.5 pieces of crab sticks, at least ...), so look according to your taste preferences, improvise and look for your favorite option ...

Just in case, I spread other fillings ...

2nd version of the filling (for a crab coat) - fried onions:

● instead of carrots, you can use slightly fried onions (1 - 2 pieces, cut into thin half rings ...), put it on pieces of fish, then cover with a "fur coat" as described above ...

there is no photo yet, I haven't cooked it yet, but I plan ...

3rd filling option - tomatoes:

● instead of carrots, you can use 2 pieces of tomatoes, cut them crosswise, pour boiling water over, stand, pour cold water and remove the skin, cut into small cubes.

Then drain the excess liquid and mix with crab sticks, garlic, mayonnaise and grated cheese (note that, unlike carrots and onions, which are placed under the "fur coat", the tomatoes are mixed with the "fur coat" ... poorly drained liquid from the tomato liquefies the coat and it may slip in the oven ...).

Cover the pieces of fish with the resulting "fur coat" and bake, as indicated above ...

the coat turned out to be a little thin, shifted mayonnaise or the tomatoes influenced ... but as a result it did not slip when baking ...

On the forum we have a slightly similar (in theory ...) recipe from Valeria -

Thanks for stopping by !!!