Crumble with apples and oatmeal. Apple crumble with oat flakes Pie crumble with oat flakes

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

We suggest starting your Sunday morning with an appetizing, juicy and incredibly tasty breakfast - we are preparing a crumble with oatmeal, the recipe is attached. This delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent; berry lovers will especially like the crumble. Let's take black currants, black raspberries, and a few blackberries as a basis. But such a choice of berries is by no means necessary; you can add absolutely any berries, experiment, discover new combinations of flavors, for example, strawberries, red currants, cherries. During the season we will take exclusively fresh berries, and in winter we will make do with frozen ones. The crumble is served to the table with a ball. Just imagine - ice cream on top that has slightly melted, a crunchy layer of nuts and oatmeal in the middle, and juicy berries on the bottom - a dessert perfectly balanced in taste.

- black currants/blackberries/black raspberries – 170-200 g,
- walnuts – 80 g,
- oatmeal and oatmeal – 2.5-3 tbsp. l.,
- butter 82% - 60 g,
- sugar – 3 tbsp. l. ,
- corn starch – 7-10 g,
- cranberries - to taste.

How to cook with photos step by step

Take a deep bowl, pour a measured amount of oatmeal into it, and also add oatmeal. If you don't have oatmeal, grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder; in a few seconds the flakes will turn into flour.

The butter should be cold, cut it into small pieces, or you can grate it on a coarse grater. Place the oil in a container with the oatmeal.

Now add granulated sugar and, if desired, add vanillin or vanilla essence. Cut the walnuts into large pieces and place them in a container with oatmeal and butter. Mix everything with your hands to form coarse crumbs.

Take portioned heat-resistant molds and grease them with a layer of butter.

We fill the molds with frozen berries, as we said a little above, the composition can be changed to suit your taste.

Dust the berries with cornstarch and stir until each berry is coated.

Place oatmeal and nut crumbs on top of the berries. Add a few cranberries. Place the molds in a preheated oven for 25-35 minutes, temperature – 180 degrees.

After the specified time, remove the molds from the oven.

decorate to taste and serve.

Enjoy your meal!

Products(for 1 serving):
1 apple (200 g if weighed peeled)
5 - 10 g butter
A pinch of sugar
For the top:
40 g flour
25 g butter (softened)
20 g (1 tbsp) sugar
10 g (1/2 tbsp) shelled, roasted and finely chopped nuts (I used peanuts)
5 g (1/2 tbsp) oat flakes (I use medium flakes, cook for five minutes)

Crumble- a classic English dessert made from fruits or berries baked under a crust of shortcrust pastry crumbs. The word "crumble" translated from English means "to crumble". There are countless variations of crumbles. I offer you one of them.

Peel the apple and remove seeds. Cut.
Melt the butter in a frying pan. Add sugar, mix. Add chopped apple and simmer for 5 minutes.
Place the filling in a small baking dish (I use a ceramic mug and always make crumbles in it).

Grind butter, flour and sugar until crumbly. Add nuts and cereal, stir. Place on top of the filling.

Place in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 20 minutes. After 10 minutes, I usually lift the crumble to the top rack so the crust is golden. Do not bake longer than indicated, otherwise the crumbs will become very tough.

Served both hot and chilled. You can also decorate it with a scoop of ice cream, serve with unsweetened yogurt, sour cream or cream cheese.

So, we got a layer of baked apples under a crispy crust. Try it, you will definitely like it. You can please your loved ones with a tasty and healthy crumble, for example for breakfast.

Crumble translated from English means “to crumble”. Crumbles are popular in all English-speaking countries and are served both warm and cold. Initially, crumbles were exclusively made from apples baked under crispy crumbs. Over time, they began to use any fruits and berries to fill crumbles. And later, savory fillings, including vegetable, mushroom, and meat fillings. Apple pies and desserts occupy a special place in sweet pastries; they are incredibly varied and leave no one indifferent. I offer two options (in the oven and in the microwave for a simple recipe for apple crumble, it is also called apple crisp). Instead of flour for crumbs, I use oatmeal (rolled oats). For vegan menu You can safely omit the butter; the crumble with oatmeal-almond crumbs is also very good. The amount of sugar directly depends on the type of apple; if the apples are very sweet, you don’t need to add sugar at all. All crumble recipes

Compound:(for 2 servings)

  • Hercules (oatmeal) “requires cooking”, the box says 10-20 minutes - 4 heaped tablespoons
  • Butter - 30-40 grams
  • Sugar - 0.5-2 tablespoons
  • Salt - a tiny pinch
  • - 2 pieces
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Nut (almond) crumbs - 2 tablespoons
  • Powdered sugar for decoration - optional
  • Cinnamon - optional

How to cook Apple crumble with oatmeal

Although crumble is sometimes called a pie, it is still not a pie, it does not hold its shape, it cannot be cut beautifully, so crumbles are often baked in portioned molds. Peel the apples and cut into pieces. Should I remove the peel? - It's a matter of taste, I focus on the variety of apples. If the apples have a thin skin, I leave it, if the variety is winter, with a thick skin. - cleaning.

Peel and cut apples

Place the apples in portioned molds and sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice. There is a little secret: you need to add a little salt to the apple crumble, just a little, this will reveal all the shades of taste. Sprinkle with any chopped nuts and cinnamon. (I use almonds, these are from unshelled almonds).

Drizzle with lemon juice, sprinkle with almonds and cinnamon

Combine oatmeal with butter from the refrigerator and sugar and grind in a blender into confectionery crumbs and streusel.

Rolled oats streusel

Distribute the confectionery crumbs among the crumble molds.

Distribute the crumbs among the molds

And bake the apple crumble with rolled oats and almonds in the oven at 180 degrees until the apples are soft and golden top (about 30 minutes).

Apple crumble

For the microwave option Oat flakes must first be fried in a dry frying pan until they have a beautiful color and cool.

Fry rolled oats in a dry frying pan

Place the apples for the crumble in molds, pour over the juice, add salt, sprinkle with almonds and cinnamon and run in the microwave at 600-650 W for 6-7 minutes. Grind the cooled flakes into a streusel with butter and sugar, spread over the apples and bake on the grill or in the oven for a few minutes until the top is crispy.

Crumble is an amazingly delicious dessert that has a crispy crust on top and a fragrant soft filling inside. But the classic crumble itself, invented by English housewives, is a rather high-calorie dish. What about those who want to enjoy it, but at the same time count calories and adhere to a healthy diet? There is a way out - crumble with We invite you to prepare it today.


As we have already said, the dessert was invented by chefs from England. Translated from English, the word means “sprinkle” or “crush.” Crumble pie with oatmeal is a great find for those who want to get both a tasty filling and a crispy crust.

Initially, the pie was prepared exclusively with apples. Then many other varieties appeared: pear crumble with oatmeal, peach and berry, chocolate and coconut filling. There are many options, but today we suggest you prepare a classic apple version.

To prepare you will need

  • Oatmeal - one glass, or 250 grams.
  • Half a kilogram of peeled apples.
  • One egg.
  • Half a glass of milk.
  • 180 grams of butter (for a budget option, you can use margarine instead of butter).
  • One glass of flour.
  • Granulated sugar - 250 grams.
  • 50 grams of any nuts (cashews, peanuts, almonds, walnuts).
  • One teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Cooking process

Crumble with oatmeal can be prepared using any variety of apples. If you like a sour taste in desserts, then take green sour apples. If you want something sweet, then opt for sweet red apples. They should be peeled and cut into small pieces. Some recipes recommend removing the core, but you don't have to. At your discretion.

Next, the apples need to be stewed a little. Place apple slices in a frying pan, add granulated sugar, butter and ground cinnamon. Simmer until the apples become soft. Some housewives do not stew apples first. Here the choice will also be yours. If you like crisper apples in pies, then there is no need to stew. If you want the filling to melt in your mouth, then take the time to stew the apples before placing them in a baking dish.

The basis

Diet option

Despite the fact that oatmeal and not flour are used in the preparation, the pie still turns out to be high in calories due to butter and eggs. Is it possible to make the dish even lighter in terms of calories? There are options.

Firstly, as we have already said, diet crumble is a recipe with oatmeal, not flour. Secondly, we remove a product such as butter from the ingredients and replace it with low-fat margarine or odorless vegetable oil. Thirdly, you don’t have to add high-calorie nuts. And it is better to serve this dish with honey, rather than with high-calorie sweet jam.

A few secrets

Did you know that some culinary disputes over the authorship of a particular dish last for years, decades and even centuries, but the culinary truth remains “somewhere nearby”. For example, the simple dessert Crumble of English origin can easily be confused with the American Brown Betty. In fact, English crumble (almost a pudding!), American Brown Betty and German-French charlotte have a lot in common - desserts are quickly prepared, include fresh berries and fruits, shortcrust pastry or flour crumbs. But the main thing is that these dishes are tasty, healthy and loved by adults and children. And to be honest, today I, and I believe it’s the same for you, no matter in what part of the world they came up with a healthy dessert called crumble - I just cook it for myself and my loved ones! I invite you to get acquainted with a proven recipe for a wonderful dessert for capricious children and picky adults. The crumble with plums turns out tender, juicy, with a pleasant sourness. By the way, the recipe has been tested by my Polish grandmother, Russian mother and me for three generations!

Recipe Information

Kitchen : English, American.

Cooking method: baking.

Total cooking time: 30 min.

Number of servings: 2 .

Ingredients for 2 persons:

  • large sweet and sour plums – 4 pcs.
  • oatmeal/oatmeal (No. 1) – 4-5 tbsp.
  • baking flour – 1 tbsp.
  • corn starch – 1 tsp.
  • cane sugar – 1-3 tbsp.
  • butter – 2 tbsp.
  • cinnamon powder - a pinch
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. (for sweet plums).


  • ceramic or glass baking dish.

Crumble recipe