How to make sesame paste at home. Tahini: beneficial properties and contraindications of sesame paste

A popular addition in oriental cuisine is tahini paste. It is sometimes called sesame, sesame, tahini or tahini. It is used to prepare many sauces, main dishes or desserts. She's also good on her own. Tahini gained popularity due to its original taste and beneficial properties. The composition of the original paste is 100% sesame seeds with a little water added to give the desired consistency.

Tahini - what is it?

The first mention of tahini appeared 4 thousand years ago. This is evidenced by the record of sesame wine, which was offered to the gods. Herodotus talked about the sesame fields located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, whose harvest was used to make vegetable oil or paste. In the 13th century, cookbooks contain recipes for hummus and some Indian, Japanese or Chinese dishes using tahini. The paste is used in making Szechuan noodles. In the United States, sesame sauce became widespread in 1940, when healthy eating became fashionable.

Tahini is a paste that is light yellow, greenish yellow, or light beige in appearance. The consistency is like thick sour cream and tastes like peanut butter. The tahini paste itself is fatty and very nutritious, this should be taken into account by those people who are on a diet, counting every calorie. The high calorie content is offset by its beneficial qualities, one of which is improved digestion. You can purchase this product in a supermarket with a wide selection of products or in a special store that sells oriental sweets and other delicacies from the East.

Benefits and harms

The quality of tahini is determined by its composition. The paste contains sesame seeds ground to a homogeneous mass. One tablespoon of the finished mixture without additives contains:

  • energy value – 85 kcal;
  • protein – 2.6 g;
  • fats – 7.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 3.2 g.

Sesame grains are rich in fatty acids. The same tablespoon contains 60 mg of omega-3 and 3.5 mg of omega-6. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system. Sesame is rich in minerals: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron. Without these substances, malfunctions occur in the digestive system, nervous and cardiovascular systems. If there is a deficiency, the liver, kidneys, and brain suffer, anemia appears, and health deteriorates. Another important component of tahini is vitamin B1 (thiamine). It helps the digestive tract and nervous system function properly.

Experts name three main areas of beneficial effects of sesame paste on the human body:

  1. Digestive system. Sesame grains are ground very finely when making paste, which allows the mass to be quickly absorbed by the body and improve the functioning of the digestive system. If you regularly consume 2-3 teaspoons of tahini per day, you will notice how your stool will improve and all problems associated with it will go away. The paste is recommended to be taken for gastrointestinal disorders as an assistant for digesting heavier foods.
  2. Leather. Teenagers are prone to acne. Young boys and girls are very sensitive about their appearance at a young age, so skin care is the basis of self-confidence. Zinc, which is rich in tahini paste, helps fight acne. The effect of this mineral on the skin was stated by specialists from the Maryland Medical Center. To make acne disappear, it is recommended to eat 1 tablespoon of paste per day.
  3. Hair. Beautiful thick hair needs vitamins and microelements. A lack of these substances leads to hair loss, which is often observed in people with an unbalanced diet. Cosmetologists recommend making masks based on sesame oil, but you can use another method. Use a few teaspoons of paste every day to restore your hair to its former volume and shine.

Sesame paste has the same properties as sesame oil. Both of these products have a number of contraindications. Tahini sauce is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  1. Phlebeurysm. If you have such a problem, then it is better to abstain from this product, since the sesame oil in its composition provokes blood clotting.
  2. Taking aspirin. The simultaneous use of this medicine and sesame in the form of tahini is not recommended.
  3. Consumption of products containing oxalic acid. You should not get carried away with pasta if you eat a lot of cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley, spinach, and other vegetables and fruits with a high content of oxalic acid.
  4. Individual intolerance to sesame.

How to use sesame paste

Tahini is a frequent guest on the tables of the Middle East, Israel, Japan, China, and India. Main dishes are prepared from it, added to desserts, sauces and delicious pastries are prepared. To add a piquant taste, it is customary to add spices, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, and salt to the paste. Bread, pita, pieces of fish or meat are dipped into the resulting dressing. It turns out very satisfying and tasty.

Tahini Recipes

Sesame paste is a unique additive. It harmonizes well with meat, fish or vegetables, as well as with sweet ingredients in desserts. Halva, beloved by those with a sweet tooth, according to the classic recipe, is prepared on the basis of sesame paste, and not from sunflower seeds. Here are the main dishes that contain tahini in classic recipes:

  • Falafel. This is an oriental dish in the form of deep-fried bean and sesame balls.

  • Hummus. A common chickpea puree with tahini in the east.

  • Tahina pita. Pastries prepared in Crete and Greece. Looks like pies.
  • Halva. In the east, halva is prepared using sesame paste, nuts and sugar.

You can make your own tahini at home. To do this, you will need sesame seeds and refined oil in the amount of 400 grams and 5 tablespoons. Choose your grains carefully; they should not be bitter. First, you need to soak them in water for four hours, then keep them in the refrigerator for the same amount of time. The next step will be drying and baking. Line a baking sheet with parchment and spread the wet seeds in an even layer.

Place them in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. As soon as the grains are dry, increase the heat to 200 degrees and bake for 20 minutes, during which the seeds need to be mixed. Cool, grind with a blender or coffee grinder until flour forms, first at low speed, then at high speed. Add vegetable oil during the process. The pasta is ready.

Fish with tahini sauce

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 servings.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 220 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Far Eastern Lebanese.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Tahini dressing will give the fish a spicy, unusual taste. The dish will turn out very tender, satisfying and healthy. The combination of these ingredients will saturate the body with valuable microelements and vitamins. You can use any fish: from expensive salmon to cheaper hake. Chefs recommend cooking samak bil tahini or fish with sesame paste sauce in the oven. For garnish, use mashed potatoes or pita bread. Can be served as a separate dish.


  • fish fillet – 500 g;
  • tahini – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • parsley - a small bunch;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • cardamom - to taste;
  • oil - for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. Season the fish fillet with salt and pepper and place on a greased baking sheet. Place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  2. Chop the onion, carrots and pepper into cubes, fry in a frying pan until golden brown. Combine with chopped herbs.
  3. Prepare the sauce. To do this, dilute the paste in a saucepan with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Add chopped garlic, lemon juice, cardamom, and a little salt.
  4. Remove the fish from the oven. Place a layer of fried vegetables and herbs on top. Pour the sauce over everything.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes.
  6. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with nuts, herbs, sliced ​​vegetables, and lettuce leaves.

Chocolate and tahini cake

  • Time: 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 servings.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Greek.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Cake is a popular delicious pastry in many countries, and the tahini and chocolate cake according to the recipe of Stellos Parllaros is tasty and healthy. Three cake layers are made with butter, chocolate and meringue. The cream is based on sesame paste and yogurt. The latter can be replaced with cream or sour cream. It's a matter of taste. Another option for cream is condensed milk and oriental paste with added sugar.


  • butter – 100 g;
  • eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • unsweetened yogurt – 2 cups;
  • tahini – 300 g;
  • dark chocolate – 200 g;
  • salt - one pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the eggs, separating the yolk from the white.
  2. Make a meringue from the protein and 0.5 cups by beating everything with a mixer.

Sesame paste called tahini is widely used in many oriental recipes, the most popular of which is hummus. The store-bought product is often imported, which is why its price is shocking, but we offer a much more economical method of making tahini yourself.

Sesame Tahini Paste – Recipe

Tahini is prepared no more complicated than peanut butter, and the list of ingredients includes only a couple of basic ingredients - sesame seeds and vegetable oil. The latter can be either sunflower or any other odorless oil, including grape seed or corn oil, for example.


  • sesame seeds – 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil – 65 ml.


Before making sesame paste, it is better to fry the sesame seeds themselves. This step is at your discretion, but after roasting, the sesame acquires a much more pronounced aroma and flavor, and the paste itself becomes a pleasant golden color.

To fry, pour sesame seeds into a dry frying pan and brown for 3-5 minutes with constant stirring. Be careful not to burn the seeds!

Place the sesame seeds in the bowl of a high-speed blender. The blender must be high-speed, otherwise the paste will not turn out. Place the seeds in a bowl and beat for about a minute until crumbly. Next, while continuing to whisk, begin adding vegetable oil to the sesame seeds. Whisk the paste until smooth and then season with a little salt.

Depending on the desired consistency, you can change the sesame paste recipe by adding more or less vegetable oil. The latter helps to grind the seeds even more thoroughly, especially in cases where you are not using a modern blender.

The most popular method of using sesame paste is adding it to, but it doesn’t stop there. Due to its pronounced taste, sesame paste is often added to sauces and marinades for meat or used as a dip for vegetables, as well as in salad dressings. Tahini is added to hot dishes such as stews and soups, used in baking and as a binder for a variety of energy bars and homemade truffles.

Tahini - benefits for beauty and health.

Tahini, tahina or tahini(also known as sesame paste) is a thick, fatty paste made from ground sesame seeds common in the Middle East; it is added to many dishes, such as falafel, hummus, and serves as a base for many sauces. Tahina contains ground sesame seeds (100%).

When using, the paste is diluted with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream, lemon juice, salt and garlic are added. The classic snack hummus should be prepared using tahini paste (tahini). Tahini is well known in the cuisine of Israel (where it is called “tahina”), Greece, Cyprus - Cypriot tahini pies “tahina pita” are very popular.

Tahini mass is used to prepare many oriental sweets, including one of the most famous - halva.

Tahini has a consistency similar to peanut butter.
1 tablespoon contains 85 calories, 7.2 g fat, 3.2 g carbohydrates, 2.6 g protein. This is an excellent source of healthy fatty acids: per serving there are 60.1 mg of omega-3 and 3.4 mg of omega-6.

Our bodies cannot produce these vital substances, so they must be included in our diet to promote heart and brain health.

The paste also contains calcium, iron, copper and phosphorus - minerals that ensure the strength of bones and teeth, cleanse the kidneys (especially if you take antacids and diuretics), strengthen blood vessels, promote the production of red blood cells, give energy, and prevent anemia.

Another important component of tahini is thiamine or vitamin B1. Each serving contains 16% of the daily value of this nutrient. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, muscles and digestion.
Thiamine deficiency can cause complications of heart and gastrointestinal diseases.

Health Benefits of Tahini

Sesame paste is a key product in the cuisine of the Middle East. It is what gives special taste and texture to classic oriental dishes. But the special charm lies in the large number of useful properties, many of which are aimed at improving appearance.

For clear, glowing skin, healthy hair and a flawless figure, eat tahini with meat and seafood!
It is an excellent source of methionine, which cleanses the liver of poisons, as well as alkaline minerals, which promote weight loss.

We improve digestion

For people suffering from digestive disorders, this is truly a fabulous product!
To make the paste, sesame seeds are ground so finely that it produces a smooth paste that is easily accepted and digested by the body.
Even those who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders can use sesame paste without fear.
It will not only saturate the body with nutrients, but will also help digest heavier foods.

Treating acne

According to the University Health Center in Illinois, 80-90% of today's teenagers suffer from acne and skin ulcers.
Acne appears for various reasons: from bacterial infection and simple uncleanliness, to overly active production of pore-blocking fat and a diet high in carbohydrates.

There are many homemade acne-fighting recipes (such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid), but you may not be familiar with tahini-based recipes.
Sesame paste is rich in zinc, the effectiveness of which in the treatment of acne has been confirmed by employees of the Medical Center in Maryland.

Prevent hair loss.

Hair loss often signals metabolic disorders.
A balanced diet normalizes metabolism and replenishes the deficiency of nutrients (especially zinc) that hair needs so much.

Other symptoms of zinc deficiency include taste disturbances, diarrhea, impotence, vision problems, acne and lack of appetite.
A 100-gram serving of tahini contains 10 mg of zinc, which is 70% of the daily value.
Other foods rich in zinc include oysters, wheat germ, calf liver, dried watermelon seeds, dark chocolate, cocoa powder, lamb and peanuts.

Sesame paste inherited all the beneficial properties of sesame seeds. But its undeniable advantage is its delicate, pleasant-tasting and easy-to-digest texture.

I present a recipe for sesame paste and its uses.

Calories per dish: 1300
Estimated cost: 149.25 rub. Moscow
1 tbsp. sesame (130 gr.) Sesame must be fresh and under no circumstances be bitter!
5-6 tbsp. (50 ml) vegetable oil (unflavored)

How to cook
Place the sesame seeds on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and fry them a little in the oven, shaking the baking sheet from time to time so that the sesame seeds do not burn. (I did this in the microwave.)

When the sesame seeds become slightly golden and begin to smell aromatic, take them out and put them in a processor (blender), gradually adding vegetable oil - ideally sesame oil. You can also have nut or any other with a neutral taste.

Beat until smooth, until the sesame becomes creamy, the consistency of medium-thick honey.
That's it, the tahini is ready.
It can be used to make hummus, sauces for meat and vegetables, and in baked goods. Store in the refrigerator in a jar with a tight lid for up to 2 months.

A very useful recipe for those who cannot buy sesame paste.

But this is the basis. And if you use tahini as a sauce for fish, meat and vegetables, then add lemon juice, crushed garlic, salt and ground pepper.
True, our tahini is already prepared, concentrated. You just need to dilute it with water and add all the additives.

Kufta in Jordanian tahini sauce - recipe.

Calories per dish: 2115
Estimated cost: 254.65 rub. Moscow

Step by step photos of the recipe

. 400 grams lamb + beef
. 1 large onion
. bunch of parsley
. 2-3 cloves of garlic
. black and red pepper, nutmeg, cumin, salt to taste
. 200 g tahini paste
. 2 lemons (juice from them)
. 1 tsp dry garlic
. 200 g water
. 1 tsp salt
. 1 tbsp ghee for greasing, 1 tbsp olive oil, a handful of pine nuts.

How to cook

Ground meat:
Grind the meat twice in a meat grinder.
Also grind 1 large onion + parsley + 2-3 cloves of garlic in a meat grinder.
Add spices (I put black and red peppers, cumin, nutmeg + salt to taste) and mix the minced meat.

Tahini sauce:
. 200 grams tahini
. juice from 2 lemons
. 200 grams of water
. 1 tsp dry garlic.

Beat everything in a mixer.
Now take a non-stick baking tray (mold), grease it with melted butter, lay out our minced meat and lightly pour
olive oil.

Place in the oven to golden brown, the temperature should be 180-200 degrees. Once the kufta is golden (do not drain the broth formed from the meat), then pour our tahini sauce onto the top of the kufta, set the temperature to 150 degrees and bring it to readiness.

The sauce needs to thicken. Separately fry the pine nuts and sprinkle them on the finished dish. Also sprinkle with cilantro. Pickles and fried potatoes go very well with this dish.

Tahini, tahini, sesame or sesame paste. Many people have heard about this traditional oriental product. Tahina can be a main dish or included in culinary recipes for first courses, desserts or sauces. It has a unique taste and contains a large number of useful microelements. The base of the paste is sesame seeds, crushed with oil or water to a paste.

History of tahini

The history of tahini began more than 4,000 years ago and is mentioned in cuneiform writings. In ancient Mesopotamia, people offered sesame wine as a gift to their Gods. The plant was grown in the vast fields of Mesopotamia, and paste and oil were made from the harvest.

There are records of Herodotus, the father of history, confirming these facts. The recipe for hummus, which includes sesame paste, dates back to the 13th century. The ancient Chinese and Japanese also used this sauce in cooking. In the 40s of the last century, tahini became popular in America, along with the spread of healthy eating principles.

What is sesame paste

Tahini tastes similar to peanut butter. This thick mass comes in two types – light and dark. White or light beige tahini is made from shelled white sesame seeds. Dark or green-yellow - from unrefined black raw materials. It has a bitter taste, but contains more vitamins. Often the product contains both types of sesame.

The sauce is high-calorie and nutritious - 100 g of product contains about 700 kcal. The content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 24 g, 62 g and 10 g, respectively. You should not abuse the product, especially for those who follow a diet.

The advantage of oriental seasoning is the presence of a large amount of useful substances in it. They have a positive effect on body processes, including normalizing digestion.

The product is not in short supply. A large variety of tahini can be found on supermarket shelves and in oriental goods stores.

Tahini benefits and harm

Sesame paste has become widespread due to the variety of microelements and vitamins in its composition. This product is popular among vegetarians.

  1. A tablespoon of mass contains more than 60 mg of omega-3 fatty acids and about 4 mg of omega-6. These substances are responsible for the functioning of the heart and brain.
  2. Calcium. In 100 g of sesame its amount is about 800 mg. For comparison, the same serving of cow's milk contains about 150 mg of calcium.
  3. Vitamins C, E.
  4. B vitamins. A serving of pasta contains 15% of the daily value of thiamine, an important trace element for the digestive and nervous system.
  5. Phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc are also present in tahini. These minerals are needed for the smooth functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys.
  6. Cellulose. Helps cope with gastrointestinal problems.
  7. Miteonin. The substance removes poisons and toxins from the liver.

The beneficial properties of the product are not limited to this list.

  1. Using sesame paste you can improve digestion. The consistency of the product is homogeneous and puree-like, which allows the body to easily digest heavy foods. A few teaspoons of paste a day will help prevent gastrointestinal disorders or normalize the functioning of the system.
  2. Acne, pimples and small ulcers on the face can be eliminated by taking just 1 tablespoon of sesame paste per day. This is facilitated by zinc, which is contained in large quantities in tahini. Medical scientists have stated the positive effect of zinc on skin problems. center of Maryland.
  3. An unbalanced diet leads to deterioration of the scalp. Using a sesame product, you can restore hair health. For those who suffer from dry, brittle and weak hair, there are several recipes. You can make masks based on sesame oil, or take 3 dessert spoons of tahini per day. After a few weeks, the condition of your hair will noticeably improve.

Tahina is a product made from ground sesame seeds, so both products have the same beneficial properties. The same applies to contraindications.

Harm of sesame paste

  1. It is necessary to avoid tahini if ​​you have varicose veins. Substances contained in sesame products can cause blood clots.
  2. It is not recommended to take sesame paste and aspirin at the same time.
  3. You should use sesame paste with caution with foods containing oxalic acid. This list includes tomatoes, sorrel, cucumbers, parsley, spinach and other vegetables and fruits.
  4. If you are obese, it is not recommended to consume this high-calorie product.
  5. If you have gastrointestinal diseases, it is not recommended to eat tahini.
  6. Allergic reactions to sesame and its derivatives require complete avoidance of tahini.

There is no specific norm for using sesame paste. But even a healthy person cannot eat it in large quantities. Oversaturation of the body with the product can lead to various gastrointestinal disorders.

Use of sesame paste

Tahina is an integral part of the cuisine of Israel, Japan, Cyprus, Greece, India, China and some Arab countries. Sesame paste can be eaten separately as a sandwich, simply spread on bread. The product can be used for baking bakery and confectionery products, chosen as a base for sauces, and as an ingredient for desserts.

To make the taste of the paste special and expressed in tahini, you can add sumac spice. Lemon juice, garlic, salt, paprika, and olive oil will add piquancy to the paste. This sauce can be served with meat and fish dishes, or dipped bread or fresh vegetables into it.

Tahini Recipes

The peculiarity of sesame paste is its versatility. It goes well with meat, poultry and fish, goes well with vegetables, and adds an original taste to desserts and baked goods. This is an essential component of hummus. Sesame paste is the basis of the original composition of halva, instead of sunflower seeds.

Many traditional recipes in the classic recipe are based on sesame paste:

  • Falafel. A dish of oriental cuisine. Balls of crushed beans (usually chickpeas) with the addition of beans and spices, deep fried;
  • Hummus. Chickpea puree with sesame paste, paprika, lemon juice, garlic and olive oil.

  • Tahina pita. Tahini pies are common in Crete and Greece. They are especially often prepared during Lent.
  • Halva. An oriental sweet that contains sesame paste, sugar and nuts.

This oriental delicacy can be prepared at home. Pasta is easy to prepare; it will be an excellent addition to a daily meal and a decoration for a holiday table, allowing familiar dishes to “sparkle” with a new taste.

How to Make Sesame Tahini Paste


  • 400 g sesame seeds
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil

Cooking algorithm:

  • Pour 400 g of unroasted peeled sesame grains with clean warm water (25-30 degrees) and leave for 4 hours to swell;-
  • strain the sesame seeds and put them in the refrigerator for the same period of time;
  • place sesame seeds on a baking sheet and place in the oven at the lowest temperature;
  • pour dried sesame seeds into a blender bowl;
  • grind the grains, starting from the lowest speed and bringing it to the highest;
  • during the grinding process, add 2 tbsp to the mixture. olive oils.

It is necessary to beat the sesame seeds to a homogeneous paste-like consistency. Afterwards, put the mixture into a glass container and put it in the refrigerator. The paste can be stored for a long time.

If desired, during the grinding process, you can add salt, paprika, lemon juice or other spices.

Recipes with sesame paste

There are many recipes for preparing meat and fish dishes with sesame paste. Fish goes well with sesame. The tandem of these products gives the dish an exquisite taste and increases its beneficial properties. Microelements and vitamins are better absorbed.

Fish dressed with sesame paste

You can prepare a dish of Far Eastern cuisine from any sea fish - hake, salmon. The delicacy is suitable as a main independent dish for lunch or dinner. Fish goes well with a side dish of mashed potatoes. It is recommended to cook samak bill tahini in the oven.

One serving contains 220 kcal. For 6 servings you will need:

  • 500 g sea fish steaks;
  • 100 g tahini;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • onion head;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • squeezed juice from one lemon;
  • parsley;
  • salt, carmadon and freshly ground black pepper - to taste;
  • cloves, cumin, coriander, paprika, nutmeg - according to preference;
  • odorless vegetable oil for frying vegetables.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Prepare the fish fillet - wash and dry with a towel.
  2. Mix nutmeg, paprika, coriander, cloves and cumin.
  3. Heat the oven to 200 degrees, rub each piece of fish with a mixture of spices and place in a pre-greased dish. Place the contents in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Peel, wash and cut the vegetables into small slices and fry in a frying pan until golden brown.
  5. Finely chop the greens and add to the vegetables.
  6. For the sauce: dilute tahini with a little water. The mass should be of medium thickness. Add squeezed garlic, carmadon, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt.
  7. Remove the fish from the oven. Place a layer of vegetables mixed with parsley on top. Pour sesame sauce over everything.
  8. Place in the oven for 15 minutes.
  9. The finished dish can be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs, nuts, lettuce leaves or slices of vegetables.

Chocolate tahini cake

The cake rightfully occupies a leading position in baking recipes. A tasty delicacy can also be made healthy if you prepare it according to the recipe of pastry chef Stellos Parllaros. The Greek dessert consists of 3 layers of unsalted butter, meringue and chocolate.

For the first version of the cream you need tahini and sour cream, classic yogurt or cream, for the second - condensed milk, sugar and sesame paste. The cake turns out to be high in calories - 300 kcal per serving. For 8 servings of dessert you need:

  • 100 g unsalted butter;
  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 200 g of classic yogurt without additives, sour cream or cream;
  • 1.5 cups tahini;
  • 200 g - dark dark chocolate;
  • a pinch of table salt.

Manufacturing sequence:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks, beat them until stable (meringue) with half the sugar;
  2. Melt 100 g of chocolate in a water bath, add butter to the mixture. Stirring constantly, bring the mass to a homogeneous consistency, remove from the stove and carefully add 5 yolks and salt;
  3. Add a little flour and beaten egg whites. The consistency of the dough should be like pancakes.
  4. Divide the mass into 3 equal parts. Bake each cake in a round pan.
  5. Heat the remaining 100 g of chocolate and paste in a water bath;
  6. Beat yogurt or sour cream with sugar. Mix the ingredients.
  7. Coat the finished cakes with cream. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  8. You can decorate the dessert with fruits, chocolate or nuts.

Oriental pasta with a unique taste will help diversify the menu. This product will make any dish unique - from a simple vegetable salad to complex culinary masterpieces.


Tahini, tahini, tahina, sesame paste or sesame paste- all this is the same ingredient, included in many Israeli and Middle Eastern dishes, such as, and . When I traveled around Israel, tahini was added everywhere and to all dishes; it was sold in every small and large store, from grocery stores under the house to hypermarkets. Returning to my country, of course, I didn’t find it on the shelves, so I set out to prepare tahini myself. It turned out that it is not so difficult. Let's try! .


  • - 400 g (unroasted, non-bitter)
  • - or odorless olive oil - 2-3 tbsp

Cooking method

It cooks very quickly. To make delicious sesame tahini paste, you need to choose the right sesame seeds. Try it before you buy it, it should not be bitter, otherwise the sesame paste will also turn out bitter. Measure out the required amount of sesame seeds.
Pour half of it into the blender chopper and start grinding. When the sesame seeds turn into mush, add the second half and grind again.
This may take about 5 minutes. If you use a coffee grinder, the result, of course, will be much better and you will achieve the desired consistency faster. My blender can only grind as much as shown in the photo below, but the finer the better.
Add sesame oil. And we grind again.
Due to the fact that the sesame is heated so much, the consistency should be homogeneous and liquid. Then the tahini will thicken a little in the refrigerator. If the consistency is uneven, add a little more oil and grind again until we achieve the desired result.
ready for further use. Many people already use this tahini as a separate sauce, but there is a classic one (with the same name)