Peanut butter benefits and harms.


Peanut butter is very popular among residents of the USA and many European countries. It is made from roasted peanuts and, in terms of its nutritional value, is a worthy replacement for meat food.

Peanut butter spread on toast or a sandwich, along with tea, coffee or milk, is the most classic American breakfast imaginable. This very filling product goes well with fruits such as bananas and apples. The recipe for many baked goods involves the use of peanut butter as one of the key ingredients.

In nutritional value, peanuts are not inferior to beans and peas. There is absolutely no cholesterol in groundnuts. Groundnuts are rich in vitamins E, PP, A, B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, folic acid, potassium, phosphorus, iron and iodine. In addition, like peanut butter, it contains antioxidants that help the body fight numerous heart diseases.

Since peanut butter is obtained by cold processing of ground nuts, all the beneficial properties of the original product are preserved in their original, untouched form. The paste contains unsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

The microelements present in this nutritious product are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, liver, and other organs and systems.

Diet dilemma

Peanut butter enhances the feeling of satiety and maintains muscle tone in the body. But this is precisely why nutritionists do not recommend getting carried away with this high-calorie product for athletes and anyone who wants to lose weight.

The daily dose of peanut butter for a person leading an active lifestyle should not be more than 4 tbsp. l.

As for people with physical inactivity, it is better for them to completely abandon peanuts and their derivatives.


Healthy peanut butter should be natural, so you can learn how to make it yourself at home.

Peanut paste- a juicy and aromatic dessert made from dried and fried. Research has shown that this dessert is incredibly healthy for those who consume it every day. This is especially true for peanut butter that you make yourself without adding sugar, salt or fat.

Unlike expensive nuts such as, and, peanuts are inexpensive, and their benefits for our body are similar. This nutritious yet calorie-dense food can be a healthy addition to almost any diet when consumed in moderation.

Useful and healing properties

Many people mistakenly believe that peanuts are a nut, but they are a plant belonging to the family. This is precisely the advantage of peanut-based products. In addition to its wonderful taste, peanut butter contains vital nutrients which are necessary for the body.

Regular use leads to such results:
  • reducing the risk of diabetes;
  • absence of heart disease;
  • reduction in the occurrence of cancer;
  • absence of degenerative nervous diseases;
  • Alzheimer's disease control;
  • reduction of hypertension;
  • reduced risk of contracting viral and fungal infections.

First of all, the beneficial properties lie in the incredibly nutritious composition of peanut butter. For example, this product contains a large amount of protein. Our bodies use amino acids found in protein foods to build and repair muscle tissue.

Protein-rich foods such as peanut butter keep you feeling full longer. Nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of milk in addition to peanut butter, since the paste contains an incomplete set of amino acids.

This is a nice addition to breakfast lowers cholesterol levels, since the fats contained in peanut butter are almost equal to the fats contained in olive oil. These unsaturated fats are well absorbed by the body, positively affecting the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The unsaturated fats in peanut butter reduce bad cholesterol and increase the circulation of good cholesterol. In addition, unsaturated fats improve insulin sensitivity. Studies have shown that higher consumption of peanuts and peanut-based products reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Peanut butter contains enough fiber to help supplement your intake of this nutrient from other foods. Fiber helps regulate your digestive system, promoting healthy bowel movements, and like protein, fiber keeps you feeling full longer between meals. Fiber also helps fight heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Chemical composition and calorie content of peanut butter

People who consume peanut butter on a regular basis provide the body with increased levels of protein, fat (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) and fiber. Although this product is considered very high in calories (576.4 kcal), these figures do not affect the figure in any way.

How much is in peanut butter proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU)(in grams per 100 g of product):

Peanut butter contains a decent amount niacin– water-soluble vitamin. The body needs niacin because this vitamin is essential for the functioning of the digestive system, nerve health and skin health. Nicotinic acid also helps convert food into energy and improves blood circulation.

Vitamins(mg per 100 g of product):

Among the minerals, peanut butter contains a lot of potassium, an element that maintains electrolyte balance in the body. At the same time, potassium, unlike sodium, does not affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Minerals(mg per 100 g):

This is why pasta is a valuable addition to a balanced diet when consumed in moderation.

How to use it for weight loss

Thanks to its high protein, fiber and healthy fat content, peanut butter has become a favorite food product. losing weight and athletes. Rich in all essential nutrients, this product helps keep your body, brain and nervous system in shape.

There is even diet dedicated to this product, allowing you to enjoy a sweet taste every day, while satisfying the feeling of hunger, supplying the body with everything it needs and eliminating the need for sweets.

Of course, food doesn't magically make you lose weight, but if you add a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter to your current meal plan, the extra pounds will slowly leave your body. At the same time, you need to change your eating habits by reducing portion sizes and emphasizing lean proteins, whole grains and fresh vegetables.

How to make peanut butter at home

To get a healthy and tasty peanut dessert, just mix the products in a blender in the following proportion:
  • peanuts – 200 g;
  • salt – 0.5 g;
  • – 2 tbsp;
  • – 3 tbsp.

You can buy already roasted peanuts without salt in the store or prepare them yourself.

The cooking sequence is simple:

  1. Place the washed and peeled peanuts in a single layer on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 7 minutes.
  2. Place the cooled peanuts in a blender and grind to a powder.
  3. Turn off the blender and scrape down the sides of the blender.
  4. Add salt, honey and oil and grind again to a paste.

If the consistency of the product is too thick, you can safely add water to it and mix again. If you make the mixture too thick, you will no longer end up with a paste, but with peanut butter.

What do you eat peanut butter with?

Peanut butter sandwiches– a healthy classic breakfast, especially if there is whole grain bread. However, this dessert is not only spread on bread, but also added to all kinds of dishes. Since it is recommended to consume peanut butter directly in the morning, it can be added to any other porridge.

All kinds of fruits and berries go well with this product: banana, grapes, apple and pear. Peanut butter is also ideal for snacking with fresh vegetables such as cucumbers, celery or carrots.

You can have pasta not only eat, but also drink. If you mix some peanut butter, milk and frozen bananas in a blender, you get a very tasty and satisfying smoothie.

How to choose a good product

Peanut butter, prepared with minimal addition of other ingredients, is red-brown in color, has a characteristic nutty taste and a sweetish aroma. However, not every peanut butter you can buy in the store is equally healthy. Nutritionists recommend carefully study the composition product before purchasing or prepare your own pasta at home.

How to use the product

No matter how tasty and healthy pasta is, you should not exceed the daily intake. Nutritionists recommend eating up to two tablespoons pasta in the morning.

Features of storing peanut butter

In order for the paste to continue to retain its beneficial qualities for a long time, it must be placed in the refrigerator, tightly closed with a lid. This is how it is stored no more than two months.

Harm and contraindications

Allergy for peanuts and, accordingly, peanut butter - one of the main risk factors associated with the use of this product. Allergy symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anaphylactic shock, asthma and angioedema.

If anaphylactic shock is not treated promptly, the result can be fatal. According to research, about 3 million people are currently allergic to peanut butter.

Overall, peanut butter is great for those who plan to healthy lifestyle, strives to lose weight or get a slim body through regular exercise. A minimum set of contraindications accompanies the safe use of this product.

Do you buy peanut butter or do you prefer to make it at home? Do you like this type of healthy and sweet dessert or do you prefer other products?

The calorie content of peanut butter per 100 grams (using the example of Nutella products) is 530 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 6.8 g protein;
  • 31 g fat;
  • 56 g carbohydrates.

The composition of peanut butter is represented by sugar, vegetable oil, cocoa powder with a reduced fat concentration, hazelnut kernels, skim milk, and whey. The product is characterized by an increase in the content of vitamins B, A, D, minerals calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine, potassium, sulfur.

The calorie content of peanut butter in 1 teaspoon is 63.6 kcal. In one teaspoon of product:

  • 0.82 g protein;
  • 3.72 g fat;
  • 6.72 g carbohydrates.

Benefits of peanut butter

The following benefits of peanut butter have been proven:

  • the product normalizes the functions of the nervous system;
  • When regularly eaten in small quantities of peanut butter, the level of bad cholesterol is restored;
  • peanut butter helps prevent stress and depression;
  • due to its high calorie content and nutritional value, the product allows you to quickly restore vitality after heavy exercise;
  • The properties of peanut butter to speed up metabolism are known;
  • the product's fiber ensures cleansing of the body from waste and toxins;
  • linoleic acid paste reduces the risk of sclerosis;
  • the product's folic acid is important for stimulating cell growth;
  • fatty acids in the paste stimulate brain activity and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Natural peanut butter increases testosterone levels in the blood, which accelerates muscle growth and weight loss.

Harm of peanut butter

The harmful properties of peanut butter include:

  • high probability of allergic reactions to the product;
  • The paste has a fairly high calorie content, which is why you will most likely have to give it up when losing weight;
  • Low-quality pasta contains a lot of artificial oxidizing agents and flavoring additives, which can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate the process of fat accumulation.

Due to the increased fat content, the product is contraindicated in case of exacerbations of diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and liver.

The leguminous grass, peanuts, is considered a major agricultural crop in the southern states of the United States.

Most of the country's harvest is used to produce peanut butter.

Americans cannot imagine their lives without her. How beneficial is paste for the human body? What is more in it, benefit or harm?

American breakfast

In the century before last, this plant from the legume family was called food for the poor.

Peanuts changed status at the beginning of the twentieth century.

In 1903, the American scientist George Carver came up with over 300 ways to use legumes in:

  • pharmaceuticals,
  • cosmetics,
  • agronomy,
  • soap making,
  • Food Industry.

At the same time, a recipe for cooking peanut butter was invented, and it began its victorious march around the world.

Americans are considered to be fine connoisseurs and adherents of the product:

  • every day it is put on the table of 40 million people in the United States.

The typical Yankee's most popular morning meal is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Depending on the time of grinding peanuts and additives: candied fruits, coconut flakes, nuts (), the paste has a different consistency and taste.

Some types of product are produced without salt and sugar, but the paste always retains its beneficial qualities and increased calorie content.

It is spread on toast and bread, washed down with coffee (the benefits and harms for pregnant women are written about), cocoa, milk or tea.

Chemical composition

The basic component of the paste is peeled, roasted and crushed peanuts, rich in proteins and vitamins.

Vegetable oil is added to it(what harm you can get from palm is written in the article), table salt and sugar. Peanut butter usually contains a stabilizer, which gives it a denser structure.

Thanks to cold processing, the paste does not lose its beneficial properties. legume grass. The benefits of heat treatment are evidenced by the fact that properly roasted peanuts contain more polyphenols than freshly picked ones.

The high quality product has a uniform consistency with the aroma and taste of roasted peanut kernels.

The composition of the paste and the preparation technology affect its final color, which can be either light brown or thick coffee.

The energy value is 598 kcal per 100 grams. The lion's share comes from fats (455 kcal), followed by proteins (99 kcal), and carbohydrates (41 kcal) close the list.

  • potassium,
  • magnesium,
  • sodium,
  • phosphorus,
  • calcium,
  • iron,
  • zinc,
  • selenium and copper.

Peanut butter is nutritionally superior to all legumes, including peas and beans ().

What is the benefit

Healthy food

Dietary fiber and protein suppress hunger. Pasta eaten for breakfast keeps you full for a long time. For its high protein content, peanut mixture is loved by those who play sports and gain muscle mass (read about Leuzea safflower in bodybuilding on the page).

Peanut proteins replace animal proteins in the diet of vegetarians.

Constant consumption of the paste helps to increase the level of testosterone, which works in the body as a natural fat burner.

Dietary fiber counteracts constipation by restoring intestinal motility. This is also important for those who monitor their physical fitness and do not want to gain extra pounds.

Therapy and prevention

The paste has a wide range of healing capabilities. It strengthens the immune system, thanks to zinc, and fights sclerosis, relying on the help of linoleic acid, which lowers the threshold of bad cholesterol.

What other healing powers are hidden in peanut butter?

  • It regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system.
  • It stimulates bile formation and bile secretion, prevents inflammation of the gallbladder (read how to properly make a tube).
  • Regenerates liver cells and prevents fat deposits.

Thanks to these properties, peanut mixture is indicated for the prevention and treatment of:

Regular use of the paste allows you to:

  • reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus ();
  • improve metabolism and normalize blood pressure (due to iron);
  • improve memory and put in order “shaky” nerves.

Antioxidants, the number of which the product is comparable to blackberries and raspberries, protect the body from free radicals.

Vitamin D monitors the proper formation of the skeleton and bone tissue, ascorbic acid maintains the elasticity and strength of cartilage.

For women's health

Women include peanut mass in their daily menu because of the antioxidants that keep their face and body youthful.

Folic acid is responsible for cell renewal and growth. This element is also vital for future parents, as it protects the fetus from birth defects.

It is believed that the paste helps cope with infertility and stabilizes hormonal balance.

Diet food

Losing weight with peanut butter is carried out under the supervision of a nutritionist: only he knows what it is combined with and how not to overdo the dose.

When following such a diet, you are not tormented by hunger, since the body is saturated with nutrients in optimal quantities: the weight melts slowly and without jumps.

If you follow the nutritionist's instructions, excess weight will leave you forever.

A little about the harm

The calorie content of a product is considered both its advantage and disadvantage:

  • with excessive consumption, you will not lose weight, but gain excess weight.

Doctors have determined the daily intake of peanut butter:

  • no more than 30 grams (one tablespoon).

Peanut butter also has more serious contraindications:

  • allergic manifestations associated with nuts;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • deposition of salts in joints ().

Methods of application

It becomes one of the ingredients when baking muffins and cookies. When added to risotto, sauces and creams, pasta imparts its specific flavor to them.

But this product is used not only for its intended purpose.(for gastronomic purposes), but they find paradoxical applications for it, for example, cleaning clothes and shoes.

The paste helps get rid of chewing gum stuck to things. Try, armed with a jar of paste, to add shine to your old leather shoes.

Apply it to the surface in the same way as shoe polish, rub in, and then polish with an old terry towel.

They claim that peanut butter can replace shaving foam if the latter suddenly runs out.

Take the liberty to experiment in the kitchen:

  • Rub the paste over the fish before frying.

This way you will kill two birds with one stone:

  • the fish will acquire an interesting taste and will not stick to the pan.

Peanut mass is useful for restorative masks, which are prepared by lovers of cosmetic procedures at home (). This anti-aging therapy will smooth out wrinkles and nourish the epidermis.

How to store

The peanut mass is kept in a hermetically sealed jar. There are two storage options.

  1. First.
    The jar is stored at room temperature:
    the nutritional value in this case remains the same.
    The paste does not lose its elasticity, it is convenient to take out and spread.
  2. Second.
    Peanut paste is placed in the refrigerator at a temperature of at least + 8 degrees.
    The product is stored in the refrigerator for 60 days.
    The taste and calorie content of the paste are preserved during this time.

When purchasing peanut butter, read the label carefully. If the product contains artificial additives in addition to natural ingredients, refuse to purchase. The surrogate causes allergies and even food poisoning. Take care of your health!

How peanut butter is beneficial and how it is harmful to the human body, watch the video of the “Live Healthy!” program.

Peanut butter is made from roasted peanuts. Pasta is a very healthy food product because peanuts are rich in proteins and vitamins. And these components are very necessary for the human body. The product is cold processed, so its beneficial properties are preserved.


The benefit of peanut butter is that it contains a large amount of vitamins. Dietary fiber helps fight constipation and improves intestinal motility. Although the finished product contains some fiber, it helps the body feel full for a long time. This point is important for those who want to keep themselves in good physical shape and do not want to gain weight.

The benefit of the product is that it contains unsaturated fatty acids. These components perfectly fight excess cholesterol in the blood. Vitamin D is a protector against rickets. It ensures proper development of the skeleton and bone tissue.

Vitamin C helps cartilage be strong and elastic. Without this component, every person’s body cannot be healthy.

The beneficial properties of peanut butter can cope with problems of the cardiovascular system. The body cannot independently produce polyunsaturated fatty acids, so a person needs to monitor his diet. Peanut butter will help deal with this. You can take a sandwich of bread with peanut butter for breakfast, then the body will receive the portion of nutrients it needs.

The benefit of the product is the presence of a large amount of protein. This component is important for athletes and sports fans. Proteins help increase lean body mass. Due to the fact that peanut butter has a high calorie content, it is appreciated by those who play sports professionally.

The beneficial components of peanut butter stimulate the processes of bile formation and bile secretion, restore liver cells, prevent the formation of fatty deposits in organs, and prevent the development of the inflammatory process in the gallbladder.

Therefore, regular consumption of peanut mass will be useful for the prevention, as well as complex treatment of biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, fatty liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis.

The benefit of peanut butter is that consuming it helps increase the level of the hormone testosterone in the blood. This element helps burn excess fat.

Peanut mixture is an excellent alternative to meat because it has a high protein content. This food product is suitable for people who follow a vegetarian lifestyle.

The benefit of the product is the presence of magnesium in it. The element reduces the risk of diabetes.

The product is rich in components that are so necessary for the normal functioning of nervous tissue, liver and heart. Peanut butter is a natural product.

Linoleic acid is an excellent assistant in combating the development of sclerosis. Thanks to this substance, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases in the body. The component protects the body's cells from negative influences.

The beneficial properties of the product lie in the fact that it contains iron. Therefore, frequent consumption of peanut mixture improves metabolic processes and blood pressure.

Adding peanut mass to the diet develops memory and improves the functioning of the nervous system. The product is an excellent option for combating depression. He is able to cheer up even the most sad person.

Folic acid is considered an essential substance that plays an important role in cell renewal and growth. This is the growth and good health of children.

It is useful for girls and women to consume peanut butter. The presence of antioxidants in the paste has a positive effect on the condition of the body. These components prevent it from aging prematurely. When peanuts are fried, more polyphenols are produced in them, which means that the beneficial properties of the product increase.

Peanut butter will help get rid of infertility. The product improves hormonal balance. The main thing is to consume peanuts in moderation.

High-quality peanut butter is distinguished by the fact that it has the appearance of a homogeneous creamy mass with the taste of roasted nut kernels. The shade of the product can be pale or rich coffee. This depends on the composition and method of preparing the mixture.


The main harm of mixture with peanuts is that it is allergenic. If your body is allergic to nuts, the product must be consumed very carefully.

The harm of pasta lies in its high calorie content and fat content. The product cannot be used in unlimited quantities.

When purchasing peanut butter, you need to pay attention to its composition. A real and healthy peanut mixture is a product that consists of natural ingredients. If the peanut mixture contains other additives, it may cause harm to the body.

Calorie content

Peanut butter is high in calories. 100 grams of peanut mixture contains:

The calorie content depends on the mass of the product consumed:


Peanut mixture has contraindications. It is not recommended if you have the following diseases:

  • arthrosis;
  • gout;
  • arthritis

Peanut paste has contraindications if you have problems with the stomach and intestines.

The use of the product must have measures. Because overeating it can cause harm to the human body.


Although peanut butter can be harmful to the human body, it is used in cooking. Peanut paste is a very tasty filling for cupcakes. The mixture goes perfectly on a sandwich. Eating this product for breakfast gives a person more vigor and good mood.

The product is added during frying of fish. Then the fish will definitely not stick to the pan. This option for preparing fish is suitable for lovers of Asian dishes.

The paste is used to clean clothes. It helps remove chewing gum from things.

Peanut paste is used as a natural shaving cream.

Apply the product to clean shoes using a terry towel. In this case, the paste must be applied to the shoes and rubbed in with a towel in a circular motion.

Peanut mixture is used for baking butter, sugar and oatmeal cookies. Due to its high fat content, the paste gives baked goods a nutty aroma and taste. At the same time, synthetic flavors are not needed, and the nutritional value of the product is preserved.

The product is used for dietary menus. The positive side of this diet is that it is very easy to follow. A diet based on peanut butter is not boring. During such a diet, there is no constant feeling of hunger; the body receives nutrients in the required quantities. The body loses weight at an optimal rate. It has been proven that gradual weight loss helps prevent weight gain back after the end of the diet.

Regular consumption of peanut butter slows down the formation of wrinkles. After all, the product fights with age. A regenerating peanut face mask will help remove fine wrinkles, even them out, and make the skin velvety.


Peanut butter must be stored in the refrigerator at temperatures up to + 8 degrees. Moreover, its shelf life is about 2 months. Throughout the entire period, the mixture will retain its nutritional value and taste.

The product must be placed in a tightly closed jar. It can be kept indoors at room temperature. Then it will be softer. It is much more convenient to use the mass in this form, and the nutritional value of the product remains normal.

The nutritional value

Composition of the product weighing 110 g:

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins that are in 100 g. product:

Peanut butter is rich in minerals. 100 g of peanut mixture contains:

The nutritional value of peanut mixture is no worse than that of other legumes, peas and beans. Its composition includes a large amount of vegetable protein and vitamin PP, A, group of vitamins B, E. The product contains folic acid, fiber, macro- and microelements.

Peanut mixture contains antioxidants. These are substances that protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Therefore, peanut butter is beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the indicator of this substance, the product stands next to strawberries and blackberries. Of course, it cannot be compared with pomegranate.

Peanut butter is very nutritious and rich in nutrients. The ready-to-eat product has the consistency of roasted and crushed peanuts with the addition of a small amount of sugar and salt, as well as vegetable oil. Stabilizers are added to the mass to make its structure more stable.

The product is recommended to be taken for breakfast with pastries and tea. Such a breakfast can add vigor and good mood to a person for the whole day. Peanut butter should be included in the diet unless contraindicated.