Beef heart sausage. Hearts from food: men cook for women - simple recipes and little tricks How to cut a heart from sausage

For Valentine's Day, you can, of course, prepare something interesting, for example, a heart-shaped salad. But if you are used to having a quick breakfast, then you can prepare sandwiches with hearts for breakfast, and a cup of tea or aromatic coffee with them. Such a beautiful breakfast will immediately put you in a positive mood and lift your spirits. So,


- bread or loaf;

- any sausage, you can buy ham;

- hard cheese;

- 1-2 boiled eggs;

- a little mayonnaise;

- canned ginger;


1. It is best to buy bread already sliced. You can cut sausage or ham and cheese into slices yourself (any supermarket will cut your sausage and cheese evenly and neatly). You will also need a set of cookie cutters in the shape of hearts of different sizes. For a large sandwich, a silicone mold for scrambled eggs was used.

Place a slice of black bread or loaf on a plate, place a heart shape on it, and carefully cut along the contour.

2. 2 boiled eggs, grate 50 grams of hard cheese on a coarse grater, add a little mayonnaise, salt, mix well.

Spread the egg-cheese mixture onto the heart.

3. Using a cookie cutter, press out a heart shape from a slice of sausage or ham and a smaller cookie cutter from the cheese. Place the sausage and cheese on the sandwich and top with a piece of pickled ginger. Garnish with dill sprigs.

4. Another sandwich option. Squeeze hearts out of a slice of bread or loaf. In their place are these hearts made of sausage and cheese.

5. Top with balls of egg-cheese mixture, pieces of pickled ginger, dill.

6. Heart sandwich with wings. Press out hearts of the same size from bread, cheese, and sausage with a cookie cutter. Place on top of each other, do not forget about a layer of egg-cheese mixture. There are wings on the side - they can be made from chips.

7. Another design option for heart sandwiches. Round holes are made using a wide cocktail tube.

1. These sandwiches can be made a little differently. Spread a slice of black bread with butter, a lettuce leaf on it, a thin slice of cheese on top, ham hearts on it, you can add a little mayonnaise or ketchup. You can make humorous inscriptions using mayonnaise or ketchup in a pastry bag.

2. If you don’t like sausage, then instead you can take fresh tomatoes, cut them into slices and squeeze the heart out of it. Do this: cut the tomato into fairly thick slices, squeeze out the heart with a cookie cutter, remove the excess from the edges and, together with the mold, carefully transfer it onto the bread, Remove the mold, press your finger into the middle, you get a bright red heart.

Bon appetit! Let this breakfast for lovers mark the beginning of a day full of pleasant and romantic experiences.

A woman is a traditional homemaker, housewife, wife and mother. The culinary origins are genetically embedded in her. However, it is common knowledge that men are also excellent cooks, capable of reaching the top in the art of cooking. In the daily bustle and chronic time pressure, home cooking often becomes a luxury that businessmen and businesswomen cannot afford. And a romantic breakfast in bed completely disappears into the illusory world of melodramas and commercials. But I still want romance! The same business women, having watched enough of the same melodramas and commercials, want (and often openly demand) attention, morning coffee not from the nearest machine and hearts-hearts-hearts!

Of course, it is difficult for a modern man - a resident of a metropolis (and a small town too) - to imagine himself baking cakes with roses or preparing a multi-ingredient salad in the shape of a heart. Frozen semi-finished products and prepared food departments in supermarkets are our everything! But…

Several times a year a man Maybe please your beloved with a romantic breakfast prepared by yourself. Valentine's Day February 14, March 8, birthday, meeting day, first date day, first kiss day, engagement day, wedding day - your soulmate will unobtrusively remind you of all the necessary dates. We offer several absolutely simple and accessible ways to confess your love without words. She will appreciate it.

Attention! All the dishes presented in the article were prepared by a man, a city resident, who knows how to heat up the lunch his wife prepared and cook store-bought dumplings. In the end, “heartfelt” cooking turned out not as beautiful as in the photos on restaurant menus, but honest, homely and dear. Perhaps your culinary masterpieces will be more impressive. Forward!

What you will need:

  • heart shape for salads and side dishes (such an iron mold);
  • a heart cookie cutter (the same, but smaller, also called a “dough cutter”);
  • pan;
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • wooden stick (for sushi, for example);
  • 2 small elastic bands or threads;
  • a lot of love and a little patience!

1. Fried egg-heart

Carefully place the metal heart shape for salads and side dishes on a preheated frying pan, drop a little oil and crack a raw chicken egg into the shape. Do not move the form after this. Add salt.

Attention! If the pan is Teflon coated, take extra care not to scratch the surface. Otherwise, no hearts will save you from the wrath of the owner of the frying pan.

Carefully transfer the finished egg to a plate and separate it from the mold with a sharp knife. You can serve with herbs and cherry tomatoes. A contrasting combination of colors will smooth out small flaws in the appearance of the dish.

If you still want to hide not the most beautiful places, try to disguise them with ketchup, but be careful: an awkward movement and you can ruin everything.

2. Fried egg in bread

The same salad and side dish mold can be used as a die cutter. It is better to take bread cut in production. Excellent bread for toasting.

Place a bread “frame” on a preheated frying pan, greased with oil, and quickly pour the egg into it. Don't forget to add salt. It is necessary to monitor the fire: the bread should not turn into a firebrand from below. Otherwise, after demonstrating the finished dish, you will have to eat it at lightning speed in front of the amazed beauty.

If the appearance of the finished hot sandwich seems too calm and inexpressive to you, you can try to liven it up with herbs, ketchup, green peas, olives - the artist lives in each of us!

3. Egg in sausage

Remove the long sausage from the cellophane casing (if there is one) and cut lengthwise, leaving 1.5 - 2 cm at one end.

Bend the sausage into a heart shape. At the junction of the two parts of the sausage, you can trim the edges a little.

If the heart does not want to hold its shape, secure the junction with a toothpick. Place the heart on a preheated and greased frying pan and quickly pour the egg into the heart.

If a little egg has leaked outside the heart, carefully cut off the excess with a knife (this should no longer be done in a frying pan!). Don't forget to remove the toothpick before serving. Any side dish.

4. Tomatoes-cucumbers

The shape of some vegetables, fruits and berries is such that making hearts out of them is a matter of minutes. For example, cherry cream tomatoes. They are not round, but slightly elongated, oblong.

The tomato needs to be washed and cut diagonally. One half of the tomato will be smooth, without flaws, the second will have a “butt”. A cute heart is assembled from two smooth parts of a tomato.

Similarly, you can make a heart from a cucumber: cut 2 slices diagonally and fold the heart.

The whole process will take 2 minutes.

Excellent hearts can be made from strawberries of the appropriate shape.

5. Bread with jam and canapés

What to do with the bread heart left over from making a hot egg sandwich? It's all in! A little butter, strawberry or raspberry jam - here you have a sweet sandwich. If you have any decorative sprinkles for baking in the house (bows, flowers, butterflies, balls), feel free to sprinkle them.

You can experiment with colored jam. The photo shows green apple jam in a tube (for children). It’s called “Risovashka” - very convenient for inscriptions and all that.

You can use a cookie cutter to make hearts out of bread for croutons.

Fry the bread in a frying pan with a little oil. Chop some more hearts out of cheese and sausage – and you’re ready for canapés.

6. Boiled egg heart

This is the most difficult manipulation and will require a little more time. You need an oblong piece of cardboard, folded in half lengthwise. The height of each side of the structure is approximately equal to the height of the egg. Juice packaging cardboard works well. You will also need a wooden stick (for example, for sushi), 2 rubber bands or threads to secure the entire structure.

Place a raw chicken egg in boiling salted water and cook for 5 minutes. Remove with a spoon and place under running cold water for a few seconds. Do not let the egg cool for too long, otherwise it will become less elastic. Gently break the shell with a spoon and peel the egg. It's hot, but you have to try to do it quickly.

Place the hot, peeled egg in a cardboard folded in a V shape (it is better to line it with cellophane for sterility), place a stick on top along the egg and press it slightly into the egg. Secure the entire structure on both sides with rubber bands or threads.

Place in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

Remove the egg and carefully cut into slices.

It’s better to make 2-3 eggs so that you can choose the most beautiful heart for your beloved.


Cooking is an inherently creative process.

The secret of a chef's success is often in an unusual combination of products and in the spectacular presentation of a dish. In addition, recipes for traditional Königsberg dishes are of considerable interest. Marzipans, bed bugs... There is room for your imagination to run wild!

Sausage with heart is a very tasty meat dish that you will probably succeed even the first time if you carefully follow the steps of the recipe. I advise you to add spicy flavors to the dish: garlic, ground hot pepper, as well as bright spices - dried thyme.

Salted intestines can be purchased at the market or at a butcher shop if you order them in advance. You can also buy them in the online store. Add lard to the sausage based on the fat content of the underbelly (breast): if it is fatty, then add less lard, and vice versa. Be sure to cut off the skin from the undercut.

Many chefs advise adding onions to sausage with beef heart, but do this only if you do not plan to freeze the semi-finished sausage product, since onions give an unpleasant aroma to the meat product when frozen.

So, let's prepare all the necessary ingredients and start cooking.

We will definitely cut off the fat from half the heart - its taste is bitter. Wash, cut off the veins and films from the heart, cut into portions. We will do the same with meat and lard.

Peel the garlic cloves and pass them through a meat grinder, turning everything into minced meat. Season with salt, pepper and ground red pepper and dried thyme. Mix the minced meat thoroughly and leave it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to flavor.

Using a special nozzle, fill the washed intestines, tying one end. When the minced meat enters the intestine, we pierce it with a needle, releasing the air. Remember that the intestines should not be filled tightly, otherwise the sausage will burst. Let it be better half empty, but whole! When the minced meat is finished, distribute it throughout the intestine and tie the other end, punching and releasing the air. In this form, sausage with heart can be frozen in the freezer.

But we'll fry it right away. To do this, heat a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, reduce the heat to low and place the sausage in the frying pan. Cover with a lid and fry on one side for about 10 minutes.

After that, turn it over to the other side and fry for the same amount of time.

Place the hot sausage on a dish and serve it with preserved food and hot pickled peppers.

Don't forget the mustard!

Have a nice day!