Fermented milk product Narine: instructions for use. Narine sourdough: benefits, specifics of preparation How to make Narine from dry sourdough at home

Step 1: selection of Narine starter culture and sterilization of equipment.

A little about “Narine” - it is a pribiotic for restoring beneficial microflora. “Narine” should only be purchased in pharmacies or medical institutions in order to have a guarantee of quality. For a thinner yogurt you can use Narine powder. And for thicker ones it is better to use “Narine” enzyme in a bottle. The shelf life is always indicated on the packaging, but at home the ampoules can be stored in the refrigerator at – 4 - 6 degrees Celsius. All utensils with which you will make the starter must be sterilized in any way you like, for example, using a microwave oven, a double boiler, or by boiling for 15 minutes.

Step 2: selection and preparation of milk.

Now decide on the milk, if it is ordinary cow’s milk, it should be boiled and then cooled up to 38 - 39 degrees Celsius. If it is ordinary pasteurized and prepared according to GOST as indicated in this recipe, then simply pour it into a deep saucepan and heat it to the required temperature, stirring occasionally with a wooden kitchen spoon. It should be very warm, but not hot, otherwise all the bifidobacteria contained in the sourdough will simply die! To be sure, using a tablespoon, place a couple of drops of milk on your hand; it should not burn, but it will be very warm for sensitive skin. Or use a regular thermometer for these purposes, it will be more effective.

Step 3: prepare the starter.

Using a ladle, pour a small amount of warm milk into a regular 250 gr glass. Open the starter with Narine, pour the powder into a glass and stir the ingredients with a tablespoon until smooth. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan with the remaining milk and stir with a whisk until smooth.

Step 4: prepare Narine yogurt in a yogurt maker.

If you prepare yogurt in a yogurt maker, carefully read the operating instructions for your kitchen appliance and proceed as directed. Pour the milk with the starter into special jars.
Place them in the yogurt maker, uncovered, and set the fermentation time to the desired time. Prepare yogurt in a yogurt maker from 6 to 12 hours, depending on how thick the product you want to get in the end. Basically, to make yoghurt from “Narine” it takes from 6 to 8 hours.
After the required amount of time has passed, remove the jars with the finished product from the yogurt maker, close them with tight-fitting lids and place them in the refrigerator for 2 – 3 hours for more thickening.

Step 5: prepare Narine yogurt in a thermos.

If you decide to prepare yogurt in a thermos, pour milk heated to the desired temperature into it, leaving a little in the glass. Open the starter with Narine, pour the powder into a glass and stir the ingredients with a tablespoon until smooth.
Pour the resulting mixture into a thermos with milk, close it with a tight lid, shake a couple of times to mix the liquids, wrap the thermos in a kitchen towel and place it in a warm place. 12 hours.
Do not move the thermos from place to place; it is very important not to move it in different directions during the fermentation and thickening process of yogurt. After the required time has passed, transfer the finished yogurt into a clean, sterilized container, close the container with a lid and keep the milk mass in the refrigerator for another 2 – 3 hours.

Step 6: Strain the yogurt.

This step can be used if you want a very thick yogurt! Take a deep bowl, place a fine mesh sieve on its surface and place sterile gauze in it, folded in 2 layers. Then using a tablespoon, transfer the yogurt to cheesecloth.
Let the whey clumps drip into a bowl. If you wish, you can hang the gauze with yogurt in any place convenient for you, let it hang in this state for a couple of hours so that all the whey is gone.
Then transfer the yogurt back into the container, close the container with a tight lid and re-cool the dairy product in the refrigerator.

Step 7: serve Narine yogurt.

After preparation, Narine yogurt is cooled in the refrigerator for 2 – 3 hours until completely thickened or first filtered, thus getting rid of the whey and then cooled. “Narine” bacteria are more active within 1 day, so it is better to consume it within 24 hours. After this time, the bacteria are less active, but the yogurt is still healthy and can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days. Afterwards, like any lactic acid product, it begins to sour, but do not rush to throw it away; you can make pancakes, pancakes or any other flour products from this yogurt. Ready-made yogurt can be enjoyed with various fruits, berries, syrups and many other delicacies. High-quality and healthy food is the key to health! Enjoy! Bon appetit!

- – From the working starter you can prepare a second portion of yogurt; the texture will be more liquid, similar to drinking yogurt. Take 2 - 3 tablespoons of the finished fermented milk product and dilute it in 500 milliliters of milk heated to 38 - 39 degrees. Afterwards, cook the yogurt using any of the above methods in the recipe for 8 hours.

- – People sensitive to penicillin should consult a doctor before consuming fermented milk products prepared using Narine starter culture!

- – When taking ready-made dairy products from Narine starter culture, carefully read the instructions, it indicates the norms for taking dairy products for adults, children and infants!

- – It is advisable to prepare yogurt from powdered “Narine” starter culture!

Narine sourdough is a popular dietary product that enjoys considerable popularity among those who prefer fermented milk products prepared at home. No one can answer for sure what is causing this increase in demand for this product: some believe that this is due to active advertising of a healthy lifestyle, while others complain about its undoubted benefits. What are the advantages of the product and how to prepare the sourdough?

Narine sourdough: about the product in brief

Instructions for use Narine characterizes the product as baby/diet food. It comes in several forms:

  • tablet form - taken as a regular medicine;
  • powdered form - drinks are prepared on its basis at home;
  • ready-to-use sourdough.

Most consumers prefer Narine in powder form, because it is possible to independently prepare a tasty and very healthy drink from it. According to the instructions for use, the product is prepared within 24 hours, and its beneficial properties are retained for another week.

Narine consists of live lactobacilli - acidophilus. The tablet form, in addition to the main component, also contains additional substances:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • corn starch;
  • sucrose.

Important! Narine is not a drug - it is a dietary supplement. But despite this, this product is actively used as an addition to the main therapy in the treatment of a number of pathological processes in the body.

Sourdough can be purchased at a pharmacy. As for prices, it varies depending on the production batch and the markup of the selling company.

The benefits of sourdough

As already mentioned, this product, regardless of its release form, is considered by experts as baby/diet food. Most often it is purchased for children and even infants. Moreover, most users of sourdough assure that thanks to its use, it is possible to solve a lot of problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The most significant and obvious advantages of taking Narine include the following positive properties:

  • normalization of the pancreas;
  • rapid restoration of intestinal function after infection - thanks to taking Narine, it is possible to stop the proliferation of pathological microflora in the intestine;
  • activation of the functionality of the immune system;
  • stabilization of intestinal microflora;
  • normalization of liver function.

Also, many qualified specialists strongly recommend taking lactobacilli in the form of a starter during the postoperative period during surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract, against the background of intoxication, chronic stress and long-term antibiotic therapy.

Narine is often used as a skincare product - the leaven is applied to a previously cleansed face. This kind of mask allows you to get rid of small, shallow expression wrinkles, makes the skin of the face less oily and reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes and rashes.

The dietary product helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract, which means it can be taken in the fight against extra pounds and even obesity.

Specifics of cooking Narine

The dietary product can be prepared in a thermos or using a yogurt maker. When preparing sourdough in a thermos, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. First, you should dilute a packet of starter in 50 ml of milk preheated to 40°C.
  2. Add the prepared lactobacilli solution to 500 ml of warm milk.
  3. Boil a glass of milk and let it cool.
  4. Mix milk with lactobacilli and cooled milk.
  5. Pour everything into a thermos and close it for 12 hours.

Important! When purchasing starter at a pharmacy, be sure to check the expiration dates. Only a fresh product has the beneficial properties indicated by the manufacturer!

After the specified time, the starter is not yet ready for use. The next stage is preparing the drink. Here again it is possible to use a thermos or a yogurt maker:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to heat 1 liter of milk to a temperature of 40°C.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of prepared starter from a thermos to the milk.
  3. Pour all the contents back into the thermos and let the bacteria brew for another 12 hours. In the case of using a yogurt maker, the product will be ready for use after 8 hours.

Important! During the preparation of Narine, it is extremely important to maintain sterility. All utensils must be sterilized by steam or treated with boiling water.

Ferment for yoghurt "Narine" is a real health product. The drug began to be used back in the 60s to treat many problems associated with the digestive system, to improve immunity, treat dysbacteriosis and other problems. "Narine" leaven was used to restore patients who suffered in Chernobyl. Has been approved for use

Today, "Narine" starter is used both for the prevention and treatment of problems such as diabetes, stool problems, diathesis, as well as for restoring intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics. It is used to prevent periodontal disease and caries, to restore potency, and to increase immunity in case of a tendency to colds. It is also used to complement breastfeeding or as a substitute for it. So we can safely say that “Narine” sourdough is a real health product. In some cases, doctors prescribe taking the drug "Narine" in its pure form. However, it is believed that the best effect is achieved by yogurt from “Narine” or other products prepared with this leaven.

How to make natural homemade yogurt from "Narine"

It is best to prepare Narine-based yogurt for a family of 2-3 people at once, since 1 standard sachet is used per liter of milk. Before starting work, all utensils that you use, especially spoons and jars for fermentation, should be sterilized and wiped dry to avoid the entry of excess bacteria.

Ferment for yogurt "Narine": take 200 ml of milk and "Narine" powder (1 sachet). Boil the milk over low heat for 15 minutes, cool to 40 degrees. Add 1 packet of Narine and stir. Infuse the mixture for about 20 hours in a warm place - a clot should form. Then put it in the refrigerator for another 3 hours. Remove the bowl and stir the mixture again. "Narine" sourdough is ready.

Prepare yogurt: boil 1 liter of milk and cool to 40 degrees. Add 1 tablespoon of starter and mix everything. If you cook in a yogurt maker, pour it into jars.

In winter, you can infuse yogurt on a radiator, however, it is best to buy a yogurt maker, since in it temperature changes and any unfavorable changes in the microclimate for lactobacilli are minimal. You need to infuse yogurt for 5 to 7 hours. Properly prepared yogurt will form a small curd. It can be mixed and poured into a bottle. If you insist a little longer, it will be thicker. product depends on the quality of the milk and the level of sterilization of the utensils. Thus, “Narine” starter culture can last in the refrigerator for about a week, and ready-made yogurt - from 2 to 10 days (sterilized, ultra-pasteurized or fresh boiled milk). It is worth paying attention that the quality of the yogurt you receive will directly depend on how accurately you followed the recipe and all the subtleties of preparation indicated in the recipe. One jar can be set aside to use instead of sourdough.

If you use Narine yoghurts for preventive purposes, you can use a little honey or snack on fruit to sweeten its slightly sour taste.

This product can be given to small children from birth. "Narine" sourdough and fermented milk products that are made on its basis help fight allergies, promote the proper functioning of the intestines, and support its normal microflora. Children who from an early age consumed fermented milk products based on Narine starter culture are less likely to get sick.

Similar products made from Narine sourdough are an excellent healthy choice to start the day.

Sourdough "Narine" is on everyone's lips. It is available in different forms - tableted (drink as a drug), ready-made (drink by spoon) or in powder form - especially for preparing fermented milk products at home. The last option is considered the most effective - within 24 hours after preparing the product, the concentration of bacteria in it is especially high. The product itself is suitable for use throughout the week.

Composition of Narine sourdough

live lactobacilli Lactobacillus acidophilus (acedophilic lactobacilli).

These same bacteria are part of the starter culture.

Indications for use Narine

The safety and high efficiency of Narine starter culture is supported by the fact that the fermented milk product prepared on its basis can be used by babies from birth as a breast milk substitute.

“Narine” is classified as baby and dietary food, and those who have been friends with this starter for a long time confirm: it is indeed capable of solving a wide range of gastrointestinal problems, in particular, the following is observed:

  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of liver condition;
  • normalization of the pancreas;
  • treatment of dysbacteriosis; suppression of intestinal infections;
  • significant assistance in eliminating disorders of the hematopoietic system;
  • eliminating the negative consequences of using antibiotics and removing them from the body;
  • improvement of condition after operations on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • general improvement in well-being in stressful situations.

“Narine” can also be used as a cosmetic and therapeutic product for wounds on the skin or mucous membranes. Cosmetic masks from Narine can significantly improve the condition of the skin, refresh and rejuvenate it.

Disadvantages of Narine sourdough

In preparing a fermented milk product from Narine sourdough, difficulties are possible at first - many find it difficult to choose the “right” milk, others are not satisfied with the too sharp sour taste of the finished dish. If you prepare fermented milk in, you will have to adapt to its characteristics - different devices heat the starter differently, and different devices achieve high-quality results in different time intervals. One device prepares fermented milk in 4 hours, and the other in 7-8. Therefore, tips for preparing “Narine” will have to be adapted to your own conditions.

As for the sour taste, it can be caused by over-seasoned sourdough. If even a properly prepared product is sour for you, the taste can always be corrected by adding pureed fruits, honey or syrup, etc. The result will be a rather pleasant “yogurt”.

For opponents of sweet drinks, there is another option: dilute the finished product with a small amount of lukewarm water. For many, this particular drink based on “Narine” becomes their favorite.

If your fermented milk product does not have the desired consistency and taste, it is quite possible that the problem is in the starter itself. It is best to purchase it at a pharmacy, but be sure to pay attention to the storage conditions. If the bag is taken out of the display case, refuse to purchase. The starter should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator, and good pharmacies put a piece of ice in the bag, which will help maintain the viability of the starter until you get home and put Narine in the refrigerator.

How to prepare Narine in a thermos and yogurt maker: instructions for use

A packet of Narine is diluted in a small amount of milk heated to 38-40 degrees and poured into 0.5 liters of milk at the same temperature. It is better to take fattier milk, at least 3.2% fat. Choose a manufacturer you trust; In the liquid that is reconstituted from milk powder, bacteria feel uncomfortable, and it will be problematic to obtain a thick, pleasant-tasting product.

One of the main principles in preparing sour milk at home is the sterility of all utensils. The jars from the yogurt maker must be rinsed well and sterilized by steam (or doused with boiling water).

Pour 200 ml of milk into a saucepan and boil for about five minutes. Pour the milk into a jar, cool to 40 degrees.

Then mix with 0.5 milk. Milk from Narine is poured into a thermos and left to ferment for 12 hours. This is our starter for the subsequent preparation of fermented milk.

Heat a liter of milk to 38-40 degrees and stir 2 tbsp in it. starter from a thermos. We leave it to ferment either in a yogurt maker or in a thermos for an average of 8 hours, after which we move the finished product to the refrigerator.

A wonderful fermented milk dessert made from Narine sourdough is ready.

Yulia Omelchenko specifically for the site

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Sourdough Narine (pack - 10 pcs.) Article: 82

Narine starter culture is designed to produce tasty and, importantly, very healthy yogurt at home.

Narine is a lyophilized concentrate of lactic acid bacteria. It has the appearance of a porous cream-colored mass.

Narine is produced using a pure culture of lactic acid bacteria Laktobacillus acidophilus strain n.v.Ep 317402, isolated by the Armenian scientist L.A. Erzinkyan in 1964 Long-term studies have shown that the strain is a probiotic culture and its properties are strictly different from other cultures of acidophilic bacteria. Since then, Narine has been used as a necessary component for many pathologies. Clinical studies conducted in leading Russian clinics confirmed the high effectiveness of the drug.

The healing effect of Narine is determined by the acidophilic lactobacilli it contains, which play a vital role in normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. They produce a number of vital amino acids, enzymes that promote the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, synthesize vitamins B, C, folic acid and others, take root well in the intestines, and are resistant to the action of many antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs. In a shortened time, they improve the composition of anaerobic flora (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli), and increase the activity of normal E. coli. They have pronounced antagonistic activity against a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms, prevent the formation of protracted gastrointestinal diseases, and increase the nonspecific resistance of the body.

Method for preparing liquid fermented milk product:

Preparing the starter:

Boil 150 ml of cow's milk (preferably skimmed) for 10-15 minutes, cool to 39-40 °C, remove the film and pour into a glass container steamed with boiling water.

Add the contents of 1 sachet, mix thoroughly, close tightly, place in a yogurt maker (wrap in paper in several layers, wrap in a blanket), ensuring +37+39 °C and leave for 22-24 hours for fermentation.

After a clot has formed, place the starter in the refrigerator and leave for at least 3-4 hours.

Before using, stir the starter until smooth.

Store the starter at a temperature of +2+8°C for no more than 7 days

Preparation of the product:

Prepare the product in a similar way, at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons of starter per 1 liter of milk, with a fermentation duration of 5-7 hours.

Store at a temperature of +2...+8°C for no more than 2 days.

Before use, the product can be stirred and, if desired, syrup, jam, rice broth or pureed fruit can be added to taste.

ATTENTION: In order to obtain a high-quality product, it is necessary to observe the optimal fermentation temperature +37+39 °C and the sterility of all utensils used.

Application area

Narine is recommended to be used as a source of probiotic microorganisms to normalize the functioning and prevent chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (dysbacteriosis, intestinal dysfunction, enterocolitis, colitis, intestinal and staphylococcal infections), to eliminate imbalances in the intestinal microflora (diarrhea, constipation, flatulence).

In children from the first days of life (including premature babies) as a substitute for mother's milk (full or partial). It is used to treat the nipples of the mother's mammary glands before feeding the baby.

In complex therapy, Narine is also used against allergic diseases (diathesis, asthma).

Narine is also used externally for lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, for rinsing, douching (burns, suppuration, diathesis, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, vaginitis, mastitis, colpitis, diseases of the ENT organs).

Effective when using antibiotics, chemotherapy, hormonal drugs and radiation.

In the 80s of the 20th century, Japanese scientists found that Narine increases the production of interferon, thereby increasing the body's defenses of people exposed to adverse factors, and has immunomodulatory properties.

Narine helps to enhance actions aimed at reducing serum cholesterol levels.

Its effectiveness in preventing obesity has been noted.

Indications for its use also include inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system (bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis), gynecological diseases (andexitis, oophoritis, salpingitis), mastitis, diabetes mellitus, periodontal disease, pyelonephritis.

  • children over 1 year to 4 years old, 1 sachet per day 15-20 minutes before meals;
  • children over 4 years old and adults: 2 sachets per day, 15-20 minutes before meals.

Duration of admission: 14-20 days, depending on the causes of dysbacteriosis and the individual characteristics of the body.

Compound: One sachet contains lyophilisate of lactic acid bacteria Laktobacillus acidophilus strain n.v.Ep 317402. Does not contain fillers

Manufacturer country: Republic of Armenia

Weight (g): 10 sachets of 200 mg.
Fermentation time: 22-24 to create a starter
Amount of product per piece: Initially for 150 ml of milk, then the starter is separated from freshly prepared yoghurt for the next portion. Then 2 tablespoons of ready-made starter per 1 liter of milk.
Ingredients: Acidophilic lactobacilli Laktobacillus acidophilus strain N.V.EP 317402 "Narine" TNSi
Shelf life: 2 years. Store in a dry place at temperatures up to +6 degrees. We try to ensure that we have the freshest goods; we purchase from dealers and manufacturers 1-2 times a month.
Country of origin: Republic of Armenia
Packaging: box containing 10 sachets