Ketchup for the winter made from tomatoes and apples. Sweet tomato sauce “I almost swallowed my tongue”

There are several proven and very tasty homemade sauces.

The tomato ketchup is finger-licking and it’s very easy to prepare for the winter.

Tomato sauce is served with meat dishes, spaghetti and fried potatoes. You can buy the sauce at any grocery store, but you can’t be sure that it doesn’t contain various chemical additives and preservatives.

Therefore, thrifty housewives have long been preparing ketchup for the winter at home, using only quality products without any chemicals. Even children can use non-spicy ketchup. The sauce is prepared simply from available ingredients. Of course, the sauce prepared at home will differ in thickness from the store-bought sauce, but the main thing is that the taste will be simply excellent.

You can adjust the taste of the sauce yourself: make it hotter by adding chili pepper, or sweet and sour by adding apples. For those who love spicy ketchup, you can add various seasonings during the preparation of the sauce: cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg or dry mustard.

And don’t forget, ketchup must be stored only in sterilized jars, otherwise it will spoil.

Homemade tomato ketchup for the winter You'll lick your fingers


  • three large onions;
  • half a kilo of apples;
  • three kilos of tomatoes;
  • three dessert spoons salt;
  • one and a half glasses of granulated sugar;
  • 30 gr. vinegar


  • Finely chop onions, apples and tomatoes;
  • put on the stove and cook for about an hour;
  • check onion for softness;
  • tomato puree cool and grind in a blender;
  • add salt and sugar;
  • put on fire and simmer until required thickness;
  • ten minutes before the end of cooking the sauce, pour in the vinegar;
  • Pour into prepared glass container.

For spiciness, add ground red and black pepper to the sauce. When preparing the sauce, use natural Apple vinegar.

Ketchup with garlic


  • tomatoes - two kilos;
  • three dessert spoons of sugar;
  • salt - dessert spoon;
  • 200 gr. vegetable oil;
  • a small head of garlic;
  • black and red ground pepper- half a teaspoon.

Cooking steps:

  • cut into small cubes tomatoes;
  • heat in a deep frying pan sunflower oil and fry the tomato pieces in it;
  • after the tomatoes become soft, grind them through a sieve or beat in a blender;
  • put the tomato puree on the fire;
  • boil for an hour;
  • forty minutes after boiling the tomato mass, add salt, sugar, pepper;
  • mix;
  • Five minutes before removing from heat, add peeled and chopped garlic.
  • Pour the finished sauce into prepared containers;
  • roll up;
  • leave until completely cool;
  • put in a cellar or basement for storage.

Recipe for winter ketchup at home from tomatoes with mustard

Spicy sauce with a hint of mustard

  1. five kilos of tomatoes;
  2. half a kilo of granulated sugar;
  3. two large onions;
  4. two tbsp. spoons vegetable oil;
  5. mustard powder - three tbsp. spoons;
  6. vinegar - half a glass;
  7. salt - two tbsp. spoons;
  8. nutmeg - a pinch;
  9. a couple of pieces carnations


  • peel tomatoes;
  • slice small pieces;
  • grate the onion on a coarse grater;
  • add vegetable oil to the pan;
  • fry the prepared ingredients;
  • leave on the fire for an hour and a half until the excess liquid boils away;
  • grind through a sieve;
  • transfer back to the pan;
  • add all the spices to the tomato mass, except salt and nutmeg;
  • simmer for another two or three hours;
  • add salt and nutmeg five minutes before the end of cooking ketchup;
  • pour the finished sauce into jars;
  • roll up.

In order to homemade ketchup Tomatoes for the winter turned out delicious, take only ripe and juicy tomatoes.

Before preparing the sauce, take the time to remove the skins from the tomatoes.

If you don't like the smell and taste of garlic, you don't have to add it to the sauce.

To make the sauce more homogeneous, beat the mixture with a blender before pouring it into jars.

Ketchup with starch at home for the winter

This sauce will not spread; it is perfect for both barbecue and spaghetti.

In order for home-made ketchup to have a dense consistency, it is necessary to add starch to the preparation, which will give the necessary thickness and gloss to the finished product.

For such a workpiece, except standard set products: tomatoes, onions and bell peppers, you can add cinnamon, ground red and black pepper for spiciness. And if you want, add some spice to the sauce and use celery.


  • tomatoes - two kilos;
  • two small onions;
  • 30 ml vinegar (you can use white wine vinegar);
  • two dessert spoons of salt;
  • six dessert spoons of sugar;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • half a glass of water;
  • two to three tablespoons of starch.


  • peel and cut tomatoes and onions;
  • grind vegetables in a meat grinder;
  • transfer to a container and put on fire;
  • cook over low heat for two and a half hours;
  • let the tomato mass cool and carefully grind it through a fine sieve;
  • pour again tomato preparation into a container and put on fire;
  • salt, add spices and granulated sugar;
  • for aroma, you can add two or three laurel leaves;
  • dilute starch in warm water;
  • carefully add the starch solution into the sauce, mix thoroughly and quickly so that no lumps form;
  • boil for another five minutes, turn off and pour the finished product into jars;
  • We put it in a cellar or basement for storage.

If you don't want to grind boiled tomato puree to get rid of tomato seeds and skins. You can do this at the beginning of cooking: scald the tomatoes with boiling water and put them in a cold water. The peel is easily removed after such water procedures. Then cut the fruits into two parts and scrape out the seeds with a spoon. There is no need to throw them away. Grind them in a fine sieve and add the juice to the tomato puree.

Homemade tomato ketchup like store bought

How delicious store bought ketchup, but how much is there harmful additives, stabilizers and preservatives. How would you like it to tomato sauce was natural. There is a way out - you can make homemade ketchup from tomatoes, the same as store-bought sauce. Delicious preparation can be cooked for a whole year, while significantly saving the family budget.

To prepare tomato sauce, you do not need to buy selected fruits; it is enough to buy slightly spoiled tomatoes, overripe, with damaged skins. On taste qualities This will not affect the finished product in any way.

Choose very red tomatoes so that the prepared sauce turns out to be a bright red, appetizing color. If you wish, you can add cloves, pepper and other spices that you like to the sauce.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • tomatoes - five kilos;
  • bell pepper – one kilogram;
  • bulb onions medium size– 8 pcs.;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • half a glass of 6% apple cider vinegar;
  • salt - three dessert spoons;
  • a few bay leaves.

Cooking steps:

  1. add salt to the diced tomatoes and let them stand for about twenty minutes so that they release their juice;
  2. grind the peeled onions and peppers in a meat grinder;
  3. add vegetable mixture to tomatoes;
  4. put the container with the workpiece on the fire;
  5. the tomato mixture should be boiled for thirty minutes;
  6. remove from the stove and let the tomato mass cool;
  7. grind the workpiece through a fine sieve;
  8. put the container on low heat, add salt, add granulated sugar and Bay leaf;
  9. cook with stirring for another two hours.
  10. ten minutes before readiness add vinegar;
  11. pour the finished product into a glass container.

Winter preparations, tomato ketchup: the most delicious recipe

Everyone at home will appreciate this product, especially if you cook a couple of jars of this delicious ketchup with spicy spicy taste, then men will be simply delighted!

How many various blanks You can make winter tomatoes, including ketchup, according to the most delicious recipe I know.

There are a great many recipes for making ketchup, but there is a base for tomato sauce, which is prepared from a small amount of ingredients. And then there’s your fantasy and taste preferences, will allow you to create exactly the sauce that will appeal to both adults and children.

The most delicious recipe for homemade ketchup for the winter made from tomatoes and bell peppers


  • five kilograms of tomatoes;
  • half a kilo of bell pepper;
  • 400 gr. onions;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a quarter glass of salt;
  • 100 ml of vinegar (you can take 6% apple cider vinegar);
  • three tablespoons of starch;
  • a bunch of parsley.


  1. cook from tomatoes tomato juice using a juicer;
  2. put the juice in a saucepan with high sides on the fire and bring to a boil;
  3. peel the onion and pepper, cut into small pieces and mince;
  4. add twisted vegetables to boiling tomato juice;
  5. mix thoroughly and bring to a boil;
  6. be sure to remove the foam;
  7. boil for at least two hours;
  8. remove the pan from the heat and let
  9. salt, add sugar;
  10. dilute the starch in a glass of water and carefully pour into the sauce, add a bunch of herbs;
  11. simmer for another twenty minutes, remove the parsley and add vinegar, stir, turn off and let cool slightly;
  12. pour into prepared containers.

Advice! If you don’t have a juicer, then mince the tomatoes or blend them in a blender.

Chef's Best Ketchup Recipe


  • ripe, fleshy tomatoes - two kilos;
  • sour apples – three pcs.;
  • onion - three large heads;
  • salt - two dessert spoons;
  • sugar - a little more than half a glass;
  • cloves, nutmeg, red pepper - to taste;
  • a teaspoon of cinnamon.


  1. cut and chop vegetables using a meat grinder or blender;
  2. put on fire and cook for about forty minutes;
  3. cool the tomato mass and add sugar, salt and spices, except vinegar and ground red pepper;
  4. simmer for another hour and a half to two hours;
  5. add vinegar, pepper, boil for another 5-10 minutes;
  6. Remove from heat, let cool slightly, and pour into prepared container.

We don’t hide it too far, because ketchup is extremely tasty and ready to use.

Homemade kebab ketchup for the winter

To make ketchup you will need the following products:

  1. two and a half kilograms of ripe and juicy tomatoes;
  2. a kilo of bell pepper;
  3. hot pepper pod;
  4. tablespoon chopped garlic;
  5. three tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar;
  6. teaspoon salt, mustard, coriander, grated root ginger, dill seeds, vinegar essence;
  7. six peas of hot and allspice;
  8. five cardamom grains;
  9. laurel leaf - two pieces;
  10. Art. a spoonful of starch diluted in half a glass of water.

Cooking method kebab ketchup for the winter at home:

Cut tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers into pieces and place on low heat. Add all ingredients except vinegar and starch. One hour after boiling vegetable mixture grind it through a fine sieve.

Cook the puree for another three to four hours. About five minutes before it’s ready to add vinegar essence and starch. Pour the finished product into jars.

Jamie Oliver's Ketchup Recipe

The famous chef, who has made a dizzying career, as usual, pleased us with an excellent recipe.

To prepare Jamie Oliver's “special” ketchup you need:

  • a kilo of ripe tomatoes;
  • tomato paste - two tbsp. spoons;
  • medium-sized onions - four pcs.;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • salt to taste;
  • odorless vegetable oil - a quarter cup;
  • greens - a bunch of basil and parsley (celery).

Spices and seasonings:

  • two teaspoons each of fennel and coriander seeds;
  • four buds of cloves;
  • two small pieces of ginger;
  • small head of garlic;
  • chili pepper - one pc.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the tomato and cut into cubes;
  2. chop the onion, garlic and herbs very finely;
  3. cut ginger into thin slices;
  4. place in a saucepan with vegetable oil and simmer for five minutes, add spices;
  5. add chopped tomatoes and a little water to the saucepan, cover with a lid and boil by a third;
  6. puree vegetable mixture;
  7. Boil the puree for another forty minutes.

Thick ketchup at home for the winter

It is quite difficult to prepare thick and rich ketchup at home. You will lick your fingers. It takes a lot of time for the tomato sauce to reduce and become thick in consistency. But, there are two little secrets that will help the sauce become thicker:

  • Add apples.
  • Use starch when cooking.

Recipe No. 1. Flavored apple-tomato ketchup

Prepare as follows:

  • Grind two kilos of tomatoes, three apples in a blender;
  • boil the tomato-apple mixture for twenty minutes;
  • cool, grind through a sieve;
  • add to the puree: a cinnamon stick, a few clove stars, and half a teaspoon each of nutmeg, rosemary, oregano, salt, sugar, a teaspoon of paprika, a few peas of allspice and hot pepper;
  • boil the mixture for two hours;
  • at the end of cooking, add two dessert spoons of 6% apple cider vinegar.

Recipe No. 2. Thick ketchup with starch

The principle of preparing the sauce is the same as in the previous version, and the recipe is as follows:

  • three kilos of tomatoes;
  • three large onions;
  • teaspoon paprika;
  • allspice and bitter pepper - a few peas;
  • cinnamon and cloves - optional;
  • salt - table. spoon;
  • sugar - a quarter glass;
  • starch - three tables. spoons dissolved in a glass of water.

Attention! Add starch 10 minutes before the end of cooking the sauce.

Ketchup with basil for the winter

Very simple and delicious recipe

Prepare as follows:

  1. peel one kilogram of tomatoes;
  2. wash and dry a bunch of basil and parsley, chop;
  3. Finely chop the tomatoes, add two tablespoons to them. spoons of sugar and one teaspoon of salt;
  4. puree tomato mixture;
  5. add chopped three cloves of garlic and herbs to it;
  6. cook for three to four hours;
  7. pour into jars or bottles.

If you want your winter ketchup with basil to have a uniform and smooth consistency, rub it through a fine sieve.

While cooking the sauce, you can add salt and sugar as needed.

If you get caught too juicy tomatoes and the sauce doesn't boil down for a long time. Dissolve two or three tablespoons of starch in half a glass of water and carefully add to ketchup. If desired, you can add various spices and seasonings to the sauce.

Heinz tomato ketchup at home for the winter - you'll lick your fingers

It turns out a sauce like the famous brand

Homemade Heinz Ketchup is a great tomato sauce that can be made from... small set products. The amazingly tasty and rich sauce will appeal to all family members. The main ingredient of ketchup is ripe tomatoes and sweet and sour apples.


  • tomatoes - three kilos;
  • half a kilo of Antonovka apples;
  • onion - three heads;
  • sugar - one and a half glasses;
  • salt - three dessert spoons;
  • apple cider vinegar 6% - 50-70 grams;
  • pepper - black, red, paprika, cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf - to taste.

Cooking instructions:

  1. prepare juice from tomatoes, onions and apples;
  2. Pour spices into the bottom of the pan, preferably grind them with a coffee grinder, throw in the whole bay leaf;
  3. add apple cider vinegar and vegetable juice to the spices;
  4. mix thoroughly so that no lumps form;
  5. boil for five hours;
  6. remove from ready-made ketchup bay leaf and pour the finished product into jars.


If you don’t have a juicer, you can grind the vegetables and fruits in a meat grinder, and then grind them through a sieve to get rid of seeds and skins.

The sauce must be stirred during cooking.

The vegetable mass should decrease in volume by two or even three times.

As a result, we will get excellent Heinz ketchup at home from tomatoes for the winter that you will lick your fingers - so delicious!

Enjoy your snack with homemade ketchup. We hope you liked our recipes.

If you make homemade ketchup, it will not compare in taste and consistency with any store-bought product. And its main feature is that you can add absolutely any herbs and spices to such a sauce, making it uniquely tasty and rich for yourself. We will add such ingredients as we wish.

If we talk about all sorts of preparations for the winter. there are already a lot of recipes on the site. I advise you to see how it is done. Don't miss it, be sure to prepare it.

How to make homemade tomato ketchup and what do you need to make it? Right now 6 delicious and simple tomato sauce recipes for the winter.

Required set of ingredients for kutchup

  • Fleshy, ripe, soft tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Red pepper with thick walls, sweet – 3 pcs.
  • Onions – 500 gr.
  • 6 garlic cloves.
  • Spoon of salt.
  • 150 ml. vinegar (use classic table vinegar) 9 percent.
  • Cinnamon – 1⁄2 teaspoon.
  • Peppercorns - 10 peas.
  • Ground allspice – 1⁄2 teaspoon.
  • Dried cloves in buds – 4 pcs.
  • Grated nutmeg - half a teaspoon.
  • Granulated sugar – 180-200 gr.

The process of making homemade ketchup

We carefully wash each tomato, no sand or dirt should remain on the fruit, cut out the tail area and cut each vegetable in half or into 4 parts.

We clean the bell pepper from seeds and internal veins, chop it coarsely and place it in a bowl with tomatoes.

Peel the onion, rinse under cold water, So this product there will be less “cutting” of the eyes when cutting, and chop into half rings. We send to the available ingredients.

Pass the peeled garlic through a garlic press or finely grate it and add to the vegetables.

Transfer the prepared ingredients into a saucepan, add salt, mix, cover and move to the stove, setting the heat level to minimum. Cook the ketchup for about three hours, but no less than two and a half, periodically opening the container and stirring the composition.

Water should not be added to the pan; only the above products should be present during cooking. At the same time, the mass will decrease in volume by about half during cooking, this is how it should be.

Bye tomato composition boil, prepare the spices. They need to be combined and ground in a coffee grinder into a homogeneous mass.

Cool the finished vegetables a little and then use an immersion blender to grind them into a homogeneous consistency.

Season the pasta ground spices, mix, put it on the fire again and now cook for no more than half an hour.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the vinegar, mix the mixture thoroughly again and you can turn off the stove.

Pour into jars sterilized in any way directly from the fire, that is, hot tomato ketchup. We cover with lids, screw them on, turn the jars upside down, cover all the resulting beauty with a blanket and leave for exactly a day, no less.

All is ready! Delicious homemade Heinz ketchup can be eaten immediately after cooling. You can store it in a cool place and take it out as needed.

You can serve this kind of yumminess not only with sausage and meat products, but also used when cooking cabbage soup, borscht, stewing vegetables, etc.

It's simple and inexpensive to prepare. delicious sauce.

To prepare we take:

  • 2.5 kg. tomatoes.
  • 350 gr. sweet and sour variety of any apples.
  • 350 gr. classic onions (you can use salad onions if you wish, but regular ones are better).
  • A tablespoon of coarse salt.
  • Half a glass of sugar.
  • A level teaspoon of a mixture of ground peppers.
  • 4 cloves.
  • 140 ml. apple cider vinegar (6%).
  • Half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

How to make delicious tomato paste for the winter

Wash the vegetables and apples, cut out the stem from the former, remove the cores from the latter, cut the products into medium-sized pieces - slices.

There is no need to peel the apples, it will allow you to create the desired consistency, since it contains a natural thickener pectin, but tomatoes can be peeled if desired, but this is not necessary.

Place all the ingredients of the sauce into a blender bowl or deep bowl/pan and grind into a homogeneous paste.

If food processor or there is no blender in the house, tomatoes and apples can be grinded in a meat grinder, but in this case it is best to pass the products through calico again.

Place the resulting composition in a cauldron, saucepan or deep frying pan, put on fire, and let it boil. Cover with a lid and simmer, stirring, for fifteen minutes.

Salt the mixture and continue cooking for another hour and a half. If after the specified time the mixture is still liquid, remove the lid and cook until the mixture thickens.

Now pour the spices and sugar into the container; the cloves will need to be ground into powder first. Pour in vinegar and mix ingredients.

Cover with a lid and leave to stand on the stove for 5 minutes, then remove and pour into prepared jars.

Close the ketchup for the winter, but remember that the jars must be filled to capacity; there should be no empty spaces left in it.

Turn the rolled containers over and leave to cool under a warm blanket overnight. In the morning the sauce will be ready and can be stored in the refrigerator or pantry.

Fragrant ketchup with basil

You will need to prepare:

  • A kilo of tomatoes.
  • A bunch of fresh parsley and basil each.
  • 2.5 spoons of sugar.
  • 1 spoon of salt.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Half a glass of cold water.
  • 2.5 tablespoons of starch.
  • Spices and seasonings to your own taste.

The cooking process will be as follows

Wash the tomatoes, peel each fruit, cut into small pieces, place in a saucepan and on the stove.

Add chopped herbs to the boiling tomatoes (shred very finely), simmer for 40 minutes.

Add sugar, stir it, then salt and stir everything until completely dissolved, continue cooking for another 40 minutes.

Squeeze the garlic cloves into the garlic press and add them to the saucepan with the tomatoes.

Stir and continue cooking for another 3 hours, opening the lid every 20 minutes and stirring your mixture.

Dissolve the starch in cold water, after cooking, carefully add it to the ketchup, stir, boil for another 5 minutes and pour the mixture into jars.

Seal the containers with lids, let the sauce sit in the room for a day, and then put it in the refrigerator. Homemade ketchup is ready!

After adding starch, if desired, the mass can be ground into a more liquid mixture with a kitchen blender. You can also strain through a sieve; this should be done by those who do not like small pieces of tomatoes or herbs in ketchup.

Original recipe for tomato ketchup with wine vinegar and tarragon

You will need to prepare:

  • Red (yellow are not suitable) ripened tomatoes - 2-2.5 kg.
  • One onion.
  • 700 ml. (maybe a little less) wine vinegar.
  • 30 gr. salt.
  • 60 gr. Sahara.
  • 1/3 teaspoon dry tarragon.
  • A pinch of ground black and the same amount of ground red pepper.
  • 3 clove buds.
  • Ginger root – 2-3 gr.
  • A pinch of cinnamon and the same part of nutmeg.
  • Half a hot chili pepper.
  • 2 pinches of ground paprika.
  • 2 pinches of curry seasoning.

Method for preparing original ketchup

By blanching (we make an incision, pour boiling water over it and then immerse it in cold water), we peel each tomato from the skin.

Cut the tomatoes into 6 parts and cook for two hours, covered, over medium heat. At the same time, do not forget to stir periodically.

Grind the finished tomatoes into a homogeneous mass using a fine sieve or blender, add all the spices specified in the recipe, except vinegar (they must be ground), and mix.

Grate the onion, put it in ketchup, put it all on the fire and continue cooking for 25 minutes.

Pour in vinegar, simmer on the stove for another five minutes, remove from heat and pack into sterile jars.

If the sauce is very thin, you can add a little potato starch, but this is not required, if desired.

List of products for cooking:

  • Ripe tomatoes without rot - 3 kilograms.
  • Classic onions – 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar – 400 gr.
  • Dry mustard – 2 tablespoons.
  • Vinegar (9%) – 400 ml.
  • Lavrusha – 3 leaves.
  • Juniper (berries) – 5 pcs.
  • Salt – 2 tablespoons (you can adjust it a little more or, on the contrary, less, to your own taste).
  • Ground black pepper - a teaspoon without a slide.

Our actions - preparing ketchup for the winter

Wash the tomatoes, remove the peel from each, cut, and place in a cauldron.

Peel the onions, cut into small cubes and add to the vegetables; cook over medium heat for 3 hours.

Skip ready mass through a sieve, put it back into the cauldron, now add all the spices and seasonings, mix, simmer for another 15 minutes, pour in the vinegar, leave the puree until it boils and you can distribute it into jars. Containers, it is worth noting, must be sterilized.

Roll up the sauce, turn the jars over the necks, cover the top with a terry towel or any blanket, and leave overnight.

Gentle homemade ketchup quickly (video)

Simple and quick recipe, no hassle. Homemade ketchup is delicious delicate sauce for everything - meat, pasta, poultry, etc.

Homemade ketchup should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar, always in a dark and cool place. The shelf life of a hermetically sealed product is 1 year from the date of sealing.

Try making homemade ketchup yourself and you will feel the difference. The recipes have been tested, feel free to get started, the tomato season has just arrived!

Good luck and all the best!

Interesting recipes for making homemade ketchup with the addition of apples, try making it for the winter.

Homemade ketchup according to this recipe is undoubtedly worth preparing, because unlike ketchup bought in a store, you will get a natural product - it does not contain harmful additives that are used in industrial production, it has a bright rich taste and delicate consistency. And if you are an avid gardener, then you have probably collected a large harvest of tomatoes, and an apple tree with apples that are not suitable for long-term storage, you have it too. These same apples, which you have already eaten, and made jam from, but they still don’t run out, so add them to this sauce along with the tomatoes. I am sure that homemade ketchup with apples will not leave you indifferent; you will definitely remember this recipe and share it with your friends. By the way, you can cook it even in winter, in the absence fresh tomatoes, replacing them with tomato juice.

You can cook this ketchup in a 6-7 liter saucepan. You will also need a meat grinder, a colander with a mesh and a second pan to grind the tomato mixture into.

From this amount of products you will get about 3 liters of ready-made ketchup.

  • tomatoes 4 kg (or 2.5 liters of tomato juice)
  • onion 0.5 kg
  • apples 0.5 kg
  • hot pepper (optional)
  • sugar 1 glass (glass volume 200 ml)
  • salt 2 tbsp. (without slide)
  • ground black pepper 1 tsp.
  • cinnamon 1 tsp.
  • cloves 10 pcs
  • vinegar 9% 1 glass (glass volume 200 ml)

Peel and wash the onions, wash the tomatoes and apples, remove the cores from the apples, there is no need to peel them - everything needs to be ground using a meat grinder. If you like it spicy, add hot peppers(I'm not adding). Bring the ground mass to a boil and cook for 2 hours over low heat. If you have gas stove, place the pan on the divider. Stir and make sure the mixture does not burn.

Strain the tomato mixture through a mesh colander to remove the skins of the tomatoes and apples.

Add sugar, salt, vinegar, ground black pepper, cinnamon and cloves to the pureed mass. Cook everything for 20 - 25 minutes.

Cinnamon and cloves are two spices with a very unique smell and taste. They are the ones who turn simple tomato sauce into ketchup. They must be present in this recipe. But you can also add dry ginger powder, ground allspice, paprika.

The finished ketchup can be poured into ordinary sterilized jars and closed with lids. But it is more convenient to store in bottles with screw caps. The bottles need to be washed well and pour boiling water into them for 5-10 minutes, drain, let dry a little and pour in ketchup.

The aroma of this ketchup will fill your home for a long time, causing the appetite of all household members. And of course, such a delicious sauce will not stagnate in your pantry.

Recipe 2: winter ketchup with apples and tomatoes

In this recipe, you can adjust the spiciness of the sauce yourself - this does not affect the safety of the canned food.

  • 2.2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 300 gr. light onions;
  • 600 gr. autumn apples;
  • 100gr. garlic cloves;
  • ½ pod of hot pepper;
  • 30 ml vinegar 9%;
  • ground black pepper, suneli hops and dried basil - according to the taste and desire of the household;
  • 1 tbsp. l. table salt coarse grind.

Wash all vegetables, dry, grind in a meat grinder along with apples, after cutting them into small pieces.

Drain everything into large saucepan, simmer over low heat for at least an hour.

Add crushed garlic, spices and vinegar to the mixture and simmer again over low heat for 60 minutes.

Let cool slightly and grind through a thick sieve for greater homogeneity.

Pour into prepared jars, cover with lids to seal.

Sterilize the finger-licking tomato and apple ketchup in a water bath for 10 minutes from the moment the water boils in the sterilizer.

Take it out, roll it up, turn it over. Insulate and after a day put it in a pantry or cellar.

Recipe 3: tomato and apple ketchup with onions (with photo)

Delicious ketchup for the winter can be prepared from tomatoes and apples with the addition of onions, bell peppers and spices.

Today I offer a recipe for current consumption and for preparations for the winter in small quantities. For canning in large quantities, I use a different technology: I put the tomatoes through a juicer and then boil the juice. This way I get ketchup of a uniform consistency without grains. For small quantities, tomatoes and other ingredients can be boiled in a slow cooker. The disadvantage of this method, I see, is that finished product the grains remain, and after boiling you still have to work hard to remove the skin from the fruit. This is not difficult, but only if there are few products.

  • Onion - 1 pc. (about 100 g)
  • Apples - 1 pc. (about 100 g)
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc. (about 120 g)
  • Tomatoes - 1.25 kg
  • Salt - 1-1.5 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1.5-2 tsp.
  • Cloves - 5 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vinegar - 1.5 tbsp.

The products I have today are enough for about one and a half liters of ketchup, depending on the degree of boiling. If tomatoes meaty varieties, then you will have to boil it less, if the tomatoes are watery, then the liquid will need to evaporate for more time.

The advantage of this cooking method is that preliminary preparation uncomplicated. Cut the peeled pepper in half or into 4 parts. Onions can be cut the same way. And there is no need to chop tomatoes and apples finely; it will be easier to remove the skin from large parts.

We put all this abundance into the multicooker bowl and set it on the “Stew” program for 2 hours.

I use this time to prepare the jars: I wash and sterilize them along with the lids.

I usually sterilize jars over a kettle of boiling water, and put the lids inside this kettle.

After two hours, open the multicooker. We will see that the vegetables have boiled, and the skins of tomatoes and apples have peeled off almost everywhere. It is very easy to remove by simply prying it with a fork.

Using a blender, puree the mixture, chopping all the vegetables. Add cloves, cinnamon and ground pepper.

We continue cooking. The “Quenching” program can be replaced at this stage with the “Frying” program. Here, look at your model to see which program is most conducive to boiling the mass and boiling away excess moisture. Add sugar, salt, vinegar and cook for another 20 minutes. Taste and, if necessary, add more salt and sugar.

Place the hot mixture into jars.

Screw on the lids.

Turn it over.

Ketchup with apples for the winter is ready. Hide it away, otherwise it won’t last until winter.

Recipe 4: ketchup with apples, tomatoes and peppers

Ketchup with bell peppers and apples for the winter will probably become one of your favorite additions. You can easily add it to pizza, stew meatballs in it, or serve it with meat or vegetables. You can always find a use for it, since both adults and children love this ketchup.

Close ketchup for the winter homemade very useful because store product can boast only more rich taste however, this effect is achieved due to emulsifiers and flavoring additives. It’s no secret that they negatively affect the body as a whole, so it’s better to avoid such ketchup, giving preference to a homemade product.

The advantage of ketchup with apples and bell peppers, prepared at home, is that it is made from completely natural products. You can adjust its taste and spiciness yourself by adding or subtracting one or another ingredient. So, they often add to such a snack onion, to make it more savory, as well as many other ingredients, including greens.

You can also adjust the consistency of your homemade ketchup yourself. For example, if you like a thicker snack, you can grind the tomatoes using a meat grinder or blender, and then drain a little excess liquid, using only thick tomato to make ketchup.

Detailed recommendations for preparing ketchup with bell peppers and apples can be found in our step by step recipe with photo tips. You will only need to collect required amount ingredients, set aside some free time, and also read carefully this recipe. Everyone will love your homemade no-cook ketchup, and you can also store it away for the winter.

  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • apples - 2 pcs
  • garlic - 1 piece
  • bell pepper- 1 kg
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tsp.

Collect the required number of tomatoes from which you will prepare ketchup. It is advisable to take tomatoes of red varieties, with elastic pulp and thin skin. Wash them thoroughly in running water and cut into large pieces to make it easier to chop them.

Wash the apples, remove the stem and cut them into slices, removing the core and seeds. Place the apple slices in the same container where you placed the chopped tomatoes. All this must be crushed together so that the ingredients mix better with each other.

After this, grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder or using a blender and use the method we gave in the description if you want to make the ketchup thicker. Make sure that there are no apple or tomato peels left in the resulting liquid mass. To prevent its appearance in ketchup, pass it through a sieve.

Now you need to wash the bell pepper, cut it into several pieces, then remove all the seeds and add the vegetable to the tomato and apple puree. Take a blender and puree the mixture again to make it more homogeneous.

Then add salt and sugar in the required amount, mix the ketchup thoroughly and taste it. If there is not enough salt or sugar, you can add more, however, do not overdo it so as not to spoil your dish.

Since there is no need to cook ketchup with bell peppers and apples, select suitable containers in which it will be convenient to store the snack, and place your ketchup in them. If you want to close it for the winter, then you should add just a little vinegar and roll it up with sterile lids, putting the jars in the cellar or pantry.

Recipe 5, step by step: homemade ketchup with apples and onions

I love this recipe precisely because of the addition of apples. They give it a special taste. If you like sweet sauce, then take sweet fruits. If you take the sour ones, you will get something like Heinz.

  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Apples - 500 gr
  • Onions - 250 gr
  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Apple vinegar - 50 gr
  • Ground pepper - to taste

Wash all vegetables and fruits and cut into small pieces. Peel the onion first.

Place on the fire and cook until the onion becomes soft.

Then puree everything with an immersion blender. Then cook on fire until the desired thickness. Approximately 50 minutes. And don't forget to stir constantly so that nothing burns. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, pepper and vinegar. Mix everything properly.

Place the finished sauce into sterile jars and screw on the lids. Turn it over, wrap it in a towel or blanket and leave it for a day to self-sterilize. Then put the blanks in your storage.

Recipe 6: ketchup with apples and tomatoes through a meat grinder

This time I want to offer you ketchup with apples for the winter at home, which turns out simply delicious.

I want to tell you how to prepare excellent ketchup, to which, in addition to tomato puree, we will add sweet and sour apples, spices, garlic and spices (cinnamon and cloves), as well as a little citric acid. You can’t imagine how delicious it turns out! This homemade ketchup can be served with baked meat or added to vegetable stew, although my husband sometimes gets so carried away that he quietly eats a whole jar, simply spreading it on slices of bread.

  • tomato fruit - 4 kg,
  • apple (sweet and sour variety) -0.5 kg,
  • finely ground kitchen salt - to taste,
  • granulated sugar (white) – 1 tbsp. (taste),
  • ground pepper – 0.5 tsp,
  • clove bud – 2-4 pcs.,
  • ground cinnamon – 0.5 tsp,
  • dried garlic - 0.5 tsp,
  • dried laurel leaf – 3-4 pcs.,
  • citric acid (crystalline) – 1/3 tsp.

The technology for preparing ketchup is simple, there are few processes, but the most labor-intensive is the preparation of tomatoes. To do this, we sort through them; if there are any that are crushed or damaged, then we throw them away. If the fruit has slight external damage, simply cut it out. Then we wash the fruits and wipe them dry with a towel. Then we pass the tomatoes through special device a type of meat grinder that frees tomatoes from seeds and peels.

Now we wash the apples, peel them, remove the seed pod, and then grind them on a grater.

Combine tomato puree and apple mass and mix.

Then add granulated sugar.

Add salt, as well as clove buds and ground cinnamon.

We also add laurel leaves.

Boil the mixture at low boil for 2.5 hours. Then add citric acid.

And boil the ketchup for another 10 minutes.

Now we transfer it into dry, treated jars and immediately roll them up. As usual, turn them upside down and be sure to cover them thoroughly with a blanket so that the ketchup cools longer.

A day later we take the jars into the cellar. Bon appetit!

Recipe 7: ketchup with apples at home

Ketchup is great for various main courses, barbecue, potato pancakes, fried potatoes, and can also be used as a dressing for borscht and tomato puree soup. Having made such a recipe, you will be completely confident in its quality composition, because no preservatives are used for the preparation, except vinegar.

  • Tomatoes – 6 kg
  • Onion - 750 g
  • Apples of any variety - 750 g
  • Hot pepper – 6 pcs.
  • Vinegar - 1.5 cups
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Cinnamon, cloves - To taste

Wash vegetables and fruits.

Wash the tomatoes into slices, add apples after removing the core. Peel the onion, cut into 4-6 parts and place in a container with tomatoes and apples.

Let it cook over low heat. 2.5 hours should pass from the moment of boiling.

Remove from heat, wait until it cools, and rub through a sieve or pass through a juicer. This procedure is mandatory if the mixture cannot be passed through a meat grinder to the desired ketchup consistency.

Once passed through a juicer or rubbed through a sieve, put the mixture back on the fire. After boiling, add salt, sugar, vinegar, spices and turn the heat to low.

Cook after boiling for 2 hours, stirring occasionally.

When the viscosity of the ketchup reaches the desired level, pour it into jars and roll it up.

Recipe 8: ketchup from tomatoes, plums and apples (step by step)

I want to share simple recipe delicious tomato ketchup with plums and apples. This homemade ketchup will never compare with store-bought ketchup - it is natural, without additives, thickeners, starch or preservatives. Ketchup goes well with meat, poultry, pasta, for making pizza, hot sandwiches and more... This preparation will always come in handy and add variety to your table in the winter.

  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • plums - 0.5 kg;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • cloves - 6 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 6-8 pcs.;
  • allspice - 5 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.;
  • nutmeg - ½ tsp.

Wash the tomatoes and cut into large slices. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut into 4 parts. Remove the hot pepper from the stalk.

Core the apples and cut into slices.

Cut the plums into halves and remove the pits.

Peel the onion and cut into 4 parts.

Pass tomatoes, plums, apples, bell peppers, onions and hot peppers through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass and cook on the stove.

Let the mixture boil and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add sugar, salt.

Dip spices (cloves, allspice, peppercorns, bay leaves) into ketchup; you can put them in a fabric bag so that you can easily remove them later when they give off their taste.

Pour in vegetable oil.

Cook homemade ketchup over low heat until it becomes thick and excess moisture has evaporated, about 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

At the end of cooking, add garlic, passed through a press, and turn off the heat.

Add nutmeg, stir.

Remove spices using a slotted spoon or simply remove the cloth bag. Blend the mixture with an immersion blender.

The mass will thicken well when whipped with a blender, since the recipe contains apples, and they are rich in pectin. The ketchup will acquire a characteristic consistency and will stick tightly to the spoon without dripping.

While the ketchup is cooking, prepare the jars. Washing jars hot water with soda or sterilize with steam (hold the jar over the steam coming out of the kettle spout and scroll on all sides), dip the lids separately in boiling water.

Pour hot tomato ketchup, prepared with the addition of plums and apples, into jars and twist. From this amount of products we got 3 jars of 0.7 liters each and a little was left for testing.

We turn the finished jars over and wrap them until they cool completely, then put them away for storage until winter. Tomato ketchup with plums can be stored in an apartment without using a cellar.

Step-by-step recipes for making homemade tomato ketchup for the winter with apples: tomato ketchup for the winter with apples and onions, sweet and hot peppers, garlic

2018-10-02 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams ready-made dish

0 gr.

1 gr.


8 gr.

40 kcal.

Option 1: Homemade tomato ketchup for the winter with apples - a classic recipe

The entire description, from the selection of spices to the thickness of the sauce, is carefully adapted from recipes for professional use. Such ketchups, although modestly called sauces, were prepared by chefs Soviet public catering, to the delight of visitors simple cafes and famous restaurants.


  • four kilograms of selected tomatoes;
  • 500 grams of apples and onions;
  • 200 ml glass of sugar;
  • a spoonful of cinnamon and fine black pepper;
  • a dozen carnation umbrellas;
  • a glass of vinegar;
  • hot pepper pod;
  • salt, coarse - two spoons (full).

Step-by-step recipe for homemade tomato ketchup for the winter with apples and cloves

The structure of the finished ketchup depends on the prolonged boiling of the products and their initial preparation. More precisely, it depends on whether you remove the hard parts or leave them. In our case, the skin remains on vegetables and fruits, wash them, peel the onions, and remove the core from the apples. Coarsely chop everything except the tomatoes, dissolve them into smaller cubes.

Grind onions, apples and tomatoes with a meat grinder; if you want a spicier ketchup, also pass through a grinder. Pour the puree into a saucepan with a capacity of eight liters and heat until boiling. Cover loosely with a lid and cook for two hours, stirring occasionally. Without allowing it to cool, rub the mixture through a mesh colander and remove everything remaining in it.

Reheat the puree over moderate heat, stirring in sugar, vinegar and pepper with cloves and cinnamon. Add salt while taking a sample. Heat the mixture at a low simmer for up to half an hour, then use a slotted spoon to catch the large spices. Pack the ketchup in wide-necked bottles with screw caps. The container should be washed clean if you plan to store the sauce in the refrigerator or sterilized and hermetically sealed.

Option 2: Tomato ketchup for the winter with apples and onions - a quick recipe

Save the description in case, when cooking tomato juice, you end up with more of it than you have in the container. Additional Ingredients any housewife who is engaged in canning will have them, and homemade ketchup will never be superfluous.


  • three liters fresh juice from tomatoes;
  • four large onions and sour apples;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • a spoonful of red pepper;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • two tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • a pinch of ground cloves.

How to quickly prepare tomato ketchup for the winter with apples and onions

Prepare tomato juice in any convenient way, the simplest is to cut the tomatoes into cubes, grind with a meat grinder and rub the mixture with a metal sieve. Having selected the required amount, pour it into a saucepan and heat it up.

Peel the apples and onions, cut them into centimeter cubes and put them in the juice before boiling. Stirring, simmer over low heat for two hours, then let cool. Grind the puree with a blender and pass through a sieve, reheat.

The second stage of cooking is half as long, immediately add salt and sugar to the ketchup, and towards the end, pour in vinegar, season with pepper and cloves. After ten minutes, pour the hot mass into a sterile container and quickly seal it.

Option 3: Spicy ketchup with peppers and apples - “Garlic”

Since the name already indicates the main taste of ketchup, you can increase the amount of garlic according to your ideas. You can do this: add the amount specified in the recipe, and add an additional portion to the pan about eight minutes before turning it off.


  • half a kilogram of sweet pepper;
  • 3000 grams of tomatoes and half as many apples;
  • one and a half glasses of sugar;
  • a handful of garlic;
  • spoon of salt;
  • vinegar solution, 9 percent - one glass;
  • one and a half spoons of cinnamon powder.

Step by step recipe

Remove the seeds from washed and halved apples and peppercorns, and simply halve the tomatoes. Having collected in a saucepan, simmer over low heat for about an hour, from the moment the liquid boils.

After leaving the stove, let the vegetable mass cool well and rub through a sieve. Add spices to the puree, grate the garlic, put specified quantity sugar and adjust the taste with salt to your liking.

Reheat until boiling, boil the ketchup for another forty minutes and pour in the vinegar. Literally after a minute, turn off the heat and quickly pour the sauce into jars or bottles.

Option 4: “Spicy” - ketchup with peppers and apples for the winter

Ginger is not often included in such compositions, but with fresh herbs it will create a special bouquet of aromas. For a greater “volume” of taste, add a tablespoon of thick tomato paste to the ketchup in the third step.


  • pepper - four sweet and two hot fruits;
  • five spoons of sugar;
  • a quarter glass of vinegar;
  • four juicy apples;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • two kilograms of tomatoes;
  • salt - two spoons;
  • thyme and rosemary - 3-4 sprigs each
  • dessert spoon of grated ginger root.

How to cook

Scald the tomatoes to easily remove the skin, dissolve the pulp into a saucepan in small pieces. Bake the sweet pepper until softened, remove the skin and seeds, and finely chop the pulp. Peel the apples, remove the seeds and capsules, and cut into slices. We split the hot peppercorns lengthwise into several slices and remove the seeds from them.

After collecting the prepared ingredients in a saucepan and adding fresh spicy herbs, turn on low heat under it and simmer from boiling for about half an hour, watching the apples soften. Pour the hot puree into a mesh colander, remove the spices and hot peppers, wipe the rest of the mixture and beat additionally with a blender. Return to the heat, adding sugar and salt to taste.

Cook the ketchup for another couple of hours, stirring and uncovering the pan. Make sure that the mixture does not burn; adjust the temperature until it reaches a barely noticeable boil. Three minutes before turning off, pour in vinegar and increase the heat slightly. You can store the sauce in a sterile container, sealing it with canning lids, but simply low temperature, in this case the covers can be anything.

Option 5: Finger-licking apple ketchup for the winter with cloves and cinnamon

This is a recipe for tomato-apple ketchup, but not garlic! The aroma is made up of spices, and you should not overwhelm them with garlic. The amount of sugar can be increased slightly; sweetish ketchup is good for fish dishes and just with bread.


  • ripe tomatoes - 4 kilos;
  • a glass of white sugar;
  • half a spoonful of dry garlic, grated cinnamon and pepper;
  • three laurel trees;
  • acid, citric - a third of a spoon;
  • a pair of carnation umbrellas;
  • salt, coarse;
  • 500 grams of sour apples.

Step by step recipe

Tomatoes must be turned into pure juice. Chop them finely and grind them with a meat grinder. If there is a special attachment that separates seeds and scraps of skin, use it, otherwise wipe successively through a colander and then on a sieve.

Remove the seed pods and skin from the apples, grate the pulp with a medium grater and mix with the juice. Place the pan on heat, add sugar and salt the mixture to taste. Pour all the spices into it, and when it boils, add the bay leaf, adjust the heat to a low simmer.

Slowly simmer the ketchup for up to two and a half hours, during which time the mixture should thicken noticeably. Scoop up a couple of ladles of puree and quickly dissolve the lemon in it, then return to the pan and stir, set aside for another ten minutes.

Further actions are standard for most types canned vegetables. Pour the ketchup, while still hot, into sterile glass containers, seal and roll up the lids. After turning them over and placing them on the lids, cover the jars with the sauce until they cool.

Option 6: Spicy ketchup for the winter with apples and onions

The sauce portion will be quite large, but don’t be upset if you make a mistake with the amount of container. The ketchup is so aromatic and tasty that the rest will be eaten before the jars have cooled!


  • 750 grams each juicy onions and apples;
  • three tablespoons of salt;
  • six kilograms of tomatoes;
  • one and a half glasses of sugar and a table solution of vinegar;
  • six pods of hot pepper;
  • ground cinnamon and cloves.

How to cook

We rinse fruits and vegetables, and first remove the skins from the onions. Having laid out on a spacious cloth, inspect each fruit, removing spoiled specimens or cutting off suspicious areas from them.

The cutting form is large slices, so we dissolve the onions and tomatoes into about six parts of each vegetable. After cutting the apples, remove the core and leave the skin on the slices. We collect everything in a large saucepan and put it on low heat.

Stir the mixture, heat it until it boils, adjust the temperature and record for two and a half hours. Having reached a moderate boil, do not forget to stir the mass, and after the specified time has passed, set aside and let cool.

By catching large pieces of tomato skin from the puree, you will significantly simplify your further troubles. Next action- turn the vegetable mass into puree, use a sieve or juicer, then return the pan with ketchup to the stove.

Add sugar, vinegar and salt to the boiling mass, add all the spices and reduce the heat to low. The second stage of cooking will last about two hours, be sure to stir the ketchup. Package and seal the sufficiently thickened mass.

Option 7: Finger-licking apple ketchup for the winter (with tomatoes and plums)

For hot peppers, take the juiciest ones and certainly red in color. Two pods are enough, but you can add some spice to the sauce if you wish.


  • 500 grams of onions, plums and apples;
  • head of garlic;
  • a pair of sweet and hot peppercorns;
  • a couple of tablespoons of salt (coarse) and twice as much refined sugar;
  • cloves, black and allspice peas - 5 pieces each;
  • a pair of bay leaves;
  • oil - 150 milliliters;
  • 2000 grams of tomatoes;
  • half a spoon of nutmeg.

Step by step recipe

Cut the tomatoes into large slices and peel Bell pepper. Using the same form, we open the onions and apples, cutting out the seed capsule from them. We cut the hot peppers lengthwise, and simply break the plums and remove the seeds.

Grind all the prepared fruits and vegetables with a meat grinder, slowly heat the puree to a boil and boil for about twenty minutes. Add sugar and salt to the ketchup, place a gauze or fabric bag in it with all the spices except nutmeg, pour in the oil.

Boil the mixture, stirring constantly, for about twenty minutes. Add nutmeg and grated garlic, heat for three minutes and set aside, remove the bag of spices. Do not let the ketchup cool, grind with an immersion blender and return to heat.

Once the ketchup boils, do not cook it for a long time; the container should be prepared at this point. Having spread out the boiling sauce, immediately roll up the container hermetically and turn it over, wrap it up and wait for it to cool.

Option 8: Thick tomato ketchup with peppers and apples for the winter

The starch contained in store-bought ketchup scares off many buyers, but when making home preparations, do not miss next recipe. The sauce is completely natural and very appetizing, the thickness is achieved precisely thanks to starch.


  • sweet pepper - one kilogram;
  • six onions and the same number of sour apples;
  • tomatoes, ripe - six kilograms;
  • salt, coarse - 6 spoons;
  • two spoons of khmeli-suneli;
  • five dry cloves and the same number of bay leaves;
  • 450 grams of sugar;
  • a bunch of mixed greens;
  • six tablespoons of vinegar;
  • a pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon;
  • a spoonful of red and black pepper (fresh hand-ground);
  • four tablespoons of dry starch.

How to cook

Dissolve the washed tomatoes into large slices, cut out the seals, and grind the remaining pulp into a separate bowl. Apple pulp grind in a meat grinder together with the pepper; be sure to remove the seeds from the fruit before doing this. Grind the onions and herbs into the same bowl.

Heat the tomato mass in a thick-walled casserole, let it evaporate a little and add the rest of the ground ingredients. Add sugar and salt as soon as the mixture boils, then let it boil for thirty minutes. Cook while stirring, then add spices and lower temperature.

Simmer the ketchup slowly for another half hour, dilute the starch to a milky consistency and pour it into the cauldron along with the vinegar. After stirring, count five minutes and, without letting it cool, pour into sterile jars. After seaming, we keep them wrapped, then transfer them to a cool pantry.

Ketchup is an excellent addition to spaghetti, meat, fried potatoes and other dishes. You can buy it in any grocery store, but it is difficult to choose the real product, without dyes, chemical additives and at the same time with a pleasant taste.

The solution is to make the sauce yourself using quality ingredients. In addition, the taste of ketchup can be adjusted to your own preferences: make the product spicier or, conversely, sweeter, add more seasoning or use a minimum of ingredients. The most important thing is to store ketchup correctly - in sterilized jars so that it does not spoil.

For this recipe, it is better to use low-juice varieties of tomatoes. This will make the sauce thicker and take less time to cook.

The main secret of creation thick ketchup- adding apples to the dish. The fact is that these fruits contain the thickener pectin. The ketchup is not only thicker, but also brighter, and the taste is more intense and contrasting.

Cooking will take 2 hours. The output will be 900 ml of product .

First of all, let's deal with the tomatoes: wash them, remove the spoiled parts and cut them into arbitrary pieces. For the recipe, bruised, ugly fruits are suitable - anything that has a “non-marketable” appearance.

Then grind the prepared pieces in a blender.

To remove seeds and skins, pass the resulting tomato juice through a sieve or use a juicer to separate the pulp from the juice.

Then put the juice on the fire. The foam should be removed from the surface as soon as the boiling process begins.

Apples are next in line: we also wash them and cut them into 1.5 cm pieces; there is no need to remove the skin and seed box.

Place pieces of fruit into boiled tomato juice, followed by dry spices. You need to cook for 1.5 hours. During this time, the sauce should reduce to 1/3 of its original volume and become thick.

Next, the ketchup needs to be removed from the heat and passed through a sieve again. Put the sauce back on the stove, add the remaining ingredients - vinegar and oil (mix well). It remains to boil for another 5 minutes.

Ketchup is ready. Place it in sterilized jars and cool in a blanket. After this, the sauce will become even thicker.

Delicious ketchup for the winter at home

Let's start cooking:

We choose the most suitable tomatoes and cut them into small pieces and place them in a saucepan. We cut the onion there too. Make sure that the tomatoes are not overripe - this is main ingredient, on which the taste of the sauce depends. It is better to use tomatoes grown on your own plot.

Place the vegetables on the stove and cook for an hour until the onion softens.

We take out the mass and grind it in a blender until it becomes creamy. Add sugar and salt, put it on the stove again. As soon as it boils, add finely chopped apples.

Cook until the thickness of the product suits us. As soon as we see that there are 10 minutes left to cook, add vinegar.

All that remains is to pour the ketchup into the prepared containers, cool and figure out what you can try it with.

To make the taste brighter and a little spicier, you can add a little ground red or black pepper.

Tomato ketchup at home for the winter

Let's start cooking:

First, cut the sweet and ripe tomatoes into large slices.

We try to chop the onion as finely as possible.

Simmer vegetables for 20 minutes with the lid closed.

Then let the mixture cool and rub through a sieve.

We put the extracted juice on a small fire and keep it until exactly half of it remains.

We put all the spices in a gauze bag and add them to the boiling sauce.

Shortly before the end of cooking, add sugar, finely chopped garlic (you can use a crusher), salt and, of course, vinegar into the pan. At this point, the taste of the sauce can be adjusted to suit your own preferences.

After 7 minutes, remove the spices. Hot flavorful sauce pour into containers.

Spicy ketchup at home for the winter

A recipe for spicy lovers. Great with any meat and fish. In addition, this ketchup goes well with pasta, pizza and cutlets.

Step-by-step preparation:

Step 1: grind the ingredients in a blender: onions (500 g), tomatoes (half a kilo), bell pepper (1 kg) and bitter pepper (2 pods).

Step 2: pass the resulting mass through a sieve.

Step 3: Place in a saucepan and simmer for an hour.

Step 4: pour in 1/2 cup vegetable oil, sugar (half a cup), 1 tsp. salt.

Step 5: add spices and chopped garlic (6 cloves).

Step 6: Boil for 30 minutes.

Step 7: add apple cider vinegar at the end of cooking (6% - half a glass), cook for another 20 minutes.

Ready. We remove them into jars.

Sweet ketchup at home for the winter

Spicy ketchup— a product for everyone. But even children will like the sweet ones. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on this type of sauce.

Algorithm for preparing ketchup:

  • Cut the tomatoes and onions into 4 parts, place in a cauldron and simmer over low heat. We are waiting for them to cook.
  • Grind the vegetables through a sieve, then in a food processor.
  • Pour the juice back into the pan and simmer until reduced by half. At the same time, add the spices in the bag, salt, cinnamon and sugar.
  • Place on maximum heat and wait for it to boil. When it boils, turn down the heat and let it simmer for about 10 minutes.

Sweet homemade ketchup is ready!

Bulgarian ketchup at home for the winter

In the 80s, there were beautiful glass jars on the shelves for 1 ruble 30 kopecks with that same Bulgarian ketchup. Many people know him unique taste. There are many recipes Bulgarian ketchup, perhaps it will be possible to create exactly that taste - originally from the USSR.

Let's get started:

  1. Grind the onions, peppers and tomatoes through a meat grinder, pass the garlic through a crusher, and grate the horseradish root.
  2. Place the vegetables, except garlic and horseradish, in a saucepan, add oil and cook. When it boils, reduce the heat (no lid needed).
  3. An hour has passed, which means it’s time to add horseradish, garlic and sugar, and add a little salt. Let it cook for another 2 hours.
  4. You should try the sauce, if necessary, you can add salt or sugar.
  5. We are preparing jars. You can “fry” them in the oven. After 3 hours, pour the ketchup into containers and let cool.

You should get about 4 liters of ketchup.

Classic ketchup at home for the winter

Let's prepare it like this:

  • Place the washed and chopped tomatoes as finely as possible into a cauldron and directly on the fire.
  • Cook until 1/3 of the original volume remains.
  • Add sugar and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Add salt and keep on the stove for 3 minutes.
  • Carefully wrap the cloves and peppers in gauze and lower them into the tomatoes. Send cinnamon there too.
  • After 10 minutes of cooking, you can remove the pan from the heat.
  • Wait for the sauce to cool and pass through a sieve (don’t forget to remove the bag of spices). Return the mixture to the pan.
  • Crush the garlic and add to the puree.
  • The vinegar is poured in last. All that remains is to bring the sauce to a boil and pour into jars or bottles (sterilize in advance).

The taste of ketchup is universal. It is served with any dish.

Krasnodar ketchup at home for the winter

Preparation begins with cutting tomatoes, onions and apples into small pieces. Next, we pass the vegetables through a juicer. To make the ketchup more tender, you should additionally beat the entire mass with a blender.

We put it on fire. Place the spices in cheesecloth and throw them into the pan. At the end of cooking, add vinegar and garlic. Let it simmer for another 10 minutes, remove the spices. Ready hot sauce pour into jars.

Depending on the juiciness of the tomatoes, ketchup will take from three to five hours to cook.

Shish kebab ketchup at home for the winter

Step-by-step preparation:

Step 1: wash the tomatoes and grind through a meat grinder.

Step 2: boil over heat for 5 minutes, wait until it cools completely and grind the mixture through a sieve (you will get 1 liter of juice).

Step 3: put the juice on the fire, when it boils, cook for 15 minutes.

Step 4: mix the juice with spices, vinegar, add sugar and salt.

Step 5: pour 100 ml of juice from the pan and cool.

Step 6: stir starch into the cooled mixture (necessary to give the ketchup thickness), pour back into the sauce. Let it simmer for another 5 minutes.

Step 7: all that remains is to roll up the jars (sterilized) and close them.

Hines ketchup at home for the winter

On average, preparing ketchup takes 6 hours. Let's get started:

We find a juicer or meat grinder and send ripe tomatoes into it, followed by onions. It is necessary not only to grind the vegetables, but also to get rid of the peel and seed pod.

Pour dry spices (cloves and cinnamon), salt and sugar into the pan. We also throw in bay leaves and vinegar (6%). Lastly, tomato juice. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.

At the very end, add chili pepper and paprika, stir again and cook for 4 hours (over low heat). Stir occasionally.

Ketchup can be cooked for more than 4 hours, the main thing is that it is halved. The juice will become thicker and darker.

Take out the bay leaf and pour the sauce into small sterilized jars.

Baltimore ketchup at home for the winter

Please note that the recipe contains tarragon (it is called tarragon) - this is a herb that contains essential oil and ascorbic acid, which gives ketchup its lemon-mint flavor pungent taste. Plus, the sauce will be healthy.

How to cook:

  1. Cut ripe red tomatoes into 6 pieces.
  2. Place the slices with the already chopped garlic and onion, add a bay leaf.
  3. Simmer the ingredients until they become soft, then remove the bay leaf and rub the mixture through a sieve.
  4. Boil the resulting mixture until the consistency resembles thick sour cream.
  5. Add the remaining products: sugar, tarragon, salt, lemon juice and pepper.
  6. Boil for another 2 minutes, then put into jars and pour a little vegetable oil on top.

Tarragon can be replaced with 2 grams. mint, and use olive or corn oil.

Spicy ketchup at home for the winter

Prepare as follows:

  • Remove the skin from the tomato, remove the seeds (if you don’t like them in ketchup), and grind the fruit in a blender.

How to peel tomatoes: cut each vegetable crosswise, pour boiling water over it, then put it in ice water. The skin will begin to come off easily.

  • Grind the garlic and onion in the same way, and grind the spices in a mill.
  • Combine all ingredients (except sugar, salt and vinegar) and place on the stove.
  • Add sugar (1/3 cup) and boil to half volume.
  • Add the rest of the sugar and cook for another 12 minutes.
  • All that remains is to add vinegar and salt and simmer for 10 minutes.

Horseradish ketchup at home for the winter

Hot sauce is very healthy: it helps fight germs, lowers sugar and cleanses the blood. The sauce is also called chrenoder or gorloder because it is hot.

It's easy to prepare horseradish:

  • Cut the tomatoes into 4 parts and grind in a meat grinder. Then place in a saucepan and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  • Other vegetables: pepper - remove seeds, cut; garlic - soak in water and peel; horseradish - cleaned and cut into large pieces.
  • Grind the vegetables and add to the puree - cook for 10 minutes.
  • Final touches - salt to taste, add pepper and sugar.

Delicious horseradish is ready!

There is a simple recipe for making a horloder without cooking, presented in the video.

Video of ketchup to die for

In conclusion, let’s name 3 secrets for making delicious thick ketchup:

1. The secret of thick ketchup lies in the tomatoes and the time spent cooking them. If you want thicker ketchup, then you need to cook it longer. And in order to save at least a little time on winter preparations, you can use cream tomatoes (they are meatier). Very juicy specimens will take a long time to cook.

2. To ensure a homogeneous product, the tomatoes must first be boiled and then ground through a sieve or pureed using a meat grinder.

3. To allow unnecessary moisture to evaporate, you should choose a wide cooking container and cook without a lid.