Potato zrazy with meat. Potato zrazy with meat recipe with photo

Zrazy with meat is a hearty dish that is easy to prepare at home. Choose the best recipe!

Potato zrazy with meat, in my opinion, is the best combination of everyone’s favorite potatoes and delicious meat. Of course, you can serve just mashed potatoes with goulash, but you must admit that there is something different from standard food that is much more interesting.

  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Minced pork – 0.5 kg
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground pepper - to taste
  • Flour - 250 grams
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Vegetable oil for frying - 50 ml
  • Sour cream – 100 ml

Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water until tender. Drain the water and make a puree by adding butter to the potatoes.

Fry the minced pork in a frying pan until half cooked (about 10-15 minutes), add finely chopped onions and fry everything together for another 10 minutes.

Add 150 grams of flour to the cooled puree and knead the dough. Do not add eggs, sour cream or even more oil to potatoes. In this case, the puree can become very liquid and it will be very difficult to form zrazy out of it. Sprinkle the board with the remaining flour, grease your hands with vegetable oil and roll out round cakes. Place 1-2 teaspoons of minced meat in the center of the flatbread.

Form into a neat patty and pinch the edges.

Fry the potato zrazy in a frying pan for 2-3 minutes on each side until a beautiful golden crust appears. It is best to serve hot, adding a tablespoon of sour cream to each serving.

Recipe 2: potato zrazy with meat

Potato zrazy, which is a kind of filled pancake, is a national dish in the cuisines of several Eastern European nations. Historians have divided opinions about its origin: some believe that it came to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th century from Italy, while others believe that it is a traditional Lithuanian dish.

  • Potatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • Pork tenderloin – 400 g;
  • Onion – 2 heads;
  • Butter (fat) – 150 g;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Dill - a bunch;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Any sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Peel the potatoes and wash them thoroughly, cut them into quarters and immerse them in hot water to boil. If you put it in cold water, the potatoes will be less sticky.

We wash the meat, cut it into pieces and pass it through an electric meat grinder. You can speed up the process and buy ready-made minced meat, but then you will not have confidence in the quality of the prepared product.

We drain almost all of the potato brine, leaving just three to four spoons. Mash with a masher, add flour, eggs and dill. The number of eggs may vary, check the consistency of the potato dough.

Peel the onion and chop it into cubes, fry it in vegetable oil, add the minced meat, add some salt and fry until half cooked. Roll the potato mass into a sausage, cut into small cubes, like dumplings, and press with the palm of your hand. Place the minced meat on one half, cover the other half and secure the edges tightly.

We crush the semi-finished product in our palms, dip it in flour and fry it in melted butter.

Recipe 3, step by step: zrazy with beef

Beef zrazy is a simple traditional Slavic meat dish prepared in reverse. If classic zrazy is prepared by wrapping the meat filling in potato dough, then we will wrap these zrazy in pieces of chopped beef.

These beef zrazy chops will be incredibly tasty and satisfying if you cook them at home and serve them with a side dish of cooked green beans and cauliflower. During the cooking process, we will also prepare a very thick and tasty sauce for them.

A step-by-step recipe for preparing beef zraz with photos is presented below. He will tell you in detail about each stage of cooking, and also clearly demonstrate them. As meat for such dishes, you can use not only beef, but also pork or chicken fillet. Depending on the chosen meat, you will change not only the cooking time of the dish, but also the appropriate spices. The filling will be very satisfying and very tender thanks to the butter. During the frying process, the beef will develop a dense and crispy crust, and as a result of stewing it will become very tender.

These zrazy with beef are perfect for lunch or dinner.

Let's start cooking.

  • beef tenderloin – 450 gr
  • onions - 2 pcs
  • butter - 50 g
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp.
  • refined vegetable oil - 30 ml
  • wheat flour - 30 gr
  • salt - ½ tsp.

We cut all the beef we have into fairly thin slices along the grain. Place the chopped pieces on top of the cling film, and cover the meat with cling film on top as well. Beat the beef with a wooden mallet. The presence of the film will prevent the hammer from spoiling the texture and surface of the meat.

Peel the onion, wash it and chop it quite finely.

Pour the chopped onion into a deep bowl, add butter cut into small pieces and the specified amount of breadcrumbs. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The butter should be slightly melted; to do this, just let it sit at room temperature before starting to cook the dish.

Place the resulting filling in the center of each piece of chopped beef, distribute it evenly over the surface and wrap the meat into peculiar rolls. You can secure the edges of the meat using a regular toothpick, as shown in the photo.

Heat a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, roll the stuffed meat rolls in wheat flour and place in hot oil.

These rolls need to be fried on each side, quickly and over high heat until a firm golden brown crust appears.

Place all the remaining chopped onions and butter in breadcrumbs into a deep saucepan. We also send beef rolls fried in a frying pan there.

Pour the ingredients with water at room temperature, salt to taste. Cook the ingredients in the stew mode under a closed lid until the meat is soft and the aromatic sauce thickens.

Serve the finished dish hot with a side dish of green beans and cauliflower. Beef zrazy is ready.

Recipe 4: how to cook zrazy with meat

  • Mashed potatoes 300 gr
  • Chicken egg 1 piece
  • Flour 2 tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Minced pork 100 gr
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Black pepper to taste

We make the filling, for this you need to fry the minced meat mixed with chopped onion, salt and pepper in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil.

Add salt, egg and flour to the puree.

Stir everything.

Grease your hands with vegetable oil or sprinkle a little flour. Place the puree in your palm with a spoon, the filling in the middle, and again puree on top.

We form zrazy in the form of pies.

In a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil, fry the zrazy on both sides until golden brown.

Recipe 5: zrazy with meat in the oven (step by step)

Zrazy - stuffed potato cutlets, a dish of Ukrainian cuisine. They are prepared with fish, eggs, mushrooms and meat. Potato zrazy with minced meat turns out very juicy and satisfying; they can be quickly fried in a frying pan and baked in the oven.

  • Potatoes 7 pcs.
  • Minced pork 500 gr
  • Flour 1 cup
  • Breadcrumbs ½ cup
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onions 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Parsley 3 sprigs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Ground pepper

Peel the potatoes, boil until tender, drain the liquid and mash with a masher. Let cool.

Fry the prepared minced pork in oil (2 tbsp) over medium heat until the liquid evaporates. Place on a plate.

Add more oil to the pan, fry the chopped onion with grated carrots, chopped garlic and add the prepared minced meat to the vegetables. Salt and pepper.

Remove from heat, add chopped parsley, stir and cool. The filling is ready now.

Place the puree in a saucepan, add flour, egg, salt and mix well.

Sprinkle your palms with flour, take 2 heaped tablespoons of the potato mixture and form a flat cake. Place the prepared filling in the middle and seal the edges.

Give the zrazas a round shape and roll in breadcrumbs.

Fry the zrazy with minced meat in portions in oil over high heat on both sides and place on a greased baking sheet.

Place in a preheated oven at 210 degrees for 10-15 minutes. During this time, all potato cutlets will warm up evenly, the filling will permeate the dough and the zrazy will turn out very juicy and aromatic.

Zrazy can be cooked with minced chicken, turkey and beef. They can be supplemented with any herbs and spices to taste.

Recipe 6: potato zrazy with meat in a frying pan

Potato zrazy with minced meat are a kind of “cutlets” made from boiled potatoes with meat filling. We form flat cakes from the plastic potato mass, add the filling and bring the preparations to full readiness. The taste of the dish will largely depend on the type of minced meat chosen. Both juicy pork and lean beef are suitable here, but to get the perfect taste, it is better to mix these types of meat.

Zrazy can be either boiled in boiling salted water or fried in oil. In our example, we will give preference to the second option.

  • potatoes - 800 g;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • breadcrumbs - 4-5 tbsp. spoon;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • minced meat (pork + beef) - about 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - about 50 ml.

We wash the potato tubers, peel them and cut them into quarters or just slices of approximately the same size. Fill with water and cook at moderate boil until soft.

In the meantime, prepare the filling for the potato zrazas. After removing the husk, finely chop the onion and fry for 2-3 minutes in vegetable oil.

Add minced meat to the already soft onion. To ensure even cooking, break the meat mass into small pieces using a spatula. Fry over moderate heat until the minced meat is completely cooked. Season the meat filling immediately with salt and pepper to taste.

Drain the water from the boiled potatoes, transfer the potato slices to a separate bowl and wait 10 minutes for the hot tubers to cool down a little.

Drive a raw egg into warm, but no longer hot potatoes and begin to grind the mass into a homogeneous smooth puree.

Gradually add flour, carefully kneading the potato dough with a spoon. The mass will be soft and plastic. At the same time, the dough will stick to your hands - this is how it should be! You should not increase the dosage of flour, otherwise it will “overwhelm” the potato taste and the dish will no longer be so tasty.

Using palms moistened with water, form a small flat cake from the potato mixture. Place a portion of minced meat in the middle.

We fasten the edges, forming an oblong piece and hiding the filling inside. Roll the resulting potato “cutlet” in breadcrumbs. We make the remaining zrazy in the same way.

Cover the bottom of a large, thick-bottomed frying pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil. We warm it up thoroughly and then place our semi-finished products on a hot surface. Fry on both sides over moderate heat until an appetizing “tanned” crust forms.

Serve potato zrazy with minced meat hot or at least warm. Since the dish already combines both meat and side dish, no additions to it are required. If desired, you can serve fresh vegetables, herbs or light salads with hearty meals. And potato zrazy with minced meat is in perfect harmony with sour cream.

Recipe 7: potato zrazy with minced meat

If you suddenly get tired of mashed potatoes with cutlets, we advise you to diversify your menu and prepare a tasty and satisfying dish - potato zrazy with minced meat, a step-by-step recipe with photos of which is outlined below. This simple dish is prepared from traditional ingredients, but also contains an unusual ingredient. The meat filling contains kefir, which gives the filling a special juiciness and softness.

  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • flour - 5-6 table. spoon;
  • minced meat – 300 g;
  • kefir – 50 ml;
  • onion – 150 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • salt;
  • spices.

First you need to prepare all the necessary products. Any minced meat is suitable for this dish, but it is best to use mixed minced pork and beef. You can take kefir of any fat content. It is advisable to use refined oil for frying. As spices you can use curry, turmeric, coriander, and a mixture of peppers.

Peel and wash all vegetables - onions, potatoes and carrots. Cut the potatoes into large cubes and boil in salted water until tender. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Wash the greens thoroughly and chop them.

Pour a little sunflower oil into a frying pan, add onion and brown it. Then place the minced meat in a frying pan, add salt, sprinkle with spices and fry it along with the onion. After this, add the carrots, and after a few minutes - the greens. Pour kefir into the slightly cooled minced meat and mix everything well.

Drain the water from the boiled potatoes and crush them with a potato masher until there are no lumps left. Beat in the egg and add 3 tablespoons of sifted flour, then mix the potato mixture thoroughly. If desired, you can also sprinkle some spices into the potatoes. For example, add 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric. It will give the finished product a pleasant yellow color.

Sprinkle the board with flour. Take a heaping tablespoon of potato dough and roll it into a ball. Then flatten it into a pancake about 1 cm thick, and place about 2 teaspoons of filling in the center. Carefully bring the edges of the pancake together and mold them. Place the finished pieces immediately on a board sprinkled with flour.

Pour a little sunflower oil into a frying pan and heat it well. Place the pieces in a frying pan and fry them on both sides until a crispy crust forms. You don’t have to close the lid and fry over medium heat.

It is better to serve zrazy warm. You can decorate them with herbs and serve them with vegetables, adjika or ketchup.

Now you know how to cook potato zrazy with minced meat in a frying pan.

We wish everyone bon appetit!

Look for proven recipes for potatoes with minced meat on the website. Choose variations with minced chicken and pork and beef, breaded, with the addition of cheese, eggs, flour, herbs and lard. Prepare according to traditional and original recipes.

Zrazy has long been a favorite food among the peoples of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and Lithuania. The name itself means “cut piece” in Polish. Initially, zrazy was a well-beaten piece of beef meat, in which various fillings (usually eggs and vegetables) were wrapped. Later, variations appeared in the form of potato pies with meat filling.

The five most commonly used ingredients in zraz recipes with minced potatoes:

Delicious zraz recipe:
1. Peel the potatoes.
2. Transfer to a saucepan. To fill with water. After boiling, cook for a third of an hour.
3. Mash, cool and mix with raw egg.
4. Add flour. Potato dough should be plastic and form well.
5. Cut the prepared chicken fillet into pieces.
6. Cut the onion into half rings.
7. Fry the fillet and onion until cooked.
8. Pass through a meat grinder. Salt and add spices.
9. Form pies from potato dough and minced meat.
10. Dip in breading and fry.

Five of the most nutritious recipes for zraz with minced potatoes:

Helpful Tips:
. To reduce cooking time, you can use purchased or pre-prepared minced meat and pre-fry it until cooked.
. You can also add fried carrots, mushrooms, various spices (for example, khmeli-suneli, thyme, curry), grated cheese to the filling.
. Zrazy is best combined with sour cream and white sauces, as well as vegetable side dishes.

This recipe comes in handy when you have leftover mashed potatoes from yesterday. You can add not only cheese to the filling, but also mushrooms or any fried vegetables. Potato zrazy should be served with sour cream. It will be much tastier if you add a little salt to the sour cream and add chopped herbs.

delicious. and the filling may be different. I made it with mushrooms, with sausage and cheese, with minced meat

Thank you for the recipe. It turned out very tasty!

It turned out very tasty. My husband LOVED it too :):):)

it turned out delicious)) my husband also asked me to make it, but probably some other time)) it took me a long time to make it)) but it was worth it))

Thanks for the recipe. It interested me because sometimes there are really some potatoes left over. Cheap according to the recipe. but since the minced meat needs to be specially prepared, I decided to replace the filling with boiled eggs and fried onions. It turns out even cheaper and faster. And very tasty.

Potato zrazy with meat

Cooking time: 30 min.

Preparation time: 30 min.

Number of servings: 6 pcs.

The recipe is suitable for: dinner, lunch.


Potato zrazy with meat

Zrazy is a dish of Lithuanian, Belarusian, Polish and Ukrainian cuisines. In essence, this is a flatbread with filling - a hearty and nutritious dish. The base of the flatbread is most often potato, but the fillings can be very different - mushrooms, meat, vegetables, etc.

I will show you a version of potato zrazas stuffed with meat - one of the most common types. I'll use pork for the filling, but it will also be very tasty with beef or chicken. You need to take potatoes that are well boiled, so that you can then prepare a homogeneous potato dough from it. Use 3-5 tablespoons of flour in the dough - add flour gradually to the cooled potatoes until the dough becomes dense and slightly sticky.

You need to fry the zrazy literally for 1-2 minutes, until golden brown. They should be served with sour cream sauce - combine sour cream, herbs, garlic and salt to taste. Bon appetit!

Video recipe “Potato zrazy with meat”:

How to cook “Potato zrazy with meat” step by step with photos at home

To prepare potato zrazas with meat, we need potatoes, minced pork, a chicken egg, onions, carrots, breadcrumbs, wheat flour, salt, ground black pepper, and refined sunflower oil.

Fry 350 g minced pork in 2-3 tbsp refined sunflower oil until the meat turns light.

Add 1 chopped onion, salt, and ground black pepper to the meat to taste.

Peel 1 carrot and cut into small strips or grate on a coarse grater. Add carrots to meat.

Fry the meat and vegetables until cooked, transfer to a bowl. The minced meat is ready immediately.

Peel 5-7 potatoes, cut them into large pieces, put them in a large saucepan, fill them with water and put them on the fire. When the water boils, add salt and cook the potatoes over low heat until fully cooked.

Drain the boiled potatoes and let them cool slightly for five minutes.

Beat 1 raw chicken egg into the potatoes.

Mash the potatoes and eggs into a homogeneous dense but smooth puree. Add 3-5 tbsp flour, knead the potato dough. It should stick well to the spoon if you turn it over.

We form small flat cakes from potato dough.

Place minced meat in the middle of the flatbread.

Cover the minced meat with potato dough, forming oval-shaped zrazy. Roll them in breadcrumbs.

Fry on both sides in refined sunflower oil until golden brown.

Serve hot or warm. From this amount of ingredients I got 12 potato zrazas.

Culinary recipes and photo recipes

Potato zrazy with meat

Zrazy are unique cutlets or rolls made from mashed potatoes, semolina or meat, with a surprise inside! A variety of fillings are used for zrazy: eggs, cheese, herbs, mushrooms, meat. Today we will tell you how to cook potato zrazy with meat. You will find a step-by-step recipe with photos of the cooking process below.

Potato zrazy are somewhat reminiscent of zeppelins. But still, zrazy and zeppelin are not the same thing, since the former are fried in a frying pan, and the latter, in the homeland of the recipe, in Lithuania, are boiled like dumplings in salted boiling water. Also, mashed potatoes are more often used for potato zrazas, and grated raw potatoes are used for zeppelins.

To prepare potato zrazy with meat you will need:

  • potatoes – 8-10 pcs.
  • dill greens – 1 bunch
  • eggs – 1-2 pcs. (the quantity depends on the size of the eggs and potatoes. The egg is needed so that the zrazy do not fall apart, so check the consistency of the dough)
  • flour – 3-4 tbsp.
  • minced meat – 200 – 300 g
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil for frying

Potato zrazy with meat – step-by-step recipe with photos:

Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into halves or quarters and place them in boiling water. When cooked, drain the broth and grind into puree.

Prepare “potato dough” by adding eggs, flour, chopped dill to the puree, you can also add a little potato broth.

The minced meat for filling potato zrazy is prepared as follows: first fry the finely chopped onion in vegetable oil until it acquires a golden hue.

Then add minced meat to the onion and continue frying until the meat is completely cooked. Add salt.

Are the dough and mince ready? You can start sculpting zrazy. Roll the dough into a thick sausage and cut it into circles 1.5 - 2 cm thick.

Flatten each circle so that it turns into a flat cake, put minced meat in the middle. Place the zrazy on a floured board or table, otherwise they will stick.

There are two ways to seal up the zrazy:

2. Place another flatbread on top and pinch the edges.

It is better to make potato zrazy with your hands soaked in water so that the dough does not stick to them.

Now you need to give the zrazas an oblong shape, roll them thoroughly in flour so that they do not stick to the pan.

You need to fry potato zrazy with meat in sunflower oil on one side first.

Then - from the other, until golden brown.

All! Potato zrazy with meat is ready!

It is better to serve them hot, topped with sour cream.

How to cook potato zrazy with meat

Potato zrazy, which is a kind of filled pancake, is a national dish in the cuisines of several Eastern European nations. Historians have divided opinions about its origin: some believe that it came to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th century from Italy, while others believe that it is a traditional Lithuanian dish.

Peel the potatoes and wash them thoroughly, cut them into quarters and immerse them in hot water to boil. If you put it in cold water, the potatoes will be less sticky.

We wash the meat, cut it into pieces and pass it through an electric meat grinder. You can speed up the process and buy ready-made minced meat, but then you will not have confidence in the quality of the prepared product.

We drain almost all of the potato brine, leaving just three to four spoons. Mash with a masher, add flour, eggs and dill. The number of eggs may vary, check the consistency of the potato dough.

Peel the onion and chop it into cubes, fry it in vegetable oil, add the minced meat, add some salt and fry until half cooked. Roll the potato mass into a sausage, cut into small cubes, like dumplings, and press with the palm of your hand. Place the minced meat on one half, cover the other half and secure the edges tightly.

We crush the semi-finished product in our palms, dip it in flour and fry it in melted butter.

How to steam a dish

  • Potatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • Chicken breast – 2 pcs.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Flour – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to your taste;
  • Butter (fat) – about 100 g;
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Calorie content: 85 Kcal/100 g.

Place chicken breast into boiling water, add a little salt and add a small piece of onion. We peel the potatoes and also set them to boil. It needs to be well boiled and soft.

Drain the water, transfer the clubs into a blender container and puree them, adding butter and egg a little at a time. When the mass becomes more homogeneous, add flour and mix well with a spoon. Leave to cool.

Peel the onion and sauté in olive oil. We take the meat out of the broth, divide it into strips and grind it in an electric meat grinder. Mix with fried onions and add some salt.

We form small cakes from the puree, put the filling in the middle, form zrazy with wet palms and place them on a special steamer rack. We activate the electrical device, pour water into the container, set up tiers with zrazy and turn on the timer for twenty minutes.

You can add fresh herbs to the chicken broth and serve along with potato zrazy and low-fat sour cream.

Unforgettably delicious potato zrazy with meat filling in the oven

This dish will appeal to housewives who like to cook something unusual and original from simple ingredients. Zrazy baked in an electric oven has a crispy crust and juicy filling. You can add hard cheese to them, but this is optional.

  • Onion – 2 pcs.;
  • Veal – 300 g;
  • Breadcrumbs – packaging;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Flour – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter (not spread) – 100 g;
  • Unrefined oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - to your taste.

Cooking time: 85 minutes.

Calorie content: 114 Kcal/100 g.

Wash the potatoes well and put them in boiling salted water to boil in their skins. Check readiness with a toothpick or fork. Wash the meat and dry it with kitchen paper towels.

Cut into slices and twist in a meat grinder. Peel the onion and grind it in a blender. We put oil in a saucepan and fry the onion porridge, add minced meat, seasonings, salt and cook for ten to fifteen minutes, stirring all the time so as not to burn.

Peel the potatoes, mash them with a masher, beat the egg, add flour and butter. Leave to cool. Roll it into a thick long sausage, pluck small balls and form potato pies, filling them with minced meat and onions. Cover with breadcrumbs and place in a small roasting pan. Let it bake for twenty minutes.

Find out how to properly prepare chicken noodle soup, the benefits of the dish and who is recommended to eat it.

Classic recipe for salad with crab meat, read step-by-step recommendations with photos.

How to cook delicious pizza in a slow cooker with an incredibly delicate taste, read our article here.

How to make potato zrazy with mushrooms and minced meat

One of the classic food combinations is potatoes, mushrooms and meat. In this dish they act as a single whole and it turns out quite tasty and satisfying. It’s better to look for and use fresh forest mushrooms rather than greenhouse mushrooms, then the taste will be simply divine.

  • Porcini mushrooms – 300 g;
  • Potatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • Onion – 2 heads;
  • Carrot – 1 pc.;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Young beef – 450 g;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Salt, pepper - according to your desire and taste.

Cooking time: 70 minutes.

Calorie content: 165 Kcal/100 g.

Boil the potatoes until fully cooked. Wash the mushrooms well in water and chop into cubes. Fry in sunflower oil. We twist the meat in a meat grinder, after cutting it into pieces.

We clean and chop the vegetables, sauté in oil, add minced meat, mix well and fry for twenty minutes. Lay out the mushrooms, add some salt, sprinkle with pepper and mix. Turn off the gas and leave to cool.

Mash the potatoes, stir in butter, egg, flour and let stand for five to ten minutes to cool and form gluten.

Roll out the potato dough, separate small flat cakes, flatten them on your palm, stuff them and immediately seal the edges. To keep them well, you can moisten them with oil or water.

Dip the semi-finished products in flour and fry in hot oil until they have a beautiful brownish color.

It is recommended not to add salt to the water when boiling potatoes, but to add it along with flour and egg. You will get a delicious crispy crust if you dip the semi-finished product in an egg and then in breading. Very tasty and dietary zrazy are made with fish filling.

A hearty treat, potato zrazy can be either an independent product or a side dish for meat and poultry. The ease of preparation, the variety of possible fillings and the availability of ingredients make them an indispensable dish on the everyday table.

Where potato zrazy with minced meat came to us from, how best to prepare them and what other fillings can be used, you will learn from the material.

How did this delicious treat come about?

This dish belongs to the national cuisines of Poland and Lithuania. The word “zraza” itself is of Polish origin and literally means “cut piece.”

Initially, the dish was a roll of chopped meat with filling fried in oil - this is how it was prepared in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th century. Today, these are most often cutlets made from root vegetables and minced meat stuffed with mushrooms, meat, eggs, cheese, porridge, and vegetables.

Benefits and harms

The basis of the treat is crushed root vegetables, a source of carbohydrates necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. The starch contained in potatoes is broken down to form glucose. When oxidized, it provides energy to cells, muscles and organs.

In addition, this vegetable contains potassium salts, which ensure the removal of excess fluid and salts from the body and regulate metabolic processes in cells.

The product is also rich in vitamins C, B2, B3, B6, which are responsible for the synthesis of hormones and amino acids, the processes of energy breakdown, the absorption of nutrients and the functioning of nerve cells. Potato plant fibers stimulate the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and remove toxins from the body.

Minced meat contains animal protein, without which the smooth functioning of the cardiovascular system, strong immunity, healthy hair, nails and skin are impossible.

When frying, vegetable oil is used - saturated fats, which in the human body perform protective, heat-insulating and energy functions.

The composition of the ingredients in the dish is energetically balanced and will bring health benefits when consumed in moderation. However, people with diseases of the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, and low tolerance to carbohydrates should limit its use.

A fried product is not suitable for the diet of those losing weight, as it can cause a slowdown in metabolism, but a steamed product, on the contrary, will help reduce body weight.

How much time does it take to prepare?

On average, preparing a treat from scratch will take 45–60 minutes, taking into account the preparation of food and cooling of the finished dish. Cooking time will be reduced by half if you use ready-made mashed potatoes and fried minced meat.

The recipe is quite simple, even a novice housewife can handle it. Even children can be involved in shaping - it is almost impossible to make a mistake or spoil the taste of this dish.

What products are best to choose for potato zraz?

How tasty the finished dish will be depends largely on the quality of the products used. The type of potato plays a big role: choose mealy, middle-aged white tubers, as for regular mashed potatoes.

You can prepare the base for the treat in any way: boil the potatoes in water or steam, bake them in their skins or peel them in the oven.

In order for the cutlets to keep their shape, flour and eggs are added to the crushed potatoes. Do not overdo it with the amount of these ingredients - 1-2 egg yolks and a few tablespoons of flour are enough. Otherwise, you will end up with either a too liquid mass that will not hold the filling, or a very hard, tasteless dough.

For minced meat, use lean meat (beef, veal) or poultry (chicken, turkey). If you want juiciness, add 10 g of butter to the filling. It is important that the minced meat is already prepared - fried or boiled, because when frying in a frying pan it will not have time to cook and will be raw.

Eggs and flour, breadcrumbs or a mixture of flour and starch are suitable as breading. When frying, it is better to replace vegetable oil with olive oil - it will be healthier, but the taste will be more pleasant for a dish cooked in butter or ghee.

How to cook perfect potato zrazy with minced meat

This dish is a high-calorie dish: 100 g of the finished dish contains from 100 to 200 kcal, depending on the filling chosen. For the option with minced meat, the calorie content is 141 kcal (590 kJ) per 100 g. The nutritional value and calorie content of the dish with different ingredients is presented in the comparative table.

Variety of dish Calorie content per 100 g, kcal Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g
without filling186 2,8 14,3 12,1
with mushrooms158 3,7 6,2 19,7
141 8,7 7,4 9,9
with cabbage103 3,2 2,8 17,0
with boiled veal122 8 6,1 9,6

To prepare potato zrazas with minced meat according to the classic recipe you will need:

  • potatoes – 500 g;
  • minced meat – 500 g;
  • flour – 70g;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • breadcrumbs – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for a dish for 4-5 servings.

Step 1. Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water with the addition of a bay leaf and one onion until tender. Drain the water and mash with a potato masher until smooth.

Step 2. Add the yolk of one egg, 70 g of flour, salt and pepper to taste to the potatoes and mix the mixture thoroughly. The base is ready.

Step 3. Finely chop and fry one onion in vegetable oil until transparent over medium heat. Add the minced meat and fry, stirring occasionally, for 10–15 minutes until browned. Season the finished meat with salt and pepper.

Step 4. Take a small amount of puree and spread it over your palm. Place 1-2 tablespoons of prepared minced meat in the center of the potato base. Wrap the filling into the base on all sides. Give the workpiece a rounded flat shape.

Step 5. Roll each cutlet in a mixture of one chicken egg with the remaining white, and then in breadcrumbs. Fry over medium heat on both sides until golden brown in vegetable oil. Place the finished treat on a napkin to remove excess oil. Serve with vegetables, mushrooms, meat gravy or sour cream.

Video recipe for potato zraz with minced meat

Check out the video recipe for the intricacies and secrets of preparing the dish.

Cooking options

The neutral taste allows this product to go well with meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, mushrooms or cereals.

You can experiment with the cooking method using an oven, frying pan, slow cooker, steamer and other kitchen utensils. Pay attention to the variety of recipes: every time you can get a new dish to your taste.

Recipe for potatoes with minced meat and mushrooms

To prepare 500 g of root vegetables, you need to make a puree with the addition of one egg and 50 g of flour. Soak 50 g of dried mushrooms, boil until tender, chop finely. Chop one onion, fry until golden brown with mushrooms, a pinch of salt, pepper, and a mixture of Provençal herbs.

Stuff the potatoes with mushrooms, dip the semi-finished pieces in flour, beaten egg, again in flour and fry until tender. Place in a fireproof dish and bake for 12–15 minutes in the oven at 175 degrees. Serve with sour cream.

Savory treat with cheese

Prepare mashed potatoes from 1 kg of potatoes. Fry one carrot grated on a coarse grater along with one chopped onion with the addition of 700 g of minced beef until cooked. Add 150 g of grated cheese to the filling, add salt and pepper, and mix the ingredients. Fill them with a mixture of cheese and fry them in breading.

Potato zrazy with minced meat and boiled egg

For this recipe, add a few hard-boiled and finely chopped chicken eggs to the prepared filling of fried minced meat and onions. Prepare mashed potatoes the way you like, most importantly – without lumps.

To prevent the base from sticking to your hands, moisten your palms with sunflower oil. Wrap small portions of potato dough around the filling, form into pieces and fry in a hot frying pan until crusty.

Tender zrazy with meat and mushroom sauce

A version of this dish involves preparing the filling not from minced meat, but from boiled minced meat. To it you need to add fried onions and carrots, mix with spices.

We prepare the dough and breading according to the classic recipe. Best served with mushroom sauce. To prepare it, fry 200 g of finely chopped fresh porcini mushrooms in butter with the addition of spices for 8–10 minutes.

Pour in 300 g of heavy cream with a pinch of nutmeg, simmer over low heat until thickened. Remember to stir the sauce frequently.

How to cook a dish in the oven

The dish cooked in the oven turns out juicy. It is better to bake already fried potato pies. To do this, place the finished product in a fireproof dish or roasting pan, pour in 50–75 ml of boiled water or broth, and add a bay leaf.

Cover the container with foil, previously cut in several places, to allow steam to escape. Bake the treat in an oven preheated to 175 degrees until all the water has evaporated.

Recipe for making zraz from potatoes in a slow cooker

It’s convenient that in a slow cooker you can fry the delicacy and immediately simmer them. For frying, use the “Frying” or “Baking” mode, and for stewing the dish, use the “Porridge”, “Simmering” or “Warming” program for 45–55 minutes.

Dietary zrazy in a double boiler

This cooking option is suitable for preparing a treat for a child or a person on a diet. The calorie content of the product will be minimal if instead of wheat flour in the recipe you use rice flour or potato starch, and do not fry the minced meat, but simmer it with the addition of tomato paste.

Please note that the cooking time in a double boiler will depend on the model of the kitchen appliance. There is no need to bread it in flour, egg and breadcrumbs - the crust on the dough will form on its own from the action of steam, but will be tender and brittle.

Use simple tricks and tricks so that preparing a hearty meal does not bring unnecessary trouble:

  1. Crushed potatoes will not fall into pieces and keep their shape if they are not boiled, but baked in their skins - this way the vegetable will retain the necessary gluten.
  2. You need to mash the mashed potatoes while hot - this will make the mass homogeneous.
  3. To avoid lumps in the puree, grind the boiled potatoes in a blender with 15 g of butter.
  4. The egg must be added to the already cooled potato mixture, otherwise it will curdle.
  5. A special sauce made from a mixture of equal proportions of melted butter and sour cream will highlight the taste of the delicacy.
  6. The layer of potatoes should not be too thick so that the filling is evenly heated, and not too thin so that the dough does not burn.

If you decide to use a frying pan, then choose dishes with a non-stick coating - this will reduce oil consumption. You can also simmer the fried cutlets in a frying pan for 20–30 minutes over low heat, after adding water or broth.

Which breadcrumbs to choose for meals

Breading is used to give the delicacy an appetizing golden brown crust and shape, thanks to which the semi-finished product will not fall apart. You can use any ready-made bread crumbs, or you can make them yourself from dried bread. The most delicious breading is made from wheat and rye crackers.

Try preparing this delicacy according to any of the recipes given - it was not without reason that this dish was one of the favorite treats of the Polish kings. Unpretentious and tasty, it will definitely become a frequent guest on your table.