What types of ice cream are there? Which ice cream is really natural? Ice cream with fried eggplant flavor

With your favorite flavor, be it classic or chocolate ice cream, fruit or vanilla ice cream.

However, some confectionery shops try to surprise sweet tooth lovers with extremely unusual types of ice cream, the taste and smell of which can be very controversial.

Here are the strangest types of ice cream you can try in different countries:

Unusual ice cream

1. Purple yam flavored ice cream.

This tuber crop, which looks quite similar to potatoes, grows in warm regions and is purple in color. Because this vegetable tastes sweeter than other varieties of yam, it is often used in desserts, including ice cream, which was invented by one Hawaiian brand.

2. Lobster flavored ice cream.

In places where people simply cannot live without lobster (for example, Italy or Maine), you can find lobster ice cream. It is worth noting that this ice cream was first invented by the famous chef Gianfranco Vissani.

3. Ice cream with haggis (bull entrails) flavor.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that haggis is the national Scottish dish. It consists of a lamb heart, liver and lungs, which are finely chopped with onions, oatmeal and lard, and various seasonings are added and boiled in a lamb stomach. Ice cream with a similar taste was prepared especially for a farmers' festival in Scotland.

4. Squid ink flavored ice cream.

5. Durian flavored ice cream.

This Asian fruit is famous for its foul smell, but don't let that first impression fool you, as this fruit tastes quite pleasant.

Although if you decide to try this ice cream, then know that after eating it, your breath will smell like rotten fish.

6. Cicada ice cream.

A unique cicada ice cream can be found in Colombia. Cicadas are collected from the surrounding area, then their wings are removed, boiled, added with brown sugar and milk and caramelized, then covered in chocolate and used to create ice cream.

7. Cheddar cheese flavored ice cream.

If you're itching to change up your diet by adding something extremely unusual, then cheese-flavored ice cream may be just what you need. In some places, this ice cream is sold under a name that translates to “real cheese,” and its color corresponds to the color of a regular piece of cheese.

8. Ice cream with pig blood.

Apart from a few dishes, such as black pudding and blood sauce, when the meat is cooked, it no longer contains the animal's blood. But recently, some chefs have decided to experiment with ways to use blood in dishes.

One food lab was even able to use blood as an egg replacement in making ice cream and other desserts. Experts wanted to find a culinary alternative for people who are allergic to eggs.

9. Sriracha flavored ice cream.

If you're looking for something cold, but with that fiery heat mixed with the aroma of smoky chili peppers, vanilla ice cream topped with sriracha sauce is just what you need.

Ice cream with an unusual taste

10. Green Jalapeño Ice Cream.

Green jalapeño sauce is used not only in traditional cuisine, but also to create spicy ice cream. This ice cream can be made at home, but to do this you need to buy a special package with an ice cream mixture, which contains all the necessary instructions for making it.

11. Grass-flavored ice cream.

One London kitchen chemist experimented with common grass, hay and pine needles to create liquid ice cream frozen with nitrogen. If you are going to try such an unusual dessert, it would be advisable to add a couple of scoops of regular ice cream to sweeten the experience.

12. Cinnamon ramen flavored ice cream.

The Japanese dish ramen, which uses wheat noodles, has gained a lot of popularity over the past couple of years, despite the fact that it was invented many years ago. One Baltimore shop decided to reinvent the famous Asian staple by mixing noodles with cinnamon to create an ice cream with a unique flavor.

13. Sorghum and Grits flavored ice cream.

Sweet sorghum syrup, also called "eco-sugar", is produced from sweet sorghum using environmentally friendly methods. One Kentucky chef decided to mix the syrup with grits, which is made from corn and sugar, to create a breakfast ice cream.

14. Ice cream with cow tongue flavor.

In Japan, cow tongue flavored ice cream is served as a novelty. Remember that the main thing is not to give up on something until you try it. Perhaps this is the kind of ice cream you'll like.

15. Ice cream with fried eggplant flavor.

And again the Japanese surprise with an exotic dish. In addition to cow tongue flavored ice cream, you can try ice cream that tastes like fried eggplant.

16. Ice cream with octopus.

Also popular among the Japanese is ice cream with octopus, which they consider a delicacy.

17. Ice cream with the taste of sardines and the smell of a Christmas tree.

This ice cream was invented by the chef of a restaurant in Seattle, who was used to always surprising restaurant visitors by mixing, as it seems at first glance, incompatible ingredients.

This ice cream, which has the beautiful name “Northern Delight,” contains sardines, but it doesn’t smell like fish at all, but like a Christmas tree. To obtain this smell, pine extract was used.

18. Ice cream made from mother's milk.

There was a scandal associated with ice cream called "Baby Gaga", and this is not surprising. It was prepared in a London cafe in Covent Garden, and the following ingredients were used to create it: mother's milk, lemon and vanillin. To order one serving, you had to pay 14 pounds (18.5 dollars).

19. Ice cream made from crocodile eggs.

If you want to try crocodile egg ice cream, then your path lies in the Philippines. This ice cream is considered extremely healthy, which is why it is very popular on the islands. It is worth noting that crocodile eggs have less cholesterol and are also farmed.

20. Ice cream with pea puree and fish flavors.

This strange dessert was invented by English confectioners. You can try pea and mint flavored ice cream or fish flavored ice cream. Each dish is topped with cod.



This delicacy of Eskimo cuisine, quite strange for an ordinary European person, is whipped fat with berries and sugar; and sometimes fish is added to it. In the world this dish is known as “Eskimo ice cream”.

Akutaq first appeared in western Alaska, and its original name is Akutaq. The Aborigines pronounce it "agudak". In Yup'ik the name translates as "something greasy and mixed".

The basis of the dish is the fat of reindeer, elk, walrus or seal, to which various ingredients are added, for example, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries or blueberries. In addition, sometimes they add to the dish salmon and a small amount reindeer meat.

Also in the dish you can find leaves and roots that were collected in the burrows of voles. Today, vegetable oil is used instead of animal fat. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the dish is cooling, after which it can be consumed.

Corn cobs are simmered in milk and cream, which absorbs the unique flavor of the corn. The ice cream is unusual, but, according to those who tried it, it is a miracle of people - the taste is simply amazing!

One of the most exotic dishes. To prepare it, use pre-frozen garlic puree. When cooking, cream and milk brought to a boil, mixed with grated yolk and sugar, are added to the melted puree, and the resulting mixture is frozen. It is possible to eat this, but I think not everyone will risk doing it...

This ice cream is a mystery to many. Most people don’t even believe in its existence, but it really exists! Before cooking, bitterness and specific odor are removed from onions by sautéing. Next, add eggs, milk, cream, sugar and vanilla to the blender. They say that onion ice cream is very aromatic and tasty.

Golden ice cream is the most expensive in the world, one serving can cost $1000! It is served only in the most elite restaurants in the largest cities in the United States. Layers of gold foil less than a human hair thick and rare fruits and berries are placed in a glass of delicious ice cream. The dish is eaten together with gold foil, which is so thin that it does not cause any harm to the body. I think no one will refuse to try this ice cream.

Another type of unusual ice cream. It contains heavy cream, egg yolks, sugar and freshly ground pepper mixture. During the freezing process, the ice cream is constantly stirred so that the pepper is evenly distributed. Even children love this ice cream!

Making ginger ice cream couldn't be easier. Pickled ginger is whipped in a blender along with sugar and mixed with ice cream, poured into molds and frozen. The dish looks very appetizing, but its taste is still quite specific.

People who have tried green tea ice cream say it's amazing! There are many recipes for this ice cream, but they all differ in the low-calorie content of the ingredients they contain. The main ingredients are green tea, water and whipped egg whites.

The army of bacon lovers is huge, and especially for them, ice cream expert David Lebovitz decided to prove that bacon is good for more than just breakfast. He created a new kind of ice cream based on glazed bacon! It looks very appetizing, and this dish has already gained considerable popularity.

Carrot ice cream contains cream, milk, coconut milk, yolks, carrots, sugar and spices. It looks quite tempting and is definitely worth trying if you get the chance.

The food company Aunt Bessie is trying to breathe new life into the fortunes of ice cream by replacing its basic ingredients with various alternatives. The company has released a new type of ice cream - potato cone. It consists of mashed potatoes, sausage, gravy and green peas. Now ice cream can be consumed not only for dessert.

This is what the world still lacks! This is ice cream flavored with Viagra!

The process of making ice cream from fish is quite complicated and some difficulties arise. Fish contains a large amount of water, which becomes rock-hard when frozen, but Sato (the original creator of fish ice cream) solved this problem by soaking the fish in alcohol. To destroy the strong fishy smell, the fish is soaked in milk, egg liqueur, whiskey, brandy, and other types of alcoholic drinks, after which nuts, almonds and chocolate are added.

Charcoal ice cream is dark gray in color and appears to be one of the cheapest. It's hard to imagine what it tastes like. I wouldn’t risk trying it myself, but I would be happy to see how others react.

Japanese black sesame ice cream impresses with its deep black color, despite which the dish is quite edible.

In order to remove the smell when making octopus ice cream, it must be boiled in black tea for eight hours. It’s hard to imagine what comes out of this in the end to taste. Who besides the Japanese could eat this?

In this jar, a brave eater who decides to taste its contents may well encounter whole frozen shrimp.

Spicy food lovers should appreciate it. Wasabi not only makes a great addition to raw fish, but it also turns out to be a good ingredient for ice cream.

The city of Nagoya is famous for its poultry. The Japanese wouldn't be considered Japanese if chicken ice cream hadn't come to this city. The taste of this dish is quite easy to imagine - chicken wings in ice cream instead of the usual sauce.

Eel is a delicacy in Japan, so it is not surprising that the Japanese decided to use it as the main ingredient for ice cream. Many people believe that the mild, unique taste is quite acceptable for the dish to still be called ice cream.

Ice cream is a favorite dessert, which means you should pay great attention to its composition. Even 50 years ago, the assortment of this sweet could be counted on one’s fingers, and the manufacturing technology was under close control. Modern ice cream is fraught with many dangers. Since there are countless varieties of it, and they all contain not only healthy ingredients.

Varieties of Ice Cream

The original recipe divides the refreshing delicacy into several types.

  • Cream.
  • Creamy.
  • Dairy.
  • Soft.

Often on the packaging you can find the inscription “GOST”, “according to GOST”, “from childhood”, etc., unfortunately, nowadays it is almost impossible to find the taste of childhood. The technology for making ice cream can be carried out both according to GOST and TU. What's better? It is advisable that the choice falls on a product manufactured in accordance with GOST, since its requirements are more stringent, and the specifications imply the use of palm or coconut oils. Accordingly, a product made according to specifications is cheaper and is dangerous to eat more than once a week. Cold sweets according to Russian GOST standards have become 8% less fatty than 50 years ago. But otherwise, naturalness remains a mandatory requirement for manufacturing both then and now.

An example of the composition of ice cream according to GOST 1939:

— cream up to 35% fat;
- granulated sugar;
- vanilla;
- condensed milk;
- gelatin.

What should ice cream not contain?

  • Vegetable fat (palm or coconut oils).
  • Stabilizers, mono, are fatty acid diglycerides (preferably should be replaced with agar-agar or gelatin).
  • Water.
  • Gum.
  • Agroid.
  • E: 102, 466,407, 477.
  • Sorbic and benzoic acid.

The first ingredient listed in the composition should be milk or milk powder. Components that come first make up a larger share of the product. The composition of modern ice cream should look something like this: milk or milk powder, cream, sugar, flavoring, fruits, nuts, berries.

Manufacturers assure that gum is a natural component and does not pose any danger to the human body. It’s hard to argue with the claim that this ingredient is natural. The gum can be found on the bark of trees in the form of small crystals. Technologists use it to increase viscosity. But it is strictly prohibited for use by people with gastrointestinal problems.

A substance called agroid is often used; it is obtained from algae; it increases gelatinization and can cause allergic reactions in particularly sensitive people.The use of acids in confectionery and flour production is a common fact. They are also added to ice cream. These acids are even found in naturally occurring fruits and vegetables. And such acids are considered absolutely harmless, but undesirable in products consumed by children. They have antimicrobial properties and are considered beneficial in small doses for an adult body.

Many manufacturers encode artificial food additives under the word “stabilizer-emulsifier”; such ice cream should be left on the store counter, since the likelihood that the product contains harmful “E” is 100%.

What should you pay attention to when buying ice cream?

  • Compound.
  • Packaging integrity.
  • No foreign odor.
  • Manufacturing technology according to GOST or TU.
  • Best before date.
  • Date of manufacture.
  • Manufacturer.

TOP 5 all-natural cooling desserts

"Cow from Korenovka"

Manufacturer: Krasnodar region.
Production strictly according to GOST.
It is natural in composition based on whole milk, cream and condensed milk. The only drawback is the presence of an emulsifier stabilizer. Unfortunately, what exactly is hidden behind this word is known only to the manufacturer.

Cost: 35 – 45 rub. for a ice cream in a waffle cup.

"Filyovsky ice cream"

Manufacturer: Vologda
Natural ingredients are the advantage of a cold delicacy. Water and glucose syrup are in doubt. This product is the winner of the Test Purchase program.

Cost: 50 rub. - for an ice cream in a waffle cup.

“Your ice cream” (Clean Line company)

Manufactured in accordance with GOST.
Good composition, except for the percentage of cream to other ingredients. Ice cream is made from milk powder.

Cost: 40 - 45 rub. - for an ice cream in a waffle cup.

"Chelny Cold"

Manufacturer: Naberezhnye Chelny.
Ideal ingredients, no preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers. Production is carried out in accordance with state standards.

Cost: 30 rub. - for an ice cream in a waffle cup.

"Gold Standard" (Inmarko)

Manufacturer: Tula region.
Manufactured according to specifications, does not contain sorbic and benzoic acid, does not contain preservatives, but contains starch and milk powder. It is a safe filling.

Cost: 50-60 rub. - for an ice cream in a waffle cup.

Homemade Ice Cream Recipe

Still, the best substitute for a store-bought cold dessert is homemade ice cream.

  • 2 glasses of milk.
  • 1 glass – condensed milk.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons - lemon juice.
  • 200 ml – heavy cream.

Beat the cream to stiff peaks, preferably using a blender or mixer. Then add a couple of spoons of lemon juice, condensed milk and whole milk to the resulting mixture. For a brighter taste, you can use orange or lemon zest. Knead everything thoroughly with a whisk or mixer. Place the resulting product in the freezer. During the first 2 - 3 hours, alter the product for half an hour.
“Ice cream is a frozen, usually sweet dessert product. The delicacy, which is an ice-like mass, is used more for entertainment than for nutrition.” Wikipedia tells us this definition of the word “ice cream”. But we all know that our world is only as beautiful as its diversity. After all, there is a lot of unusual things around us that we have never seen and, moreover, never tried.

So let's move away from the stereotype of “standard” ice cream and learn a little about the exotic. Few of us realize how many different types there are, except for those, of course, that are known to everyone from childhood.

Ice cream made from breast milk.

In London, in one of the cafes in Covent Garden, for the first time you could try ice cream, the main ingredient of which is real breast milk.

The unusual dessert is called Baby Gaga and is an ice cream made from a mixture of breast milk, Madagascar vanilla and lemon zest. This exotic ice cream costs 14 pounds ($22.5) and is served in a martini glass.

Fried ice cream

Fried ice cream is a popular dessert in Mexico. It looks amazing and its great taste is no less surprising. It’s quite simple to prepare: scoop ice cream the size of an apple and freeze it thoroughly, then successively roll it in flour, egg and breading, freeze it again, and just before serving, quickly deep-fry it in vegetable oil.

Tomato ice cream

Few people know, but tomato ice cream used to be produced even in the USSR, now it can be seen on the shelves in Japan, where it is quite common. The main component, as you probably guessed, is tomatoes; cream, tomato paste, garlic, bay leaf and freshly ground black pepper are also added to it.

Ice cream with porcini mushrooms and foie gras!

The Marseillaise restaurant invites guests to try ice cream with unusual flavors: porcini mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, Dorblu cheese, basil, Dijon mustard and foie gras.
The restaurant's chef, Vladimir Petrov, notes that now all of Europe is engulfed in the invention of new ice cream recipes.

Corn cobs are simmered in milk and cream, which absorbs the unique flavor of the corn. The ice cream is unusual, but, according to those who tried it, it is a miracle of people - the taste is simply amazing!

One of the most exotic dishes. To prepare it, use pre-frozen garlic puree. When cooking, cream and milk brought to a boil, mixed with grated yolk and sugar, are added to the melted puree, and the resulting mixture is frozen. It is possible to eat this, but I think not everyone will risk doing it...

This ice cream is a mystery to many. Most people don’t even believe in its existence, but it really exists! Before cooking, bitterness and specific odor are removed from onions by sautéing. Next, add eggs, milk, cream, sugar and vanilla to the blender. They say that onion ice cream is very aromatic and tasty.

Golden ice cream is the most expensive in the world, one serving can cost $1000! It is served only in the most elite restaurants in the largest cities in the United States. Layers of gold foil less than a human hair thick and rare fruits and berries are placed in a glass of delicious ice cream. The dish is eaten together with gold foil, which is so thin that it does not cause any harm to the body. I think no one will refuse to try this ice cream.

Another type of unusual ice cream. It contains heavy cream, egg yolks, sugar and freshly ground pepper mixture. During the freezing process, the ice cream is constantly stirred so that the pepper is evenly distributed. Even children love this ice cream!

Making ginger ice cream couldn't be easier. Pickled ginger is whipped in a blender along with sugar and mixed with ice cream, poured into molds and frozen. The dish looks very appetizing, but its taste is still quite specific.

People who have tried green tea ice cream say it's amazing! There are many recipes for this ice cream, but they all differ in the low-calorie content of the ingredients they contain. The main ingredients are green tea, water and whipped egg whites.

The army of bacon lovers is huge, and especially for them, ice cream expert David Lebovitz decided to prove that bacon is good for more than just breakfast. He created a new kind of ice cream based on glazed bacon! It looks very appetizing, and this dish has already gained considerable popularity.

Carrot ice cream contains cream, milk, coconut milk, yolks, carrots, sugar and spices. It looks quite tempting and is definitely worth trying if you get the chance.

The food company Aunt Bessie is trying to breathe new life into the fortunes of ice cream by replacing its basic ingredients with various alternatives. The company has released a new type of ice cream - potato cone. It consists of mashed potatoes, sausage, gravy and green peas. Now ice cream can be consumed not only for dessert.

This is what the world still lacks! This is ice cream flavored with Viagra! You can call it a girls' dream. Although the number of consumers of this product is frankly not large. But in vain!

Fish ice cream

The process of making ice cream from fish is quite complicated and some difficulties arise. Fish contains a large amount of water, which becomes rock-hard when frozen, but Sato (the original creator of fish ice cream) solved this problem by soaking the fish in alcohol. To destroy the strong fishy smell, the fish is soaked in milk, egg liqueur, whiskey, brandy, and other types of alcoholic drinks, after which nuts, almonds and chocolate are added.

Milk snake ice cream

The ice cream produced under this brand is made from... milk snake - a type of king snake. The famous chef Andrew Zimmern, who tried this “masterpiece,” compared its taste to bile. However, the Japanese truly believe that such ice cream is a fairly strong aphrodisiac.

Charcoal ice cream is dark gray in color and appears to be one of the cheapest. It's hard to imagine what it tastes like. I wouldn’t risk trying it myself, but I would be happy to see how others react.

Japanese black sesame ice cream impresses with its deep black color, despite which the dish is quite edible.

Eel is a delicacy in Japan, so it is not surprising that the Japanese decided to use it as the main ingredient for ice cream. Many people believe that the mild, unique taste is quite acceptable for the dish to still be called ice cream.

And that's not all

The number of varieties of ice cream is growing every day and is surprising, but it does not add to the appetite at all, since it is made from strange, seemingly unsuitable products. For example, in Japan you can already buy ice cream made from fish, sea salt, whale meat, soft-skinned turtles, cedar shavings, cactus, pickled orchid, shark fins, fried eggplant, mushrooms, seaweed, beer, wine, fried pork, durian , bay leaf, mustard and basically everything that comes to mind! So don't be afraid to experiment.
And I wish you bon appetit!

People liked cold sweets and enjoyed crushed ice mixed with fruits and other sweets.

Ice cream dates back to ancient times. ABOUT but known to mankindfor at least five thousand years.

The first to discover ice cream were the Chinese, who loved to serve frozen fruit juices at the holiday table, which eventually turned into what we call “fruit ice.”

Even Alexander the Great loved to restore his strength with the help of a cold dessert, and Hippocrates even used this delicacy as a cure for the heat.

1. The most popular ice cream is vanilla. Vanilla ice cream was invented by the French culinary specialist Gerard Tiersen back in 1649. In second place comes creamy, then chocolate and strawberry.

2. Ice cream cones were invented in 1904 during the World's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. It is worth noting that until 1896, ice cream was eaten in saucers or rosettes.

During the exhibition, the demand for ice cream was so great that there simply weren't enough paper cups for it. The ice cream seller had to look for options where else to put the ice cream. He asked for help from waffle seller Ernest Humvee, whose kiosk was nearby. They started rolling up the cones and putting ice cream inside. Together they made history.

3. Yet the idea of ​​an ice cream cone was patented during the year of the World's Fair, in 1903, and its author was an Italian living in New York. The exhibition only made this idea very popular.

© Yana Gayvoronskaya

4. Italians Mirco Della Vecchia and Andrea Andrighetti have created the largest ice cream waffle cone in the world. The height of the cone was 2.81 meters.

5. Over the course of its lifetime, a cow can produce enough milk to make 34,000 liters of ice cream.

© WDnet/Getty Images

6. Continental Europe was first introduced to ice cream in the 13th century, when Marco Polo returned to Italy and recounted his travels to China.

7. Most ice cream is produced in the USA.

8. Historians say that Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) loved to eat snow with nectar and honey.

9. According to market analysts, ice cream sales increase significantly during economic crises and wars.

© rimmabondarenko

10. The most popular topping is chocolate syrup.

What flavor does ice cream come in?

© SimpleFoto

There is: ice cream with tuna, trout, beer or shrimp flavor, carrot and tomato flavor, meat flavor and even chili pepper flavor.

12. The popsicle stick was invented back in 1905 by 11-year-old Frank Epperson.

One frosty day he forgot his glass of lemonade on the porch of his house. The cup also contained a stirring stick. Waking up the next morning, he found a frozen glass with a stick.

20 years later he adopted this idea. This is how frozen juices on a stick were born.

© svetlanafoote

13. In Tanzania, a tree called Inga edible is cultivated. Its fruits taste like vanilla ice cream.

14. If you want to try the most expensive scoop of ice cream in the world, then be prepared to visit the Serendipity restaurant in New York and shell out $1,000 for a cold dessert.

© Greshka Padro/Getty Images

It will be served with chocolate, rare berries, Madagascar vanilla, Parisian fruits, marzipan cherries, and a gold-plated dragee decorated with an edible gold leaf.

In addition, you will be offered a golden spoon with diamonds, which you can safely take for yourself at the end of the meal.

15. Ice cream tasters use gold spoons to determine 100% of the taste of ice cream, as regular spoons leave a slight aftertaste.

16. There are many types of ice cream.

© Mykola Lunov

All types of ice cream can be divided into 4 categories: according to composition, consistency, taste and packaging. Based on its composition, ice cream can be:

16.1. Made from animal fats:

Ice cream (based on whole cow's milk - the richest ice cream)

Dairy (also based on whole cow's milk, but ice cream is less fatty)

Creamy (its base is cream).

16.2. Made from vegetable fats (coconut and palm oil)

16.3. Fruit ice.

16.4. Sorbet (does not contain cream or animal fats and is very low in sugar).

17. The very first appearance of ice cream in Rus'.

To make the first Russian ice cream, winter milk was mixed with honey, poured into molds and frozen. If someone wanted to make the frozen mixture softer, they grated it or chopped it into pieces.

18. In Canada, more ice cream is sold in the winter than in the summer.

19. When television first began to gain popularity, television cooking shows used puree instead of real ice cream because real ice cream melted quickly under the lights.

© Robert Kneschke

20. Did you know that 125 ml (1/2 cup) of regular vanilla ice creamin useful dosescontain nutrients such as calcium and vitamin A?

21. How many calories are in ice cream?

Everyone knows that ice cream contains fats and carbohydrates, which means it is a high-calorie product. Here's how many calories 100 grams contain:

* creamy ice cream – about 200 kcal

* fruit ice - about 150 kcal;

* low-fat ice cream - about 100 kcal.

22. The main ingredient in ice cream is air. It gives the ice cream softness and flavor. If there was no air in the ice cream, it would be hard as a rock.

23. First popsicle.

© alexandramalyck

Christian Nelson was the same confectioner who decided to experiment and cover the ice cream with chocolate. He simultaneously sold his ice cream and showed a film about the life of the Eskimos. He called his invention Eskimo-pie, which translates as “Eskimo pie.”

24. If you want to make such an unusual dessert as fried ice cream, then you will need to do the following:

24.1. Freeze the ice cream ball.

24.2. Dip the frozen ice cream ball in flour.

24.3. Beat the egg and roll the ball in it.

24.4. Prepare breadcrumbs and roll a scoop of ice cream in them as well.

24.5. Quickly deep fry before serving.

How ice cream is made (video)

25. An ice cream cake created by a Canadian company weighed more than 10 kg and was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

To prepare it, it took 9 tons of ice cream, 90 kilograms of biscuit and 136 kilograms of chocolate chips. The cake was set in Toronto.

26. The second largest ice cream.

The record for the longest ice cream cake belongs to Chinese confectioners. With a height of 1 meter and a width of 3 meters, the length of this cake was 4.8 meters and the total weight was 8 tons.

It was created in 2006 in Beijing specifically for a play called “Ice Cream Mountain.” The cake was decorated with bright images of bear cubs.

27. The Roman Emperor Nero (54-68) stored ice brought from the mountains in special rooms under his palace. He loved to decorate it with fruit and eat it.

28. Ice cream for sore throat.

© Mangostar Studio

Many doctors advise parents to give their children ice cream as a way to prevent the development of sore throat. Ice cream can also be used to prevent exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis, as it hardens the throat, and thanks to it, the mucous membrane becomes less sensitive to sudden temperature changes.

29. Americans are the biggest ice cream lovers. On average, one US resident consumes 22 liters of ice cream per year.

30. Sugar in ice cream slows down its melting.