How to marinate a goose so that it is soft. Goose dishes, in the oven

Professionals say: baked goose is a dish that simply cannot be ruined. Based on personal experience, I disagree. My first, to be honest, and my second attempt ended in failure. I was absolutely sure that I would not mess with this capricious bird again. There’s not much to enjoy there: a mountain of skin, a lot of fat and a little bit of tough meat. And the goose was by no means small, almost 6 kg.

In general, I would have remained with my opinion, with which my family agreed, if one day a goose baked in the oven had not appeared before me in all its splendor. Ruddy crispy skin, tender liver filling and pieces of unusually soft fillet that melts in your mouth. Well, very tasty! So I pestered my friend with a question about how to cook a goose in the oven so that the meat was soft and juicy. It turned out, indeed, nothing complicated, if you take into account a few very important points. Since then, on New Year's, Christmas, anniversaries and celebrations in our family, the main course is always baked goose.

Secret No. 1: preparing the carcass

Before the goose ends up in the oven, with apples, sauerkraut or buckwheat porridge, you will have to tinker with it quite a bit. The preparatory process is simple, but takes a lot of time, so you should buy a heavy carcass in advance, at least 3 days in advance. To thaw, frozen poultry is placed in the refrigerator for a day on the bottom shelf. I don’t recommend defrosting at room temperature; the goose “loves” the cold.

Then the acquired treasure is carefully examined, like cooking a goose with the remains of down and feathers. If they are discovered, they arm themselves with tweezers and patiently pull out everything, down to the last hair. Then they cut off the tips of the wings (outer phalanges) with scissors; they will burn anyway, because the goose is baked in the oven with potatoes or other filling for about 3 hours. The approximate cooking time is calculated as follows: 20 minutes – for half a kilo of weight. A sharp knife is also used to remove accumulations of fat in the neck and abdomen, from below. To get rid of excess subcutaneous fat, the skin on the breast, legs, especially at the junction with the body, is pierced with a knitting needle. Direct it almost parallel to the carcass so as not to touch the meat.

Next, bring water to a boil in a large saucepan. They lower the goose upside down into it and wait for a minute. Take it out, wait for the water to boil again, turn it over and again immerse it in boiling water for 60 seconds. After a hot bath, dry thoroughly with a paper towel. Rub the outside and inside with a mixture of coarse salt (a teaspoon per kilogram), ground black pepper and dry herbs, such as sage and oregano. Place on a large flat dish and put in the refrigerator, no need to cover, ideally the bird is hung in the cellar for 2-3 days. There is no other sure way to cook a goose in the oven so that the meat is soft and juicy, and the skin is crispy and crispy.

Secret No. 2: how to cook goose with stuffing

If you stuff the prepared bird correctly, you don’t have to worry about how to cook a juicy goose in the oven. Meat juice and fat rendered during cooking will be absorbed into the filling, making it appetizing and aromatic. What to do for this? Don’t try to stuff more apples or sauerkraut inside; fill the carcass only 2/3 full. Do not compact the contents; the voids between the slices will allow the filling to steam and swell to the maximum. I prefer, for example, to fill a goose with beef liver, interspersed with chopped onions, thyme, preferably fresh, and pieces of loaf. He takes so much into himself!

And, of course, the edges of the inlet holes must be fastened, otherwise the goose, or rather the filling, will be baked dry and the liquid will leak out. It is convenient to pin together the neck incision with wooden toothpicks (skewers), and sew up the abdomen with large stitches. Choose a thick thread; when the goose is finished baking, it will be easier to pull out. By the way, another method for cooking juicy goose in the oven is to use a cooking sleeve. The goose in the oven in the sleeve will cook faster and will definitely not dry out.

Secret No. 3: temperature control

How to cook a soft goose in the oven, but with well-done, golden skin? Be patient so that you don’t spoil the luxurious bird at the last, decisive stage. Let's build a suitable “bed” for her while the oven is heating up, turned on at full blast. A little water, up to 1 cm high, is poured into a deep baking tray to prevent the fat from burning. A metal grate is placed on it, on which the stuffed carcass is placed, back up. The goose's legs are crossed and tied with a strong thread. The goose remains in this position in a very hot oven for a quarter of an hour.

Then the temperature is reduced to 150-160 degrees, and the bird is turned over on its back. Goose baked in the oven will be especially tasty if you pour rich broth over it every half hour. It forms at the bottom of the pan. After 1.5-2 hours, check the dish for readiness. Pierce the upper part of the leg with a knife (knitting needle). The juice will appear clear, the baked goose is ready, it’s time to take it out. If a goose is cooked in the oven, in a sleeve, it, that is, the protective shell, is cut and the bird is browned for 20-30 minutes. Well, that’s the whole simple science of how to cook a soft goose in the oven. Agree, it's really simple. And the deliciousness cannot be expressed in words!

However, everyone's taste preferences are different. Some people like classic goose with apples, others cook it, for example, with walnuts and prunes. You can experiment with fragrant quinces, chestnuts, pineapples, even canned ones will do, oranges and tangerines. Not only is the traditional goose baked with apples, but also with sauerkraut or buckwheat porridge flavored

In Russian cuisine, goose dishes have been known and loved since time immemorial. Once upon a time, the goose was the exclusive prey of hunters, but that was a very, very long time ago. The goose was domesticated in ancient times so far from us that some culinary historians, not without reason, believe the goose to be one of the first domesticated birds. From a culinary point of view, goose is a difficult bird: a lot of thick, heavy bones, a lot of fat. And if preparing stewed and even fried portioned goose dishes is not too difficult a task, then preparing a whole holiday goose baked in the oven often becomes an impossible task for many novice housewives. Remember how many times you couldn’t bake a goose so that it turned out golden and crispy on the outside, but at the same time tender and soft on the inside? That's it! For many housewives, tough and not very tasty goose becomes a real stumbling block, so much so that they may even refuse to include it in their holiday menu. And completely in vain! Properly cooked goose turns out very tasty and soft, unusually appetizing and rosy. You just need to know a few important cooking secrets and strictly follow them. Today we invite you to learn and remember with us how to cook a goose in the oven.

At first glance, cooking a whole goose carcass in the oven may seem like too complicated a task, because everything is important here: the correct choice of poultry, knowledge of the season when it was harvested, the time-consuming preparatory process, strict adherence to the chosen cooking recipe, and careful adherence to temperature conditions. But all this seems complicated only at first glance. In fact, having cooked a truly tasty, soft, aromatic goose, you will no longer be able to deny yourself and your loved ones the opportunity to enjoy this excellent dish more than once. And judge for yourself, if the baked goose had not turned out so tasty, would such a huge number of different recipes for goose cooked in the oven have appeared? After all, no matter how they prepare it! Here you can find a simple roast goose, a glazed goose, a popular goose with apples, a goose with cabbage and berries, and a wide variety of stuffed goose options. Add to this the excellent compatibility of goose with many herbs, spices and seasonings, and you can easily see for yourself not only the popularity of dishes from this delicious bird, but also the great variety of tastes and aromas that goose cooked in the oven can delight you with.

Today we have collected for you the most important culinary tips and secrets, with popular recipes that will definitely help even the most inexperienced housewives and tell you how to cook a goose in the oven.

1. Before you go to the store or market to buy a goose, you should understand the seasons of slaughter of this bird in order to know for sure whether the goose offered to you is suitable for preparing the dish you have chosen. Good poultry farmers slaughter geese twice a year. The first time geese are slaughtered in the summer is in July. Typically, birds up to three months old end up in this slaughterhouse. The meat of such young geese is very tender and soft, and the loin part is already well developed. Such geese are best suited for baking in the oven. The second slaughter is carried out in November - December. By this time, six-month-old birds have time to fully develop, change their plumage and gain fat. Most often, it is the birds slaughtered in autumn and winter that end up on our festive New Year and Christmas tables. Their meat is a little tougher than that of young goslings, but they are much fattier and more flavorful, and are much better suited for stuffing.

2. So, when choosing a goose, first of all, ask for a certificate that indicates the exact month of the bird’s slaughter, so that you know how young the bird is being offered to you. If you buy a frozen goose, then this information must be indicated on the packaging. When buying chilled poultry, in addition to checking the certificate, be sure to make sure for yourself that they are offering you a young and fresh goose. The age of a bird can be easily determined by its legs and sternum. A young goose's legs and membranes are soft, and the sternum is flexible and not stiff. An old bird's feet will be rough with dry membranes, and the breast bone will be hard and hard. Check the freshness of the bird as usual. Smell it - fresh goose smells pleasant, a little sweet. Feel - the meat should be elastic and strong. Inspect - fresh birds should not have any weathered parts of the skin. If you buy a frozen goose, make sure that the bird has not been repeatedly frozen. This is very easy to do: just make sure that the ice on the carcass is completely transparent, but the pink tint of the ice will tell you that the goose has already been defrosted and frozen again. It’s better not to buy such a carcass at all.

3. Once you bring your goose home, think about storage. Chilled poultry can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a couple of days. If you are not going to cook the goose right away, pack it tightly in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer. Goose tolerates freezing well without losing its taste. Frozen goose can be stored in the freezer for as long as desired. Thaw the goose in advance. A couple of days before cooking, place the goose in the bottom of the refrigerator and let it thaw slowly at low temperature. This way you will preserve both the taste of the bird and its juiciness.

4. In order for your goose to turn out truly soft and tender inside, and for the crust to become golden brown and crispy after baking, the goose should be properly prepared. First, rinse the bird thoroughly under running cool water. Trim off the upper phalanges of the wings, the tarsus, and excess fat from the neck and belly opening. Boil a large amount of water in a deep saucepan, take the goose by the legs and lower it, neck down, into the boiling water. Hold the goose in this position for a minute, take it out, turn it over and again lower the goose into boiling water for a minute, but with its paws down. Dry the goose with a towel and place on a cutting board. Using a thin, sharp knife, make several shallow punctures in the breast and legs of the goose. Try to pierce only the skin and fat, without touching the meat. Dry the goose thoroughly again, inside and out. The first stage of preparation is completed.

5. For the second stage of preparing the goose, you will need coarse salt, a little sugar, coarsely ground black pepper and seasonings to your taste: oregano, basil, and sage are perfect. Mix salt and sugar at the rate of 3 tbsp. spoons of salt for 1 teaspoon of sugar. Add pepper and other seasonings according to your taste and desire. Rub the goose thoroughly inside and out with the finished mixture. Place the goose prepared in this way in a deep container and refrigerate for a couple of days. During this time, the goose meat will finally ripen and soften, and the skin will dry thoroughly, so that when baked in the oven it will become golden and crispy. This completes the preparation of the goose for baking, and then you can follow the recommendations of the recipe you have chosen.

6. However, if you decide to cook stuffed goose, then you should take into account that stuffing a goose has its own rules and little secrets. Whatever you decide to stuff your bird with, do it immediately before cooking. Put in so much minced meat that it takes up no more than two-thirds of the volume of the abdomen, otherwise the goose will not cook well on the inside, and the outside will burn and dry out. Sew up the belly with minced meat with a thick thread, which will be convenient to pull out after cooking. Make stitches large and not too frequent. If you don’t have thick, strong thread on hand, use wooden skewers or toothpicks.

7. If you followed all the recommendations for preparing the goose, then baking it will be very simple, and it will definitely turn out soft and tasty with a crispy, appetizing crust. And yet, baking a goose itself also requires knowing some secrets. It is best to place the goose not on the baking sheet itself, but on a wire rack placed on it. Pour some water onto the baking sheet. Thus, the fat dripping from the goose will drip into the water, will not burn and will not spoil the finished dish with its burnt smell. Place the goose breast side down first. Place the goose laid in this way in an oven preheated to maximum and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. After the time has passed, reduce the temperature in the oven to 160 - 170°, turn the goose breast side up and bake until done. Depending on the size of the bird, the cooking time is one and a half to two hours. You can check readiness using a thin sharp knife or a thin knitting needle. Just pierce the goose in its most fleshy part, for example, in the leg, and see what kind of juice flows from it: clear juice - the goose is completely ready, cloudy or pinkish juice - continue cooking for another 20 minutes. If some parts of the goose carcass begin to burn, cover them with a small piece of oiled foil. Another important point in cooking goose: if you want to achieve not just a golden brown, but an appetizing crispy crust, do not pour anything on the goose while baking! This is the only way the crust will turn out truly tasty and crispy.

8. The most beloved and popular way of cooking goose in Russian cuisine is, of course, goose with apples and sauerkraut. Prepare a goose weighing up to two and a half kilograms as described above. Save the trimmed excess fat. To prepare the minced meat, peel and core and cut two small sour apples into large pieces. Chop one glass of sauerkraut, but not too finely. Cut the goose fat into small pieces and melt in a frying pan. Add a small cinnamon stick, one bay leaf and three to four juniper berries as desired and available. Warm up for a couple of seconds. Then add the apples, stir and cook over low heat, covered, for five minutes. When the apples are slightly softened, add the cabbage, stir and simmer everything together for another ten minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Stuff the goose with the finished mixture and bake as we described above. Instead of water, you can pour a mixture of one glass of water and one glass of dry white wine onto the baking sheet, which will give your goose an additional note of piquant aroma.

9. Goose stuffed with buckwheat porridge and porcini mushrooms is very tasty. It’s not at all difficult to prepare the filling for such a goose. Pour one glass of buckwheat into a dry, hot frying pan. Heat, stirring frequently, for four minutes. Boil a liter of water in a saucepan, add salt to taste, add roasted buckwheat and cook over medium heat for ten minutes. Place the buckwheat in a colander and allow excess water to drain. Soak 70 g in hot water. dried porcini mushrooms for 20 minutes. Drain in a colander and then chop finely. Finely chop two small onions, cut one carrot into small cubes. If you get a goose with giblets, then cut the heart, liver and stomach into small pieces. Melt excess goose fat in a frying pan. Add the goose giblets (if available) and cook for five minutes over high heat, stirring frequently. Transfer to a separate plate. Add onions, carrots and mushrooms to the remaining fat in the pan. Fry until golden brown, then add buckwheat and giblets, salt and pepper to taste and cook everything together over medium heat for another 10 minutes. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Stuff the goose prepared in advance with the prepared minced meat and bake as described above.

10. Goose baked in ginger glaze is original, spicy and very tasty. Prepare the goose as we described above. Peel and core one large green apple and cut into small pieces. Coarsely chop one red onion. Stuff the goose with apples and onions, add a sprig of sage and a couple of pitted prunes, sew up the goose and bake as usual. While the goose is baking, melt 2 tbsp in a saucepan. spoons of sugar in 2 tbsp. spoons of water, add a chopped four-centimeter piece of ginger root and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly, until thickened. 30 minutes before the goose is ready, remove the bird from the oven, brush with the ginger glaze and return to the oven, baking until done.

And on the pages of “Culinary Eden” you can always find even more interesting ideas and proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook a goose in the oven.

Goose meat is dark, rich in microelements such as iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium, as well as essential amino acids and vitamins. All these qualities of goose meat force housewives to take on the difficult task of preparing it, which is called “at random”, the result is appropriate. To avoid disappointment, it is better to study the theory on this topic, and only then, with the confidence of a professional in the best restaurant, take on cooking goose with one hundred percent success.

Prepare the filling, peel the apples from seeds and cut them into large slices, mix with lemon zest, grated from two lemons, juice from the remaining lemon and white wine. Such a filling, with the goose previously soaked in a marinade with garlic, will completely destroy the specific smell of the goose, and in addition, acids and alcohol will help better boiling of the meat, and, when finished, better absorption by the body.

Place the goose on a work surface and put the stuffing inside, sew up all the holes tightly, and tie the legs together with thick thread in several rows.
Turn on the oven and heat it to 180 * C, roll out the dough so that you can completely wrap the goose in it. Place the bird back down on the rolled out sheet of dough, fold the edges and pinch them securely.

In this form, place the bird on a baking sheet, on which a wire rack has previously been placed, so that the fat flowing through the dough does not spoil the dough crust, and so that the fat does not burn, add a little water to it, put the baking sheet in the oven, bake for 1.5 - 2 hours . There is simply no better way to cook a goose in the oven; we serve this beauty and deliciousness on a beautiful platter to the table.

Recipe for roasting goose with potatoes

If in the previous recipe you put the goose in the oven and forgot about it for one and a half to two hours, then how to cook a goose in the oven so that the meat is soft and juicy with potatoes according to the proposed recipe, you will have to remember about it every twenty to thirty minutes, and not just remember, but act. But in order to get such a festive delicacy, you can “pull yourself up” a little; after all, we cook goose, maximum, once a year for New Year or Christmas. However, it is quite possible to please your loved ones and guests by cooking baked goose more often, since we have a lot of reasons for holidays, and you have already mastered the process itself.

Fits perfectly!

- goose, small,
- potatoes – 1.5 kg,
- onion – 2 heads,
- garlic – 3 cloves,
- soy sauce – 2 tbsp.,
- mustard – 1 tbsp.,
- honey – 2 tbsp.,
- mayonnaise – 100 g,
- pepper, salt.

We prepare the goose as described in the first recipe until the moment when it is necessary to cover the goose with marinade; in this recipe it will be slightly different.

Mix mayonnaise with chopped garlic, pepper, salt, honey, mustard and soy sauce, divide the resulting sauce in half. One half will go to our marinade, but since we will also cover the goose with salt and add it to the marinade itself, it will have to be washed off after a day, coating it with the sauce again.

So, we also divide one of the halves of the sauce in half, coat the inside surface of the goose with the first half, and add salt to the other half as much as you like, grease the outside of the goose, wrap it in cling film, not tightly, and put it away for a day or more, deciding how to cook the goose in the oven so that the meat is soft and juicy.

By the time of cooking, remove the goose from the film and rinse it from the marinade, but only from the outside, holding it so that water does not get inside.

Turn on the oven and heat it to 200*C, rinse and peel the potatoes and onions.
Cut half the cooked potatoes into large pieces, mix with onion half rings, salt and pepper and put the filling inside the goose carcass, sew it up as in the first recipe, and tie the legs.

Now we coat the entire goose with the remaining sauce, which was also stored in the refrigerator, place the bird on the wire rack, with its back, and then place the wire rack on a baking sheet, with water poured into it, in a small amount, depending on the depth of your baking sheet, but no more than 1 liter. We bake the goose for about forty minutes, then carefully remove the baking sheet and turn the goose over, back up, pour the rendered fat and water over it for the first time, i.e. a kind of fatty broth, put it back in the oven and reduce the heat to 160*C.

Bake the goose for 2.5 hours, opening the oven every twenty to thirty minutes and pouring fat over the bird, the concentration of which in the broth will increase as the water evaporates.

Forty minutes before the end of baking, cut the remaining potatoes into thin rings, take out the baking sheet again, place the potatoes near the goose, add salt and pepper, and put in the oven for forty minutes. The readiness of the meat is checked by using a match or a toothpick, which we pierce the meat with and monitor the juice that has been released; if it is clear, then the meat is ready; if it is cloudy, or even more so, reddish, then we continue to bake.

We serve the finished baked goose to the table with two types of baked potatoes, soaked in internal fat, tasty and aromatic, as well as potatoes with a golden brown crust, which were baked on the outside and turned out no less tasty than the first. The question of how to cook a goose in the oven so that the meat is soft and juicy (recipe) is actually practically solved very simply.

You can cook it from goose and we have provided it at the link.

Recipe for roasting stuffed goose

As we said above, the problem of a goose that is too large, which is quite a risky task to bake in the oven entirely, is much more rational to cut it into large pieces, and only then cook it. You may like the goose in this form no less than the whole baked one, and besides, we can stuff the meat with ingredients that improve the taste. However, when cutting a goose into pieces, it is advisable to use male support by handing an assistant a special hatchet, as well as a hammer, since the bones of this bird are quite strong.

- goose – ½ pcs.,
- garlic – 1 head,
- prunes – 70 g,
- salt,
- white wine – 2 tbsp.,
- lemon juice – 1 tbsp.,
- spices,
- mayonnaise – 200 g,
- mustard – 1 tbsp.,
- cheese – 200 g,
- onion – 2 heads,
- ground black pepper.

We wash the goose cut into pieces and place it in a container in which it will be convenient to soak the pieces in the marinade. For the marinade, mix white wine with lemon juice, salt and spices, pour it onto the meat and rub them with the marinade for some time. Then we press it tightly to the bottom of the container and put it in the cold, but for 12 hours; for a goose cut into pieces, this time is quite enough.

Before cooking, remove the meat from the marinade and use a sharp knife to make several holes in each piece, into which we insert cloves of garlic and halves of prunes, previously washed and chopped.

We put the pieces of goose in the goose pan and pour two glasses of water, close the lid and simmer for 1.5 hours in an oven preheated to 200 * C, so how to cook a goose in the oven so that the meat is soft and juicy is no longer for us problem.

Prepare the sauce, mix mayonnaise, grated cheese, mustard, pepper and finely chopped onion, pour in the poultry pieces and bake uncovered for another 40 minutes, until golden brown. We serve the finished dish to the table, having thought through a beautiful and effective presentation.

If you have a holiday, then it is important to prepare and

How to cook a goose in the oven so that the meat is soft and juicy
Baked goose is a direct association with the festive table. It just so happens that many housewives are wary of this bird and cook it on exceptional occasions, using proven recipes that guarantee high-quality results.
A goose is really not as simple as it seems, the bird is larger than a simple chicken, so it takes a lot of time for the whole carcass to bake well. At the same time, everyone is well aware that staying in the oven for a long time can lead to the finished meat being overdried. Even more recipes in our ““ section.
Choosing the right goose
The finished dish will have a higher taste if you initially select a good carcass. Numerous shops, supermarkets, and markets offer a wide variety of options to choose from:
Frozen goose carcass. The disadvantage of such a product is that when defrosted, it may lose some of its weight, and at the same time some useful substances and vitamins. But frozen poultry can be stored in the freezer for quite a long time, until it is needed;

Chilled meat has a shorter shelf life, but is distinguished by the guaranteed freshness of the product. When choosing a chilled bird, you need to pay attention to the color of the skin and limbs; a fresh goose’s skin is pink and tender, without yellowness;
An uneviscerated goose carcass is suitable for experienced housewives; you can buy it at the market or in farm stores. It is best to give preference to familiar sellers, paying close attention to the freshness of the product.
It will not be superfluous to know that the most suitable for cooking are birds aged from 6 to 9 months; the meat in this case is very tender and is easier to heat treat. At the same time, it is much more profitable to sell an older goose, since it weighs more.
When choosing a bird, you need to know how you plan to prepare it. To bake it whole, carcasses up to 2.5 - 3 kg are suitable, but if the bird is cooked in pieces, you can choose a larger weight.

Carcass preparation
Before cooking a goose in the oven, in order for the meat to be soft and juicy, it needs to be thoroughly prepared. After thoroughly processing the meat, baking it in the oven will be the last and easiest step.
A frozen carcass should be given time to defrost on its own at room temperature. If you use hot water or a microwave for defrosting, the goose will lose many vitamins and nutrients, and juice may also leave it along with excess liquid, without which the baked bird will be dry.
After the goose has melted, it needs to be marinated; for this you can use salt and pepper, as well as any spices to taste, depending on the recipe. For greater softness and juiciness, it is recommended to place the goose in a marinade of water and a small amount of apple cider vinegar.

White wine is also used as a marinade. In order for the meat to absorb all the flavors, you need to leave it in the marinade for several hours, and you need to keep everything cold for best results.
For a golden and crispy crust, the skin is rubbed with honey, there is another way, for this the bird is taken out into the air so that the skin dries a little and after that they begin to cook.
The goose is a fairly well-fed bird, and its dishes are very high in calories and filling. A whole goose can be stuffed with vegetables or cereals; this will not only provide a side dish for the dish, but will also make the poultry meat less fatty.

Popular recipes
Baked goose is a dish known since ancient times; there are a great many recipes for its preparation, any housewife can choose one that suits her taste. It is very impressive to serve a whole baked goose at the holiday table.

Goose with apples classic recipe
Before cooking, you should take care of all the ingredients in advance:
Salt and ground black pepper.
The amount of food depends, first of all, on the size of the bird; there should be enough apples to fill the carcass tightly. When everything you need is at hand, you can start cooking.
Rinse the gutted goose thoroughly under cold water. Blot off excess moisture with a paper towel. Rub the skin with salt and pepper and make punctures in some places with a fork;
Peel and seed the apples and cut into small cubes. Stuff the carcass with apples and secure with string or toothpicks;
The goose is placed on its back on a baking sheet with high edges, water is poured into the baking sheet, at least 5 cm;
The oven should be heated to 250 degrees, place a baking sheet with the goose in it, and leave at this temperature for up to 15 minutes;
The temperature is reduced to 180 degrees and the bird remains in the oven for two hours. From time to time you need to pour the leaking fat on top so that the breast does not dry out, within 20 minutes. until the carcass is ready, you can cover it with apple slices;
The finished bird is served after freeing it from threads or toothpicks and garnishing it with baked apples.

Goose cooked in a sleeve
Before cooking, the bird needs to be marinated; to do this, it is rubbed with salt and pepper, after which it is coated with a sauce of mustard, honey, white wine and grated ginger root; garlic lovers can add it to the marinade.
You can stuff such a goose with vegetables or cereals at your discretion. The most harmonious taste of goose is with buckwheat or rice. Before placing it in the bird, you need to bring the buckwheat to half-cooked.
The goose is stuffed with cereal and, before being placed in the sleeve, the belly is pinned with toothpicks or sewn up with strong thread. To make the carcass more compact, some tie its legs together.
They start baking the goose in the sleeve at the highest temperature, which is about 250 degrees, after 10-15 minutes they begin to lower it, and after an hour they leave the bird to bake at 180 degrees.
Whatever the sleeve bursts from high temperatures, before placing it in the oven it is pierced in several places.
The finished baked goose is served after removing the threads and toothpicks; the dish is perfectly decorated with fresh vegetables, apples and herbs.

Goose baked in pieces in beer
You can also bake a goose in pieces; to do this, you can purchase individual parts or cut up the whole carcass. For this recipe you need to prepare:
Onions and carrots;
Onion garlic;
Spices, salt and ground pepper;
Hot chili pepper;
Dark beer;
Tomato paste.
To prepare any dish, it is very important to choose only fresh and high-quality products; the taste of the finished dish directly depends on this. Next, the preparation begins:
For the marinade, you need to mix spices with finely chopped chili peppers, the prepared pieces of poultry are thoroughly mixed in this mixture and left for 2-5 hours to absorb all the odors;
Marinated goose pieces are fried in a frying pan until golden brown; for this you can use a small amount of vegetable oil or use goose fat. The fried pieces are transferred to the container in which they will be baked;
In the same frying pan, diced onions and carrots are fried, along with tomato paste, after which everything is carefully laid out with the goose pieces;
The whole thing is poured with beer, so that it half covers the meat. Next, the dish is sent to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for about 1.5 hours;
To ensure that the pieces of goose meat do not dry out, you need to periodically check them for readiness and pour beer and the fat flowing from them on top.

It has always been a symbol of prosperity, home comfort and established family traditions, and cooking goose meat is a whole ritual with its own subtleties and secrets. Goose is served at Christmas and major holidays, and to make the dish tasty, you should learn in advance how to properly cook goose and practice a little

Cooking goose: how to make the meat tender?

Cooking a goose deliciously is simple and difficult at the same time, since the goose very often turns out tough. However, experienced housewives claim that it is difficult to spoil this bird, the main thing is to properly process the carcass, and then the goose will cook on its own.

If you want to get soft and tender meat, the purchased goose should be plucked, gutted and kept in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Another way to make a goose softer is after gutting, rub it with a mixture of salt, lingonberries or cranberries, ground Provençal herbs or fresh herbs, and then leave to soak for 6 to 48 hours. The goose is simmered in the cold for another purpose - to obtain a crispy and golden-brown crust, which is formed as a result of “drying” the meat in air.

There are several alternative ways to soften a goose: you can marinate the carcass overnight in water mixed with a small amount of apple cider vinegar; pour white wine over the goose and leave in the refrigerator until morning; pierce the meat in several places with a sharp fork and rub with chokeberry juice.

How to cook a goose in the oven and sleeve: secrets from professionals

Before putting it in the oven, the goose should sit in the refrigerator, soak in salt, spices and herbs. Before baking, it is recommended to coat the carcass with a sauce made from honey, mustard, wine, grated ginger, garlic and ground fresh rosemary. The whole thing requires mandatory filling, since the taste of goose meat is most clearly revealed when stuffed.

Suitable fillings include apples, quince, cherries, prunes, vegetarian rice, buckwheat with mushrooms, sauerkraut with cranberries, celery with lemons and onions, liver pate, white bread and onions. An important point: you should fill the carcass with filling no more than two-thirds of its volume. Next, you need to sew up the belly of the goose with strong threads, securing the seam with wooden skewers, and it is better to tie the crossed legs so that the goose fits in the oven.

It is recommended to bake the bird in a large, deep ceramic dish, after pouring a 2 cm layer of water into it. How do you know how long to cook a goose? Pierce it with a knitting needle - if a clear liquid flows out of the hole, the meat is ready, and this process usually takes from 1.5 to 3 hours. You can start baking at the maximum temperature, gradually lowering it to 180°C. If we cook a goose in a sleeve, the tips and recommendations remain the same, except for the cooking time, since the bird cooks faster in the sleeve, and the meat turns out more tender and juicy.

How to cook goose in pieces

After cutting the carcass into pieces, you should soak the meat overnight in cold salted water to soften it, and then pour the marinade over it for two hours and put it in the refrigerator. For the marinade, olive oil, eggs, mustard, prunes, garlic, salt, spices and aromatic herbs are usually used.

Next, the pieces of meat are fried in vegetable oil until golden brown, mixed with sautéed vegetables and roots, poured with broth or beer and simmered until tender for 1.5 hours. You can bake the goose in pieces in a sleeve or goose pan along with marinade, having previously stuffed each piece with garlic and pieces of fruit.

Before serving, the goose is topped with sour cream, mushroom or vegetable sauce, and decorated with fresh herbs, berries and apples. The goose is served with red Burgundy wine, Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot. When you feel the delicate aroma spreading throughout the house, see the appetizing crust, feel the taste of the meat melting in your mouth and begin to savor the first sip of thick and tart wine, you will immediately understand - the goose was a success! Bon appetit!