How to grow head lettuce from seedlings.

Head lettuce - unpretentious plant, which can be grown all season. Unlike lettuce, varieties of the cabbage subspecies take root well next to shrubs, other cabbage plants and root crops, so there is no need to prepare separate beds for its cultivation. The decorative nature of head lettuce varieties allows you to plant them even on. The root system of lettuce is not buried in the soil, so it does not conflict with the root system of other plants. If you drop off lettuce in partial shade, its leaves will turn purple and will perfectly complement the composition of the flower bed. In partial shade, lettuce will not form large heads, so you will need to plant more seeds.

Planting seeds and fertilizing lettuce

In order for the head lettuce to take root well and produce a harvest faster, it needs to be planted in a sunny place. If you pre-grow the seedlings, the lettuce harvest can be harvested two weeks earlier. Lettuce is planted in shallow holes with a diameter of 5 cm or sown along the perimeter of the bed in furrows. In order to increase the germination of seeds, they are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Seeds should not be buried in the soil. The maximum sowing depth should be 1 cm. Before planting head lettuce, the soil is loosened well to break the crust.

After the first shoots appear, the lettuce is thinned out, then the lettuce is fertilized with a solution of chicken manure. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 200 ml of chicken liquid in 10 liters of water.

Harvesting and storing lettuce

Two weeks after planting the seeds in the ground, the lettuce will begin to form a head, and after another week it will be possible to harvest. The head of lettuce is cut with garden shears or pruning shears.

If you want to save the salad until next season, you cannot wash it, otherwise the leaves will rot. Place the head of cabbage in plastic bag and close it tightly and then place it in freezer. After freezing, the salad will not lose its beneficial qualities.

Planting a new lettuce

After harvesting the first harvest, you need to remove the rest of the lettuce: the root system and the leaves remaining on the rosette. They are carefully dug out with a garden trowel, and then furrows are prepared for new seeds. It is necessary to add to the soil

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Maria Mukhina 11/16/2014 | 3658

Head lettuce tolerates well low temperatures and ripens quickly. Thanks to these features, you can get a good harvest of lettuce.

According to variety, head lettuces are divided into:

  1. Regular cabbage– the most common type of salad. Almost all varieties of this species are mid-season and have large heads of cabbage. Regular head lettuce should be planted in open soil in the spring, when the soil is warm enough.
  2. Romaine- This lettuce, different from other species in being more juicy, with sweetish taste, leaves. The heads of cabbage are medium-sized, unpretentious when grown, and can be stored for quite a long time in a cool room after harvesting.
  3. Oily salad has a dense head of cabbage with a slightly spreading rosette of medium-sized leaves. This variety is one of the most demanding, requiring regular watering and careful weeding of the beds.
  4. Crispy iceberg lettuce It is distinguished by the large size of the head of cabbage and the excellent taste of its shiny, smooth leaves. This is a late-ripening species and requires good care during the formation of heads of cabbage.

A widely known variety called Assol. It has a large dense head of cabbage and leaves of unusual colors, green with lilac pigmentation along the edges. The taste of this variety is considered the best among representatives of ordinary head lettuce. This vegetable crop should be sown in late April - early May, and harvested 80 days after that.

Variety Bettner It has a small rosette, a loose head and rounded leaves. The ripening period for such head lettuce is approximately 40 days. After the final formation of the head of cabbage, the vegetable must be cut as early as possible, otherwise flowering may begin, which will worsen it taste qualities. To achieve good results when growing this variety, it is better to plant it in a greenhouse, or in open ground in early spring. This salad can also be sown in the fall before the first frost.

Salad Paris green quite large in size, its head is fully formed in about 90 days. The leaves of this species are elongated, dark in color, with a smooth surface. The yield of this variety is one of the highest and reaches up to 4 kg per 1 sq.m. At the same time, it is easy to care for and has excellent taste.

Salad varieties May has more about round shape heads of cabbage and oily green leaves with a red tint at the ends. Like all hybrids of the oil variety, May has a specific rich taste. This salad ripens 2-2.5 months after sowing. It is better to plant this variety in the soil as early as possible, in the spring, immediately after the cold weather has subsided.

Festival− one of the most common varieties grown for sale. This is due to the possibility for a long time store it. At the same time, the leaves remain fresh and have an excellent appearance, while also maintaining their taste. This salad can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. The approximate ripening period for the vegetable is 70 days.

Variety Aneta It is distinguished by its crisp green leaves that have a slightly grayish tint. The head of this salad is quite large, dense, and has a round shape. The yield of this variety is high due to its good disease resistance. To get excellent results, sow lettuce in open ground. Aneta follows in late spring.

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Maria Mukhina 11/13/2014 | 3168

In regions with a temperate climate, the seedling method of growing head lettuce varieties is preferred by gardeners who want to get the harvest 10-14 days earlier. Find out what it's like to grow this crop yourself.

Seeds are taken from the most unpretentious varieties of Bettner, 4 seasons, Parisian green, Berlin yellow, Attraction, May. The technology used is classic, consisting of 3 stages.

Seed preparation

Before sowing, the seeds must be disinfected. The tray with seeds can be placed in the sun for 2-4 days. Then the seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in manganese (0.2 g 1% solution/10 l of water) or streptomycin (500 units/10 g of water) solution.
A thermos is also suitable for temperature treatment. It is filled with boiling water. While waiting for the water to cool to 50°C, pour seeds into a sock made of natural threads, sew up or tie its upper part tightly.

An improvised package is lowered into hot water for half an hour, then immerse for 3-5 minutes in cold water. After this, the solutions described above are used. In both cases, the procedure is completed by washing the seeds 3-5 times and drying for 24-36 hours.

Sowing seeds

Typically, work begins at the end of March (so that when sowing in open ground, the age of young plants does not exceed 20-25 days). But in very cold zones, sowing in protected soil is carried out 4-6 weeks before the expected end of frost. Summer residents who usually grow head lettuce in small quantity, seeds (2-3 pieces each) are sown in peat pots with a diameter of 4-5 cm. The grains are laid out, lightly sprinkled with black soil, and sprinkled with water from a spray bottle several times on top.

Gardeners who are accustomed to impressive volumes sow seeds in containers measuring 60x60 cm, 10-12 cm deep. The boxes are filled 2/3 with a moistened mixture, including one part humus and sand, 2 parts turf soil. The furrows for sowing are made 3-5 mm deep, with 5 cm between rows.

Containers with seedlings are placed in a sunny place. If you plan to grow large-scale lettuce, the plants are additionally illuminated for 3 hours in the morning and evening. Water when the coma dries, but at least once every 2 days, feed (1.5-2 g of urea/1 liter of water) every 10 days. Temperature follow this: maintain the temperature at 20-22°C for 5-7 days, reduce it to 16-17°C for two weeks, and for the remaining time make sure that the temperature is 20-25°C. When the seedlings grow to 2.5-3 cm, the yellowish, thin sprouts are pinched off.

Transshipment of young plants

Head lettuce can be planted next to carrots, tomatoes or parsnips. Before starting work, check the soil temperature. At 5°C the beds are watered hot water. How tender and crunchy the salad will be is largely determined by the planting. After the appearance of 4-5 true leaves, the plants are removed with a large lump of earth, having previously moistened the row spacing generously. Seedlings are planted, holding only by the trunk, so that the earthen ball rises slightly (0.5-1 cm) above the hole. Immediately fertilize with compost or rotted manure (8 g/sq.m.), water well.

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Any climatic conditions are suitable for growing lettuce. It is important that the place for sowing lettuce is sunny (otherwise nitrates will accumulate in the leaves and the soil is loosened to a greater depth. When growing in early spring, only early varieties of lettuce should be used, and when grown later, summer varieties should be used.

Lettuce varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

Iceberg lettuce, characteristics

New productive variety of crispy head lettuce. From the moment of germination to technical ripeness, 75-90 days pass. This variety is intended for cultivation in spring and summer. Resistant to shooting.

The heads of lettuce are large, dense, weighing 300-600 grams. The leaves are corrugated, with wavy edges, juicy, bubbly, crispy, and retain freshness for a long time. The taste qualities of the variety are high.

Lettuce Sandwich

Excellent variety of lettuce early date maturation. Grown in open and protected ground. Lettuce leaves are light green, tender, crispy, with increased content vitamins and mineral salts.

Lettuce Sandwich is ideal for eating fresh, preparing sandwiches, salads, decorating dishes.

Eurydice salad

Mid-season, semi cabbage variety salad It is grown in open ground and film greenhouses.

The rosette of leaves is medium-sized, semi-raised, compact, about 35 cm high, about 33 cm in diameter. The leaf is large, dark green in color, bubbly, with a wavy edge, crispy consistency. It has excellent taste.

Weight (average weight) of an adult plant is 450 grams.

Firebird lettuce

An early ripening variety of lettuce, the harvest of which can be harvested within 45-50 days from the moment of germination. The plant forms large rosettes of intense ruby ​​red color, with delicate, crispy leaves. Firebird lettuce leaves contain an increased amount of vitamins and mineral salts.

This lettuce variety is suitable for year-round cultivation in open and protected ground throughout Russia.

Advantages of the variety: resistance to flowering, rapid growth at any day length, excellent taste.

Salad Odessa curly

Mid-season (68-75 days from germination to harvest) variety of semi-headed type. The plant forms a loose rosette of medium size, 24-32 cm in diameter, weighing up to 200 grams. The leaf is fan-shaped with a corrugated edge, crispy consistency, with excellent taste.

Grown Odessa curly haired in open ground and film shelters. For continuous harvesting from June to autumn, sowing in open ground is carried out from April to August. Seed placement depth is 1-2 cm.

Lettuce seeds are sown for seedlings in March–April, and plants are planted in May–June.

Lettuce yield: 2.7-5.0 kg/sq.m. The variety is resistant to flowering.

Grand leaf lettuce

An early ripening variety of lettuce. It takes 45 days from germination to harvest. The plant produces a large, juicy leaf of light green color with pronounced curling.

The Grand variety is distinguished by high uniformity of rosettes.

Advantages of the variety: resistant to discoloration, marginal burns and necrosis.

Salad Crunchy Vitamin

Mid-early variety of leaf lettuce. From germination to ripeness it takes 38-45 days. The plant is compact, about 15-18 cm in diameter, with green, crispy leaves (laced along the edges).

The Crispy Vitamin lettuce variety contains many vitamins and useful acids. It is recommended to sow several times during the season. Advantages of the variety: high yield, crispy leaf texture, long shelf life, resistance to stemming and low light.

Leaf salad Kitezh

An early ripening variety of lettuce. Forms an erect rosette 20-25 cm high and about 25 cm in diameter. The leaves are medium-sized, oblong, reddish with a strong anthocyanin color, slightly bubbly, wavy along the edge, with cuts in the apical part. The consistency of the leaves is oily. The taste is excellent.

Productivity Kitezh lettuce - 2.5 kg/sq.m.

Royal leaf lettuce

High yielding early ripening variety salad Forms large rosettes of corrugated leaves, light in the center and dark green at the edges.

Characterized by for a long time consumer suitability, does not shoot, very decorative. It is recommended to grow in open and protected ground.

Salad Gourmand

An early ripening variety of lettuce. The period from germination to harvesting is 40-45 days. The leaves are yellow-green, slightly wrinkled, with a wavy edge. Average weight one plant up to 200 grams.

The Lakomka lettuce variety is intended for growing in open and protected ground. In open ground, sowing from late April to mid-July. In unheated film greenhouses, sowing/planting occurs in the 3rd decade of April - 1st decade of May.

Planting scheme: 20x20 cm.

Salad Lolo Biendo

An early ripening variety of lettuce. From the moment of germination to technical ripeness, 40-45 days pass. The leaves are yellow-green, curly, aromatic, juicy and crisp. The rosette is compact, round in shape, weighing 200-300 grams. The leaves are curly, aromatic, juicy and crispy, yellow-green in color, delicate in taste, form a compact round rosette.

The average weight of one socket is 200-300 grams. The variety is suitable for year-round cultivation in open ground and greenhouses.

Salad Lollo Sun

An early-ripening, high-yielding variety of lettuce. The period from germination to ripeness is 40-45 days. The leaves are green, very decorative, corrugated. The rosette head is loose, 15-20 cm in diameter.

The variety is resistant to bolting.

Salad Lollo Rossa

The most popular variety of lettuce. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 40-55 days. The plant is tall, erect, 15-20 cm in diameter. The leaves are tender, wrinkled, curly, light green in color with a wide reddish-pink edge.

Advantages of the variety: good taste, resistance to bolting, decorative. Lollo Rossa lettuce is often used to decorate flower beds.

Yeralash leaf salad, characteristics

Mid-season high-yielding variety of lettuce. The average weight of one plant is 150-200 grams.

Advantages of the variety: resistance to edge leaf burn, high taste.

Moscow greenhouse salad

An early ripening variety of lettuce. From germination to harvest it takes only 35 days. The leaves are pale green, tender, juicy, with excellent taste.

The Moscow Greenhouse lettuce variety is ideal for fresh consumption, making sandwiches, salads, and decorating dishes.

Head lettuce Kolobok

A new late-ripening head lettuce variety. From germination to technical ripeness it takes from 55 to 75 days.

Grown in open ground and film shelters. The heads of cabbage are large, weighing up to 600 g. The leaves are red with white veins, very juicy, with a piquant taste.

Fresh heads of cabbage are rich in vitamins and minerals, are recommended for preparing salads.

Obzhorka salad, photo and description

An early ripening variety of curly leaf lettuce. It takes 40-42 days from germination to technical ripeness.

The plant forms a raised rosette with a diameter of 25-28 cm, the leaves are reddish, large, heavily wrinkled, juicy and tender. Socket weight up to 160 grams.

Leaf salad Mischief

An early ripening variety of lettuce. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 39-43 days. A rosette of green, bubbly leaves with strongly wavy edges.

The average weight of one socket is 150-160 grams. The consistency of the leaves is crispy.

Robin lettuce

Late-ripening variety of leaf lettuce. The ripening period is 50 days. Recommended for growing in various climatic zones, in open ground and winter greenhouses.

The variety is resistant to flowering.

Leaf salad "Fairy Tale"

An early ripening variety of lettuce. The ripening period is 46-49 days. The rosette of leaves is large, weighing up to 250 grams.

Advantages of the variety: resistant to bolting, fast growth at any day length.

Typhoon Salad

A new mid-season variety of lettuce. The leaf is large, green, slightly bubbly, wavy along the edge, with a crisp tissue texture, juicy and delicate in taste.

Advantages of the variety: resistant to flowering, fast growth at any day length.

Truffle Salad

Mid-early variety of lettuce. The leaves are tender, crispy, corrugated, and due to their reddish-burgundy edge they look very impressive and are indispensable for decorating dishes.

The Truffle lettuce variety is suitable for year-round cultivation in open ground and winter greenhouses.

Lettuce Season of Miracles

An excellent early ripening variety of lettuce. The plant forms a large rosette, 25 cm high and 25-40 cm in diameter. The weight of one rosette is about 150 g.

The leaf is medium in size, dark red, wavy along the edge, juicy, curly, bubbly, crispy in texture. Taste fresh leaves excellent, gentle.

Multivitamin Salad Mix

A wonderful mixture of fast-growing lettuces, with a growing season of 40-45 days.

Plants form large rosettes of exclusively decorative leaves. The leaves are tender, crispy, juicy, with good taste.

The mixture is suitable for year-round cultivation in open and protected ground.

What types of salad do you think are the most delicious? What varieties of lettuce without bitterness and with tender leaves would you recommend our readers plant?

Your feedback on lettuce varieties and additions will help many gardeners choose what to plant the best varieties green, red, leaf and head lettuce.

If possible, attach a photo of the lettuce you grew to your reviews. Thank you!

Garden culture.

The origin of the plant is unknown, but nowadays it is widely cultivated in vegetable gardens. There are even several varieties and breeds of lettuce. The typical form is a plant up to one meter tall, with a full branched stem and serrated or indented (plum-shaped) obovate horizontal, sessile leaves; the base of the leaves is heart-shaped and arrow-shaped; on the underside along the midrib the leaves are covered with bristles. The flowers are yellow, all ligulate, collected in cylindrical heads, the same as those of wild lettuce; the heads are collected with a whisk. Many authors accept Lactuca sativa only for cultural variety Lactuca scariola.

The varieties of lettuce grown fall into two rows:

  • leaf lettuce in which the leaves do not form a cabbage,
  • cabbage, as well as roman or romaine lettuce; in these varieties the leaves form a more or less dense head, while in roman lettuce they are very loose.

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