How to choose a ripe watermelon. How to choose the right tasty, ripe watermelon

Watermelon is many people's favorite summer berry. Juicy pink fruits, which cause a pleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, are a real symbol of summer, heat and the holiday period. However, we are not always able to buy a sweet and healthy product, especially if the climatic region turns out to be an unfavorable environment for their cultivation. In this case, it is very important to know how to choose the right watermelon, and what you need to pay attention to first.

Watermelon is a seasonal product

Do not forget that both vegetables and fruits are seasonal products. You can get a high-quality harvest only at certain times of the year.

Melon crops, which include watermelon, are heat-loving plants, and even in the southern Central Asian countries they ripen no earlier than the second half of summer. In the meantime, while they grow in our climatic conditions (by the way, not the hottest), while they are delivered to the place of sale, sweet watermelons can be seen at bazaars no earlier than mid-August.

Of course, sellers can assure you of the absolute quality of their product, arguing that it is some kind of “super early variety,” but in reality, such watermelons often turn out to be a greenhouse product grown on fatty fertilizers.

It is quite possible that such products will indeed turn out to be sweet and ripe, but the amount of nitrates will certainly be impressive. A real field watermelon ripens no earlier than the end of August and can delight you with its taste throughout September.

Did you know? Archaeological excavations confirm the fact that people grew and consumed watermelons 2000 years ago. The berry quite possibly came to Europe after the Battle of Poitiers in the 1st century AD, with the invasion of the Umayyad dynasty into Spain.

Availability of documents, choice of place of purchase

Surely you have come across photographs from Turkmenistan in which ripe watermelons are simply lying in a heap on the ground. Those people who believe that this is how they should be sold are very mistaken.

Here's another tip for you: never buy a product from the ground. The cleanliness of our roads and road dust is clearly inferior to similar indicators in some Turkmen outback, which means it is more correct to buy watermelons from store shelves.

Goods from markets, like goods from supermarket shelves, come from the same places, but the sanitary conditions of storage in pavilions and stores are an order of magnitude higher than in markets. All melons and melons must be sold either in stores or in sales tents with awnings, placed on sales floors at a height of at least 15 cm from the ground.

Important! Do not think that the thick rind completely protects the entire watermelon. Of course, dust will not reach the pulp, but harmful microorganisms may well get inside through microcracks.

It’s better not to pay attention to a watermelon dumped in roadside dust, leaving it to the sellers.

If you have already found the best place and selected a suitable watermelon, then before purchasing you can ask the seller for the appropriate quality certificate. Such a document must indicate the place where the watermelon grows, the timing of harvest, the nitrate content and other characteristics, based on which the quality of the selected product can be judged.

In the case when the seller shows you a photocopy of the certificate, take a good look at the seal - it must be in color, not black and white. If you have the slightest doubt about the authenticity of the document, it is better to purchase a watermelon elsewhere, because health is more expensive.

Pay attention to the size of the watermelon

There is an opinion that the larger the watermelon, the sweeter it is, and this is absolutely true. Only representatives of certain varieties reach more than 10 kg, but they will weigh that much only if they are fully ripe.

Therefore, if you are wondering how to choose a tasty watermelon, we advise you to give preference to large specimens, since the likelihood that it is truly ripe will be higher.

Important! Considering the peculiarities of our climate, you need to beware of watermelons that are too large, because even in melon fields such giants cannot ripen, which means that there is a possibility that the berries were artificially fed.

What to do if small watermelons are not so sweet, but the quality of large ones is in doubt? The correct answer is to choose a medium size weighing 5-7 kg.

How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon by the tail

The watermelon “tail” can be compared to a baby’s umbilical cord, because it is through it that moisture and nutrients reach the fetus. But as soon as the berry ripens, it is no longer needed and begins to dry out.

If you see a watermelon with a green “tail,” then most likely it was picked before it was fully ripe, although it may turn yellow from lying for a long time. To check whether the watermelon in front of you is ripe or not, try breaking its “tail”. In a ripe berry it will be quite fragile, while in an unripe specimen it will simply bend.

It is quite possible that the seller decided to disguise the poor quality of the crop and simply cut off the roots of the product, then this fact should finally convince you to continue your search.

Did you know? It turns out that watermelon rind is completely edible. It is not only pickled, but even jam is made, and the seeds of the berry are fried.

Selecting a watermelon based on a soil spot

Some buyers may be put off by the unattractive yellow spot located on the side of the watermelon, but its presence is quite normal. Moreover, it is by this that one can determine the quality of the berry.

Yellow(or, as it is also called, “earth” spot) – this is the place where the watermelon came into contact with the ground when ripe. In a fully ripe berry, it should be brownish-yellow or even orange-yellow, but not white.

If the side of the watermelon is too pale, it means that it was picked too early, and it did not have time to receive enough solar heat and light necessary for its good ripening.

Pay attention to the "bee web"

"Bee's Web"are called not very beautiful brown spots on a watermelon, which indicate that bees often touched the ovary of the fruit during pollination. The more often pollination occurred, the larger the web pattern will be and the sweeter the fruit should be. Therefore, this feature should not be regarded as a disadvantage of the berry.

Boy or girl, who is sweeter?

Not everyone knows that watermelons can be divided into species based on gender. So, among this family of melons they distinguish "girls" with a flat bottom and a large brown circle, and "boys", which have a convex bottom and a small circle. It has been proven that the “girls” are sweeter, and they also have much fewer seeds.

Visual inspection and tapping test

You can choose a berry by simply patting your hand, but to do this you need to know exactly what sound a ripe watermelon makes. So, ripened fruits will “sound” clearly and loudly, while unripe ones will respond dully.

You can even put your ear to the watermelon, which will help you better understand the nature of sound. A ringing sound will indicate porosity and softness, that is, the ripeness of the berry, and if you hit it, it should spring back a little.

In addition, a routine visual inspection from all sides is also important. The watermelon rind should not have any small (let alone large) cracks, dents, soft spots, scratches or any other damage through which bacteria could get inside.

It is good if the watermelon has a slightly elongated or spherical shape, complemented by a uniform color. Bright and contrasting stripes are a sure sign of the ripeness of the selected watermelon, which is also evidenced by the shiny wooden rind.

As for the last characteristic, the “clothing” of the watermelon should also be quite hard: it can be scratched, but cannot be pierced with a fingernail. Try rubbing the peel with your finger - unripe fruits will smell like fresh hay.

Checking a watermelon for a cut, what the color of a watermelon should be

Some sellers allow you to cut the watermelon, so you can visually evaluate the internal characteristics of the selected fruit. A ripe watermelon has a rich red color, but the purple color should alert you, as it indicates a large amount of nitrates.

Summer is loved for vacations and holidays, the warm sea and family picnics, and of course, for watermelons. The juicy, sugary, sweet giant perfectly quenches thirst and hunger, and simply lifts your spirits. Ripe watermelon is rich in vitamins C and PP, fiber and healthy carbohydrates. But everyone has heard about unpleasant cases of poisoning by these berries, so when choosing this delicacy you need to be more attentive and careful than ever. How to choose the right watermelon? What should you pay attention to, how to avoid falling for the tricks of sellers, what should a healthy minke whale be like? You will find answers to these and more questions in this article.

Of course, fruits grown in our greenhouses and other countries are displayed on store shelves at any time of the year. But first of all, you need to understand that you will not find a ripe watermelon in May or June. And this is, perhaps, the main rule: do not rush to buy summer berries, because their ripening time is at least at the end of July.

In order to quickly sell their fruits, unscrupulous agronomists enhance the growth of berries with the help of chemicals, using them a week before ripening. But the fact is that the last treatments can be carried out 20–25 days before harvesting, otherwise all the chemicals will get into your or your children’s body.

Ripeness in appearance

Breeders have developed a wide variety of varieties that differ in the color of the pulp: red, pink, yellow and white. But there is not yet a single variety that changes the color or structure of the peel depending on ripeness. But there are still little secrets when choosing a good watermelon. Thanks to these secrets, you can determine ripeness by appearance:

  • the pattern on the bark should be clear and monochromatic (blurred patterns may be a symptom of a viral mosaic);
  • ripe berries have a glossy, hard skin that is difficult to pierce with a fingernail;
  • no juice should be released from the peel;
  • The berry should not have any dents.

Popular experiments have shown that a good fruit has large distances between the dark stripes on the skin.

Selecting watermelon by size

You can choose a ripe and sweet watermelon by paying attention to the size and shape. But first you need to decide how to choose a watermelon without nitrates. First you need to understand what nitrates are. These are salts and esters of nitric acid, which have a detrimental effect on the human body. They accumulate in plants due to frequent treatments. It is especially dangerous if vegetable growers process fruits just before picking them.

How to choose a sweet watermelon over a nitrate one? It is very easy to identify a nitrate berry. The main signals are the ideal shape of the fruit, too rich color, huge size.

It is clear that there is no need to take an unnaturally large fruit. Most likely, such a plant was susceptible to chemical treatment. It is best to choose a medium-sized fruit, about 6 kg. Do not discard the small fruit immediately. In most cases it will be a truly unripe fruit, but it may be that variety.

Does the condition of the stalk affect the taste?

The condition of the stalk is another factor that you should pay attention to when choosing a striped fruit. A ripe watermelon has a dry stem.

But you shouldn't rely only on this method. After all:

  • sellers know about this technique and deliberately pick green berries, the stem of which will dry out after some time;
  • the stalk may simply be damaged;
  • this way you can buy an overripe watermelon.

Selecting watermelon by weight

In Asian countries there is a strange method for determining the maturity of this melon crop. Ripe fruits are actually lighter than water, and therefore those that float can be considered high quality. Based on this, you might think that watermelon should be light. But if it was a rainy beginning of summer, then perhaps the selected fruit will be empty inside due to various diseases. The question is often asked: why is watermelon soft? Most likely, this fruit is overripe. Soft watermelon is usually heavy and looks delicious, but in reality it will end up in the trash.

At the beginning of the watermelon season, choose berries weighing 4-6 kg, and already at the height - 7-9 kg.

Choosing a watermelon by sound

Even in old Soviet films, this method of checking a watermelon was often shown. The sound can really say a lot about the insides of a sweet berry. But few people know what sound a striped fruit should make after knocking or squeezing. If, after knocking on the peel, a booming sound is made, it means the fruit is ripe; if it is dull, it has no place on the table. When squeezed with your palms, a good round minke whale will produce a characteristic crackling sound; this will not happen with a green one.

Secrets of successful choice

Choosing a watermelon is a delicate matter; for some it can even be a kind of ritual. And for people involved in vegetable growing, choosing a good watermelon is generally a matter of honor.

How to choose a good watermelon and not lose face? The main thing to remember is the following factors:

  • a ripe watermelon occurs during its natural ripening period - the end of July;
  • the counter must be clean;
  • there should be no cracks, dents or punctures on the peel;
  • the skin should not be matte, but glossy;
  • when ripe, the watermelon has a yellow earthen spot, not white;
  • when tapped, a ringing sound should be produced;
  • when squeezing, a cracking sound should be heard;
  • medium-sized unripe watermelon, weighing from 4 to 9 kg;
  • a dry stalk does not always signal ripening.

Video “How to choose a ripe and tasty watermelon”

In this video you will hear useful tips on choosing a ripe watermelon.

Sweltering from the summer heat, you really want to quench your thirst with something fresh and tasty. Watermelon is perfect for these purposes. The large berry attracts with crumbly pulp full of vitamins.

Unfortunately, recently there has been a tendency towards a decrease in the quality of this product. And unripe pulp may also be an unpleasant surprise. How can you avoid bringing home a “pig in a poke”? In this article we will look at all the tricks that answer the most important question for the buyer - how to choose a watermelon. The tips will help you buy the safest, most ripe berries, which will certainly lift your spirits while bringing a lot of benefits.

Benefits and harms

Before you make a purchase, let's get to know the fruit. The most delicious and ripe pumpkins contain the following substances:

  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • microelements;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • lycopene;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates.

Low calorie content - 27 kcal per 100 grams of product - allows the fruit to be used in medicinal diets. Tidbits are used in vegetarian cuisine. Nutrients will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, replenish the water-salt balance, strengthen the immune system, and remove waste, toxins, and cholesterol from the body.

The sweet pulp can be consumed even by diabetics.

Risk factor

Unfortunately, manufacturers quite often use dangerous chemicals for cultivation, and traders do not comply with the rules for transporting, storing, and selling goods. In pursuit of money, they do not think about the end consumer. To avoid falling into the trap, you should know how to choose the right watermelon.


Looking at the vegetable shelves in the supermarket, it is so easy to succumb to the temptation of buying summer fruits in an uncharacteristic season. The first thing you need to remember before choosing a watermelon is the seasonality of the heat-loving crop.

Meanwhile, melons ripen in mid-August. If you make a purchase before this date, you risk not only purchasing unripe fruits, but also getting seriously poisoned. Manufacturers are trying to harvest early, hitting the jackpot on the first wave of sales. For these purposes, the berries are pumped abundantly and treated with chemicals for long-term storage of the product. The sooner you succumb to temptation, the higher the risk of getting chemical poisoning.

Mass ripening of melons begins in mid-August and continues until the end of September. This time period is the best time to buy sweet watermelon without unnecessary chemicals.

Market versus supermarket - trading rules

Choosing a watermelon is not an easy task. Where is it better to buy sweet melons - at the market or in the supermarket? The answer to this question lies in the seller's compliance with the rules of trade.

You should buy berries in places specially designated for sale - at the market or in a closed pavilion. Most supermarkets carefully monitor compliance with trade rules, requiring relevant documents from suppliers.

You can purchase goods on the market if the following trading rules are met:

  1. the presence of a canopy from the sun and rain;
  2. distance from the roadway;
  3. availability of documents for each batch of goods;
  4. presence of a tray 15-20 cm high.

Trading melons from land is a violation of the law.

Where you can’t buy melons

Making a purchase at a spontaneous market or from a car along the road is not a good idea. The fruit easily absorbs harmful substances from the environment. The slightest microcrack in the peel and pulp will become a nutrient substrate for the proliferation of microbes. A watermelon left on a stand by the side of the road will easily absorb heavy metals from exhaust fumes.

Which fruit is better to avoid altogether?

Supermarkets are also fraught with danger. Often cut fruits are sold in a closed trading area; at the market you are unlikely to succumb to the temptation to try a piece of juicy pulp. And the ostentatious cleanliness of the store can lure the buyer into a trap. The risk of purchasing an unripe watermelon is reduced, but there is a possibility of catching an intestinal infection.

Never purchase cut fruit.

It is unknown why the berries were cut. Perhaps it has begun to deteriorate. If dirty tools were used during the cutting process or the fruit was not washed, pathogenic bacteria may have entered inside. To prevent the pulp from getting dirty, sellers pack it in cling film. Such material will only contribute to the rate of reproduction of microorganisms.

Show your documents!

Before choosing a watermelon at a retail outlet, ask the seller about the availability of documents. According to the law, each product is subject to mandatory or voluntary certification. Traders must have a certificate of conformity for each batch of melons.

This document provides the following information:

  1. importer;
  2. the country in which the crop was grown;
  3. harvest date;
  4. compliance with quality standards (content of harmful substances);
  5. product sales period.

The presence of a blue seal is a guarantee of the quality of the product.

If the seller does not present the appropriate document, it is better to refrain from purchasing.

Folk signs

Folk signs will help you choose a ripe watermelon. People have long learned to determine the degree of maturity of a fetus based on its characteristic features. An experienced buyer pays attention to the following parameters:

  • presence of damage;
  • crust exterior;
  • sounds made when tapping and squeezing;
  • dimensions of the earth spot;
  • degree of drying of the “tail”;
  • weight of goods.

It is better to rely not on specific signs, but on their totality.

Crust characteristics

Determining the ripeness of a watermelon by external signs includes a thorough examination of the shell. There should be no dents, cracks or visible signs of spoilage on the peel. Even tiny cracks will become “gates” for bacterial flora. Microorganisms will cause fermentation and spoilage of the pulp.

If the cut fruit has a sour smell, do not eat it.

The appearance of the rind will help you choose the right ripe watermelon. It hardens after the lash dries out, because water stops flowing through the “umbilical cord”. If the peel is easily damaged by nails or smells like mown grass, you have an unripe fruit.

Peel exterior

When choosing a watermelon, pay attention to the color scheme of the rind. The shell of the ripe berry is glossy. The exterior of the peel is of considerable importance - the brighter the contrast between the stripes and the background, the higher the chance of acquiring ripe melon. Small light spots evenly scattered on the surface of the crust are welcome.

Presence of an earthen spot

During the ripening process, the “stripe” constantly lies on one side. The place where the crop comes into contact with the soil is called a soil spot.

It is colored yellow or light orange. Its diameter is 5-10 cm. This section of the bark must correspond to the parameters described above, i.e., have no dents, cracks, or signs of damage. The absence of stripes indicates that the melon did not move during the ripening process. A white earthen spot indicates the immaturity of the fetus..

How to check the degree of ripeness by the condition of the stalk?

A ripe watermelon always has a tail. Through it, the crop received nutrition throughout the entire growing season. After ripening, the lashes dry out. If the stalk is green, full formation has not yet occurred.

A dry tail is also present in long-picked berries, so you should not rely entirely on this sign.

A yellowish and dry stalk indicates that this is a juicy, sweet watermelon.

Knock-knock, who lives under the crust?

Perhaps the most popular way to select a delicacy is to tap the shell. Experienced buyers knowledgeably listen to the “musicality” of the fruit. To choose a delicious watermelon by sound, just a couple of nuances will help you:

  1. a ripe berry will respond to tapping with a ringing sound;
  2. when the poles are compressed, a mature pumpkin produces a characteristic crackling sound and bends slightly.

Girls and boys

Determining the gender of melons is a favorite factor of choice among buyers. Watermelons are not divided into “boys” and “girls” - this berry is unisexual. But, according to popular myth, in order to choose the most delicious specimen you need to adhere to the following rules:

“Boys” have a convex butt with a tiny circle. They are more watery and contain less sugar. The bones of male specimens are black, there are quite a lot of them. The “boy” is slightly elongated relative to the vertical axis.

The female sex is more compact, round, sweeter, and has fewer bones. In addition to the shape, pay attention to the structure of the butt - in the “girl” watermelon it is flatter with a large circle.

Weight category

Some varieties amaze with their large mass - it sometimes reaches 18-20 kg! It is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of eating to your heart’s content, so among the “giants”, try to choose individuals with less weight.

It’s better not to get carried away and follow the rule of the “golden mean” - let your chosen one be a specimen weighing 5-7 kg.

Safety first

Buyers have long heard about. Watermelons are fed with nitrogen to accelerate growth and ripening, so it is necessary to choose the right specimens with a minimum of dangerous chemicals.

Unfortunately, the presence of chemicals can only be determined from cut berries. Try to refrain from consuming the pulp if you notice the following factors:

  • the pulp contains a large percentage of yellow or white elastic fibers;
  • lilac tones are a dangerous sign;
  • the cut surface does not crumble into grains, the cut is smooth with a glossy sheen.

Sometimes a purchased watermelon has red flesh, and the berry itself is not sweet. This can be either a natural process or indicate the presence of chemistry. During ripening, sugars accumulate solely under the influence of sunlight. Cloudy, damp, cold weather could affect the natural process of carbohydrate storage. For the same reason, voids are sometimes hidden under the crust.

Knowing how to choose the right watermelon, you don’t have to worry about the quality and safety of the product you are purchasing. Let the advice of experienced buyers help you make the right choice and enjoy the juicy pulp of a tasty and healthy berry.

In the summer, the most favorite delicacy of children and adults grows - watermelon. The juicy, aromatic fruit is a healthy alternative to dessert. Do not rush to buy berries; they may turn out to be completely tasteless and watery.

How to choose the right watermelon so that it turns out to be ripe and sweet, what you need to pay attention to, will be advised by the advice of experienced farmers.

The height of the watermelon season does not come until August. At this time, melons and watermelons are ripening in the melon patch. Therefore, without any fears, you can safely buy crops in the last month of summer.

However, some sellers begin trading almost from the beginning of June. Buying fruits at this time is very dangerous; most likely, chemicals were used for early ripening that accelerate growth. These components include nitrates. They are not noticeable to the eye or taste, but they cause enormous harm to the human body, up to and including severe food poisoning.

Important! Watermelon pulp can be tested for the presence of nitrates in a traditional way. The pulp is crushed and placed in a glass of water. If the water turns red, it is absolutely forbidden to eat the fruit. The appearance of turbidity in the glass indicates that the pulp is healthy.

What to look for

There are several ways to help you choose a crop with ripe and aromatic pulp. They are not difficult to remember, but in practice they will be very useful.


It is necessary to carefully examine the fruit from all sides for cracks, mechanical damage, and scratches. The skin must be intact, without flaws. Damaged areas of the skin indicate that microbes could have already penetrated into the watermelon pulp; it is better not to buy such a fruit.

The culture is brightly colored - the more intensely the stripes are colored green, the sweeter the pulp will be. Bright green stripes are a sign that the fruit has been in the sun for a long time and has already ripened well.

The yellow spot is the place where the fruit lay while it was ripe. If it has a white tint, it means that the fruit has not been lying on the melon field for too long. The size of the spot on a mature watermelon can reach from 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter.

The peel can be lightly rubbed with your hand - there should not be a strong odor from it. If the aroma of fresh hay is present, it means the watermelon is not yet ripe.


Many people mistakenly assume that the larger the watermelon, the sweeter it is. This rule rarely works. The most optimal size is medium. Small watermelons are most often unripe fruits, and overgrown ones are berries that have been heavily pumped with nitrates by unscrupulous farmers.

Of all the fruits presented, you need to choose a watermelon weighing up to 20 kilograms, no more.

Boy or girl

Lovers of sweet berries know that there is a difference between the shape of the fruit. Some watermelons have an elongated shape, with a convex lower part - these are the so-called male representatives. In female watermelons, the shape of the fruit is more flattened and round, and the bottom is flat.

It is believed that girl watermelons taste the sweetest. Their flesh literally melts in your mouth, and there are few seeds.


The most common way to determine the ripeness of a fruit is to knock on it. If the knock is dull, unclear and generally hard to hear, most likely the pulp is not yet ripe. When you tap a ripe watermelon, the sound is clear and ringing. You can try to lightly press on the walls of the fruit - if they crack, be sure to buy such a specimen.

Important! If the watermelon is already overripe, then squeezing the peel can lead to further cracking.


Absolutely every fruit has a tail located in the upper part. If it is yellow in color and dry to the touch, it means that the berry has already been picked ripe. A green tail indicates that the watermelon is not yet fully ripe.

However, with this method of assessment, errors sometimes occur. After all, even in unripe watermelons, over time, the tail dries out and turns yellow. But if there is no tail at all, this should alert you. It was cut off by an unscrupulous seller to hide its ripeness - such fruits should be avoided.

Where is the best place to buy

You can purchase the culture in any large supermarkets and grocery stores. There, storage standards, special conditions and product proximity are observed. You can buy fruits in the markets, but you should inquire about the availability of a quality certificate. Any seller should have it. The certificate indicates where the watermelon was grown, its harvest date, and may even indicate the absence or, conversely, the content of nitrates.

If there is no certificate, or the seller behaves insecurely, you need to leave - this place probably sells low-quality products. The presence of a certificate is always a positive aspect when selling berries and indicates the good reputation of the seller.

Very often at the market, to make sure the berries are ripe, sellers offer to cut off a piece and let the buyer taste the pulp. This cannot be done. There may be an infection on the knife, and the watermelon itself has not yet been washed. Many cases of poisoning occur precisely because of such unsanitary conditions.

When the fruit has already been purchased, before you start eating it, wash it well in the bathroom or sink with soap and baking soda. Then the skin is wiped dry and only then cut into pieces and enjoyed the aroma and sugary taste.

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The alluring word bazaar, with many-sided associations and a special microclimate, and the strict word supermarket, implying procedural order and thoughtful display of goods. Wherever we go shopping, we need to master the ability to choose among the many offers, and today we will tell you how to choose a watermelon. To provide a comprehensive answer to the question, we will describe all the nuances in the article, which will allow you to find a good product, distinguishing it from the crowd based on its indicative characteristics.

It's no wonder how much watermelon is loved around the world. Americans did not regret choosing the warmest month of the year for watermelon festivals. Among the Slavs, ripe watermelon decorates August and September.

Sweet and juicy watermelon fits perfectly into non-traditional food systems. Vegetarians and raw foodists have long chosen it as a tasty component for light salads and desserts. Previously, we were already lucky enough to plunge into creative cooking and select for you all the best

Moreover! Among many peoples of the world, among the advice of healers, we find therapeutic procedures with watermelon. The most famous of them:

And every time, at least our mood and well-being during the meal, or even health after eating, or a watermelon cleansing diet, depend on the quality of the watermelon - on its sweetness, juiciness and safety of the composition.

How to choose a good watermelon by appearance? – the burning question of the season. In answering this question, systematizing knowledge and refuting myths will provide us with some valuable universal advice.

We proceed to the description, armed with two desirable characteristics - sweet ripe watermelon + without excess nitrates.

How to choose a ripe watermelon: instructions

There are many signs that most often circulate in popular rumor as signs of a ripe sweet watermelon: a yellow spot on the side, a dull sound when tapped, a dry tail, not too large in size.

Let's look at the listed and less popular signs in order.

Yellow spot on the side

This is clear evidence that the watermelon is ripe. Its size should be between 5-10 cm in diameter. The spot may even have an orange tint!

But the white spot, on the contrary, reflects the immaturity of the watermelon. A spot that is too large indicates long aging in insufficiently warm conditions. This makes the watermelon less sweet and underripe. Therefore, a spot larger than the palm of your hand should definitely alert you.

Conveniently, this symptom is the same for all varieties, as it occurs due to the contact of the watermelon with the soil in the garden bed.

Contrast of stripes on the peel

For striped varieties, regardless of color intensity, it is the bright contrast of the stripes that indicates that we have a good ripe watermelon.

Hardness of ripe watermelon rind

When the berry is fully ripe, it is almost impossible to pierce it with a fingernail.

If you have already come across an UNRIPPE WATERMELON, do not try to put it aside for ripening. This is impossible under any circumstances. It is better to use unripe watermelon in cooking - in recipes for salted and pickled preparations. Unless, of course, this not-so-successful purchase shows signs of excess nitrates.

Smooth and shiny skin

This is usually a sign of ripe watermelon. However, do not forget about the tricks of traders who constantly grate watermelons. Therefore, choose a fruit from the depths of the display.

Dull sound when tapping

Alas, this sign is not a universal indication of how to choose a ripe watermelon.

Because such a sound is also formed when overripe watermelons are tapped. And eating an overripe watermelon can cause serious damage to health due to the souring of the red pulp.


Even unnoticeable souring of the pulp is an excess of pathogenic bacteria and toxic substances. Therefore, IMMEDIATELY SMELL the cut! When cut, a fresh, ripe watermelon should smell like freshly cut grass.

The second sign of an overripe watermelon is a matte, oily rind. Even on the counter, this noticeably distinguishes it from good ripe watermelons, whose skin is smooth and shiny.

Dry ponytail

It’s a shame, but this popular sign only indicates that the watermelon was picked more than 3 days ago.

Not too big size

Again, not a perfect guide on how to choose a ripe watermelon.

Although the people’s idea seems logical: large size can serve as a sign of nitrate feeding. However, there are varieties of watermelons that ripen to a large size on their own and normally weigh up to 17 kg!

Crimson Gloria

For example, a watermelon of the Crimson Gloria variety, the average weight of which should range from 10 to 17 kg. This variety was created in Crimea specifically in order to transport it over long distances.

Now it is often planted on the mainland South of Russia (for example, in the Volgograd region). It is distinguished by well-defined light stripes, a slightly oblong shape, a noticeably thick peel and a not bright red color of the pulp.

Kherson watermelon

But the Kherson watermelon cannot weigh more than 10 kg! When choosing the most beloved variety of watermelon in Ukraine, you can safely arm yourself with a folk sign. A weight of more than 10 kg for a Kherson watermelon is a sure sign of excess nitrates.

You can distinguish Khersonsky from Crimson Gloria by the peel. The Kherson watermelon has a rind that is darker in color and relatively thin.

Varieties Skorik and Photon

Since we are talking about varieties, we will focus on the two most popular early ripening varieties - Skorik and Photon. The first has a dark green uniform color, and the second has a noticeably light striped skin. Their maximum weight is 7 kg.

If you want to enjoy watermelon in mid-July, you can also rely on the folk superstition about low weight. Otherwise, you will end up in your hands with a specimen overfed with nitrates. At the same time, remember that watermelon of any early-ripening variety will not be as sweet and juicy as its long-ripening relative at the end of summer.

Hybrid Chill

Finally, let us draw your attention to the interesting variety Kholodok, which was created with an eye to long-term storage. Hybrid Kholodok is a long-ripening variety that ripens only by the end of August.

The main task of its selection was solved with a bang! Its maximum shelf life, even in an apartment, is until the New Year! To do this, you just need to hang it in a net in a dry, dark place (a ventilated closet on the balcony, a well-appointed cellar, basement or shed).

Find out the date of collection of the batch from the documents

This date must be clearly and legibly indicated in the seller's documents. The shelf life of most varieties does not exceed 3 weeks. After 2-3 weeks, the watermelon turns sour (unnoticeably to the taste buds!).

If the watermelon has not turned sour in 2-3 weeks, then it has probably been treated with slaked lime, alabaster or paraffin. Just imagine how many harmful substances penetrate through the peel into the pulp of such storage champions!

IMPORTANT! Whatever watermelon you choose, remember that before eating it you should WASH IT CAREFULLY - WARM WATER + BRUSH!

When choosing where to buy food, you should use a sober mind to weigh the benefits and threats and choose a good ripe watermelon.

Of course, it’s so convenient to buy the gifts of summer nearby - at a spontaneous market next to the intersection. However, if you are a fan of market trading, then it is much wiser to choose watermelons at a reputable market with properly organized sales points.

Invulnerability to dirt from the outside is a deceptive illusion that arises when we look at a thick-skinned watermelon. In fact, WATERMELON IS LIKE A SPONGE!

Everything penetrates into it through the damaged peel! This happens especially quickly when making cuts and punctures with a knife. Dirt, bacteria, heavy metals and environmental toxins. The longer such a watermelon is not sold, the more dangerous it is for an inattentive buyer.

This is why the media highlight cases of unfortunate poisonings and intestinal infections every year. But many less severe cases remain behind the scenes!

In order not to join the number of unlucky ones, let's remember the signs of a bona fide retail outlet where you can choose the right ripe watermelon:

  • Specially designated sales area (watermelons and melons);
  • Always under a canopy to protect from sun and rain;
  • Strictly away from the roadway;
  • 20 cm is the minimum height to which the storage tray should be raised above the ground;
  • Availability of a surveillance service certificate for each purchased batch.

The supermarket is the most understandable place to purchase food for many “children of asphalt” who grew up in the city during the era of active development of store trade.

There are several stable reasons in favor of choosing watermelon in the store:

  • Watermelons are constantly stored under a roof;
  • Watermelons are kept away from the roadway;
  • Storage trays are at the right height to protect against scratches, damage and the penetration of harmful substances;
  • Watermelons are purchased in bulk from large, trusted suppliers.

However, there are also some disadvantages. The general impression of neatness from shopping in a supermarket often pushes us to choose not a whole watermelon, but a slice or half, which are neatly covered with cling film.

Our advice: stop buying cut watermelon once and for all!

  • Unknown reason for dividing a whole watermelon;
  • Dirt with bacteria, actively penetrating from the watermelon peel;
  • Insufficient hygiene of hands and tools during cutting;
  • Covering the cut with film, which creates a greenhouse effect for accelerated growth of bacteria.

All this should discourage you from choosing a cut watermelon, even if you like the look of its juicy flesh. It is better to choose a good, smaller watermelon, perhaps of a different variety, but in no case should you choose halves of large fruits.

Otherwise, the signs of choosing the right ripe sweet watermelon in the store are the same as in the market.

Despite the abundance of new varieties and hybrids, most Russians will call the Astrakhan variety of watermelons, bred back in the 70s of the 20th century, the classic and most popular.

It is distinguished by an advantageous property for trade - resistance during storage and transportation. By the end of August, the shelves are filled with the sweetest and largest Astrakhan watermelons. And here the question arises of how to choose an Astrakhan watermelon, and what are the external signs of the popular variety.

Average portrait of a delicious Astrakhan watermelon:

  • Shape – round or slightly oblong;
  • Surface – smooth;
  • Peel color – green;
  • Pattern – spiky dark green stripes;
  • The color of the pulp is bright red;
  • The taste of the pulp is very sweet and juicy;
  • The average weight of a watermelon is 8-10 kg.

Below are a few photos of ripe Astrakhan fruits to help you choose a sweet watermelon:

How to choose the right watermelon without nitrates

Maximum permissible concentration of nitrates in watermelon: 60 mg per 1 kg of berries.

We pay attention to the following signs of excess nitrates:

  • ROUGH YELLOW FIBERS IN THE PULP that go through the pulp to the peel are a reliable sign of excess nitrates.
  • UNEVEN COLOR OF THE PULP (sometimes lighter, sometimes darker, especially as the color intensity increases from the peel to the center) is another sign of excess nitrates.

  • CRACKS IN THE PULP ON THE HALF CUT: When there are cracks in the red flesh on the middle cut, then most likely there are a lot of nitrates in the berry. They were added to speed up ripening; as a result, the watermelon began to grow sharply and violently, causing the flesh to crack.
  • TOO SMOOTH FLESH can be both a sign of nitrates and a clear indication of a lack of sufficient sweetness. Sweet sugar watermelon has red flesh with a noticeable structure - pronounced sugar grains and “sugar islands” on the cut.

  • MULTI-COLORED SEEDS, when one watermelon has completely dark and light seeds.


If you bought a watermelon, but are still in doubt, you can use a test with plain water. Crush a tablespoon of watermelon pulp with a fork in a glass of water (about 150 ml).

  1. If after some time the water becomes slightly cloudy, you have a watermelon without excess nitrates.
  2. If the water turns red, don’t risk eating your purchase! There are too many nitrates in the pulp.

It is especially advisable to carry out the test when serving watermelon to children or at a crowded feast, when the risk of poisoning affects many people, including the most vulnerable.


You can be safe from nitrates by selecting special pieces of pulp. Nitrates in watermelon are distributed unevenly - closer to the rind and to the stalk. In a situation you don’t understand, if you still want to feed your children watermelon, give them only the pulp cut out from the middle.

A feature of folk speech is the ability of people to briefly describe a complex concept with an easily recognizable symbol. Thus, the pedestrian crossing became a “zebra”, and connectors for electronic devices acquired the names “male” and “female”.

People's linguistic ingenuity has not spared watermelons either. The same market traders sometimes offer us to buy a “girl”, claiming that girl watermelons are sweeter and have an order of magnitude fewer seeds.

How to choose a ripe “girl” watermelon? A “boy” differs from a “girl” in two ways:

  • Relief of the butt.
  • The depth of attachment of the tip or the speck that remains from the tip when it is torn off.

“Boys” have a raised butt, the tip is recessed inward, and the spot is pulled together into a small point. The “girl” has a flatter butt and a larger spot.

In the photo below you can easily see the difference.



To choose the sweetest watermelon, you should look for a “girl,” although it is believed that there are much fewer of them on the shelves - no more than 20% of the total harvest sold.

At the same time, it should be noted that many breeders and experienced sellers are skeptical about this division of watermelons.

If you want to surprise your guests with a beautiful and practical cut, use the advice of our chef.

When you don’t know how to choose the right watermelon, buying it is like a lottery for you. If you're lucky, enjoy the juicy sweet taste. If you're unlucky, you'll end up in a hospital bed. Remember this by carefully studying the intricacies of choosing watermelons, and protect yourself and your loved ones from dirt, heavy metals and nitrates. And then you will be pleased with not even the sweetest watermelon.