How to boil eggs without them bursting. How to cook hard-boiled eggs without cracking So that the eggs do not crack

Very often, even the most experienced housewives fail when boiling chicken eggs. The shell simply cracks, which often results in protein leaking into the water and, as a result, spoilage of the product. It would be good if the eggs were intended to be added in crushed form to a salad or any other dish. But if, say, you boil eggs as a traditional method or for a purpose where the shape of the egg and the integrity of the shell are undeniably important, then such an incident causes considerable disappointment.

So how do you properly boil eggs so that they don’t crack and are still easy to peel? Today we will try to talk in as much detail as possible about all the nuances of preparing boiled eggs and consider the factors that are the cause of uncontrolled violation of the integrity of the eggshell during cooking.

How to properly boil eggs without cracking?

Why do egg shells burst during cooking? Firstly, it is necessary to take into account that there is a possibility of purchasing eggs that received small microcracks invisible to our eyes during transportation, which, when placed in a boiling water environment, become maximally visible and visible. In this case, you can only minimize the likelihood of protein leaking into the water, which is achieved by generously adding salt to the water, known to everyone. To be sure, you can also add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the pan, which will also be an excellent protein barrier.

The second reason why an egg may burst is the difference in temperature inside the egg and the water in which it is immersed for cooking. If, say, you put an egg from the refrigerator into boiling water, then the likelihood that it will burst is quite high. It follows from this that before cooking the product must be warmed up a little by placing it in warm water. It’s even safer to keep the eggs at room temperature for about two hours and place them for cooking initially in a saucepan with generously salted water at room temperature. Next, place the container over high heat and at the first sign of boiling, reduce the heat intensity to minimum. To get soft-boiled eggs, you need to boil them for three minutes, in a bag - five, and hard-boiled - seven.

An important factor influencing the integrity of the shell is its thickness. If eggs are of poor quality and are obtained from laying hens that are kept in violation of certain feeding requirements, then there is a very high probability of a decrease in the density and thickness of the eggshell, which is a consequence of negative consequences during cooking.

There is also a theory that eggs burst due to increased pressure during cooking in the air cushion located at the blunt end of the egg. Proponents of this theory recommend piercing the shell with a needle in this area. But statistics show that the likelihood that the egg will remain intact if, say, the temperature requirements are not met is minimal.

How to boil eggs so they are easy to peel?

Well, you’ve learned how to properly boil eggs so that they don’t crack, and you’ve managed to maintain their integrity. Now let’s talk about what needs to be done to make them easy to clean.

After boiling the eggs to the desired degree of readiness, you need to catch them with a slotted spoon or spoon and immediately place them for a minute in a container with cold water and preferably additionally under running water. After this, you should leave the eggs in a bowl of cold water for another three minutes until they cool completely, because while they are hot, they continue to gain density and may lose the desired consistency.

What to do to prevent eggs from bursting during cooking!

Chicken eggs burst during cooking for various reasons. For example, due to temperature changes, or due to the high heat on which they are cooked. In addition to the above, the strength of chicken eggs is significantly influenced by their size and color. The larger the chicken eggs, the thinner and weaker their shells. Another disadvantage of the strength of chicken eggs is the fact that the hens that laid them were not sufficiently provided with calcium in their diet, which contributes to the strength of the shell. Due to a lack of calcium in the body of chickens, the eggs end up with thin and fragile shells, in which microcracks appear during transportation or during sale. These are the eggs that burst when hard-boiled.
To avoid this, when choosing eggs in a store, you need to focus on those that do not have at least visible cracks, as well as those that are medium in size, but not large.
For hard-boiling, it is better to prefer brown chicken eggs; they are much stronger than those with a white shell. Brown eggs have slightly thicker shells, so not only do they withstand hard-boiling better, but they also have a slightly longer shelf life. They are easier to transport and less susceptible to damage, which results in microcracks in chicken eggs.
To avoid egg shells cracking during cooking, many people add vinegar and salt to the water. Salt has only a holding effect, and is used to prevent the eggs from spreading if they suddenly burst. But vinegar, on the contrary, imparts “elasticity” properties to eggshells, due to which many eggs tolerate hard-boiling well. Two conveniences in one bottle)) So, when boiling hard-boiled eggs, adding one vinegar is enough. There is another recipe based on the principle “you can’t spoil porridge with oil: to avoid temperature changes, the eggs are kept until room temperature, then put in cold water, the cooking process itself takes place over low heat. Water is salted at the rate of 1 tablespoon with a mountain of salt per 1 liter of water, and 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar diluted in 3 liters of water.
I've heard of this method, but I don't know how effective it is: a piece of butter and a spoonful of salt are added to the water in which chicken eggs will be boiled.
But such methods are only partially justified. In my opinion, one of the best ways is to place an inverted plate or saucer at the bottom of the pan, eggs on it and water on top. It is advisable to select a plate that matches the diameter of the pan. With this method of cooking, your eggs will remain intact without the additional addition of salt and vinegar.

This way you can avoid these problems.

Easter without eggs is impossible. We give them to each other before the Holy Day and on Easter week; eggs are the main decoration of the first fast meal after a long fast. So they must be on the table, beautiful, shiny, bright. Painting them is not at all difficult, the main thing is to make sure that the eggs do not crack during cooking. And here the techniques that housewives have developed over the years by placing pots on the stove can help us.


First, you need to choose the right eggs. Fresh - one, with a strong shell - two. You can tell if the eggs are fresh by dropping one of them into a glass of water. If the egg sinks, it is fresh. An egg that has been sitting in the store for a long time will float.

You can do it easier and just take eggs that have the packaging date printed on them. Nowadays they buy a lot of eggs, so stores with good traffic shouldn’t have old eggs lying around, but just in case, look.

Secondly, the eggs need to be carefully examined. If they are packaged in dozens, open the boxes. Don’t expect that the eggs won’t crack in them – that’s okay. If you buy a box of three dozen, it is usually difficult to open it. We'll have to hope for luck.

At Easter people usually buy white eggs because they are going to be painted. But brown eggs have stronger shells. So if you are going to paint with just onion peels, you can use them.

Take out in advance

The eggs need to be removed from the refrigerator so that they have time to warm up to room temperature. If you boil cold eggs, there is a high chance that they will burst due to a sudden change in temperature.


Carefully, with soap and a washcloth. This will help the paint lie evenly and beautifully on the shell.


The eggs in it should not lie in several rows, then they can beat each other simply when boiling. Take a large saucepan.


Eggs should be placed in cool water.

You can add salt to the water in which you cook the eggs. You need a lot of salt: a couple of tablespoons for a 2-3 liter pan. If the eggs are cracked, the white will coagulate quickly and will not leak out. Such an egg, of course, cannot be used for gifts or battles, but at least it will look decent.

While cooking, if the water boils away, add more.


On high heat, with active boiling, eggs can break against the walls of the pan and against each other. So the fire should be small.


Onion peels need to be soaked before painting, and then boiled to get a dark, good paint.

You also need to work with other natural dyes, with beets, for example.

During cooking

The eggs must be turned over so that they color evenly. Cook in onion skins for no more than 20 minutes.

After cooking

The eggs need to be removed from the paint, placed in cool water, then washed and dried with a paper towel.

Dyes from bags

They are used to paint already boiled eggs, but you need to take ones that are definitely not cracked.

To shine

The eggs are rubbed with vegetable oil. It is slightly absorbed, but still shines beautifully on the shell.

Important! It is often recommended to pierce eggs to prevent them from cracking during cooking. The punctures are made from the blunt end. But it is better not to paint pierced eggs with food coloring from sachets.

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It would seem that there is nothing simpler than boiling eggs: throw them into boiling water and take out the finished product after the right time. But no - it's not that simple. You need to know a few nuances of “difficult” cooking, otherwise you will not be able to boil the eggs so that they do not burst. There are several simple and effective tips, using which you will never spoil the product.

How to boil eggs without them bursting - fresh is always better

The egg is a unique product. Nutrients and beneficial substances are hidden under the soft-hard shell. We are accustomed to eating eggs in all possible forms: raw, fried, boiled, baked. Boiled eggs are most commonly used in food, but very often the shells of eggs cannot withstand boiling - they burst. Fresh eggs with unseasoned shells are most susceptible to cracking during cooking. Checking the quality of the product is very simple: immerse the eggs in water; if they sink to the bottom of the container, the freshness is undeniable.

How to boil eggs without them bursting - the right temperature

Never put eggs in hot or boiling water after taking them straight from the refrigerator. Temperature changes have a negative effect on the delicate shell - it cannot withstand strong differences in degrees and bursts. The best solution would be to immerse the eggs in cold water, which will warm up evenly and smoothly (so that the air inside the product slowly leaves it) and reach a boil along with the eggs in it.

How to boil eggs so they don't burst - use salt

Our great-grandmothers used this method. Before boiling the eggs, the water in which you will do this must be well salted. The standard measure is 1-3 tsp. per liter of water. A cloudy liquid will indicate that you have added enough salt to prevent the eggs from cracking.

Slow simmer in a small container

The quieter and calmer the water in which the eggs are cooked boils, the greater the likelihood that the product will remain safe and sound. Cook the product in low boiling water over low heat in a small bowl (so that the eggs do not collide with each other when the liquid boils).

Immerse the boiled eggs under running water at room temperature, gradually lowering the temperature. This will help clean the eggs well.