Bulgur soup: delicious exotic. How to cook rich bulgur soup for lunch How to cook bulgur soup

Today there are a lot of recipes for cooking bulgur. This is an incredibly nourishing and tasty cereal used in various dishes: soups, salads, side dishes and even desserts. Bulgur is popular not only in its homeland in the Middle East, but also in Europe, where it is considered a grain with a thousand-year history and amazing taste.

Even a novice housewife can cook bulgur. We will need: 400 ml of water (about 2 tbsp.), a glass of cereal, butter (50 g) and salt.

To cook, place a thick-bottomed pan on the fire. This way the cereal will not burn and will be able to fully reveal its aroma during simmering. Place a piece of butter in a container and melt it, then put bulgur in it.

The cereal should simmer in oil for 1–2 minutes. After this, water is poured into the container and the porridge is brought to a boil. When the cereal boils, turn down the heat. During this period, add salt to taste. Boil the bulgur for 15 to 20 minutes. The dish is considered ready when indentations resembling pits appear on the surface of the porridge. This means that the excess liquid from the pan has evaporated and the bulgur is ready to eat.

Instead of butter, you can use sunflower or olive oil. But the most delicious bulgur as a side dish is made with butter.

The cereal is not soaked or washed before cooking. It is worth considering that during cooking, bulgur increases in size up to 3 times, so it is better to select a larger container for cooking.

Pilaf with bulgur meat

Pilaf with bulgur meat is very popular in India and Turkey. Unlike traditional pilaf with rice, this dish is more juicy and flavorful.

Required ingredients:

  • Cereals – 2 tbsp.
  • Pork tenderloin – 400 g.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Meat broth – 600 ml.
  • Table salt – 1 tsp.
  • Sunflower oil – 7 tbsp. l.
  • Dill and parsley - 1 bunch each.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Barberry – 1 tsp.
  • Khmeli-suneli – 1 tsp.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Carrots and onions are peeled, washed and cut into cubes measuring 1*1 cm.
  2. A thick-bottomed casserole is placed on the fire; when the container is hot enough, sunflower oil is poured into it.
  3. In well-heated oil, first fry the chopped onion, then the carrots. After frying, the vegetables are removed from the container.
  4. Pre-cut pork is placed in a cauldron with oil, where carrots and onions were previously fried, and fried until half cooked.
  5. Then fried onions and carrots, as well as salt and spices are added to the meat. Everything is fried for 3-4 minutes to reveal the flavor of the spices.
  6. Place the cereal in a cauldron and fill it with broth. If there is no meat broth, it can be replaced with plain water.
  7. After boiling, turn the heat to a minimum so that the pilaf simmers. Close the lid of the cauldron tightly.
  8. After 10 minutes of boiling, add pre-peeled garlic to the pilaf and close the lid again.
  9. After 7–10 minutes, the pilaf is ready to eat.
  10. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped dill and parsley.

You can use more than just pork to prepare this dish. Lamb, chicken and beef go well with cereal.

Bulgur salad

Salads with bulgur are distinguished by their piquancy and sophistication. They can be served as independent dishes or as side dishes for meat.

To prepare a cold salad you will need 2 tomatoes, 1 cup of boiled bulgur, 2 cucumbers, cilantro, green onions and chili pepper. Vegetables are cut into cubes, greens are chopped with a knife. All ingredients are mixed with boiled porridge.

Next you need to prepare a salad dressing from 1 clove of garlic, 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. balsamic and 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce. All ingredients are mixed until smooth. The dressing goes on top of the salad. For lovers of spicy dishes, it is recommended to add chili pepper in small quantities to the salad.

Warm salads with bulgur are in demand in the east. They perfectly satisfy hunger and are served as independent dishes.

To prepare a warm salad you will need: 1 sweet pepper, 1 zucchini, 1 eggplant, sunflower oil, 1 glass of cereal, parsley, 1 shallot, salt and pepper to taste.

Initially, you will need to bake the pepper in the oven in foil for half an hour. After baking, the skin is removed from the vegetable and it is cut into cubes. Peel the zucchini and eggplant, cut into cubes, and add salt to prevent bitterness.

Fry the vegetables in a preheated frying pan with oil until cooked. Boil the bulgur and mix with baked peppers and fried vegetables. At the end, chopped greens and finely chopped shallots are added to the salad. Season to taste with salt and black pepper.

Recipe for bulgur with vegetables

Bulgur with vegetables is a great option for everyday lunch or dinner. The main advantage of this dish is its usefulness, satiety and speed of preparation.

Required ingredients:

  • Cereals – 2 tbsp.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Zucchini – 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper – 1 pc.
  • Green peas – 50 g.
  • Corn – 50 g.
  • Butter and olive oil for frying.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking recipe step by step:

  1. All vegetables, except peas and corn, are peeled and cut into squares. Fry in olive oil until half cooked.
  2. Vegetables are removed from the container with a slotted spoon.
  3. Place butter in a bowl, melt it and pour in the bulgur. Fry the cereal for no more than 5 minutes.
  4. Then the previously fried vegetables are added to it, the mixture is filled with 400 ml of water and brought to a boil.
  5. After 10 minutes, add peas and corn, cook for a maximum of 5 more minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the dish to steep.

To prepare this culinary delight, you can use any vegetables. Eggplants and tomatoes go well with cereal.

To add piquancy to the porridge, you can sprinkle it with grated cheese or herbs when serving.

Preparing a side dish in a slow cooker

Bulgur can be cooked either on the stove in a saucepan or in a slow cooker. When preparing a side dish in a multicooker, initially the butter is melted in a bowl on the “frying” mode, then the cereal is laid out in it, filled with water and the “porridge or stewing” mode is set.

When cooking in a slow cooker, the ratio should be 1:2. For one part of cereal, take two parts of water.

Bulgur soup

To prepare bulgur soup you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cereals – 200 g.
  • Chicken fillet – 200 g.
  • Smoked brisket - 50 g.
  • Green onions - 3 feathers.
  • Dill – 3 sprigs.
  • Shallots – 3 heads.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Parsnip - half a root.
  • Dried garlic – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Paprika – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ground sumac – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter – 40 g.
  • Salt to taste.


  1. A broth is boiled based on chicken fillet, dill and green onions.
  2. In a separate container, the cereal with a mixture of all seasonings is calcined in melted butter (take 20 g). Then the bulgur is filled with broth and boiled until half cooked.
  3. Parsnip root, carrots and onions, cut into strips, are fried in the remaining butter. Vegetables are added to the broth.
  4. Remove the boiled chicken fillet from the pan and cut it together with the smoked breast into squares. Season with dried garlic and heat in a dry frying pan for 3-5 minutes.
  5. The broth with bulgur is poured into plates, the meat is laid out on top and sprinkled with herbs.

It is worth considering that you cannot leave this soup for a long time. Cereals absorb liquid very quickly, so after 5–6 hours such a soup can simply turn into porridge. It is recommended to consume this dish immediately after preparation.

Bulgur dessert

Not only first courses, salads and side dishes, but also desserts are prepared from this popular Mediterranean grain. You can make muffins from bulgur that will amaze even an experienced cook with its taste.

To prepare you will need a chicken egg (2 pcs.), milk (200 ml), sunflower oil (3 tbsp), whole grain flour (1.5 tbsp.), bulgur (1 tbsp.), baking powder (3 tsp. .), thyme leaves.

Initially, bulgur is boiled. Then, in a deep bowl, beat the eggs until foamy using a whisk. Milk, sunflower oil, thyme leaves and cooled cooked bulgur are added to the mixture. Then flour is added and mixed. The dough should not be kneaded too much.

Silicone baking molds are greased with butter and filled 3 quarters with dough. The tray with the molds is placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

It is better to check the readiness of the muffins with a wooden skewer or match. If it is wet, then the dish is not ready yet and you should put it in the oven for another 5-7 minutes.

Food should not only be tasty and aromatic, but also healthy. Bulgur soup fully complies with this rule. Bulgur is a grain obtained by crushing wheat, which is first scalded with boiling water and then dried. Useful properties and high nutritional qualities determine increased interest in this product.

Cereals are most widespread in the southern regions of our country, the Middle East, and the Caucasus republics. The beneficial properties are determined by the fact that wheat at the stage of milk ripeness is used for production.

It is rich in vitamins and microelements, including vitamins B, K, PP. In addition to these components, cereals contain substances such as carotenoids, phosphorus, iron, fiber, magnesium and calcium. The calorie content of the product without additives is 348 kcal.

The benefit of bulgur lies in the fact that it contains complex carbohydrates, which are essential for those who want to lose weight.

That is why the product is included in the dietary or therapeutic nutrition menu. Main properties beneficial for the body and health in general:

  • regulation of the digestive system;
  • active nutrition and saturation of cells with useful substances;
  • positive effect on the nervous system;
  • Help in cleansing from waste and toxins.

The peculiarity of the product is that its use will be useful only in small quantities, so the ideal use is for preparing first courses. It is important to remember that people who are unable to digest gluten, those who have been diagnosed with gastritis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases will have to stop using bulgur.

A tendency to be overweight and the presence of food allergies are also contraindications to the use of this product in the food system. You can buy bulgur in stores, markets - in departments with oriental products or cereals.

Subtleties of cooking bulgur

In order to prepare a delicious first course with bulgur, you will need to take into account several subtleties in the process of preparing the product. It goes well in taste and aroma with meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. This is why any soup will turn out appetizing and tasty. A good option is adding bulgur in combination with lentils.

The preparation of this product has its own characteristics:

  • There is no need to rinse the cereal; if necessary, you can rinse it once;
  • if the recipe involves the use of boiled bulgur, then it will need to be fried in butter before cooking - as a result, the dish with it will acquire a delicate and spicy taste with nutty notes;
  • It is recommended to use dishes (pots, cauldrons or woks) with a thick bottom - in this case, the cereal will simmer during the heat treatment, but will not boil;
  • the volume of cereal increases 3 times after cooking (must be taken into account when preparing soups).

The optimal ratio of water and cereal during the cooking process is 1:2. You should not add paprika, tomato paste or tarragon to first courses, as well as potatoes, cabbage and beets (cabbage soup and borscht should not be cooked with bulgur). If you use a multicooker to cook bulgur, then the optimal mode for cooking will be “Buckwheat”.

Step-by-step recipe for vegetable soup with bulgur

Ingredients Quantity
bulgur - 40 g
regular onion or leek - 1 PC.
potato - 2 pcs.
carrot - 1 PC.
ripe juicy tomatoes - 1 PC.
garlic - 2 cloves
water - 0.5-1 l
fresh dill or other herbs - 3 branches
salt, black pepper, ground curry - taste
vegetable (olive) oil - 20 ml
Cooking time: 45 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 287 Kcal

Cooking process:

After cooking, add cream or sour cream to each serving.

Turkish soup with bulgur and lentils

This version of the first course is called “bride’s soup.” You can prepare it if you have the following ingredients:

  • bulgur (not boiled) - 120-160 g;
  • red lentils (not canned) – 150 g;
  • tomato paste or, preferably, chopped blanched tomatoes – 75 g;
  • spices and seasonings - sweet paprika, dried mint, allspice black pepper, dried herbs, coarse salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • water – 3 l;
  • onions – 2 pcs;
  • fresh herbs - optional.

Cooking time – 40 minutes.

Calorie content (100 g) – 296 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour water into a thick-bottomed saucepan and bring to a boil;
  2. Wash the lentils and pour into a container;
  3. Then add bulgur there;
  4. Add ground red paprika and allspice to them;
  5. Bring to a boil again;
  6. Then cover with a lid and turn down the heat;
  7. Peel the onion, chop finely, fry (4 minutes);
  8. Then add tomato paste or chopped blanched tomatoes to it (simmer for another 2 minutes);
  9. Place the roasted vegetables in a saucepan, add salt, mint, and cook until the bulgar and lentils soften.

Before serving, add finely chopped fresh herbs to each serving. You can also change the spiciness of the dish using seasonings. We do not recommend preparing this soup in large quantities, as bulgur absorbs water well and swells, which can turn the first dish into porridge.

Chicken soup with bulgur

This option for preparing soup is suitable for those who strive to choose healthy foods, are on a diet, or simply want to lose weight. All components here successfully complement each other. To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

  • water (or broth) – 3 l;
  • fresh vegetables - carrots, onions, potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • bulgur – 120 g;
  • chicken (fillet) – 200 g;
  • vegetable oil – 10 ml;
  • seasonings and salt - to taste.

Cooking time – half an hour.

Calorie content per 100 g – 280 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the potatoes (cut into small cubes);
  2. Rinse poultry fillets in warm water;
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, add chicken, potatoes and bulgur (can be rinsed 1-2 times), set to heat;
  4. Cut the carrots (peeled) and onions, quickly fry in oil (no more than 2 minutes), add to the soup;
  5. Chop the boiled poultry meat and return it to the broth;
  6. Add spices, salt, cook until tender (about half an hour).

Soup with bulgur and mushrooms

An appetizing and aromatic soup, which is perfect for both lunch and dinner, is prepared using the following ingredients:

  • mushrooms (fresh, peeled) – 600-800 g;
  • fresh vegetables (you can use frozen carrots in the recipe) – 1 carrot and onion, 3 potatoes;
  • bulgur (not boiled) – 100 g;
  • fresh greens - to taste;
  • sunflower oil (for frying) – 10 ml;
  • salt - to taste (fine).

Cooking time – 30 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​301 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the mushrooms, cut them if they are very large;
  2. Pour water (3 l) into a container, add mushrooms, cook the broth;
  3. Set aside some of the mushrooms;
  4. Peel and cut the potatoes (can be cubes or slices);
  5. Peel, cut, and fry carrots and onions;
  6. Add bulgur to them and fry a little (5 minutes);
  7. Add mushrooms to the vegetables and simmer all ingredients for another 3-5 minutes;
  8. Add potatoes and fried vegetables with bulgur to the cooked mushroom broth, salt, add spices and seasonings as desired. Cook for about 20 minutes more.

Serve in portions with fresh herbs or sour cream as a complement.

Soup with bulgur and meat in a slow cooker

Soups made with meat broth have a rich taste and aroma. They contain a set of microelements and components necessary for the body, which will fill a person with strength and energy. To prepare the soup according to this recipe, you will need the following set of ingredients:

  • potatoes – 500 g;
  • beef – 300 g;
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.;
  • bulgur - 100-120 g;
  • salt, dried herbs, black pepper - to taste;
  • sunflower oil – 10 ml;
  • water – 2.5 l.

Cooking time: 35 minutes (Soup mode).

Calorie content per 100 g serving is 308 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the beef, cut into small pieces;
  2. Peel and cut vegetables;
  3. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, place the vegetables prepared for frying (carrots and onions), set the “Frying” program;
  4. Pour water into the multicooker container, place the prepared beef and bulgur (it can also be added to the vegetables during the frying stage);
  5. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes, add them to a common container, then add salt, add spices and dried herbs;
  6. Close the lid of the multicooker and set it to the “Soup” program, cook until it ends (beep signal).

Serving is done in portions. Fresh herbs or garlic will complement the aroma and taste.

To make the cereal softer faster, it is recommended to soak it in hot water for 10 minutes. A simple method will add aroma and pleasant taste - boil the bulgur in the broth for 10-15 minutes.

If the soup is prepared in a slow cooker, then it is recommended to fry this ingredient in butter for 2 minutes (“Baking”), and then cook on the “Frying” program for another 2-3 minutes, adding vegetable oil. Bulgur is great for thick soups. After the cooking process, before adding to the soup, there is no need to rinse it.

Thus, recipes for soups containing bulgur will diversify and complement the menu of any person. The first courses will become more satisfying due to the fact that this cereal boils well and swells.

Bulgur soup is the first dish that came to us from the countries of the Middle East, the Balkans and the Mediterranean. Bulgur grains have been produced in these territories for more than 4,000 years. Moreover, production technology in some countries still remains unchanged. Bulgur is obtained from durum wheat, which is first heat treated and then dried in the sun. Next, the bran is removed from the wheat, and the grains are ground to the required size.

What is bulgur?

Many people confuse bulgur with couscous or uncooked cracked wheat. In fact, bulgur is an individual type of cereal, which has many advantages and beneficial properties. It preserves almost the entire chemical composition of wheat grain, including: microelements, beta-carotene, saccharides, fatty acids, fiber and vitamins B, PP, E and K.

Bulgur is well absorbed by the body, restores metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and strengthens the nervous system. In Eastern countries, they are often used as a substitute for rice and pearl barley. When cooked, its volume triples, but, nevertheless, it does not boil to a mushy state, which makes it an indispensable ingredient for side dishes and soups.

Ingredients for Turkish bulgur and lentil soup:

  • Broth based on vegetables or meat - 3 liters;
  • Bulgur grains - 150 grams;
  • Lentils (preferably red) - 150 grams;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Ground paprika - 50 grams;
  • Dried mint - 10 grams;
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • Salt and peppercorns - to taste.

This legendary Turkish soup has been prepared for just over 100 years. And in its homeland it is called “Ezo chorbasi”, which means “bride’s soup”. Every young Turkish woman getting married must prepare this first dish on the eve of the wedding so that her future family life will be long and happy.

This is a kind of tribute to a tradition that arose in memory of a certain girl Ezo, who lived in Turkey in the early 1900s. It was she who came up with the recipe for Turkish bulgur soup. Her family life did not work out. Living with her second husband in Syria, she was very unhappy and longing for her homeland and family. Turkish soup with bulgur - thick, aromatic and spicy, reminded her of her beloved mother and father's home.

Cooking steps

Traditionally, soup with bulgur and lentils is prepared in vegetable broth, but you can also use meat broth, for which chicken is best suited.

  1. So, pour the prepared broth into a three-liter saucepan.
  2. Sort and rinse the lentils.
  3. Place lentils and bulgur in the broth (no need to rinse), sprinkle with paprika, add a few peppercorns.
  4. Cover with a lid and cook over medium heat.
  5. At this time, peel the onion and finely chop it.
  6. Fry for a few minutes in vegetable oil in a hot frying pan.
  7. Scald the tomato with boiling water, remove the skin and chop.
  8. Add to the golden onion and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  9. Add tomato and onion frying to Turkish soup, add salt and season with dried mint.
  10. Simmer over low heat until the lentils and bulgur are cooked through.
  11. Serve, garnished with greens.

What do manufacturers offer?

You can enjoy the bride's Turkish soup even faster and easier. The Yarmarka trading house, specializing in the production of healthy food products, has included this recipe for soup with bulgur grains in its line of ready-made mixtures for reproducing dishes from cuisines of the world. Through a transparent bag weighing 250 grams, you can see the quality of the ingredients put there. All of them are selected, clean, without debris and unnecessary inclusions.

A bright cardboard label provides detailed information about the composition of the product and the method of its preparation. The Turkish soup from the Yarmarka company, however, like its other products, does not contain preservatives, GMOs or monosodium glutamate, which undoubtedly affects the taste and quality of this dish. Turkish soup “Fair” with bulgur has won the most positive reviews from consumers. Nourishing, aromatic, a little unusual for the taste preferences of Russians - it will become an indispensable highlight in the everyday monotonous menu.

Soup with the addition of bulgur is not suitable for people on a diet. Its calorie content is high. One bulgur contains 340 kC. But, despite this, dishes with bulgur are considered healthy food, as they contain many useful substances and are easily absorbed by the body.

Bulgur soup has an absolutely magical feature - you only have to cook it once, and it firmly wins the sympathy of everyone who tries it. Many people don’t even realize that you can prepare wonderful first courses with this wonderful cereal.

Bulgur is a specially processed wheat grain. It came to us from the Balkans and the Mediterranean. It is an integral part of the national cuisine of these countries. But here, too, bulgur is becoming increasingly popular.

Bulgur grains can expand three times when cooked, but this grain never boils down to an unappetizing lump. In addition, all the beneficial substances with which this product is saturated are preserved in their original form. Due to this, soups with bulgur are incredibly healthy and simply must be a “daily dish” on the menu of every family.

Be careful when choosing bulgur for soups. In this case, whole or finely ground grains are best suited for kofta.

How to cook bulgur soup - 15 varieties

This soup is legendary in Turkey. It is called bride's soup. On the last evening before the wedding, the girl must prepare this soup so that her future life will be happy and prosperous.


  • Bulgur - 150g
  • Broth - 3l
  • Paprika - 50g
  • Salt, peppercorns
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mint - 10g
  • Lentils - 150g
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 60ml


Add bulgur and lentils to the prepared vegetable or meat broth, add paprika and peppercorns. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over medium heat.

Fry chopped onion.

Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin and cut.

Add the tomato pieces to the onion in a frying pan and simmer for a few minutes.

Place the roast in a saucepan, add salt and mint.

Simmer over low heat until the cereal is ready.

Bulgur is a grain that does not need to be washed before cooking.

One of the excellent options for mushroom soup is hearty, nutritious and very tasty.


  • Bulgur - 100g
  • Champignons - 800g
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper, herbs
  • Vegetable oil


Chop the mushrooms and fry until done. Add chopped potatoes, onions and carrots to the frying pan, mix everything and fry.

Boil the bulgur for 10 minutes.

Place boiled bulgur and fried mushrooms with vegetables in a saucepan, and then add water. Season the soup with salt and pepper and cook for 15 minutes.

The taste of this soup is quite unusual, and having cooked it once, your family will definitely look forward to repeating it.


  • Bulgur - 100g
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 teeth.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp.
  • Minced pork - 300g
  • Water - 3l
  • Salt, sugar


Grind pepper, onion and garlic. Fry the vegetables over low heat. First simmer the pepper, then add the onion and garlic.

Add minced meat to the frying pan. Stirring constantly, fry until the minced meat is completely cooked.

Add bulgur and meat dressing with tomato mixture to boiling water. Add salt and a little sugar.

Stir, cover and cook the soup for 25 minutes. until the bulgur is completely cooked.

Let the soup brew for 15 minutes.

This original soup can be cooked not only in summer, but even in cold winter. On the one hand, this is a memory of warm days, and on the other, bulgur turns light sorrel soup into a hearty and very healthy dish.


  • Bulgur - 1 cup.
  • Sorrel - 1 bunch.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper, parsley, marjoram
  • Broth - 1.5l
  • Leeks - 0.5 pcs.
  • Garlic (arrows) - 4 pcs.


Place the chopped potatoes into the already boiling broth, and add the bulgur there. Cook for 15 minutes.

Return the meat from the broth to the pan, add chopped onion and garlic. Cook for 2 minutes.

Place chopped sorrel and herbs into the pan, add salt and pepper, and add marjoram.

Let it boil and then immediately cover with a lid and remove from heat. Let the soup brew for 20 minutes.

So that bulgur grains better retain their shape in 5 minutes. Rinse them with ice water or place them in the refrigerator before cooking.

With the help of bulgur, you can make any light vegetable soup very satisfying and nutritious, and besides, the cereal will provide additional benefits.


  • Bulgur - 150g
  • Curry - 1 tsp.
  • Water - 2.5 l
  • Carrots - 200g
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Potatoes - 350g
  • Tomato paste - 1 tsp.
  • Onion - 70g
  • Broccoli - 200g


Place chopped potatoes and bulgur into boiling water. Cook over medium heat with the lid on.

Make a fry of finely chopped onions and carrots. In 2 min. frying, add curry and fry for another 1 minute. Then add tomato paste, mix thoroughly and fry for another 2 minutes. over low heat.

Transfer the roast into a pan with bulgur and add salt.

Add broccoli to the soup. Cover with a lid and boil for 5 minutes.

It is very quick and convenient to cook soups with bulgur using a multicooker. By cooking it with chicken, you will have a light and satisfying soup with a spicy aroma on your table.


  • Chicken - 400g
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Bulgur - 0.5 cup.
  • Salt pepper
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes in their own juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Parsley


Pour oil into the multicooker container. Select micro mode “Frying” for 20 minutes. Add chopped onions and carrots and fry, stirring.

In 5 min. Add pieces of chicken meat to the frying, mix and fry further.

Add tomatoes, mix well.

Add bulgur and potatoes. Pour hot water over everything, add salt and pepper.

Close the lid and select the “Soup” micro mode for 1 hour. In 15min. You can add greens before finishing.

The combination of the oriental aroma of bulgur and the smokedness of sausage is what will make you and your family fall in love with this wonderful soup.


  • Bulgur - 80g
  • Onion - 100g
  • Greenery
  • Potatoes - 300g
  • Carrot - 70g
  • Tomatoes - 150g
  • Adjika - 2 tbsp.
  • Cured sausage - 400g
  • Sweet pepper - 80g


Cut the sausage into strips, fry a little, and place in a pan of boiling water.

Cut the potatoes, salt and sprinkle with your favorite spices, fry in oil and place in a saucepan with the sausage.

Add bulgur to the pan.

Chop the vegetables, first remove the skin from the tomatoes. Fry everything in oil, add adjika. Add the mixture to the pan. Add salt and spices at your discretion.

Let the soup steep, covered, before serving.

It is better to salt the soup after the bulgur is cooked, this will preserve all its taste.

This soup will appeal not only to exotic lovers. An unusual combination of pumpkin, shrimp and aromatic bulgur - this is a real delicacy. Don't miss the opportunity to pamper yourself and your loved ones.


  • Bulgur - 4 tbsp.
  • Cabbage leaf - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 100g
  • White wine - 50ml
  • Pumpkin - 300g
  • Thyme - 1 pc.
  • Shrimp - 200g
  • Olive oil
  • Onion - 100g
  • Honey - 1 tsp.
  • Chilli
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.


Place chopped onions and carrots on the bottom of the pan.

Place pumpkin pieces, crushed garlic, honey and thyme on them.

Place a cabbage leaf on top, on which place the bulgur, providing it with two tablespoons of water.

Heat everything under the lid, turn the heat to the lowest setting for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes.

Remove the bulgur along with the leaf, puree the vegetables, add cream, and boil.

Fry shrimp on both sides with chili pepper and crushed garlic.

When serving, add shrimp and a spoonful of bulgur to the pureed soup.

Chicken soup with bulgur turns out incredibly filling and tasty. It will be an excellent replacement for the usual chicken soup.


  • Chicken - 1 pc.
  • Bulgur - 1 tbsp.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf


Boil chicken broth. When it boils, add the bulgur to the pan. Boil for 20 minutes.

Grind potatoes, onions and carrots in a convenient way.

Add potatoes to the pan.

Fry onions and carrots in a frying pan.

Pour the finished frying into a saucepan with broth.

Add boiled chicken meat there.

Throw bay leaf, pepper and favorite seasonings into the pan to taste. Boil for 10 minutes.

This incredibly tasty and satisfying soup can be cooked in meat broth, or you can prepare a lean version. In any case, it turns out rich and thick.


  • Bulgur - 100g
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Salt, sugar, cilantro, spices
  • Lentils - 100g
  • Tomatoes - 400g
  • Water (broth) - 3l
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.


Pour lentils and bulgur into boiling water (broth) and boil for 20 minutes.

Finely chop the pepper, carrots and onions and sauté in oil.

Add tomatoes to the pan and simmer for 2 minutes.

Add stewed vegetables to the cereals and boil the soup for another 5 minutes. Salt and add spices as desired.

Excellent light fish soup. This recipe will be a lifesaver during Lent.


  • Bulgur - 4 tbsp.
  • Celery - 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Salmon - 450g
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Parsley root - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Salt pepper
  • Green onions - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.


Pour 1 liter of water over the processed fish, add parsley, 0.5 carrots and onions. Cook over low heat.

Boil the chopped potatoes and bulgur in another pan for 15 minutes, add salt to taste.

Add the broth from the finished fish to the pan with bulgur.

Chop the celery, tomatoes and the second part of the carrot and add to the soup. Send bay leaves and peppers there too. Add salt if necessary.

Remove bones from fish and cut into pieces. Also cut cucumbers and lemon. They should be added in portions when serving.

Vegetable soup with turkey and bulgur is not only extremely tasty, but also infinitely healthy. And it is prepared very simply.


  • Bulgur - 100g
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Cauliflower - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Celery - 1 pc.
  • Ready turkey - 300g
  • Salt, pepper, sugar, spices


Chop all the vegetables. Place all the cuttings into already boiling water, mix well and boil until tender.

Chop the finished turkey into cubes and add to the vegetables.

Salt, add sugar, bay leaf and turmeric with Provençal herbs.

Pour in the bulgur, mix and bring to a boil. Cook the soup until the cereal is ready.

Giving extraordinary freshness, but at the same time satisfying soup, which will surely delight not only your family, but also your guests.


  • Bulgur - 4 tbsp.
  • Lamb - 400g
  • Carrot - 50g
  • Coriander, cumin
  • Salt pepper
  • Potatoes - 200g
  • Cream - 100g
  • Mint - 10 pcs.
  • Onion - 70g
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp.
  • Cilantro - 7 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 8 pcs.


Pour water over young lamb on the bone, add a whole onion, and let it cook. When the water boils, be sure to remove the foam and leave to simmer over low heat.

Add bulgur to the meat.

Make a fry of chopped onions and grated carrots, add tomato paste to the frying pan, stir, simmer for 2 minutes. Add to soup.

Season with salt, pepper, and all the spices.

Grate the potatoes and add to the pan.

Add cream, let it boil and remove from heat. The soup should sit for 10 minutes.

This is a “substantial” soup when you need to feed your family heartily. It will be especially useful for children due to the presence of useful elements and for men, due to its richness.


  • Bulgur - 100g
  • Lamb - 700g
  • Carrots - 200g
  • Potatoes - 200g
  • Tomato paste - 3 tbsp.
  • Adjika - 2 tbsp.
  • Onion - 200g
  • Salt, pepper, herbs, spices


Pour cold water over the meat and then put it on the fire.

Place a whole onion, cloves and allspice into the prepared broth.

Throw in chopped potatoes, tomato paste with adjika.

Squeeze the garlic into the soup and add seasonings.

When the bulgur is cooked, add chopped green onions and parsley to the soup.

When serving, add 1 tbsp to each plate. mascarpone.

This rustic soup is delicious both hot and cold. Sauerkraut and bulgur make this soup incredibly healthy.


  • Bulgur - 2 tbsp.
  • Sour cabbage - 500g
  • Tomato paste - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Carrots - 120g
  • Onion - 200g
  • Potatoes - 300g
  • Parsley, pepper
  • Water - 2l


Chop carrots and onions. Place them in a pan and fry.

Add tomato paste to the vegetables, and then cabbage.

Place the chopped potatoes into the pan along with the bulgur.

Pour water over everything, stir and leave to cook under the lid, pepper.

Cook the soup until the bulgur is ready.

During heat treatment, more nutrients are retained in soups than during frying. There are a lot of recipes for making soups, and each housewife has her own secrets. Soups are not very high in calories; they take more calories to digest, which indicates that they are good to consume when losing weight. In the summer, cold soups are more popular, they are very refreshing and replenish our body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Since I now have a wonderful assistant, a multicooker-pressure cooker (my model is Moulinex CE500E32), I suggest using her services. Soup can be prepared in a pressure cooker in just 12-15 minutes. This is how much progress has come! Your family won't have to wait long for lunch. So let's cook together.

We will use the following products: potatoes, carrots, onions, bulgur, sunflower oil, meat broth, salt, hot pepper, ground black pepper, bay leaf, dill.

Wash the carrots, peel them, and grate them on a coarse or medium grater. Cut the onion into small cubes. Add onions and carrots to the bowl, pour oil. Fry in the “fry” mode for about 3-5 minutes. Stir occasionally.

Wash the potatoes, peel them, and cut them into small pieces. Add to fried vegetables.

Add bulgur.

Pour in the broth. You can use meat, vegetable, or water. Add bay leaf, salt, black and hot pepper to taste. Close the lid and turn on the “soup” program. The time is automatically set to 12 minutes. This is enough for the soup to cook.

Bulgur soup with meat broth is ready. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Mix and serve to the dinner table.

Enjoy your meal!