Jellied charlotte with apples: ingredients and recipe. Very tasty charlotte - the simplest recipe! Charlotte jellied pie with apples

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Charlotte with apples - a recipe for delicious and simple charlotte in the oven and slow cooker. In order for a fluffy charlotte with apples from a simple recipe to turn out tasty and aromatic, it is best to use sour varieties of apples. And only at home you get the most delicious apple charlotte. Is it possible to find a family in our country that does not prepare apple charlotte in the generous fall? Despite the variety of options for its execution, the classic one is still the simplest sponge cake to which apples are added.

Delicious and simple recipes for charlotte with apples

As for the name charlotte, there is a romantic story about a cook hopelessly in love who figured out how to cook charlotte with apples and dedicated this recipe to the lady of his heart, Charlotte. This is how charlotte pie appeared. Charlotte is prepared using a variety of fillings, which may include berries common to Russia and exotic fruits, but the classic version is still charlotte with apples. A simple charlotte recipe will be described below.

The taste of the pie depends greatly on the type of apples used. It is very important that they are natural, and not beautiful, chemical-filled ones. It's easy to spot good apples:

  • Firstly, they will not be completely plump and shiny, some kind of defect is always found (small wormholes, crusts in various places, etc. - show that insects would also really like this fruit);
  • Secondly, the freshest apples appear in various regions of the country mainly in late summer - early autumn, when the new harvest arrives.

There are quite a lot of different recipes for baking charlotte on the Internet, but many people don’t really like to cook dishes that take too much time or have a complex preparation recipe. Many authors suggest separating the whites from the yolks, but this procedure requires a certain skill so that not a drop of yolk gets into the whites.

Some people recommend degreasing the dishes in which the eggs will be beaten. We won’t do any of this, because in this article we suggest you bake the simplest delicious charlotte with apples in the oven, which always works out. At the same time, we will use a minimum of ingredients that are always on hand.

Charlotte with apples classic recipe

Recipe for classic charlotte with apples


  • 1 cup granulated sugar;
  • Sour apples;
  • 3 chicken eggs (chilled in the refrigerator);
  • Baking soda (on the tip of a teaspoon), quenched with vinegar;
  • 1 cup sifted flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the eggs into the bowl in which you will beat them. Set the mixer to medium speed and beat the eggs until foamy. If you don’t have a mixer or food processor, you can do this with a whisk or even a fork, but then the time for whipping the mixture will increase accordingly;
  2. Gradually add sugar to this mass, then soda, quenched with vinegar. Stir the mixture well. Add the sifted flour, continuing to beat for about 1-2 minutes. The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream;
  3. Line the pan in which you will bake the apple charlotte with parchment paper. If you want, you can grease it with butter, but I don’t do that (why would I bother with the extra trouble!). If you use a silicone mold, then paper is not needed;
  4. We did not indicate the number of apples in the charlotte ingredients. This is because apples come in different sizes and also because many people like it when there are a lot of apples. But then our pie with apples inside turns out wet. If you want your charlotte to be dry inside, take smaller apples, namely 2 medium apples or 4 small ones. You can cut the skin off the apples if you wish, but, in principle, you don’t have to do this. Cut the fruit into arbitrary pieces and place evenly in the mold;
  5. Pour the batter on top, trying to cover all the apples. Level with a spoon;
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place our apple pie in it for 30-40 minutes. It is advisable not to open the oven for the first 20 minutes so that the charlotte does not settle. Check the readiness of the pie with a match or toothpick. If the stick is dry and the crust is browned, the charlotte with apples is ready! Let the pie cool for another 15 minutes in the oven and serve. You can turn it over and remove the paper. Or you don’t have to turn it over, as you wish. By the way, you can sprinkle powdered sugar or chocolate chips on top for beauty.

Charlotte with cottage cheese and apples

An unusual charlotte with cottage cheese and apples attracts with its tenderness and softness. By the way, in this pie the usual flour is replaced with semolina, which is why the charlotte literally melts in your mouth.


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 250 g. cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 6 medium apples;
  • 1 cup raw semolina;
  • A little fresh lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the apples, remove the core with seeds and cut into equal slices;
  2. Sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with a little sugar;
  3. Beat sugar with raw eggs, add melted butter and baking powder to the mixture and mix vigorously with a spoon;
  4. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and add it to the batter, then add the semolina;
  5. Let sit for about 10-15 minutes. Place apple slices on the bottom of a greased pan and pour the dough on top;
  6. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 220°C, after five minutes reduce the temperature to 180°C and bake for another 40–45 minutes.

Historically, charlotte was made from white bread, custard, apples and liqueur. Theoretically, it can be made with any fruit and berries. But in practice, the most delicious is still obtained from simple sour apples - for example, Antonovka or Simirenka - and eggs thoroughly beaten with sugar. In the simplest version, you need to thinly slice the apples and line the bottom of the baking dish with them, and pour the dough of four eggs, a glass of sugar and a glass of flour on top. And bake at 200 degrees for only 30–35 minutes.

Traditional charlotte recipe


  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • Salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Apple - 1 kg;
  • Soda - 1/2 tsp;
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the whites with half a glass of sugar;
  2. Beat the yolks with the remaining sugar;
  3. Combine everything together and gradually add flour;
  4. Add salt and soda;
  5. Add diced apples;
  6. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with semolina;
  7. Pour the mixture into a mold and place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees;
  8. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

Lush charlotte with apples in the oven

A simple recipe for fluffy charlotte with apples is sure to find its way into the culinary notebook of even the youngest housewife. This pastry is prepared simply, but always turns out surprisingly tasty, tender and “airy”. Lush classic charlotte with apples does not lose its taste the next day, solving the issue of afternoon tea and sweet snack.


  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Green apples - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Lemon juice - 3-4 drops;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites and beat them using a mixer, adding all the sugar at once. We achieve complete dissolution of sugar grains, as well as a significant increase in the volume of the mass;
  2. Now let's start working with proteins. To make the mixture whip better, add 3-4 drops of lemon juice; this will also help get rid of any possible egg smell while preparing the sponge cake. We work with a mixer until a fluffy white mass is obtained;
  3. Transfer the whipped whites to the yolks. Mix carefully, achieving homogeneity. If you want to make charlotte as quickly and simply as possible, you can beat eggs with sugar in one container at once, without separating into whites and yolks. But in this case, the pie will come out less “airy”.
    Next, sift the flour into the egg mixture in small portions, stirring each time from bottom to top. As a result, the dough should turn out smooth and uniform, without flour lumps;
  4. Grease the inside of a detachable baking pan with a diameter of 22 cm with a piece of butter, and pre-cover the bottom with parchment (you can use a larger container - in this case the cake will not be so tall, but no less tasty). For charlotte, choose firm green apples of sour varieties. After peeling and removing the core, cut into thin slices and place on the bottom of a heat-resistant container;
  5. Pour the prepared dough over the apples and place the pan in a hot oven for 30-35 minutes (until golden brown). We maintain the temperature at 180 degrees. During the baking process, we try not to open the oven again so that the fluffy sponge cake does not settle.
    You can check for readiness in the traditional way - immerse a match in the dough. If it remains dry, the charlotte with apples is ready! After cooling the baked goods slightly, remove the split side. Turn the pie over, remove the parchment and serve;
  6. Lush classic charlotte with apples is completely ready! Enjoy your tea!

Apple quick charlotte

Instant apple charlotte


  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Melted ice cream or white chocolate - 150-200 g or to taste;
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • Large apples - 2 pcs.;
  • Butter - for lubricating the mold;
  • White granulated sugar - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. We peel and core washed apples and chop them coarsely;
  2. Steam white chocolate. If you want to add ice cream to the pie, take it out of the refrigerator early and leave it at room temperature for a while so that it has time to melt;
  3. Beat eggs into a bowl, mix them with sugar;
  4. Beat the egg-sugar mixture with a mixer for at least 5 minutes;
  5. Pour flour into the mixture in small portions, while continuing to beat the dough with a mixer. We should get the consistency of not thick, but not liquid sour cream;
  6. Pour ice cream or chocolate into the finished dough, mix the mixture gently;
  7. Grease a baking dish with butter (can be replaced with vegetable oil), place chopped apples in it;
  8. Fill the fruit with sweet dough, which must be evenly distributed throughout the entire form;
  9. Preheat the oven to 180°C. You only need to bake quick charlotte in a hot oven so that it can be thoroughly baked;
  10. Bake the dessert for 25 minutes at 180°;
  11. After cooking, let the baked goods cool slightly, then cut into portions and serve warm with tea.

Charlotte in a slow cooker: a simple recipe


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Apples - 500 g;
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the eggs with soda and break them into a bowl, add sugar;
  2. Beat the eggs with sugar - first at slow speeds, then at fast speeds until fluffy;
  3. The more fluent the mixture is whipped, the better the charlotte with apples will turn out;
  4. Add flour, baking powder and cinnamon and knead the dough to the consistency of thick sour cream;
  5. Cut the apples into cubes and add to the dough. Usually they don’t do this when preparing charlotte. But with apples, charlotte turns out much juicier and more tender. Here according to taste and desire;
  6. Grease the multicooker bowl with butter, sprinkle with a little sugar, just a little;
  7. Cut the apple into slices and remove the seeds. First, place thin apple slices in the slow cooker. Sugar is needed to help the apples caramelize while the pie is baking;
  8. Carefully transfer the dough into the slow cooker and spread over the surface;
  9. Cook the fluffy charlotte in a multicooker in the “Baking” mode for 60 minutes. Usually during this time the cake is baked. In any case, periodically check the cake for doneness;
  10. Let the charlotte stand for 5 minutes with the multicooker lid open and remove. To do this, insert the steaming rack and turn the bowl over. Bon appetit!

Charlotte with apple and banana

Charlotte with bananas and apples

Another interesting option for making quick charlotte is a recipe with banana and cinnamon in the oven. And although the baking technology is simple, a step-by-step recipe with photos will not be superfluous.

The pie is baked quickly and deliciously in the oven; it gives the baked goods a beautiful blush, a light crust and a little crunch, which makes the charlotte even more appetizing. A little banana and cinnamon will only “decorate” the dessert, so be sure to add them to the charlotte if you want it to exude a pleasant aroma and have an unforgettably alluring taste.


  • Flour – 1 glass;
  • Sugar – 1 glass;
  • Vinegar – 1 tbsp;
  • Apples – 6-10 pcs.;
  • Bananas – 1-2 pcs.;
  • Cinnamon - to taste;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Soda – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, we start preparing the apples and bananas: we peel them, we also remove the core from the apples;
  2. Cut the fruit into pieces: cut bananas into thin rings, apples into slices. If you cook the fruit after kneading the dough, it will have time to “settle,” which is not very good for baking a fluffy pie;
  3. Beat the eggs with sugar (using a mixer) for 1-1.5 minutes to get a thick, bubbly, and most importantly fluffy mass;
  4. Add the sifted flour, slaked soda with vinegar, then stir the mixture carefully so that the foam we need does not disappear;
  5. Grease a mold or cast-iron frying pan (which is more convenient for you to cook in) generously with oil, sprinkle the walls and bottom with semolina or breadcrumbs, and place chopped apples (evenly) in it. If desired, sprinkle them with cinnamon to taste;
  6. Fill the apples with some of the dough, place banana rings on top, and fill the fruit with dough again;
  7. Place the mold/frying pan with the charlotte in a preheated oven, bake the pie for 20-25 minutes over medium-high heat. From time to time the dessert should be checked with a toothpick for readiness.

After final preparation, remove the quick charlotte along with the mold from the oven. We give the pie a little time to cool, after which we take out the dessert, cut it into pieces, and then take it, beautiful and fragrant, to be eaten by our household.

Compared to standard cooking technology, where the pie is baked for more than an hour, quick charlotte with apples is made in just half an hour. It is easy to prepare, but has a very exquisite original taste, for which you can’t help but love it. Prepare your favorite dessert quickly and tasty, and let your efforts not disappoint you. Bon appetit!

Incomparable CHARLOTTE | The most delicious recipe

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I found this recipe in my mother’s old notes and decided to cook it, without fear that the recipe had lost its relevance, because the products are absolutely the same as they were 30 years ago. And the result exceeded all my wildest expectations. The pie turned out very tasty, wholesome and just melted in your mouth. All my household appreciated this culinary masterpiece based on a recipe that is more than 30 years old. I suggest you prepare this delicious pastry right today, treat all your loved ones and friends, and understand that heaven on earth also exists.

Ingredients for charlotte

It is better to use all ingredients for charlotte at room temperature, rather than straight from the refrigerator. To do this, just take them out 30 minutes before you start cooking the pie. It is better to choose apples from sour varieties or use ranetki. You and your loved ones will like the contrasting combination of sour apples and sweet dough.
In this recipe we use kefir for the dough, but you can also put sour cream instead. In this case, you will need to quench the soda with vinegar, but if you use kefir, there is no need to quench it; the acidic environment of the fermented milk product will quench the soda.

For batter

  • egg – 4 pcs.
  • sugar – 200g.
  • salt - a pinch
  • baking soda - half a teaspoon
  • kefir – 1 glass (200 ml.)
  • butter – 70 gr.
  • flour - about 1 cup (200g.)

For the charlotte filling

  • apples with sourness / ranetki – 2 pcs. / 10-12pcs.
  • sugar – 3-4 tsp.
  • vanillin – 1.5 g.

For decorating baked goods

  • powdered sugar – 15g.
  • fresh berries - to taste

Step-by-step recipe for making charlotte

To prepare, you do not need super-sophisticated kitchen appliances; a simple mixer, a baking dish and, accordingly, an oven will be enough.

Preparing batter with kefir

  1. At the very beginning, we pour half a teaspoon of soda into warm kefir and leave it for a while so that the soda has time to quench it. This process takes 10-15 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, we beat the eggs with sugar and a pinch of salt with a mixer. If you don’t have a mixer, you can try and beat with a fork, although this will take much more time.
  3. Melt the butter and cool it a little. Do not pour hot oil onto beaten eggs; the whites may curdle.
  4. Now mix kefir with soda, melted butter and beaten eggs. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. At the last stage, we begin to slowly add flour and mix. It takes about half a cup of flour, the consistency of the dough should be like liquid sour cream. Do not overdo it with flour so that the dough is not strong and the baked goods are subsequently tough. The dough should be homogeneous, without lumps.
The charlotte dough should be liquid, like sour cream.

Preparing apples for filling

As mentioned above, it is better to use sour apples or ranetkas to create a contrast with the sweet dough.

Wash the fruit well, clean the center and cut it to your taste. I like to cut into thin slices, and my mother cuts into large cubes. Cut it however you like. If the skin of the apples is very thick, you can peel it, but keep in mind that then the apples will fall apart in the puree, but with the skin they will be intact.

It is better to take apples with sourness for charlotte filling

Combine the dough and filling

Now is the important moment of connecting the dough and filling. Grease the baking pan with vegetable or butter, you can line it with special parchment paper, then it will be easier to remove and you won’t need to wash the pan.

Pour 1/3 of the dough into the mold, arrange the apples beautifully, sprinkle them evenly with sugar and vanilla, and very carefully pour the rest of the dough on top.

Step-by-step preparation of charlotte

Bake charlotte in the oven

In a very well-heated oven, set to bake our charlotte for about 30 minutes. The baking time will depend on various factors - the height of the pie, the power of the oven, etc. You can check the readiness the old-fashioned way with a wooden stick. A dry stick will tell you that the charlotte is ready. For the first 20 minutes, it is better not to open the oven door so that the baked goods do not fall off from the cold air.

Charlotte - jellied pie with apples

Decorating our jellied pie

When the charlotte is ready, take it out of the oven and don’t take it out right away, you need to wait about 15 minutes for it to cool a little, then it will come out of the mold well.

You can decorate the pie by sprinkling it with powdered sugar and your favorite fresh berries or fruits.

Calorie content and nutritional value of apple charlotte

Product Weight, g Bel., gr Fat, g Angle, gr Kcal
1 Egg 220 27,94 23,98 1,54 345,4
2 Sugar 200 0 0 199,4 796
3 Kefir 2.5% 200 5,6 5 7,8 100
4 Butter 70 0,35 57,75 0,56 523,6
5 Flour 200 18,4 2,4 149,8 684
6 Granny Smith apple 400 1,6 1,6 38,8 192
7 Powdered sugar 30 0 0 29,94 112,2
Total: 1320 53,89 90,73 427,84 2753,2
Total per 100 grams: 100 4,08 6,87 32,41 208,58

The calorie content of charlotte is very pleasing, only 208 Kcal per 100 grams. For people on a diet, this is, of course, a lot, but for ordinary people, it’s quite normal. For comparison, pies made with yeast dough have an average calorie content of 350 Kcal per 100 grams. This is because in this apple jellied pie recipe we use little flour, thereby reducing the calorie content and carbohydrate content. Of course, apple filling is also low in calories. And another little trick - the more filling, the less caloric the resulting pie will be.

Of course, it’s better to eat charlotte, like other baked goods, in the first half of the day; at night it’s better to abstain from such a carbohydrate delicacy, so that you don’t regret it when you stand on the scales in the morning.

Delicious ready-made jellied pies. Read and cook!

On our website you will find the most delicious and healthy recipes for various dishes. We try to describe recipes in detail and clearly so that cooking is enjoyable and not annoying. After all, food prepared with love and care is much tastier and healthier. And these are our most popular recipes, check them out.

Recipe for jellied kefir pie with different fillings

The pie according to this recipe always turns out tasty and satisfying, and you can cook it with different fillings in a slow cooker or in the oven. IN

This is the simplest and most delicious recipe for charlotte with apples. You can find a great variety of different recipes on the Internet, but this one, in my opinion, is the best! Charlotte turns out to be simply very tasty, and its preparation does not require much time.

We prepared it together with our one-year-old child. Since this is a jellied charlotte, he really enjoyed mixing the dough with apples himself. It turned out to be quite a fun and useful pastime. And the jellied charlotte itself, according to this recipe, simply melts in your mouth. Be sure to try to cook it, especially since it’s very simple!


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Sunflower oil - 9 tbsp. l.
  • Small apples - 7-8 pcs.
  • Baking powder packet
  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Cinnamon for sprinkling


  1. Using a mixer or whisk, beat the eggs with granulated sugar into a stable foam.

  2. Then add 9 tablespoons of sunflower oil and a packet of baking powder. Mix everything.

  3. Add flour and beat again. The result is this kind of liquid dough, the consistency of which is similar to thick sour cream.

  4. Apples do not need to be peeled if they are not hard (I didn’t peel them). We cut each apple into quarters and remove the seeds with a knife. Then cut the apples into small pieces and add to the dough.

  5. Mix the apples with the dough with a spoon.

  6. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and pour the resulting mass there. Smooth the surface with a spoon.

  7. Sprinkle cinnamon on top, it will give the charlotte a unique twist.

  8. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the charlotte in it for 30-40 minutes. As soon as the top of the pie is browned, you can take it out.

  9. Cut and serve. Bon appetit!

Delicious pastries! It always turns out great. Quickly and without much difficulty!

I’m sharing the recipe, take it into your culinary collection.


— Flour - 1 cup

— Sugar - 1 cup

— Egg - 3 pcs.

— Salt - 1 pinch

— Cinnamon - 1/2 tsp.

— Vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp.

- Starch - 1 tbsp. l.

— Powdered sugar - for dusting

Recipe for making jellied Charlotte

Prepare your ingredients. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Mix flour, salt and cinnamon. If you add starch, then add starch.

Beat the eggs and sugar until the mixture lightens a little and increases in volume a little (an electric whisk does this in 3-4 minutes).

Gradually add the flour mixture to the egg mixture and continue beating until smooth.

Peel apples or pears and cut into cubes or slices. As practice has shown, records are better.

Sprinkle a springform pan with vegetable oil and flour. The shape is 22 cm in diameter, 6 cm in height.

Place apples on the bottom of the mold and fill with the resulting dough.

The dough should completely cover the fruit.

Place in the oven for 30-40 minutes (depending on the nature of your oven).

The top should be nicely browned. Check doneness with a toothpick or match.

Let the charlotte cool slightly, then remove the pan and sprinkle the top of the charlotte with powdered sugar (optional).

Charlotte is ready. Bon appetit!

Jellied charlotte with apples is a delicious delicacy that you can pamper your home and visiting guests all year round. I am glad that the main ingredient does not disappear from the shelves, as well as from supermarket shelves, even in winter, which makes preparing the dish possible even in the cold season. Proven recipes for jellied charlotte with apples are presented in our article. Let's start getting acquainted with them.

Charlotte with butter

The jellied charlotte with apples prepared according to this recipe turns out tasty, fragrant and very tender. In addition to apples, pears or peaches are sometimes added to the delicacy. This dish will serve as a wonderful treat for guests of all ages, and will especially delight children.

  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • flour – 160 g;
  • apples – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • soda – 2 g;
  • lemon - half.

Practical part

You need to start preparing jellied charlotte with apples by preparing the eggs. To do this, beat them together with sugar with a mixer. Then add lemon juice, soda and sifted flour to the resulting mixture. When the mass is well mixed, add pre-melted butter into it and thoroughly beat the contents again.

At this time, the prepared baking dish must be greased with butter and lightly sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The apples for the Charlotte jellied pie should be washed and peeled well. Then cut into cubes and lightly roll in flour.

At this time, pour half of the dough into the prepared baking dish and add a layer of chopped apples. Pour the remaining half of the batter over the fruit. To make the pie tasty and appetizing, it should be baked for half an hour in a well-heated oven.

Jellied charlotte with apples on kefir

Sweet apple pie, which is baked in dough, is easy and quick to prepare. According to one version, the name charlotte came from the name of Queen Charlotte, who was the wife of King George III. According to another assumption, the name of the pie comes from the English. Charlyt, which translated into Russian means a delicacy made from sugar, beaten eggs and milk.

To achieve the effect of softness and juiciness, you should add fresh kefir to the recipe proposed above, which can replace chicken eggs, or add both fermented milk product and eggs to the dough.

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • kefir – 100 g;
  • apples – 3 pcs.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • flour - 1 tbsp;
  • soda – 2 g;
  • vanilla.

Main part

You should start preparing jellied charlotte with apples on kefir by mixing the main ingredients: fresh eggs and sugar. When the resulting mass acquires a slightly light shade, you should add soda and vanilla to it. After this, you need to pour the prepared kefir into the container and mix everything with quick movements. After this, you need to sift the flour and knead a viscous dough using a whisk.

At this time, it is worth washing the apples, removing excess skin, and removing seeds. Then you need to place the prepared fruits in a mold pre-greased with butter, which should be filled with quick biscuit dough.

Bake the jellied charlotte with apples in the oven for about 25-30 minutes, until the top is browned. The pie is usually served with hot tea or delicious compote.

Jellied charlotte with apples and sour cream

You can diversify the recipe for your usual pie very simply. To do this, add spicy dried fruits to the dough. And so that the charlotte does not turn out too dry, culinary experts recommend adding sour cream, the fat content of which, by the way, does not matter at all. Let's try this option for preparing apple delicacy.

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • flour – 160 g;
  • raisins – 60 g;
  • sugar – 90 g;
  • dried apricots – 60 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • apples – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 85 g.

Instructions for the manual

You should start preparing the pie by preparing dried fruits. To do this, place dried apricots and raisins in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Then let the dried fruits brew for 30-40 minutes.

At this time, you need to prepare a separate container and thoroughly mix the eggs, sugar and sour cream in it, bringing the mass until smooth. Then pour the sifted flour into the bowl and knead into a thick dough. Wash the apples, peel and cut into cubes. Grease the baking dish with butter and lightly sprinkle with flour (so that the charlotte does not burn and can be easily removed after baking). Then you need to put chopped fruit on the bottom.

Add raisins and dried apricots scalded with boiling water to the prepared dough. Drain off the excess liquid and, after mixing the mass until smooth, pour the contents into a baking dish with the existing apples.

Bake the apple pie for 35-40 minutes in a preheated oven at 200 degrees. As soon as the charlotte begins to brown, turn off the oven. The apple delicacy should be allowed to cool slightly, after which it should be cut into pieces and served with hot tea, milk or compote. If desired, the apple pie can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

How to cook “Five Minute”

The resulting charlotte is very tasty when eaten with cherry or pear compote. It will not be possible to significantly shorten the process of preparing the pie. However, by referring to a quick charlotte recipe, it is possible to speed up the dough preparation procedure. For these purposes, you should use a food processor, thanks to which you can quickly, within a maximum of 5 minutes, mix the apple pie base.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • flour – 140 g;
  • vanilla;
  • apples – 3 pcs.;
  • soda – 2 g.

Step-by-step instruction

The process of preparing jellied charlotte with apples “Five Minute” must begin with preparing the eggs. To do this, they should be washed, broken and placed in the combine bowl. You should also pour sugar there, add vanilla and sift the prepared flour. Then add baking powder and mix with a whisk until smooth. Turn on the combine and it will handle this procedure in a few minutes.

At this time, it is worth peeling the apple and cutting it into slices. Then place the prepared fruits in a baking dish (pre-oiled and sprinkled with flour) and pour the kneaded dough inside.

The jellied charlotte with apples is prepared for half an hour. When serving the delicacy, you can decorate it with powdered sugar or add hot tea or milk.

Thus, the Five Minute apple pie cooks faster by mixing all the ingredients in a food processor at the same time. And in order to speed up the baking process itself, you need to slightly increase the temperature when baking the delicacy in the oven.

Variant of charlotte with apples inside

The recipe presented below is distinguished by its simplicity and speed of preparation. However, despite its simplicity, jellied charlotte with apples turns out incredibly tender and tasty. Soft and juicy dough with apples will pleasantly surprise visiting guests and family with its piquant sourness, and added cinnamon and vanilla will make it incredibly fragrant. For those with a sweet tooth who love apple baked goods, this pie is a real find.

There are no special secrets in cooking. Preparing the pie is as easy as shelling pears, based on poured kefir dough, the composition of which can be slightly changed depending on the taste preferences of the culinary chef.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • kefir – 220 ml;
  • flour – 250 g;
  • apples – 3 pcs.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 120 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • vanilla – 1 tsp.

Start the process of making apple pie by preheating the oven. At this time, the prepared flour must be sifted, mixed with baking soda and salt. Pour kefir into a separate container, add chicken eggs, granulated sugar, a little vanillin or vanilla sugar. Pour pre-melted butter into the same bowl. Then mix everything to a homogeneous consistency, reminiscent of low-fat sour cream, using a whisk or mixer.

Now you should prepare the baking dish. It must first be coated with butter and sprinkled with flour. After this, place half of the prepared dough on the bottom and level it with a spoon or spatula.

Apples must be washed, peeled and cut into medium-sized pieces. After this, spread the apple slices evenly over the surface of the dough. To make the charlotte even more aromatic, sprinkle the apples with cinnamon at this stage.

The next step in preparing the pie is to add the remaining dough to the pan. Charlotte takes about 35-40 minutes to prepare in the oven at 180-200 degrees. When the apple delicacy is browned, you can check its readiness with a toothpick. The finished charlotte needs to be removed from the mold and allowed to cool. It is worth noting that apple pie is delicious both warm and completely cooled. You can serve it with cherry compote or with hot tea and milk. Whichever of the listed recipes you prefer, in any case, the prepared charlotte will not leave indifferent any of the guests who drop by. Bon appetit!