English classics: Eton Mass. “Eton Mess” with curd cream Eton Mess dessert made from berries and cream

You may have already heard about the famous English dessert Eton mess. The literal translation of the name of the dish is “mash, disorder.” And this “jumble” was named Etonian in honor of the college where it was first served. The undeniable advantage of an easy-to-make but very tasty dish is its speed of preparation. You can cook it up in a few minutes, as soon as you want to treat yourself to something delicious. However, nothing prevents you from serving an elegant English dessert to your guests - you will save a lot of time.

The classic version of this delicacy is made from three main ingredients: sweet light meringue, soft whipped cream and strawberry pieces. The taste is fresh, simple and clear - maybe this is the secret of the enormous popularity of the Eton Mess dessert? But you can still experiment by slightly changing the composition and making the dessert more interesting. I propose to prepare a very tasty version of the “mash”, in which aromatic almond meringue appears in a “trio” with peach puree and curd cream, giving the dessert a pleasant sourness.

The technology for preparing the dish fully reflects its name: all the ingredients are simply mixed and served in small bowls. But a guest from Britain looks especially elegant in tall glasses or cocktail glasses.

Cooking time: 10 minutes / Yield: 2 servings


  • almond meringue 6-8 pieces medium size
  • peach puree 150 grams
  • cottage cheese 200 grams
  • heavy cream (33-34%) 100 grams
  • milk 50 grams
  • peach liqueur 50 grams
  • powdered sugar 1-2 teaspoons.


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    The most labor-intensive part of making dessert is the cream. First, mix cottage cheese with powdered sugar.

    Pour in milk and peach liqueur. The alcoholic drink will highlight the taste of peach puree.

    Add cream to the cottage cheese.

    Using a blender, thoroughly beat the mixture. It should become completely homogeneous and smooth, acquire a creamy consistency.

    Prepare the meringue by breaking it into small pieces.

    Now start assembling the dessert. Place a couple of meringue pieces at the bottom of the glass. Add a spoonful of cream on top.

    The next layer will be peach puree.

    Now do the same thing to create several more layers of dessert.

    Eton Mess should be served immediately: the cream will begin to slowly soak the pieces of meringue, and you will be able to enjoy a delicate dessert with small crispy inclusions.

  • 3 squirrels
  • 150 g sugar
  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa (without slide)
  • 400 g cream 33%
  • 1-2 tsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar
  • 300 g raspberries (or blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, etc.)

Today I am with a very simple and very tasty dessert. The dessert “Eton mess” (translated as Eton mess or Eton mash) is traditionally served in the English town of Eton in the summer. Legend has it that the cook prepared a meringue cake with whipped cream and berries, but as a result of transportation, the cake broke and crumbled, and the cook, without hesitation, put it in a glass, and so the “Eton mess” dessert turned out.
The dessert is very tasty and simple, consisting of meringue (meringue), whipped cream and berries. I made chocolate meringues, but you can also make regular white ones, then just don’t add cocoa. Moreover, if you don’t want to make your own meringue, you can use store-bought meringue. I used raspberries as the berry component, but any other berries to your taste will do. Experiment, it will be delicious!
P.S. I got 3 servings!


Separate the whites from the yolks and begin to gradually beat them into an airy foam.
Then gradually add sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. The mass should become glossy, shiny and so thick that it practically wraps around the whisk. While whipping, the sugar should completely dissolve.
More details on how to prepare meringue can be found in the introduction to the recipe -.
At the end, add cocoa and beat a little more, just until the cocoa is distributed.

Transfer the mixture into a tight bag, cut a hole about 2 cm wide (or use a pastry bag with tips). Pour the mixture into small circles onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Place in an oven preheated to 100 degrees. Dry for approximately 1 - 2 hours. The time may vary significantly for different ovens. Cool.
I didn’t use all the meringues for dessert, about a little more than half, so if you wish, you can prepare meringues based on 2 proteins, this will be enough.

Place 2/3 of the raspberries (that is, 200 g) in a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil, and crush the berries with a masher. Then rub through a mesh colander to get rid of the seeds.

It turns out like this raspberry puree. Cool.

Whip the cream to soft peaks, adding a little regular sugar and vanilla sugar. Adjust the amount of sugar to taste; it also depends on what berries you use.

Break the meringues into pieces in a plate.

Now everything is ready, let's start assembling.
The dessert should be assembled immediately before serving.
Place meringue at the bottom of the glass.

Then berry puree.

Then the remaining berries, pre-crushed, a little, literally 5-6 pieces per layer.
Putting a lot of berries does not mean making it tastier, this is especially true if the berries are sour.

    Preheat the oven to 100 degrees. Line two baking trays with baking paper.

    In a bowl, combine room temperature egg whites and a pinch of salt. Beat for 2-3 minutes with a hand mixer on low speed. When almost all of the transparent substance has foamed slightly, turn up the speed and continue beating, adding sugar little by little. Add vinegar and beat until thick foam forms. Carefully transfer the beaten egg whites into a piping bag or clean plastic bag with the tip cut out and pipe small meringues onto the baking sheets. Or, don’t bother at all and just form the meringue with a tablespoon and place on baking sheets 1.5 cm apart. Bake in the oven for an hour and a half, then remove and cool on a wire rack. Then cool at room temperature for an hour.

    And finally, assemble the dessert! Just wash the strawberries, remove the stems, and cut as desired. Also randomly mix with whipped cream, crumble the cooled meringue on top with your hands. If you are using champagne glasses, you can continue this layer by layer until you get tired of it or all the ingredients are gone. In a soup bowl, it will also look cute, although not as impressive. In general, he is an Eton Mess - an Eton Mess, he doesn’t have to look neat. If such a little porridge has gained popularity in England, then there is a reason for it.

Not long ago I showed Eton Mess with strawberries, but I thought it would be nice to show the classics too. And in the classic version, this dessert is prepared with aromatic strawberries, the season of which is now coming to an end. So if you’ve been wanting to try Eton Mass for a long time, but for some reason you haven’t, now is the time. Moreover, preparing dessert is as easy as shelling pears.

Eton Mess is a traditional English dessert, the name of which can also be translated as “Eton Mess”. This dessert is called Etonian because it is served during traditional summer picnics and cricket matches at Eton.

And like everything traditional, the dessert called “Eton Mess” has its own legend. They say that he was born due to a slight embarrassment. I'll tell you what I managed to find on the Internet.

One day, Eton students were having a picnic and decided to take Pavlova with them as dessert. They put her in a basket, which they put in the trunk. Unfortunately, in the trunk there was not only a basket of provisions, but also the dog of one of the students. Having turned poorly, she accidentally sat right on the lid of the basket, as a result of which its contents were slightly wrinkled. And if nothing serious happened to the sandwiches, then the fragile Pavlova turned into a mess of broken meringue, cream and strawberries. But the students were not upset because of this, but simply transferred the spoiled Pavlova into cups. Since then, it has become a tradition for them to take Eton Masses on picnics.

To prepare Eton Mess we will need:
dry meringues,
35% cream,
fresh strawberries.

1. Whip the cream until thick.
2. Break the meringues into small pieces.
3. Cut the strawberries into 2-4 parts depending on the size of the berries.
4. Mix cream and meringues.
5. Layer the mixture of cream with meringue and strawberries into cups.

If you also want to take this wonderful dessert to a picnic, I recommend mixing the whipped cream and meringues immediately before eating so that the meringues do not soften and are crispy.

Smoothie with pear and oatmeal

Well, in order not to write a separate post, I’ll show you a recipe for a healthy smoothie with oatmeal and pears.

Take two small pears. We squeeze the juice out of one, and cut the second randomly. Place the juice and pieces in a blender bowl, add 100 g of thick yogurt (such as Greek), 2 tbsp. oatmeal and 1 sprig of mint and beat until smooth. We get a delicious and healthy breakfast.