Is it possible to soak peas in hot water? How to cook peas so that they soften and do not burn: simple and quick methods

Unpretentious peas require only optimal watering; they will always give you their generous harvest within a month after emergence.

There are several ways to plant seeds: dry and soaked. I tried both methods and didn't notice much difference between the results. So how to plant peas correctly?

The issue of soaking peas before planting is very controversial. Many gardeners, including me, prefer to plant seed using the dry method; some gardeners traditionally soak seeds in water or special stimulating compounds. This is done only for one single purpose - to speed up the period of emergence of seedlings.

Heavily dried pea seeds need a certain time to soak, swell and awaken sprouts. When planting seed material directly from a bag into the ground, it is necessary to ensure abundant moisture in the bed for the entire germination period, while seedlings will appear for a very long time.

Soaking allows you to shorten the period of emergence of pea shoots: the seeds swell in advance, and if you follow some methods, they even produce roots. This method helps to get sprouts earlier and, as a result, to start harvesting.

Risks associated with soaking

But the method of soaking seeds before planting has certain risks:

  1. It is believed that pea seeds that swell in moist soil will produce more stable plants characterized by high yields, while seeds soaked before planting often produce weakened stems.
  2. When planted using the dry method, the seeds are in an equally moistened state with the soil, but when soaked seeds are buried, a situation may arise in which the top layer of soil becomes dry and begins to naturally take moisture from the grains. It is clear that the sown peas will not sprout in this case.
  3. With prolonged soaking, aimed at obtaining well-swollen seeds with small roots, there is a risk that the grains will become moldy. In addition, the root and the bent sprout may break off during planting - the peas will not sprout after this.

You can soak peas only before the first spring planting - during this period the soil is still sufficiently moist, so the swollen seed material will not suffer much from drying out the soil.

If you repeat sowing peas in the summer, then at these stages use only the dry method.

The pea seeds will be saturated with moisture and swell on their own, and if the soil dries out, they will comfortably go into temporary “hibernation” and are eventually guaranteed to sprout if there is sufficient water supply to the beds.

How to soak pea seeds

Before soaking, the seed must be carefully sorted, removing small, damaged or stained grains.

Then the seeds are checked for quality: 1 tbsp is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. regular salt, and peas are poured into the liquid. Those grains that float to the surface are thrown away without hesitation, and those that sink to the bottom will be planted.

Selected peas are filled with clean water at room temperature. Ideally, the duration of swelling is 10-12 hours; the liquid should be changed to a new one every 3 hours to avoid the development of fungus or acidification of the water.

The main thing is not to overexpose the seeds; if characteristic bubbles appear, this will signal that some of the grains have died.

Upon completion of soaking, the water is drained from the container, and the grains are carefully transferred to a clean towel to dry slightly. After this, the seeds should be planted in the prepared beds.

You will learn clearly about the features of soaking from the video:

Other ways to accelerate germination and increase resistance

There are other ways of soaking peas, aimed at accelerating the germination of seed. A fairly popular method is heating the grains in hot water (38-45 0) for 3 hours in a thermos.

Peas prepared in this way sprout 2-3 days earlier than those that are soaked in the traditional way in water at room temperature. The steamed seeds, swollen and increased in size, are dried on a clean towel and planted in the beds.

With the advent of specialized preparations on the market to stimulate growth and strengthen the immunity of plants, many gardeners began to use their solutions when soaking peas.

Among these funds we can highlight:

  1. Fundazol. 4-5 days before the planned sowing of peas, the grains must be treated with a solution of Fundazol. This measure will help protect seed material and young shoots from root rot.
  2. Gumat and Epin. Solutions of these products help strengthen plant immunity, accelerate germination and stimulate the active development of the root system and aerial parts. The duration of soaking is 5-7 hours.
  3. Rizotorfin and Nitragin. Modern bacterial fertilizers with a natural composition are very popular among gardeners. To soak peas, you should make a solution of the drug, based on the instructions and the weight of the seed you have: 1-1.6 grams of the product are used for 1 kg of grains. Nitragin and Rizotorfin stimulate the formation of nodules on plant roots and strengthen immunity. The grains should be immersed in the solution for no more than 1 hour, immediately on the day of planting.
  4. Microfertilizers. Soaking for 5 minutes in a hot (40 0) solution of boric acid and ammonium molybdate (2 g per 10 ml of water) will help provide the sprouts with the necessary elements and will also prevent the activation of pathogenic flora.

Soaked and treated seeds should be urgently planted in prepared beds. It is important not to keep the peas in water so that they do not sour or become moldy.

Planting depth

In dug up beds intended for planting peas, wide furrows of 20-25 cm with a distance of 60 cm are created with a flat hoe. Three-year-old compost, rotted manure and complex mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are added to them.

The soil should be mixed with a pitchfork or hoe and watered well in several passes so that the soil is well saturated with moisture.

The main question that worries inexperienced gardeners is how deep to plant peas? There are quite a few conflicting recommendations regarding the optimal level of seed placement in the ground.

Some sources also note a different approach based on the type of soil: on loamy soils, peas should be sown deeper than on sandy areas. In my opinion, these recommendations do not need to be taken into account: peas should be planted at the same depth in any area.

The depth of the furrow remaining after laying the fertilizer should be about 5-6 cm. The planted peas, after sprinkling with soil, will be located at a level of 4-5 cm, which will ensure easy and quick germination.

If you bury the seeds too deeply, they will take too long to germinate; if planted superficially, large birds may peck out the peas.

The soaked peas are carefully laid out in the furrows at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. The filled row is sprinkled with earth and lightly tamped down so that a kind of groove is formed above it.

During watering, water will accumulate in this depression, which will ensure optimal soil moisture around the soaked seed.

The beds with planted peas are shed abundantly, and the state of optimal moisture must be constantly maintained by you until the shoots appear above the surface of the bed and the general strengthening of the sprouts.

I hope this material helped you figure out whether it is necessary to soak peas before planting, how to carry out this manipulation and at what depth to plant the seeds. High-quality planting care and optimal watering will help you get an abundant and high-quality harvest from your crop.

Another way to boil peas for those who like pureed soups is to add potato cubes to it about half an hour after the start of cooking. In addition to helping make the soup thicker and creamier, potatoes also help to cook the legumes themselves.

Many insist that it is better for peas to meet water as late as possible, preferably just before it boils. Thus, immediately after the start of boiling, the peas are washed and only then poured into the pan. Afterwards, the cooking process will take about an hour; salt, as usual, should be added only at the very end. The cooking time can be reduced if you decide to make a more textured soup, with whole peas mixed with pureed.

If the peas do not boil well in the soup, then they can be flavored with soda. A small amount of soda helps to quickly soften the starchy core of the legumes, which leads to literally boiling into a puree. Add soda to the peas after the water boils. A medium pinch, about a quarter of a teaspoon, is enough to boil a small saucepan of peas. There is no need to worry that the finished peas will give off soda, the main thing is that there is not a lot of it. Of course, this method is suitable if you are going to put ready-made peas in the soup.

These legumes are recommended for low hemoglobin, for vegetarians, and in cold seasons, but how to quickly cook peas without soaking worries housewives for good reason. You can also prepare it for pea cutlets and filling pies. And sometimes you want a nutritious, rich hot dish, creamy soup, or an unusual second course, but you don’t want to wait. The main thing is to decide to what consistency it should be cooked (remain whole or let it be boiled).

How to quickly cook peas without soaking?


Peas 1 gram Soda 0 tsp Water 2 liters

  • Number of servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 2 minutes

Simple tricks will help you navigate:

  • It is necessary to rinse the peas under running water so many times that the water covering them remains white and clear.
  • The cooking process is affected by the size and fragmentation of the legume, so preference is given to halves of peas, but the whole one is still soaked overnight.
  • Cold, ice water is added to the cooking process.

How to quickly cook peas: “Pea” cooking secrets

Few housewives know how to quickly cook peas. Kitchen “helpers” will come to the rescue: sugar, sunflower oil, soda. You need to use one thing:

  1. Boil peas boiling in a saucepan separately, add 0.5 - 1 teaspoon of baking soda for every two liters of water. After cooking, the beans are washed if they have not reached the consistency of puree. You can rinse the finished product, and then crush it, or boil it further and wait for it to boil on its own.
  2. Odorless sunflower oil (not deodorized) is also poured into a saucepan with cold water and peas. An impermeable film is created on the surface, which allows you to speed up the cooking process.

Sometimes they leave it to cook in a slow cooker, which will automatically turn off after a set time (about 2 hours). Pros - you don’t need to constantly stir and add water, and in a closed container the peas will still sit and “steam.”

How to quickly cook peas for soup: is it necessary to rack your brains?

Rinsing and soaking overnight is not a simple whim of women of previous generations. Thus, these legumes “gave” harmful substances to the water, including microelements that were difficult to digest. Even then, women knew how to quickly cook peas.

“Grandma’s” methods that are rarely given importance:

  • If you put the washed legumes in cold water along with the bones for the broth, which will take a couple of hours to cook, the peas will be ready by the time you add the potatoes.
  • If you cook it separately, you can add a little sugar, but do not forget to rinse the culture. Soup with sweetness is too exotic.
  • Some craftsmen claim that the potatoes themselves have a positive effect on the speed of cooking peas (potato starch helps).

Or you can buy ready-made briquettes for pea soup. Well, there’s certainly no clue here about how to quickly cook peas. Everything is written on the packaging. We haven't come up with a faster one yet!

Since ancient times, peas have occupied a fairly significant role in the human diet. This legume has always been famous for its nutritional qualities, nutritional value, and rich taste.

India and China in ancient times associated peas with wealth and fertility. Greece and Rome gave it a special role among all other products, preparing it even for royalty.

To this day, the abundance of dishes from this culture is amazing. Every day, the plants prepare such delicious dishes from its fruits: soups, cereals, cutlets, sausages, etc. Abundance has one thing in common: proper soaking of this grain.


The benefits of this culture are truly great:

  1. The fruits of beans are very rich in protein of plant origin - very attractive to vegetarians or fasting people;
  2. The fruits contain a huge list of amino acids, which makes it indispensable;
  3. Thanks to the large amount of coarse dietary fiber, the product cleanses the intestines;
  4. Reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  5. The nutritional value of peas is much higher than most vegetables; it surpasses even meat in this indicator;
  6. Contains vitamins B, C, A, iron, phosphorus, calcium, and many others;
  7. Slows down the aging process of the body.

The dish has its contraindications: it has the ability to cause increased gas formation, therefore it is excluded from consumption by persons suffering from gastrointestinal diseases and gout.

Why is it difficult to cook peas?

The legume plant belongs to dietary dishes. Previously, when people had not yet thought about the problems of dietary healthy eating.

But this culture was abundantly represented among the tables of people of that time. They used it to make porridge, stew, and even baked snacks.

There were no difficulties when cooking beans, but then it was cooked using a stove. Slow simmering over an open fire helped the dish reach the required readiness.

Now only remote villages have such technologies. Therefore, women have to use other methods of preparing this porridge.

What is the reason for the slow cooking of the beans? It is very rich in starch and protein compounds with almost no moisture. Therefore, preparing it for the boiling procedure, simmering, baking or frying depends on the desired end result.

Help it boil down

Pea grains can be boiled quickly, taking into account the following factors:

  1. When purchasing it, it is better to choose a crushed product. The nutritional benefits of the dish will be similar, but less time will be spent.
  2. Chefs say Idaho beans cook the fastest.
  3. The grains should be thoroughly washed, transferred, and then cold water is poured into them. Then leave it for 8-10 hours.
  4. When preparing, it is preferable to use drinking soft water.
  5. If you need to cook the beans faster, roast them for 15 minutes.
  6. Simmering of the dish will be better if you use thick-walled cookware. In this case, it is better to use water from soaking.

Soak the peas

Correctly soak peas according to the following scheme:

  • take the required amount of grains, prepare it (sort, rinse);
  • then fill it completely with cold water;
  • add a small amount of NaHCO3 powder and stir. Based on 2 tsp. sodium bicarbonate/100 g. peas/1.5 l. water.

The soaking method avoids the problem of flatulence.

Why add soda

Expert opinion

Sodium bicarbonate is used to speed up the process of soaking legumes. But we must not forget to rinse the cereal before cooking.

The method reduces the amount of vitamin B1. Therefore, you will have to choose between the benefits of the finished dish and the time of its preparation.

How much soda to add

The procedure for soaking cereals lasts several hours. 2 tsp is considered sufficient. sodium bicarbonate/2 liters of water.

Adding baking soda requires stirring the mixture thoroughly so that the powder is completely dissolved. Pour the prepared cereal with the resulting solution.

The water level should exceed the amount of peas by more than 2 cm. Such cereals should only be cooked after thoroughly rinsing them with water to remove the unpleasant aftertaste.

How to soak peas for soup

When the peas do not soften after 2 hours, and the pea soup needs to be prepared quickly, you will need to follow this recipe:

  1. Prepare a glass of cereal. Sort and wash the peas;
  2. Pour two liters of water over the pea cereal, then put it on the stove;
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to boiling water;
  4. Stir the mixture thoroughly, remove the pan;
  5. Then cover the dish with a lid and wait half an hour;
  6. After the required period, drain the water, rinse the cereal thoroughly, then fill it with cold water;
  7. Add salt, place the workpiece over medium heat, and cook for about 20 minutes;
  8. Next you should add black pepper.

You just need to add the necessary ingredients. Enjoy the finished soup!

How to quickly cook peas

Typically, soaking pea cereal lasts about 5-6 hours. Often women have to soak cereal all night or all day.

Pea soup and porridge are traditional dishes of Russian cuisine. In addition to their beneficial properties, these foods differ high calorie content. But housewives don’t really like to cook these dishes, because they take a lot of time.
Next, we list the secrets of quickly preparing legumes.

How to quickly cook peas - soaking in water

There are times when you need to quickly prepare a dish, but peas slow down the whole thing, because the cooking process takes a lot of time. There is a solution - soaking it in water for at least six hours. If the peas lie in water for too long, they may begin to ferment. And even if the appearance of the vegetable is not swollen enough, it is necessary to replace the old water with fresh one. Before soaking the peas, you need to sort them thoroughly and rinse them under running water. Both cold and hot water are suitable for soaking. Even the hardest types of cereals swell overnight and cook perfectly. There are situations when a dish needs to be cooked, then you can soak it for several hours.
Remember! To obtain boiled peas, do not add a lot of salt to the water.

How to cook peas quickly - adding water while boiling

What to do if the dish needs to be prepared urgently, but there is no time for it, or the hostess forgot to soak the product overnight. Experienced housewives know how to cook peas faster. So, you need to wash the peas thoroughly, place them in a container, add cold water and start cooking. After the water boils, you need to wait ten minutes. Then add half a glass of water into the container. Then everything should boil a second time, wait a few minutes, and the peas will be cooked. If you need completely boiled peas, you can repeat the procedure with adding water, only you need to take a little more water.

How to quickly cook peas - adding butter

You can make the cooking process faster using the following method. To do this, add a piece of butter to boiling water. Thanks to fats, the speed of cooking peas increases, but this will not affect the flavor in any way. Oil can be replaced with lard. This method is ideal for porridge, because it will turn out much tastier and more satisfying.

How to quickly cook peas - soda

Using soda you can quickly cook cereal. This component must be added during cooking. To do this, you need a little soda, otherwise you can ruin the taste of the dish. This method will allow you to cook peas in twenty minutes. 20 minutes after boiling, you need to add soda: for two liters of liquid you will need half a teaspoon. Next, boil the peas for another five minutes.

How to quickly cook peas using a slow cooker

Modern life involves the emergence of new household appliances. Of course, the multicooker is not so new, because it is in every kitchen. But despite this, not every cook knows that it is suitable for quickly cooking peas. Before starting the procedure, the peas need to be sorted, soaked and washed. In device select the “quenching” mode and press start. If you want to get pea puree, it will take an hour and a half, and for pea soup with smoked meats – an hour.

How to quickly cook peas using a pressure cooker

The process of cooking peas is quite difficult, because they often burn, remain tough or become soggy. But you can get rid of the hassle using a pressure cooker. So, first you need to soak the peas for several hours, after sorting them out. Place well-washed peas in a pressure cooker, close the lid and put on fire. A quarter of an hour after boiling, the pressure cooker should be removed from the heat and allowed to brew for 10 minutes.

This concludes all the secrets of instant cooking. Now you know how to speed up the process. At the same time, remember that halves of peas cook faster. Also, the cooking results depend only on the type of pea you choose. There are some that do not boil over at all, no matter what method you choose and no matter how long you cook it.