How to boil quail eggs. Two spectacular quail egg appetizers

Recipes for cooking quail eggs

Quail eggs are eaten raw, boiled, fried or pickled. They are used in cooking to make omelettes, scrambled eggs and mayonnaise. Children love quail eggs and readily eat them. Children are attracted by the unusual colorful color of the shell and its small weight. Doctors are convinced that quail eggs are beneficial and do not cause side effects (diathesis) even in those people for whom chicken eggs are contraindicated.

To peel hard-boiled quail eggs, you need to put them in a solution of table vinegar (2/3 vinegar and 1/3 water). After a few hours, the egg shells will completely dissolve. The remaining shell film is easily removed before use. Below are several recipes for using quail eggs.

Recipe No. 1 - marinated quail eggs

Marinated quail eggs. Place peeled eggs in the marinade. The marinade must be clean, without herbs, otherwise the eggs will take on an unpleasant dark or greenish tint. After 10-12 hours, the eggs are ready. They can be stored for several days. Before use, remove the film and string the eggs onto cocktail sticks to make them easier to handle.

Recipe No. 2 - quail egg drink

Raw egg drink. Take 4-5 quail eggs, beat in a glass, add fruit juice, red wine or coffee, add honey or sugar to taste. This highly nutritious drink can be consumed daily.

Recipe No. 3 - fried quail eggs

Fried quail eggs. Break the eggs, one at a time, into a hot, greased frying pan, fry over low heat, sprinkle with salt and finely chopped onion and pepper. Serve with fried potatoes or salad.

Recipe No. 4 - fried quail eggs

Fried eggs. Boil the eggs hard, peel, remove the film. Beat 2-3 raw eggs until foamy. Soak hard-boiled eggs in beaten eggs, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil. Remove to a sieve with a slotted spoon, place in a mound, and garnish with parsley.

Recipe No. 5 - quail egg omelette

Omelette. Beat 12 - 15 quail eggs with milk (3/4 cup), add salt, finely chopped onion, and, if desired, also sausage, ham, and cooked fish cut into small cubes. Melt one tablespoon of butter in a frying pan, pour in the prepared mixture, and let it curdle over low heat or in the oven. Serve hot.

Recipe No. 6 - sandwiches with quail eggs

Sandwiches with quail eggs. Spread thin slices of white or black bread with butter, cover them with a layer of finely chopped salted fish, and put quail eggs cut in half on top, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and onions.

Recipe No. 7 - salad with quail eggs

Salad. 12 - 15 quail eggs, 100 g sausage, ham or smoked fish, 1 pickled cucumber, 1 cup green peas, 2 potatoes, 200 g sour cream or mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon hot sauce, salt, dill, parsley leaves. Cut the products into small cubes, mix with sour cream or mayonnaise, add seasoning to taste. Sprinkle finely chopped herbs and grated cheese on top of the salad.

Recipe No. 8 - quail eggs with rice or mashed potatoes

Quail eggs with rice or mashed potatoes. Place boiled, crumbly rice or mashed potatoes on a dish in the form of a circle, and place eggs, boiled without shells, in the middle. Serve with sour cream sauce and tomato salad.

Quail eggs can be boiled without shells. For this purpose, 1 liter. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt to boiling water. Break the eggs one at a time, place them in boiling water and let them curl for 2 minutes.

Recipe No. 9 - quail eggs with caviar

Quail eggs with caviar. Boil the eggs, peel and cut lengthwise into two parts. Place black or red caviar on the yolk, garnish with herbs and serve.

© Rosinkubator Company website. Recipes for preparing dishes from quail eggs. How to cook quail eggs?

Quail eggs are laid by quails - small birds from the order Gallinae, subfamily Partridge. Quail eggs are different from chicken eggs and have a number of beneficial properties.
Quail eggs are half the size of chicken eggs, but they are very tasty and nutritious at the same time, and contain a large amount of biologically active substances.

Quail eggs. What you need to know about their benefits

Quail eggs have a variety of variegated colors consisting of brown and greenish spots of different sizes and shades.
The weight of one egg is from 12 to 18 grams, which is three to four times less than the weight of a chicken egg.
Quail eggs are the richest source of amino acids:

  • cysteine;
  • asparagine;
  • lysine;
  • tryptophan.

They also contain very important minerals; quail eggs are especially rich in potassium, which is important for the functioning of the heart and the condition of blood vessels. They also contain calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus and cobalt.
The yolk of a quail egg contains vitamins A, B1, B2 and PP, it is a source of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids.
100 grams of quail eggs contain 13 grams of protein and 11 grams of fat.
Quail eggs have a unique composition that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, nervous system, lungs, heart, and gastrointestinal tract. They are indicated for children suffering, strengthen the immune system in such serious diseases as tuberculosis and radiation sickness, after large doses of radiation. Included in .
The simplest quail egg dish is hard-boiled eggs.

How to cook quail eggs correctly

Boiling quail eggs is as easy as boiling chicken eggs. The only difference is that they cook a little faster and will be ready in three to four minutes. To hard-boil quail eggs, place them in a saucepan, fill with cool water, heat to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes.
Then take the quail eggs out of the boiling water and lower them into cold water for a couple of minutes.

Many people refuse to eat boiled quail eggs simply because they do not peel very well. However, this is just a misconception; there is a little secret on how to quickly peel boiled quail eggs.

How to quickly and accurately peel boiled quail eggs

After the eggs are removed from the cold water, they should be allowed to cool completely in the air. Then, gently tapping on a hard surface, crack the shell on all sides. As soon as it is covered with a fine mesh, roll the egg either between your palms or on the surface of the table. Pick up a piece of the broken shell at the top of the egg and pull it either down and the shell is simply removed from the egg entirely, or begin to unwind it in a spiral until the egg is free of it.
Thanks to the dense subshell shell, the shell does not crumble, but remains on it even after the egg has been peeled. Thus, you can peel several dozen boiled quail eggs in a matter of minutes.

Hard-boiled quail eggs can be eaten immediately, or can be used to prepare a variety of salads and other dishes.

How to cook delicious quail eggs

Toasts with quail eggs

For breakfast or dinner, the simplest, but most attractive, especially for children, dish of quail eggs is suitable - fried croutons with eggs. For them you need to cut the bread into pieces 5 - 6 mm thick. Using a glass or any other hard pastry cutter, cut out shaped pieces from them. Make small holes in the center, large enough to fit a raw egg. Place the prepared pieces of bread in a greased frying pan, carefully pour the eggs into the centers, add salt and bake in the oven.

Video recipes

Quail eggs marinated with basil

Marinades for quail eggs can range from the simplest, such as water, salt and vinegar, to the most complex, with olive oil and overseas herbs. One of the most enjoyable is made with fresh basil. For 20 boiled and peeled eggs, you need half a glass of water, 25 grams of fresh basil, one spoon of wine vinegar and half a teaspoon of salt. Peeled eggs along with basil leaves, preferably purple in color, are placed in a jar.
Boil water, add salt and vinegar and pour the hot marinade over the eggs. Close the jar and leave it in the refrigerator for a day.
Quail eggs marinated with basil make not only a good snack, but also a tasty, healthy addition to the holiday and daily menu.

Raw quail eggs are an indispensable ingredient for a medicinal cocktail.

Cocktail "Men's health"

To prepare a portion of this magical men's drink you will need three fresh quail eggs, 30 grams of good cognac and 30 grams of natural mineral water.
Combine all ingredients and lightly beat with a fork. The cocktail of quail eggs and cognac is ready.

A small dose of alcohol and mineral water helps the rapid absorption of all beneficial substances. In many sources, the authors recommend adding Coca-Cola and sugar to such a cocktail, but an artificial drink with an unclear composition will not add positive and beneficial properties to quail eggs.
In children's drinks based on quail eggs, cognac can be replaced with any natural juice.
In addition to the above dishes, there are several dozen more different dishes, which include raw and boiled quail eggs. It is important to observe moderation in their consumption so as not to harm the body by overeating even healthy foods.

Now the variety of products on the shelves is truly impressive. However, the most practical housewives prefer to combine excellent taste, aroma and maximum benefits for the body in one dish. That is why quail eggs, rich in valuable substances, amino acids and vitamins, are in growing demand in the market.

Almost everyone can afford to eat quail eggs regularly, but not everyone does this. The reason is simple: people don’t know how best to prepare quail eggs, what they go best with, what kind of salads and dishes there are with quail eggs.

Find out more in the video about quail eggs and their benefits:

So that you know what you can cook from quail eggs and exactly how to create delicious and healthy dishes, read the tips and recipes below. You will give healthy eggs to children and delight your loved ones and friends with original dishes.

What is the best way to cook quail eggs? A few nuances

First of all, it is worth considering the basic principles of preparing this product. Remember a few important points. Tips will help you preserve the valuable substances, aroma and delicate taste of eggs, and their delicate texture. In addition, you will know exactly how long it takes to cook various dishes with eggs.

Raw but safe

Interesting fact! It turns out that many specialists, nutritionists and therapists have already noted that the famous quail eggs can be eaten raw. At the same time, you will be able to give a dish of raw proteins and yolks even to a child.

The thing is that quails are practically not susceptible to various infectious diseases, including salmonellosis. It is almost impossible to become infected with salmonella from a raw quail egg.

However, young children with extremely low body resistance should still be given eggs that have already been thermally processed. Many parents start giving their children raw quail eggs at 7-8 years old. This is the optimal age.

But precautions must also be taken. Of course, any product can be dangerous. It is important to adhere to some rules when choosing and purchasing eggs.

  • For groceries, you need to go to well-known stores that have long established themselves in the market. You should not buy quail eggs “from hand” or order them from unfamiliar people. Now individual entrepreneurs have the opportunity to supply products to large retail chains. Their goods undergo the necessary control, and buyers receive quality guarantees.

Try to weigh the eggs in your hand and compare them with each other. It’s better not to take ones that are too light. You shouldn't eat shiny eggs either. They're probably not fresh. The shell of high-quality quail eggs is matte.

  • Carefully inspect quail eggs. They should not have scratches, damage, holes or chips. You need to take the testicles carefully and examine them carefully from all sides. The spots will be a little disturbing, but you can quickly get used to it.
  • If the carton of eggs is already damaged, this is something to think about. It is much more practical to find eggs in a whole container.

When you have chosen the right quail eggs, examined them and smelled them, and did not notice anything suspicious, you can safely cook them raw and give them even to children! There are a great many cooking recipes; below we will look at some of the most successful ones.

Boiled quail eggs

Many people also like to boil quail eggs. This is perhaps the most common preparation option. True, some are disappointed with the result if they cook eggs for too long. Be sure to remember that these little eggs cannot be boiled for a long time! They become ready much faster than chicken eggs.

How to cook quail eggs:

  1. First, wash them gently in cool water. Try not to press on the shell. It is very delicate and easily damaged.
  2. It is better to put eggs in cold water rather than boiling water. Due to sudden temperature changes, the shell may crack.
  3. Make sure that the water completely covers the eggs, otherwise they will not cook.
  4. Put a little salt in the water to prevent the shells from cracking and the eggs from leaking.
  5. After the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and note the time.
  6. Now is the most important thing.

    You need to cook quail eggs less than chicken eggs! In just one minute you will get an egg “in a bag”, three minutes you need to cook a soft-boiled egg, and 5 minutes is enough for hard-boiling.

    If the eggs are not from young quail, they can be boiled for 4-4.5 minutes. They will become dense, the yolk will no longer be liquid.

  7. When the eggs are cooked, they can be removed with a slotted spoon. A good option is to carefully drain the hot water and then pour cold water over all the eggs. If you keep the eggs in cold water for a while, they will peel perfectly.

Boiled quail eggs can be added to salads, used to decorate various dishes, and used to prepare vegetable stews, soups, and original snacks.

Frying quail eggs

Many housewives enjoy frying quail eggs. From small eggs you can cook delicious omelettes and make spectacular multi-colored fried eggs. Of course, their size will not affect the cooking time of fried eggs.

You can fry the omelette for about 6-10 minutes, make the fried egg in 7-8 minutes. Usually the time depends on the frying pan and the size of the burner. Each experienced housewife determines the time independently. For example, an omelette is simply fried until set on one side and then flipped to cook the other side.

Why are quail eggs especially healthy, even when fried? The thing is that these eggs contain a lot of valuable substances, vitamins and amino acids. If you do not cook eggs for too long, they will retain all their beneficial properties. At the same time, you can easily prepare a slightly runny omelette without fear of contracting salmonellosis, since quail are practically not susceptible to infectious diseases.

Do you want to know the best way to cook quail eggs for children? Have you decided to include healthy eggs in your daily menu, but want to maintain its variety? Now you can learn interesting recipes for preparing quail eggs!

We create attractive dishes for children

First of all, housewives with children will think about their children. Not all kids like to eat eggs, but children should be given them all the time! It is no coincidence that the Japanese recommend that schoolchildren eat at least two quail eggs a day.

How to cook eggs so that children like them and kids eat them often, always with pleasure? Here are some simple recipes.

Your children will enjoy bright multi-colored salads, original sandwiches with animals and unusual mashed potatoes; they will happily eat stuffed quail eggs. In addition, some children will be happy to peel and eat regular boiled quail eggs. They are so original, small, colorful!

A few more healthy egg recipes

On top you can decorate it with sprigs of greenery and lay out halves of hard-boiled quail eggs.

In such a dish, eggs will retain all their beneficial properties and provide your body with many vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Growing popularity pickled eggs. A liter of marinade is enough for 36 quail eggs. You can marinate them in a liter jar for 12 hours.

The marinade is very easy to prepare:

Marinated quail eggs successfully complement salads and side dishes. You can also make an independent snack by wrapping pickled eggs in thin layers of red fish or balyk. These rolls are secured with toothpicks and served, garnished with herbs.

Many people are immediately captivated by the original taste of salad with quail eggs. It is healthy, has a pleasant aroma, and an excellent bouquet of flavors. Can cook quail egg salad, hard-boiled shrimp, cherry tomatoes, green onions and lettuce. It is worth adding hard cheese, making a dressing, and using fresh herbs.

  1. Boil the shrimp. They need to be cleaned thoroughly.
  2. Hard-boil the quail eggs, then remove the shells. Cut each egg into halves.
  3. Green onions are finely chopped.
  4. Lettuce leaves need to be torn into small pieces.
  5. Grate the cheese
  6. It is better to cut the tomatoes into quarters.
  7. Prepare the dressing. To do this, mix soy sauce, olive oil, and pour in lemon juice.
  8. Now you can make a green pillow from onions and lettuce. Eggs and shrimp mixed with cheese should be placed on it.
  9. Place the tomatoes around. Pour dressing over the salad and garnish with herbs.

You can prepare many dishes from quail eggs. Remember useful tips, use recipes and diversify your menu - quail eggs will quickly take pride of place in it!

Watch the video on how to cook quail egg mayonnaise:

Quail eggs have a lot of useful properties and are often consumed boiled, so many will be interested in learning how and how much to cook quail eggs so that they turn out soft-boiled or hard-boiled.

How many minutes to cook quail eggs?

Unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs are small in size and their cooking time is shorter, so below we will consider how long to cook quail eggs:

  • How long does it take to boil soft-boiled quail eggs? In order for the eggs to be soft-boiled, they should be cooked for 1-2 minutes after the water boils.
  • How long does it take to hard-boil quail eggs? In order for the eggs to be hard-boiled, they should be boiled for 3-4 minutes if they were immediately boiled along with water on the stove, or 5 minutes if they were placed in already boiled water.
  • Cooking time for hard-boiled quail eggs in the microwave is 3 minutes.

How to cook quail eggs in a saucepan on the stove?

In order to boil quail eggs, we need a saucepan and salt, as well as the quail eggs themselves, which are recommended to be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature.

The sequence of boiling hard-boiled and soft-boiled quail eggs is the same, only the cooking time differs:

  • Gently wash the eggs in cold water (putting them in a colander or each egg individually).
  • Place quail eggs in a saucepan and fill them with cold water so that the water completely covers the eggs.
  • Salt the water (about 1/3 or 1/2 tablespoon of salt) so that the shells do not crack when boiling the eggs.
  • Place the pan on high heat and wait until the water boils, then reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too much and the eggs do not hit each other in the pan and break.
  • Cook the quail eggs for 1-2 minutes to make them soft-boiled or 3-4 minutes to make them hard-boiled.
  • Turn off the stove and spoon the eggs from the boiling water into a container (deep plate, pan) with cold water so that the eggs cool faster and clean well.
  • After 3-5 minutes, the eggs can be removed from cold water, peeled and eaten.

Note: quail eggs can be cooked in a saucepan in another way, namely, put them in already boiled salted water using a tablespoon and cook for 2 minutes to get soft-boiled eggs or 5 minutes to get hard-boiled quail eggs.

How to cook quail eggs in the microwave?

It is often more convenient to boil eggs in a regular saucepan on the stove, but if you need to use a microwave for this purpose, below we will look at how to cook quail eggs in the microwave:

  • Place quail eggs in a bowl or deep plate and fill them with cold water so that the eggs are completely submerged in water.
  • Place the plate with eggs in the microwave and turn it on at medium power (about 500 W) for 3 minutes.
  • After cooking the quail eggs, take them out and cool them in cold water, after which they can be peeled and eaten.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how long to cook quail eggs so that they are well peeled and completely cooked, you can quickly prepare them for yourself and your child, for various salads and other dishes. We leave our useful tips and reviews on how to boil hard-boiled and soft-boiled quail eggs in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Quail eggs have long coexisted with traditional chicken eggs on the shelves of domestic stores. Nutritionists consider this product more useful, and many parents have seen from their own experience that children eat them much more readily than chicken ones. At what age is it recommended to give this product to a baby, how many eggs can you eat per day, and also how long to boil quail eggs for a child - such questions often bother young parents, and that’s why we decided to talk about it.

Quail eggs are healthier and tastier than chicken eggs. but before introducing them into a child’s diet, you need to know about some rules.

The beneficial properties of quail eggs are evidenced by the fact that pediatricians strongly recommend introducing their yolk into complementary foods for infants. Although the size of these “spotted balls” is significantly (about four times) smaller than chicken balls, this is exactly the case when the well-known saying comes to mind: small is the spool, but expensive.

The nutritional value of the product in some properties is much higher than its closest competitor. This also applies to the amount of vitamins, amino acids and minerals they contain. Even quail egg shells are recommended to be given to children, given the presence of components in it that strengthen bone mass.

The nutritional value and beneficial properties of quail eggs are much higher than chicken eggs.

To understand how quail eggs are useful for children, we list the most important properties of the product. So, it contains:

  • vitamins of group A. In one gram of product there are more than twice as many of them as in chicken eggs. Vitamin A is an antioxidant involved in strengthening the human body’s immunity;
  • B vitamins. They normalize the functioning of the baby’s heart and ventricle and help his body fight various infections. Vitamins of this group are also involved in the breakdown of incoming substances and their conversion into energy;
  • iron . It is used by the body to transport oxygen throughout the body. Quail eggs contain four times more iron than chicken eggs;
  • potassium Useful for heart function, the product contains five times more of it;
  • phosphorus. It feeds the brain and the entire circulatory system of the body.

Benefits at different ages

For children at any age, if they regularly eat quail eggs, their vision improves. Preschoolers get tired less, schoolchildren do their homework faster and study well, since their intellect is better developed.

Quail eggs improve intestinal function, treat anemia and improve vision.


  • For children suffering from diabetes, this food is recommended by doctors - quail eggs do not increase sugar levels;
  • in case of anemia, their use leads to an increase in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • The product normalizes intestinal function, treats constipation and diarrhea.

Shelf life

Particularly thrifty owners will be pleased with the fact that quail eggs can be stored not for a month, like chicken eggs, for example, but three times longer. But although all this time the product retains its beneficial properties, if you are going to introduce it into your baby’s complementary foods, it would be better to buy fresh ones - those that were produced about a week ago.

The main disadvantage of quail eggs is their high cost. They belong to the group of delicacies, although quails, unlike chickens, can lay eggs all year round. And this gives parents the opportunity to feed their children this healthy product all summer and all winter.

The benefits of quail eggs for children have been thoroughly researched in the Land of the Rising Sun. As a result, a special law was passed in Japan, according to which parents are obliged to give their young children an omelette made from quail eggs every day, and there should be two of them in a dish. According to Japanese researchers, this product helps develop a healthy and clear mind in children.

As you can see, the Japanese decided for themselves the question of whether it is possible to give laying quail products to children, entirely positively - not only is it possible, but even necessary.

Is the product dangerous for allergy sufferers?

For some time it was believed that quail eggs did not contain allergenic elements at all. Actually this one the product is not at all hypoallergenic, so it can cause a negative reaction in those kids who suffer from food allergies. Before eating eggs, it is highly advisable to follow all the necessary precautions, especially if the baby has close relatives with this pathology.

Quail eggs can cause allergies in children prone to them.

In what form to cook

Doctors recommend that parents of newborns pay attention to quail eggs also because, due to the higher body temperature of a quail, its eggs heat up more during incubation than chicken eggs. As a result, they are less susceptible to salmonellosis.

And yet, not all of the three methods of preparing them are suitable.

  1. Small children are not allowed to offer raw quail eggs. If they have not undergone heat treatment, they can be dangerous. If the temperature rules were violated when breeding birds in a quail nursery, salmonella can also infect their eggs.
  2. Soft-boiled eggs are also considered by pediatricians to be an undesirable food when it comes to the diet of infants. Their ventricles are still too poorly developed to digest unheated yolk.
  3. The best way to prepare a product for babies is to hard-boil it. Of course, many beneficial properties will be lost, but even those that remain are quite enough to have a positive effect on the baby’s body.

Children should only be given fully cooked quail eggs.

So, to summarize, raw quail eggs cannot be given to babies as food, only boiled. In this case, be sure to boil quail eggs hard-boiled, never soft-boiled.

At what age should you introduce complementary foods?

  • For breastfed babies, the product should be added to the diet no earlier than they are eight months old;
  • Infants who eat artificial food will need additional vitamins and minerals earlier, so it is advisable to introduce the product into complementary foods already in the seventh month.

Considering the allergenic properties of eggs, it would be a good idea for mothers to consult their pediatrician before adding this product to their baby’s diet.

It is better to introduce quail eggs into a child’s diet no earlier than he reaches 8 months of age.

Rules for introducing complementary foods

At the first feeding, the baby is given literally a few grams of hard-boiled egg yolk. You need to feed during the second meal, so that you have the whole day ahead to monitor the reaction of the child's body. A negative reaction can manifest itself in different ways:

  • in the form of skin rashes or redness;
  • through a negative reaction in the infant’s gastrointestinal tract.

If everything is normal, the daily norm can be increased by gradually increasing it to half a teaspoon of yolk. This norm is observed throughout the first month. Give the yolk as a puree by grinding it and mixing it with milk or formula.

The first time, it is enough to give the child half a teaspoon of quail egg.

The next month, the volume is increased to one yolk per day, and this is maintained until one year. Now it is already possible to mix the product with others, for example, adding it to vegetable puree or porridge.

How many pieces are possible at different ages

It would be easier to give a small table indicating the recommended norms for children at different ages.

Please note that we have provided standards only for the production of laying quails. In the case of chicken eggs, the norms and timing will differ significantly.

How much do you need to cook?

To ensure that as many vitamins and other useful elements as possible are preserved when cooking, pediatricians recommend following certain rules. They will reduce the number of pathogenic microbes, as well as reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

  • some experts insist that quail eggs need to be boiled for about 10 minutes (chicken eggs, by the way, take 20);
  • others argue that such cooking can completely deprive this product of all its beneficial properties, and suggest reducing the cooking time to three minutes (for chicken - up to 10).

The optimal cooking time for quail eggs is 12 minutes.

To decide how long to cook quail eggs for a child, it is apparently better to make a kind of “Solomon’s decision.” So, they should be cooked for exactly five minutes, while chicken ones take 12 - 13.


Now it’s time to talk about how to boil quail eggs for a child. Let's start with the fact that only the freshest eggs should be given to babies for food, i.e. those that were released no later than a week. It is also recommended to buy them not in a store, but at the market, from farmers. A quail egg should be prepared in compliance with these standards.

  1. The shell needs to be washed. Even if it seems clean to you, you should still rinse it in warm water. It is better to prepare a soap solution based on baby soap in advance and rub the shell with a soft brush.
  2. Do not salt the water. Salt itself is harmful, and especially for a child’s body. Children under one year old should not be salted in the water in which quail eggs are boiled, the World Health Organization insists on this. Salt has a harmful effect on the kidneys and pancreas and puts strain on blood vessels.
  3. Place only in boiling water. Unlike chicken eggs, the shell of quail eggs is stronger and does not crack if the egg is placed in “live” boiling water. However, before cooking it is recommended to keep the product at room temperature; it is not advisable to put it cold in boiling water. By then boiling the eggs for five minutes, you will retain all the beneficial properties of the product.

You need to boil eggs in unsalted water, after washing the shells to remove any dirt.

To make sure that the egg is really fresh, you need to put it in water. Fresh eggs sink, but stale eggs float. Those that are a week old do not drown, but float in an upright position.


If your baby is already one year old, you can already prepare an omelet for him. The recipe is quite simple and takes minimal time. For this you will need:

  • two fresh quail eggs;
  • water or milk;
  • oil;
  • a little salt.

The cooking steps are as follows:

  • break the quail egg into a bowl and beat with a fork;
  • add salt and oil, stir;
  • Bring water or milk in a saucepan to a boil;
  • add the beaten egg, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid;
  • You need to cook for three minutes.

A great way to feed your baby quail eggs is to make him an omelet.


We offer a recipe for a delicious salad in which you can use quail eggs. The salad is suitable for children aged three years and older. For cooking:

  • cook the eggs for five minutes;
  • Place washed and dried lettuce leaves on a plate;
  • Cut boiled and peeled eggs in half, remove the yolk and chop. It is allowed to mix the yolk with boiled and ground chicken meat;
  • Add herbs and sour cream to the empty cavity of half the egg and add the yolk.

Now all that remains is to give the salad an appetizing look so that the children will want to try it. To do this, from halves of eggs, placing them with the filling down, as well as from vegetables, try to make something like a caterpillar or swan on a dish, giving them eyes and a mouth, wings, etc. Make legs from dill leaves.


Summarizing all of the above, we come to the following conclusions.

  1. Quail eggs for small children are not only not dangerous, but very useful. The Japanese, for example, even require that parents feed their babies a couple of things in the form of an omelet every day.
  2. It is not recommended to give raw or soft-boiled eggs - only hard-boiled ones are allowed.
  3. It is recommended to cook them for no more and no less than five minutes, so as not to lose all the beneficial properties.
  4. You can start adding yolks to complementary foods for babies from six months if the children are bottle-fed, and from eight months if the baby is fed breast milk.

To avoid the slightest harm, you should buy the product from trusted sellers.