How to make coffee in a Turk. How to make Turkish coffee in a Turk

Despite the abundance of coffee makers on sale, coffee machines and other household appliances designed to make our life easier, many still prefer not to deny themselves the pleasure of making delicious coffee in a Turk. Moreover, there are certain representatives of lovers of this drink, for whom the preparation of coffee in a Turk is a whole sacrament, a ritual that they sacredly observe either from day to day, or with another certain frequency - for example, in connection with any solemn occasions ...
If you are one of those people, Turkish coffee recipes are exactly what you need. Of course, brewing coffee in a Turk correctly is a real science, however, if you wish, like any other science, you can quickly learn it. For example, few people know that even the most best recipes making coffee in a Turk is not a guarantee that you will get a drink of the desired quality. As a rule, several more play a role. important factors, on which depends how delicious your coffee will be in a Turk. For example, you need to take into account the type of coffee, the size of its grinding, and even your mood with which you approach the question of how to brew coffee in a Turk. Of course, you can always read the basic tips on how to brew coffee in a Turk in this section of our website, but whether you succeed in delicious coffee in a Turk or not depends on you too.
Before figuring out how to brew coffee in a Turk, decide what kind of drink you want to get as a result, because, for example, coffee in a Turk with froth is prepared somewhat differently than regular black coffee or coffee in a Turk with milk. All these nuances should be taken into account if you are really interested in how to make coffee in a Turk so that not only does it not harm you, but also benefits your body.

Brewing coffee on the stove in a Turk is the most popular and affordable for many home way preparation of a divine drink. With this method of preparation, it is important to be able to choose the right amount of ingredients. This also applies regular coffee, and options when the drink is prepared with the addition of milk.

You like real freshly brewed coffee. Its aroma and taste. And you even have a Turk to make your drink. Do you cook it right? Compare your steps to our instructions for making coffee at home.

Components for the drink:
- 1.5 teaspoons of ground coffee;
- a cube of refined sugar or 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar;
- whipped cream - to taste, but optional.

Today we have prepared an exquisite and sophisticated gift for all coffee lovers - a recipe caramel coffee in the Turk. Estimate unique taste this noble and elegant drink, and you can enjoy new gastronomic sensations right now. Just follow our instructions ...

You will need:
- 50g. whole bean coffee;
- 3 tsp Sahara;
- 1 stick of cinnamon;
- 250g. water.

Surely, you are used to drinking coffee with or without sugar. But since you got to our site, then don't leave so quickly! Here you will find many interesting recipes for making real good and delicious coffee... Today we offer you to cook, namely with salt and black pepper.

For a drink you will need:
- 50 g of coffee beans;
- 24 g of sugar;
- a pinch of salt;
- a pinch of ground black pepper;
- glass of water.

How can you cheer yourself up? You can sing a funny song, you can eat a chocolate bar, or you can make yourself a real and very tasty coffee and rub this very chocolate bar into a drink.
For a drink you will need:
- coffee beans;
- half a teaspoon of honey;
- one or two boxes of cardamom;
- a small bar of chocolate.
you will also need a turk for coffee.

We offer our coffee lovers a decent tasty coffee drink. Droplet famous liquor Baileys and milk froth makes the coffee taste amazing!
To make coffee you will need:
- 2 teaspoons of ground coffee;
- half a glass of milk;
- sugar;
- a teaspoon of Baileys cream liqueur.
You will also need:
- Turk;
- shaker or mixer.

We offer to prepare you a soulful delicious coffee drink with aroma garden raspberry and hazelnut... You will definitely like it. Make coffee according to our recipe.
For a drink you will need:
- 2 teaspoons of ground coffee;
- a handful of raspberries;
- 1 tbsp. spoon of syrup "Hazelnut".

If recently you have been overcome by blues and fatigue and there is no desire to do business and meet friends, coffee with berries and a drop of cognac will help you to cheer up.
For a drink you will need:
- ground coffee - 2 tsp;
- raspberries - 1 tablespoon;
- milk - 1/2 cup;
- cognac - 20 ml.

Have you decided to have a get-together with your friends? And what will you treat? We suggest you bake some delicious dessert and brew a mind-blowing cinnamon-berry coffee with cream and honey.
For a drink you will need:
- ground coffee - 1-2 tsp;
- raspberries - 1 tablespoon;
- honey - 1/3 tablespoon;
- cinnamon - 1/2 tsp;
- cream - 30 ml.

We offer you sweet option coffee drink for small get-togethers with girlfriends. Invite your loved ones, bake a cake and brew raspberry-strawberry coffee according to our recipe.
For a drink you will need:
- 2 teaspoons of ground coffee;
- a handful of raspberries;
- a little raspberry syrup.

If you want your day to start with a positive, brew coffee according to our recipe. A few grains of cardamom, as well as fresh raspberries added to coffee perfectly tone up the body.
For a drink you will need:

- a handful of raspberries;
- a few grains of cardamom.

Coffee goes well with berries and all kinds of spices. One of the popular combinations is considered to be ginger and ground coffee, and for flavor, you can add, for example, raspberries.
For a drink you will need:
- ground coffee - 2 tsp;
- raspberries - 1 tablespoon;
- ground ginger - 1/3 tsp

Some people think that coffee can only be drunk while it is hot. Say, it is more aromatic and bright in taste. And you try to make a soft coffee according to our recipe and compare the tastes.
For a drink you will need:
- two teaspoons of ground coffee;
- a handful of blueberries;
- three ice cubes.

Real gourmets not only know how to brew coffee in a Turk, but are also able to turn a drink loved by many into a real product. culinary arts... If desired, each person is able to learn how to do this at home. You just need to decide on the type of coffee, purchase necessary tools and pick up interesting recipes... With just a few hands-on sessions, you can enjoy a frothy drink, cinnamon, milk or even cheese. Of course, you first have to familiarize yourself with the fundamental rules of manipulation that underlie success.

Basic secrets of making an aromatic drink

To figure out how to properly brew coffee in a Turk, it is not enough to strictly follow the recipe recommendations. First you have to remember a few important nuances, without which it is impossible to prepare a delicious drink:

  1. Heating should be used gradual, regardless of the recipe option. If the temperature readings exceed allowable norms, the product will either run away or lose its flavor.
  2. The water should be clean and soft, filtered or potable. But the use of boiled liquid can ruin the coffee, because the components of the drink with this approach cannot be brought to a boil.
  3. When using turkeys, the most ground grains should be taken as the basis of the product. Their processing should be carried out at least 25-30 seconds in an electric coffee grinder.
  4. In order to get a product even at home with the maximum rich aroma, you can put a pinch of salt on the bottom of the cooker.
  5. It is better to pour the finished coffee into warm cups, then it will retain its original aroma longer.
  6. Ground coffee grounds will not get into the cup if you lightly tap the edge of the table with a Turk or pour a cold teaspoon into the liquid just before serving. drinking water.

Making coffee in a Turk is not as difficult as it seems. But you need to understand that some versions of the product have a rather specific taste. To those who love tender milk drink, you may not like a product with a thick foam or traditional Turkish coffee, even if it is prepared according to all the rules.

Which Turk to choose?

To find the right Turk (cezve) for your home, you need to consider all the existing models. They can be presented in a wide variety of materials and shapes. Experts recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • The optimal size for an item is for one cup of coffee.
  • It is better if the handle is with thermal protection, which will reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
  • The material must have good thermal conductivity. Do not consider products with the same wall and bottom thickness. A delicious drink can only be brewed in a thick-bottomed turk.

Advice: Coffee beans you need to grind just before brewing coffee in a Turk on the stove. Even if the finished composition is left in the air for only a few minutes, this will negatively affect the final result, significantly depleting the drink.

  • The presence of a spout for pouring the product is welcomed, thanks to which it will not flow past the cup.
  • Copper instruments are considered the best. Inside, they are usually covered with a layer of food tin, which does not allow harmful components to penetrate into the drink.
  • For those who love frothy coffee, wide-necked containers are ideal.

Owners of induction ovens, for which it is not so easy to find dishes, should pay attention to electric Turks. With their help, you can prepare the same delicious ground coffee as on open fire or an ordinary stove.

How do I make frothy coffee on the stove top?

According to most coffee lovers, it is the drink with the foam that has the most intense aroma and unsurpassed taste... True, it is not so easy to cook it at home, because you need to control the process every second.

  • We take ground coffee in the amount of 1-2 teaspoons (depending on personal preference), 100 ml of drinking or filtered water, a teaspoon of cane sugar.
  • In a Turk we mix coffee and sugar, then pour in cold water and put the container on a very low heat.
  • After a while, the surface of the liquid will begin to be covered with foam, which will rise rather quickly. As soon as it reaches the edges of the cezve, remove the coffee from the heat.
  • We wait for the foam to settle and repeat the process. There is no need to stir the mass! In total, bring the coffee to a boil 3 to 5 times.

Under the soft foam, the drink seems to languish, saturated with taste and aroma. Therefore, you need to control the intensity of the fire and the rate of rise of the product so as not to spoil anything.

Peculiarities of making coffee with cinnamon?

Such a drink not only pleases with its unusual culinary characteristics, but also tones, energizes for the whole day, while reducing appetite.

  • We take natural coffee in the amount of a teaspoon, 100 ml of drinking water for a third of a teaspoon of sugar and cinnamon.
  • Pour the dry ingredients into a Turk, place it over the fire, and, while stirring, slightly heat the composition. Only after that we add water, put the container on the stove again and wait until the mass begins to boil.
  • If you want to cook the product according to all the rules, then after the first signs of boiling appear, pour a little drink into a heated cup, put the container on fire again. We repeat the manipulation 2-3 more times, after which we completely pour the finished drink into the cup.

Such a simple ritual will allow the ingredients to cook better, guaranteeing the final product as much as possible. delicate taste and pronounced aroma.

How to brew espresso in a Turk?

It is worth considering that, no matter how much coffee is brewed with this approach, the result will still differ from what can be achieved using a coffee machine. If espresso lovers have no other choice, you can try this option.

  • 2 teaspoons natural coffee we take no more than 60 ml of drinking water and a little sugar to taste.
  • Pour the ground product into a Turk (if sugar is used, then it is introduced at the same time). We slightly heat the mass over a fire, after which we introduce water, previously brought to a boil and cooled to a temperature of 40 ° C.
  • When the drink starts to boil, remove the container from the heat, stir the contents and put it back on the stove. After the next boil, pour the mass with a gentle foam into a cup.

Secrets of making coffee with milk

There are several options for preparing natural coffee beans with milk. The most common are the following:

  • For 50 ml of milk, take ground coffee in the amount of 1-2 teaspoons. Pour milk into a Turk, heat it to 40-50 ° C, carefully pour it into the liquid coffee powder, stir and return to fire. Remove the boiled product, cool it slightly, and then repeat the manipulation two more times. Some believe that this approach even better conveys the flavor and aroma of coffee beans than using water. The final drink has a distinct taste of chocolate.

  • The proportions of the ingredients are the same. This time, first pour the ground coffee into the brewing container, which we lightly fry for 60 seconds. Fill the mass with milk warmed up to 30-40 ° C, stir. Bring the product to a boil three times with short intervals for the foam to settle. With this approach, coconut notes appear in the drink against the background of a light aroma.

It is worth considering that coffee and milk drinks are never flavored with sugar. This component completely destroys noble taste product, turning it into a kind of warm milkshake.

In addition, there are many more recipes for making coffee in a Turk, most of which can be realized at home. The main thing is to monitor the texture and temperature of the composition, not to let the mass "run away", not to use unnecessary or poorly compatible ingredients.

Julia Vern 40 320 5

Natural coffee is a drink of almost all times and peoples. It is drunk with breakfast or dinner, during lunchtime and at an important business meeting. A drink so beloved is also a special culture that must be respected.

It is best to prepare coffee in a Turk, which surpasses even the best coffee machines in many respects, because it is in such dishes that the drink remains extremely aromatic, does not lose any of its properties and taste. In addition, the use of the Turks is a tribute to traditions and classic recipes... That's just, among the many tips and tricks, you need to choose the most suitable for yourself - so the drink can fully reveal itself, give real pleasure. How to brew coffee in a Turk correctly?

A drink brewed in a Turk is a gourmet pleasure

What is coffee

Good coffee starts with quality beans; this is the basis of real delicious drink that cannot be replaced by anything. Experts talk about the existence of more than one hundred and fifty varieties, but distinguish two main ones from them:. Arabica is best known among coffee lovers, it has a pronounced aroma and pleasant sourness. Robusta usually remains undeservedly forgotten, because it has a much more bitter taste, strength, and increased content caffeine. Usually it is chosen by people who expect an exceptionally invigorating effect, and Arabica is chosen by lovers of the special taste of the drink and experiments based on it.

The main criterion for choosing coffee, after its type, is the degree of grinding. It is of three main types:

  • large or coarse (ideal for coffee makers (for example, a filtration or express machine), as well as for competently brewing coffee in a Turk if you want to rid the drink of any sediment);
  • medium (considered universal, suitable for a variety of preparation methods, including brewing coffee in a Turk);
  • fine or thin (great for weld flavored coffee in a Turk on the stove, as well as for a geyser coffee maker);
  • extra thin (most rarely used, suitable for cooking special coffee in Turkish or for coffee makers, in which the drink is prepared by passing steam through crushed grains that resemble flour).

All the necessary grind information is on the label. If you rarely plan to make coffee, then it is better to prefer grains that are crushed at home.

Whole grains can be ground at home just before cooking

In addition, the level of quality is distinguished, which is:

  • premium;
  • higher;
  • first;
  • second.

Of course, the premium is the best, it is this designation that ensures that the grains are crushed into a homogeneous mass, with particles of approximately the same size, which also ensures the quality of the grains used. When buying Russian grains, whole or crushed for cooking, you should pay attention not only to the highlighted mark, such as "premium", but also to GOSTs, also indicated on the label.

Good to know:
Perhaps another important criterion, not quality, but taste is the degree of coffee roasting. There is no clear classification of this characteristic, but it is worth remembering that the stronger the roast, the stronger the resulting drink. Fans of a soft drink without bitterness should give their preference to brands with minimal roasting of beans.

In order to brew coffee in a Turk correctly, one should not neglect the choice of beans, but approach this matter with all responsibility in order to get a high-quality basis for the drink.

The right choice of Turks

Coffee makers certainly make the brewing process easier. classic drink, and they do it quickly, tasty and without much energy consumption on the part of a person, but the Turk remains the most preferred way of brewing coffee, a tribute to traditions. Coffee in a Turk on the stove is a delightful treat. Turks, also called dzhezvami, is another important point, which you need to pay attention to before even starting to prepare coffee. They are also divided into several subspecies, each of which has a set of individual properties:

  1. ceramic cezve is rarely used because of its fragility and fragility, but it meets all the criteria that characterize a good Turk;
  2. earthenware saturates coffee with taste and aroma, allows you to get real quality product, but she herself absorbs all the smells, so in such a Turk it is better to prepare only one type of coffee so as not to mix tastes;
  3. copper cezve is the most popular of all, thanks to its thick bottom, the liquid warms up evenly and boils rather slowly, which helps the grains to boil sufficiently;
  4. cezves made of other metals, for example, collectible with gilding or silver, pewter or any others, only look original, but it is better to refuse them or leave them solely as a decorative item, since their beneficial effect on the quality of the resulting product has not been proven.

When choosing a cezve, it is better to choose options with a wide, large bottom and a narrow "neck", which is called a bell according to the rules. If it looks like a funnel, then coffee will boil out of such a Turkish coffee much more slowly, this property will be useful to people who are just starting to get acquainted with the intricacies of preparing a drink. The volume of the Turks is selected based on the required amount prepared drink - about 75 milliliters of water for one classic cup of coffee. But it is important to remember that coffee prepared in a small cezve will be much tastier and more refined than the same drink brewed in a large turk. So it is better to stand at the stove several times to drink all the guests, rather than offer them a treat, taste characteristics which could be better.

Cezves come in all kinds of shapes and sizes and in different materials.

Features of brewing coffee in a Turk

And, of course, an important part of the magic of coffee is the question that interests many - “how to make coffee in a Turk”. In general, this is a fairly simple process that requires only a little patience and attention to the details of preparation. Coffee brewing begins with cold water, preferably even ice water, with which crushed grains are poured, after which the drink is cooked over a fire and removed until it boils. This is very important, since it is categorically impossible to boil coffee - it loses absolutely all of its characteristics, which it is famous for.

The finished drink should be poured into cups, after rinsing them with boiling water, since cold porcelain, ceramics or any other material can nullify all your cooking efforts.

Previously, depending on your desire, you can strain the drink so that it is not thick, but this is not at all necessary. After serving the cups, you need to wait until the thick settles, and in no case stir it.

This is exactly what you need to do according to all the rules, but, of course, you can change them, adjusting to your own taste. Lovers of sweets should first heat sugar at the bottom of the Turks, and then add coffee and pour water over it, or put the sweetness there just before removing it from the heat. Milk must be added to each cup individually, and the seasonings must be pre-mixed with the crushed grains and then filled with water.

During the process, you can remove the foam with a spoon and lay it out in cups, so you get not only a pleasant taste, but also a beautiful drink.

You can also brew coffee in a Turk if you don't have time to wait until it is brewed. To do this, pour the ground grains with water, just boiled, and let it brew for a few minutes. But it is undesirable to do this, since the quality of the drink, in comparison with classic version cooking will decrease significantly.

It is best to cook the drink over low heat in small portions.

What can replace a Turk

If a Turk is not at home, but you really want natural coffee, you can replace it with other devices that will allow you to achieve a more or less similar result.

  • French press.
    A French press is not used to brew coffee, you can brew a drink in it, let it brew, and then drink it, getting rid of the grounds. Such a device is convenient for big company and just for people who are not too fond of the leftover grains in their cup. But, again, the taste of the brewed coffee is very inferior to the taste of the boiled one.

  • A geyser coffee maker is a very interesting device that allows you to brew a drink, while immediately clearing it of any presence of grounds. This is due to a special technology - water rises from the lower container, passes through the coffee, poured in a special compartment, and enters the main part of the device, which resembles a teapot. The characteristics of the coffee are very similar to those cooked in cezve, but it turns out without foam.
  • Casserole or small saucepan.
    A small saucepan or a small saucepan is salvation in the most extreme case, since these dishes make it possible to get a normal drink with great difficulty. In it, the thick rises along with the foam and settles much more slowly than in ordinary cezve. Anyway, the whole aroma usually disappears without any obstacles. Therefore, if there are no other options, you should cover the saucepan or stewpan with a lid, leaving a small gap for steam to escape, and be very careful so that the coffee does not boil away, because such dishes lead to this much faster.

Can be used geyser coffee maker if the Turks are not at home

Cooking secrets and tricks

There are many simple tricks to achieve an original coffee taste. One of them is a small pinch of salt added to cezve. Salt helps the scent to open up quite fully and leaves a pleasant aftertaste without being felt at all.

The strength of the coffee can be adjusted by the brewing time; the longer this procedure is carried out, the more caffeine will be in the drink. Accordingly, for weak coffee, it is worth not only adding fewer crushed beans, but also keeping the cezve on the fire less.

Ideally for better taste you need to take soft water, non-carbonated mineral water, and abandon boiled water, which will only spoil the drink.

The amount of ground grains must be adjusted at will, but it is worth remembering that not them a large number of makes the drink tasty, so don't overdo it. Moreover, it can have an extremely negative effect on health.

Coffee, both ground and grain, should be kept in a cool dark place, even a refrigerator is perfect. So it will persist for a longer time.

You can add milk, both regular and soy, or ice cream to coffee, if you want the drink to cool faster, and any other additives to taste. It is believed that drinking coffee with something else is bad taste, but it is important for many to feel exclusively the aroma and taste of the beans only when it is necessary to evaluate a particular variety, compare it with another, or, if desired, drink exclusively black coffee. In all other cases, it is not forbidden to mix the drink with something else and make other treats based on it.

You can mix ground grains with cocoa or grated chocolate. Or with seasonings, among which the most popular are cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, cardamom. Besides, great combination can help achieve orange peel, lemon juice, honey or cane sugar... Some recipes involve the use of alcoholic liqueurs- creamy, amaretto or any other suitable for coffee.

You can prepare coffee in a Turk in completely different ways. It can be combined with seasonings and additives, you can cook it according to any recipe, the main thing is to choose quality ingredients and utensils that will help you achieve the expected result. This drink is unique in all its properties and taste, nothing can replace it, so we brew coffee in a Turk correctly, adhering to any chosen recipe, because its quality and our own attitude to the drink depend on it!

Coffee is a very famous international drink and is often ordered in cafes, restaurants and shops. For many Morning coffee Is a vital act of meditation for others. In some countries, a drink made from beans coffee tree consume 3-5-7 or more times a day. Coffeemania you ask? No - a way of life.

Of course, cook delicious and aromatic drink it is possible in a modern coffee machine. But today we will tell you about how to cook perfect coffee in a Turk, this method is not only the most ancient and traditional for most countries, but also the best.

Secrets: how to brew ground coffee in a Turk

In order for coffee in a Turk to be perfect, you need to know some of the nuances of making this amazing drink at home:

  1. The main condition is gradual heating. It is important that when the temperature rises, the temperature does not exceed the norm, otherwise the drink may "run away" or lose its aroma. Strong fire and delicious coffee are two incompatible criteria.
  2. For the best taste, use a mild and clean water... In addition, it, exactly like the finished drink, cannot be brought to a boil, this will only ruin the coffee.
  3. Fine grinding of seeds will give a drink bright aroma and make it richer. It is best to grind coffee beans just before brewing, as long-term storage they lose their valuable qualities.
  4. It is important to observe the proportions, you should not put more grains than the norm, this can make the finished drink taste bitter.
  5. If you drop a pinch of salt at the bottom of the Turks, it will give the drink a more distinct aroma. You should not be afraid that it will acquire a salty taste.
  6. Before serving the drink, you need to warm up the cups to keep it aromatic for longer.
  7. In order to prevent the grounds from entering the cup, pour a teaspoon of cold water into the Turk before serving, or tap it twice on the edge of the table.

Gourmet drink recipes: photos

In different parts of our vast planet, coffee is used different ways cooking. Some are known and in demand all over the world, while others are so unusual that they need special devices and conditions. For example, the Bedouins brew coffee on the sand, and the preparation time takes about 18-20 hours. It is unrealistic to hold such a long ceremony in an urban setting.

However, there are many others in the world. available recipes... Let's take a look at the most popular methods of making coffee.

How to make frothy coffee on the stove

Everyone knows that the most delicious coffee is with froth. But how to preserve it and enjoy the unrivaled aroma? First of all, you need to find a quality Turk. A significant difference between base size and neck size will provide a dense and rich foam. But the cooking process in this case also requires special attention, because the foam will rise rapidly.


  • filtered (bottled) water - 100 ml;
  • finely ground coffee beans - 1-2 tsp;
  • cane sugar - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

Pour ground grains into the cezve, add sugar, add cold water at the end, and then put the cezva over low heat. After some time, foam will begin to appear on the surface, which will darken and rise in the process. Here the main thing is not to "miss"! When the foam reaches the edges of the turk (but does not overflow), remove the cezve from the heat, let the foam settle a little, and then repeat the process "until boiling" again and so on 3-5 times.

At the same time, it is important to preserve the foam layer, since it acts as a kind of lid under which the drink languishes. If there is no foam left on the surface of the coffee, it will just boil in bubbles and you will miss the opportunity to enjoy. special taste and aroma.

Brewing natural coffee with cinnamon in a Turk

Cinnamon gives coffee a richer taste, tones up and reduces appetite.


  • finely ground coffee beans - 1 tsp;
  • water - 100 cl;
  • sugar - 1/3 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 1/3 tsp

Cooking method:

All ingredients must be poured into a Turk and gently heated over the fire (without water!). Then add water, put cezve on the stove and wait for the coffee to boil. When the first signs of "revival" appear, i.e. boiling a drink, you need to pour some coffee into a pre-prepared cup, and put the Turk on the fire again. Repeat this ritual 3-4 times, after which you can enjoy a fragrant drink.

How to make espresso the right way

It takes a coffee machine to brew a real espresso, but what about those who don't have one? You can try to cook it in a Turk, but the taste will be very different from the one cooked in a coffee maker.


  • finely ground coffee beans - 2 tsp;
  • water - 60 ml;
  • sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

Add coffee to the Turk, slightly heat the contents of the cezve over the fire, if you like sweet coffee then you need to add sugar now. Then pour in boiled water cooled to 40 ° C. As soon as the drink begins to boil, immediately remove the Turk from the heat, stir and put it back on the stove until it boils. Then pour into a cup and cover with a lid for one minute.

Brewing coffee beans with milk

Brewing coffee using original recipe always turns this process into a special ritual. In this section, you will learn how to make delicious coffee with milk with the help of a Turk. Of course, you can decide that there is nothing special, and even more unusual in this, but it all depends on the method of cooking. Bean coffee with milk is light and pleasant in taste, as well as thick in consistency. Consider two options:


  • finely ground coffee - 1-2 tsp;
  • milk - 50 ml.

Recipe number 1:

Pour milk into the cezve and heat it up to 40-50 ° С. V warm milk add the ground grains and put the Turk on the fire. When the drink comes to a boil, you need to set the cezve aside for a while, then repeat the process "until boiling" twice. This variant of preparation gives the drink a soft taste and shade of chocolate, devoid of sweetness.

Recipe number 2:

Pour the ground grains into the cezve, then fry it a little over low heat for one minute. Pour milk preheated to 35-40 ° C on top. Bring the contents of the cezve to a boil and set aside for a while, then repeat the process "until boiling" twice. This way gives the drink light aroma and a coconut shade.

Both of these recipes will allow you to experience your unique range of flavors and aromas of coffee beans with milk. One way or another, you can be sure that it will be really tasty.

Turkish cooking method (video)


  • ultrafine grinding coffee beans - 25 gr.;
  • filtered water - 150 ml;
  • sugar to taste;
  • cardamom to taste.

Cooking method:

Fill the Turk with water room temperature, add ground grains. If you like sugar and cardamom, then you can add these ingredients to the contents of the turkey and stir well until gruel is formed. Then put the cezve on the fire. Wait until the foam reaches the edges, then remove the Turk from the stove, drain the foam into a prepared cup.

Repeat the process "until boiling" twice, remove the drink from the stove for the third time, leave for two minutes, then carefully pour the drink into a cup. That's all, but in order to consolidate this recipe in your memory, we suggest watching the following video.

In which Turkish is it better to brew coffee at home?

Today on sale you can find Turks from different materials and different volumes, sizes: ceramic, clay, copper, large, medium, with a narrow, wide neck, etc. How from all this variety, in which you get the perfect coffee?

A good cezva should be made of a material with good thermal conductivity, be comfortable, have a thick bottom, a handle with thermal protection and a special curved spout so that the drink does not flow past the cup. The most optimal size is for one cup of coffee.

Making coffee in a Turk is one of the the oldest recipes... Even African nomads brewed the drink in copper water jugs with a handle and a small spout. Over time, the size of the jugs decreased for more convenient transportation and they were called "dalla". However, after the Turks found out about great taste coffee, they modernized dalla by narrowing its neck so that during brewing the drink does not lose its aroma and does not spill on the sand. This is how the cezva appeared, or, as it is called in Russia, the Turk, and coffee became the national Turkish drink.

At the classic way cooking, a small hole is created in the sand, into which the cezve is placed, after which it is evenly sprinkled with sand up to the neck. Electric sandboxes that recreate natural conditions are now an alternative to natural sand. This method is considered the best, since the sand allows you to evenly warm up the entire Turk, unlike electric or gas stove... But even on the stove, you can properly prepare coffee in a Turk, if you know a few secrets.

The taste of the drink consists of five components:

  • Turks size. Standard Coffee cup has a volume of 70-100 ml, therefore, when choosing a Turk, it is necessary to calculate how many people a portion will be calculated for;
  • The purity of the water. Boiled and hard water is not suitable for making coffee, it is better to take distilled water, always cold or even ice;
  • Grinding degree. The grind should be as small as flour or dust. Only then will he be able to form a dense foam in the neck of the Turk, which will allow the drink to retain its aroma;
  • Grain quality. The higher the quality of the beans, the less likely it is that cooking errors will affect the taste;
  • The cooking process itself.
Three popular recipe correct preparation coffee in a turk.
Of course, there are a lot of options for making coffee in a Turk. For example, instead of sugar, you can add Orange juice or zest, which give the coffee an interesting acidity and unusual aroma. Instead of all the spices, you can add only black pepper - this combination will be especially invigorating. Coffee with cognac will keep you warm, and with ice it will save you from the heat. But regardless of the ingredients or their combination, the basic rules for making delicious coffee are not to let the drink boil, use good water and enjoy the cooking process.