How to dry orange slices for decoration. ScrapHack: Dried Lemon Slices

With the New Year holidays approaching, many people are thinking about holiday decor, and want all the decorations to not only look impressive, but also fill the air with a light, unobtrusive aroma. Citrus fruits - tangerines, oranges, lemons and limes - will perfectly cope with this mission. They can be placed in beautiful vases fresh, or dried. Moreover, it is dried citrus fruits that will look most interesting and uncluttered. In this connection, today the “Comfort in the House” website intends to tell you how to dry oranges for decoration at home.

  • How can you dry orange slices?
    • 1. In the oven
    • 2. In a frying pan
    • 3. Microwave
    • 4. In the air
    • 5. In an electric dryer
    • 6. On the heating battery

How can you dry orange slices?
1. In the oven

What you will need:

  • Orange;
  • Sharp knife;
  • Cutting board;
  • Parchment;
  • Baking tray;
  • Oven (oven);
  • Powdered sugar optional.

Cut the orange into slices (pre-washed and wiped dry with napkins). By the way, the circles should not be too thin, the thickness should be moderate, do not forget that they will dry out and the thickness will disappear (3 mm will be enough). Then all the orange slices need to be blotted with a paper towel, which will slightly remove excess moisture.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the orange slices. Next, place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 100-120 degrees, for 4-6 hours. If the oven does not provide for air outflow, then the door should be left slightly open. During the entire drying time, open the oven, turn the slices over and make sure they do not burn. If you see the oranges starting to burn, reduce the temperature. After which, all the fruit slices should be placed on a tray and left for 1-2 days to dry naturally in the air.

If you sprinkle the slices with powdered sugar before drying, you will end up with an interesting stained glass effect, the caramel will crystallize and give the citrus a very nice glow. We do not recommend dusting all oranges with powder, as the sugar may begin to burn at some point, and they will have to be taken out much earlier and then further air-dried.

2. In a frying pan

What you will need:

  • Bake;
  • Pan;
  • Parchment;
  • Orange sliced ​​into slices.

Cover the pan with parchment, lay out the oranges and place on low heat. During this drying process, you need to turn the citrus slices over as often as possible.

3. Microwave

What you will need:

  • Microwave;
  • Fireproof flat cookware;
  • Orange sliced;
  • Parchment.

Cover a plate with parchment, lay out citrus slices, and put them in the microwave; it’s better to do batches of 30 seconds. Constantly monitor the condition of the slices; in extreme heat they can quickly burn.

4. In the air

What you will need:

  • Sliced ​​orange slices;
  • Spacious flat dish;
  • Parchment.

Cover the dish with parchment and place orange slices on it. In this form we send them to the balcony; owners of private houses can simply take them outside - in the sun they will dry quite quickly (1-3 days depending on the degree of dryness of the air).

5. In an electric dryer

Everything here is extremely simple, and the result is beyond praise. The slices just need to be placed on the dryer shelves and left for about a day, perhaps even drying overnight, depending on the power of the device. The result is bright, beautiful slices that really look very impressive.

6. On the heating battery

What you will need:

  • Sheet of cardboard;
  • Awl, you can use a screwdriver;
  • Citrus fruit cut into slices.

We take a sheet of cardboard and pierce it thickly with an awl or a screwdriver to create holes for air to pass through. We poke oranges onto the cardboard and put them all together on top of the batteries. Leave to dry for about 1-3 days, remembering to periodically turn the fruit slices. After which the oranges can simply be left on the table for a day for final drying.

How to dry orange slices in the oven (video):

Well, we have answered the question - how to dry oranges for decoration, we hope that one of the presented methods will help you in creating the much desired orange slices. And here you can see compositions made from dried orange slices. See you again on the pages of our website.

There is such a concept as Lifehack (life hacking, from the English life hack) - a set of methods and techniques for “hacking” the life around you to simplify the process of achieving your goals with the help of various useful tips and cunning tricks.

Autumn has passed the middle. The beautiful winter will soon come into its own. And I'm sure that many scrappers will want to create warm, cozy cards with summer memories.
What can convey a feeling of warmth better than natural materials? Cinnamon sticks, sprigs with berries, dried lemon slices.....
Today I want to show the results of my experiment on creating a dried lemon slice.
To begin with, I want to demonstrate to you that in your scrap works you can use not only dried lemons, but also dried berries:


Rose hip:

Unripe lemon (the size of a 2 ruble coin):

Let's move on to our experiment and cut the lemon))))))

Cook it in the microwave

Fry in a frying pan

Bake in the oven

And this is what I got:
1. These two lemons were drying in the microwave.
The first one was dried for a minute at a power of 700 watts. It didn’t dry completely, but it was completely ready after 3 days. It came off relatively well from the baking paper. If you want to get lemon without caramelization, you need to set a shorter cooking time and dry the lemon in the open air.
The second 2 minutes at a power of 700 watts. Completely dried, very light. If you plan to completely paint over the lemon, then this is the fastest option. Although, to be honest, it burned because I was distracted while preparing it, and I didn’t want to use it.

2. Lemon fried in a frying pan.
Be sure to use baking paper, as it was difficult to separate the lemon even from non-lemon. There are also inclusions of caramel. The fibers were slightly damaged during separation, also due to the fact that it was soft at the time of separation, it is necessary to straighten it and dry it completely. Requires further air drying for 1-2 days. The fibers formed a translucent film and were arranged in a very interesting way.

3.Lemon baked in the oven.
Mode: 150 degrees, 20 min.
The lemon was slightly caramelized. Required air drying for 1-2 days. The fibers formed a translucent film.

4. Dried lemon. This lemon is 4 days old. At the time of publication, it was not completely dry, but it was fairly dry. But in the future, the fibers will be visible well, the color will be uniform. In my opinion, the best option, although not the fastest.

Enjoy your creativity, interesting experiments and ensure that the necessary materials are always at hand. I hope you found it interesting))))
ScrapHack is a regular column, published on the 18th of every month, see you!!!

Not every person has tried dried oranges at least once in their life. However, they are in no way inferior to the dried fruits we are more familiar with. And in some of their properties they even surpass them.

Beneficial features

If you compare fresh and dried oranges, the latter win immediately several parameters.

  • Firstly, they contain a greater concentration of vitamins C, A, D, E, as well as B vitamins. They are also rich in minerals - calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. With the correct drying regime, vitamins are not lost.
  • Secondly, due to their low calorie content and the presence of a large proportion of dietary fiber, they can be called a dietary product.
  • Thirdly, when dried, the shelf life increases significantly.
  • Fourthly, this fruit format is more convenient. The lack of juice will prevent you from getting dirty. Plus, such food takes up less space and weighs little. They are convenient to take as a snack and, in addition, they are widely used in the production of confectionery and drinks.

Thus, even in dried form, orange remains healthy and tasty, quickly gives a feeling of fullness, lifts your mood and improves metabolism. In addition to gastronomic benefits, dried oranges are widely used for decoration, not only for dishes, but also for interiors. Thanks to their bright color and texture, they create a variety of compositions that can last for quite a long time. Naturally, in order for the color to remain saturated, careful control during the drying process is necessary.

Drying methods

Oranges are dried in much the same way as other fruits. The choice of one method or another depends on:

  • number of fruits;
  • available inventory;
  • the time you have.

You can also dry a whole fruit. Of course, this will require more effort. To prevent the peel from becoming deformed, it should be pierced or cut in several places in accordance with the plan. To ensure that the shape of the fruit remains unchanged and the moisture evaporates evenly, it is better to hang it.

Before starting the main work, you need to sort out unripe and spoiled fruits. Then they are thoroughly washed and dried. You can then choose one of the following drying options.

  • In the dryer. This electric device dries faster and does not require constant monitoring. Cut the oranges into circles or slices. They should not be thick, as there is a risk of not drying completely, and they need more time. On the other hand, too thin slices can be overdried - in this case it is better not to eat them, but to use them for decoration. To get rid of excess juice, place them on paper napkins or towels. Then select the desired temperature setting. If the electric dryer does not have a built-in timer, you can enable the corresponding service on your mobile phone. In multi-tiered dryers, it is better to periodically change the trays. Usually the approximate time of a particular fruit is indicated in the instructions or accompanying literature.
  • In the oven. In this case, the slices are laid out on a baking sheet, previously covered with baking paper. To improve ventilation, keep the door slightly open. Also in this case, you need to make sure that the orange pieces do not burn. To ensure even drying, it is better to turn them over. You need to start with a low temperature - no more than 50 degrees. Then it can be increased to 70, and at the end reduced again.
  • An alternative to the oven can be air fryer or microwave oven. In a microwave oven, it is better to do this in intervals of a minute. You can also dry oranges in a frying pan by adjusting the degree of heating. In each of the above cases, timely monitoring is necessary.
  • A time-tested method is drying without heating. It can be carried out both indoors and outdoors. For a room, the main condition is air circulation - that is, the room must be ventilated. You can string the slices on a thread and hang them. Or lay them out on a suitable surface.

Examples of using

For lovers of a natural snack, dried slices are ideal. This dish is sometimes called orange chips. They can easily replace candy. The unusual presentation will appeal to children. At the same time, all beneficial properties are preserved. Like any dried fruit, you can make compote from oranges. It will be moderately sweet and will quench your thirst well. Oranges can not only be eaten with tea, but also added to it for taste and aroma. To do this, mix the crushed pieces with the tea leaves or add the whole circle to the glass.

Bright citrus decor makes home crafts original. Lovers of handmade crafts love to use fruit additions for gifts, because citrus fruits always remind us of the holiday.

You can buy similar decor at any craft store. But such natural supplements are always expensive. You can significantly reduce the cost of crafts and achieve the maximum effect of handmade work if you dry the fruit yourself. But there are several subtleties of creating dry citrus slices that will make the decor beautiful and bright.

Preparing the decor regardless of the chosen drying method, it is the same. First you need to wash whole fruits to remove any possible contamination. Dry them well or dry them with a towel.

Cut the fruit into the desired shape, usually a circle. Each slice should be at least five millimeters. During drying, the thickness may decrease several times.

If you decide to dry the fruit entirely, then make long vertical cuts in the peel. Each cut should be one centimeter apart.

There are several ways to dry citrus decor.

Oven. The simplest and most commonly used drying option is to use an oven. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Place the cut slices on it. Try not to let them touch each other.

We put the sheets in the oven and dry the fruit for six hours at 160 degrees. After three hours, you need to carefully monitor the oven. The slices may burn, in which case you need to reduce the temperature.

And to speed up the process, every two hours you need to take out the sheets with slices and let them cool.

This method has the main advantage of simplicity and speed. But there is also a significant drawback. During drying, the slices may change shape and acquire an uneven color.

Electric dryer. If you become the owner of such household appliances, then the process of drying fruits for decoration is greatly simplified. Place the slices on the mesh and turn on the electric dryer.

This method is just as simple, but requires a longer drying period - about a day. Deformation of the lobules is also possible.

Battery. This drying option is especially loved by needlewomen. It produces smooth blanks for decoration, but the process takes four days. It is also possible only during the heating season. In this way you can dry it on the windowsill, but in two weeks.

For this drying technique you will need:

  • corrugated cardboard;
  • awl, scissors;
  • stationery clips, clothespins or twine.

We cut out two rectangular blanks from cardboard according to the size of the battery sections. Make holes across the entire surface of the cardboard using an awl.

Place the prepared fruit slices on one of the sheets of cardboard.

Cover them with a second piece on top and tie them with twine.

Instead of a cord, you can use clips, clothespins or any other holder.

We place the cardboard with citrus between the sections of the battery or on top of it. Leave in this position until completely dry.

Pros - simplicity, even decor, no additional skills required, no need to check every hour, no household appliances required. But at the same time, it takes longer to dry and can only be used at certain times.

But you can dry not only whole fruits for decoration. Keep the tasty pulp for yourself, and you can use it to make shapes. For example, squeeze out stars or cut out petals.

You can store dried figures in a tightly closed bag in a dry place.

If you dry citrus decor correctly, you can use it as a separate decoration for the holiday, or in composition with other elements.

With the New Year holidays approaching, many people are thinking about holiday decor, and want all the decorations to not only look impressive, but also fill the air with a light, unobtrusive aroma. Citrus fruits - tangerines, oranges, lemons and limes - will perfectly cope with this mission. They can be placed in beautiful vases fresh, or dried. Moreover, it is dried citrus fruits that will look most interesting and uncluttered. In this connection, today the “Comfort in the House” website intends to tell you how to dry oranges for decoration at home.

How can you dry orange slices?

1. In the oven

What you will need:

  • Orange;
  • Sharp knife;
  • Cutting board;
  • Parchment;
  • Baking tray;
  • Oven (oven);
  • Powdered sugar optional.

Cut the orange into slices (pre-washed and wiped dry with napkins). By the way, the circles should not be too thin, the thickness should be moderate, do not forget that they will dry out and the thickness will disappear (3 mm will be enough). Then all the orange slices need to be blotted with a paper towel, which will slightly remove excess moisture.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the orange slices. Next, place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 100-120 degrees, for 4-6 hours. If the oven does not provide for air outflow, then the door should be left slightly open. During the entire drying time, open the oven, turn the slices over and make sure they do not burn. If you see the oranges starting to burn, reduce the temperature. After which, all the fruit slices should be placed on a tray and left for 1-2 days to dry naturally in the air.

If you sprinkle the slices with powdered sugar before drying, you will end up with an interesting stained glass effect, the caramel will crystallize and give the citrus a very nice glow. We do not recommend dusting all oranges with powder, as the sugar may begin to burn at some point, and they will have to be taken out much earlier and then further air-dried.

2. In a frying pan

What you will need:

  • Bake;
  • Pan;
  • Parchment;
  • Orange sliced ​​into slices.

Cover the pan with parchment, lay out the oranges and place on low heat. During this drying process, you need to turn the citrus slices over as often as possible.

3. Microwave

What you will need:

  • Microwave;
  • Fireproof flat cookware;
  • Orange sliced;
  • Parchment.

Cover a plate with parchment, lay out citrus slices, and put them in the microwave; it’s better to do batches of 30 seconds. Constantly monitor the condition of the slices; in extreme heat they can quickly burn.

4. In the air

What you will need:

  • Sliced ​​orange slices;
  • Spacious flat dish;
  • Parchment.

Cover the dish with parchment and place orange slices on it. In this form we send them to the balcony; owners of private houses can simply take them outside - in the sun they will dry quite quickly (1-3 days depending on the degree of dryness of the air).

5. In an electric dryer

Everything here is extremely simple, and the result is beyond praise. The slices just need to be placed on the dryer shelves and left for about a day, perhaps even drying overnight, depending on the power of the device. The result is bright, beautiful slices that really look very impressive.

6. On the heating battery

What you will need:

  • Sheet of cardboard;
  • Awl, you can use a screwdriver;
  • Citrus fruit cut into slices.

We take a sheet of cardboard and pierce it thickly with an awl or a screwdriver to create holes for air to pass through. We poke oranges onto the cardboard and put them all together on top of the batteries. Leave to dry for about 1-3 days, remembering to periodically turn the fruit slices. After which the oranges can simply be left on the table for a day for final drying.

How to dry orange slices in the oven (video):

Well, we have answered the question - how to dry oranges for decoration, we hope that one of the presented methods will help you in creating the much desired orange slices. And here you can see compositions made from dried orange slices. See you again on the pages of our website.