How to make soft puree with milk. Delicious mashed potato recipe with milk

It's amazing that mashed potatoes is the dish that accompanies a person throughout his life, starting from six months (time of complementary feeding). Almost everyone loves him, both adults and children. I don’t know about you, but I love this tender, airy puree. However, as it turned out, not everyone knows how to cook just such a dish - tender, airy and tasty mashed potatoes.

My observations and tastings of it in different places showed that only a few chefs are able to cook similar dish. Some people regret butter, others don’t understand why pour so much liquid into puree, because it will be liquid. In general, as many people as there are, so many opinions about making puree.


  • Potatoes – 1 kg
  • Milk (how much puree will take)
  • Butter - about a tablespoon
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste

How to make mashed potatoes with milk and eggs recipe with photo

To make it delicious mashed potatoes , you need to choose the right potato variety. Such varieties are popularly called “flour”, with a high amount of starch, white, sometimes yellow, loose varieties - all of them are suitable for making purees.

In my case, the potatoes are yellow, but very tasty and boil well. And most importantly, when pureeing there are no lumps left (like raw pieces). Well, we chose potatoes for mashed potatoes. Let's move on.

Place a saucepan on the fire with big amount water. Cut the potatoes into medium pieces, approximately into four parts. Place in boiling water. Cover with a lid and cook until done. The water should cover the potato pieces, but not too much. After all, as you know, all the benefits go from the tubers into the water. Therefore, it is recommended to boil potatoes in small quantity water so as not to throw away the broth.

At the end of cooking the potatoes, add salt to taste. After five minutes, turn off the heat. If desired, you can add sweet peas and peppers to the pan. Bay leaf. And before you start preparing mashed potatoes, remove all the spices.

Next step: make mashed potatoes with milk. To do this, drain the liquid from prepared potatoes(if there was one).

To prepare puree, you can use a masher, mixer or blender. Each option is slightly different. For example, masher requires effort on your part when pureeing, and the process will take longer. But many chefs prefer to prepare puree this way.

Another option - a blender (whisk attachment) can make a wonderful fluffy puree, but at the same time turn it a little into a sticky mass. Which is also not something everyone likes. We chose, as it seems to us, golden mean– mixer. He makes mashed potatoes well. So, beat the potatoes with a mixer, without any additives yet.

Next add butter. Then heat the milk until hot and gradually pour it into the puree, whisking with a mixer.

Mashed potatoes are a favorite side dish for millions of people. With meat, fish, chicken, vegetables - no matter what you serve it with, it will always be delicious.

I have met very few people who did not love such dishes. And not a single one who doesn’t like mashed potatoes.

And it would seem that there is nothing easier to do than to cook such puree. But no, no different housewives It turns out different purees.

It seems that everyone has the same ingredients, but the puree turns out differently. Someone nice yellow color airy and lush, while for others it’s dull, sticky with gray lumps.

And sometimes you hear at a party at the table: “Oh, what an airy, delicious puree! How do you do this?” This means that not everyone knows how to cook it so tasty. And some are embarrassed to ask. It would seem that everyone should be able to cook it.

What can we say about young housewives who are just learning the basics of cooking? All the more so, they need to learn everything. And the simplest things first. I didn’t learn how to do it myself right away, but I was too embarrassed to ask. But now my mashed potatoes always turn out great. “Tender - airy, tasty - delicious!”

Mashed potatoes with milk, egg, milk and cream

We will need:

  • potatoes 1 kg.
  • milk 2/3 cup
  • cream 2/3 cup
  • butter 82% 100 gr.
  • egg 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf


1. To prepare a dish with a yellowish tint, I usually take red varieties of vegetables. When cooked, it does not fall apart, which means it evenly absorbs salt and does not become watery.

In addition, I am also attracted to the color. Such a product, as a rule, does not give a gray tint to the finished dish. Even if you eat it on the second day.

2. Peel the vegetable and cut into 4 parts. In this case, it cooks quickly and evenly. If you cut into small cubes, the puree will turn out watery. If you cook the whole thing, the top part will cook faster and the middle longer. And depending on its variety, different results may result.

If it boils too much, then upper layer may fall off into the water, but the middle will remain raw.

3. Place the chopped pieces in a saucepan and fill with water. There is no need to pour a lot of water; it is enough that they are covered with water by 2-3 centimeters. During cooking, the vegetable gives up its juices to the water, and itself is cooked both in water and in its juice.

Try the prepared broth after draining the water. It is very tasty, pleasant to drink both cold and hot. (By the way, if I know that I will be preparing soup or a main dish on the same day, I never pour out this broth. After the meat is almost ready, I add the broth to the soup being prepared. Both the soup and the second dish are from it only gets tastier).

4. Put the pan on the fire, let it boil, add salt, taste it. There should be neither too much nor too little salt. It is incorrect to say that you need to add more salt, because the potatoes are large, until they are boiled so that the salt reaches the middle. She will take as much salt as she needs.

As a last resort, you can always add more salt later. Once it boils, turn down the gas; the water shouldn’t boil too much, but there’s no need for it to just simmer without boiling. The water should gurgle cheerfully, but not at all intensely.

4. It is important not to overcook the potatoes and not to overcook them. The taste and consistency depend on this. In the first case, it is important that it is cooked, but retains its juices and is not overcooked.

In the second case, if it is not fully cooked, you will not be able to mash it completely. The mass will certainly have lumps. To check readiness, it is better to use a small sharp knife. At full readiness, the knife easily passes into the middle without encountering any obstacles. Why is it not recommended to check doneness with a fork? The reason is simple, to keep the pieces intact.

5. The vegetable will cook for about 20-25 minutes, depending on the variety.

About 5-7 minutes before cooking, add bay leaf to the pan. There is an opinion that there is no need to cover the pan during cooking. I always close it, firstly, this way the product cooks faster, and secondly, the edges and the middle are boiled at the same time.

6. When the vegetable is ready, drain all the water. Do not pour out the broth yet. Pour half a glass into a plate or bowl to cool. Remove the bay leaf. Leave the product with the lid closed for 3-4 minutes, let it “rest” a little.

During this time, prepare the butter, milk, cream and 1 egg so that everything is on hand. And also a potato masher for mashing potatoes.

7. Heat milk and cream, about 2/3 cup each, but not to a hot state, so that it is a little warm. And you don’t need to boil it, just give it a chance to warm up.

There is no need to pour in hot water so that our puree does not become sticky. Don’t pour in cold either, the puree may turn grey.

Oil is optional, someone heats it too. I take it out in advance so that it can lie down and become room temperature and cut into very small pieces.

8. That’s it, the product has “rested” and is ready to become delicious side dish. To do this, add all the available oil to it and start pounding. When it has already been crushed well and there are no visible lumps, we begin to slowly introduce milk and cream.

We don’t pour everything in at once, we poured in a little, crushed it - then you can pour in more. It is important for us to achieve the desired consistency so that the product is neither solid nor liquid. Therefore, it is not necessary to pour out all the prepared milk and cream.

9. Continuing to stir and “push apart” the lumps, add a little cooled broth, it’s delicious vegetable juice, the smell of bay leaves - let's not forget this.

Now we can try to see if our side dish is salty enough. If you think you want it saltier, then add salt to your taste.

10. When we have achieved the desired consistency, take a large spoon and begin to beat the resulting mass, or you can continue to beat with a masher. But use a spoon to scrape the bottom corners of the pan, there may be lumps hiding there.

To make the puree airy and tender, you need to try. But I do not recommend using a mixer in this process. The puree will turn out like powder. It will be sticky and tasteless. So, be patient and whisk.

11. When you see that the puree has become homogeneous and fluffy, you must remember to make the last important step. You need to add an egg. And start mixing again. The puree will slightly change its consistency and become homogeneous and elastic. That's all! I hope everything worked out for you!

And finally, I want to give one more piece of advice - universal for all dishes. Start preparing any dish only with good mood, only with good thoughts. After all, we all know that thoughts are material. So let your loved ones, for whom you prepared delicious mashed potatoes today, feel your love. And then any, even the simplest dish, will become a cure for all diseases and adversities.

Bon appetit!

Potatoes are considered one of the best side dishes, ideally combined with almost any vegetable, fish and meat dishes. It is consumed boiled, fried and baked. Today's article will feature the best ones with milk egg and butter egg.

Despite its apparent simplicity, some housewives cannot prepare easy and air dish. Instead, they end up being lumpy or too thick. To make truly delicious mashed potatoes (a recipe with milk and eggs will be presented in this article), you need to remember a few simple secrets.

The presence of butter makes the taste of the puree richer and more pleasant. Therefore, many housewives advise adding one hundred grams of this product for every half kilo of potatoes. It should also be noted that the shade of the finished dish directly depends on the selected variety of tubers. Yes, from yellow starchy vegetable It turns out a nice-colored side dish.

Mashed potatoes (recipe with milk and egg): list of ingredients

To prepare four servings of this delicious universal side dish You should stock up on all the required products in advance. Before starting the process, it is important to make sure that your kitchen has:

  • Half a kilo of potatoes.
  • 50-80 milliliters of milk.
  • One egg.
  • 30 grams of butter.

In order for you to get really tasty and airy mashed potatoes with eggs, it is recommended to supplement the above list of ingredients with two bay leaves, half a teaspoon of salt and a small amount crushed nutmeg.

Cooking technology

Pre-washed and peeled potato tubers are cut into small cubes and placed in a saucepan or saucepan. Add salt and bay leaves there and pour hot water, put on the stove, bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam, cover with a lid and boil for twenty minutes over low heat.

Drain half the liquid from the pan with the prepared tubers and remove the bay leaf. To get tender mashed potatoes (you will learn the recipe with milk and egg after reading today’s article), the contents of the pan are mashed with a special masher.

Butter is also sent there. After this, heated milk is poured into the bowl, mixed and a fresh chicken egg is driven in. Upon request in ready dish add a little nutmeg and stir until smooth.

with egg without milk

For cooking of this dish you should take care of everything in advance necessary products. In order not to interrupt the process searching for missing components, make sure that you have at your disposal:

  • A kilogram of potatoes.
  • One egg.
  • 100 grams of butter.

Additionally, you will need salt, dill, a couple of peppercorns and two bay leaves.

The previously washed and peeled tubers are cut into approximately equal pieces, placed in a pan and filled with water. After the liquid boils, reduce the heat and add bay leaves, peppercorns and salt to the bowl. After the potatoes are cooked, remove the pan from the stove and remove the spices. After this, carefully pour the liquid into another bowl, and thoroughly mash the potatoes with a masher or blender.

At this stage, melted butter is carefully introduced into the puree in advance. Moreover, they do this in several stages, not forgetting to thoroughly mix the resulting mass. Then the pre-whipped mixture is added to the almost finished dish. a raw egg. Lastly, pour a little into the pan. It is important to do this gradually to achieve the desired consistency of the puree.

Another option

It should be noted that mashed potatoes (you will learn the recipe with milk and egg from today’s publication) are ideal for children's menu. To prepare lush and delicate side dish with a pleasant velvety aftertaste in your kitchen you should find:

  • 150 milliliters of milk.
  • A kilogram of potatoes.
  • One chicken or a couple of quail eggs.
  • 30 grams of butter.
  • Salt.

To prepare this dish, it is advisable to choose white rather than yellow varieties. Pre-washed and peeled tubers are cut thin pieces to reduce cooking time, and place in a pan. Salt and water are also added there. To get a more aromatic side dish, add a couple of bay leaves to the dish. After this, the container is placed on the stove and after its contents boil, the heat is reduced. After twenty minutes, check readiness and drain all the liquid.

To get truly airy and tender mashed potatoes (recipe with milk and egg), add butter to the cooked vegetable and mash thoroughly with a masher. As a result, you should get the most homogeneous mass possible. After this, carefully pour preheated milk into the contents of the pan and mix thoroughly again. At the final stage, one or two chicken pieces are added to the almost finished dish. quail eggs and knead again with a masher.

How do you prepare mashed potatoes? Personally, I prefer mashed potatoes with milk and a lot of butter. My mother prepared it this way, and her puree was always praised! And now I cook like this too!

When preparing mashed potatoes, in principle, like any other dish, there are a number of little secrets on which the quality of the future dish depends. Ideally, tasty mashed potatoes should be a uniform light yellow color, uniform in consistency, without lumps and have a delicate potato taste.

What do you need to consider to get delicious puree?

The type of potato from which it is prepared plays a very important role. For mashed potatoes it is recommended to use white potatoes, which, moreover, does not become soft during cooking. Thanks to these mashed potatoes, the mashed potatoes will turn out tender and airy.

Here's how to properly cook and mash mashed potatoes with milk, read below for a detailed recipe.

From this article you will learn:

What you need to make mashed potatoes with milk:

puree products

  • 2-2.5 kg of white potatoes;
  • 150-200 g butter;
  • 500-700 ml milk;
  • salt to taste.

How to make mashed potatoes with milk?

Wash the potatoes thoroughly from the soil. Peel and rinse again until white. Place the tubers in a saucepan and fill with water. Put it on fire.
When the potatoes boil, add salt to the water and reduce the heat.

boiling potatoes

Cook the potatoes at a constant boil for about 30 minutes. Check readiness by piercing the potatoes with a knife or fork. If the device easily enters the fruit, then the potatoes are ready.
While the potatoes are cooking, boil the milk. One of the secrets to light mashed potatoes is to add warm milk. Cold potatoes darken.

When the potatoes are cooked, carefully drain the water and mash the potatoes with a potato masher.

Then add butter. This, by the way, is the case when “oil won’t spoil the porridge.” The more, the better the taste and consistency of the puree.

butter in puree

After stirring the oil, start pouring in small portions milk. The amount of milk will depend on the “dryness” of the potatoes and your taste. In any case, you should make the mashed potatoes a little thinner than you want to end up with because it will thicken after a while.

milk stirring

You can serve mashed potatoes with milk with any meat dishes and salads. When serving, pour melted puree over it for beauty. butter and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

mashed potatoes with milk

Today we have mashed potatoes with chicken fricassee and fresh vegetables! Yummy!

We wish you too Bon appetit and always fluffy mashed potatoes!