How to cook fried shrimp in the shell. How to fry shrimp in a frying pan

Seafood is a regular part of the diet today. In addition to fish, which can be prepared in a variety of ways, there are many other seafood that are in demand and healthy. Among the rather large list, it is worth highlighting shrimp, from which you can prepare a real delicacy at home, using heat treatment such as frying in a frying pan.

How to choose shrimp?

Shrimp can be classified as a dish that is a very appetizing appetizer; in addition, seafood can be used as an excellent alternative to meat side dishes, since when fried they are a very tasty and delicious product.

Today, domestic chefs and housewives are actively using various options for cooking shrimp in practice, however, before preparing such a seafood product, you should have an idea of ​​​​how to choose it correctly, since at the moment there are more than two thousand varieties of shrimp, in addition, they come from the sea or freshwater.

Such nuances require the buyer to pay maximum attention to the selection of ingredients for the future dish.

The delicacy can be sold in the following forms:

  • chilled products;
  • frozen shrimp;
  • purified or unrefined;
  • in packaged form or by weight.

The first type of seafood is found quite rarely in supermarkets or markets, since it belongs to the category of products that have a minimum shelf life. In light of this, after catching, shrimp are immediately subjected to heat treatment.

There are situations when, under the guise of a chilled product, stores sell simply a defrosted product that cannot be re-frozen, so it must be prepared immediately after purchase. It is not possible to transport fresh seafood over long distances, so when buying shrimp, it is worth considering whether it is possible to catch them in a given area.

An important evaluation criterion is the appearance of the shrimp being sold, as well as information regarding the freshness and shelf life of the product. As a rule, they are sold in containers by weight or in special bags.

You should only buy products for subsequent preparation that meet the following criteria.

  • Good seafood should have the same color; in addition, fresh shrimp will have a tail that is slightly curved inward.
  • If you plan to purchase a product in a package, you should be sure to read the information about the product that is indicated on the packaging. The manufacturer is required to put a certain code on the product. This combination will indicate how many shrimp the container contains.

  • Frozen products should not be stuck together; in addition, there cannot be ice or snow in bags or containers, since their presence will indicate a violation of the storage conditions of the goods.
  • Some species of sea creatures may have a greenish head. This is not an indicator of a spoiled product, but only indicates that it belongs to a certain class of shrimp.
  • A brown head will indicate that the shrimp will contain caviar. Such a product carries maximum benefits for the human body during consumption.
  • Shrimp can be of different sizes; this nuance directly depends on the variety; in addition, they come in different colors. A striking example is the royal, tiger and Argentinean delicacies.
  • As for taste, as practice shows, those seafood that lived in cold sea or river waters will be tastier.
  • Preference should be given to packaged products that will have the most complete information about the origin of seafood delicacies.

To make it easier to choose fresh seafood for the table, you should consider the main nuances why you should not buy the offered shrimp.

  • A very dry shell will indicate that the seafood is old. In addition, the presence of yellow stains on the shrimp also indicates that they are unfit for consumption.
  • You should avoid purchasing products that contain black spots on the shell. Darkening on the legs will also indicate that shrimp should not be purchased.
  • If packaged seafood has already been thawed or stored improperly, ice will be present inside the packages.
  • The black head of a shrimp is a sign that it is affected by some kind of disease. Eating such a “delicacy” can lead to serious poisoning.
  • A straight tail will indicate that this batch of shrimp was frozen already dead. The true cause of their death cannot be determined, so you should not buy such a product.
  • Containers or bags must contain shrimp of the same variety, otherwise there is a possibility that the batch of seafood consists of several types of shrimp, and the manufacturer decided to add a cheaper product to a more expensive product.
  • If the product inside is too pale in color, there is a high probability that the product was stored in violation of the requirements.

It is more correct to buy unpeeled seafood, since after heat treatment such shrimp will be more tasty and juicy. In addition, you can protect yourself from the risk of consuming a product that has been cleaned with a variety of harmful chemicals.

General cooking rules

Before you start frying shrimp, you should determine whether the purchased seafood was boiled before packaging or sold raw. For quality products, this nuance is written on the packaging.

As practice shows, almost all products sold in markets and supermarkets were pre-boiled in production. This suggests that the shrimp have already been brought to a state suitable for consumption, and the consumer only has to remove the shell and set the dish to a temperature that is comfortable for eating it.

There is another way to determine the state of readiness of store-bought seafood - if the shrimp are pink, it means they are boiled, if they are gray, they are raw.

A rather appetizing option for cooking shrimp at home is to use garlic as a savory ingredient. Fried shrimp are visually an attractive option as a stand-alone snack or a healthy side dish for fresh vegetables, pasta or various sauces.

The technology for preparing purchased products requires obligatory defrosting; for this, you can use several heat treatment options: the seafood is simply doused with boiling water or defrosted gradually at room temperature.

The next stage of preparation is to clean the shrimp bodies from the shell, and, following the chosen recipe, they are fried in a frying pan. If you purchased boiled products, you only need to keep them on the stove for frying for a few minutes so that the dish is covered with an appetizing crust, but does not lose its natural juiciness. The unboiled product is usually fried for about 10 minutes.

Most recipes for fried shrimp with garlic involve the use of various sauces, the ingredients being soy sauce, butter, melted cheese, tomato marinade, etc.


The classic version of frying shrimp is a fairly simple recipe, requiring the following products:

  • lemon;
  • soy sauce;
  • thawed boiled shrimp;
  • garlic;
  • sesame;
  • butter.

For heat treatment, it is best to use a cast iron skillet or wok (deep frying pan with a convex bottom). The container must be heated, melt the vegetable oil in it, then add the garlic and shrimp cut into slices.

You need to fry seafood until a golden crust appears on the shrimp. Then remove the food from the pan, pour over lemon juice and soy sauce, and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

There is a fairly popular recipe for fried shrimp, which involves first using a homemade marinade. The dish consists of the following ingredients:

  • frozen seafood;
  • garlic;
  • lemon;
  • hot pepper;
  • parsley;
  • cold pressed olive oil;
  • dry white wine;
  • salt, spices.

The step-by-step process of preparing the dish is described below.

  • The first step is to remove the shell from the shrimp. Chop the garlic very finely, chop the hot pepper into small rings, having first cleared its insides of seeds.

  • Chop the parsley, by the way, you can cook seafood with dill. Lemon should be used for the dish without the peel, the pulp should be crushed, and the juice should be squeezed into any convenient container. there is. Combine all ingredients, mixing with oil and a small amount of wine.
  • The shrimp should be left in this marinade for 30-40 minutes in a cool place.
  • Cut the onion and garlic into small cubes, heat the frying pan and fry them in oil for 2-3 minutes. Add shrimp to the products, frying them until golden brown.
  • Add tomato paste to the dish and simmer all ingredients at low temperature for about 5 minutes. To thin out the tomato sauce slightly, you can use a small amount of water.

The dish is served hot along with tomato sauce. You can grate cheese on top of the seafood for decoration.

Garlic gives dishes a peculiar piquant note, however, you should know that overcooking it a little can ruin the whole composition. When it comes to cooking fried shrimp, this point is quite relevant. Therefore, many professional chefs recommend that gourmets, when working with such a healthy and tasty ingredient, do not fry it, but only fry it, adding it to the dish for subsequent heat treatment last.

An interesting solution would be to use the product without preliminary cleaning and grinding. To do this, simply add a clove of garlic to the sauce being prepared while cooking the dish on the stove. However, after finishing the heat treatment of the shrimp, you should not immediately remove the garlic from the seafood, but cover the frying pan with a lid and keep it in this state for several minutes so that the shrimp are saturated with the garlic aroma. This will be an excellent solution for serving fried shrimp in sour cream sauce.

To learn how to cook shrimp in garlic marinade and Unagi sauce, watch the video below.

The popularity of king prawns is increasing every day. This can be explained not only by the unique, somewhat sweet taste of these crustaceans, but also by their incredible benefits. Shrimp meat contains healthy proteins, vitamins B, E, PP, C, H, iodine, valuable omega-3 acid, calcium and many other substances necessary for the human body.

This is a favorite delicacy of many gourmets also because it is low in calories and contains absolutely no fat. Therefore, you can eat shrimp without fear that this may subsequently affect your figure. In terms of taste, shrimp dishes are perhaps second only to crab meat. If you follow all the rules and secrets of cooking, you can create a dish from these seafood that will pleasantly surprise both your household and guests.

Five secrets to choosing the right product

When choosing king prawns, you should be guided by certain recommendations.

  1. Give preference to fresh frozen shrimp. As a last resort, take frozen ones (provided that the specific gravity of the ice does not exceed 5% of the weight of the shrimp themselves).
  2. Read the labeling carefully. The manufacturer must mark 2 numbers separated by a fraction on the packaging. They indicate the number of crustaceans per 1 kg. King prawns belong to a subspecies of tropical arthropods that live in warm waters. They are much larger in length than their Atlantic “brothers” living in cold water. On average, 1 kg can contain from 30 to 10 crustaceans.
  3. Pay attention to the tails of the shrimp. They should be rounded. This is evidence that the product is truly fresh.
  4. The presence of clots of snow and pieces of ice indicates that the mollusks were defrosted and then re-frozen. It is better to refrain from buying such a delicacy.
  5. The color of the crustacean is also important. The brown head indicates that it is fertilized, and its meat has additional beneficial qualities. Black color indicates that the individual was sick or spoiled during processing and transportation.

Do not forget that the larger the shellfish, the juicier and tastier its meat.

Subtleties of cooking king prawns for dummies

To ensure that shrimp meat does not lose its unique properties during cooking, it is necessary to follow a certain technology.

  1. It is best to defrost shrimp in 2 batches. They should first be placed in the main compartment of the refrigerator. After some time, you can take them out and leave them to defrost at room temperature. This process cannot be accelerated in a microwave oven. After complete defrosting, rinse the seafood under running water.
  2. These crustaceans can be cooked either in their purified form or with their shell. In the latter case, their meat will turn out somewhat juicier and more tender.
  3. Before frying, it is recommended to marinate arthropods to obtain a more refined taste. This should be done for at least a quarter of an hour.
  4. Unpeeled king prawns are fried over medium heat for no more than 10 minutes. The finished crustacean loses its transparency and curls up.
  5. To make fried seafood more tender, vegetable oil can be replaced with butter.

Proven Recipes

There are countless recipes for cooking unpeeled king prawns in the shell. Let's focus on the most popular and simple options. Bringing them to life will not be difficult for both “pros” and “dummies” in cooking.

With garlic

To prepare this delicacy you will need: unpeeled shrimp (1 kg), 4-5 cloves of garlic, rosemary, vegetable oil for frying, salt and pepper to taste.

Add rosemary and chopped garlic to a preheated and oiled frying pan. Fry for up to two minutes to give the oil time to absorb the aroma of the spices. Then lay out the thawed shrimp in one layer. If the pan is small, it is better to make a couple more passes later. You need to cook for up to 10 minutes until the shrimp loses its transparency. Ready fried king prawns should be transferred to a bowl, garnished with fresh herbs and served.

With lemon

To quickly prepare such a delicious appetizer, you should take: shrimp (1 kg), 4 cloves of garlic, lemon (1 piece), a bunch of parsley, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Garlic and parsley are chopped. Lemon is cut into slices. Place king prawns in a heated frying pan with oil. After 3 minutes you need to add the prepared garlic, parsley and lemon. All ingredients must be mixed, salt and pepper. In 10 minutes the dish will be ready. Seafood is beautifully laid out on a dish. To add more flavor, you can sprinkle them with orange or lemon juice.

With an Asian flavor

If you want variety, you can choose a recipe without garlic. For cooking you will need: half a kilogram of shrimp, green onions, vegetable oil for frying, 2 tbsp. l. chicken broth, 1 tsp. soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste.

Unpeeled shrimp are placed in a heated frying pan with oil. Add salt and pepper to taste, as well as chicken broth. Fry for 10 minutes over medium heat. The finished shrimp are placed on a plate, seasoned with soy sauce and garnished with green onions.

Fried king prawns can rightfully be called a gourmet delicacy. Among the many different recipes, everyone can choose an option to suit their taste. And the simplicity and ease of preparation become pleasant bonuses for any housewife.

To learn how to cook fried garlic shrimp in the shell, watch the video below.

Shrimp fried in soy sauce is a wonderful dish that is made very quickly and can be served on its own or as an appetizer, for example with beer. There are many recipes for how to get delicious seafood.

The simplest recipe

Cooking shrimp using this recipe is very easy. And, despite all their simplicity, they turn out delicious.

Ingredients for the dish:

300 grams of shrimp;
olive oil – 10 milliliters;
five tablespoons of soy sauce;
fresh greens.

Cooking process:

1. Heat a frying pan with oil, put the prepared shrimp there, cover them with the specified amount of soy sauce and fry for a while, stirring constantly to ensure even cooking.
2. Transfer them to a dish, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs in advance and serve, sprinkled with herbs on top if desired.

With garlic and lemon

Shrimp fried with garlic and soy sauce comes out incredibly flavorful.

This option is ideal for beer.

Ingredients for the dish:

One small lemon;
10 milliliters each of soy sauce and olive oil;
garlic - a few cloves, to your taste;
half a kilogram of shrimp.

Cooking process:

1. Pour oil into the frying pan, wait for it to warm up well, and put garlic there, pre-cut into small squares.
2. Fry it for a while so that it gives off its aroma to the oil, and remove it from the container.
3. Send the shrimp there, pour the sauce over them, season with lemon juice, and you can also add a little more ground black pepper to taste. Fry the seafood for no more than seven minutes, transfer to a plate, decorate with lemon slices on top and serve.

Cooking with honey

Another option for deliciously frying seafood is to make it with honey.

Ingredients for the dish:

One tablespoon of liquid and high-quality honey;
olive oil and soy sauce in equal quantities - three tablespoons each;
a few cloves of garlic, depending on your taste;
a package of shrimp weighing approximately 500 grams.

Cooking process:

1. Be sure to take liquid honey, since the thick kind is much more difficult to prepare. Mix it with soy sauce until smooth.
2. Turn the selected number of garlic cloves into small squares, which need to be fried in oil until golden brown, and then removed from the container.
3. Instead, place the seafood there, keep it on the fire for a couple of minutes and completely cover it with the pre-made filling. Be sure to stir the contents to distribute the sauce.
4. Fry the dish for about five more minutes, remembering to stir and turn the shrimp.

King prawns fried in soy sauce

Fried king prawns in sauce are made in the same way as regular ones, the only difference is that you have to keep them on the fire a little longer.

Ingredients for the dish:

500 grams of shrimp;
two tablespoons each of olive oil and soy sauce;
half a small lemon;
a few slices of garlic, add according to your taste.

Cooking process:

1. Place a frying pan on the stove, add oil and let it heat up, then add chopped garlic and fry for a few minutes until a characteristic aroma appears.
2. Pour boiling water over the shrimp and immediately place it in the frying pan, pour soy sauce, lemon juice over everything, mix, and add a little pepper if desired.
3. Bring the seafood to readiness for about five minutes, so that it is fried and the sauce becomes thicker.

With sesame

For the dish you will need:

Shrimp packaging;
a few cloves of garlic to your taste;
any spices you wish, as well as fresh herbs;
sesame seeds for sprinkling;
about three tablespoons of soy sauce and the same amount of olive or vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

1. First, chop the garlic, it’s best to cut it into small squares, then it won’t burn and give off its smell to the oil.
2. Place it in a frying pan into which you have previously poured oil and heated it well. Stir the garlic constantly and keep it on the stove until it begins to change color to a more rosy color, after which we completely remove it from the container, leaving only the oil.
3. Instead, place the defrosted seafood in the frying pan and, stirring constantly, fry for just a couple of minutes and add soy sauce. At this stage, the dish can be sprinkled with the selected seasonings, but do not overdo it with salt and continue to keep the dish on the stove for about 3-5 minutes.
4. All that remains is to add the sesame seeds, mix the contents so that they can be distributed evenly and serve.

How to deliciously fry with starch

Ingredients for the dish:

Three tablespoons of dry white wine;
one small spoon of starch;
package of shrimp weighing 500 grams;
add garlic to your taste – 2-3 cloves;
a small lemon or juice already squeezed from it;
three tablespoons of olive oil and the same amount of soy sauce.

Cooking process:

1. Pour soy sauce into a container, add garlic, turned into small squares. Stir the mixture, drop the defrosted seafood into it and let stand for a few minutes.
2. Heat the oil on the stove, fry a couple of cloves of garlic for flavor, then remove it.
3. Add shrimp there, fill them with the marinade in which they were lying.
4. Pour the starch into the wine, mix well and also pour into the shrimp.
5. Continue cooking the dish for a few more minutes and remove.

With added ginger

Required ingredients:

A large spoon of olive oil and two spoons of soy sauce;
one small lemon or half;
any spices you like, such as black pepper;
one teaspoon of dry ginger;
a few cloves of garlic, depending on your preferred spiciness, and fresh herbs.

Seafood always holds a special place in our diet, because seafood not only has a variety of tastes, but also great benefits. If you don’t know which seafood to choose, then the recipe for frying shrimp in a frying pan is for you, because this product contains a lot of natural protein, which is necessary for the health of each of us.

Many people, according to tradition, boil aquatic inhabitants, but they are much tastier when fried; to be sure of this, try frying them at least once.

Recipe for fried king prawns with garlic in the shell


  • - 1 kg + -
  • - for frying + -
  • - 3-4 cloves + -
  • 3 pinches or to taste + -
  • Rosemary - 1/2 tsp. + -

How to fry king prawns in a frying pan

You can fry shrimp in any form: both in the shell and peeled, but in the first case the seafood turns out juicier, because the shell reliably preserves the shellfish’s own juice from evaporation.

In addition, frying shrimp in the shell is much more convenient and faster, because you don’t need to peel them, you just need to throw them into a heated frying pan and cook them properly along with the spices.

  1. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it, place finely chopped garlic on the hot bottom. Sprinkle it with rosemary and fry for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Next, put the shrimp in the pan and begin to fry them until browned. If you have a lot of shellfish, then fry them in batches. Each portion should be fried in enough oil so that the seafood can reach the desired consistency and acquire a beautiful blush.
  3. As soon as the shells of the shrimp begin to darken, immediately remove them from the pan and place them on paper towels to drain excess fat.

This completes the preparation. When the remaining oil has been removed, the fried shrimp can be served. This snack is ideal with beer, champagne, cognac, red and white wine.

How to fry peeled shrimp in a frying pan

Despite the fact that cooking shrimp in the shell gives a more impressive result, however, it is not always possible to cook them in an unpeeled form. If you fry seafood for further use in salads, sauces and other dishes where eating shrimp with shell is inconvenient, then the shellfish must be cleaned.

But don’t be afraid that the juiciness of your favorite seafood will be lost; if you fry peeled shrimp correctly, they will taste no worse than fried ones in the shell.


  • Large tiger shrimps – 500 g;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Soy sauce - to taste;
  • Lemon – ½ piece;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Greens (any) - to taste.

How to clean shrimp for frying

Before you start frying the tender shellfish meat, you need to properly clean these very shellfish. There is nothing complicated in this process, but care must be taken not to damage the meat. Every seafood lover can clean seafood from inedible parts at home, and do it quickly and manually.

As a last resort, if difficulties arise, you can use kitchen scissors or a knife; with them the cleaning process will go even faster.

Rules for cleaning shrimp

  1. First of all, we tear off the legs and head from the carcass. This can be done as follows: we fold the legs into a bun and gently pull them, they should come off the first time; We pinch the head of the mollusk with our fingers and also easily tear it off from the body. If difficulties arise, simply cut off the unnecessary parts with a knife/scissors.
  2. Next, remove the shell. To do this, we slide our hands over the entire surface of the shell, starting from the head and ending at the tail. We carefully remove the carcass from the shell so that the integrity of the tender meat is not damaged. Using kitchen scissors, peeling shrimp from the shell is even easier: carefully cut the shell near the head and gradually move with the scissors to the tail. Having cut the shell in half, we take out the carcass from it, and throw away the resulting two halves (if desired, you can then cook broth from them).
  3. Finally, we remove the tail from the clam; it will be more convenient for us to cook without it, but often the tails are left, and with them the finished seafood looks more attractive.

How to deliciously fry peeled shrimp in soy sauce

  1. We clean the meat from the shell (it is not recommended to buy peeled shellfish in the store).
  2. Peel the garlic, chop it into small pieces, and pour it into a bowl with the shrimp.
  3. Add salt and pepper there and sprinkle everything with lemon juice.
  4. Leave the shrimp in the marinade for a few minutes so that they absorb the lemon juice and fragrant spices.
  5. Heat a frying pan in butter, then put the aromatic shrimp, squeezed out of their juice, into it.
  6. Fry the seafood over high heat in oil on both sides

For extra piquancy, you can fry the shrimp directly in soy sauce. To this end, a few minutes before the end of frying, pour the prepared soy sauce over the cleaned carcasses and fry the product in it until cooked, about 4-5 minutes. Do not forget to constantly stir the seafood.

Peeled shrimp can be used not only as an independent snack. Fried seafood can easily become part of many dishes: salads, dumplings, rolls, kebabs and many other cold and hot appetizers.

Secrets of delicious fried shrimp

  1. To avoid mistakes and always choose only fresh shrimp, pay attention to their appearance when purchasing. A too bright red color, as well as the presence of dark spots on the body of the mollusk, is a dangerous signal that may indicate that the product is spoiled.
  2. If you can’t decide how many minutes to fry the shrimp (and you should always fry them only over high heat so that they do not lose their juiciness and taste), then here are mini cooking instructions: small raw shrimp need to be cooked for 3-4 minutes, large ones – 5-7 minutes.

If the seafood is boiled and frozen, less time is required, but only if it is defrosted at the time of frying. In the case of frying frozen shellfish, it will take more time for the water to evaporate from them.

  1. As for defrosting shrimp, this is not necessary. If there is not enough ice on seafood, you can fry it without defrosting. Defrosting is required when there is a thick layer of ice on the shrimp. You need to get rid of it before frying, otherwise the ice will melt on the fire, and in the resulting liquid the shellfish will not be fried, but boiled or stewed.
  2. To avoid defrosting the shrimp for a long time, if necessary, you can dip them in boiling water for a few seconds before cooking, or simply transfer the seafood to a colander and pour boiling water over it from a kettle. This will allow you to defrost the shellfish very quickly without causing much harm to its taste.
  3. You can fry shrimp in a frying pan using any type of oil, but the best dressings for seafood dishes are garlic, cream and hot sauces.

Now you know everything about how to fry shrimp in a frying pan and do it quickly, and most importantly, tasty. Using the simple recipes above, you can always whip up your favorite hot appetizer, even if unexpected guests are already on the doorstep.

Fried shrimp with a glass of your favorite drink is the best option for friendly gatherings. Try and finally, not boil, but deliciously fry tender sea meat - and it is quite possible that fried shrimp will displace their boiled relatives from your menu.

Bon appetit!

Fried garlic shrimp is the best thing you can do with shrimp in general. Tender shrimp, exuding the aroma of garlic, are eaten instantly, and it is very tasty to dip fresh, crispy bread into the remaining aromatic oil.

Hello, dear readers of my blog and viewers of the YouTube channel.

Cooking fried shrimp with garlic is quite simple, and the result is always wonderful. There is no question of whether this dish is tasty or not. If you have enough shrimp and garlic, it will definitely be delicious.

The only real debate revolves around the cooking sequence. Is it better to fry the garlic first and then add the shrimp or vice versa?

I've made stir-fried garlic shrimp using both methods and enjoyed the results. But I think I still prefer the method shown here.

Roasting the garlic first gives the dish a milder garlic flavor, but increases the risk of the garlic browning too much. In addition, the shrimp do not turn out golden brown.

If you fry the shrimp first, they turn out a beautiful caramel color and the dish acquires a deeper flavor.

Either way, if you love shrimp and garlic, I hope you give yourself a chance to try this quick and delicious recipe soon.

Ingredients for Fried Garlic Shrimp:

1 1/2 tbsp. l. olive oil
500 gr. shrimp
salt to taste
6 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
2 tbsp. l. cold butter, cut into 4 pieces
3 tbsp. l. lemon juice
1 tbsp. l. caper pickle
1/3 cup chopped parsley
water as needed for the sauce

Cooking fried shrimp with garlic. Step 1.

Clean the shrimp. Finely chop the parsley. Pass the garlic through a press. Add a spoonful of pickled caper brine to the lemon juice.

Cooking fried shrimp with garlic. Step 2.

Pour olive oil into a frying pan and heat it up until it starts to smoke. Fry the shrimp on both sides until golden brown for one minute on each side. Don't forget to salt the shrimp while frying.

Add garlic and red pepper flakes to the fried shrimp. Reduce heat and fry the garlic for 1 - 2 minutes, stirring constantly so that it does not burn.

Cooking fried shrimp with garlic. Step 4.

Add parsley, lemon juice and one knob of butter to the pan. Mix everything and fry for another 1 minute. Add the remaining butter and let it melt while stirring the shrimp.

Place the cooked fried garlic shrimp on a plate. You can serve the fried garlic shrimp with rice, pasta, or simply with fresh crusty bread.

Cooking fried shrimp with garlic. Step 5.

You haven’t forgotten that we still have garlic and herbs fried in oil in the frying pan. Add a little water to them and warm them up. Pour this sauce over our fried shrimp with garlic on top.