How to make custard using the best recipes. Classic custard: recipes for making the most delicious custard for Napoleon, honey cakes and eclairs with step-by-step photos and video tips Classic custard recipe

Custard for a cake is exactly that delicacy whose delicate taste has been familiar to us since childhood. Until now, it reminds us of the taste of all kinds of cakes, eclairs, baked nuts, puff pastries, many types of ice cream and, of course, Napoleon cake. Today, both experienced confectioners and many housewives often deal with homemade custard. It can rightfully be called an amazingly tasty and quite versatile product for complementing and soaking various types of sweets. However, in order for your cream to be tasty and have the correct consistency, you must master the recipe and know all the intricacies of its preparation.

To properly prepare a delicious classic custard, which is perfect for filling various cakes, as well as eclairs, custard and nuts, you will need:

  • Milk of any fat content (1 liter);
  • Granulated sugar or powdered sugar (140-160 grams);
  • Wheat flour (40-55 grams);
  • Yolk (3-4 pcs.);
  • Vanillin (2 grams).

How to cook:

Boil the milk over medium heat. Meanwhile, in another bowl, carefully combine the egg component with granulated sugar or powder, and then add the vanilla there. Beat the egg mixture thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. While beating with a mixer, gradually add the sifted flour. Make sure that the consistency is fluffy and without lumps..

The next step is to slowly add the boiled milk to the egg-flour mousse. Place it over low heat and, without stopping stirring, gradually bring it to a boil. At the same time, it will become thicker before your eyes and will truly look like a cream.

Once completely cooled, your mousse is ready to eat. The classic custard recipe allows you to prepare a variety of sweet filled pies and layer cakes. Enjoy your meal.

Custard for Napoleon cake

Agree that there is hardly a person who does not like Napoleon cake. This is the most beautiful airy dessert, soaked in delicious custard. Probably, many will be interested in learning how to prepare custard at home for such a delicious and desired dessert.

To prepare it you need:

  • Milk (400 ml);
  • Wheat flour (65 grams);
  • Butter (235 grams);
  • Granulated sugar or powdered sugar (325 grams);
  • Vanillin (2-3 grams).

How to cook:

Take half the milk at room temperature and combine with flour. Using a whisk or mixer, beat thoroughly. Boil the other half of the milk over medium heat, stirring without stopping.

Add milk whipped with flour and vanilla to the boiling mass. When you notice obvious thickening, remove from heat and place in a cool place to cool. Beat butter at room temperature with granulated sugar or powder until smooth.

Place the butter mousse into the cooled cream and stir well. Your Napoleon cake cream is completely ready to use.

Other popular custard recipes

In addition to the classic recipe for Napoleon cake, there are a large number of other delicious recipes. Below are the most popular and best ones.

Custard for honey cake

Any sweet treat will become much tastier if you add it with delicious cream. The beloved Honey cake is also no exception, since it is a real field for culinary experiences and all sorts of experiments. As a rule, a classic honey cake is soaked in simply simple protein or sour cream. But since you have tried all the familiar variations, you can use one of the most popular and popular options for honey cake cream.

To do this, take:

  • Milk (670-730 ml);
  • Sugar (210 grams);
  • Wheat flour (50-75 grams);
  • Cow butter (55-65 grams);
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Vanillin.

In a dry, hot frying pan, fry the flour until golden brown, stirring constantly as it burns quickly. Heat half the milk in a saucepan, and whisk the other half with the toasted flour until smooth and without lumps. When the mass has acquired a fluffy consistency, add it to the rest of the milk. While everything is heating on the stove, add salt, sugar and vanilla.

As your cream begins to simmer, it will become noticeably thick. Move it from the stove to a cool place. It should cool to a temperature of 25 ͦC, only then add butter to it. Your custard for the honey cake is ready, all that remains is to prepare the cakes.

Protein custard

There is hardly anyone who, as a child, did not love snow-white baskets with amazing protein cream that simply melted in the mouth. But this snow-white delicacy can be prepared with your own hands at home. very simple.

To do this, stock up on the following components:

  • Egg white (2 pcs.);
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Granulated sugar or powdered sugar (145-155 grams);
  • Water (53 ml);
  • Lemon juice (a couple of drops);
  • Vanillin.

Place sugar and water in a prepared saucepan with a thick base, bring to a boil and reduce heat, letting the syrup simmer. Meanwhile, you need to combine the whites with salt and beat thoroughly until fluffy. To check their readiness, you need to turn the bowl over and if they remain in place and do not leak out, then they are completely ready for use.

In order to check the readiness of the sugar syrup, you need to drop one drop of it into cold water and if it does not dissolve, but turns into a ball, then it is completely ready. Pour the boiling syrup into the protein mousse in a thin stream and whisk continuously with a mixer for about 12-16 minutes to prepare your protein cream. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in its preparation. Your butter-free custard is absolutely ready. This protein masterpiece has quite a rich purpose; you can use it to make all kinds of flowers, layer cake layers with it, decorate pastries, fill eclairs, straws, etc.

Custard with cottage cheese

There is another wonderful recipe using cottage cheese. This light curd mousse, which has an amazing taste and aroma, is perfect for all kinds of sweet dishes, as a filling or sauce to complement the taste. It is easily used for filling various sweet pancakes or soaking cakes. Let's quickly look at the step-by-step recipe for custard with cottage cheese and find out how to prepare it correctly.

Take the following ingredients:

  • 200-220 grams of fresh cottage cheese;
  • ½ liter of milk;
  • 150-180 grams of sugar;
  • 50-65 grams of wheat flour;
  • 180-220 grams of butter;
  • Vanillin.

Step-by-step cooking process:

Step 1. Combine milk with flour and beat thoroughly, breaking up lumps. Then put the milk-flour liquid on the fire, boil to an extremely thick consistency and put it in the refrigerator;

Step 2. Combine soft butter with sugar and thoroughly foam everything with a mixer;

Step 3. Thoroughly grind the cottage cheese to small grains;

Step 4. Carefully, slowly, add cottage cheese, vanillin and whipped mixture to the cooled milk mass;

Step 5. Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator.

Your curd cream is ready to use. Enjoy your tea.

Eggless custard

It is also possible to make custard without one of the main ingredients for brewing it - eggs. After all, it happens that there simply isn’t this ingredient in the refrigerator, or for some reason you can’t eat chicken eggs, then this recipe will be just a godsend for fancy sweet lovers. Even without the egg component it will be no less wonderful.

To prepare, stock up on the following products:

  • Milk (630-660 ml);
  • Cow butter (190-210 grams);
  • Sugar (200-230 grams);
  • Starch (25-30 grams);
  • Vanillin (to taste).

Take 130-160 ml of milk and mix with starch. Blend everything thoroughly with a blender to avoid any lumps. Boil the remaining ½ liter of milk and mix with the starch mixture, and then put it back on the stove. Boil your milk mass for several minutes until thick and add sugar and vanillin. Cool it with a container of cold water and only then add the whipped butter. Your cream for eggless custard cakes is ready. Enjoy its delicate taste.

Custard with condensed milk

It probably happens to everyone when you really want something tasty and sweet to go with your cookies, or the prepared cake seems a little dry, then custard for a sponge cake can be a pleasant and rather unexpected discovery. And to do it you just need:

  • Milk (235-255 ml);
  • Condensed milk (450 grams, can be boiled);
  • Granulated sugar (20-30 grams);
  • Heavy cream (210 ml);
  • High-grade flour (55 grams);
  • Vanillin (by eye).

Take a small part of the milk (70-75 ml) and combine with flour, whisk thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then dissolve the sugar in the remaining milk and continue to cook over low heat. Add the flour mixture and, stirring, bring to a boil. If you are afraid of burning, cook in a water bath.

After removing your treat from the stove, add condensed milk to it, mix well and leave to cool. Meanwhile, make the cream. Beat them to stiff peaks and also add them to the cooled milk mass. Your milk custard with condensed milk is absolutely ready. You can start using it.

Custard chocolate cream

We bring to your attention chocolate custard cream, which is perfect for soaking and filling various cakes and pastries (rolls, croissants, eclairs). And how wonderful the thin pancakes with chocolate custard are.

This is a very quick and simple recipe, both in preparation and in terms of the availability of the products used.

Take to perform it:

  • Milk (330 ml);
  • Cocoa (25-35 grams);
  • Egg (1 pc.);
  • Butter (95 grams);
  • Sugar (1/2 cup);
  • Wheat flour (45-50 grams);
  • Vanillin (2-3 grams).

In a medium saucepan, thoroughly mash the egg with vanilla, sugar and flour. After this, send them 25-35 grams of cocoa and mix everything thoroughly until a thick, homogeneous mass. Place the butter in the prepared glass bowl for the finished chocolate cream so that it heats up properly and becomes soft. Milk must be combined with egg-flour mass and cocoa. Place over low heat and, stirring continuously, bring to a state of complete thickening.

After this, everything must be cooled properly. If it retains a little heat, your butter may begin to heat up and melt when added, making it extremely difficult to whip it later. The butter, heated to room temperature, must be whipped until fluffy and, as you guessed, added to the cooled custard mass.

The result is a delicious, smooth brown cream. If your mousse turns out to be a little liquid, then put it in the refrigerator for another 15-20 minutes. Thanks to this, it will thicken and will be easier to apply to all kinds of cakes or biscuits. As you can see, making custard with a light chocolate flavor was not at all difficult.

Easy microwave custard

Custard recipes can be listed for a long time, but they are all united by a certain number of ingredients and an indescribable delicate taste and aroma. But there is still one unpleasant moment - this is when the boiling process begins and there is a possibility of burning.

To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully monitor this process, constantly stirring your brew. Or you can cheat a little and prepare the same recipe using the most useful household appliance - a microwave oven. And this will take only 5-6 minutes.. Don't believe me? Please. Check!

To do this, take:

  • Milk (235 ml);
  • Sugar (30-40 grams);
  • Egg yolk;
  • High-grade flour (15-20 grams);
  • Vanillin.

Mix all the ingredients in a special microwave-safe container, mix them well and place in the microwave. After one minute has passed, pause and stir again. Do this maneuver five or six times. After 5-6 minutes, your cream will completely thicken and be ready for use. Of course, you will have to stir in the same way as when cooking on the stove, but this process is much faster and, moreover, it completely eliminates the possibility of burning.

Tips for making delicious custard

Take a look at some proven tips and tricks. How to make custard so that it does not disappoint you, but turns out truly tasty and fluffy:

  1. You need to prepare custard in a container with a double bottom, this will avoid burning, since such containers heat up evenly compared to any other;
  2. To prevent your sweet mass from curdling during cooking, it is recommended to cook it not on a gas burner, but in a water bath;
  3. Replace the aluminum stirring spoon with a silicone or wooden one;
  4. When stirring everything during cooking, use a spatula to make movements that visually resemble a figure eight. This trick will help heat the entire liquid evenly and prevent the center from burning;
  5. To make your custard light and airy, you need to pass it through a strainer. Thus, it will be saturated with oxygen and will be doubly lush and obedient;
  6. In recipes containing chicken eggs, it is recommended to use only yolks. Thanks to them, your cake mousse will be rich in taste and color. And the whites only threaten to curl when boiling;
  7. The classic recipe for custard with milk can be varied with many other ingredients if desired. It can be all kinds of berries, chocolate, cottage cheese, orange or lemon zest, raisins, cocoa, nuts, etc.;
  8. The less liquid you use, the thicker your custard will be. If it turns out to be very liquid, put it on low heat and, stirring, add one yolk;
  9. To determine readiness, place a spoon inside and if it envelops it evenly, then it has reached full readiness;
  10. If you want rapid cooling, and putting warm foods in the refrigerator is strictly prohibited, then immerse the saucepan with the contents in a previously prepared container with cold water or ice.

Now, guided by these simple recipes and recommendations for preparing delicious custard in a wide variety of interpretations, you will definitely find your very own recipe with which you will delight your family and friends.

Good afternoon, our dear readers, we continue to explore the culinary world. Today we will learn how to prepare a classic recipe for custard for a cake. We will also learn how to prepare other creams for various cakes and pastries.

Previously, I somehow didn’t really like making these creams, I just couldn’t do them. But I really wanted to try my custard, especially since in stores it was somehow different from what it used to be. And finding something for tea with a very tasty cream is becoming increasingly difficult.

And now the time has come, I decided to do it myself. I tried to make a cream and it worked. And of course, there was a desire to continue to delight my family with delicious baked goods. Today I will share with you my successes and show you the recipes that I definitely succeeded in. and so - let's go.

Classic custard recipe at home.

This recipe is described everywhere as a classic. I tried it for the first time. It is quite simple, all the ingredients are clear and accessible. But again, you can cook it in different ways. Some people don’t separate the whites and yolks, while others, on the contrary, use whole eggs and this is not a mistake, it’s more of an acquired taste.

Also in this recipe we use flour instead of starch. Next, consider the recipe with starch. Try preparing different creams each time to determine the most delicious one for you. By the way, there are also different starches, and this also changes the taste, as does the cream itself.

For now, here's what we need:

  • Milk - 1 l;
  • Yolks - 4 pcs;
  • Butter - 350 g;
  • Flour - 2/3 cup
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet.

Step 1.

Pour milk into the pan. Save half a glass of milk for later. Sift the flour through a sieve. Pour flour into cold milk, rubbing it with a fork. Stir the flour and milk, carefully removing any lumps.

Step 2.

Now we separate the whites from the yolks. We don't need the whites, but they can be used to make meringue for the cream. Place the pan with milk on the stove. Stirring, heat over low heat until the mixture thickens.

Step 3.

Beat the yolks with the milk we left from the total portion. It should have a runny consistency. Add the yolks to the saucepan with the milk and flour mixture, stirring continuously. At the same time, do not turn off the fire.

Sha g 4.

When the mass thickens, cool it. We take out the butter. Beat it with a mixer with sugar and vanilla. Place the cooled milk-flour mass into the butter in portions, continuing to beat. Beat until we get a real smooth and airy cream.

Immediately prepare to whisk for at least 10 minutes. Sometimes it will take 15 minutes to get a very fluffy cream.

Step 5.

Now it all depends on what you are cooking. You can immediately spread it on the cake, put it in the cake, and so on. You can put it in the refrigerator for a short time to make it firmer.

This cream is not stored for a long time, about 3 days in the refrigerator, otherwise it will spoil later. They say that you can freeze it, but I haven’t tried it, it seems to me that after thawing it will be completely different.

Custard for Napoleon cake.

This is one of my husband's favorite cakes. To please your family with an awesome cake, you can prepare the cream according to the recipe below.

Now we will use potato starch; with starch we get a thicker cream, but you can also use just flour. The custard recipe for Napoleon cake is also used for other cakes, such as honey or sour cream.

We will need:

  • Milk – 0.5 l;
  • Butter – 50-100 g;
  • Sugar – 1 glass;
  • Egg – 2 pcs;
  • Flour or starch - 2.5-3 tbsp. without slide;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon.

Step 1.

Mix the dry ingredients in a saucepan: flour or starch, half the sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat in the eggs.

Step 2.

Mix with a whisk and get a thick mixture. It is important not to add milk right away, as lumps will form and it will be difficult to stir them, and in such a thick state it is much easier to do it.

Step 3.

Gradually add milk and mix again to obtain a liquid, homogeneous mixture without lumps. Add the remaining sugar.

Step 4.

Now put on low heat and heat, stirring all the time. It is most convenient to stir with a wooden spatula. This must be done constantly, otherwise the cream will immediately burn, since it contains flour (or starch).

Step 5.

At first the cream will be liquid, but as soon as it starts to boil, it will immediately begin to thicken. The longer you cook it, the thicker it will be. And don't stop stirring.

Its thickness depends on the amount of flour or starch (the more, the thicker the custard) and the duration of boiling.

Step 6.

When it becomes thick enough, turn off the heat and cover with a lid so that a film does not form on top. Let cool slightly and add butter. The more oil there is, the tastier it will be. After cooling it will thicken a little more.

Step 7

It will acquire the desired consistency only after it has completely cooled, so it is better to leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

Now the cream is ready, you can prepare the cakes and coat them with cream.

Here is a video of a similar and very tasty cream.

Custard with boiled condensed milk.

I used this cream for Snickers cake and then in buns. Thanks to condensed milk, the cream turns out sweeter and the color is pleasant. Try the recipe for custard for a cake with boiled condensed milk, it’s very tasty.


  • Milk - 0.5 l;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • Starch - 1 tablespoon;
  • Boiled condensed milk - 250 g;
  • Butter – 100 g.

Step 1.

The milk needs to boil. By the way, it is better to use homemade milk.

Step 2.

Grind the eggs and sugar until creamy, then pour in the flour and starch.

Step 3.

As soon as the milk begins to boil, stirring, add the egg mixture in a thin stream and with quick movements.

Step 4.

Boil for a couple of minutes and you will see that the mixture begins to thicken.

Step 5.

It needs to be stirred even after turning off the stove so that it does not form a crust.

Step 6.

After this, add 250 g of boiled condensed milk.

Step 7

And while the mass is hot, stir it well to dissolve the condensed milk in it. It's better to use a blender.

Step 8

Then add the butter little by little to the custard mixture and stir constantly.

That's all, a simple recipe for custard for a cake using condensed milk.

In general, I really love eclairs. Again, due to the fact that the cream turns out tastier at home, I make them more often than I buy them. We will make the recipe for custard for a cake or eclair for a small portion, about 12 pieces.


  • Milk - 400 ml;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Sugar - 160 g;
  • Vanillin;
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons.

Step 1.

Whisk the egg with sugar and vanilla, cold milk, and then a couple of tablespoons of flour.

Step 2.

Mix thoroughly, preventing the appearance of lumps.

Step 3.

Place on low heat and stir continuously until brewed.

How thick it gets, that's all. Let cool, remembering to stir, and you can use it for filling. There is no need for oil in this cream.

Here's another recipe, be sure to check it out.

Custard for honey cake.

Honey cake is very popular in our family, especially when I learned how to make custard. This cake custard recipe is very simple, and only with it I make honey cakes.

We will need:

  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Flour - 1-1.5 tablespoons;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Milk - 2 glasses.

Step 1.

Pour a glass of sugar and 1-1.5 tablespoons of flour into a thick-walled saucepan, mix well. Add the egg. Grind everything to a white mass.

Step 2.

Pour in the milk, mix thoroughly and place the pan over low heat. The cream needs to be stirred constantly. But don’t let it boil; as soon as it starts to gurgle, bubbles appear and the cream starts to thicken, you can turn it off.

Step 3.

This is how smooth the cream looks like condensed milk. Now all that remains is to coat the cake with it.

Chocolate custard for cake.

Thick, viscous, glossy and very chocolatey in taste. This cream is an indispensable component for pastries and cakes, an excellent stand-alone dessert and a very appetizing addition to a morning bun or toast. Let's learn the chocolate custard cake recipe.

We will need:

  • Chicken egg (yolk) – 4 pcs;
  • Milk – 500 ml;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Corn starch – 2 tablespoons;
  • Wheat flour – 2 tablespoons;
  • Black chocolate – 1 bar (90-100 g);
  • Cocoa powder – 1-2 tablespoons;
  • Butter – 20-50 g (optional).

Step 1.

Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Add sugar. Beat the yolks for several minutes until the sugar dissolves and a light, airy mixture is obtained.

Step 2.

Add 1-2 tbsp. cocoa powder, a pinch of salt, 2 tbsp. starch and 2 tbsp. flour and mix everything thoroughly again.

Step 3.

Measure out the milk and add the chocolate. We do all this in a separate saucepan. Bring the milk to almost a boil over low heat, stirring until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

Step 4.

Gradually, stirring, add hot chocolate milk to the whipped yolks. Add milk in portions and stir the mixture constantly. First add 1-2 tablespoons of milk to warm the mixture, and then gradually increase the amount - this will prevent the yolks from curdling due to exposure to high temperature.

After pouring in about half of the hot milk, the cooled part can be added in one go, pouring in a thin stream.

Step 5.

Strain the resulting mixture and pour into a saucepan or saucepan.

Place the cream on low heat and, stirring constantly with a whisk, cook until thickened.

The process may take several minutes, but gradually the foam on the surface of the mixture will disappear, and the mass will become dense and shiny.

The readiness of the cream can be seen visually - quite clear traces of the whisk remain on the surface of the cream. Another classic test is to dip a spoon into the cream and then lift it above the container. The finished chocolate custard will envelop the spoon in a thick layer and flow from the spoon in a single thread. Run your finger along the spoon - a clear path should remain.

Step 6.

Turn off the heat and pour the cream into a container or bowl to cool completely. At this stage it is already quite thick, but as it cools it will thicken even more.

Step 7

Place pieces of butter on the surface of the hot cream. Having melted, the butter forms a kind of protective layer on the cream, thanks to which a film does not form on the surface of the cooled cream. When the cream has cooled completely, beat it again until smooth.

If you don’t have butter on hand, you can line the surface of the cream with cling film, so that the film touches the cream.

Here's a simple chocolate custard recipe for a cake.

Here's another interesting recipe:

That’s all for me, write your comments below, I’m also interested in what recipes or secrets of making creams you know. Join us on Odnoklassniki and read us on our channel in Yandex.Zen. Bye everyone, bon appetit.

Classic Custard Cake Recipe - 6 Best Recipes. updated: January 15, 2018 by: Subbotina Maria

Custard for a cake is exactly that delicacy, with a very delicate, memorable taste, familiar to us since childhood, reminding us of the taste of various pastries, puff pastries, eclairs, baked nuts and, of course, Napoleon cake.

Today, many confectioners, like housewives, are increasingly using custard. After all, it is truly amazingly tasty and a completely universal product for complementing and soaking various desserts. But in order for the cream to be quite tasty and at the same time have the correct consistency, it is necessary to have a reliable recipe and know all the subtleties of its preparation, as well as in cooking


  • Milk - 4 cups
  • sugar - 1 heaped glass
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs
  • flour - 4 tbsp. l
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

After you have prepared all the necessary products, pour the milk into the pan, add all the above sugar there, put it on the fire and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Next, beat four eggs and the same number of tablespoons of flour into a separate cup. Then beat the whole mass thoroughly using a mixer until smooth. Add two ladlefuls of hot, sweet milk and beat again.

Now pour the beaten egg mixture into the simmering, but by no means boiling, sweet milk and stirring constantly so that the cream does not stick to the walls of the pan, bring until thickened. Then remove the cream from the stove and let it cool. And only then add one packet of vanilla sugar and mix thoroughly.

The custard is ready to use for your baking!

Delicious custard for sponge cake


  • Milk - 1.5 cups
  • sugar - 1/2 cup.
  • chicken yolk - 4 pcs
  • flour - 1/4 cup.
  • vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

Pour the above amount of flour, sugar, salt into a deep bowl and mix. Add chicken yolks there.

Mix thoroughly with a whisk until crumbs form.

In a separate saucepan, heat (do not boil) the milk until small bubbles appear and pour in a thin stream, at the same time stirring the whole mixture. Then we put it on the fire and bring the cream until a thick mass forms.

Now pour vanilla extract into the resulting mass and mix everything again.

All that remains is to separate the clots, strain the resulting cream through a fine sieve, then cover it with cling film, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator.

Use the resulting cream chilled.

Recipe for custard with butter and without eggs for honey cake


  • Milk - 1 glass
  • sugar - 1/2 cup.
  • butter - 100 g
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

Pour half a glass of milk into a saucepan or saucepan, add sugar, put it on the fire and stirring constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved, then remove from the stove.

Pour the second part of the milk into a clean bowl, add flour into it and use a whisk to bring until smooth. Then pour the same mixture into a saucepan with dissolved sugar and simmer on the stove, stirring constantly until the whole mass thickens. Immediately remove from the stove and leave until cool.

Now add the whipped butter in small portions to the almost cooled mass and beat it thoroughly.

The custard for the honey cake is ready!

Custard for eclairs


  • Granulated sugar – 150 gr
  • milk - 400 ml
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vanillin - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

Drive one chicken egg into the pan, stir it lightly, add all the specified sugar, a packet of vanillin and continue whisking with a mixer or whisk until the sugar dissolves.

Then pour in cold milk and stir a little.

Now put the pan with the resulting mass on the stove and stir constantly for one or two minutes, so that the mass does not burn and lumps do not form.

If, suddenly, it seems to you that the cream has not thickened enough, do not worry, as it cools it will reach the desired consistency.

We leave the cream to infuse and cool, and then proceed to filling the eclairs.

Custard with milk (video)

Bon appetit!!!

We were taught in labor lessons in the fifth grade. For some reason, this version of the cream seemed incredibly complicated to me; I never made it. But now time has passed and many things can no longer be looked at through the eyes of a child, but through the keen and all-understanding eyes of an adult. And now I realize that the classic custard recipe is quite clear and easy to prepare. And I can’t describe how pleasant it is.

By the way, it has varieties and even you can make a Napoleon cake not a standard one with an already known recipe, but experiment a little and try something new.

So, today I will show you 6 recipes with a detailed description of the creation of custard.

In a classic recipe, all products used are accessible, familiar, and do not raise doubts about their usefulness. But there are some features, for example, using whole eggs or only yolks. When using the latter, the cream develops a peculiar egg flavor, which is also not for everyone. I don’t separate the eggs this way and use them completely (without the shell, of course).

Stabilizers are also used: starch and flour.

So you can also take different starch. I always have potato, but you can buy and experiment with corn or rice.

Today we will replace starch with flour, but below I will give another classic recipe, but with the addition of starch.

It is also important to take into account that this cream is very perishable, it can be stored in the cold for three days, I don’t know about freezing, but I think that it will separate later when defrosted.


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 320 g sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 120 flour
  • 20 g butter

1. Before starting to prepare the cream, rinse the bowl under running cold water and pour a liter of milk and sugar into it. Turn on the stove and do not forget to stir the milk until it boils.

2.While the milk mixture is heating up, grind the eggs in flour.

3. We carefully add a couple of ladlefuls of hot sweet milk mixture into this mass and mix, then pour in a couple more ladles, mix everything and pour the resulting mass back into the container with milk.

4.Now cook it all until a viscous consistency is obtained, stirring constantly.

5. Cool slightly and mix with butter until the butter is completely dissolved.

To prevent lumps from forming, first mix the bulk ingredients and then add the eggs.

For Napoleon (recipe with step-by-step photos)

When preparing Napoleon, we bake very dry cake layers, so not every cream mixture is used to soak them. Custard fits perfectly here because of its liquid and slightly watery consistency. It gave up some of the moisture from the milk when boiling and brewing the consistency, and some when filling the cakes.

But we will not look at the standard recipe, but begin to mix in additives. For example, surprise your guests with ice cream flavored cream.


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 300 g sugar
  • 0.5 cups flour
  • 5 eggs
  • Vanillin
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 70 g sugar

1. Make a sugar-flour mixture before adding eggs to them, then lumps will not form.

2. Add 100 milk here.

3. Pour the finished mixture into the boiling milk. Stirring regularly until the cream begins to thicken.

4.Remove from the stove and add oil.

5.Separately, beat 70 grams of sugar and a glass of cream from the refrigerator.

6.Add the brewed cream to this mixture in small portions and continue whisking.

A full description of this recipe is given in the video.

It tastes like ice cream.

Custard for cake

This recipe will have a different amount of ingredients used for the cake. After all, there are a lot of cakes, and you need to coat the walls. We will add vanillin here as a flavoring additive; it will decorate the ordinary cream with additional pleasant and aromatic notes.


  • 600 ml milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 g sugar
  • 25 g flour
  • 250 g butter
  • 1.5 g vanillin

1. Mix eggs with sugar and flour.

2.Mix with milk.

3.Brew for several minutes (2-3).

4.When the mass has cooled, add vanillin and mix.

5. At the final stage, add the softened butter to the cream.

Preparing cream for biscuit

The unusual moist consistency of this cream, which thoroughly impregnates the biscuits, and you will get a soft cake and it will quickly melt in your mouth.


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 100 g butter
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2.5 tbsp. flour
  • Vanilla sugar

1. Beat 5 eggs with flour and adding sugar until smooth.

2. Bring the prepared amount of milk until bubbles form when boiling.

3. After boiling, remove the milk from the stove and let it cool to 80 degrees, and then start pouring in the resulting mixture.

4.Heat on the burner, stirring constantly for about a couple of minutes, until thickened.

5.Remove from heat and mix with butter, stir until dissolved.

Look how well the mixture is applied to the cakes.

Custard for eclairs

It is quite possible to organize tea with eclairs at home. The given amount of cream mixture is enough for 12 pieces.


  • 400 ml cold milk
  • 1 egg
  • 160 g sugar
  • Vanillin
  • 2 tbsp. flour

1. Using a whisk, mix the egg with sugar and vanilla, cold milk, and then a couple of tablespoons of flour.

2.Mix thoroughly, preventing the appearance of lumps.

3.Put on low heat and stir continuously until brewed.

In this recipe we do without butter.

Custard with condensed milk

Adding condensed milk adds tenderness and sweetness to the cream. Of course, the color of the cream mixture will be much more interesting. By the way, we use starch in this recipe, so try it, you might like this cream consistency much more. Moreover, it will become more viscous and stretchy.


  • 0.5 l milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. starch
  • 250 g boiled condensed milk
  • Butter – 100 g.

1.The milk needs to be boiled.

2. Grind the eggs and sugar until creamy, then pour in the flour and starch.

3. As soon as the milk begins to boil, stirring, add the egg mixture into it in a thin stream and with quick movements.

4. Boil for a couple of minutes and see that the mixture begins to thicken.

5. It needs to be stirred even after turning off the stove so that it does not form a crust.

6.After this, add 250 g of boiled condensed milk.

7.And while the mass is hot, stir it well to dissolve the condensed milk in it. Help yourself with a blender.

8.The color of the whipped butter should turn white, and then add it in parts to the custard mixture.

Suitable for eclairs and honey cake.

I would also like to know your recipes and opinions on making these creams. Maybe you know some subtleties and nuances that will further improve this recipe?