How to make delicious hot chocolate. How to make hot chocolate at home: recipes

Hot chocolate - ready to go aromatic delicacy for gourmets

The very concept of " hot chocolate» for Europe and for us it has different meanings. If you order a cup of hot chocolate somewhere in Vienna or Budapest, you will most likely be served a concentrated drink made from cocoa powder with cream, milk or water. But the base will be made from cocoa powder. In our country, hot chocolate is a dessert drink, warming, tasty, high in calories, made from chocolate bars with the addition of milk and spices. And you don’t need to go to a cafe to taste it; you can make hot chocolate at home. To make it tasty and healthy, choose the best for its preparation.

Choosing ingredients for hot chocolate

Chocolate. As chocolate base you can take it chocolate bar or pieces culinary chocolate. Gourmets claim that the most delicious drink It will work out if you choose chocolate with a light, pleasant bitterness and a cocoa content of at least 60-70%. Traditionally, dark and milk chocolate are used for hot chocolate, but you can also make dessert from white chocolate However, such chocolate will be quite thick and fatty - white chocolate contains a large amount of cocoa butter.

Liquid foundation. This could be milk, cream or water. If you cook chocolate with water, it will taste bland, and it needs to be generously seasoned with spices. A drink made with milk or cream has a softer, more pleasant taste, but it also contains significantly more calories. The best option is a mixture of milk and water - chocolate dissolves more easily in it and the result is a more refined taste and less high in calories.

Supplements To improve the taste, you can add any alcohol - rum, liqueur, cognac, the main thing is that the alcohol is combined with chocolate to taste. To make the drink thicker and more satisfying, add egg yolk, sour cream or starch. But this is optional.

Spices. There is a huge choice here - vanilla, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, chili pepper, orange zest - any of these additives go well with chocolate. You can add sugar, or a little salt - this will give the chocolate a piquant note.

Hot chocolate - recipes and preparation methods

Thick hot chocolate. We will need a liter of milk, 2 chocolate bars of 100 grams each, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of potato starch (without a slide).

Don't be alarmed by the starch in the recipe! It is starch that gives hot chocolate its thickness, it becomes viscous, rich, warming and very tasty! Try making a portion according to the recipe, but if you decide that hot chocolate is more liquid consistency If you are more used to it, then next time exclude the starch and add cream instead of milk.

Pour starch into a glass, pour in a little cold milk, stir. Top up with cold milk. Break the chocolate, pour in the rest of the milk, and place on low heat. As soon as the chocolate has dissolved, add milk and starch, stirring constantly, and heat. If you notice that the mixture begins to thicken, remove from heat and immediately pour into large cups.

Traditional hot chocolate recipe. 700 ml. milk, heat 2 chocolate bars until the chocolate is completely melted. Pour in 300 ml. cream (any fat content) and heat, but do not bring to a boil.

Hot chocolate with orange zest. Peel the zest from one orange, place it in a saucepan with the cream and heat until almost boiling. Remove from heat and let it brew under the lid. Break the chocolate bar, put it in the cream, stir. If the chocolate doesn’t melt well, heat the cream again and mix the mixture thoroughly until it becomes homogeneous. Whisk, pour hot chocolate into the largest cup, add a spoonful of cream, a pinch of cinnamon... and enjoy!

There is no need to follow exact proportions when preparing hot chocolate. Some people like thick chocolate, while others like almost cocoa. You will definitely need milk, cream, chocolate, and then – according to your mood and taste!

Both drink and dessert! Hot chocolate is a treat for the whole family; it can be easily and quickly prepared to the delight of your family.

Refrigerate. Before making hot chocolate, chill the chocolate in the refrigerator. Chocolate room temperature It will start to melt too quickly and it should be hard when you add it to the milk.

Use cream. For a thicker drink, use cream. Remember, if you find the drink too thick, you can add a little water.

Do not bring to a boil. No matter whether you use cream or milk, you should not bring the drink to a boil. Chocolate will lose its properties and the drink will no longer be as tasty.

Add vanilla. By adding a teaspoon of vanilla, you get wonderful taste. Everyone who tries your drink will ask for the recipe. But keep it a secret! Let them guess for themselves...

Let the drink brew. After the preparation process is completed, let the drink brew. Leave it for 10 minutes, let it cool a little. So it will be more saturated. Then heat it over low heat.

Whisk. Whisk your drink a little until foam appears. This will make it more tender and pleasant. The taste will be simply extraordinary!

Decorate. Add whipped cream, cinnamon, candy canes, melted caramel, small marshmallows, or whatever you like.

Recipe 1: simple hot chocolate from a chocolate bar

chocolate- 100 g (one standard chocolate bar, without fillers)
milk - 400 ml
granulated sugar - 50 g
vanilla sugar- taste

Grate the chocolate, pour in half the hot milk and grind until smooth. Add sugar and, stirring constantly, pour in the rest of the milk. And that's all - chocolate drink ready.
To diversify a little boring recipe hot chocolate, you can add cloves, cinnamon, cardamom to taste, nutmeg. You can also add it to hot chocolate. butter and decorate the drink with cream, nuts, cocoa powder.

Recipe 2: Cornmeal Hot Chocolate

Milk 500 ml
Corn flour 1 teaspoon
Black chocolate 70% 120 g
Sugar to taste

1. Heat the milk over medium heat until it reaches a gentle boil, turn the heat to very low and add chocolate, broken into small pieces, into a saucepan with milk (before doing this, it is better to put chocolate in the freezer for a couple of hours: after cold it gives more discriminating taste). Stirring the contents of the saucepan, bring the drink to a homogeneous state and a timid, bubbling boil.

2. Add sugar and thicken cornmeal. To prevent it from forming lumps, it is a good idea to first drop a little hot liquid into a tablespoon of flour, turn the contents of the spoon into a paste, and then use this paste to thicken the rest of the chocolate.

3. Pour the finished chocolate into cups and serve immediately.

Recipe 3: Hot Chocolate with Cocoa Powder and Pepper

cocoa powder - 3 teaspoons
milk - 2 cups
granulated sugar - 5 teaspoons
vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
red (preferably cayenne) pepper - to taste
or chili pepper - to taste
In principle, you can do without pepper. But in general, real hot chocolate should have pepper. Otherwise it's just a variation of cocoa.

Mix cocoa powder with sugar. Heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil, and gradually, stirring continuously, add sugar and milk. Then add vanilla sugar and pepper. Hot chocolate is ready.

Recipe 4: Hot chocolate made with butter and cocoa powder

Take 4 heaping tablespoons of cocoa powder, 4 tablespoons butter, 4 tablespoons granulated sugar and arbitrary quantity drinking water(the consistency of the drink will depend on it).

Melt the butter in a ladle or small saucepan. Mix cocoa with sugar, add to butter and stir. Then add water and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring continuously. You can start with no large quantity water and then increase it to get more liquid chocolate. For flavor, you can add vanillin or replace sugar with vanilla sugar.

The same technology is used to prepare chocolate icing for cakes - if you wait until the boiling mass becomes thick enough. You turn off the heat immediately after the drink boils and pour it into a cup.

Recipe 5: hot chocolate with potato starch and chocolate

The specified amount of ingredients makes 4–5 servings.

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 200 g chocolate (bitter or milk)
  • 2–3 tbsp. (without top) starch (potato)

Dissolve starch in 1 glass of milk.

Pour the rest of the milk into a saucepan and place on medium heat, add chocolate.
Heat until the chocolate has dissolved.

Then add milk with starch, mix well, heat until the mass begins to thicken.
Remove from heat.

Serve hot.

Recipe 6: How to make Hot Chocolate in the microwave

milk 3.2% ¾ cup
vanilla sugar ¼ tsp.
ground nutmeg 2 pinches
chocolate 50 g

Hot chocolate is not just a drink, it is a boost of energy for the whole day. And you don’t have to run to the nearest cafe to get it, because you can quickly make the delicacy at home.

The easiest hot chocolate

To prepare a drink with really rich taste, take the best dark chocolate. Its quality directly affects the result obtained.

Required Products:

  • three glasses of milk;
  • one and a half tsp. corn starch;
  • sugar to taste;
  • 180 grams of good dark chocolate.

Cooking process:

  1. Divide the chocolate into pieces so that they melt faster and place in a saucepan.
  2. Add half the specified amount of milk there and turn on the stove to medium heat.
  3. Constantly stirring the ingredients in the pan, bring the chocolate to a liquid state.
  4. Pour two tablespoons of milk into the starch, wait for it to dissolve, and combine the resulting mass with the remaining milk.
  5. This mixture must be poured into the melted chocolate, while whisking the drink with a whisk or mixer.
  6. At this stage, add the desired amount of sugar, mix and cook for about five minutes over low heat until thick.

With added banana

You can make hot chocolate with the addition of banana - this is a good, aromatic combination.

Required Products:

  1. Cooking process:
  2. Peel the banana, cut into pieces, and divide the chocolate into cubes.
  3. Pour milk into a saucepan, mix with chocolate and banana.
  4. Heat the mixture over low heat until the chocolate is completely dissolved, then beat the resulting mass with a blender until smooth.
  5. You can add a little sugar before serving to taste.

Recipe with marshmallows

Required Products:

  • 100 grams of chocolate;
  • marshmallow - to your taste;
  • 140 milliliters of cream;
  • 0.6 liters of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour into the pan specified quantity milk and cream. Stir and heat over low heat.
  2. Then add the chocolate, which must first be divided into small pieces.
  3. Wait for the contents of the pan to boil, turn the heat to low and stir a little until a homogeneous mixture comes out.
  4. Pour it into cups and place marshmallows on top.

Hot chocolate with cocoa

If you don’t have chocolate on hand, no problem, the drink can be made with cocoa. After all, cocoa is the same as chocolate, only not sweet.

Required Products:

  • two spoons of cocoa;
  • tsp corn starch;
  • sugar to your taste;
  • 0.3 liters of cream.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix cocoa and starch in a saucepan, pour them with a spoon of cold water.
  2. Heat the indicated amount of cream well, but do not bring it to a boil. Gently pour them into the cocoa mass, stirring until smooth.
  3. Heat the ingredients over low heat and then remove from the stove. Let them sit for five minutes and serve with homemade cookies.

How to make a cinnamon drink

Hot chocolate with cinnamon - real winter drink. Prepare it according to this recipe and enjoy it on a stormy day.

Required Products:

  • 0.7 liters of milk;
  • two cinnamon sticks;
  • 200 grams of good dark chocolate;
  • 0.3 liters heavy cream.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine the milk and cream, put it on the stove, heat it well, but do not let the mixture boil.
  2. Grind the cinnamon sticks in a mortar or coffee grinder. If desired, you can use the already ground version.
  3. Remove the cream and milk from the stove, add cinnamon to them and leave for five minutes.
  4. We separate the chocolate into slices, place it in the hot mixture and stir with a whisk until it is completely dissolved. After this, pour the drink into cups and serve.

Original version with chili pepper

This combination will make the drink more aromatic and certainly non-trivial.

Required Products:

  • three dry chili peppers;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • three large spoons of cocoa;
  • three spoons of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix cocoa and sugar, add a little milk, but not all.
  2. Place the mixture on the stove, turning on medium heat.
  3. Without ceasing to stir, add chili pepper to the ingredients and cook the mixture further over low heat.
  4. Keep on the stove until the sugar is completely dissolved, then pour in the remaining milk and as soon as the drink boils, immediately remove it.
  5. Be sure to pass the drink through a sieve so that there is nothing unnecessary in it, including pieces of pepper. After this, pour the chocolate into cups and serve.

With coconut milk

Required Products:

  • 70 milliliters coconut milk;
  • 100 grams of dark chocolate;
  • three spoons of sugar;
  • 0.35 liters of almond or regular milk.

Cooking process:

  1. We separate the chocolate into pieces and bring it to a liquid state. It's best to do this on steam bath, but if you don’t want to mess around, then just do it on the stove or in the microwave.
  2. Mix both types of milk separately and place on the stove. We wait for the mixture to boil and quickly combine with melted chocolate until he froze.
  3. Add the specified amount of sugar (or to your taste), mix and serve the drink.

Thick hot chocolate

To get a thick consistency chocolate cocktail use regular starch. It is best to take corn, then its taste will not be felt in the drink.

By the way, it can be added to any recipe. Please note that the drink without starch will be quite liquid.

Required Products:

  • liter of milk;
  • three large spoons of starch;
  • 200 grams of chocolate.

Cooking process:

  1. Take a glass of milk and pour starch into it. Stir until a homogeneous mixture without lumps is obtained.
  2. Pour the remaining milk into the pan and set to heat over low heat. Add chocolate, previously divided into slices.
  3. We continue to heat the mixture until the chocolate pieces are completely dissolved, after which we add the diluted starch here. Mix.
  4. Continue cooking until the drink begins to thicken. As soon as the process starts, immediately remove the chocolate from the heat, pour into cups and serve.

Hot chocolate - aromatic drink, which not only gives gastronomic pleasure, but creates a special atmosphere and lifts your spirits. Do not deny yourself the pleasure and prepare this delicious delicacy at least once.

What could be better on a cold winter night than to sit in a cozy chair and watch a movie with a cup of hot chocolate? This excellent drink will fill you with a boost of vigor and energy, and will also help you warm up.

Recipe 1

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • Full-fat milk - fifty milliliters.
  • Dark chocolate without any fillers - two hundred grams (2 regular bars).


Perfectionists may say that chocolate at home must be prepared in a water bath. And in general, you can’t use chocolate bars, but cook like in coffee shops - from cocoa beans. But what if you can't find them, or they've run out? Don't be upset, buy it good chocolate– just don’t save money.

Without unpacking the chocolate, break it. Heat the milk to fifty degrees. After this, pour in the chocolate little by little and stir at the same time. You need to stir until the chocolate melts, but do not boil.

If you want the chocolate to maintain its temperature, then you should pour it into ceramic cups that have thick walls. If you want to admire the color, glass glasses are suitable. You can make foam using a cappuccino maker from a coffee maker.

The drink turns out to be quite sweet and rich, in this case it’s worth pouring a glass of water. This will help reveal the taste of the prepared drink and finish it with pleasure.

Recipe 2


  • Potato starch - two to three tablespoons (without top).
  • Sugar – one or two tablespoons.
  • Milk or dark chocolate – two hundred grams.
  • Milk - one liter.


Dissolve starch in one glass of milk. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, place over medium heat, and then add chocolate and sugar. Heat until the chocolate has dissolved. Then add starch and milk, mix thoroughly and heat until the mixture begins to thicken. Remove from heat and serve hot.

Chocolate in French

For four cups of water you need one hundred grams of dark chocolate, which must be broken in advance. First, place the chocolate in a cup of warm water, and as soon as it melts a little, put it on low heat. Once the mixture is smooth, add three more cups of water. Now bring to a boil over low heat, while stirring (this will take about ten minutes). Remove from heat, whisk and serve hot. Add sugar to taste.

Viennese chocolate

Started the same as in French recipe, but you should add two or three more fresh yolks, mix well, put on the burner with low heat and wait until the mixture thickens, just don’t wait until it boils. After this, while hot, pour into cups and add one tablespoon of “creme fraiche” (similar to homemade thick sour cream, you can replace it with it).

Mexican chocolate


  • Vanilla extract - one tablespoon.
  • Cinnamon - three sticks.
  • Chocolate - forty grams.
  • Milk - four hundred milliliters.


Pour cinnamon, chocolate into a saucepan, pour in milk and heat until chocolate dissolves. Remove the cinnamon sticks and pour in the vanilla. Beat until foam forms. Serve in cups.

Austrian chocolate


  • Cinnamon sticks - for garnish.
  • Powder – to make hot chocolate.
  • Heavy cream - four tablespoons.
  • Milk - one and a half glasses.
  • Cinnamon - one-half teaspoon.
  • Chopped zest of one orange.
  • Chopped chocolate - one hundred grams.


IN small saucepan add cinnamon, zest, chocolate, add three tablespoons of milk and start melting over low heat, stirring while doing so. Pour in the remaining milk and slowly bring to a boil, stirring while doing so. In a mixer, beat the cream until thick cream. When the hot chocolate is ready, pour into mugs. Place a cinnamon stick and one tablespoon of cream in each of them.

Creamy hot chocolate


  • Cream - one second glass.
  • Vanilla extract - three-quarters teaspoon.
  • Milk - three and a half glasses.
  • Boiling water - one third of a glass.
  • Salt – one pinch.
  • Sugar - three-quarters cups.
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder - one third cup.


Pour a pinch of salt, sugar, cocoa into the pan. While stirring, pour in boiling water. Stirring, bring everything to a boil (this will take about two minutes), it is important to watch so that it does not burn. Add three and a half cups of milk and heat, just not to a boil. Remove from heat and pour in vanilla. Divide everything into four cups, add cream and cool slightly before serving.

Hot chocolate recipe from Laura Bush

Mix six tablespoons of sugar and six tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa and a pinch of salt. Add two and a half cups (about 600 milliliters) of milk and heat. Add one-half teaspoon vanilla, two and a half light cream and, if desired, a pinch of cinnamon powder. Bring everything to a boil. Stir and pour into cups. You can decorate the top with grated orange zest, cocoa powder and whipped cream.

Video lessons

She didn’t talk about winter warming drinks, but she didn’t talk about a drink that is very beloved by many - hot chocolate.

But it is he who is able to give us warmth, coziness and comfort, warm the body and soul, create amazing taste pleasure and health benefits☺

I am correcting this “injustice” in relation to hot chocolate!

It is simply impossible not to love this drink, because it is real, it is passionate, sensual, alluring and captivating, it is unique.

It can instantly lift your spirits, give incredible inspiration, and give you strength and energy. This is exactly what we are missing in winter cold, really?☺

How many there are wonderful recipes preparing this drink! There is not enough book to describe them.

It’s a difficult task, but I’ll try to tell you about the most interesting ones. simple and healthy recipes, which you can easily prepare at home yourself.

So, if you love hot chocolate as much as I do, and want to master a couple of recipes for yourself, then brew yourself a cup of tea and get ready to learn the mysteries of its preparation!

Read on to learn about the benefits of hot chocolate and several reasons to drink a cup of this divine drink...

From this article you will learn:

Hot chocolate - what is it and how to prepare it?

Chocolate is the most favorite product among children. And it’s no wonder the kids love him so much!

Chocolate is a sweet start to the day.

Everyone can afford to drink a cup of hot chocolate in the morning at breakfast, even those who care about a slim figure and a thin waist!

By the way, scientists have proven that drinking hot chocolate is much healthier than just eating chocolate!

The darker the chocolate, the higher the percentage of cocoa in it, the more benefits it contains. Of course, we are talking about REAL chocolate, natural, not containing various synthetic flavors, dyes, thickeners, stabilizers and preservatives!

What are the benefits of hot chocolate?

Key useful points:

  1. Hot chocolate will warm you up if you are cold, as it perfectly improves blood circulation and gets the blood pumping.
  2. A small cup of hot chocolate satisfies well, so this drink is quite suitable as a snack in the morning.
  3. Chocolate contains antioxidants that prevent heart disease and premature aging, rejuvenate cells and reduce the risk of cancer.
  4. It improves brain function. Research shows that hot chocolate can “wake up” your brain and improve memory and concentration.
  5. Increases performance several times. But for this purpose there is no need to add sugar to the drink, since consuming sugar after sharp jump“supposedly working capacity”, resets all “achievements of chocolate effects”...
  6. Chocolate drink from quality ingredients contains more antioxidants than high-quality and expensive natural red wine!
  7. It is a great mood lifter, reduces stress and anxiety, reduces symptoms of depression and stimulates the production of endorphins (joy hormones), which helps us feel happy.
  8. And again here is the same advice: make sure that your cup of chocolate drink does not contain a large amount of sugar, and it is best to replace it altogether!!! Doctors advise not to get carried away and drink no more than two small cups of hot chocolate a day!
  9. Strengthens blood vessels, as it contains flavonoids that stabilize arterial pressure, strengthen the vascular wall, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  10. Hot chocolate helps you lose weight. Under one condition - we replace all frankly harmful sweets with two cups of good hot chocolate with a little sugar or!

How to make the perfect hot chocolate yourself - tips from the world's most famous chocolatiers

This is what famous chocolate gurus such as Dominique Ansel, Jacques Torres, Mauri Rubin and Michael Klug advise.

To make the perfect hot chocolate, take their advice!

  • First rule: forget about instant chocolate powders from stores!

Yes, this is a quick and easy way to prepare a cup of hot chocolate, and in many cases it is an irreplaceable thing.

But, unfortunately, not all hot chocolate mixes are equally “chocolatey”...

In many mixtures, the quality of the components is quite questionable, not to mention the fact that many companies add various synthetic additives to the mixtures... Well, what kind of taste can we talk about here?

However, there are also mixtures that are made from natural, powdered chocolate.

This one - yes, you can take this one. Therefore, carefully study the composition on the pack and look for real chocolate mixtures.

  • Second rule: only high-quality chocolate!

The basis of the drink is chocolate, so you need to be very responsible when choosing it, because the taste of your drink will depend on it.

Only use chocolate High Quality.

You won’t be able to cook aromatic and truly tasty Strawberry pie in winter, right? And all because in winter strawberries do not have the desired taste and real aroma.

Everything is exactly the same with chocolate: if you want delicious and aromatic hot chocolate, then take the best quality chocolate!

You need to choose very high-quality tiles with a cocoa content of at least 70%.

To make the drink sweet, you can add a little sugar or stevia. But still, it would be better to mix dark chocolate (base) with milk chocolate, with dark chocolate making up 70% of the drink, and the second, milk chocolate, making up the remaining 30%.

If you are preparing chocolate for children, then, of course, it is best to change this proportion and make the drink in a ratio of 50 to 50%.

But the percentage of cocoa content in chocolate bar- That's not all!

When you choose your chocolate, don't just look at the percentages.

Therefore, look for the best one, try different ones, learn about the best manufacturers natural high quality chocolate until you find the perfect chocolate for you!

  • Third rule: milk and cream. It’s the same here as with chocolate: it’s better to mix both. The main thing is to clearly determine the correct proportion for yourself.

Cream gives the drink a creamy and silky texture.

If you add a lot of them, then it will no longer be a drink, but a cream, a dessert, and a rather fatty dessert, which is not entirely healthy.

Needless to say, milk and cream must certainly be of the highest quality, natural, preferably organic, farm-raised, made from real milk, and not from milk powder.

And without the use of various stabilizers, synthetic flavorings " natural milk"and preservatives.

Try comparing the taste of chocolate made with regular store-bought milk and cream and the taste of chocolate made with organic dairy products. Comments will be unnecessary...

  • Fourth rule: additives.

The most popular additives are cinnamon and vanilla.

You can add them to ready-made chocolate, or you can, before adding chocolate, warm the milk with a cinnamon stick or vanilla pod.

Noteworthy spices added to the drink are nutmeg and Cayenne pepper.

Whipped cream, chocolate chips and cinnamon powder are ideal for decorating the finished drink.

Be sure to add one pinch of salt to the prepared chocolate.

This is necessary in order to emphasize the sweetness of this drink!

The perfect hot chocolate is just a case of perfect ingredients coming together.

You don't need any special equipment to make hot chocolate.

All you need is a stove, a small saucepan and, in fact, a whisk, with which you will carefully and enthusiastically stir the whole thing:

  1. You need to heat the milk in a saucepan. Do not let it boil, otherwise it will change its consistency after boiling, and it will no longer be the “milk” that we need!
  2. You need to add chocolate to hot milk. It should be at room temperature.
  3. Next - continue heating the mixture until quite high temperature, stirring it constantly with a whisk until the chocolate is completely melted in the milk.

That's all, friends, it's simple! All you have to do is add the additives you want, and voila - your chocolate drink is ready!

If you want to try the most delicate foamed hot chocolate, then pour the chocolate into a blender bowl, pour in a small amount of hot milk and whisk. It will be unforgettable, I promise you!

You will succeed! Well, I succeeded... Even if not the first time, yes... But it worked!

Therefore, here are the recipes for chocolate bliss, take your pick!

How to make hot chocolate - the best recipes

So, let's look at the most delicious recipes:

  • Classic hot chocolate No. 1

Heat 450 ml of milk and 75 ml in a saucepan. cream 33% fat, add 70 grams of dark chocolate and 30 grams of milk chocolate.

And don't forget a pinch of salt.

Warm up the drink, but do not bring it to a boil. Pour into mugs.

  • Hot chocolate with liqueur

For one and a half glasses of milk, take five tablespoons of hot chocolate powder.

Heat the milk without bringing it to a boil. Pour chocolate powder into it and stir everything well with a whisk so that there are no lumps.

If desired, the drink can be enriched vanilla essence, a pinch of cinnamon or a pinch of cayenne pepper.

Then pour liqueur (60 ml) into the bottom of a bowl.

Will do chocolate liqueur, cherry bourbon, rum, as well as spiced liqueurs and Baileys. Then pour the prepared hot chocolate on top of the liqueur.

Top off your creation with whipped cream and chocolate chips. You can also serve it nicely with marshmallows (you don't have to eat them) or add orange zest.

  • Classic hot chocolate No. 2

Heat two glasses of milk and dissolve 60 grams of chocolate in it, adding sweetener to taste. Stirring continuously, bring this mixture until hot.

  • Hot chocolate in Spanish

Ingredients: 2 glasses of milk, 60 grams of grated dark chocolate, 0.5 tsp. cinnamon, 1 egg yolk, sweetener to taste.

Beat one yolk in small quantity milk. Set aside.

Heat the remaining milk and pour in the grated chocolate, sweetener and cinnamon. Heat this mixture, remembering to stir all the time.

At the very end, add the pre-beaten yolk.

  • Mexican hot chocolate

Ingredients: 400 ml milk, 50 grams of chocolate, 3 cinnamon sticks, a little vanilla.

  • In a small saucepan, combine milk, chocolate and cinnamon stick.
  • Heat until all the chocolate is melted.
  • Then take the cinnamon and add vanilla.
  • Beat until foam appears.
  • Spiced hot chocolate

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. dark chocolate, 2 glasses of milk, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and sweetener to taste.

  • Pour half a glass of milk into a saucepan.
  • Add chocolate, sugar, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.
  • Place everything in the oven for 5 minutes.
  • While the mixture is heating, you need to stir it twice so that the chocolate is completely melted.

Then pour the remaining milk into the mixture and put it back in the oven for 7 minutes.

  • Austrian hot chocolate

Ingredients: 100 grams of chopped chocolate, zest of one orange, 0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon, one and a half glasses of milk, 4 tbsp. l. heavy cream.

  • Over very low heat, melt the chocolate along with the zest, cinnamon and 3 tbsp. l. milk.
  • When the chocolate is completely melted, pour the remaining milk into this mixture and bring to a hot state.

Pour hot chocolate into mugs and top each serving with one scoop of pre-whipped cream.

  • Hot chocolate "Montezuma"

Ingredients: 100 g chocolate, 250 ml milk, vanilla.

  • · In a fairly high container you need to melt the chocolate.
  • · Then add milk and vanilla.
  • · Heat three times, bringing until hot and removing the mixture from the heat.
  • · Then beat the prepared mixture thoroughly chocolate mixture using an immersion blender.

Hot chocolate "Bavaroise"

Ingredients: 3 egg yolks, 200 ml of milk, 30 grams of chocolate, 30 ml of strong black hot tea, sugar to taste.

  • · Melt chocolate in hot milk and add tea.
  • · Separately, you need to thoroughly grind the yolks with sugar.
  • · Then mix these two masses and beat thoroughly until foam forms.
  • · You can add a little vanilla.

Hot chocolate with coconut milk

Ingredients: 200 ml. milk, 200 ml. coconut milk, 100 gr. milk chocolate, sugar to taste.

  • Mix the two types of milk and bring them to a very hot state.
  • Add sugar and chocolate pieces.
  • Heat, stirring the mixture until all the chocolate is completely dissolved.

And a few more quick and delicious recipes this delicacy.

They are very interesting, you will definitely like them!

You already understand the technology, so catch ideas and create!

  • Lavender chocolate

A glass of milk + half a glass of grated white chocolate + a little strong infusion of lavender flowers or a couple of drops of real quality essential oil lavender.

  • Mint chocolate

A glass of milk + half a glass of grated milk dark chocolate+ a little strong infusion peppermint or a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil good quality.

  • Spicy hot chocolate

Glass of milk + quality powder cocoa (or replace with chocolate) + spices you like + 1 teaspoon maple syrup.

  • Vanilla chocolate

A glass of milk + a tablespoon of water + chocolate + a tablespoon of sugar + vanilla extract.

Creamy peanut chocolate.

One glass skim milk+ 0.5 cups of heavy cream + 120 grams of milk chocolate + 50 gr. peanut butter.

  • Caramel chocolate

Half a glass of milk + ¼ glass of heavy cream + 150 grams of chocolate + 3 tbsp. spoons of caramel syrup.

  • Coconut chocolate

Two glasses of milk + 3 tbsp. spoons of bourbon + a glass of coconut milk + coconut flakes+ 1 tbsp. spoon of heavy cream + 115 grams of dark chocolate.

  • Coffee hot chocolate

Two glasses of milk + one glass of boiled milk strong coffee+ 100 grams of dark chocolate + tablespoon of sugar.

  • Thick hot chocolate

Four glasses of milk + 200 grams + two tablespoons of sugar + 3 tablespoons of cornstarch.

  • Pumpkin hot chocolate

One and a half glasses of milk + 100 grams of chocolate + two tablespoons pumpkin puree+ one tablespoon of honey + a pinch of spicy mixture + a pinch of salt.

  • Cognac hot chocolate

One and a half glasses of milk + half a teaspoon of cinnamon + ¾ tablespoons of cornstarch + 50 grams of dark chocolate + 3 tbsp. spoons of good chocolate powder+ two tablespoons of sugar + one tablespoon of cognac.

  • Orange hot chocolate

One and a half glasses of milk + half a tablespoon of fresh orange zest+ 60 grams of dark chocolate + 0.5 tablespoons of sugar.

  • Berry hot chocolate

One glass of low-fat cream + juice from 300 grams of berries + 200 grams of dark chocolate + 50 grams of butter + 2 tablespoons of sugar.

  • Nut hot chocolate

One glass of milk + 1 table. spoon of cocoa + 1 table. spoon of ground nuts + 20 grams of dark chocolate + ¼ tsp. ground ginger+ a pinch of salt.

  • Vegan vanilla hot chocolate

One glass of vanilla + 100 grams of dark chocolate + 2 tsp. coconut sugar

  • Italian hot chocolate

Two and a half cups low-fat cream + 1 teaspoon cornstarch + zest of one orange + 60 grams grated chocolate+ 1 tbsp sugar.

  • Hot hot chocolate

One glass of milk + 140 gr. dark chocolate + pinch of chili pepper + ¼ tsp. cinnamon.

  • Irish chocolate

A glass of milk + half a glass of grated dark chocolate + 60 g. Baileys liqueur.

If you want, you can replace the milk with one that has a low lactose content, or replace it altogether cow's milk and cream for similar coconut or almond products. Yes, it will no longer be a “classic”. But I do this because I don't like it regular milk, the main thing is not to deny yourself this pleasure!

Hot chocolate of excellent quality and prepared with love is a real “medicine for body and soul”!

When it’s cold, gray and dank outside, I heartily recommend that you, friends, make hot chocolate: thick, velvety, passionately burning, with a pleasant light bitterness... Mmm... This is truly a royal drink!

And now you know everything about how to cook it correctly and tasty!

Do you have your own secrets for preparing this divine drink? Please share in the comments! As a big fan of hot chocolate, this is very interesting to me!

See you soon, my dears!

Cook with pleasure, enjoy for your health! Inspiration and beauty to you " chocolate mood»!

Alena was with you, bye-bye