How to make a foam goat milk. How to make felled milk at home

In the kitchen, the foiled milk is used in the same way as fresh, so it is very tasty and simply introduce it into a daily diet and thus, to significantly improve health.

The bold plus of the shaken milk also in the fact that it can be cooked with his own hands.

What is the benefits of busty milk

Milk milk is differently called tormented, which reveals the essence of its preparation - a long-lasting tomression at a moderate temperature, as a result of which the simple fresh milk turns into a completely special product.

Fine milk has a light beige color and a characteristic creamy taste, the consistency can be drinking as fresh milk, and maybe thick, like a liquid cream (if it is increased fatty or isged cream).

More than 100 components - amino acids, vitamins and minerals, fats, mono- and disaccharides create more than 100 components. And in many ways, the positive effect of bustling milk is similar to that it has a freshly milk on the human body.

But, if you compare them in detail, you can find both the pros and cons:

Fine milk is assimilated easier than raw, in particular, due to a decrease in the heat treatment of the sizes of fatty molecules;

With a thinning of milk, an extra liquid is evaporated due to which the concentration of beneficial substances increases, in particular, the content of iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, E and D increases;

After heat treatment, the content of vitamin B1 is doubled in the drink and four times - vitamin C;

Fine milk from the source product is of greater energy value (an average of 75 kcal per 100 g) and fatness, which imposes a restriction on its use for those who want to lose weight.

It can be found on the dietary table with various diseases, for example, with diabetes mellitus.

And athletes and fans of an active lifestyle, it will have to taste at the expense of an easily durable protein that contributes to increasing and rejuvenation at the cellular level of muscle mass.

The features of the vitamin and mineral composition of the foiled milk are noteworthy:

Iron - normalizes blood hemoglobin levels, facilitates migraine and dizziness accompanying physical and psycho-emotional overvoltage;

Sodium - supports the operation of the musculoskeletal system, improves the state of the joints and the water-salt balance;

Phosphorus is necessary for the transfer of nerve impulses, hormone synthesis and DNA;

Magnesium - supports the health of the cardiovascular system, including - strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure;

Retinol (A) - improves appetite, prevents diseases of the respiratory system;

Tocopherol (e) - acts as an antioxidant, cleanses the liver from toxic substances, prevents premature aging;

Calciferol (D) - ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, protects against harmful radiation of the Sun, regulates insulin production and blood sugar levels.

Bulk milk is extremely useful for the gastrointestinal tract - it removes inflammatory processes, warns the development of gastritis and ulcers, treats heartburn and accelerates digestion.

Also, the regular use of fused milk contributes to:

Decrease in the strength and frequency of manifestation of allergic reactions;

Prevention of impairment of vision arising from the result and as a result of overvoltage of the optic nerve;

The normal functioning of the thyroid gland;

Reduce risk of thrombosis;

Normalization of hormonal background;

Improving the colors of the face.

How at home get baked milk with benefit and wonderful taste

Unfortunately, today it is almost excluded the opportunity to prepare foam milk as they did the century ago, that is, in a real antique oven.

But on home kitchen, you can get an excellent dairy delicacy.

For the preparation of the drink, one-piece milk will need, usually take a cow, but the goat will be a good choice.

It is better to take what is eager and of course, the freshest.

Very tasty and with characteristic funes, it turns out the foiled milk in the oven (it is recommended to take ceramic pots for it), but you can also cook it on the plate and even in a slow cooker.

The essence of cooking is reduced to the fact that first it is heated almost to a boil (85-99 degrees), and then, slightly lowering the temperature, leave to languish in a closed utensil for 3-10 hours. It is possible to keep it, for example, in a thermos, and in the oven, the cover is not necessary - it replaces the tight foam. The finished milk, which coal up to 40 degrees, can be pouring on a container for further storage in the refrigerator (48-72 hours).

To prepare the foam sauer milk, they repeat all the above steps, and when the drink cools up to the laid 40 degrees, it is added a little sour cream into it, shelted the dishes with a towel and remove to heat for 4-6 hours - by this time should be tasty.

Caramel shade of color and taste of milk give melanoidine compounds arising in the process of tomation at high temperatures from the synthesis of milk sugar and protein amino acids.

Blowing milk deliciously drinking warm and cooled, they can pour dry breakfast, cook on it or start the dough, add it to coffee, prepare desserts, kisins and marinades for meat of poultry, and from it you can cook varets, rippy and even cheese.

In what other cases will be the benefits of bustling milk

Very useful milk milk during pregnancy, when the body actively conveys a significant amount of useful substances synthesized by them and the lack of calcium and phosphorus often acts as necessary for the formation and maintenance of the health of the bone system (including the teeth) of the mother and child. And it is important to note that these mineral substances are absorbed from the baked milk better than fresh milk. Tomnoye Milk is recommended to include in the first nutrition of the baby earlier than the milk is fresh.

The foiled milk is useful to drink in the influenza epidemic to increase immunity, as well as in the fall and spring to reduce the manifestations of seasonal avitaminosis, and if a full-fledged diet and vitamins are used against it - for better assimilation of beneficial substances.

A glass of warm fucked milk at night contributes to a healthy strong sleep, the drink soothes and helps to clearly think in stress, drives the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Is there harm in brazing milk

Few products are distinguished by such a combination of beneficial properties and harmlessness, like brewed milk and with many strict dietary rations you can drink foiled milk without harm.

In fact, the main contraindication to its use can be called allergic to lactose, but sometimes, with not strongly pronounced manifestations of the reaction to raw milk, in principle, it is precisely that there is no harm to the bustle milk.

Due to the increased content of saturated fats, the brew milk belongs to the categories of products capable of increasing the level of "bad" cholesterol, so that some harm from the baked milk during atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders and after a stroke was probably.

Milk boiled milk is an original Russian product. Traditional foiled milk is prepared only in a Russian oven - it is there that ideal conditions are created to obtain this drink. However, in the modern world, a real Russian oven in the city is not possible. But this does not mean that you will not be able to prepare and try the foiled milk. In the changing historical conditions, the recipes for the preparation of bustling milk have also changed. In this article we will tell you how to prepare baked milk at home.

Today we will look at how to make foam milk with two most common ways. This is a cooking in the oven and in a slow cooker.

How to make foiled milk in the oven?

It is necessary to drain all the milk (about 3 liters) into one pan and bring to a boil on a small fire. After boiling, the milk film is removed, and the hot milk to pour over the clay pots.

Clay utensils are ideal for the preparation of baked milk in the oven. It allows him to strain evenly and does not distinguish any harmful substances (as dishes from plastic, for example). Standard baking pots have a volume of 500 ml, so 3 liters of milk can easily fit in 6 pots. If you do not have such a number of clay pots, you can use any other containers for baking in the oven. In this case, it is necessary to recalculate the amount of milk that you will use.

We recommend using clay tanks, because the ceramics allows the milk to warm up evenly and, while compliance with the temperature regime, the milk is not allowed. Milk boils at a temperature of 100 degrees, so it is important to keep the temperature of 80-90 degrees in the oven, then the milk will not run away and will not nourish, and your oven and dishes remain clean.

In accordance with the recipe for the preparation of foam milk, it must trivide in the oven for several hours. When cooking for 2-3 hours, milk acquires a gentle cream hue and a pleasant caramel flavor. The longer the milk to dry in the oven, the more saturated its color and aroma become rich. The recipe for foam milk in the oven does not intend to leave milk languishing more than 8 hours. Because after this time, most useful substances are destroyed.

Preparation of shaken milk in a slow cooker

Multicooker is an alternative oven. In the modern world, when the pace of life is faster, and there is no time to spend a lot of time for cooking, multicookers have become a real salvation for the owners, as they allow you to prepare the most complex dishes and save a lot of time. Milk can be cooked in a slow cooker, and his recipe is not completely complicated. To do this, you need to choose the optimal amount of milk and choose distribution mode. After 4-6 hours, milk will be ready. When using multicookers, you do not need to follow the milk all the time, so you can dedicate the time to other matters. how the rule, after 4-5 hours, the milk is grained at 80-90 degrees, milk acquires a soft caramel color and aroma, which makes it delicious and useful delicacy.

There is an opinion that the majority of beneficial substances are destroyed when the milk is thinning, so the foiled milk is completely unnecessary. It is true only from the part - indeed, there is little vitamin in brain milk compared to solid milk. On the other hand, the heating process makes milk more fat due to evaporation of a certain amount of moisture. Also in brain milk above the content of vitamin A, calcium and iron. It is recommended by doctors for dietary food with digestion problems, because it is absorbed better than the whole cow's milk.

In addition, the heating of milk allows you to kill all unwanted bacteria, so it can safely be given to children. And it is for the same reason that it remains fresh and not as a fresh.

At home, in addition to the shaken milk, you can cook, or, by all, try.

Today, everything is about the beneficial properties of the fused milk and recipes for cooking in the oven, a slow cooker. Among the huge amount of food, there is a product to which I especially lies with my soul. Many of the regular readers probably understood - too much recipes are associated with thylem milk. His taste returns me to childhood, and the memories are the most pleasant!

There is no such product in any country, there is only here in Russia, and we share our home recipes with you. Just as our grandmothers who did tomlenium milk in Russian stoves. We, introduced to civilization, prepare it now in ovens, multicookers, pressure coarse, thermos.

In other foreign languages, even words meaning the fused product - no. In England, there is a "baked", but this is a completely different dish.
In the old days, milk languished in clay pots, they stood the whole day in a Russian oven, as a result, a dish of an amazing taste was obtained! As a result of extremely long and slow tomtignas, a crust was formed, the milk color became gently creamy, caramel.

The benefit of the wonderful product is completely independent of the method of preparation. Nowadays there are a lot of recipes that satisfy home cooking conditions.

How to make foam milk at home

Want to advice? Do not want to part with your beloved, drink a foiled drink with him, prepare yourself, adding a drop of fresh honey and the grain of ripe grenade - this is an ancient belief, and it works, I guarantee!

Recipe in a saucepan on a gas stove

Pour fresh milk into the saucepan and put on the stove. When the milk starts to rise, reduce the fire to a minimum, and tomit a few hours, covering the lid.
Periodically remove the foam. The drink is considered ready when you get a cream hue.

How to drown milk in the oven

The most close to cooking in old times, albeit more time-consuming. You can make in the clay pot - the most perfect option. If it is not, do not lose - any dishes with thick walls fit perfectly: portion pots, cast iron, cauldron, hussy.

  1. Pour milk into the clay pot and put in the oven, pre-dried up to 180 degrees. When the milk boils, reduce the temperature of up to 80 degrees (look at the situation, you can raise up to 100 degrees, the main thing is not to throw out).
  2. Approximately an hour on the surface will appear golden crust, take the temperature below - 70-80 degrees. Leave the milk tomorrow for 7 hours.
  3. Be sure to observe the behavior of milk. If the crust starts to swear and troublesh out for the edges of the dishes, slightly reduce the temperature. With a properly selected temperature, milk breathes, the crust rises and descends evenly.
  4. The crust will be crisp if during tomorrow you will not cover the pot with a lid. You want a soft crust on top, then cover.

Milk recipe in thermos

Boil the milk and break to the thermos (first warm hot water). Tighten the lid and leave the milk at least 6-7 hours - the longer, the better.

Milk in pressure cooker

Suitable recipe, especially for milk lovers with foam. Boil the milk in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes and leave until it cools, but do not open the cover.


Absolutely not a troublesome recipe for home milk.

  • Pour milk into a slow cooker, first set the "quenching" or "dairy porridge" mode, depending on the model, for 15 minutes. When the milk boils, the slow cooker switches to the "heated" mode. Tomit milk is 10-12 hours, no less.
  • So that the milk does not roll out, do not fill the container of the multicooker to the top, leave a little space. There is a trick: take a piece of butter and make them the line above the milk line, then it will not pop up, with a warranty - verified.

Useful properties of baked milk

It is useful homemade beverages by the fact that all the utility of ordinary milk is concentrated in more quantities. A lot of fats, proteins, vitamins, amino acids, carbohydrates, according to the content of calcium, the product is generally champion.
For people who do not carry fresh milk, overwhelmed - exit, it is absorbed, without bringing trouble.

What is sold in the store is far from perfect. The composition contains preservatives, and the taste has gapped, it only remotely reminds the present, homemade. I hope I convinced you that you should try to prepare a useful product yourself. It remains to teach how to do.

So ... Babushkina recipes in a modern kitchen .. But immediately I want to warn, we will use the milk milk, from under the cow, shop - pasteurized is not suitable.

With a wonderful recipe for foam milk, cooked at home can be found, prepared in a slow cooker - watch the video, the recipe is light! I wish you health, go to visit more often. With love ... Galina Nekrasova.

Fine milk is an unusual product, it is widely used in the kitchen of Slavic peoples, but almost unknown beyond. The main advantage is the ability to withstand a long shelf life in a dark cool place without losing taste properties. At the same time, its useful qualities for powering a person today are questioned.

Partial evaporation of moisture in the process of preparation of the product contribute to an increase in the concentration of some beneficial substances in the composition compared to conventional milk. This property makes it an indispensable in the diet of women who carry baby, because it helps to solve the problem of iron deficiency anemia of pregnant women, save their teeth, skeleton and hair, and also prevent the development of rickets in a child.

Fine milk contributes to preservation of vision, supports immunity in a state of "combat readiness", harmonizes the functioning of the domestic secretion glands. It improves the work of the nervous system, helps it with restoration, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, eliminates headaches.

Children love this drink for an unusual pleasant taste, you can take it with honey or pour into tea. The product is permissible to be gradually added to the diet of the one-year-old baby, but it is not necessary to completely replace them with usual milk. Prostokvasha from bustling milk is cooled swerenter and dense, so it can serve as an excellent addition to breakfast or dessert.

Elderly people and those who fight overweight, it is preferable to choose a drink with a low content of fat or prepare it independently from the skim product. Natural fresh milk from a private compound is enough to settle for several hours in a wire with a wide neck, after which it can be easily removed by a spoon of the upper layer - cream.

The higher digestibility of the foam milk is marked compared to pasteurized and raw, in some cases it is processed by the human body even better than the prostone and kefir. This quality allows you to recommend it to use people suffering from diabetes mellitus, allergies, chronic intestinal pathologies.

A warning: It is impossible to independently make a decision on the inclusion in the fatty milk diet to people with listed diseases, this requires consultation of the attending physician.

The benefits of bustling milk for cosmetic application

Fine milk is widely demanded in cosmetology and medicine. The face masks based on it allow you to make the skin soft and elastic, relieve irritation and cure inflammation. Wipe the face with a cotton swath in a warm drink can replace the use of a nutrient cream.

The product is useful and for hair care. For a fatty type of strands, a homemade mask based on grained milk and chicken eggs is especially good. To make her cooking, you need to make a slightly warm, drive into it in turn of yolks and protein, add a drop of oil. To obtain an excellent result, it is enough to apply a mask on the hair and the skin of the head for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.


Ground milk of industrial production is prepared from pre-pasteurized and normalized milk. It is maintained at high temperatures (about 90 ° C) for 3 hours, constantly stirring, after which they are allowed to cool to 40 ° C and cooled.

In the old days, this unique product was done in a Russian oven, withsting raw solid milk in her heat during the day in clay pots. In a modern apartment, it is also easy to prepare it.

The main rule is a long uniform heating of milk in a closed dish. In the process, milk sugar enters into a chemical reaction with amino acids, the results of which and give the product cream color, a special smell and caramel taste.

To prepare the shaken milk, it is better to take a stainless steel saucepan with a thick bottom. Milk must be touched to a boil and, as soon as the foam starts to rise, reduce the power of heating to a minimum. It should languish on the stove for several hours, while it is required to intermitted periodically to prevent the burning, and remove the foam.

The purchase of cream color and a specific smell will mean that the process is completed, and the slab can be turned off. There are other ways to make it easy to prepare baked milk.

Recipe for the preparation of baked milk in the thermos

The thermos is well washed out, rinse with boiling water, to pour into it just boiling milk. Tightly clog and leave it for 8-12 hours, after which the product will be ready.

Recipe for the preparation of baked milk in a slow cooker

Milk pour into the multicooker container, select the "quenching" mode for 6 hours, after the program is completed, configure the "Heated" option for another 2-4 hours. The device allows you to get a product as if from a Russian oven, while stirring and removing the foam in the cooking process is not required.

Recipe for the preparation of baked milk in the oven

Heat the oven to 180 ° C, put in it a pot of clay with fresh milk. Wait for its boiling, drop the temperature to 80-100 ° C, leave an hour before the appearance of golden brown foam. Reduce power up to 70 ° C and tomorrow product until complete readiness is about 7 hours. To obtain a crispy crust, you can leave the dishes open, in the closed pots of the foam will remain soft.

Contraindications to the use of baked milk

The list of contraindications to the inclusion of baked milk into the ration is similar to that as usual:

  • lactase insufficiency;
  • allergy to milk components, especially casein;
  • individual intolerance to dairy products;
  • violation of the metabolism of galactose.

Dampering Milk can also cause healthy people who suffer from obesity, including for hormonal reasons.

Video: The program "Live Great!": All about Milk Milk in the heading "Pro Food"

Composition of the product

Due to the specific method of cooking, the bin milk has many differences in its composition from the usual one. The amount of fat in it is increased (6%), it also contains more calcium, iron and vitamins A, E. Ascorbic acid and thiamine in the process of long thermal processing are almost completely destroyed.

The calorie content of the product is at least 32 kcal for its degreased variety and reaches 67 kcales for milk fatness of 4%.

The nutritional value of the fed milk of 4% fat content (per 100 g of product)

Step-by-step cooking milk on the plate at home, recipe with photos:

1. In a saucepan with a thick bottom and walls, pour fresh milk, preferably homemade.

2. Put a saucepan on the stove and on medium heat heated, almost arguing to a boil. The saucepan must be open without a lid.

3. How to see that air foam is formed on the surface, screw the fire to the minimum mode.

4. Close the saucepan with a lid and on slow fire Tomit milk 3-4 hours. Periodically remove the foam.

5. Ready Milk Milk on the Plate at home will acquire cream-caramel color and baked taste. Cool it first at room temperature, then in the refrigerator.

Fine milk can be used in an independent form or use for the preparation of different dishes. Very tasty are obtained on the brain milk pancakes, pancakes, dumplings, pies, buns, etc. Also there are delicious recipes for beverages on foil milk. For example, cocoa, coffee or tea with fucked milk.

How to cook milk and milk in other ways

Fed milk in the oven

Tomment of milk in the oven as much as possible to the preparation of baked milk in the oven. Pour milk into the clay pot, put in the oven preheated to 180 ° C and bring to a boil. Reduce the temperature to 100 ° C and tomit until the golden crust appears on the surface. You can immediately pour up the milk on the stove at once and send it to the heated oven to 100 ° C. Depending on the time of the volume, the saturation of the product will depend on. The most fragrant with dark brown color will be milk, conducted in the oven for 6-7 hours, light brown with a gentle caramel taste - 3-4 hours.

Milk in thermos

This is the easiest option for the preparation of melting milk. But the result gives a lighter shade, while the taste is no less lackless. Pasteurized milk is brought to a boil and pour into warm boiling water thermos. It's tightly and leave it for 5-6 hours or all night.


In the presence of a multicooker, use the "Fucking" program and prepare the foiled milk for 6 hours, followed by the transition to "Heated" mode for a couple of hours.

See also a video recipe, how to cook fucked milk.