How to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage. How to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage

Cabbage rolls are prepared in every Russian family, and everyone knows that cabbage leaves play the main role in their taste and appearance. The recipe for this dish is quite simple. Let's consider in detail the process of cooking cabbage rolls, in particular: how and how much to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls.

How to choose cabbage for stuffed cabbage?

Before boiling cabbage for stuffed cabbage, you need to choose the right head of cabbage, adhering to some rules. Slightly flattened heads are best, but round ones will do. The head of cabbage should be young - with thin and flexible sheets, they bend more easily and do not break during the cooking process. If the cabbage is late, then you need to cook it a little longer and process the boiled leaves more carefully.

How and how much to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage?

The first step in cooking is to boil cabbage for cabbage rolls. First, the cabbage head should be prepared: wash, remove the upper, unusable leaves, remove the stump to the very base. Make small notches around the stump to make it easier to separate the leaves later. Boil cabbage for cabbage rolls in boiling water until the top leaves become transparent and begin to separate from the head of cabbage. On average, it takes about 10 minutes to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls. In the process of cooking, carefully, without violating the integrity of the soft leaves, gradually cut off the finished ones and put them on a plate. Cut off the thick veins of the cooled cabbage leaves; you can beat off thick places with an ordinary culinary hammer.

How to cook stuffed cabbage rolls?

After the cabbage for cabbage rolls is ready, you prepare the filling, the components of which you choose to your taste. Basically, minced meat is mixed with boiled rice, onions and carrots, spices. Wrap the finished filling in envelopes in cabbage boiled on stuffed cabbage and put in a roll down in a saucepan, stewpan or deep frying pan. Pour a third with water, add salt and grated fresh carrots to taste. Place on low heat for 30 minutes. After the appearance of the aroma of stewed cabbage, add tomato paste and sour cream, leave to stew for another 5-10 minutes.

Let the prepared cabbage rolls brew before serving. Ready cabbage rolls can be lightly browned in the oven, setting for 15-20 minutes at 200 °, until the liquid boils away. Decorate with herbs if desired. Serve cabbage rolls hot, bon appetit!

How much cabbage rolls are stewed in a pan will depend on several factors of their preparation. However, the length of time can vary from half an hour to two hours of cooking this delicious dish. The correct time to stew cabbage rolls will vary depending on which cabbage is used in the recipe. The consistency and acidity of the sauce, the minced meat used in this dish can speed up or, conversely, slow down the whole process. Also, the use of utensils for heat treatment of the dish, its material and volume will be no less important. These are just the most important points, which will determine how much cabbage rolls are stewed.

Semi-finished products in a pan

They often help out when you really want to eat, but there is absolutely no time, and sometimes even energy, to fully cook the dish. We understand, of course, that there is absolutely no benefit in them, and the likelihood of getting trouble with digestion takes place, but we take it and eat it. Moreover, the dish is almost ready, and cabbage rolls are stewed in time for a few minutes, if you take one package and cook it using a deep frying pan. Before placing semi-finished products in a preheated pan, they do not need to be defrosted. Fry lightly on both sides and, pour over the sauce, simmer for about thirty minutes.

The sauce is quick and easy

For the sauce, combine sour cream and tomato in equal proportions. Pour in boiled water, which will make up about a third of the total volume of the tomato and sour cream sauce. Salt and spices to taste.

How much to cook stuffed cabbage

How long cabbage rolls are stewed in a pan, again depends on many nuances. For example, not the least role here is played by whether the rice in the minced meat was boiled. Likewise, the leaves of the cabbage itself - they can be raw or already cooked.

In how much cabbage rolls are stewed, a significant role is played by the preliminary cooking of the cabbage head. You need to cook it by cutting out the stump. And already during the parsing of the finished head of cabbage into separate leaves, it is necessary to cut off the thickest veins from them. As a result, provided that you have taken care of all the points mentioned above, you need to stew cabbage rolls for about an hour from boiling the contents. The aroma of the finished dish will tell you it's time to turn off the stove.

Don't forget about the acidity of the sauce. A sauce that has more tomato paste will affect how much cabbage rolls are stewed in a saucepan. A softer sauce will speed up cooking and make the dish taste more tender. If your cabbage rolls do not take a long time to cook in tomato sauce, add a little mayonnaise, it will significantly speed up the whole process.

How much cabbage rolls are stewed with meat and rice depends on their taste and appearance. Many housewives believe that the most optimal cooking time for all types of cabbage rolls using the stewing method will be no more than fifty minutes. Even with raw rice, the dish will cook perfectly and will be completely cooked on the inside and appetizing on the outside.

Stewed cabbage rolls recipe

You need to collect the following ingredients:

  • medium head of cabbage;
  • minced meat - half a kilo;
  • rice - 100 grams (you can use rice in bags - 2 pieces);
  • one carrot;
  • one onion (onion lovers can use two);
  • tomato juice or fresh tomatoes;
  • one large spoonful of sugar;
  • a glass of sour cream product;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • laurel leaves to taste.

Step by step cooking technology

  1. Remove the stalk from the cabbage head. We put it in an empty cooking container and only then fill it with cold clean water. Place the cabbage head on the bottom with the part that contained the cabbage stump. We turn on the stove and wait for the water to boil. When the boiling process has begun, we reduce the temperature of the stove to moderate and slowly boil the cabbage for about fifteen minutes. The cabbage leaves will soften, but they will be quite strong and not boiled down, which will allow you to wrap minced meat in the leaves without unnecessary problems.
  2. Put the finished head of cabbage in a basin and carefully remove the leaves from it. In this case, all thick parts from each sheet must be cut off.
  3. Rice is thoroughly washed and cooked until not completely cooked. The product that has undergone such processing is first cooled, and then mixed with minced meat.
  4. We also add salt and various spices to the mixture of rice and minced meat, which we usually use in this case.
  5. Place a large spoonful of minced meat in cabbage leaves without defects. We fold them in the form of an envelope or a tube (whichever you prefer).
  6. In a frying pan with a thick bottom, heat a little vegetable oil and lightly fry each cabbage roll.

Carrot sauce for stewing stuffed cabbage

Chop the onion in half rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden. Peel the carrots, three coarse grated and, adding to the onion half rings, continue to fry until the carrots are golden brown. Add to the stewpan the entire norm of sour cream and ketchup - to taste. Tomato juice or chopped tomatoes can be used in place of ketchup. Don't forget about salt, sugar and laurel leaves. Boil the sauce for a few minutes.

We put stuffed cabbage rolls in a saucepan, duck or frying pan with high sides. Pour all the sour cream-tomato sauce on top. How much cabbage rolls to stew will be understood by what you use for the final preparation of the dish:

  • in a pan in one layer - forty-five minutes is enough;
  • in the utyatnitsa the dish will be ready in an hour;
  • a pan in which a large number of such stuffed cabbage rolls should be on the stove for up to an hour and a half.

It is necessary to cook the dish over moderate heat so that boiled cabbage and damp minced meat do not turn out. During extinguishing, the lid must be closed; it is permissible to leave only a small gap. This will help prevent the sauce from "running away" onto the stove.

It usually takes a lot of time and patience to make stuffed cabbage rolls. After all, first you need to boil the cabbage, then prepare the filling, which usually consists of minced meat, onions, rice and spices. And only then they wrap the products in cabbage leaves and start cooking them. In the article, we will give recommendations on how to cook cabbage rolls. By sticking to them, you can cook a really tasty dish.

How to cook cabbage rolls: tips

Experienced housewives use several secrets when preparing this wonderful dish. Of course, before starting cooking, you need to find out how long you need to cook cabbage rolls. The duration will depend on several factors:

The composition of the gravy in which the dish is stewed. In sour cream or plain water, cabbage rolls will quickly reach readiness. When using thick, it will take more time.

Cooking method. In addition to boiling, cabbage rolls can also be cooked in the oven or steamed. If you pre-fry the envelopes, the cooking time will be significantly reduced. The cabbage rolls will be steamed for the longest time.

The quality and composition of the filling. In addition to meat, chopped vegetables or mushrooms are often taken as a filler. And some gourmets even make stuffed cabbage rolls with minced fish. Most of the time, of course, will be required when stewing meat products. It is advisable to pre-fry them in oil in a pan before cooking.

How to cook stuffed cabbage rolls with minced meat in tomato sauce

Rice is usually used in the filler. Before mixing with minced meat, it is better to pre-boil it until half cooked and cool by rinsing with cold running water. The wrapped envelopes are placed in layers in a deep saucepan and poured over with a mixture of tomato juice and water. The dish turns out to be the most fragrant when using different seasonings. Cooking time - from forty minutes to an hour.

How to cook stuffed cabbagewith mushrooms in sour cream

These products are best cooked in the oven. Grease a deep dish with butter and place the cabbage rolls in it in one layer. The gravy is made from sour cream and water, taken in equal parts with the addition of salt and spices. Fill the mold with it so that the items are completely covered with liquid. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for forty minutes. Sprinkle with grated cheese shortly before cooking.

How to cook cabbage rolls in a saucepan

To make the products completely steamed, they are made very small. When using a special device in the form of an electric steamer, you do not have to worry about keeping the exact cooking time. You just need to select the required mode. But, unfortunately, not all housewives have this wonderful device in the kitchen. Therefore, you can use an ordinary enamel colander placed on top of a pot of water. After boiling, you need about an hour. Watch for liquid. For best cooking, the heat should be medium and the lid should be kept closed. Steamed cabbage rolls are usually served with

Cabbage rolls are a very tasty and interesting dish that all family members will surely enjoy. The process of cooking cabbage rolls could be called simple if it were not for the preparation of cabbage. Novice housewives sometimes cope with this task only after several attempts, so everyone is interested in how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls?

Cooking options for cabbage

In order to cook delicious and tender cabbage rolls, you must first of all cope with cabbage. There are several options to remove leaves:

  • - boil in water;
  • - to freeze;
  • - bake in the microwave.

Such cooking methods are very popular, but each of them has its own characteristics and disadvantages. Most often, people are faced with the problem of uneven cooking of cabbage leaves.

You can cook cabbage with and without a head of cabbage, but then you need to insert a fork into the center so that it is more convenient to remove the vegetable from the water. The microwave option is only suitable for small to medium sized cabbage, as too large may simply not fit.

Boiled cabbage

To prepare leaves for stuffed cabbage, you can use one of the oldest and most proven methods that people used many years ago. To do this, you must first prepare:

  • - a large saucepan;
  • - 4 liters of water;
  • - a tablespoon of salt;
  • - cabbage.

How to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage? This question is of interest to many, but the process of separating cabbage leaves is quite simple and for this you should follow these steps:

  1. Peel the cabbage, remove the damaged leaves and make several small cuts near the head of cabbage so that the bases of the leaves can be easily separated from the head. After that, you need to insert a knife or fork into the center of the head of cabbage so that the process of removing the vegetable from the water causes as little difficulty as possible.
  2. Put a saucepan with water on the fire and bring to a boil, add salt and only then put the cabbage in it.
  3. Boil the cabbage for a few minutes. How much to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage? It will take about 5-10 minutes to cook the top leaves, but inside, they may not be quite the same as needed, so after the first layers are removed, the vegetable should be placed back for another couple of minutes.
  4. Leaves from cabbage must be removed until they are of the right size, since too small leaves are not suitable for making stuffed cabbage.
  5. After all the leaves are removed, they need to be cooled to make it easier to wrap the filling in them.

This option for cooking cabbage leaves takes a decent amount of time, but they do not stop using it today. If your home has modern appliances such as a microwave, cabbage leaves can be made a little faster and easier.

Cabbage in the microwave

Cooking stuffed cabbage, today, scares off many women with its complexity. But it turns out that the leaves for this tasty and interesting dish can be prepared very quickly and with a minimum of nerves, effort and time.

Before you put the cabbage in the microwave, you should first of all choose the right option. Cabbage should not be too small or very large - it is best to choose a medium-sized vegetable and not round, but a little flattened. Cabbage, which looks a bit like a pill, has rather large leaves that are ideal for making stuffed cabbage. Microwave cabbage for cabbage rolls is prepared in several stages:

  1. The cabbage should be peeled, the upper layers unsuitable for making stuffed cabbage and damaged areas should be removed so that there are no black dots in the leaves.
  2. Cabbage weighing up to two kilograms is placed on a plate and placed in a microwave oven for 10-13 minutes at 900W.
  3. As soon as the microwave turns off, you need to carefully remove the plate of cabbage and cool it with running, cold water.
  4. Put the cabbage stump down and carefully disassemble the leaves, expanding them like a rose.
  5. When all the leaves are separated from the stump, turn the cabbage over and separate the leaves with a knife, carefully trimming them.
  6. When all the leaves are removed, thick veins-stems must be carefully cut off of them so that the stuffed cabbage rolls turn out to be tender and tasty, and it is easier to roll them.

The advantage of this method of preparing leaves for cabbage rolls is that it takes a rather short amount of time. The leaves are separated very easily and simply, and at the same time, there are practically no damaged and defective leaves.


This method of preparing cabbage for stuffed cabbage, at first glance, seems a little unusual, but as it turns out, it is quite effective, although it has its drawbacks. In order to cook cabbage in this way, you must:

  1. Prepare the cabbage: remove the top layers that are not suitable for cooking cabbage rolls, remove areas with dark dots and damaged leaves.
  2. Place the cabbage in a tight, plastic bag and place it in the freezer overnight.
  3. In the morning, you need to get the cabbage and put it to defrost at room temperature.
  4. When the cabbage is thawed, it will be very soft, so there will be no problems with the separation of leaves from the stalk.

This option for preparing leaves for stuffed cabbage takes a very long time and if it is not there, then it is a little problematic. If the preparation of cabbage rolls is planned for the next day, it can be successfully used, but it should be borne in mind that all the leaves will need to be used immediately.

Each of the methods for preparing cabbage leaves has its own advantages and disadvantages, so each housewife needs to try all these options and choose the one that she likes best. Using these options for cooking cabbage for stuffed cabbage, you can more often enjoy the whole family with their delicate taste and exquisite aroma.

Cabbage rolls can be made with a wide variety of fillings, someone loves cabbage rolls with meat, someone fasts and chooses a more tender and less high-calorie filling made of rice or millet. But since the main ingredient of this dish is cabbage, and the filling, as a rule, is put into the cabbage rolls already half-cooked, the cooking time of the cabbage rolls should be correctly calculated so that the dish tastes perfect and is not boiled or undercooked.

How much to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage

Since the secret of cabbage rolls lies in the softness of the cabbage in which the filling is wrapped, you need to properly prepare and cook it for this dish. The cabbage leaves of the old cabbage should be disassembled, selected approximately of the same size and carefully cut off the hard part of the leaf near the place where it is attached to the stump. If this is not done, it will be impossible to properly wrap the cabbage rolls and cook them. After that, fold the cabbage leaves in a saucepan, pour boiling water over and boil for 10 minutes, so that they become soft and roll well into ready-made cabbage rolls.

Before cooking cabbage rolls, you can only scald young cabbage with boiling water and cut off the thick part at the stalk.

How much to cook cabbage rolls by time

Ordinary cabbage rolls with meat, which we traditionally cook as a favorite national dish, should be prepared in a special way. You need to cook cabbage rolls in a saucepan, placing them tightly so that they do not boil, but languish and become soft, but retain their shape. To cook delicious cabbage rolls, you need to pour them with a special sauce. To do this, mix water with tomato paste and add spices, herbs and salt to taste, mix thoroughly and pour stuffed cabbage rolls. If you need to add more water so that it almost completely covers the dish, and leave the cabbage rolls to simmer over low heat until cooked under the lid. How much cabbage rolls to cook with meat depends on their size, but at least 1 hour and 20 minutes they should be stewed in their own juice.

If you are preparing frozen cabbage rolls from semi-finished products, they should be placed tightly in a saucepan, covered with hot sauce without defrosting and cooked for 15 minutes longer than those made by hand. In this case, the lid should be slightly raised so that excess liquid comes out and the sauce is richer in taste.

There is one small, but very important trick: when you cook cabbage rolls, so that they do not burst, you should put a few cabbage leaves on the bottom of the pan.

How much to cook lazy cabbage rolls

Lazy cabbage rolls are another dish that housewives love to cook in order to save time and get the same cabbage rolls, but without the laborious process of wrapping minced meat in cabbage leaves. To prepare lazy cabbage rolls, cabbage is rubbed on a coarse grater, mixed with minced meat and laid out between whole cabbage leaves in a saucepan. How much lazy cabbage rolls to cook depends on how coarsely you ground, and usually within 50 minutes this dish is ready. Do not forget to season it with sauce before cooking, and lazy cabbage rolls will turn out to be juicy and very tasty.