How to fry a cucumber. Fried cucumbers with garlic for the winter

Antonina Komarova
How we write fairy tales.

Like us we write fairy tales.

Make up fairy tales It's very interesting with preschoolers. Children are wonderful dreamers, inventors, and, in essence, amazing inventors, thinkers, storytellers.

To the stage writing fairy tales, we didn’t get there right away. First, the children listened and watched a large number of different fairy tales about animals, household fairy tales, small in volume. The compact plot gave children the opportunity to more easily understand the story, put it in their heads and retell the content of a fairy tale, later transform it, filling it with new events and characters. Working creatively with friends fairy tales, the child begins to intuitively understand what opportunities for a fairy tale gives the gift of writing.

Children are always interested in coming up with associative riddles from five to six components - questions. For example, a riddle about a fox, invented by children and supported by crossed out drawings:

1. Red, but not autumn foliage;

2. Cunning, but not Boy Thumb;

3. Fluffy, but not feathery;

4. Predator, but not a lioness;

5. Long-tailed, but not a squirrel;

6. Lives in the forest, but is not a hedgehog.

In this work, associations that are distant in meaning are welcomed, For example: in the riddle about the wolf - gray, but not asphalt, but not a cloud, but not smoke, etc.

Associative riddles are exercises for the mind, thinking "simulator".

We used different techniques to writing fairy tales. The most popular were fairy tales, created by "binomial fantasy" Gianni Rodari. This technique is great Italian storyteller stated in his book "The Grammar of Fantasy or Introduction to the Art of Inventing Stories".

Our task was to invent fairy tale combine two randomly selected and different concepts, For example: jug and branch. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, if a child came up with fairy tale, connected in your imagination two or more objects of the surrounding world, which means you can say with confidence that the child has learned to think.

Here are some fairy tales, invented by our children:

Slava B. 6 years old.

Good Deer.

The bow was blown off the girl's head by the wind. He fluttered around the city like a butterfly for a long time until he was carried away into the forest. There the Deer found him and put a bow on his horn and went to show off through the forest. Suddenly a Bear crawled out of the thicket. The bear asked Deer:

Where do they give out such beautiful bows? I need it too.

Deer said:

I don't know, I took it off the branch.

The Bear admired the beauty of the bow, and the Deer was very kind and said:

Let's divide this bow into two and we'll both be beautiful.

The Bear was delighted with such a gift and then always protected the Deer in the forest.

Sasha P. 6 years old.

Jug and Birch Branch.

The jug stood on the windowsill and basked in the sun. It was empty and was glad that nothing was poured into it, that it was free from all worries. The jug relaxed and fell asleep. At this time a strong wind rose. The birch branch began to sway from side to side and knocked the Jug off the window.

The jug fell to the ground and broke.

The branch was very upset that it destroyed the Jug. She cried and shook her leaves. But then the children came running, saw the broken Jug and glued it together with superglue. The jug was a little sick, but the Artist came and decorated it with multi-colored drawings, which healed all his wounds. The jug got better and became even more beautiful.

Sveta O. 6 years old

Horse and Hedgehog.

Once upon a time there lived a Horse. One day she went out into the field and saw a Hedgehog. The hedgehog complained that he was lonely. horse said:

Sit on me, I'll take you for a ride.

She crouched down so that the Hedgehog could climb onto her back, but nothing worked. The hedgehog was clumsy and also very prickly. He kept rolling off the Horse. The horse called its owner, who put the Hedgehog in a basket and tied it to the Horse's saddle. So the Hedgehog rode the Horse. He felt happy.

Alisa L. 6 years old.

How Vasilisa the Wise outwitted the Fox.

Once upon a time there lived a cunning, cunning Fox. Her name was Lisa Patrikeevna. One day the Fox was walking near the pond, saw a very beautiful Fish there and wanted to eat it. Suddenly Vasilisa the Wise appeared and did not allow the Fox to catch the Fish, because she was very small, beautiful and magical. Lisa Patrikeevna said, that she was very hungry and asked Vasilisa the Wise not to interfere with her catching the Fish. Vasilisa replied that she had a whole bag of delicious bunnies at home, and that the Fox could take them. The fox rushed to the house of Vasilisa the Wise and actually found a whole bag of hares, only the hares were chocolate. “This is a joke!”- thought Lisa.

Semyon K. 6 years old.

Flower and Butterfly.

Once upon a time there lived a Flower. A Butterfly flew up to him and sat on him.

The flower asked her:

What is your name?

I am the Nettle Butterfly.

Where are you flying to?

I’m flying to my friend Butterfly - Lemongrass for tea, and I sat down on you to rest and refresh myself.

But then, unexpectedly, it started to rain, the Butterfly’s wings got very wet, and she could no longer fly any further. The flower invited her to hide under it and wait out the rain. The rain quickly stopped, and the Butterfly crawled out from under the Flower, and the Flower began to wave its leaves and petals to dry it. The Butterfly dried up, thanked the Flower for saving her, and the Flower gave her a whole jar of delicious pollen. Since then they became friends.

The teacher’s task in this work is not only to help the child correctly formulate his thoughts, then be able to express them, but to direct the creative process in a logical direction, since a butterfly cannot save a giant, a mouse cannot defeat a fox, etc. .

Having gained some experience in writing prose fairy tales, we dared to try write fairy tales in verse. Here are some of them:

Slava B. 6 years old.

A curious boy.

The boy approached the puddle,

The microscope was pointed at her.

How many different microbes are there in it?

White, pink and red.

Our boy called his friends

Showed them microbes

The kids were surprised

Both girls and boys

Everyone learned about microbes

And to all the guys they said:

“We need to be friends with soap,

Wash your hands very often.”

Semyon K. 6 years old.

Cat and Puppy.

The cat got lost in the park.

He found himself in a ravine,

He kept meowing, crying, calling,

But no one heard.

He was cold, hungry,

I was seriously scared.

There was one Puppy running here.

He carried a bundle in his teeth,

There was a sausage there,

Smelled delicious, distracted,

He wanted to eat it himself

He quickly ran to the bushes.

Suddenly he runs out at the smell

The cat is very small.

You, Puppy, have a sausage,

Can I have a piece?

I'm cold and lost

I got away from mommy

Have pity on me, Puppy,

Give me a piece of sausage

The puppy took pity on him,

Gave me a piece of sausage

I took the kitten home,

Still a small child,

I gave it to my mother's paws

And he became a hero to everyone.

Children are extremely interested in this work, especially when something works out, their enthusiasm increases, and more and more people want to first listen to the finished work, and then unexpectedly come up with their own.

If you have younger sisters and brothers, nephews or your own children, and you want to create something, write something, then a fairy tale is a great option! The main thing is not to forget that a fairy tale is fundamentally different from “adult” books and is written for children. And don’t forget that there are different fairy tales for different ages. I think it will be more interesting for children aged 9 to watch a computer cartoon, but it will depend on you: whether you can captivate the child with your fairy tale or not.

Artist: Tatiana Deriy

However, it often happens that the prose is stated as a fairy tale, but you start reading and think “where is the fairy tale in this?”

Signs of a fairy tale:

A fairy tale is often written in prose, but can also be poetic;
- She talks about magical events;
- Gives a general picture of the real world;
- In it, good conquers evil;
- The hero goes through a series of tests, from which, after experiencing difficulties, he emerges victorious;
- The fairy tale expresses the people’s dreams of a better life;
- The fairy tale loves bright artistic techniques;
- In it we feel the presence of the author-storyteller, giving an assessment of events and characters;
- A fairy tale often has a special beginning and ending.

Artist: Donald Zolan

A fairy tale is a work primarily for children. This means that it should be easy, naive, good should be good, and evil should be evil. There should be no ambiguity, figurative meaning, any philosophical complications or psychological stress.

The hero of a fairy tale can be absolutely anyone: flowers, cats, dogs, etc. Of course, it is difficult to surprise modern children, accustomed to Shrek, with anything. But the main thing here is not to surprise, but to describe the hero beautifully and interestingly - to give him human traits. Many animals are associated with certain human qualities: wisdom - an owl, stupidity - a donkey, cunning - a fox, etc. Of course, animals can be endowed with human speech. The language of a fairy tale should be easy, but not primitive. A child, after all, must expand his horizons.

Artist: Donald Zolan

In a fairy tale, you can talk about the transformations of heroes, resurrection from the dead, invent images of fantastic creatures, or use images of famous heroes from myths, legends, superstitions and beliefs.

Artist: Donald Zolan

Take modern films, for example. They are literally teeming with various monsters, aliens, strangers, predators, cyborgs, zombies, ghosts. They look disgusting and their actions are terrible.

Why not assume that scary aliens can be funny? For example, the fairy tale “The Buttercream Men”.

“One morning the inhabitants of the Earth woke up because the sun had disappeared. Moms and dads have to get ready for work, the kids have to go to school, but it’s still dark outside.

It turned out that alien spaceships hovered over all the cities of the planet and prepared to attack.

The aliens attacked Moscow first. Countless alien ships have landed in the city. And people behaved strangely - they smiled at once, some even grabbed their stomachs with laughter and began to roll on the ground.

The surprised invaders fired their cannons. The laughter intensified. Then the aliens, to instill fear, crawled out of the hatches.

It would be better if they didn't do this. They looked like soft buns, and their ships looked suspiciously like large pancakes. Only flying ones. One kid couldn’t resist, came closer, tried the alien ship on his teeth... And ate a big piece.

The aliens hid in horror. They probably decided that their turn would come. And they thought correctly. The earthlings were eagerly biting into the flying space pancakes. We also tried the cannons, it turned out that they were waffle cannons that shot ice cream balls.

Upset by the wrong meeting, the aliens with difficulty fled home on leaky ships. And they looked back all the way. Suddenly, earthlings will find out the way to the Cream Planet, where cream people live! What will happen then?!”

Of course, inanimate objects can also act as fairy-tale characters - everything that surrounds us. A snowman is nothing short of a hero in a fairy tale.

Surely everyone in childhood had not only favorite toys, but also things. If you wanted to eat, then it was with this spoon and only from this plate with balls. The others are not as tasty. And the mug is only with strawberries. Likewise, the heroes of fairy tales have their favorite things. There is no need to write a lot about them, but the child will be interested if he recognizes some of his own things in a fairy tale.

Artist: Donald Zolan

Now about the classic folk tale.

Composing such a fairy tale is not as easy as it seems at first glance. If we take up writing without thinking, then the fairy tale will either turn out to be too simple, uninteresting and, most likely, short, or it will stretch into an endless, sluggish saga about the hero’s adventures. What can help us in this matter? It turns out that a classic fairy tale consists of very specific parts and elements and has its own laws. If we know them, we will be able to compose original, fascinating and very interesting original “magical” stories.

Artist: Donald Zolan

Acting according to these laws does not mean writing in a cliched manner, as many may think. It’s like in art school: to learn how to draw, you need to know proportions, light and shade, etc. But everyone, knowing the basic rules, must create something unique. It’s the same here: whoever uses these rules will succeed.

Artist: Mark Keathley

So, the diagram of a classic folk tale:
1. Absence of a family member.
Forms of absence are common: to work, to the forest, to trade, to war, “on business.”
Parents go to work. “The prince had to go on a long journey.” “He (the merchant) somehow leaves for foreign countries.” An intensified form of absence is the death of the parents.
Sometimes people of the younger generation are absent. They go or go to visit, fish, walk, pick berries.

2. A ban addressed to the hero.
"Don't look in this closet." "Take care of your brother, don't leave the yard." “If Baba Yaga comes, don’t say anything, be silent.” “The prince persuaded her a lot, commanded her not to leave the high tower,” etc.

3. Violation of the ban.

4. Scouting.
A new face now enters the fairy tale, which can be called the hero’s antagonist (pest). His role is to disturb the peace of a happy family, cause some kind of misfortune, cause harm, damage. The hero’s opponent can be a snake, a devil, robbers, a witch, a stepmother, etc. The purpose of scouting is to find out the whereabouts of children, sometimes precious objects, etc. “Who will tell me about the royal children, where did they go?” “Where do you get these semi-precious stones?”

5. Issue.
The antagonist receives a direct answer to his question.

6. The catch.
An antagonist or pest takes on someone else's appearance. The serpent turns into a golden goat, a beautiful youth. The witch pretends to be a “cordial old woman” and imitates her mother’s voice. The thief pretends to be a beggar.
Then comes the function itself. The witch offers to accept the ring, the godfather offers to take a steam bath, the witch offers to take off the dress and swim in the pond. The stepmother gives her stepson poisoned cakes. She sticks a magic pin into his clothes.

7. Unwitting complicity.
The hero agrees to all the persuasion of the antagonist, i.e. takes the ring, goes to steam, swim, etc. It can be noted that prohibitions are always violated, deceptive proposals, on the contrary, are always accepted and implemented.

8. Sabotage (or shortage).
This function is extremely important, since it actually creates the movement of the fairy tale.
The antagonist kidnaps a person. He steals or takes away a magical remedy. He plunders or spoils the crops. Causes bodily harm. He causes sudden disappearance, banishes someone, orders someone to be thrown into the sea, bewitches someone or something. etc. and so on. It should be noted here that the pest often causes two or three damages at once.

9. Mediation.
Trouble or shortage is reported, the hero is approached with a request or order, sent away or released.

10. Beginning opposition.
The hero agrees or decides to resist. "Let us find your princesses."

11. The hero leaves the house.
The dispatches of hero-seekers and heroes-victims are different. The first have the goal of searching, the second open the beginning of that path without searching, on which various adventures await the hero. You need to keep in mind the following: if a girl is kidnapped and a seeker goes after her, then two people leave the house. But the path that the story follows, the path on which the action is built, is the path of the seeker. If, for example, a girl is expelled and there is no seeker, then the narrative follows the departure and adventures of the injured hero.

12. The donor tests the hero.
The hero meets a magical donor. The hero is tested, interrogated, attacked, etc., which prepares for him to receive a magical remedy or assistant. Yaga gives the girl homework. The forest heroes offer the hero to serve for three years. A dying or deceased person asks for a favor. The hero is approached with a request for mercy, etc.

13. The hero reacts to the actions of the future donor.
The hero passes (or fails) the test. The hero answers (does not answer) the greeting. He provides (does not provide) a service to the deceased. He releases the prisoner. He spares the one who asks, etc.

14. Receiving a magic remedy.
The following can serve as magical means: 1) animals (horse, eagle, etc.); 2) objects that serve as magical helpers (a flint with a horse, a ring with fellows); 3) objects that have magical properties, such as clubs, swords, harps, balls and many others; 4) qualities bestowed directly, such as strength, the ability to turn into animals, etc.

15. The hero is transported, delivered or brought to the location of the subject of the search.
He's flying through the air. On a horse, on a bird, in the form of a bird, on a flying ship, on a flying carpet, on the back of a giant or spirit, a devil in a carriage, etc. Flight on a bird is sometimes accompanied by a detail: it needs to be fed along the way, the hero takes a bull with him, etc. He rides on land or water. On horseback or on a wolf. On the ship. The armless man carries the legless man. A cat swims across a river on the back of a dog. The ball points the way. The fox leads the hero to the princess, etc.

16. The hero and antagonist enter into a fight.
They fight in an open field. This primarily includes a fight with a snake or with Miracle Yuda, etc., as well as a fight with an enemy army, with a hero, etc. They enter into a competition. The hero, using cunning, wins. The Gypsy puts the Snake to flight by squeezing out a piece of cottage cheese instead of a stone, passing off a blow of a club to the back of the head as a whistle, etc.

17. The hero is marked.
The hero receives a wound during the battle. The princess wakes him up before the fight by stabbing him in the cheek with a knife. The princess marks the hero on the forehead with a ring. She kisses him, causing a star to light up on his forehead. The hero receives a ring or a towel. We have a combination of two forms when a hero is wounded in battle and the wound is bandaged with a handkerchief of a princess or king.

18. The antagonist is defeated.
He is defeated in open battle. He is defeated by competition. He loses at cards. He is killed without a preliminary fight (the Snake is killed while sleeping). He is directly expelled, etc.

19. The trouble or shortage is eliminated.
This function forms a pair with sabotage. With this function the story reaches its peak.

20. Return of the hero.

21. The hero is persecuted.
The pursuer flies after the hero. The snake catches up with Ivan, the witch flies after the boy, and the geese fly after the girl. He pursues the hero, quickly turning into various animals, etc. The sorcerer pursues the hero in the form of a wolf, pike, man, rooster. The pursuers (Snake's wives, etc.) turn into tempting objects and stand in the way of the hero.

22. The hero escapes persecution.
The hero runs, and during his flight he puts obstacles in the way of his pursuer. He throws down the brush, comb, and towel. They turn into mountains, forests, lakes. While fleeing, the hero turns to objects that make him unrecognizable. The princess turns herself and the prince into a well and a ladle, into a church and a priest. The hero hides while fleeing. A river, an apple tree, and a stove hide a girl.
Many fairy tales end with salvation from persecution. The hero arrives home, then, if the girl has been obtained, he marries. But this does not always happen. The fairy tale forces the hero to experience a new misfortune. In a word, the initial sabotage is repeated, sometimes in the same forms as in the beginning, sometimes in others. This marks the beginning of a new story. There are no specific forms of repeated sabotage, i.e. we again have kidnapping, bewitchment, murder, etc. But there are specific pests for this new scourge. From this moment on, the development is different than at the beginning. This phenomenon means that many tales consist of two rows of functions, which can be called moves. A new misfortune creates a new move, and thus sometimes a whole series of fairy tales are combined into one story. However, the development that will be outlined below, although it creates a new move, is a continuation of this tale.

23. The hero arrives home or to another country unrecognized.

24. A false hero makes unreasonable claims.

25. The hero is offered a difficult task.

26. The problem is being solved.

27. The hero is recognized.

28. The false hero or antagonist is exposed.

29. The hero is given a new look.

30. The enemy is punished.

31. The hero gets married.

Of course, not all fairy tales have all the functions; the strict sequence of functions may be violated, jumps, additions, and synthesis are possible, but this does not contradict the main course. A fairy tale can begin with the first function, with the seventh or with the twelfth.

Artist: Steve Hanks

This is where we will finish our observations of “functions”. We can only advise those who have the desire to practice and compare the given list with the plot of any adventure film; It’s amazing how many coincidences will be revealed and how almost exactly the same order will be observed: this is what the tradition of the fairy tale means, how imperishable it is, how eternally it lives in our culture. Many adventure books follow the same outline.

We are interested in these functions because on their basis we can build an infinite number of stories, just as we can compose as many melodies as we want, given the available notes.

Artist: Tatiana Deriy

You don’t have to be afraid to use existing fairy tales, and there are some tricks here too:
1. “Twisting” of an old fairy tale (for example, Little Red Riding Hood calls the police for help and chases the Wolf on a motorcycle; Cinderella goes to the royal ball, but arrives in another kingdom).
2. Fairy tales “inside out” (for example, Boy-Thumb does not run away from the Ogre, but becomes his friend, teaches him to eat porridge; Snow White met not seven dwarfs, but seven giants).
3. Continuation of the old fairy tale: what happened next?
4. Mixing fairy tales (for example, Pinocchio helps Cinderella with housework and goes with her to the ball; Sleeping Beauty is warned about the machinations of the evil witch Thumbelina).
5. Transferring the characters and plot of an old fairy tale to another time and place (for example, Hans the Pied Piper with his magic pipe, the sounds of which fascinate rats, in a modern city also “hypnotizes” all the cars and takes them with him into the dungeon).

Artist: Tatiana Deriy

And this, of course, is not all that can be thought of. You have a head on your shoulders and the world around you, the main thing is to be able to see the amazing and create your own unique fairy tale.

Artist: Tatiana Deriy

And one last thing. All these tips are not the only true ones and are intended only to help you write a fairy tale. They are based on my personal experience (a bunch of nephews who really like my fairy tales), partial memories from my own childhood (still so vivid, oddly enough) and materials from the sites:

This is an expression, but few people have thought that the hint that passes somehow casually, barely touching consciousness, is in fact that same barely noticeable path, following which you see that the fairy tale is not a lie at all, but a lesson for good fellows yes red girls


What are these self-fulfilling fairy tales? And how do they differ from simply making wishes and performing rituals? The author writes an ordinary fairy tale, expressing surging emotions. And depending on what emotions he has, the tale turns out to be sad or funny, romantic or fighting, with a joyful or sad ending. It is assumed that fairy tales were written for the purpose of entertainment, but it’s worth remembering “Kolobok” or “The Little Mermaid” - this way of having fun seems somewhat peculiar!

Magic Self-fulfilling fairy tales differ from those described above in that they are written with the goal of finding a solution to a pressing issue.

These fairy tales are always funny, with a traditional happy ending. Well, having fun while writing a fairy tale is guaranteed!

The fairy tale is written by the bearer himself (I don’t want to say the word “problem”), say, of an unresolved issue. An unresolved question is formalized by the author into words and, in the process of writing, is transformed into a solved one.

It is your INTENTION that works regardless of you.

That is, this is not a message like “I want”, this is an ALREADY resolved issue - you solved it in a fairy tale.

When you start writing, you already know how it will end, but you don’t yet know how you will get there, but you will all comejust like a bee finds a flower by smell. I assure you, the process is exciting!

These are the main stages of writing:

  • 1.Description of the hero and situation.
  • 2.Formulation of the claim (the hero’s dissatisfaction, picturesque suffering) 3.Formulation of INTENTION.
  • 4. “Journey to distant lands” - preparation of the “battlefield”.
  • 5. “Fight with a monster” and an anecdotal, ABSURD way to defeat him (sequence of actions - RITUAL!)
  • 6.Victory, “PRIZE!” - fulfillment of intention, return of the hero, celebration.
  • 7. “Fixer” - a promise to the future.

Experience has shown that writing a fairy tale can be done by EVERYONE!

How to start such a simple, but so tempting action? If you are under the influence of negative emotions, sad, annoyed, bring yourself to a calm state.

The state of courage will be excellent!

A good way is to imagine yourself slightly under a degree. Once again: just IMAGINE!

Come up with a super cool name!

Take the most brilliant name for yourself. Modesty is strongly discouraged! Don't wait for Muse, do you know how many people like you?Perhaps it just hasn’t reached you yet. Start writing! This capricious person will definitely visit you as soon as she smells the aroma of creativity!

By 5 point: those actions or events that you describe will be a ritual that you will need to perform specifically in this situation. This will be the most correct thing for you - it is your soul that directly receives the answer to what exactly you should do!

After all, you know that there are a lot of beautiful rituals, but for some reason they don’t work, and they don’t work because they are not yours!

On point 7: a message to the future is when already in a fairy tale what is needed has come true, the intended happy ending has taken place. But life goes on, right? And new distances open beyond the horizon. This is where we begin to casually attract the following tempting situation. For example, it happened - a lady got an apartment, moved in - and then an interesting neighbor comes in - Well, like, ask where the library is... In fact, there is a message to the future - the red maiden, and even with her mansion, is very much entitled to a good fellow!

But what kind of relationships are supposed to exist - more on that nextfairy tale

Self-fulfilling fairy tales are written to solve any issues: apartment, money, career, “sweet couple” - whatever the soul wants. Storyteller! State your goal more precisely! If you don’t formulate your goal, how will the Universe know what you, wonderful one, want? Well, choose your expressions: as you say, so it will be!

Good luck!

Fairy tales? What nonsense? I have not been a child for a long time and I know very well what fairy tales are. This cannot happen in life, because it can never happen - something like this is what many say when they first hear about self-fulfilling fairy tales.

Meanwhile, any fairy tale is not only an interesting story, it has a specific purpose. Remember the saying: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...”? So it's not that simple. There is even a certain direction in psychology called fairy tale therapy. In general, fairy tales are a useful thing. And, as it turned out, not only for children.

So what are self-fulfilling fairy tales and why are they needed?

Self-fulfilling fairy tales are fairy tales whose authors and heroes are ourselves.

After some time, the events described in the fairy tale come true in our lives.

We’ll talk about why this happens a little later, but now we’ll talk about how to write such fairy tales. Why are self-fulfilling fairy tales written? Of course, in order to make our life better, more enjoyable, more interesting.

You can start small and write a fairy-tale version of how to resolve a situation.

For example, you need a job. Write a story about how you find this very job. If we talk about something more global, you can write a fairy tale about your life, about what you want it to be like in the future.

How to write a self-fulfilling fairy tale?

Everything is simple here. First of all, remember this rule: my fairy tale - my rules! That is, anything you want can happen in your fairy tale, any miracles and transformations, any, even the most incredible things.

Since we are talking about a fairy tale, we can (and even necessary!) allow yourself to turn into a fairy-tale hero, for example, into a king, or a cheerful troubadour, or perhaps you want to become a princess, a sorceress or something else - please!

Don't be shy, let go of your imagination and let yourself be immersed in a fairy-tale world. For example, you can start like this:

“In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a princess. Every morning, waking up, the princess heard the singing of birds and felt a light breeze that brought to her the aromas of the magnificent flowers growing in her garden ... "

Next, you can describe the situation that requires resolution. Of course, in the best traditions of the fairy tale genre. Let’s say this: “The princess wanted to get busy - go to work. The Tsar Father supported the idea, and the princess went to the city to find a job she liked. But soon the fairy tale is told, but the deed is not done soon. Day, two, three days, the princess went to various shopping shops and manufacturing factories, but could not find a job that would make her soul happy. The princess did not despair, every day the desire to work became greater in her, and there was a feeling that the very thing that she would like was about to be found. And then one day..."

And now it is possible to describe in detail and with all the details the story of how the situation was resolved and how the main character of the fairy tale is satisfied and happy. Now the fairy tale is ready.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. The main thing is to start, and then everything will work out by itself. Sometimes we don’t even suspect what our imagination is capable of, but it is actually capable of a lot.

The resulting fairy tale needs to be re-read regularly, you can read it to yourself every morning or before bed, you can tell your children... There are many options, choose the one that you like best and suits you.

Why do self-fulfilling fairy tales work?

Why does what was written in a fairy tale suddenly come true in life? The fact is that such fairy tales are nothing more than a scenario of life or the development of a certain situation. There are elements of visualization, formulation of desires, goal setting, programming, etc.

And plus to everything - all this is written down, but writing down desires is very important!

While writing, we allow the subconscious to work more actively.

During the creative process, many restrictions are removed, because we seem to disconnect from the real world and don’t think about the fact that “there are no ideal men, and if there are, then everyone is already taken”, “the fire inspector always demands a bribe”, “impossible find a good job without connections”...

In a fairy tale, everything is possible! Thanks to this, our subconscious mind calmly comes up with the best options for the development of events..

Allowing us to admit the possibility of their implementation.

From the forum:

In fact " Tale about a droplet" is a self-healing fairy tale in its purest form. The beetle is the image of my fear, the dandelion is me, and the droplet is a person close to me, whom it was time to send on an independent voyage.

So, we create an image of our problem or negative feeling. We give him a name, endow him with worldly data, where he lives, with whom he lives, how he lives.
In the fairy tale, IT must pass three tests, after each of which a transformation occurs that changes the negative to the positive.
This doesn’t always happen; you can’t write through force. We write as it comes and only by hand.
If we didn’t manage to turn the hardened byaka into something kind and fluffy in one go, then we’ll write more.

A fairy tale is a storehouse of folk wisdom; it contains a huge resource for the upbringing and development of children. For as long as humanity has existed, children of all times, cultures and peoples have listened with absolutely equal delight to fairy tales that adults tell them. What if you try to write magical stories yourself, and write them together with your children? This contributes to the development of the child’s imagination and imagination and can become the basis of his creative abilities.

The main distinguishing feature of the fairy tale is its metaphorical , that is, a reflection of people’s life experiences using symbolic analogy techniques.

A distinctive feature of the fairy tale is a certain fantastic nature. These can be magical objects or heroes with unusual properties. The fairy tale “Somewhere in the thirtieth kingdom”, “To distant lands”, “In ancient times”, etc. begins unusually. The use of phrases (long - short, not far - not close) allows you to collapse time and distance.

In order for children to have the opportunity to compose a fairy tale on their own, they need to be taught how to write down invented text using diagrams (schematization). It is better to write down the text of familiar fairy tales on a strip of paper with a pencil or pen from left to right. Diagrams don't have to have a lot of detail; An action is added to an action via an arrow.

The next stage in working with a fairy tale is the use of games and creative tasks:

“Name the hero”

Goal: to teach children to unite heroes according to a given characteristic.

The teacher names an image, and the children must find specific characters from other fairy tales (girls are the heroes of fairy tales: Gerda, Little Red Riding Hood, Zhenya (from “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”), etc.

"A Hero's Action"

Goal: To teach children to list all the possible actions of a fairy-tale character. Teach children to draw analogies in the actions of heroes of different fairy tales.

The teacher offers a hero from a fairy tale: a goat from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Condition: speak only in verbs. (Once upon a time, she walked, punished, sang, etc.) Next, the teacher suggests remembering the heroes who would perform the same actions in other fairy tales.

“Fairytale words” Purpose: to teach children to list different variants of words and phrases based on a given characteristic. The teacher invites the children to remember and say all the spells that they know in fairy tales (Sim-sim, open the door, Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka... etc.) then list all the words with which the fairy tale begins (Once upon a time in a certain kingdom , in ancient times...etc.)

Work with children on composing fairy tales should first be of a collective nature, then in a subgroup, then the children compose the text together or in threes. Next, the child himself composes a fairy tale according to a certain model. Let's look at some of them.

Compiling fairy tales using the “Catalog” method Goal: to teach the child to connect randomly selected objects into a single storyline, to develop the ability to compose a fairy-tale text according to a model in which there are two heroes (positive and negative) who have their own goals; their friends who help them achieve these goals; a certain place. This method can already be used with three-year-old children. Objects can be hidden in the “Wonderful Bag” (toys or pictures). From the age of five, objects can be selected in books. Books should be unfamiliar to children. An approximate chain of questions for 3-year-old children:

Once upon a time... Who? Who was he friends with? The evil one came... Who? Who helped the friends escape? Gradually, the chain of questions increases, and six-year-old children are asked approximately the following questions: - Once upon a time... Who? What was he like? (What kind of good could he do?)
- Went for a walk (travel, watch...)... Where?
- Did you meet anyone evil? What evil did this negative hero cause to everyone?
- Our hero had a friend. Who? What was he like? How could he help the main character? What happened to the evil hero?
-Where did our friends live? What did you start doing? A small group of children is asked to compose a fairy tale (story). A question is asked to the children. For example: “Once upon a time there was someone?” An adult opens a book to any page and invites the child to point his finger at the word: “Once upon a time... a pencil!” So the story will be about a pencil that gets into trouble. The next "answer" to the question is searched for on any other page. If according to the plot there should be a noun or a verb, and the child pointed to another part of speech, the teacher needs to change the word into the desired part of speech, or find another one on the same line. The answers “found” in the book are gradually gathered into a single storyline. When the fairy tale is compiled, the children come up with a name for it and retell it. The teacher asks the children to remember what questions they answered using the book (deriving an algorithm of questions). Productive activities of children based on an invented plot: drawing, modeling, appliqué, construction or schematization (recording the actions of a fairy tale using diagrams). Ask the children to tell an invented fairy tale at home in the evening. Compilation fairy tales of dynamic type. Target: create pedagogical conditions for mastering the model of a fairy tale of a dynamic type. In such a fairy tale, one or more objects perform actions with a specific purpose, while interacting with different environments, which react differently to the actions of the heroes. The hero must draw conclusions, adjust his behavior, gain experience, as a result of which the goal is achieved and the attitude of others changes. A hero(s) is selected. Their properties, motives and goals are described. Heroes take actions to achieve a goal and encounter other objects in the process. Sequentially, for each interaction, changes in the main character are recorded, and the reactions of other objects when interacting with the hero are described. The result is a change in the hero (heroes) and the conclusion of a life rule. The name of the resulting fairy tale is invented and the rules for composing it are drawn up. On the board, the teacher draws a fairy-tale path and marks 3-4 cells on its horizontal line.

For example:

If a hero with negative qualities travels, then as a result of interaction with other heroes he can be re-educated and become good. The use of creative methods in working with a fairy tale allows the child to not only perceive the content of the fairy tale in an unconventional, original, unusual, new way, but also creatively transform the course of its narrative, come up with different endings, introduce unforeseen situations, mix several plots into one, etc. These methods are described in detail in the book by L.B. Fesyukova “Education with a fairy tale”:

Children draw, glue, and sculpt based on the fairy tales they have written. Non-traditional drawing methods are used (finger painting, drawing on wet paper, using a wax candle, 3D appliqué, etc.) They show sketches of the text using facial expressions and gestures, and theatrical performances.

The result of the work was the following fairy tales: “The Tale of the Fish,” “The Tale of the Little Mouse,” “The Tale of the Lost Carrot,” “The Hare’s Birthday,” “The New Teremok,” “The Story of the Brave Hedgehog and His Friends,” etc. We offer some of them:

A story about a brave hedgehog and his friends.

A fairy tale for a nursery rhyme.

Why are you, Hedgehog, so prickly?

This is me just in case: do you know who my neighbors are? Foxes, wolves and bears!

A long time ago, in a dense forest there lived a small and very kind hedgehog. But he was very, very prickly and no one wanted to play with him. And that made him sad. Alone, he walked through the forest alone, and quietly sighed: “Ah!” yes “Oh!” After all, more than anything in the world, he wanted to have many friends.

One day in the forest he met a magic crow and told her about his grief. The crow was truly magical, she took pity on the hedgehog and decided to help him.

“I’ll help you get rid of these needles,” she said.

The crow flew up to the highest tree and shouted to the whole forest: “Carrr!”

And the needles disappeared. The hedgehog was happy, thanked the crow, and quickly ran to the clearing where the little animals were playing happily. Now they took him into their games, because the hedgehog was not at all prickly.

The little animals were having fun in the forest, they were playing tag, blind man's buff, hide and seek, and did not notice how a hungry gray wolf appeared from the forest, teeth clicking and clicking.

“Ha ha ha! Yeah, gotcha!” – the wolf was happy – “Now I’ll eat you all!”

The squirrels and bunnies were frightened, their tails began to tremble with fear.

And then the hedgehog thought: “If I had my needles, I would show this wolf!”

And the crow sat on the tree and saw everything. She shouted her magic: “Karr!”, and the hedgehog’s needles appeared again. Our brave hedgehog curled up into a ball and rolled to the wolf's paws. Yes, he stabbed the gray robber so painfully that he howled in pain and ran back into the forest. And he never returned again.

The little animals began to thank the hedgehog - “Thank you hedgehog, you are a true friend. Your prickly needles saved us from trouble.” And from then on, to this day, all the animals in the forest value their friendship with the little prickly hedgehog. True friendship is learned in adversity.


Collage from fairy tales.

A mouse was running through the forest, got tired, sat down to rest and suddenly saw a sad frog sitting in the thick grass in the middle of the forest.

Why are you so sad? - asked the mouse.

“I’m sad because I don’t have a friend,” answered the frog.

Don't be sad, if you want, I will be your friend. Let's build a small house and live together. They built a house from twigs and dry leaves. And they began to live in it, sing songs and cook porridge. The little animals were so happy that the wolf heard them. He ran to the mansion, let's knock and ask for a visit.

That's how the tower is! And who lives in the mansion? - asked the wolf.

Animals looked out of the window.

I am Little Mouse.

A – Frog-Frog. And who are you?

And I am the Wolf! I want to live with you!” the wolf growled. - Unlock the door now!

The animals were not a little scared, and out of fear they could no longer answer.

Ah well! Well, wait a minute! Now there will be nothing left of your little mansion,” cried the Wolf.

The wolf began to blow: “F-f-f-f-u-u-u!”. And the tower scattered in all directions, as if a hurricane had hit it. There was a mansion, but no! A mouse and a frog are sitting in a forest clearing and crying bitterly.

The wolf felt ashamed that he was so big and offended the little animals. He felt sorry for them

I began to carry logs, cut boards and build a new mansion. Yes, it was built better than before, the windows were carved, the shutters were painted, there was enough space for everyone, and there was still room left for guests.

The mouse and the frog were delighted with the new little house. They began to thank the wolf, invite him to visit, and treat him to tea and pies. The wolf took a bite of the treat and ran into the forest to do his wolf business. And he promised not to forget his friends, to come visit and bring gifts.

Meanwhile, a hare was running through the forest and saw a mansion.

That's how the tower is! – the hare marveled. - And who lives there, in the little house?

And he started banging on the door with all his might.

This is where we live. I am Mouse-Norushka, and Frog-Frog. And who are you?

I am Bunny - Runner, I have a drum. Let me into the little house, I'll let you play the drum. The animals opened the door and let the bunny in.

“Where is your drum?” they asked.

He stayed there on the porch. Go and bring it - the hare answered them.

Only the animals are on the threshold, and the hare locks the door and won’t let the owners in.

What to do? What should I do? The Mouse and the Frog are sitting on a stump, crying, grieving, wiping away their tears with their paws.

Fox-Sister runs past.

What are you grieving about? - asks.

The friends told everything about their grief.

“Don’t cry,” says the fox, “I’ll drive him out.”

The fox ran to the tower, let's chase the hare. And he sits, the doors and windows are closed, he doesn’t come out, and doesn’t let anyone in. So the fox returned with nothing. The animals began to think together about how to drive the hare out of the hut. We thought and thought and came up with an idea. They decided to call Grandfather Bear for help, he is the strongest in the forest. The Bear came and roared through the whole forest.

Rrrrr...rrrr..., Get out, hare!

As soon as he hit the door, he tore it off its hinges.

“Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf,” the bear growled, “you want to build your own hut.” The hare got scared, jumped out of the house and ran. And Mouse-Norushka and Frog-Frog still live in the little house - they get along and greet guests. And the forest animals love to visit them, drink tea and pies, sing songs, and lead round dances.

Scenario of the fairy tale NEW TEREMOK.

Presenter: It was a long time ago, in an open field, in a wide expanse, in a dense forest, a mouse was running along high hummocks. I ran and was tired. I sat down to rest and saw a frog.

Mouse: What, little frog, are you sad, answer me, why are you silent?

Frog: I'm sad, because I'm alone, I don't have a girlfriend.

Mouse: If you want, dear frog, I will be your friend.

I'm cunning, it's time to build housing for us,

So that the doors are strong, so that the animals do not touch us.

Frog: We will build a hut here, and the animals will come to visit us.

Presenter: So the two of us got down to business and the work began to boil...

The mouse collects leaves, the frog carries twigs.

Crow: Here I fly through the forest, collecting gossip everywhere.

You couldn't find a more curious crow in the whole region,

I stick my beak everywhere and quickly fly home.

Magpie: Have you heard, godfather, the news about the frog?

Together with the mouse she built a hut.

And the hut is not bad, enough for two girlfriends,

So we fly, it’s time to tell the news to the animals.

Presenter: Tili-tili, tili-bom and the girlfriends’ house is ready.

And fun began in the forest, to the surprise of everyone around

The little animals dance the Polish dance and wave their handkerchiefs cheerfully.

(an animal dance is performed, then they run away)

Presenter: They made so much noise and joked that they even woke up the wolf.

Wolf: What's all the noise here in the clearing? Have any gypsies been here?

And the grass around is crushed, but what kind of hut is this?

This is how the tower is, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I'm a little mouse.

Frog: And I am a frog, and who are you?

Wolf: I am a poor, poor wolf, my teeth click and click.

I was lying in the shade when I suddenly heard a noise.

I walked around the whole forest and didn’t find anyone.

Yes, I’m a little tired on the road, I can barely drag my feet.

Let them live forever, or I’ll eat them both!

Leading: The mouse and the frog are silent and only tremble from fear.

The little wolf took a breath, blew, and destroyed the house!

All the little animals ran away, so they don’t have a hut!

Frog: We sit on a stump with the mouse and are sad.

Where will we live now and share a crust of bread?

Mouse: Eh, little wolf, how could you destroy our little house?

We would have let you in anyway, given you tea and honey.

Wolf: You friends, don’t be sad, and please forgive me!

I’ll fix everything - I’m a wolf, I’ll build a new little house.

Presenter: Our top got down to business, and the work began to boil

Planes boards, drives nails,

pricks and teases, cuts splinters.

Tili-tili tili-bom, the little wolf built a house.

The shutters are carved, the windows are painted.

There was room for everyone in the house, and there was still room for guests.

Mouse: We bow to you very much, the house is beautiful from all sides.

Frog: Stay with them and you will guard our house.

Wolf: No, thanks, I can’t, I’ll run on errands.

Host: The little animals have said goodbye and are living in their hut.

A scythe suddenly appeared in a clearing in the forest.

Hare: That’s the little mansion, who lives in the little house?

(And he began to bang on the door with all his might.)

Mouse: I am Mouse - Norushka.

Frog: And I am a frog. And who are you?

Hare: I am a Bunny - Runner, I have a drum.

Whoever unlocks the tower will take my drum!

(The animals opened the door and let the bunny in)

Frog: Where is your drum?

Hare: In a clearing, under a pine tree!

Presenter: The hare entered the mansion and locked it.

No matter how much the animals knocked, they didn’t get into the hut.

What to do, how to be? We need to open the mansion.

Mouse: The wolf built a strong, glorious house

Yes, the deceiving hare settled in him.

Frog: Whoever is not afraid to help the poor one will drive the bully hare away.

Presenter: Fox ran past and heard her friends.

Fox: The hare is clearly wrong here, I have a hot temper

I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights, show me where your enemy is?

Presenter: Liska began to chase the hare, stomping and knocking loudly.

Fox: Hey, bunny, come out, let the mouse and frog go.

Otherwise, as soon as I attack you, I’ll teach you a lesson in no time.

Presenter: The hare doesn’t open the door and doesn’t let the fox into the house.

The animals kept wondering how they could drive away the hare?

Fox: We need to call grandfather bear here immediately.

Uncle Misha, the strongman, can handle all obstacles.

Bear: If anyone is in trouble, I will come to your aid instantly.

Well, tell me, frog, who got into your hut?

Frog: This is a bully hare, he promised us a drum.

Bear: Now, as soon as I hit it with my fist, the whole house will fall apart.

I'll catch you by the ears and lightly beat you up.

Leading: Kosoy trembled with fear and ran away from the hut.

He ran without looking back, only his heels were visible between the trees.

Mouse: Well, thank you, Uncle Misha, for helping drive away the bunny.

Come into the house quickly, we’ll pour you some tea and honey.

Presenter: Then the animals rejoiced, danced and sang,

They began to live and live, waiting for friends to visit.


  1. 1. L.B. Fesyukova “Education with a fairy tale” Moscow 2000
  2. 2. Sidorchuk T. A., Khomenko N. N. “Technologies for the development of coherent speech in preschool children” 2004