What's the best way to consume coconut oil? How to choose a truly useful product? Uses of coconut oil for skin

A person's health depends on what food he eats and how much he gets from it. useful substances. There are products that concentrate them in large quantities. So is natural Coconut oil. It is considered one of the balanced food ingredients. Below you will find instructions on how to use coconut oil.

Natural coconut oil

Food for human body must include 3 components nutrients: protein, carbohydrate and fat. The first 2 parts can be easily replenished with a large amount of fruits and vegetables, meat, milk, seafood and herbs. High-quality fats are more difficult to obtain, but they are no less important for health. Coconut oil, which is used in food to combat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart, will help here.

This one is natural vegetable fat can influence those processes that are not amenable to the influence of animals. For this reason, it is even used in Indian alternative medicine– Ayurveda. This teaching on health and longevity considers coconut oil to be balancing, refreshing and calming to the mind. This product also has other beneficial features:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • participates in the process of cell renewal;
  • has a positive effect on viral, fungal and microbial infections;
  • improves the condition of problems with blood pressure.

What are the benefits of coconut oil

Scientists have studied the use of coconut oil for food in African tribes, where this product is consumed regularly. In some areas, coconut is a staple food. Scientists in these tribes discovered that people did not have problems with blood vessels and heart. In addition, they came to the conclusion that by consuming coconut oil, you can improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, strengthen the immune system, and fight gastritis, ulcers and osteoporosis. Only abuse of this product is harmful: excess can cause an allergic reaction.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits of coconut oil for weight loss. Paradoxically, eating the “right” fat can help you lose weight. How does coconut oil help you lose weight? It contains triglycerides, which increase energy expenditure during metabolism. It turns out that much more calories are burned. In addition, coconut oil can reduce hunger, which is especially important for weight loss. In addition to cooking, this product is also used in cosmetology for the following purposes:

  • reduce the appearance of cellulite;
  • give skin elasticity;
  • accelerate eyelash growth and strengthen them;
  • get an even chocolate tan;
  • eliminate wrinkles;
  • moisturize the skin.

Use of coconut oil in food

This one is for food aromatic ingredient It is even used in weight loss diet programs, but it can also be added to your daily diet. A special feature of the product is that it is not susceptible to high temperatures. For this reason, it is safe to fry on it, because no carcinogens are formed. What can we say about the exquisite aroma and soft consistency.

Use coconut oil instead of sunflower or margarine and within a couple of weeks you will see positive effect. Try adding this flavorful ingredient to baked goods or hot drinks such as milk, coffee or hot chocolate. You can also use coconut oil like this:

  • add 1-2 tsp. in fruit or vegetable salads;
  • spread on bread;
  • flavor porridge;
  • season popcorn;
  • add to plain rice or popcorn;
  • mix with mashed potatoes;
  • use when stewing vegetables;
  • include in confectionery products.

Recipes with coconut oil

As mentioned above, coconut oil for food can be used in a variety of recipes, from soups to baked goods. Try making mini banana and cinnamon pancakes for breakfast. The dish is perfect for those who have given up food of animal origin. The ingredients you will need are:

  • milk – 1 tbsp.;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • ground cinnamon – 0.5 tsp;
  • coconut oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Wheat flour– 0.75 tbsp.

Cooking process delicious breakfast includes the following steps:

  1. Using a blender, blend the milk and banana until smooth.
  2. Add flour and cinnamon and mix again.
  3. Melt, but do not overheat the butter, add to the dough.
  4. Heat the frying pan thoroughly and bake the pancakes in coconut or sunflower oil on both sides.
  5. Serve the finished dish with syrup, such as maple.

Use this turkey curry sauce recipe for lunch or dinner. You will need ingredients from the following list:

  • turkey breast (fillet) – 1 kg;
  • coconut oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • leek – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • yellow curry powder – 15 g;
  • natural yogurt – 350 ml.

You need to cook the turkey according to these instructions:

  1. Fry turkey fillet pieces in olive oil.
  2. Make the turkey gravy: mix 3 tablespoons olive oil with finely chopped onion, then sauté the ingredients in a saucepan.
  3. Add the tomato to the onion, first removing the skin, pouring boiling water over it and finely chopping it.
  4. Sprinkle with spices and season with coconut oil.
  5. Don't forget to turn the turkey over so it doesn't burn and cooks through. golden crust.
  6. Add yogurt to the tomato and onion, heat, but do not bring to a boil.
  7. Place fillet pieces in a saucepan with sauce, simmer for 40-60 minutes.

Click on point No. 3 - how to use coconut oil in food, doses, methods, secrets.

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Appearance and composition of the product

ABOUT, fried potatoes with onions and garlic - a favorite childhood treat...

We stepped over our usual tastes and began to study “horror stories” about carcinogens and trans fats. Having quickly come across coconut oil, we delved deeply into the topic based on reliable nutraceutical data.


Let's talk about oil cold pressed, which retains all beneficial properties. It is the most beneficial to eat.

The first thing that inspires you to try the product is the not catchy, but noticeable smell of coconut. The second thing that arouses curiosity is the change in oil texture when the temperature drops below +25 degrees. From the refrigerator you will get something pleasantly white, fragrant, similar in consistency to butter.

  • The calorie content per 100 grams is high, like all fats - about 860 kcal.
  • 1 tablespoon contains 130-140 kcal.

Included high in saturated fatty acids (SFAs)- up to 90%:

  • Lauric - up to 55%
  • Oleic - 11%
  • Caprylic - 10%
  • Capric - 9.7%
  • Myristic - 8%
  • Palmitic - 5%
  • Stearic - 1.3%

The oil also contains polyphenols (aroma and taste!), vitamin E, some calcium, phosphorus, iron and organic sulfur.

Beneficial properties for health and beauty

“Saturated fats? It is harmful". Let's debunk an old myth!

The fight against saturated fatty acids (hereinafter referred to as SFAs) since the mid-20th century has only led to the fact that the leading cause of death in developed countries has become vascular accidents - heart attack, stroke, thrombosis. The basis of the disease is atherosclerosis, i.e. deposition of cholesterol on the inner wall of blood vessels, which narrows their lumen.

We began to replace products with EFAs with fats with unsaturated acids. But sunflower and other popular oils are very high in omega-6 fatty acids. As a result, the imbalance of omegas in our diet is catastrophic.

The body benefits from a ratio of omega 3 to 6 of no more than 1:4.

  • Due to the abundance of unbalanced vegetable oils, we eat at least 1:16, or even 1:20. This alignment increases systemic senile inflammation and brings illness and death closer.

Let's stop being afraid of saturated fats

It has been proven that manically removing cholesterol from food cannot significantly affect atherosclerosis. Only 20-25% of cholesterol is absorbed from food.

The rest of the cholesterol is the result of synthesis in the liver to patch up inflamed areas inside the blood vessels. The cause of atherosclerosis is inflammation of the intima of blood vessels. It is provoked by excess carbohydrates, trans fats and the dominance of omega-6 over omega-3.

NLCs stand aside from this disgrace. A lot of research has already accumulated that returns nutrients from disgrace. Every cell in the body needs them for growth, development and health.

More than 1,600 studies support the nutritional benefits of coconut oil.

The listed acids in coconut oil are: medium chain triglycerides. The main things learned about each:

  • Either good for the heart and other aspects of health;
  • Or it’s enough not to eat too much (in this case, on a therapeutic ketogenic diet, such acids play a leading role);
  • Or combine with olive oil to balance the composition of acids and neutralize modest harm.

Let's take lauric fatty acid, which is the most in coconut oil (up to 55%). It has a special structure for easy absorption. In our body, the acid is converted into monolaurin. An amazing substance that was also discovered in breast milk women and has powerful antiviral, antimicrobial and antibacterial effects.

Other properties of lauric acid are illustrated below, according to scientific research from the PubMed database.

The most scrupulous nutritionists advise the following.

To reduce even a small one, but still possible harm for lauric fatty acid, consume coconut oil accompanied by extra virgin olive or peanut oil. These products contain oleic acid, which helps lauric acid to exhibit only positive properties.

Benefits from food use

The list of benefits of coconut oil covers almost all organs and systems:

  • Luxurious hair and skin care, incl. smoothing wrinkles and cellulite (which we will talk about later);
  • Maintaining harmony in the lipid profile (cholesterol and atherosclerosis hide here);
  • Strengthening the immune system (mainly thanks to the invaluable monolaurin and vitamin E);
  • Strengthening bones and teeth, because oil promotes the absorption of vitamin D and calcium;
  • Healing nutrition for Alzheimer's disease, arthritis and oncology;
  • High-quality digestion, incl. support of beneficial microflora and suppression of candida fungi (nod to monolaurin and caprylic acid);
  • Healthy Stabilization hormonal levels;
  • Helps with weight loss and blood glucose balance.

Coconut oil for weight loss

The question deserves separate clarification.

  1. The benefit is determined by the dose limitation: up to 2 tablespoons per day, not daily.
  2. And also the feature of medium chain triglycerides. They are very easily digestible, do not require excess enzymes and bile, and quickly enter the liver for energy synthesis. This speeds up metabolism (up to 46%!) and protects against the transfer of incoming fat to harmful reserves on the waist and hips. Ketone bodies are actively formed, which significantly reduce appetite. The result is long-lasting satiety and a lot of energy.

Often overweight accompanied by hyperinsulinism and gall bladder problems. Coconut oil does not overload the internal organs, as happens with the consumption of well-known vegetable oils (where long chain triglycerides predominate).

Harmonization of hormonal levels, which ensures stable slimness, is another merit of medium-chain fatty acids. They help convert cholesterol into the sterone pregnenolone, a precursor to our hormones.

And a few words about the mysteries of the intestines. The imbalance of intestinal flora into Candida fungi is the reason for the insatiable craving for sugar. Coconut oil suppresses candida and strengthens microbiota balance.

Rare culinary advantage

Unrefined coconut oil has a high smoke point. According to various sources from 177 degrees Celsius. Refined coconut oil has an even higher value (from 204, but it also has much less benefits).

At the same time, there are very few polyunsaturated fatty acids in coconut oil (up to 2-3%). There is almost nothing for harmful trans fats to form from, even at very high temperatures.

When frying, the average temperature ranges from 120 to 170 degrees Celsius. When stewing and simmering on the stove it is even lower: up to 100 degrees Celsius.

Let's put the facts together.

  1. The “smoke point” of coconut oil is almost 2 times higher than the stewing temperature, and even quick frying in a hot frying pan is unlikely to heat this fat to dangerous levels.
  2. Even if the temperature soars, coconut oil is primarily composed of fatty acids that are more heat-resistant (saturated).

Here's why frying with coconut oil is safe, although not cheap.

And constantly frying refined sunflower or corn is directly harmful to health. Because they contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids (more than 50%). These oils are dangerous after refining, and unrefined ones have a low “smoke point” (about 107 degrees).

  • Of all the heat treatment methods It is safest to stew and steam. Frying and even baking from 180 degrees is a dubious choice for products containing a lot of easily oxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids. This is especially important in children's and medical nutrition.

Use in food: 10 simple recipes

How tasty and healthy is it to use coconut oil in food?

Safely sauté, fry and bake.

This is a clear advantage compared to sunflower or corn, which are unstable when heated. Start with an omelet: you will be surprised at how economical this product is due to its solid consistency when stored in the refrigerator. Not a large number of Using a fork will grease a wide, heated frying pan normally.

It’s very tasty to bake vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes). Try to bake at a temperature no higher than 180 degrees Celsius. Goes great with curry and other spicy seasonings. All dishes with an Asian twist are ideal for your first introduction to the rich possibilities of fat.

More healthy baked goods- in our power!

We replace oils that are unsafe when heated with coconut oil - in the amount specified in the recipe. If you want to hard fat, freeze the product first. Grease your pans and baking sheets is another good choice.

We enrich breakfast: in coffee or on toast.

  • Just add 1 heaping teaspoon to your morning coffee. And whipping it in a blender and sweetening it slightly is the easiest way to get used to a healthy substitute for cream.
  • Spread toast with whole grain bran bread. An affordable snack with a pleasant coconut aroma.

We prepare healing homemade mayonnaise.

  1. We need 2 oils: 0.5 cups olive and 1 cup liquid coconut.
  2. If necessary, let the second one melt: place the container with it in a slightly larger bowl with warm water.
  3. Mix 4 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon in a blender apple cider vinegar and 0.5 teaspoon of mustard powder.
  4. Reduce the speed to minimum and very slowly (!), in a stream, add 2 oils - coconut and olive.

Fondue with dark chocolate and fruits.

(70%+) and add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Bananas, apples, strawberries, wild strawberries and nectarines - this recipe is a hit! everything will work.

Add healthy fats to smoothies.

For any recipe - 1 teaspoon per 1-2 glasses. It is especially good to fortify drinks with a low-fat base (juice, kefir, water).

Relieves colds and sore throats.

Method number 1. We brush our teeth. Slowly dissolve and swallow ½-1 teaspoon of oil 3 times a day.

Method number 2. We also use oil with powder: for 1-2 glasses - 1 teaspoon. Mix well with a fork and store in the refrigerator.

A delicious choice for raw vegan desserts.

Raw candies and cakes include coconut oil as an ingredient that holds its shape well after cooling. A special delight - creamy taste and a strong friendship with nuts and dried fruits.

Possible harm and contraindications

Everything is medicine. Or poison if the dose is wrong.

Start using coconut oil in your food c 0.5-1 teaspoon per day.

Monitor your reaction, especially in the skin and digestive tract. The first day is for acute intolerance and a little later (1-2 weeks of use). It happens that pathological sensitivity to a product from a different climate zone manifests itself over time according to a cumulative principle.

If you are on a balanced diet, the average daily dose limit is 2 tablespoons, not daily. It's best to reserve this fat for quick frying and focus on olive oil for non-heated foods.

Dose for children weighing from 20 to 40 kg - up to 2 teaspoons per day+ gradual, careful introduction of the product.

For older people - depending on the reaction: 1-2 tablespoons daily. For problems with the central nervous system(Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, etc.) - up to 3-4 tablespoons.

Where to buy, how to choose and store correctly

We store it simply: glass, darkness, refrigerator.

Pharmacies most often sell hot-pressed coconut oil, which is relatively suitable for cosmetics.

For food consumption, our task is to find unrefined, cold-pressed coconut oil. This must be pure product with only one ingredient - coconut oil:

  1. On the label the production method is “cold pressed” or “extra virgin”;
  2. The quality of the raw materials is “organic”, preferably without the use of hexane. Names of popular strict certifications: BDIH, NaTrue, USDA Organic.

For us, shopping in online stores is most convenient. Take your time and study the information on the product card. If the store is large, pay attention to reviews and ratings. Detailed customer opinions and a rating of 4.5 are a good sign.

Where to buy coconut oil for food?

The online store 365detox.ru is relevant for Moscow.

We use the giant iHerb. its wide range. The store ships worldwide and is very well organized in terms of product cards, reviews and ratings.

Four products we love.

  1. From TM Nutiva: economical large packaging.

    High-quality coconut oil is not cheap, but it is better to pay for health than to spend money on illnesses.

    We will be happy to hear your experience with the hero of the review, and also answer questions about coconut oil and its use in food. The product is unique with great healing potential, but our body most of all strengthens the sense of proportion. Eat deliciously, check the given doses and recipes and be healthy!

    Thank you for the article (9)

The enviable popularity of coconut oil is due to its exceptional naturalness, because in the production of this most valuable food and cosmetic product, only natural coconut copra is used - no synthetic ingredients or aromatic fragrances!

History and geography of the product

People have known about the miraculous properties of coconut oil since ancient times.
The first consumers of this nutritious and healing product were residents of India. Back at the beginning of the 15th century. rich Indian women used oil as an element of daily food and as a means of herbal cosmetics, therefore they were distinguished by excellent health, radiant skin and luxurious hair.

In the 16th century Coconut oil travels along sea trade routes to China, neighboring India, and soon to the entire continent and even beyond its borders. Currently, its production is carried out not only in the countries of South Asia and Southeast, but also in America, the African continent and Oceania. Oil is mainly imported to Russia from India and Indonesia, and less often from the Philippines.

Peoples of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region widely use coconut oil in medical purposes, considering it a cure for all diseases. Indonesians still practice rituals using coconut oil. It is added to meals of meat, rice and cakes that serve as special offerings to the dead.

Farmers from the countries of the Ancient East made offerings to the plowed land. Before sowing crops, they threw decorations and handfuls of seeds soaked in coconut oil into the furrows. So the plowmen asked the good spirits of the Earth to respond to generous offerings and provide them with a rich harvest.

Types of Coconut Oil

In the regions of its origin, coconut oil is not only part of the culture of the local population, but also important element his nutritious diet. People use different types of oil for culinary purposes.

Depending on the preparation method, coconut oil may be unrefined And refined. The unrefined product is obtained by the method cold And hot spin When using cold pressing, the coconut meat is cut into pieces, dried, and then placed under a press. The oil obtained by pressing and squeezing acquires a high nutritional value, since during production it is not subjected to thermal effects and retains all the beneficial substances. With this method, the yield of the final product is small, so this oil is not cheap.

Unrefined oil made by hot pressing also retains all the bioactive substances, but this process takes a lot of time. First, the coconut copra is cut into large pieces and kept under the sun for a month. The dried pieces are then crushed and placed again in a sunny place for final drying. After such manipulations, the moisture from copra almost completely evaporates and only oil remains in it. Dried pieces of coconut are driven in a centrifuge, where, under the influence of centrifugal forces and high temperatures, the oil is easily separated from the copra and flows into a separate vessel.

Refined coconut oil is obtained by using additional degrees of technological purification. In this case, the finished product has a delicate taste and is practically odorless. This oil is less nutritious but has a longer shelf life.

Beneficial features

Any type of coconut oil is beneficial for the body, as it contains: vitamins K and E, iron, phosphorus, organic sulfur and fatty acids (saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated). In nutritional value, coconut oil is significantly superior to any other type of edible oil.

The saturated fats included in the product have an antimicrobial and antiviral effect, they promote the rapid absorption of vitamins and amino acids. The oil improves digestion and is an excellent prophylactic for preventing stomach and intestinal diseases. It helps heal burns, small cuts and cracks in the skin.

The value of coconut oil lies in the lauric acid it contains. It lowers cholesterol and cleanses blood vessels, strengthens the immune system and prevents aging of the body. The oil has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas. It helps the body cope with fatigue, charges it with energy and stamina, improves metabolic processes and speeds up metabolism.

Coconut oil is an indispensable remedy for strengthening hair roots and improving the condition of the epidermis. Dry skin especially needs it. It can moisturize it well, soften it and make it velvety. Coconut oil is an excellent tanning product. Under its influence, the sun's rays do not dehydrate the skin, and the tan applies evenly and beautifully.

Taste qualities

Thanks to the balance of acids, coconut oil turns out to be an invaluable product for medicine, cosmetology and cooking. It hides extraordinary benefit Moreover, it has a pleasant aromatic and amazingly delicate taste.

Polyphenols give the oil a special softness of taste and refined aroma. Such taste qualities are more pronounced in unrefined coconut oil, obtained by cold pressing. It has a yellowish tint, a concentrated coconut aroma and a sweetish taste.

Refined coconut oil is virtually odorless and has a neutral taste. Due to hydrogenation, this oil loses its nutritional properties, so it is less valuable than unrefined oil.

Use in cooking

Since ancient times, coconut oil has been included in the list of staple foods for residents of Indonesia, Thailand and India. IN modern world It is also used in cooking by chefs from many other countries. It is mainly used as a raw material for the production of margarine, and also as a nutritious dressing for vegetable salads.

Coconut oil harmonizes perfectly with herbs, fruits, baked goods, any vegetables and meat. It goes well with spicy seasonings, seafood and rice. The oil has a special property - when exposed to high temperatures, it does not lose its beneficial properties, which is why it has become more widely used in various culinary recipes.

Coconut oil is added to hot drinks, sweet milk cereals and baked goods. It is used as deep fat and as a component in the preparation of a variety of hot dishes, including side dishes, soups and sauces. It is great for frying, baking and stewing foods, as well as making cooling fillings for waffle cakes.

If you skillfully use the excellent properties of coconut oil, you can significantly improve your well-being and become a good cook in your own kitchen.

Coconut oil is an exotic product for our latitudes, so it is not very common. Meanwhile, its unique composition allows it to take a leading place among other vegetable oils, and its high content of fatty acids allows it to be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of almost all body systems.

Chemical composition of coconut oil

Coconut oil is made from the pulp of the coconut, otherwise known as copra. Among other oils of plant and animal origin, it has a record high content of beneficial medium-chain fatty acids.

Gallery: How Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is Made

Coconuts are plucked from palm trees. Nuts piled in heaps dry in the sun for a while. Then the coconuts are cracked.
In order to separate the pulp from the shell, the nuts are heated on a huge grill. The oil itself is pressed out on a special oil press.

Cold pressing allows you to extract a very modest amount of oil from coconut pulp, only about 10% of the original mass of the raw material. This oil is significantly more expensive than oil hot pressed, but it retains the entire range of useful substances in its composition. Using hot pressing technology, up to three hundred grams can be obtained from a kilogram of raw coconut finished product, but some of the nutrients will be lost during heat treatment.

Table: Fatty acid content of coconut oil

Name Content Effect
Lauric acid 40–55% Possessing antifungal and antibacterial properties, is the most valuable component of coconut oil.
Myristic acid 15–25% Has an antimicrobial effect and is a “transporter” active substances, promoting their better digestibility.
Palmitic acid 9–11% Helps retain moisture in cells, has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves skin elasticity. It has a restorative, regenerating and calming effect.
Oleic acid ~ 10% Oleic acid, or omega-9, takes part in the creation and restoration of cell membranes and supports immunity.
Caprylic acid 5–7% It has antifungal properties, being especially effective against the fungus that causes thrush.
Capric (decanoic) acid 4–10% It has anticonvulsant properties, studies confirm the effectiveness of this acid in the fight against epilepsy.
Stearic acid ~ 5% Makes the skin soft and smooth, protects it from external influences. It also has a comedogenic effect.
Linoleic acid 2–3% Refers to omega-6 essential fatty acids. Oils with increased content of this acid are recommended for owners oily skin and skin prone to imperfections. Necessary for the normal functioning of cellular and subcellular membranes.
Caproic acid ~ 1% Promotes normal blood clotting.

By the way, lauric acid in the same concentration as in coconut oil can only be found in breast milk, and it is unlikely that anyone will dispute its benefits. In addition to its high content of fatty acids, coconut oil is a storehouse of vitamins and elements, necessary for the body for normal operation.

Table: vitamins and minerals in coconut oil

Vitamin A Indispensable for vision, needed for the proper functioning of the retina. Maintains normal operation immune system, protects against infections. Participates in maintaining the beauty and health of teeth, skin, bones and body tissues.
Vitamin C Stimulates the production of collagen, a protein responsible for the health of the skin, ligaments and tendons, teeth and bones, blood vessels and capillaries. Accelerates healing of wounds. Is an antioxidant.
B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12) They support the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body, ensure the health of the gastrointestinal system, enhance the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, and antibodies. They take part in the synthesis of proteins and new cells, and participate in the reproduction of DNA. Necessary for normal functioning of the muscular system.
Calcium The key to healthy bones and teeth, as well as the proper functioning of muscles and blood vessels. Also involved in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes.
Magnesium Necessary for muscle contraction, protein production, normalization blood pressure. It is an important component of blood involved in the process of blood clotting. Responsible for regulating blood glucose levels. Helps the heart muscle and nervous system function normally, and is involved in the removal of cholesterol from the body.
Selenium Strengthens the immune system, supports the functioning of the body's reproductive system. Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland. Antioxidant.
Phosphorus Component of cell membranes, DNA and RNA. Also involved in bone mineralization, energy production, and regulation of acid-base balance.
Potassium Participates in the regulation of neuromuscular synapses and intracellular metabolism, regulates blood pressure.
Iron A leading component of metabolism, a component of many proteins and enzymes. It is a component of hemoglobin and, accordingly, is involved in saturating the body with oxygen.
Copper Ensures proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. It is a component of essential enzymes. Provides iron metabolism, thereby helping to maintain normal hemoglobin levels.

Properties of coconut oil when consumed

The benefits of coconut oil are manifested both externally and internally. Moreover, this universal product is used very widely - in cooking, medicine and even in housekeeping.

Coconut oil is a recognized remedy for regulating the thyroid gland.

When used internally, oil obtained from coconuts has a positive effect on almost all body systems. It enhances its protective functions, improves digestion, helps hematopoiesis, and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Some researchers claim that eating coconut oil reduces the risk of developing serious diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and cancer. Its use also has a positive effect on the restoration of thyroid function.

The antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities of coconut oil are very useful in the fight against skin diseases, fungal infections of nails and hair, thrush, dermatitis and eczema.

The regenerating properties of the oil are useful both for reducing the symptoms of ulcers or inflammation of the stomach walls, and for healing wounds.

Coconut oil is a high-calorie product. 100 grams of coconut oil contains 862 kilocalories. To get the same amount of calories, you can eat a kilogram of potatoes, or more than two kilograms of watermelon, or almost half a kilogram of beef.

However, do not forget that any oil is a very, very high-calorie product. Therefore, its use should be limited, replacing other fats in the diet with it, and not adding calories from coconut oil to them.

Which oil to choose for food

Coconut oil is divided into several types based on the production method. Cold pressed, natural and the most healthy oil is marked like this:

  • Virgin Raw Organic;
  • Virgin coconut oil (or VCO);
  • Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.

International certificates such as Halal, USDA organic and Bio Agri Cert also confirm highest quality oils

Cold-pressed coconut oil retains maximum nutrients

Its production involves mechanical extraction of copra; such oil should not be subjected to any other influences or contain additives. When solidified, it turns white, whereas when liquid it should be transparent. At temperatures below 22-25 degrees Celsius, high-quality coconut oil without impurities hardens.

By the way, coconut Virgin oil coconut oil and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil are the same oil. The fact is that, unlike oil made from olives, coconut oil does not have the official industrial label extra-virgin, and a similar inscription on the jar is nothing more than marketing ploy, designed to increase the value of the oil in the eyes of the buyer.

If you see Coconut Oil on the packaging without further explanation, this is a hot-pressed oil or even a mixture of refined and unrefined oil from coconut.

The inscription Refined or RBD means that you have received refined, purified oil. Most likely, it was obtained by hot pressing. The resulting product has a longer shelf life compared to unrefined oil, is more transparent and practically odorless. As you might guess, the beneficial substances in such oil remain several times less than in unrefined cold-pressed oil.

Quality coconut oil becomes solid at temperatures below 22–25 degrees Celsius

Unrefined coconut oil has the most wide range applications - from cooking to cosmetology. Its only drawback, perhaps, is its high price. But it is perfect for dietary nutrition And children's diet. This oil melts in the mouth and does not leave any unpleasant sensations; it can be used for dressing salads, soups, cereals, and in making desserts.

Features of using coconut oil for frying

You don't necessarily need to use high-quality cold-pressed oil for frying, since you'll still be exposing it to high temperatures. Usually this cheaper oil has a special marking “for cooking” or “coking oil”.

Of all vegetable oils, coconut contains the most saturated fat, and this is what makes it a great option for cooking. The thing is that during the heating process, all vegetable oils undergo oxidation or polymerization, but coconut oil “resists” the longest. On the other hand, natural, unprocessed coconut oil begins to smoke at 177 °C (in comparison, unprocessed Palm oil lasts up to 235 degrees). However, processed coconut oil that has gone through the refining process does not smoke until it reaches 204°C.

Natural coconut begins to smoke less than at 180 degrees Celsius

It is believed that when frying, coconut oil does not release carcinogens, but smoking is already a signal of their possible formation. The saturated fatty acids in coconut oil, unlike its animal counterparts, are beneficial, not harmful. Therefore, frying in coconut oil - the only one of all - will make your products even more useful, but provided that you can stand it temperature regime and the oil will not start to smoke. A nice bonus is that coconut oil does not oxidize and therefore does not go rancid.

Use of coconut oil for medicinal purposes

Coconut oil in our non-coconut countries is widely known as excellent remedy for and skin. However, far fewer people are aware of its excellent medicinal properties.

If at temperature environment above 25 °C the oil has not become liquid and transparent, this is a low-quality product with impurities

This effectiveness of the oil is due to the high content of lauric acid and its amazing ability to destroy fungal infections, microbes and viruses.

Prevention of diseases of teeth and gums

Coconut oil has demonstrated high effectiveness in hygiene matters oral cavity. It is most often used for rinsing or as an additive to toothpaste. The same lauric acid acts as the spearhead of the attack on pathogenic bacteria that cause caries and bad smell from mouth. In addition, coconut oil reduces the rate of formation and amount of plaque.

Studies designed to prove the benefits of consuming coconut oil for oral hygiene confirmed a 68% reduction in plaque in subjects after just a month of use.

To prepare the rinse mixture, add a teaspoon of oil to a glass of warm water. There are no restrictions on the number of procedures and duration of the rinsing course. The same goes for adding oil to toothpaste - you can do this for as long as you like.

Oil for wounds and burns

Coconut oil has also been proven to be effective in treating burns and healing wounds. Unique composition helps prevent infections from entering the wound and promotes rapid tissue regeneration. In addition, a local analgesic effect is noted.

Coconut oil is effective in treating sunburn

At the same time, it is important to realize that coconut oil is a very mild product and should be used only if the skin lesions are minor, for example, a mild sunburn. In cases of burns with blisters or open wounds, instead of self-medication, you should consult a specialist.

When sunburn Coconut oil will help prevent peeling of the skin with further peeling, relieve inflammation, relieve tightness and dull pain. But you shouldn’t cover yourself with oil or other greasy substance as soon as you realize that you’re “fried.” The first step is to cool and cleanse the skin. A cool shower and baby soap will do the best job of this. Gently pat your skin dry with a towel and begin applying the miracle product. The procedure should be carried out 2 - 3 times a day and refined oil should be used, since it is absorbed a little worse than cold-pressed oil and, accordingly, will stay on the skin longer.

When applied to healing wounds, coconut oil creates a protective layer that protects against dust, infections and bacteria and softens the skin, making the healing process less painful.

Help with psoriasis and eczema

Psoriasis is an incurable disease at the present stage of medical development, with an unknown genesis. Therefore, the use of any means is not aimed at curing the disease, but at easing its course. In this case, hypoallergenic coconut oil will do the best job. By the way, many ointments prescribed by doctors for psoriasis contain coconut oil. By softening the skin and gently eliminating flaking, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces redness. However, besides external use, it wouldn’t hurt to use this useful product orally: two tablespoons per day is enough.

The same applies to eczema: all remedies can only be aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the disease, and not eliminating them. Doctors usually prescribe antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs for this disease. If the disease was complicated by an infection caused by scratching the blisters, antibiotics are added to the list of medications.

In this case, coconut oil will help alleviate the symptoms of the disease: it will soften and moisturize the skin, help relieve irritation, prevent infection from getting into wounds and speed up their healing.

Treatment of herpes

One of the properties of lauric acid is the destruction of the fatty membrane of viruses. It also copes with the lipid membrane of the herpes virus. Great benefit will bring unrefined cold-pressed oil.

Some researchers claim that in order to defeat the herpes virus, it is better to consume monolaurin, an extract of coconut oil, rather than the oil itself. The fact is that monolaurin is a derivative of lauric acid, but in order for the body to produce enough of it to effectively fight the herpes virus, you need to eat at least 300 grams of oil.

The best effect can be achieved by using coconut oil both externally and internally. Eating 1-2 tablespoons and applying the oil to the skin before bed every day can deal a crushing blow to the herpes virus.

Coconut oil for varicose veins

There will be noticeable benefits from coconut oil for varicose veins only at the very beginning of the disease. If dilated veins appear and there is pain, you will need more serious medications. If only spider veins are visible on the legs, using coconut oil as an additive to massage mixtures will help prevent the disease from progressing to the next stage.

Help the stomach and intestines

The scientific community has confirmed the effectiveness of coconut oil in the treatment of constipation, heartburn and acid reflex. In addition, it can alleviate ailments such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Coconut oil also helps regulate intestinal microflora, eliminating microbial imbalance in the body.

Regular consumption of coconut oil helps relieve symptoms of diseases such as ulcerative colitis and pancreatitis.

Coconut oil is valuable for digestion because the vitamins and minerals contained in it are absorbed by the body better than any other. The thing is that fatty acids from coconut oil, unlike other lipids, begin to break down in saliva and gastric juice, quickly, with minimal enzymes and effort. As a result, the load on the gastrointestinal tract in general and the pancreas in particular is minimized. This quality is especially important for people suffering from diseases that impede the absorption and assimilation of nutrients, as well as for pancreatitis, diabetes, obesity, illness gallbladder, irritable bowel syndrome.

Benefits for women's health

Coconut oil is indicated for women to prevent osteoporosis - after all, this disease affects women three times more often than men. As is known, the disease leads to disruption of bone tissue formation and bone fragility. Coconut oil promotes calcium absorption while regular use inside will help prevent the occurrence of this disease.

Coconut oil is also very effective in the fight against thrush, and also helps get rid of prickly heat in intimate areas.

Coconut oil will help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

Coconut oil, which has virtually no contraindications and is a storehouse of useful substances, is suitable for internal use by both pregnant women and nursing mothers. Of course, before taking, the diet should be agreed with your doctor.

But in order to use coconut oil externally, a doctor’s approval is not required. Containing no additives, preservatives or other chemicals, it will help maintain skin elasticity, dental health and hair strength.

Coconut oil and diabetes

Coconut oil is the only fat that people suffering from diabetes can safely consume. By stimulating insulin synthesis, it helps lower blood sugar levels. Moreover, there is an opinion that the fatty acids in coconut oil help prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Relief of allergy symptoms

Coconut oil is believed to be able to relieve symptoms of seasonal, chronic and even food allergies. Allergic rhinitis can be combated by applying coconut oil to the walls of the nostrils. Consuming the oil internally will allow the body to become more resistant to allergens. However, we must not forget that, despite the undoubted benefits and hypoallergenicity, there is an individual intolerance to coconut oil itself.

Treatment of bones and joints

As mentioned above, coconut oil is indispensable assistant in matters of calcium absorption, without which our bones will be thin and fragile. Medium chain triglycerides are very important for the prevention and treatment of degenerative processes of osteochondral tissue, such as arthritis and arthrosis. However, you should not create illusions; destruction of the joint, as a rule, is irreversible, so a miracle will not happen. However, for prevention, as well as as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, coconut oil is perfect.

Coconut oil can relieve local pain and swelling

External use of coconut oil will help improve blood circulation to problem areas, reduce pain and increase tissue elasticity. It is enough to rub the areas of the body that need it two to three times a day. You can also make compresses based on coconut oil. For example, take one part apple cider vinegar and the same amount of turmeric for two parts oil. The compress is applied to the affected area for half an hour.

Help with anemia

A low level of red blood cells in the body manifests itself as anemia. Very often, insufficient hemoglobin levels occur in girls and women who exhaust themselves with diets and do not receive the required amount of minerals. Coconut oil comes to the rescue - a rich source of copper, which helps the body absorb iron, which, in turn, is essential component hemoglobin.

Treatment of thrush

Caprylic acid in coconut oil is a universal fighter against the fungus that causes thrush. Penetrating into the fungal cell, it deprives it of its ability to reproduce. As a treatment for yeast infections, coconut oil is used directly on the affected area. However, using the oil internally will also not be superfluous, because Candidiasis, as thrush is also called, is a systemic disease of the entire body. Of course, it is not worth treating it with coconut oil alone, but as an auxiliary natural remedy it's incredibly effective. An undoubted advantage of using coconut oil compared to antibiotics is the inability of the fungus to develop tolerance to it.

By the way, the fungus of the genus Candida is a component of the normal microflora of the body of almost any person. Thrush is a condition in which the fungus begins to multiply rapidly and uncontrollably, which is most often caused by a weakened immune system.

Topical use of coconut oil will help relieve itching and reduce pain. It must be applied directly to the affected areas twice a day.

Coconut oil for colds and flu

The antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties of coconut oil make it an excellent assistant in the prevention of infectious and colds. If you do get sick, coconut oil will help:

  • strengthen weakened immunity;
  • fight back against pathogens;
  • shorten the duration of the disease and mitigate its consequences;
  • reduce nasal congestion;
  • soften cough;
  • relieve sore throat.

Adding a teaspoon of oil to your tea can help relieve headaches and sore throats. The oil in its pure form will also help get rid of a sore throat and dry cough, but taking it with tea is a little more pleasant. Applying oil to the nasal mucosa will help moisturize it and eliminate the effects of using vasoconstrictor drugs.

You can also add a drop of coconut oil to relieve nasal congestion. essential oil rosemary and tea tree and apply the resulting mixture to the skin under the nose.

Getting rid of nail fungus

To get rid of nail fungus, coconut oil should be applied directly to the skin of the feet and nails daily, morning and evening. Caprylic, capric and lauric fatty acids are recognized fighters against fungal diseases. Besides therapeutic effect, coconut oil will make the skin of your heels soft and tender.

Benefits for the liver

For normal functioning, a person must receive fats from food, because they ensure the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. However, not all fats are created equal. Moreover, the assimilation of some of them requires special efforts from the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. In such a case, what should people who are faced with diseases of these organs do? Of course, switch to coconut oil.

As mentioned above, the medium-chain fatty acids that make up coconut oil are easily broken down and absorbed by the body, turning into energy that improves liver function. It is also suitable for detoxifying the liver, protecting it from toxins and free radicals. Moreover, some studies confirm that coconut oil is effective even for such a serious disease as cirrhosis of the liver.

Regulation of the thyroid gland

First of all, it is worth noting that thyroid problems are not something that should be ignored or attempted to be treated. folk remedies. In this case, coconut oil can only be considered as an auxiliary remedy aimed at facilitating the “working conditions” of this gland or preventing problems with it.

An underactive thyroid gland, or hypothyroidism, is a condition of the body caused by a long-term lack of the body's thyroid gland. It is impossible to cure it with coconut oil, but you can help the body a little by alleviating the symptoms of the disease. One of the first signs of this disease is a feeling of constant fatigue and weakness. The rapid breakdown and absorption by the body of medium-chain fats from coconut oil allows the body to quickly receive the energy necessary for normal metabolism.

Coconut oil for hemorrhoids

As a rule, it is 1 - 2 tablespoons in the morning before meals. Consuming coconut oil will ensure easier excretion of feces from the body, protect against constipation, improve immunity and reduce the likelihood of anorectal thrombosis. External use of coconut oil will help speed up the healing of wounds and cracks and prevent their occurrence.

Video: beneficial properties of coconut oil

Harm from coconut oil

The main danger that coconut oil poses is the danger of getting fat. In pursuit of benefits, it is very important to control the amount of coconut oil consumed internally. It is best to limit yourself to two tablespoons per day.

Naturally, individual intolerance may occur, although the oil is considered hypoallergenic. Otherwise, natural coconut oil is recommended for use by everyone, regardless of gender and age.

Nutritionists assure that fats must be present in a balanced diet, albeit in a smaller volume than proteins and carbohydrates. However, replenishing lipids by eating hamburgers and fries will not be harmful to your health. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle recommend using coconut oil as a source of essential fats. How safe is it for the body?

Pros and Cons: The Two Sides of Coconut Oil

At the end of the 13th century, thanks to the book of the Italian traveler Marco Polo, the world learned about the coconut palm, but oil production was still a long way off. Only a century later the plant spread to Southeast Asia, and only in the 15th century - to India. And it was here that they first began to receive valuable product and use it for cosmetic and culinary purposes.


The oil is made from fresh coconut pulp or copra (dried pulp), and how beneficial or harmful it is for the body can only be judged by analyzing the composition. Approximately 99% of the product contains fatty acids:

  • polyunsaturated (Omega-3, Omega-6);
  • monounsaturated (oleic, palmitoleic, nervonic, etc.);
  • saturated (nylon, caprylic, palmitic, oil, lauric, capric, stearic, etc.).

The oil also contains a small amount of vitamin E, minerals (phosphorus, zinc, calcium, etc.), phytosterols.

For the first time, coconut pulp was used to make oil in India.


The nutritional composition of the product makes it valuable not only for beauties who use oil for beautiful skin and hair, but also for adherents of a healthy lifestyle. The complex effect of the components contained in it when consumed:

  • provides immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties;
  • maintains favorable intestinal microflora;
  • smoothes out hormonal imbalance;
  • improves the function of the liver, kidneys, digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular, and nervous systems;
  • restores the structure of bones, muscles, skin and hair from the inside;
  • regulates water balance;
  • normalizes fat metabolism, glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • reduces blood viscosity, strengthens blood vessels;
  • has a beneficial effect on cellular metabolism.

These properties allow the oil to be used to maintain health and make it useful for:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • colds and flu;
  • predisposition to varicose veins and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • depression and stress;
  • decreased performance, loss of strength;
  • joint pathologies;
  • diabetes and obesity.

The antioxidant effect of the product makes it useful for the prevention of early aging, Alzheimer's disease, and oncology.


The harm of oil is determined by four factors:

  • high calorie content - approximately 890–900 kcal per 100 g;
  • a large amount of saturated fatty acids - the product surpasses even butter in their content;
  • the spread of cheap, low-quality coconut oil on the market - the low price of a low-quality product becomes the determining factor for those who want to buy a product that will not benefit the body;
  • presence of contraindications - in some cases the oil is dangerous to health.

Calorie content

Despite high calorie content, coconut oil is often recommended to be included in the diet of those trying to lose weight. This product makes the process of getting rid of unnecessary pounds more effective due to:

  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • normalization of the digestive and endocrine systems.

However, coconut oil is not a panacea that guarantees a slim figure: without balanced nutrition and rational physical activity will not help you lose weight. We must not forget about moderation. Although there is a belief that eating coconut oil does not cause fat storage, scientific research There is no publicly available evidence confirming this position, so you shouldn’t rely on the product.

The daily intake of coconut oil for an adult is 2–3 tablespoons, for older people - a tablespoon, for children - no more than a coffee spoon.

Saturated fats

There is still debate about the safety of the saturated fats contained in coconut oil. However, most researchers say: saturated fats of animal origin (lard, butter, cheese) are long-chain, and vegetable fats (coconut oil) are medium-chain, therefore they are better absorbed by the body.

Coconut oil contains more saturated fat than butter, but since it is medium-chain rather than long-chain, it is a better choice for a healthy diet.


Eating coconut oil can harm the body if:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • cholecystitis;
  • irritations of the gastric mucosa.

Overdose of the product is fraught food poisoning, and some patients suffering from pancreatitis experience nausea and diarrhea after consuming the oil.

To ensure that the use of coconut oil does not harm the body, it is necessary to consume it in moderation, not exceeding the recommended standards, and also buy a quality product.

Subtleties of choice

When deciding to purchase oil, it is worth understanding the assortment.

Receipt method

According to production technology, coconut oil can be:

  • cold pressed;
  • hot spin;
  • obtained by roasting.

The table below describes the specifics of each type.

Table: characteristics of production methods

Method Receipt process Characteristics Application
Cold pressed (Virgin and Extra Virgin) It is squeezed out by pressing without exposure to high temperatures.
  • Has a pronounced coconut taste and aroma;
  • maintains a high concentration of nutrients;
  • the most expensive variety oils
Most preferable for consumption.
Hot spin It is pressed out of the dried pulp in a centrifuge under the action of a hot press.
  • Taste and aroma are weakly expressed;
  • most of the nutrients are lost during the production process;
  • cheaper and most common product.
Recommended for use only in for cosmetic purposes.
Roasting Once dried, the pulp is fried at high temperatures, releasing oil, which is then filtered.
  • Contains practically no valuable substances;
  • has no smell or taste;
  • This production technology is usually used by Thai manufacturers.
The benefit for external and internal use is questionable.

In addition, there are other types of oil. So, if the package is labeled Coconut Oil, the product was extracted using chemical solvents and should not be eaten. Hydrogenated oil is an industrial oil that is sometimes used in confectionery production.

Hot pressed coconut oil is commonly used externally for cosmetic purposes.


The resulting coconut oil can be refined (refined) or unrefined (unrefined).

During the purification process, the product loses the valuable substances it contains, and the resulting mass is devoid of any taste, aroma and nutritional value.

Refined oil can also be deodorized and bleached, which means that the product has been steamed and filtered with special clay to remove impurities.

Suitable for consumption as food for health purposes only unrefined product cold pressed. Refined oil can also be used for culinary purposes; it will not bring benefits to the body, but it will serve as a more preferable replacement for margarine.

If the oil is designated by the manufacturer as highly refined, the product does not contain lauric acid and can be used as a food additive or for cosmetic purposes. There is also fractional pomace, which contains nothing but fatty acids; it is suitable for soap making and perfume experiments and is considered conditionally useful, but is not used for food consumption.

Other factors

What else should you pay attention to when buying oil? Here are five recommendations to help you make the right choice:

  • External characteristics. Healthy coconut oil has a delicate, sweet aroma and nutty flavor that literally melts in your mouth. The consistency is thick, but not viscous. In color, a good oil should be transparent or white; slight turbidity or a golden tint is acceptable. Yellow, sour aroma, sediment - “symptoms” of a low-grade product.
  • Compound. The oil should not contain GMOs, food additives, dyes, or flavors.
  • Availability of a certificate. A manufacturer with a good reputation is always ready to provide a document confirming the quality of the product.
  • Brand. Judging by the reviews, edible coconut oil produced by the following companies has proven itself well: Parker Organic, Dabur, Parachute, Marico Limited, Healthy Origins, Jarrow Formulas, Nature’s Way. Ideally, the oil manufacturing company should be located in the same country where the raw materials grow. This fact significantly increases the likelihood that coconuts will not have time to spoil during transportation.

You can store the oil at room temperature for 2–4 years in a tightly closed glass container, away from sunlight at a humidity not exceeding 60%. After opening the container, it is preferable to place the product in the refrigerator.

Video: how to choose coconut oil

How to eat oil

Internally, coconut oil is used either in its pure form or as an ingredient in the preparation of a particular dish.

In its purest form

For medicinal purposes and for weight loss, it is recommended to dissolve 1–2 tablespoons of the product in the morning on an empty stomach. It is recommended to eat food half an hour after this. This dosage should be approached gradually: half is enough to start with. dessert spoon, it is recommended to wash down the “medicine” with warm water. There is no information about the duration of therapy.

If the aftertaste of the product seems unpleasant, you can drink freshly squeezed juice after the butter has melted in your mouth.

When using oil for treatment, consultation with a doctor is required: most diseases require an integrated approach. If there are no special health problems, it is enough to simply include the product in your diet as part of your usual dishes.

It is important to consult a doctor before starting coconut oil treatment

Diet enrichment: recipes

At temperatures up to 25–28°C, coconut oil has a solid consistency; when heated, it becomes liquid. This greatly expands the possibilities culinary use product. So, it can also be used as a replacement for margarine or butter in baking, and as a salad dressing. Coconut oil is also valued by housewives for its high smoke point, which makes it possible to use it for frying (for these purposes, you can even take a refined product, which begins to burn at even higher temperatures).

Below are recipes for delicious and healthy dishes that will appeal even to supporters of proper nutrition.


Any salad can be seasoned with coconut oil, melted to a liquid consistency. At the same time, the ingredients should not be cold, otherwise the healthy “sauce” will harden. Below are three ideas for original and delicious salads:

  • Vegetable with feta cheese. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers (300 g each), one avocado, lettuce onion and feta cheese (100 g) into slices. Fill with a mixture of lemon juice(squeezed from half the fruit) and coconut oil (a tablespoon). Add pepper and salt if desired.
  • With seafood. Boil 300 g of seafood until tender, mix with cherry tomatoes cut into 4 parts (8-10 pieces), onions chopped into half rings and olives chopped into rings (half a jar). Season with a mixture of coconut oil (a tablespoon), lemon juice (squeezed from half the fruit) and honey (a teaspoon). Season with pepper and salt to taste.
  • Fruit. Chop apple, pear, kiwi, banana and orange into cubes, season with coconut oil (a tablespoon) mixed with a tablespoon of honey. Add any nuts if desired.

To make the butter melt faster, you can heat it in a steam bath.


Coconut oil is especially good to add to vegetable puree soups. Note to housewives - pumpkin delicacy:

  1. Heat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil directly in a saucepan, add a teaspoon of cumin, heat, stirring, for a minute.
  2. Load 1 kg of pumpkin cut into small cubes. Stirring, fry the vegetable for 5–7 minutes.
  3. Add a tablespoon of cane sugar, a tablespoon of curry, a teaspoon of ground ginger, four crushed cloves of garlic and ground cayenne sauce to taste.
  4. Stir quickly and simmer for another 2 minutes.
  5. Pour in 1 liter chicken broth and cook for a quarter of an hour over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  6. Five minutes before cooking, add salt if desired.
  7. Cool the mixture slightly and blend with a blender until smooth.
  8. Reheat and serve.

Pumpkin puree soup prepared in coconut oil is nutritious, satisfying and aromatic.

The advantage of coconut oil is that during heat treatment it does not release carcinogenic substances and retains its nutritional properties.

Side dishes

Coconut oil can be added to mashed potatoes, pasta, vegetable stews or any other side dishes. As an experiment, you can make delicious, fluffy rice:

  1. Heat 4 tablespoons coconut oil in a small heavy saucepan.
  2. Add coumarin, turmeric and cardamom (a teaspoon each), fry the spices for 2-3 seconds.
  3. Pour 200 g of washed and dried rice into the pan. Fry without stopping stirring for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Pour in 350 ml of boiling water, stir, cook for 5–7 minutes.
  5. Turn off the heat, cover the pan and let the rice sit for 20 minutes.

You can make your usual breakfast more healthy. So, any porridge seasoned with aromatic oil is very good.


In any recipes that call for creamy or vegetable oil, margarine, you can use coconut oil. Or take a closer look at proven recipes:

  • Pancakes. Coarsely chop the banana, mix with a glass of milk and process in a blender into a homogeneous mass. Stir in 3/4 cup flour, half teaspoon cinnamon and 2 tablespoons melted coconut oil. Heat the frying pan well and bake the pancakes.
  • Cookie. Grind 200 g cashews into flour, mix with maple syrup and coconut oil (2 tablespoons each), add a little salt, place the dough between sheets of parchment and roll into a thin layer. Grind 100 g of dried figs in a blender, mix the dried fruit with nutmeg and cinnamon (half a teaspoon each). Place the filling on one half of the rolled out dough, cover with the other half and pinch the edges. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 °C for a quarter of an hour, cut the workpiece into pieces.

Video: muffins with lingonberries


Coconut oil can be added to hot or warm tea, coffee or any other beverage to enhance the taste and nutritional value. Here are two options that will not leave anyone indifferent:

  • Golden milk (Ayurvedic drink). Boil 50 ml of water in a small pot, add a teaspoon of turmeric, cook for 5-7 minutes. Pour in a glass of milk (low-fat), add a teaspoon of coconut oil and heat to 60°C. Add a teaspoon of honey.
  • Hot chocolate. In a glass of coconut milk, using a blender, stir 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, a teaspoon of vanilla, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of coconut oil. If desired, add a few drops of stevia. Heat the drink over moderate heat, stirring, but do not let it boil.

Proponents of proper nutrition claim that hot chocolate brewed with coconut milk and flavored with coconut oil is the most delicious.

Video: making coffee with coconut oil


The only thing better than a good movie on a cold or rainy evening in the company of a loved one is a movie show with homemade popcorn. Experts advise using coconut oil to make snacks, as it gives the delicacy a special, nutty flavor. So, let's prepare the popcorn:

  1. IN small saucepan heat 2 tablespoons coconut oil.
  2. Throw a couple of grains into the bowl special corn for popcorn, cover with lid.
  3. When the kernels begin to burst, add another 50 g of corn into the pan.
  4. When the kernels start to pop, shake the pan to prevent the popcorn from burning.
  5. When the corn stops popping, turn off the heat and add salt or sugar to taste.

Sweet tooths who prefer healthy food, can use stevia instead of sugar.

For those losing weight

Those wishing to lose weight are recommended to eat dishes with coconut oil in the first half of the day; it is not advisable to add other high-calorie foods, such as nuts, to the composition of the dish. Here are three recipes for slimness, Have a good mood and quick saturation.

  • Fresh. Using a juicer, squeeze juice from half a pineapple, pear, 6 cabbage leaves, cucumber, a handful of spinach and 4 stalks of celery. Mix with coarsely chopped avocado and blend with a blender into a homogeneous thick juice. Stir in half a tablespoon of melted coconut oil.
  • Syrniki. Grind 200 g low-fat cottage cheese with half a banana, stir in a tablespoon of melted coconut oil, add chopped oatmeal, enough to make a thick dough. Wet your hands, form the cheesecakes and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake for a quarter of an hour in an oven preheated to 180°C.
  • Healthy sandwiches. Grind the avocado pulp with a fork into a puree, mix with a teaspoon of lemon juice and half a tablespoon of coconut oil, salt and pepper to taste. Spread the “pate” on the bread.

Video: healthy candies