How to cook turkey gizzards. Stewed turkey gizzards

By-products can be quite cheap. But you shouldn’t think that they are not tasty enough. You can even use the same turkey stomachs for a gala dinner. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

How to cook it correctly?

The main task of cooks in this case is to conserve the nutrients contained in the offal. As for additives, everything is simple: you can use the same seasonings, spices and sauces (dressings) as when working with “full” meat - the taste of the finished dish will only improve.

Preparing the stew is quite simple. There are 2 main approaches: in one version, the offal is pre-cooked until half cooked and stewed with spices, in the second, short frying is used.


In skillful hands, this method allows you to achieve softness and tenderness of meat. For work use:

  • a couple of carrots;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 15 gr. seasonings;
  • 1000 gr. offal;
  • green bell pepper and tomato (1 piece each);
  • 30 gr. flour.

The dish will take 150 minutes to cook. The stomachs are washed extremely thoroughly so that they are not clogged, then the offal is cut into small pieces. Pour sunflower oil into a frying pan, then fry the ventricles for about 10 minutes so that they change color. After this, reduce the heat and keep them covered for another 40 minutes.

While the stewing continues, you need to cut the vegetables. They are cut arbitrarily - as the chefs themselves see fit. As soon as 50 minutes have passed since the start of work, add the following to the frying pan:

  • pepper;
  • selected spices;
  • vegetable slices.

Next, simmering continues for exactly 60 minutes. You need to add salt to the food approximately 20 minutes before it is fully cooked. Its achievement is determined by how soft the stomachs become. 5 minutes before the end, pour a flour solution into the frying pan, for the preparation of which 30 g. wheat flour is dissolved in 150 ml of water.


When talking about recipes for preparing turkey stomachs, you should not ignore the fact that you can simply boil them. Typically this procedure takes 30-40 minutes. Some people eat gizzards immediately after it. But most often it is recommended not to limit yourself to cooking, but to additionally fry or stew the meat. If you choose to stew, you will have to spend an additional 20 or 25 minutes.

A step-by-step recipe for stewing turkey gizzards with sour cream - one of the common cooking methods.

To work you will need:

  • 500 gr. main product;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 gr. moderate fat sour cream;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • 7 gr. salt;
  • 7 gr. Sahara;
  • 60 ml odorless sunflower oil.

In order for the prepared dish to be tasty and nutritious, the most important condition must be observed - take only immaculately fresh offal.

It is washed thoroughly, then cut into 4 equal parts. After peeling, the onion is also washed, cut into small cubes and sautéed. After this, put the stomachs in a frying pan and fry them a little.

Important: in this case the frying pan must be deep; sometimes they even use a cauldron. Pour water (100 ml) into it and add salt to taste. When you see that the water has boiled, close the lid, turn down the heat and leave to simmer for 60 minutes. From time to time you need to stir the dish, making sure that the liquid does not dry out. Sometimes you even have to add water. After an hour, add sour cream and reduce the heat to low, otherwise it will curdle.

If simple recipes have been tried

Sooner or later, any chefs realize that it is time for them to develop. And a great way to do this is to try making turkey giblet goulash for your second meal. Stewing the offal lasts approximately 90 minutes. It is not necessary to add water initially, since the stomachs themselves produce abundant juice. But occasionally you still have to top it up so that instead of stewing it turns out to be frying.

Then additionally lay out the chopped vegetables and the necessary seasonings. Fill everything with water so that the food is covered with it. Stir thoroughly and continue to simmer for at least 30 minutes. After diluting the flour in a glass of cold water, carefully pour it into the frying pan. Then stir the dish one last time, let it simmer for 2-3 minutes and turn off the pan; All that remains is to boil pearl barley in a pan or make another side dish to enjoy the goulash.

To learn how to cook turkey gizzards deliciously and quickly, watch the video below.

Turkey ventricles- a low-calorie offal that many housewives undeservedly ignore. Meanwhile, this product can easily be considered a delicacy. Despite its cheapness and variety, nutritionists classify this meat as a very healthy product that can activate vital processes.

They get a gizzard when cutting a carcass, and, of course, there is only one in every turkey. The weight of an average-sized raw stomach is about one hundred grams.

People may hear that this product is also called a “navel.” Like the stomach of any other bird, it has a very specific structure: tough, fibrous, dark-colored meat that retains its original color even after heat treatment. Nevertheless, it is very tasty and is used by many in cooking at home.

Of course, every housewife dreams of feeding her family delicious food. But at the same time, I want to spend as little time as possible on cooking in order to be able to devote it to my family or my favorite pastime. This is why few people decide to purchase ventricles, despite their affordable cost and benefits. But this fear is absolutely in vain, because there are secrets that help speed up the process of cooking the ventricles of “Indian roosters”. We will talk about them in this article.

How to choose and prepare correctly?

How to properly select and prepare turkey gizzards? This question is of interest to many novice housewives. Experienced housewives are familiar with the whole process, and we will be happy to help young cooks understand this matter.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is advisable not to freeze this offal, and the shelf life of navels at temperatures up to +5 degrees Celsius does not exceed two days. Be careful when choosing!

Now let's get down to business: carefully examine the purchased product to understand what kind of ventricles you purchased. It should be noted that navels arrive on the shelves in both peeled and unpeeled forms. And the manufacturer is not always honest when describing the contents of the tray on the label.

If you bought a product classified in the last named category, then inside the meat you will definitely find compressed food debris, grains and small stones, which help the bird digest food. There is nothing wrong with this, but when preparing the product for initial heat treatment, you will have to spend a little more time. Any residues found need only be washed with plenty of water at room temperature. If the water is too warm, then you risk “cooking” the walls of the product, and then the stones will be very difficult to remove.

Whatever kind of belly buttons you purchase, in any case you will have to tinker and clear the inner layer lining the belly buttons. It is a white muscular film, which is clearly visible in the photo. In fresh products, separating it is not difficult. This is easy to do using a fillet knife: carefully cut the vein away from you, while trying not to dig the knife into the flesh.

In former times, when the pharmaceutical industry was not developed, films from stomachs were not thrown away. They were dried and ground into a powder that looked like gelatin crystals. They were used by healers in the fight against debilitating diarrhea. The treatment was surprisingly successful. This is no wonder, because the product contains a digestive enzyme that can restore smooth functioning of the stomach. Now, of course, this method of treatment has faded into the background, but nevertheless, many people use it as the safest.

After removing the dense interior, carefully remove the outer films and cut off the fat cords, if any. When cooking the product, it is these parts that make the broth cloudy.

Everyone knows that navels take a very long time to cook (about an hour and a half from an adult bird and about forty minutes from a young turkey) due to the structure of the fibers from which they are composed. You can shorten the process of preparing the product by using a miracle saucepan, popularly called a pressure cooker, or by boiling the meat in a slow cooker. The specificity of fast cooking in these devices is due to the fact that the product is cooked at the molecular level and heated from the inside, and this allows you to reduce the cooking time by at least half.

If you don’t have these miracles of technology in your kitchen yet, you can cut the turkey gizzards into thin slices and then boil them.

What to make from turkey gizzards?

What to make from turkey gizzards after the most difficult stage of preparing and boiling is completed? Many people stop at using the offal as a component of a meat salad, which even on the holiday table will deservedly take one of the crowning places. But in fact, there are many dishes that include navels.

The most common option is to use not only the meat, but also the broth in which it was boiled, to make homemade noodles with an impeccably clear broth and a subtle poultry aroma. This is the kind of noodles that children will enjoy eating. Bean soup or pickle prepared with this broth is no less tasty.

Boiled gizzards can be prepared in Korean using the recipe for meat products. And how delicious the sauce with tomato from navels is - you'll just lick your fingers!

Boiled meat goes well with:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • pasta;
  • mushrooms.

Navels are an essential ingredient in holiday baked turkey recipes stuffed with apples and grains.

Ventricles cut into thin slices and then stewed in sour cream or cream sauce have an amazing taste. Once you try this dish, you just fall in love with it!

And if you bake potatoes in pots in the oven with navels, you might even swallow your tongue!

Navels also go well with other poultry giblets, such as liver. P The products favorably highlight each other’s taste and compensate for the difference in structure. Offal minced through a meat grinder, mixed with onions and carrots, fried until soft in butter, will easily turn into a pleasant pate or filling for pancakes, which will also be low in calories.

Benefits and harms of the product

The benefits of the offal are obvious. The complete absence of carbohydrates, a minimal amount of fat and a high proportion of proteins in the composition of this meat make the product indispensable in the diet of people who calculate the nutritional value and caloric content of what they eat per day. By preparing meat without adding fat, those watching their figure will benefit, because one hundred grams of the product contains just over one hundred kilocalories.

Such meat can be used in various types of diets without fear of exhausting the body from an unbalanced diet. Meat is not deprived of vitamins and microelements. The offal contains the entire group B, ascorbic acid and “beauty vitamin” E in the best proportions.

It also contains essential microelements such as:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • calcium.

The high ash content of the product allows the body to remove toxins and activate metabolic processes.

Regarding the harm that turkey gizzards can cause to the human body, I would like to note that the complete absence of fats in the product can do a lot of harm. That is why it is not recommended to eat navels for a long time, without alternating with other types of meat.

The unique structure and high protein content makes turkey gizzards an increasingly desirable dish on the tables of our families. Despite the fact that this type of meat is classified as offal, the benefits of consuming the product are enormous. Try it once - and you will never pass by turkey gizzards on the shelves again!

onions – 2 pcs.
turkey gizzards – 500 g
butter – 80 g
parsley – ½ bunch
garlic – 1 head
heavy cream – 200 ml
spices for poultry - 1.5 teaspoons
salt – 0.5 teaspoon

How to cook stomachs in Georgian:

    First of all, take the gizzards, place them on a cutting board and cut them lengthwise. Remove the contents from them along with the film, and then rinse thoroughly. Place the stomachs in a saucepan, cover them with water and cook until soft over medium heat, being sure to add the specified amount of table salt to the liquid. After that, drain them in a colander and rinse under running water.

    Peel the onion and chop it. Place it in a frying pan, add butter, spices and gizzards, and then fry everything until golden brown for 5-7 minutes over medium heat.

    Then start preparing the sauce. Peel the head of garlic, remove the husks from the cloves, and then pass them through a garlic press. Mix the garlic and sour cream in a bowl until smooth.

    Then pour the mixture into a frying pan and keep it over high heat for 10 minutes, then beat with a mixer.

    Place the gizzards with onions on a dish. Season the delicacy with garlic sauce, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve along with a side dish - rice, mashed potatoes or buckwheat.

Recipe for turkey gizzards in soy sauce

Turkey gizzards in soy sauce are piquant and original in taste.

turkey stomachs – 600 g
green onions – 10 g
garlic – 2 cloves
onions – 1 pc.
olive oil – 20 ml
parsley – 10 g
dill – 10 g
- soy sauce – 30 ml
- salt – ½ teaspoon
- spices for poultry – 1 teaspoon

How to cook gizzards in soy sauce:

    Rinse the stomachs under running water, and then remove the films from them and clean the inside, making cuts for this. Place them in a saucepan with water, add salt and cook for about 1 hour. It is necessary that the stomachs become soft, but not overcooked.
    Peel the onion and chop finely. Fry it in olive oil until golden brown, then add the boiled gizzards to it. Keep them on medium heat for 5 minutes.

    Then fill everything with the broth in which the stomachs were cooked. Cover the pan with a lid, reduce heat and simmer the dish for 30 minutes.

    Peel the garlic and chop with a sharp knife. Add it to soy sauce and mix everything thoroughly. Pour the resulting mass into the frying pan to the stomachs.

    Let stand for another 5 minutes so that the liquid has time to evaporate a little, and then serve the dish, after garnishing it with chopped herbs. It goes perfectly with boiled buckwheat and vegetable salad.

By the way, they turn out very soft and tender. It all depends on the simmering time.

Ingredients for stewing turkey gizzards:

vegetable oil
carrots – 2 pcs.
kilogram of stomachs
seasonings - teaspoon
ground pepper
1 bell pepper
1 tomato
tablespoon flour

I used frozen bell peppers and tomatoes, so to speak, leftover luxuries stored up from the fall. Fresh, of course, is better.

It took me 2.5 hours to prepare this dish - stomachs, as you know, take a very long time to cook.

So, let's get down to stewing turkey gizzards in a frying pan according to the photo steps of the recipe for the side dish:

Let's start by thoroughly washing the stomachs and dividing them into small pieces. Since turkey gizzards are quite large, I cut each one into 5 pieces.

Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan about 3 millimeters high and place the gizzards.

Fry the meat for about 10 minutes until it loses its red color. Then close the pan with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes. In the meantime, randomly chop all the vegetables.

After 50 minutes of cooking the gizzards, put vegetables, ground pepper and seasonings in a frying pan, add water or prepared broth, and stir.


Close the lid again and simmer for another hour. We salt our brew literally 20 minutes before it is ready.

The readiness of the dish is determined by the softness of the stomachs. And 5 minutes before the end of cooking in a glass or mug of 150 ml. We dilute the flour with water and pour it into the frying pan.


By the way, you can complement and improve the taste of stewed gizzards by adding sour cream or mayonnaise along with flour. Ready-made stewed gizzards will be an excellent meat addition to any side dish. We have boiled and lightly fried rice as a side dish.

Bon appetit!

We recommend: Recipe for chicken gizzard gravy with bell pepper

To prepare we will need:

  • chicken stomachs – 600 gr.
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • flour – 2 tbsp. spoons

Wash the chicken gizzards, and if they are not peeled, clean them. Then cut into small pieces. Fry in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan for 10 minutes.

Then finely chop the onion and fry together with the gizzards for 8-10 minutes.

Meanwhile, cut the bell pepper into small pieces. Add it to the gizzards and fry for a few minutes.

Add flour, mix everything and fry for 5 minutes. Then fill it with water so that it barely covers the meat, and add salt. Simmer for 20–25 minutes until the gizzards are soft. This is such an original gravy. Very suitable for pasta and porridge.

Stewed turkey gizzards on the website

By the way, they turn out very soft and tender. It all depends on the simmering time.

Ingredients for stewing turkey gizzards:

Stewed turkey gizzards on the website

vegetable oil
carrots – 2 pcs.
kilogram of stomachs
seasonings - teaspoon
ground pepper
1 bell pepper
1 tomato
tablespoon flour

I used frozen bell peppers and tomatoes, so to speak, leftover luxuries stored up from the fall. Fresh, of course, is better.

It took me 2.5 hours to prepare this dish - stomachs, as you know, take a very long time to cook.

So, let's get down to stewing turkey gizzards in a frying pan according to the photo steps of the recipe for the side dish:

Let's start by thoroughly washing the stomachs and dividing them into small pieces. Since turkey gizzards are quite large, I cut each one into 5 pieces.

Stewed turkey gizzards on the website

Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan about 3 millimeters high and place the gizzards.

Stewed turkey gizzards on the website

Fry the meat for about 10 minutes until it loses its red color. Then close the pan with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes. In the meantime, randomly chop all the vegetables.

Stewed turkey gizzards on the website

After 50 minutes of cooking the gizzards, put vegetables, ground pepper and seasonings in a frying pan, add water or prepared broth, and stir.

Stewed turkey gizzards on the website
Stewed turkey gizzards on the website

Close the lid again and simmer for another hour. We salt our brew literally 20 minutes before it is ready.

Stewed turkey gizzards on the website

The readiness of the dish is determined by the softness of the stomachs. And 5 minutes before the end of cooking in a glass or mug of 150 ml. We dilute the flour with water and pour it into the frying pan.

Stewed turkey gizzards on the website
Stewed turkey gizzards on the website

By the way, you can complement and improve the taste of stewed gizzards by adding sour cream or mayonnaise along with flour. Ready-made stewed gizzards will be an excellent meat addition to any side dish. We have boiled and lightly fried rice as a side dish.