How to make chokeberry liqueur. Homemade chokeberry liqueur “Ryabinovo-cherry”

Chokeberry (Chokeberry) has amazing rich aroma, so it is often included in various recipes in the production of homemade preparations - juices, compotes and delicious alcoholic drinks - tinctures, liqueurs. Chokeberry contains a large number of useful substances, which remain in the berries even after heat exposure. Chokeberry liqueur made at home is obtained with delicate aroma and a pleasant ruby ​​color. Among home distillers, recipes for chokeberry drinks are very popular.

Selection and preparation of fruits. Before you begin the process of making liqueur, you need to know some points. The fruits of chokeberry contain a lot of tannins, so it has a tart taste. To save on the amount of sugar and soften the tartness, the berries should be picked after slight autumn frosts. If the fruits were collected before frost, they can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. This way it will be possible to reduce the astringency of rowan. Berries for liqueur must be ripe without mold, cleaned of stems; unripe and spoiled fruits must be removed.

Classic recipe for chokeberry liqueur

A fairly strong version of the alcoholic drink, its strength resembles a tincture, but is prepared with the addition of sugar. In the recipe, you can use purified moonshine or sorted alcohol instead of vodka. The output will be approximately a liter of liqueur with a strength of 16-20°.


  • Chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 250g;
  • Vodka – 0.5 liter bottle.


  1. In glass 3 liter jar add a layer of rowan, sprinkle it with sugar and continue filling it in layers until the berries and sugar are gone. Cover the jar with two layers of gauze.
  2. Place the container with the contents in a warm place. After about 4-5 days, the berries will begin to ferment (carbon dioxide and foam will begin to be released), put a rubber glove on the jar or install a special water seal. Shake the infusion periodically.
  3. Fermentation lasts 1-1.5 months (the glove is deflated, the bubbles stop gurgling in the water seal), the infusion must be filtered through a gauze filter.
  4. Add vodka to the infusion and stir everything well.

Pour the finished liqueur into bottles, close tightly and keep for a month or two in the basement or other cool place. This drink can be stored for up to 2 years.

Recipe for spicy chokeberry liqueur with vodka

Preparing liqueur according to this recipe is a little more complicated due to its composition, but the taste will delight any lover of delicious homemade alcohol. The drink turns out to be a deep ruby ​​color, transparent with aromas of spices. 2-3 months of patience and the liqueur will be ready.


  • Chokeberry 150 gr;
  • Vodka – 2.5 l;
  • Sugar – 1/2 tbsp;
  • Vanilla – 1/2 stick;
  • Zest of half an orange;
  • Cloves – 2 pcs;
  • Honey - ¼ tbsp
  • Alcohol – 150 gr.


  1. Mash the chokeberry slightly, place in glass jar required size.
  2. Pour granulated sugar, add cloves, vanilla, zest and honey.
  3. Pour vodka. Cover with several layers of gauze.
  4. Keep warm for a month.
  5. Filter the infusion through a gauze filter. Add alcohol to increase the strength of the drink.
  6. Leave the liqueur for 3-4 months to mature.

Chokeberry liqueur with cherry leaves

The liqueur with cherry leaves and chokeberry is easy to repeat at home and will appeal to all guests without exception. Cognac can be replaced with vodka in the recipe.


  • Water - 500 ml;
  • Cognac - 500 ml;
  • Chokeberry berries - 500 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 500 gr;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Cherry leaves - 150-200 pcs.


Chokeberry liqueur with cherry leaves is ready for tasting. The drink should be very aromatic, with a beautiful, rich amber color. The liqueur prepared according to this recipe can be stored long time. It can be prepared in large quantities.

Little secrets

  • Chokeberry chokeberry has very dense fruits, so it will be easier to mash them in small portions;
  • Rowan berries sprinkled with sugar when exposed to the sun must be carefully covered, since the resulting alcohol partially evaporates during fermentation, and the remaining alcohol, in contact with the air, forms vinegar and because of this the liqueur can turn out sour;
  • Chokeberry liqueur can be made not only using fresh berries, canned ones are also suitable;
  • The berries should ferment at a temperature of 23-27° Celsius. At lower temperatures, fermentation lasts a long time, and at higher temperatures, wild yeast may die;
  • During fermentation, the jar needs to be filled 2/3 full, since during fermentation the volume of liquid increases;
  • It is advisable to store the liqueur in dark glass bottles with tightly closed lids.

Benefits and contraindications of chokeberry

Benefit . Aronia berries and their juice obtained from them have a beneficial effect on atherosclerosis and hypertension. Chokeberry liqueur improves appetite, increases acidity, and normalizes the functions of the digestive system. In small doses, tincture of chokeberry fruits serves good remedy for the prevention of thyroid diseases
glands, kidneys.

Contraindications . Chokeberry liqueur should not be consumed if you are allergic to rowan berries or are intolerant to alcoholic beverages. You should not drink liqueur if you have stomach diseases - gastritis, ulcers. Homemade alcohol It is also not recommended for expectant mothers.

Chokeberry, chokeberry, black rowan - healthy berry, which contains a number of substances valuable to humans, in particular vitamins C and P, organic acids, sugars, iodine. She is considered medicinal berry. For treatment and prevention various diseases Tinctures are most often used. We will tell you below what benefits the tincture of this berry brings, what diseases it is used for, and how to prepare it.

What are the benefits of chokeberry tincture?

Tincture of black chokeberry berries is most often used for medicinal purposes, but it can also be drunk as an alcoholic drink, but in small doses. The product is famous for the following beneficial properties:

  • general strengthening;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • cleansing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant.

It is recommended for hypertensive patients with the first and second degrees of the disease to normalize blood pressure; people with problems with the heart and blood vessels, to improve their normal functioning; often sick colds to strengthen the immune system. The drug is also considered effective in reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis, oncological diseases, deterioration of vascular patency.

He is advised by those who need to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (in particular to normalize the acidity of gastric juice), lower cholesterol levels in the blood, replenish vitamin deficiencies, remove phlegm from the respiratory organs, speed up the healing process, remove heavy metals from the body, remove swelling and improve work kidney

Did you know? Rowan has been attributed since ancient times magical properties, it was believed that she was able to protect, heal and prophesy. The Celts planted it in the courtyards of their homes to protect themselves from fire and lightning, the English - to protect against witches and evil spirits.

Harm and contraindications of chokeberry tincture

Due to one property of chokeberry - the ability to stop bleeding - when regular use remedies, the problem of blood thickening and, as a result, the development of varicose veins and thrombosis may arise.

In case of overdose, the following are possible: intoxication of the body, alcohol intoxication, headaches, tachycardia. The most serious consequences overuse remedies for elderly people are heart attack, stroke.
Treatment with tincture is prohibited for people who have a history of:

  • hypotension;
  • peptic ulcer, gastritis;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • cystitis, urolithiasis disease and other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.

Also, the product should not be used by those who have allergic reactions or individual intolerance to the berry or other components of the tincture. And, of course, like all alcohol-containing medications, this drink It should not be taken by pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children and those who are going to drive a car, as well as those who have problems with alcohol dependence.

Preparing the berries

For the tincture you will need juicy rowan, picked after the first frost - this is the kind of berry that contains greatest number valuable substances and has the best taste.

You can also use dried fruits. In the latter case, the amount of the main ingredient in the recipe should be halved. Dry berries will need to be chopped. Duration of infusion of funds from dried product must be extended to 4–5 months.
Before you start preparing any of the berry infusions described below, you need to prepare the berries. Preparation includes 4 stages:

  1. Selection of fruits - spoiled, too small, unripe fruits should be removed.
  2. Cleaning of remaining leaves and stalks.
  3. Rinse under running water in a colander or sieve.
  4. Drying.

Chokeberry tincture: recipes

Below are popular and tested by many people recipes for tinctures using various ingredients and alcoholic beverages:

  • on moonshine;
  • on vodka;
  • on alcohol.

You can also try preparing the product with honey and without adding alcohol.

Moonshine tincture

Let's start our review with a description classic recipe- on moonshine.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • fruit black rowan- 1 kg;
  • moonshine (up to 60% strength) - 1 l;
  • sugar - to taste, 300–500 g (not a mandatory ingredient).

Step-by-step instruction preparation looks like this:

Vodka tincture

For the classic recipe for vodka tincture, you will need the same ingredients as in previous recipe, only moonshine is replaced with vodka. You need to prepare:

  • black rowan berries - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • sugar - optional and to taste.
The cooking sequence is the same as in the previous recipe.

You can achieve other flavors of the tincture, for example, by adding lemon, cherry leaves, or cloves.
A product with a sour taste can be prepared with the addition of lemon. You will need berries (1 kg), lemons (3 pieces), vodka (0.7 l), water (200 ml). Warm boiled water mix with sugar, then add juice squeezed from lemons and vodka. Infuse in a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate for 3 weeks, then pass the liquid through cheesecloth and pour into bottles.

The drink gets its original taste by adding cherry leaves to it.
It is prepared from black rowan berries (0.5 kg), vodka (0.5 l), sugar (0.5 kg), lemon (1 piece), water (0.5 l), cherry tree leaves (100–200 things). The fruits and leaves will need to be simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. After cooling, filter the liquid, bring to a boil again and add sugar, lemon juice, and vodka.
Insist for 1 month in a place without light with a cool temperature.
Spicy tincture with cloves is prepared from berries (1.5 kg), vodka (0.9 l), sugar (0.5 kg), spices (4 cloves). The berries need to be mashed and mixed with sugar and spices. Cover with gauze and leave for 2 days in a dark place at room temperature. Then add the rest of the ingredients. Leave in a dark room for 2 months.

Tincture with honey

Another option for preparing a product with vodka is to introduce it into its composition.

The following ingredients will be required:

  • fruits - 0.5 kg;
  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  1. Mix the fruits with vodka in a glass container and add honey.
  2. Close the container tightly with a lid.
  3. Send to a warm, dark room for 3 months.
  4. Shake the container every 7 days.
  5. After 3 months, pass the drink through cheesecloth and bottle it.
  6. Keep in the refrigerator for 2 months.

Did you know? Rowan wood is a good material for various wood products. Previously, it was readily used by carriage makers to make parts for carriages, gunsmiths- for handles, carvers and turners- for household utensils. Today it is used for the manufacture of musical instruments, furniture, and ornamental materials.

Alcohol tincture


  • berries - 1 kg
  • alcohol (96%) - 0.6 l;
  • water - 0.4 l;
  • sugar - optional and to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Crush the prepared berries.
  2. Pour in alcohol mixed with purified water.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. Leave for 2-3 weeks.

Tincture without alcohol and vodka

Can be cooked dessert drink without adding alcohol and vodka. It will be no less useful than those described above.

We will need:

  • chokeberry fruits - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • vanilla sticks - 1 piece (optional);
  • orange zest - optional.

Cooking technology:

  1. Grind the fruits with sugar.
  2. Add vanilla and zest.
  3. Cover the container with gauze.
  4. Place in glass containers. Leave in a dark place for 2.5 months.
  5. Stir every 3-4 days.
  6. After the fermentation process is complete, filter.
  7. Pour into a bottle, close the lid, and place in a cool, dark room to infuse for 3 months.

Product storage rules

Chokeberry tincture should be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place where there is no light. The shelf life of alcohol-based products is 3 years.

Important! The container with the tincture must be protected from sunlight..

Features of use

There are certain recommendations for taking the tincture depending on the health problem you want to solve using this method.
So, to normalize blood pressure, the drug is taken in courses of 1 month. Take 3 small spoons per day. 30–50 g should be drunk to calm down nervous system and improving sleep in the evenings.

The tincture can be drunk before meals as an aperitif, added to warm drinks- tea, coffee, and also in baked goods.

The product can also be consumed as a dessert drink, but it is important to observe moderation to prevent undesirable consequences overdose. As a drink for the holidays, it is still better to prepare a liqueur without using alcohol.

So, we have presented for you the 5 most popular recipes chokeberry tinctures. By preparing them and consuming them in accordance with the instructions, you can solve some health problems, in particular, normalize blood pressure, improve appetite and the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa, blood vessels, replenish the body with necessary vitamins and minerals, strengthen immune system. And remember: the tincture cannot be used as the main treatment for a serious illness; it can only be drunk as an additional remedy and only after consultation with your doctor.

Video: Chokeberry tincture

Hi all!

Today I will share one very simple, but at the same time delicious recipe. More precisely, even two. Although the article is called “Chokeberry tincture with moonshine, vodka or alcohol,” in addition to the tincture, I also provide a recipe for the liqueur. The first one is simpler - assembled, poured and done. The second one is a little more complicated, but both give excellent results.


I give the quantity for a 3-liter jar. This is what I cook in; it is a very convenient utensil in this case.

  • For the tincture:

2.5 liters of vodka, moonshine 40-45% or diluted alcohol to the same fortress

Approximately 3 liters of chokeberry

  • For pouring:

The same + 400 grams of fructose (can be replaced with 600-700 grams of sugar)

Tincture recipe

Liqueur recipe

  1. Place the chokeberry in a jar in layers - a layer of berries, fructose or sugar on top, then berries again. I like it better with fructose, and it’s easier for the yeast to work. So we make several layers until the same 4-5 cm remains to the neck. Shake the container several times.
  1. We bet on the jar water seal and put it in a dark, warm place. The place should be exactly warm - from +22 to +30 degrees.

Useful properties and contraindications

Chokeberry is very rich in various vitamins, for example, it contains 20 times more vitamin P than apples or oranges. There are also a lot of different minerals, iron, magnesium, iodine, tannins and pectin.

Chokeberry is used for diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland. Berry lowers arterial pressure, lowers cholesterol, promotes digestion.

You should know that chokeberry is contraindicated for hypotension, gastritis and increased acidity gastric juice.

My impressions

As I already said, the tincture turns out very tasty. With a beautiful black color, pronounced taste and smell. Excellent for infusing even not so much high-quality moonshine, painting over all its imperfections with its aroma.

The drink is liked by both men and women. Easy to drink. The smell of alcohol is almost not noticeable.

I like to drink a glass of liqueur in small sips before dinner, as an aperitif. So, if you have homemade chokeberry, I highly recommend trying this recipe.

Bye everyone. Dorofeev Pavel.

The color of fruits and berries determines the presence of certain beneficial substances in them. Dark fruits and berries are carriers of anthocyanins, phytonutrients that actively prevent diabetes, heart disease and cancer. One of the plants to look out for Special attention, is chokeberry. Chokeberry can be eaten fresh, or made into jam; tea can be made from dried fruits. Chokeberry tincture is very popular.

She has wonderful taste qualities and perfectly lowers blood pressure. It is recommended for use by people with thyroid disorders and those who are obese.

Recipes for chokeberry tinctures with sugar-free vodka

Complex tinctures have a much stronger effect on the human body than a tincture based on one ingredient. If, in addition to chokeberry fruits, you use spices, the tinctures acquire a more refined taste and positive additional properties.

Weight loss will be promoted by:

  • cinnamon;
  • ginger;
  • carnation

To combat various tumors in the body, you should pay attention to the recipe for chokeberry tincture in vodka with the addition of:

  • turmeric;
  • ginger;
  • rosemary

A tincture based on chokeberry with the addition of:

  • basilica;
  • anise

A tincture of chokeberry with the addition of:

  • black cumin;
  • coriander

When choosing certain spices for chokeberry tincture, it is worth noting that such a tincture should be consumed in a certain small dosage. Spices have quite a strong flavor and medicinal properties. Their effect on the body is cumulative and serious. Therefore, forty grams of tincture per medicinal purposes will only be beneficial. Ordinary simple chokeberry tinctures, without the addition of spices, additional fruits or berries, possess rich color, rich in taste. They can be consumed in larger quantities.

Classic tincture

For classic tincture from chokeberry you will need:

  • chokeberry;
  • moonshine

Before cooking, you need to sort the berries, remove spoiled ones, and then rinse them under running water. IN three liter jar pour rowan into two-thirds of the jar. Vodka or moonshine is poured up to the shoulders of the jar. Such a jar can even be rolled up with a lid for better sealing. The tincture will be ready in three weeks. If desired, the same rowan can be poured twice. This will not deteriorate the taste of the tincture.

Honey liqueur

For chokeberry honey liqueur with alcohol you will need:

  • chokeberry;
  • alcohol;
  • water;

The fruits of chokeberry are washed and filled into a jar two-thirds full. Alcohol is diluted with water and poured over the berries. Next, add one glass of liquid honey, mix everything well. Close the future pouring with a plastic (plastic) lid. The mixture is left to infuse for two to three weeks. After the expiration date, the liqueur is drained through a sieve or several layers of gauze. It can be consumed immediately or two weeks after the berries are separated.

With sugar

Chokeberry tincture with vodka and sugar is prepared from:

  • chokeberry;
  • vodka;
  • Sahara

Rowan berries are washed, separated from the stalks, and placed in a jar. Pour two glasses of sugar into the prepared product and pour vodka up to the shoulders. The jar is placed in a dry, dark place for about a month. The contents must be mixed every day. After aging for one month, the berries can be strained. Bottles with tincture are sealed and kept for about two or three weeks for the so-called maturation. This drink can be stored for one to three years.

There are many interesting recipes chokeberry tinctures with added sugar and various aromatic ingredients. The most attractive combination is dry lemon peel and vanilla.

With the addition of lemon peels

Chokeberry tincture with the addition of lemon peels and vanilla for gourmets:

  • chokeberry fruits;
  • lemon peel from one lemon;
  • bag vanilla sugar(15 grams);
  • sugar;
  • vodka

The prepared raw materials are washed and poured into containers. Next, add sugar to taste, vanillin or vanilla sugar, lemon peel. The prepared ingredients are poured with vodka. The jar is tightly sealed and placed either in the cellar or in a suitable dry, dark place. The mixture is infused for two to three weeks. Then everything is filtered, carefully squeezing out the raw materials.

You can use it either immediately or after a month. This type of tincture has an amazing aroma and pleasant taste.

From dry chokeberry berries

Rowan tincture from dried chokeberry berries:

  • dry rowan fruits;
  • sugar;
  • vodka

Dried chokeberry fruits are poured with vodka and infused for about two months. The tincture sits a little longer than the drink from fresh berries. After two months, the infusion is filtered and sugar is added. The liqueur should sit with sugar for another couple of weeks. Then the liqueur rests for another week. You can use it for about a year.

Sometimes it happens that you need to prepare a drink very quickly. Quick mountain ash is very easy to prepare. For it you will need:

  • chokeberry;
  • sugar;
  • vodka

Before cooking, rowan berries should be washed and chopped in a blender. Add sugar to the puree to taste and mix well. After the sugar has dissolved, add vodka. Leave for ten days and filter.

Making moonshine using chokeberry

Sometimes it happens that after long winter what remains is chokeberry jam. Not only pies are made from it. There are also many recipes for strong drinks. How to make moonshine with chokeberry recipe:

  • chokeberry jam;
  • water;
  • yeast;
  • sugar;
  • raisins (unwashed)

For cooking strong drink First they put in the mash. It is better to use a special non-metallic container for these purposes, which is covered with a cloth. Mix the jam with yeast diluted in water. Then add a little sugar to the mixture so that the future moonshine is stronger and not bitter. Then add chokeberry jam and about one hundred grams of raisins for better fermentation. Everything is set aside for the fermentation process for a week. Usually, mash is prepared using one hundred grams of live yeast or twenty grams of dry yeast per kilogram of berries. Water is measured in quantities of one to one in relation to the berries. For one kilogram of berries, take one liter of water.

After about seven days, the liquid will stop foaming and playing, and sediment will fall to the bottom of the container. Now you need to drain the future moonshine. The entire mixture is filtered through a sieve and several layers of gauze, the sediment is squeezed out, and the liquid is distilled.

Chokeberry is unique in itself, and drinks from it also fill the human body with everything useful minerals, the vitamins it contains. Drinks made from chokeberry in moderate quantities will improve your health and fill the body with substances that do not enter the body with an unbalanced diet.

What are the benefits of chokeberry tinctures?

Chokeberry, in Greek, means “help and benefit.” It is rich in vitamins C and P, E, B, and beta-carotene. Chokeberry is filled with iodine and phosphorus. And all these healthy vitamins, and microelements are transferred into tinctures during preparation delicious drink. You can prepare the tincture from fresh rowan berries, dry or frozen. The benefits of fruits in any form will be the same.

  1. After freezing, the berries will become only slightly less tart, but all the vitamins will be preserved.
  2. A lot of useful substances also remain in the dry fruits, only the tincture itself takes a little longer to prepare.
  3. The process of preparing tincture from dry fruits is delayed, since the extraction from the dry product takes longer.
  4. The fruits are usually infused with vodka or moonshine for three weeks.
  5. Chokeberry tincture is also made with alcohol.

Since the benefits of rowan and its tincture are obvious, many gardeners plant this plant in their dachas. People actively eat chokeberry and prepare a lot of tasty and healthy dishes from chokeberry.

The plant is unpretentious and always produces an excellent harvest. One tree can provide fruit for three families. Chokeberry liqueur is also alcoholic drink, which can be classified as a healthy drink. The drink can be served at any feast and you will get only positive feelings from it. After all, chokeberry is not only useful, but also delicious berry. It has a delicate sour taste with a slight tartness. When combined with honey, the tincture becomes even richer and rich taste, aroma, as well as additional benefits.

Various tinctures of chokeberry are prepared, including those with the addition of other ingredients and spices. In this case, the drinks acquire a specific aroma and secondary beneficial features. The composition of the drink depends on the individual taste preferences, and on the purpose of its preparation. If you want to heal frayed nerves, then in addition to chokeberry and sugar, add a few tablespoons of lemon balm or mint. In cases where it is necessary to have a positive impact on cardiovascular system, you can put hawthorn fruits in it. To normalize metabolism, goji berries are added to the liqueur as an additional element. Additional anti-carcinogenic substances will be added to the tincture by rosehip berries.

Thanks to unique composition chokeberry fruits, tinctures from these berries are very useful and can be used in medical purposes. Such tinctures retain their valuable properties, taste and color for a long time, and they are quite simple to prepare.

Useful properties of tincture

In Russia, chokeberry, or chokeberry in scientific terms, appeared at the end of the 19th century. It was brought from Canada and was originally grown as an ornamental plant. Unique properties Aronia were discovered and studied by I.V. Michurin, and in 1962 she was included in the list medicinal plants.

Rowan berries are unique in their composition, which includes: macro- and microelements; vitamins; organic acids; sugars, tannins, pectin. When infused with alcohol or vodka, everything useful qualities fresh fruits are preserved, therefore such tinctures have a number of valuable medicinal properties . At correct use they will help:

– reduce cholesterol levels;
– increase the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries, as well as strengthen their walls;
– reduce blood pressure;
– normalize digestion and improve appetite;
– increase immunity.

Chokeberry tinctures with vodka are significantly superior in antioxidant content to many red vintage wines. Therefore they can be used as a means anti-aging.

If the tinctures are prepared without sugar, they can be drunk by diabetics to improve the condition of damaged capillaries.

Colds and viral diseases are most common during the cold season. During this period, using the tincture is especially useful. If you add a little tincture to tea, you get a delicious tonic and warming drink, strengthening immunity.

If the berries are infused with vodka, you can drink 30 mg drink, and if using alcohol, the tincture is first diluted with water and drunk 30-40 mg per day.


For some diseases, many positive traits tinctures may become negative. Therefore, before using them, be sure to consult your doctor or at least read the contraindications. Not recommended Use chokeberry tinctures for:

– hypotension;
– increased stomach acidity;
– thrombophlebitis;
chronic constipation;
– increased blood clotting;
– stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Preparation of tinctures

Methods for preparing tinctures differ in the alcohol base (alcohol, vodka, cognac, purified moonshine); type of rowan fruit (fresh, dried, dried); as well as additives (honey, sugar, spices, cherries, oak bark and etc.).
Rowan berries usually begin to be collected in October, when the first frosts have passed. Small fruits have a bitter taste, so the largest ones are selected. Rowan berries are dried and dried in whole bunches, without tearing the berries from the stalks. Dried and dried berries contain much more useful substances than frozen ones.

Classic chokeberry tincture with vodka


fresh rowan berries – 1 kg;
vodka – 1 l;
sugar – 300–500 g.

You don’t have to add sugar - the tincture is much healthier without it. People with diabetes can drink it.


1. The berries are pre-sorted and washed, then placed in a jar and filled with alcohol base. The berries should be covered by 2–3 cm.
2. Then close the jar tightly and put it in a dark place. Withstand at room temperature 60–70 days. Shake the jar periodically (every 4-5 days).
4. The finished tincture is filtered, bottled and sealed. The tincture can be stored for a very long time without losing its valuable properties, taste, color and aroma.
This recipe makes a fragrant homemade tincture with a pleasant taste and beautiful color wood furniture.
The remaining berries can be poured again with the same amount of alcohol base. The second tincture will also be tasty - even a little softer than the first, and no less healthy.

Fragrant tincture


rowan berries – 1.5 kg;
vodka – 1 l;
sugar – 500 g;
cloves – 2–3 buds.


1. Pre-prepared berries are poured into a jar and kneaded with a wooden rolling pin.
2. Add sugar and cloves and mix. Then cover the jars with gauze and put them in a dark place.
3. When the berries give juice (after about 2 days), add vodka to the jar, close the lid tightly and put it in a dark place. Infuse at room temperature for 50–65 days.
4. The prepared tincture is carefully filtered, bottled and sealed. The tincture can be stored for up to 3 years.

Clove buds add flavor to the drink original taste and aroma.

Tincture with honey

rowan berries – 0.5 kg;
alcohol base (alcohol, vodka, cognac) – 0.5 l;
honey – 30 ml (2 full tablespoons).


1. Prepared berries are placed in a jar.
2. If the honey is candied, it is first dissolved in a water bath.
3. Add honey and alcohol base to the jar of berries and mix thoroughly.
4. The jar is closed and removed away from the light. The contents of the jar are shaken periodically (once a week).
5. When the tincture is ready, it is filtered through cheesecloth, poured into containers, tightly closed and stored. It can be stored in a dark place for a very long time.
The tincture according to this recipe turns out to be very mild in taste.


Tinctures made with alcohol are cleaner than tinctures made with vodka or moonshine - they contain no harmful substances. fusel oils. But alcohol tinctures They turn out to be very strong, so before use it is recommended to dilute them to approximately the concentration of vodka.

If dried or dried berries are poured with alcohol, the tincture is kept for 4–5 months.

The number of berries in recipes can be changed - for 1 liter of alcohol it is allowed to take from 1 to 3 kg of fruit. The higher the concentration of berries, the more tart and rich the taste of the tincture.
If dried or dried berries are used, they should be taken by weight 2 times less than fresh ones.

Tincture of chokeberry berries is delicious and healthy drink pleasant color and aroma. Prepared with your own hands, it will become not only pride home winemaking, but will also bring many benefits to your health.