Fried onions - fries. Fried onions - fries in the oven and in breadcrumbs

Bean pods with vegetables are an original and tasty appetizer, easy to prepare, the recipe for the dish is as follows: Sort the bean pods, rinse, remove veins, cut into strips, boil in salted water and place in a sieve. Cut carrots, bell peppers, celery, garlic into strips, place in a saucepan, add water so that it covers the food, and boil. Add cooked beans and sliced ​​tomatoes to the vegetables, pour in sunflower oil and cook over low heat until cooked. Serve bean pods with vegetables, sprinkled with parsley. Bean pods with vegetables are ready! Enjoy your meal!

Cheese soufflé

Cheese soufflé is a very tasty and original appetizer, easy to prepare, the recipe is as follows: Melt butter in a frying pan, stir in flour, salt, mustard and pepper. Pour in milk, stir until it boils. Reduce heat to low and let liquid simmer for 5 minutes. Add cheese and stir until cheese melts. Beat the egg yolks in a mortar, having previously separated them from the whites, and pour them into the cheese sauce in a thin stream, stirring continuously to prevent curdling. Add cognac and let the sauce cool for 10 minutes. Beat the egg whites until fluffy, but not dry, and carefully pour them into the cheese sauce. Place everything in a 2-liter mold and place in a preheated (up to 190 °C) oven for 40 minutes or leave it there until a fried crust forms on top. The cheese soufflé is ready! Serve the soufflé hot. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken pate with nuts

Chicken pate with nuts is very easy to prepare, the recipe is as follows: Boil the chicken with the addition of leeks, carrots, celery and spices until tender. Cool in broth, remove skin and separate flesh from bones. Strain the broth, cool and remove the fat. Grind the onions and peppers, after removing the seeds. Fry the onion in the fat skimmed from the broth until soft. Combine fried onions, nuts, chopped garlic, hot pepper, and pour in 1/2 cup of hot broth in parts. Blend in a blender until pureed, season with salt and add chopped chicken, cilantro and vinegar. Place the pate in a mold, cover with film and refrigerate for 2 hours. When serving, place the pate on a dish, serve rye bread separately if desired. Chicken pate with nuts is ready! Enjoy your meal!


Pumpkin porridge is an excellent, very tasty, original dish, easy to prepare, the recipe for the dish is as follows: Pumpkin porridge is mixed with yolks, sugar and beaten egg whites, placed on a baking sheet, brushed with egg, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and baked. The pumpkin is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Cold scrambled eggs

Cold scrambled eggs are an original and tasty snack that are easy to prepare. The recipe for the dish is as follows: Place a deep large frying pan or mold in a boiling water bath, grease with oil and pour eggs into it. Keep in the bath until the eggs harden. Remove from heat. Cool. Place the whole thing on a plate. Spread mayonnaise on top and sprinkle with herbs. Cold scrambled eggs are ready! Enjoy your meal!

Summer toast with mozzarella

Summer croutons with mozzarella are prepared very simply, in Italian, the recipe is as follows: Cut the mozzarella into 8 slices. Cut off the crusts of the bread. Place 2 slices of mozzarella on 4 slices of bread. Season with salt, black pepper and oregano. Cover with remaining pieces of bread. Place croutons in cold water and squeeze out. Mix eggs with milk, salt and pepper, roll croutons on both sides in flour and place in a deep plate. Pour the egg-milk mixture onto the croutons and wait until the croutons have absorbed all the liquid. Pour olive oil into the pan. Fry the croutons on both sides. Place the croutons on a paper towel to absorb excess fat. Serve summer mozzarella croutons hot. Enjoy your meal!

Inspired by a trip to a cafe...

Hi all!

Here is how it was. I went for lunch, and since there are a lot of different cafes and restaurants around my work, I went into one, it was warm and cozy inside, so I ended up staying here. It’s decided – I’ll have lunch here.
I went up to the display cases, all the salads were in bowls - only the tops were sticking out, I took one. I didn’t really look at the names and chose purely intuitively and by sight (or maybe I forgot during the rumbling of my stomach), and of course there was no ingredients, so I basically picked up all sorts of food and sat down to leisurely absorb everything that I brought on the tray.

Already from the first fork I realized that the salad was incredibly delicious and I already liked it (or maybe I was just hungry), but that’s not about it. While I was eating and trying to catch all the ingredients and remember... Fuck it! I decided that I would come back sometime and try it out... “later someday” it didn’t work out, and that’s how it all ended.

In general, one wonderful weekend evening I decided to reproduce it the way I felt and remembered. I'm sharing.

Beef tongue- 1 piece
Egg- 2 pcs
Bulb onions- 2 pcs
Fresh cucumber- 2 pcs
Dill– 1/3 bunch
Yogurt without additives- 2 pcs
Parmesan cheese
Flour– 0.5 cups
Vegetable oil for deep-frying (I used olive oil for deep-frying, and I think vegetable oil is better here anyway).
Salt, Pepper, Paprika.

It seems that everything is ready to begin.
I washed my tongue and poured cold water on it and set it to cook; I also threw in a few leaves of allspice and bay leaves.

Of course, I don’t often buy tongue, but this time when I came to the store I was very surprised when they told me that the tongue was only frozen, it seems that before they only sold it chilled or I forgot something... in general, I took the frozen one.
After 1.5-2 hours I checked, checked with a fork, yes, great - ready.

While my tongue was hot, I cleaned it.
Smoothly move on to the fried onions... Peeled the onion and cut it into half rings and into two more parts. Mix flour, salt, paprika in a plate and stir. Add the onion there and carefully roll it in flour. Let's fry. I poured oil into a frying pan (I don’t have a deep fryer, and I’ve never particularly been eager to buy one. We’ll make do with a frying pan), and heated the oil so that we could deep fry the onions and not just sauté them.

I fried it for 2-3 minutes, stirring of course, and as soon as the onion was well yellowed and fried, I quickly put it on a paper towel, removed the oil, I needed crispy and non-oily fried onions. Then I changed the paper towel again, the effect was achieved, which means it worked.

Meanwhile, the tongue has already cooled down, the eggs have been boiled, I continue...
I grated the eggs and cucumbers on a fine grater (squeezed the juice out of the cucumbers a little, just a little, otherwise the salad will not turn out to be a salad but a slurry, but I need a different effect and a delicate taste). I chopped the greens.

I cut my tongue into small strips.

All the ingredients are ready, I combined everything in one bowl, added salt, added yogurt and mixed everything thoroughly.

Fried onions are a delicious delicacy that will add variety to your menu. It is also useful during the autumn-winter period of attacks of viruses and infections; it will also be appropriate in the summer - with beer or kvass.

You can also add fried onions to salads, use them as a decoration for appetizers, and serve them with meat and fish as a side dish.

Classic fried onions

1. Cut the onion into strips or rings.

2. Deep fry until golden and crispy. You can bread the onions in flour, then the crust will turn out better.

3. Remove the fried onions with a slotted spoon and place on paper napkins to remove excess oil.

Fried onions in batter


  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 60 ml.
  • Flour - 200 ml.
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 100 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml.
  • Milk - 200 ml.


1. First, mix the egg with butter and milk in a deep container and beat with a mixer at low speed for 1 minute.

3. The onion should be cut into rings, dipped in flour, and then dipped into the dough.

4. Pour oil into a deep frying pan or into a small saucepan and immerse the onion rings there one at a time and fry until crispy golden brown.

Bon appetit!

Clean the tenderloin from films and tendons. Rinse the meat and lard thoroughly and chop coarsely.

Grind the meat and fat through a meat grinder. Peel the onion and chop very finely. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan, add the onion and simmer over low heat until it turns light brown and releases its natural sugar.

Add stewed onions, very finely chopped parsley leaves, yolks, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper to the minced meat. Knead the minced meat well with your hands.

Take a flat baking sheet or tray and grease it with olive oil. Using hands moistened with water, form burger patties of 140–150 g each and place in a tray. Place the cutlets in the freezer for 2-3 hours without covering them with anything.

Prepare the onion ring mixture: take a large bowl, fill with ice, and place a smaller bowl on top. Place flour mixed with a pinch of salt in the top bowl. Whisk constantly until the mixture reaches the consistency of liquid sour cream. Peel the red onion and cut into thick rings. Heat oil for deep frying. Place a little more flour on a saucer. Dip the rings in flour, then dip into the batter (this is easy to do with kitchen tweezers) and deep-fry for about a minute. Remove the rings to a napkin to remove excess oil.

Heat some olive oil in a grill pan. Place the cutlets and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown. Then place in an oven preheated to 180˚C for 3-4 minutes.

Cut the buns in half, place them cut side down on a heated grill pan and brown them. Assemble the burger: place a lettuce leaf on the bottom half of the bun, a cutlet on top, then a spoonful of ketchup, pickled cucumbers cut into thin slices, another lettuce leaf and 1-2 thin slices of tomato . Cover with the other half of the bun and serve with onion rings.