What does cocoa come from? Cocoa - varieties, benefits of products (butter, powder, cocoa beans), medical use, harm and contraindications, drink recipe

All cocoa-containing products are extremely rich in flavonoids - biologically active compounds of plant origin. Flavonoids are very beneficial for human health: they reduce blood pressure, effectively prevent the formation of blood clots and improve the circulatory system, neutralize the so-called free radicals - reactive oxygen species that damage tissues and cells and thereby prevent the development of diseases initiated by inflammatory processes (including atherosclerosis ).
The fatty acids contained in cocoa butter normalize cholesterol levels in the blood. Cocoa butter is useful for colds and sore throat. It is enough to dissolve a small briquette of cocoa butter in a glass of hot milk to soothe a sore throat.
Cocoa seeds contain theobromine, which is similar in composition to caffeine. Theobromine stimulates the nervous system, enhances cardiac activity, dilates coronary vessels and bronchi.
But cocoa is rarely used for medicinal purposes due to the presence of oxalic acid, theobromine and purine bases in it. It is not recommended to consume cocoa for elderly people and children, as well as for patients with urolithiasis, gout, and those with high acidity of gastric juice.
Cocoa, like coffee, should be stored in a sealed container and not placed next to strong-smelling foods.

Cocoa is a product of processing the seeds of the chocolate tree.
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is from the genus (Theobroma) of the family (Malvaceae). It comes from America and is cultivated all over the world in the tropics of both hemispheres to obtain seeds used in the confectionery industry and medicine.
The word "cocoa" also refers to the seeds of the cocoa tree and the powder obtained from them; The drink has the same name.
History of cocoa

The Aztecs called cocoa kakauatl (“bitter water” - this word was later transformed into “cocoa”) and believed that they received precious cocoa beans from the great god Quetzalcoatl (who, by the way, also gave them maize). And among the Quiché Indians, the goddess Shkakau (“cocoa giver”) was considered the patroness of cocoa beans.
The first Europeans to see cocoa beans were Christopher Columbus and his crew: in 1502, during their fourth voyage, they captured a canoe loaded with strange “nuts.” At that time, the Spaniards had not yet understood what wealth they had encountered: the gold they coveted for the Aztecs was a cheap metal and did not make them dizzy, but cocoa beans were precisely the measure of wealth and means of payment (by the way, on the Yucatan Peninsula they served as a bargaining chip until mid-19th century).
In 1519, the bearded Spanish general Hernando Cortez landed on the coast of Mexico, and the Aztecs considered him the incarnation of the good god Quetzalcoatl, who had always returned to them, who was always depicted with a beard. At a reception held in honor of dear guests, the Aztec leader Montezuma treated the Spaniards to a thick drink made from cocoa beans with vanilla, hot pepper and spices, which was served in bowls made of pure gold. The Aztecs called this drink chocolatl (“foamy water”) and believed that it gave men strength, including sexual strength, and was very dangerous for women and children. From the Aztec chocolatl came the Spanish (and then pan-European) chocolate - “chocolate”.
In 1527, Cortes returned to his homeland and brought with him not only cocoa beans, but also a method for preparing a magical drink. Over time, the Spaniards adapted it to their tastes: they added it and began to serve it. The result was a drink that we now know as “hot chocolate.” It was prepared in a special vessel - with a short spout, a long wooden handle and a lid with a hole for a whisk in order to foam it thoroughly. The chocolate drink was thick and very greasy - a film of oil floated on its surface, which had to be removed with a spoon.
Only in 1828, the Dutchman Coonraad van Houten invented a special press with which 2/3 of the cocoa butter could be squeezed out of roasted beans. The remaining powder became the basis of a new drink: hot chocolate, thick, fatty and foamy, turned into the easily soluble cocoa we know today.
cocoa tree
The cocoa tree is called Theobroma cacao in Latin. The first part of the Latin name Theobroma translates as “food of the gods.” The second part of the name cacao comes from the Aztec language, where cacahuatl means "seed".
The cocoa tree grows in tropical rainforests, reaching a height of 10-15m. The leaves of this evergreen plant are large and round, small pink-red cocoa flowers grow directly on the trunk and branches of the tree. This flowering feature is called “cauliflory”; It is also found in other trees of the tropical forest. This is how nature has adapted to the possibility of pollination of tropical jungle plants by butterflies that cannot reach the crowns of tall trees. However, despite all the efforts of nature, pollination of cocoa flowers is not very active: even a completely mature tree bears only 30-40 fruits.
Flowering of cocoa begins approximately in the fourth year of the plant's life, but peak fruiting occurs in 9-10 years. Juicy cocoa fruits are covered with a partially woody shell. The fruits ripen for about four months, changing their color from green to yellow as they ripen, and in some varieties of cocoa, from reddish to brown.
The cocoa fruit contains about 50 almond-shaped seeds, immersed in a sticky liquid, which, when exposed to air, hardens into a whitish-pink, sour-sweet pulp. The seeds are surrounded by a dense two-lobed skin. One cocoa tree can produce up to 4 kg of seeds.
After cleaning, fermenting and drying cocoa seeds, the resulting beans are ready for further processing. They are oval, slightly flattened, 2-2.5 cm in size, covered with a brown shell (cocoa shell). During further roasting of the beans, this shell is easily destroyed and removed. Cocoa shell is considered healing and is used in pharmacology.

Types of cocoa seeds

Almost all cocoa imported into Europe was produced in Venezuela. Since then, local varieties produced in Venezuela are called “Criolo” (Spanish native, creole), and imported varieties are called “Forastero” (Spanish alien). "Forastero" originates from the Amazon jungle. All variations of cocoa varieties probably originated from these two main varieties. Plants imported later from Trinidad, which are a hybrid of "Criollo" and "Forastero", were called "Trinitario". Thanks to its pronounced aroma, Ecuadorian cocoa also has its own name - “Nacional”.
Criollo - for example, "Okumare".
"Criollo" is considered the most elite variety of cocoa. As a rule, it contains less acid, almost no bitterness, and along with a mild taste it has a pronounced additional aroma. It is used to make chocolate of the highest quality, but is very rarely used in its pure form, since this variety is very rare and expensive, and it is also becoming less and less common.
The pod is typically elongated and varies in color from green to purple-red when ripe.
Production of this variety accounts for less than 3% of world cocoa production.
Gives chocolate an exceptional taste.

Forastero - for example, "Baya"
Most Forastero varieties have a characteristic cocoa and strawberry flavor, but they are not aromatic and are partly bitter or sour. Nevertheless, for its high yield, Forastero occupies a leading position in the world market.
The pod is green to yellow when ripe.
The production of this variety accounts for 85% of world cocoa production.
Trinitario - for example, "Carupano".
This is a hybrid, something between "Criollo" and "Forastero". Developed in Venezuela in 1727. Trinitario cocoa has a powerful taste, light acidity and strong aroma.
The pod can be of various colors, belonging to "Criollo" and "Forastero".
The production of this variety accounts for 10-15% of world production.
Trinitario produces excellent chocolate, valuable for its taste and nutritional properties.
Nacional - for example, "Arriba", "Balao".
Since the taste of cocoa depends not only on genetic characteristics, but also on soil and climatic conditions, along with cocoa varieties, the areas where they are grown are also distinguished.
The main cultivation areas are located in Central America and Africa. The largest cocoa producer is the Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire), which produces about 30% of the world's annual crop. Other major producers are (in descending order): Indonesia, Ghana, Nigeria, Brazil, Cameroon, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Malaysia and Colombia.

Cocoa processing products

The fruits growing directly from the tree trunk are cut by experienced pickers. Fruit harvesting should be done without damaging the tree bark to avoid infections.
The collected fruits are cut into several parts with a machete and laid out on banana leaves or placed in barrels. The white, sugar-containing pulp of the fruit begins to ferment and reaches a temperature of 50 C. Seed germination is inhibited by the alcohol released during the fermentation process, and the beans lose some of their bitterness. During this 10-day fermentation, the beans acquire their typical aroma, flavor and color.
Drying is traditionally carried out under the sun, in some areas, due to climatic conditions, in drying ovens. Drying in traditional kilns, however, may render the resulting beans unsuitable for chocolate production due to the smoke flavor. This problem was solved only with the advent of modern heat exchange plants.
Once dried, the beans lose about 50% of their original size and are then bagged and shipped to chocolate-producing countries in Europe and North America.
The main products of cocoa bean processing are cocoa liquor, cocoa butter and cocoa powder.
Cocoa mass (cocoa mass, cocoa paste, cocoa liqueur) is a purified or semi-purified mass produced by grinding (grinding) cocoa beans. Contains at least 48 percent cocoa butter. The name liqueur arose due to the liquid consistency of this raw material, and not to the alcohol content. Ground beans - Cocoa liquor, also called unsweetened chocolate, remains liquid when warm and hardens when cooled.
There is a distinction between cocoa mass for the production of cocoa butter and cocoa mass for the production of chocolate. Cocoa mass, intended for processing into cocoa butter and cocoa cake (cake), is ground into very small particles, since the extraction of cocoa butter is easier, the smaller the size of the cocoa mass particles. The required particle size is achieved faster at earlier stages of cocoa grinding, when there is still a sufficient amount of butter in the cocoa.
Cocoa liquor is a key ingredient in the chocolate industry. Cocoa mass is used to make chocolate by adding the following ingredients: cocoa butter, sugar, milk, emulsifiers and cocoa butter equivalents. The content of different ingredients depends on what type of chocolate is made. Cocoa liquor intended for chocolate production does not require final grinding. Of course, a larger particle size is preferable because it requires less cocoa butter to produce the same flavor of chocolate than using final-process cocoa liquor.
Cocoa butter is produced by pressing cocoa nibs; it is a fatty substance of light yellow (whitish) color, has a hard and brittle consistency at room temperature, a characteristic odor, and melts quickly and completely in the mouth without a residual waxy aftertaste.
There are natural cocoa butter and deodorized (subjected to additional processing).
Cocoa butter is used as a fat base for the production of various confectionery products, as well as in the perfume and pharmaceutical industries. By the way, cocoa butter is the only natural fat that melts exactly at the temperature of the human body.
Cocoa powder is a product obtained by grinding cocoa cake, which is formed after the extraction of cocoa butter from finely ground cocoa mass (cocoa liqueur).
There are natural and alkalized cocoa powder.
Natural cocoa powder is obtained from grated cocoa, untreated with alkalis. This powder has a slightly acidic reaction.
Alkalized powder is obtained from grated cocoa (or cocoa nibs) treated with alkalis. This powder has a slightly alkaline reaction. When cocoa products are treated with alkalis, the taste, aroma and color of cocoa powder improves. Depending on the degree of alkalization, this variety is divided into weakly, moderately and highly alkalized powder.
Pure premium quality cocoa powder has a delicate taste and rich cocoa aroma, which is obtained by mixing high-quality cocoa beans.
Cocoa powder is widely used in the confectionery, baking and dairy industries. Without it, it is almost impossible to produce chocolate glaze (except white); it is widely used in the production of sweets, confectionery bars, chocolate spreads, cakes, rolls, cookies, dragees, breakfast cereals and other products.
In addition, several types of drinks are produced based on cocoa powder.
Cocoa drinks
Cocoa powder obtained by one of the methods described above is flavored with vanillin, cinnamon, cassia and other spices or essential oils. A small amount of salt (about 0.5%) is also added, which can be mixed with materials used in alkalization.
Aromatic substances or vanillin in powder form are mixed with cocoa powder, and the size of their particles should not be larger than the particles of cocoa powder. Such powders are better than essences and essential oils, which can “float” to the surface of the prepared drink and are more susceptible to oxidation processes.
When properly prepared, cocoa powder can produce a cocoa drink with a rich and pleasant aroma. To do this, grind cocoa powder with the addition of a small amount of milk or water, then add hot water or milk to the paste and beat (optional). Another method of preparation involves boiling this mixture. Recently, due to the convenience and speed of preparation, “instant” cocoa drink has become popular.

Instant cocoa

In addition to traditional hot liquid chocolate, cold chocolate drinks have become widespread.
They are made from regular cocoa powder with the addition of food-grade wetting ingredients to help achieve the desired degree of dissolution. Soy lecithin is used as a wetting ingredient, but it contributes to the development of extraneous aromas, since it has its own, albeit weakly expressed, flavor and aromatic properties. Therefore, special types of lecithin, its substitutes and synthetic phospholipids are currently used to prevent the development of extraneous aromas.

Liquid chocolate

As a drink, hot liquid chocolate has largely replaced the cocoa drink. It's easy to make and most chocolate powders can be used to make cold drinks.
Chocolate typically contains 70% sugar and 30% cocoa powder. Some types of such chocolate powder are simple mixtures using flavoring additives, but most often the technology of heat treatment and agglomeration of sugar particles and cocoa powder is used. According to experts, it improves the chocolate aroma.
One way to make liquid chocolate is to boil sugar syrup until supersaturated, then quickly mix it with cocoa powder and dry it.
In another method, only part of the sugar is first used, and the rest is added in granulated, dust-free form. This mixture is then instantized (treated with wet steam), dried and sifted through a sieve with relatively large mesh. In this way, instant cocoa powder is obtained.
Some types of liquid chocolate contain dairy ingredients in addition to sugar - most often it is skimmed milk powder, since the solids of whole fat milk reduce the shelf life of chocolate powder during storage. After some time, milk fat begins to impart extraneous flavors to the drink, so in some recipes skimmed milk powder with vegetable fat fillers is used.
Liquid chocolate, like cocoa powder, has additional flavor, and due to its high sugar content it is usually stronger than the pure chocolate flavor.

As a child, our family often had cocoa on the table, so the love for this drink was instilled in me from a very young age! Since then, a lot has changed - we completely abandoned sugar, replacing it with more naturally sweet products, gave up dairy products, etc. But our love for the cocoa drink turned out to be stronger and we still brew this delicious drink quite often. True, the cocoa recipe, having passed all the tests associated with metamorphoses in our diet, now looks a little different. You can find one of the recipes for our delicious cocoa drink in the article ““. But all this time, one question never ceased to interest me - why cocoa in packs in different stores and from different manufacturers could differ in price by several times (sometimes 5-6 times!!), and the taste of cheap and expensive cocoa is radically different with absolutely identical composition indicated on the pack! Recently, the answer to this question was found and I am ready to tell you the whole truth...

But for a better understanding of what we will talk about a little further, I must first tell you how cocoa powder becomes cocoa powder itself and why this product appeared in the first place.

What is the fruit of the cocoa tree?

And I will begin by telling you what the fruit of the cocoa tree is. The shape of the cocoa fruit resembles a large zucchini. This fruit contains seeds immersed in a sticky liquid. These seeds are called cocoa beans and are surrounded by a shell called a cocoa shell.

After the cocoa fruits are collected, they are cleaned and separated into parts that are either used in cocoa production or are not suitable for production at all. The sorting looks like this:

The main component from which all cocoa products are subsequently obtained are cocoa beans. They can be roasted and then crushed - this is how cocoa nibs are obtained, or grated cocoa is obtained from them by thoroughly grinding. An important product obtained from cocoa beans is cocoa butter, which is obtained by pressing them. It is after pressing the beans that the real cocoa powder appears: the remaining cake is dried, finely chopped and voila - the cocoa powder is ready! This is exactly how real cocoa powder should appear!

Why is cheap cocoa so tasteless?

Recently, packages of cocoa powder of various brands have begun to appear on the shelves of many stores, which cost several times less than their analogues. What is the secret of such a low price?! Let's take a look at the composition of one such miracle powder:

Without further ado, cocoa powder manufacturers made the product cheaper by mixing the crushed shell of cocoa beans (cocoa shell) and cocoa powder. Moreover, I think, the share of cocoa shell in the powder increases in direct proportion to the decrease in the price for a pack of “cocoa powder”.

Now on various forums you can find a lot of different information about cocoa shells. It is even sold in its pure form and is highly praised - they write about its chemical composition and beneficial properties. Most often, all this is written by the sellers and suppliers of cocoa products themselves. But let's face it, cocoa shell is a shell. Eating it is the same as eating the husks of seeds or the shell of a walnut. I am sure that if you really want to, you can also find a lot of useful substances in it :) But this does not mean that it is suitable for consumption! By the way, the taste of cocoa with a similar composition is simply disgusting and cannot be compared with real cocoa powder.

Secret cocoa shell.

But the story doesn't end there, because... There are very, very few honest cocoa producers who list cocoa shell in their ingredients. Most manufacturers of cheap cocoa powder prefer to remain silent about the “miracle additive” and write that the composition contains 100% cocoa powder, but the taste of such cocoa powder is just as disgusting. Of course, I have not been to the cocoa production and have not seen with my own eyes the fact of adding cocoa shells to cocoa powder, but I clearly feel the deterioration in the taste of the cocoa drink and the fact that cocoa shells are sold in tons, but disappear into nowhere also makes me seriously think - and not Are they giving us a drink made from the shell?!

Hi all!

And again I can’t pass up superfoods.

I am coming across more and more information about these “super” foods, numerous studies of which have determined their extraordinary benefits for the body and the ability to heal all diseases.

And today we will talk about the cocoa that is familiar and familiar from childhood.

It turns out that now it is called “the food of all times and peoples”)))

So what are the benefits of cocoa, why is it a superfood and how often should you consume it?

From this article you will learn:

How is cocoa good for our health?

What is cocoa?

Cocoa is an evergreen tropical tree of the Malvaceae genus, which is cultivated to produce seeds - beans used in the confectionery industry, medicine and cosmetology.

The same word refers to both the fruits themselves and the powder made from them.

The plant is also called the “chocolate tree”.

The homeland of cocoa is Central America, but now it is grown in all subequatorial countries; the tree bears fruit twice a year.

The collected beans are ground, pressed and cocoa butter is obtained, the main ingredient in chocolate and some cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

Cocoa powder is what remains after the press; bean husks are also used and turned into agricultural feed.

Composition and beneficial properties of cocoa

Most often, we can buy cocoa in powder form, from which an amazing tonic drink is prepared and used in the confectionery industry, in home and salon cosmetology.

The popularity of this product is based on its accessibility, delicious taste and smell, and, of course, beneficial properties, which have given various researchers the reason to call cocoa a “super food.”

  • Very rich in antioxidants

Of particular interest are the large number of powerful antioxidants it contains. These are compounds that plants produce to protect their cells from the negative effects of heat, air, light, and humidity.

In the human body, these compounds prevent the formation of reactive oxygen species that cause cell destruction and thus protect them from aging and various diseases.

There are more of them in cocoa than in real red wine!!! They also provide the detoxifying properties of the powder.

  • Contains polyphenols
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals

Cocoa contains a lot of various vitamins, micro and macroelements. I would especially like to mention folic acid, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

The work of internal organs, muscles, and nervous activity of cells depends on the last three elements; magnesium especially affects the ability of the body and nervous system to cope with stress.

The effect of cocoa on mood

Have you noticed more than once that as soon as you eat good chocolate, your mood lifts?

This is connected not only with psychology, it is cocoa that contains various compounds that promote the production of serotonin and endorphins, thanks to which we experience extraordinary inspiration, increased strength, a surge of energy and good mood.

These chemicals tell the brain to “happy,” so even the smell of chocolate makes us smile happily.

And the taste and smell of confectionery chocolate products is a universal aphrozodiac, it’s not for nothing that lovers love it so much.

In this sense, cocoa affects women more than men; this is due to the characteristics of female physiology.

So there is nothing prejudiced about relieving stress with a cup of aromatic drink, and during periods of stress, PMS, physical exhaustion, and increased colds, it is simply a must))

Cocoa also helps reduce pain of a wide variety of types and tones the body, increasing performance.

And it stimulates the central nervous system much more gently than coffee.

What are the benefits of cocoa - video

Application options for cocoa powder

Cocoa drink

The best way to cook cocoa is with milk.

We heat the volume of milk you need and gradually pour cocoa into the hot milk: it all depends on your taste, for me one tablespoon is enough for a large 300 ml mug.

Stir constantly to prevent lumps from forming and then bring to a boil.

Sugar or to taste.

And of course, cocoa can be added to baked goods, cereals and your morning smoothie.

Face masks

Since I believe that the most useful cosmetics are what we eat, I often make various “edible” masks, including for the face and hair.

I gave one of the recipes in this, and also described in great detail how to use cocoa on the face

Cocoa has not been ignored either; popular rumor promises that it will help strengthen hair follicles and therefore solve the problem of hair loss.

I don’t know about the long-term effect, but the sensation is pleasant and the smell is extraordinary.

I mix olive oil, cocoa, kefir (one tablespoon each) and one yolk, rub thoroughly into the scalp and leave for 15 minutes. It doesn't wash off very quickly, of course)

Chocolate wrap

Well, my favorite is chocolate wrap.

Its properties provide the effect of moisturizing and nourishing the skin, in addition, excess water and toxins are removed. Due to this, if you do such wraps constantly, you can improve the condition of problem areas.

Please note the contraindications: pregnancy and high blood pressure, varicose veins, colds, fever, skin wounds.

Take a glass of hot water with pharmaceutical herbs (I prefer chamomile), or milk, mix cocoa into it until it reaches the consistency of sour cream and you can add another 3-4 drops of essential oil, such as orange.

We apply all this to problem areas and wrap in cling film for half an hour. Ready!

Cacao butter

Surely you have long known that oil is obtained from cocoa fruits, famous for its wonderful cosmetic and health properties.

Harm and contraindications to the use of cocoa

I will surprise you, but cocoa itself is not harmful.

Yes, it is high in calories, so frequent consumption of hot drinks and chocolates can significantly increase weight, but there is nothing harmful in it.

The whole problem lies in the additional ingredients that are added during the production of chocolate and other sweet products using cocoa.

In the unsanitary conditions in which this powder is sometimes made, in the pesticides that are used to treat cocoa trees.

Therefore, the key to the usefulness of this product will be its quality: buy the most expensive and proven powder without impurities and make dishes from it yourself!

I choose here such organic cocoa powder and I recommend it to everyone!

Have a great mood everyone and meet us for a cup of cocoa.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!


Cocoa - varieties, benefits of products (butter, powder, cocoa beans), medical use, harm and contraindications, drink recipe. Photo of chocolate tree and cocoa fruit

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Cocoa is a food product of the same name, widely used in various fields, such as cooking, cosmetology and the pharmaceutical industry. Currently, the most widespread use of cocoa is in the food industry and cosmetology. And the use of cocoa for medicinal purposes is recorded somewhat less frequently. However, there are currently a number of scientific studies that prove the undoubted benefits of cocoa not just as a food product, but as a product with medicinal properties. Let's consider the options for using cocoa for medical purposes, as well as the beneficial properties of this product.

What is cocoa?

Currently, all residents of developed countries know the word "cocoa". After all, cocoa is the main component of many people’s favorite delicacy – chocolate.

However, in everyday life, the word “cocoa” refers to several products obtained from the fruits of the cocoa tree, for example, cocoa butter, cocoa powder and cocoa beans themselves. In addition, the name cocoa is also used for a drink made from powder.

Cocoa powder is used to make icing for confectionery products, and it is added to the dough to impart a chocolate flavor. And cocoa butter is used to make many confectionery products (chocolate, candies, etc.). In addition, cocoa butter is successfully used in cosmetology and the pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of suppositories, ointments and other dosage forms for local and external use.

Thus, all cocoa products are quite widespread and known to almost all people, and they are obtained from cocoa beans collected from the chocolate tree.

Chocolate tree (cocoa) is an evergreen species of the genus Theobroma, family Malvaceae, and grows in regions with tropical climates around the world - in South America, Africa, and the islands of Southeast Asia. Accordingly, cocoa beans are currently produced in Asia (Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia), Africa (Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo) and Central America (Brazil, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Venezuela).

The cocoa tree is large, its height reaches 12 m, and the branches and leaves are located mainly along the periphery of the crown to capture as much sunlight as possible. The tree has flowers, from which later, after pollination, fruits grow, which are attached not to the branches, but directly to the trunk of the chocolate tree. These fruits are similar in shape to lemons, but are somewhat larger and are equipped with longitudinal grooves on the skin. Inside, under the skin, there are seeds - approximately 20 - 60 in each fruit. These seeds are the cocoa beans from which cocoa powder and cocoa butter are obtained, which are widely used in cooking, cosmetology and the pharmaceutical industry.

Technology for producing cocoa powder and cocoa butter from beans very interesting. So, after collecting the fruits from the chocolate tree, the beans are removed from them (see Figure 1).

Picture 1– Appearance of fresh cocoa beans extracted from the fruit of the chocolate tree.

Cocoa beans, freed from the fruit shell, are laid out in small heaps on banana leaves. They are also topped with banana leaves and left to ferment in a sunny place for a week. Under the leaves, the temperature reaches 40 - 50 o C, and under its influence the sugars contained in the beans are fermented, turning into alcohol and carbon dioxide. In other words, exactly the same process occurs as during the fermentation of berries or fruits when making wine. Since a lot of alcohol is produced, some of it turns into acetic acid, which saturates the beans and prevents their germination. Due to impregnation with acetic acid, cocoa beans lose their white color and acquire a characteristic chocolate-brown color. Also, during the fermentation process, the cocoaamine contained in the beans is broken down, thereby reducing the bitterness of the seeds.

After fermentation is complete (about 7 to 10 days after placing the beans under the banana leaves), the beans are taken out and spread in a thin layer in the sun to dry thoroughly. Drying can be carried out not only in the sun, but also in special automated drying machines. Sometimes fermented cocoa beans are not dried, but rather roasted over a fire.

It is during drying that cocoa beans acquire their characteristic brown color and chocolate smell.

Next, the shell is removed from the dried beans, and the seeds themselves are crushed and cocoa butter is squeezed out in presses. The cake remaining after pressing the oil is ground to obtain cocoa powder. Finished cocoa powder and cocoa butter are supplied to the world market and are subsequently used in the food industry, cosmetology and pharmaceuticals.

In addition to cocoa powder and cocoa butter, Cocoa vella is obtained from dried beans, which is a crushed peeled shell. In the countries of the former USSR, cocoa wella is not widely used, but in the world this product is used as an additive to livestock feed.

Various parts of the chocolate tree fruit have been used by people as food since ancient times. The first mention of a drink made from cocoa dates back to the 18th century BC, during the existence of the Olmec people in Central America. The methods of preparing a drink from cocoa fruits were adopted by the Mayans and Aztecs from the Olmecs.

And Europeans learned the taste of a drink made from cocoa beans only after the conquest of the American continent, when the Spaniards brought it to their country. During the period of importing cocoa beans from Central America, the drink made from them was very expensive, and therefore accessible only to royalty.

During the 16th century, cocoa was made from powder with the addition of vanilla and cinnamon, which were also very expensive spices during that time period. And in the 17th century, sugar began to be added to the drink, which significantly reduced its cost and contributed to its spread among the general population of European countries. In the form of a sugar-sweetened drink, cocoa was used in Europe until 1828, when the Dutch scientist van Heuten came up with a way to extract butter from cocoa beans. Van Heuten obtained oil from the beans and powder from the cake left after the oil was extracted, mixed them and created a solid product - chocolate. It was from this moment that the victorious march of chocolate began, which gradually replaced cocoa as a drink from the diet of Europeans.

Cocoa varieties

There are many classifications of cocoa by variety, taking into account the type of chocolate tree, area of ​​growth, method of harvesting the fruits and other characteristics that can affect the properties of the final products of cocoa beans - powder and butter. However, all these varieties and numerous classifications are necessary only for professionals involved in the industrial use of cocoa.

But in fact, there are only two main varieties of cocoa - these are criollo And forastero. Criollo refers to the highest quality cocoa beans obtained from varietal trees. Forastero includes cocoa beans of lower quality than criollo. However, one should not think that Forastero cocoa is of poor quality, because this is not true. In reality, the forastero variety is a good quality cocoa bean, but without the characteristics of a premium product, they do not have a special zest, some excellent properties, etc. That is, it is just an ordinary, good and very solid product. But criollo cocoa beans are a premium product with special excellent properties.

The specified division into varieties is used only in relation to raw cocoa beans. And after fermentation and drying, cocoa beans are usually divided according to their taste into bitter, tart, tender, sour, etc.

Cocoa products

Currently, three types of cocoa products are obtained from the fruits of the chocolate tree, which are widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in cosmetology. These cocoa products include:
  • Cocoa powder;
  • Cocoa butter;
  • Cocoa beans.
Each cocoa product has a number of properties, some of which are the same for all three - butter, powder and beans, while others are different and unique to a particular product.

Collection, fermentation and drying of cocoa beans, making chocolate - video

How chocolate is made from cocoa - video

How to determine the quality of cocoa powder - video


This photograph shows a view of cocoa fruit attached to the trunk of a chocolate tree.

This photograph shows fresh cocoa beans being extracted from the fruit.

This photo shows cocoa beans after drying.

The photo shows cocoa powder obtained from dried beans.

The photograph shows cocoa butter, which is obtained from dried beans.

Composition of cocoa

All cocoa products contain the same substances, but in different quantities and ratios. For example, cocoa beans contain 50 - 60% fat, 12 - 15% protein, 6 - 10% carbohydrates (cellulose + starch + polysaccharides), 6% tannins and coloring substances (tannin) and 5 - 8% water with dissolved in it minerals, vitamins, organic acids, saccharides and alkaloids (theobromine, caffeine). In addition, cocoa beans contain biologically active substances, which in their biochemical structure are proteins, carbohydrates or fats. Accordingly, other cocoa products - butter and powder, also contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and biologically active substances of protein, carbohydrate and lipid structures, as well as vitamins and microelements, but in different proportions compared to cocoa beans. Protein, fat and carbohydrate fractions contain a large amount (about 300) of biologically active substances that provide beneficial properties, such as anandamide, arginine, histamine, dopamine, cocohil, polyphenol, salsolinol, serotonin, tyramine, tryptophan, phenylethylamine, epicacetin, etc.

Cocoa butter contains 95% fat and only 5% water, vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Accordingly, cocoa butter contains biologically active substances mainly of a lipid nature, such as oleic, palmitic, linolenic fatty acids, triglycerides, linalool, amyl acetate, amyl butyrate, etc. Cocoa powder contains only 12 - 15% fat, up to 40% protein , 30 – 35% carbohydrates and 10 – 18% minerals and vitamins. Accordingly, cocoa powder is rich in vitamins, microelements, sugary substances and biologically active compounds of protein structure (tryptophan, phenylethylamine, dopamine, serotonin, etc.). And cocoa beans contain 50–60% fat, 12–15% protein, 6–10% carbohydrates and 15–32% water with minerals and vitamins dissolved in it. This means that cocoa beans contain the largest amount of biologically active substances compared to powder and butter.

Let's consider what biologically active substances are included in all cocoa products, as well as the properties of beans, butter and powder.

Cacao butter contains a wide range of polyunsaturated fatty acids (stearic, oleic, palmitic, linolenic), triglycerides (oleo-palmito-stearin, oleo-distearin), fatty acid esters (amyl acetate, amyl butyrate, butyl acetate), methylxanthine, caffeine, phytosterols, polyphenols, sugars ( sucrose, glucose, fructose), tannins and vitamins A, E and C. Cocoa butter is white-yellowish in color and has a chocolate aroma. At normal air temperatures (from 22 to 27 o C), the oil is hard and brittle, but at 32 - 36 o C it begins to melt, becoming liquid. That is, cocoa butter melts at a temperature slightly below body temperature, as a result of which a chocolate bar containing this component is normally hard and dense, and melts pleasantly in the mouth.

Cocoa powder contains large quantities of potassium and phosphorus salts, as well as anthocyanins (substances that give a characteristic color), alkaloids (caffeine, theobromine), purines, flavonoids, dopamine, anandamide, arginine, histamine, cocohil, salsolinol, serotonin, tyramine, tryptophan, phenylethylamine , epicacetin, etc. In addition, the powder contains a wide range of microelements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum and fluorine) and vitamins A, E, PP and group B. High-quality cocoa powder must contain at least 15% fat, have a light brown color and smear when you try to rub it between your fingers. If you scoop cocoa powder into your palm, it will fall out poorly, and some of it will definitely remain on your hand, sticking to the skin.

Contains cocoa beans includes cocoa powder + cocoa butter. A distinctive feature of cocoa beans from butter and powder is the content of a large number of aromatic compounds (about 40, among which there is the terpene alcohol linalool), as well as organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric and acetic).

Useful properties of cocoa products

Let's look at the beneficial properties of each cocoa product separately to avoid confusion.

Cacao butter

Cocoa butter can be used internally, externally and topically, either alone or in combination with other components. For example, for external and topical use, cocoa butter can be mixed with other active substances or applied in its pure form. Cocoa butter can be consumed internally, spread on sandwiches or seasoned with food.

Cocoa butter has the following beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet and infrared rays on the skin and reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of the skin;
  • Stimulates the functioning of the immune system, reduces the incidence of colds and infectious diseases, prevents cancer;
  • Increases life expectancy and slows down aging;
  • Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails, preventing them from aging and fading;
  • Improves skin barrier functions, promotes the disappearance of pimples and blackheads;
  • Moisturizes the skin, eliminates dryness and increases its elasticity by activating the process of collagen production;
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks in the skin, including the nipples;
  • Has an antitussive effect;
  • Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • Normalizes the condition of the walls of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, improving microcirculation, preventing atherosclerosis and preventing cardiovascular diseases;
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • Helps cure dermatitis and bronchial asthma.

Cocoa powder and the benefits of cocoa (drink)

The beneficial properties of the powder and the drink prepared from it are the same, so we will present them together. It must be remembered that the powder has a beneficial effect only in the form of a drink. And when it is added to dough or confectionery, unfortunately, the beneficial effects of cocoa are neutralized and do not appear.

Cocoa in the form of a hot drink, prepared from powder with milk or water with sugar, has the following beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Consuming cocoa in the form of a drink has a neuroprotective and nootropic effect, increasing the resistance of nerve cells to the effects of negative environmental factors and improving brain functioning. Thus, thanks to the neuroprotective effect, brain cells are much better able to tolerate episodes of oxygen deprivation, trauma and other negative impacts, as a result of which the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, dementia, etc. is significantly reduced. And thanks to the nootropic effect, after about 2 months of regular consumption of cocoa in the form of a drink, a person’s memory and attention improve, the thought process accelerates, thoughts and decisions become more accurate, clear, etc., which makes it much easier to cope with difficult problems .
  • Cerebral circulation improves, due to which the productivity of a person’s mental activity increases significantly.
  • Due to the effects of flavonoids (epicatechin) and antioxidants (polyphenols), with regular consumption of cocoa in the form of a drink for 2 months, a person’s blood pressure level is normalized.
  • Reduces the risk of developing skin cancer by reducing the negative effects of ultraviolet and infrared rays on the structures of the skin.
  • Reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of any location due to antioxidants.
  • Increases the body's overall resistance to various infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Slows down the aging process in the body due to the effects of polyphenols.
  • Improves the overall condition of skin, hair and nails.
  • Normalizes a person’s mental state, helping to relieve depression, eliminating anxiety, worry and fear, and at the same time improving mood.
  • Normalizes cholesterol and hormone levels in the blood due to the action of flavonoids and peptides.
  • Reduces platelet aggregation, preventing the formation of blood clots, which reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and thrombosis.
  • Improves hematopoiesis (formation of red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets), preventing blood tumors and deficiency of formed elements.
  • Accelerates the healing of various wounds.
  • Helps maintain normal blood glucose levels, preventing sudden fluctuations or increases, which prevents or significantly slows down the development of diabetes mellitus.
  • Improves the functioning of muscles and bones.
  • Improves and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, eliminating various functional disorders (for example, myocardial dystrophy, Tachy-Brady syndrome, etc.) and thereby preventing the development of severe organic pathology.
  • Prevents anemia due to iron content.
  • Restores muscle condition after active training in athletes and after physical activity in people of any age and gender.
  • Tones and invigorates due to the content of caffeine and theobromine. Moreover, the tonic effect of cocoa is much milder than that of coffee, since the main active alkaloid in it is theobromine, and not caffeine. In addition, due to the low caffeine content, cocoa can be consumed as an invigorating drink by people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular (for example, hypertension, heart failure, etc.) and respiratory systems (bronchial asthma, etc.).
In order for cocoa to fully exert its beneficial effect, it is recommended to drink 1 cup of the drink per day in the morning. To prepare the drink, pour 1 – 1.5 teaspoons of powder with boiling water or hot milk, add sugar, cinnamon, vanilla or other spices to taste. It is better to drink cocoa in the morning, as the drink tones and invigorates, which can lead to problems falling asleep if taken in the evening.

Cocoa beans

Dried cocoa beans can be consumed 1 - 3 pieces per day as a dessert or instead of a snack. Beans are high in calories, so they perfectly satisfy hunger, and at the same time, they are healthy and tasty. Connoisseurs of this healthy product recommend eating beans with honey.

The beneficial properties of cocoa beans are as follows:

  • Regular consumption of cocoa beans improves brain function due to the action of flavonoids and antioxidants. After 8 weeks of daily consumption of beans, memory, concentration, speed and accuracy of thinking, ability to solve complex problems, etc. improve.
  • Neuroprotective effect on the brain due to the content of antioxidants (polyphenols). Brain structures become more resistant to the damaging effects of negative factors, such as oxygen starvation, trauma, etc., as a result of which the development of Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia, etc. is prevented.
  • Normalizes blood pressure due to the action of flavonoids and antioxidants. According to a study by Italian scientists, consuming beans for 2 months normalizes blood pressure.
  • Improves metabolism and DNA synthesis in cells due to the content of purines.
  • Improves hematopoiesis and accelerates wound healing due to the content of iron, magnesium, chromium and zinc.
  • Maintains normal blood glucose levels, preventing its sharp increase, due to chromium content.
  • Improves heart function, normalizes the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system, strengthens muscles and bones due to its magnesium content.
  • Slows down aging due to the action of antioxidants (polyphenols).
  • Reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks, diabetes and malignant tumors due to the effects of epicatechin.
  • Improves skin condition, smoothes wrinkles and increases elasticity, and also prevents stomach ulcers due to the content of cocohil and sulfur.
  • Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails due to the effects of antioxidants and intensive nutrition with vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  • Increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.
  • Reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet and infrared rays on the skin and reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of the skin due to the melanin content.
  • Increases sexual desire and brightness of sensations due to arginine.
  • Relieves depression, anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, and also improves mood due to the antidepressant effect of serotonin, tryptophan and dopamine.

Cocoa improves brain function. Selection, storage and preparation of cocoa - video

Which is healthier: cocoa or chicory (nutritionist’s opinion) - video

Use of cocoa in medicine

Cocoa butter is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, on the basis of which suppositories are prepared for vaginal or rectal administration, as well as ointments and creams for application to the skin and mucous membranes. Cocoa butter is the main auxiliary component of these dosage forms, since it provides stability and dense consistency at ambient temperatures and rapid, excellent melting and melting at body temperature.

Besides, Cocoa butter is used to treat the following conditions and diseases as part of complex therapy:

  • . Take a small piece of oil and move it over the chest, while doing a light massage, which will improve blood flow to the respiratory organs and speed up recovery.
Cocoa butter is also widely used in cosmetology for the preparation of masks, creams, wraps and other procedures, as it quickly and significantly improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Cocoa beans and cocoa powder are not used in medical practice. The only area in which cocoa is used in the form of a drink is preventive and rehabilitative medicine. According to recommendations in these areas of medicine, it is recommended to drink cocoa as a general strengthening and tonic drink to increase performance and better tolerate physical or psycho-emotional stress.

Cocoa lowers cholesterol levels and normalizes lipid metabolism - video

Cocoa for the prevention of thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes - video

Harm from cocoa

Cocoa powder or cocoa beans may be potentially harmful to humans due to the following factors:
  • Presence of caffeine. This component can be very harmful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  • Unsanitary conditions for processing beans. Cockroaches live in the beans and are often not removed before grinding, causing these insects to end up in the cocoa powder. In addition, the beans lie on the ground and on surfaces that are poorly washed and treated with disinfectant solutions, as a result of which various microbes, soil particles, etc. may appear on them.
  • Allergic reactions. Due to the presence of chitin (a component of cockroach shell) in cocoa powder, people can develop severe allergic reactions, since this substance is very highly allergenic. Unfortunately, any cocoa powder contains chitin, since cockroaches live in cocoa beans, and it is not possible to remove all insects from them.
  • Mycotoxins and pesticides. Cocoa bean powder may contain residues of pesticides that were used to treat chocolate trees to control pests, as well as mycotoxins - harmful substances produced by fungi living on beans.

Contraindications to the consumption of cocoa and chocolate

Pure cocoa beans, cocoa drink and chocolate are contraindicated for consumption if a person has the following conditions or diseases:
  • Gout (cocoa contains purines, and their consumption will lead to an exacerbation of gout);
  • Kidney diseases (cocoa has a diuretic effect);
  • Age under 3 years (cocoa is a highly allergenic product, so children under 3 years old are not recommended to drink it in the form of a drink, or eat it in the form of chocolate or beans);
  • Increased excitability and aggressiveness (cocoa has a tonic and stimulating effect);
  • Constipation (for constipation, you can only consume cocoa butter, and it is better to exclude beans and any products with cocoa powder from the diet, as they contain tannins that can aggravate the problem);
  • Diabetes mellitus (cocoa can be drunk only to prevent the disease, but when it has already developed, the product should not be consumed).

How to brew cocoa drink (recipe) - video

White cocoa with marshmallows (recipe) - video

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

In the 16th century, the scientist Benzoni invented a recipe for making liquid chocolate. He came to the king of Spain and told him about the healing properties of the product. They decided to keep this a secret. Many were even executed for revealing the secret. For a long time, chocolate was quite expensive and accessible only to very rich people.

Only in the 20th century, after cocoa was significantly cheaper to produce, it became possible to buy chocolate at an affordable price. Thanks to the name “royal dessert,” it has become a widely known and popular delicacy for those with a sweet tooth.

Today, dark chocolate is made using cocoa mass, sugar and cocoa butter. At the same time, it is possible to change the taste using different sugar consistencies. Milk chocolate is also on sale. It is made in the same way as bitter, only powdered milk is added. Sometimes they use country milk, which makes the bar much softer and the taste more delicate.


In order to obtain this wonderful product, the first step is to roast the cocoa beans. The second stage of cooking involves heating at high temperatures and grinding. Cocoa butter is formed. Consequently, the cocoa liquor turns out to be half liquid.

By the consistency of the finished product, you can determine its quality. If it is not very thick, then we can conclude that more oil was produced, and the grinding was higher. That is, less thick cocoa is considered better. It grinds easier and mixes well with sugar. Consequently, the process of eliminating moisture and volatile acids is facilitated.

Cocoa beans can be divided into two types.

  1. Elite variety. Such fruits are characterized by a mild taste and a special aroma with many different shades.
  2. Common variety. These beans have a bitter taste with elements of astringency and a fairly bright aroma.

Ordinary varieties are quite common on supermarket shelves. It is very rare to find an elite variety of beans.

It should be noted that a large number of microorganisms do not survive the frying stage, and even heat-resistant bacteria and spores die during sterilization. So the product is completely safe and suitable for consumption.

The cocoa bean kernel is the most valuable part. The shell is of no value. Therefore, the main task of any manufacturer is to separate the shell from the core using special equipment. After all, it is precisely this that has the cellular structure from which the grated product is obtained.

Grated cocoa contains a huge amount of elements beneficial to humans.

  1. Potassium. Helps reduce swelling and is necessary for the normal functioning of capillaries and blood vessels. Improves brain activity.
  2. Magnesium. Improves mood, relieves fatigue and irritability. Helps get rid of headaches.
  3. A nicotinic acid. Accelerates the metabolic process, normalizes cholesterol levels, helps eliminate toxins and cleanses the body.
  4. Phosphorus. Supports normal growth of bone tissue in the body. Reduces pain in arthritis.
  5. Iron. Increases hemoglobin. Stimulates productive brain function.

Alkalized cocoa

Cocoa was given this name due to its rich color. It turns out quite dark. It is also obtained from cocoa products when they are processed using alkaline salts. Alkalized cocoa is better soluble in water and has less acidity.

This product is used to prepare high-quality dessert products. If you add it to the dough, it will not spread at high temperatures and will retain its rich color. Also, it is alkalized cocoa that is used to prepare “Dutch cocoa”, which does not need to be boiled.

Use in cooking

Cocoa powder is mainly used in cooking. In production, such a product is obtained using special equipment that squeezes out some of the butter from grated cocoa. The result is a mass that is added during the preparation of natural chocolate, various cakes, pastries and other desserts.

However, using grated cocoa in its original form is considered more useful. Then the finished culinary product is considered prepared according to GOST. It has a pronounced taste and pleasant aroma. Such products improve mood, increase performance and are quickly absorbed in the body.

Many experienced housewives have learned to use grated cocoa to prepare various sauces and doughs. Consider several recipes.

  • Solid chocolate. Take cocoa butter and powder (1:3). Together with powdered sugar, place them in a small saucepan with a thick bottom and place on low heat. Wait until you get a homogeneous mass. Remove the container from the heat and beat the mass with a blender, and then pour it into pre-prepared forms. Allow to cool slightly and place in the refrigerator until completely set.

  • Glaze. For this you will need sugar (200 g), butter (80 g), cocoa powder (60 g) and milk (80 g). You need to mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil, leaving to simmer for 10-15 minutes. This is a very easy recipe, accessible to any housewife.

  • Potato cake. Melt the grated cocoa and butter in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil so that the product is not bitter. At this time, take regular cookies, grind them in a blender and add condensed milk. Mix all the ingredients obtained and make “cutlets”. Then they are placed in the refrigerator to cool. You can also add nuts or honey to taste. Children love this dessert.

  • Brownie. This is one of the most popular desserts. To prepare it, soften the butter (100 g) and beat it with sugar (100 g). Then you need to melt the grated cocoa in a water bath (100 g), beat 2 eggs well with a mixer. Mix everything, don’t forget flour (70 g), baking powder (0.5 tsp) and a pinch of salt. The resulting dough should be poured into molds and baked at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

These are the easiest recipes that can be used in home cooking. In addition, many people adore the sweet and healthy drink made from cocoa. If you use it instead of tea, serotonin (the hormone of happiness) is produced. Some even treat depression this way. It should be noted that cocoa contains a little caffeine, which helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of cancer. That is, such a product only brings benefits.

Grated cocoa is also used in cosmetology. It is used to make face and body masks, wraps, and scrubs. It has the property of regenerating cells, removing fat deposits and rejuvenating the skin.


The product can have both positive and negative effects on the body. Cocoa should not be consumed by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The product causes irritation to the mucous membrane and accelerates the production of gastric juice. It is also not recommended for use by children under 4 years of age due to the caffeine content. A person with diabetes or kidney failure should think twice before consuming it.

Cooking rules according to GOST

All manufacturers are faced with such a requirement as a state standard. Many stick to it, others invent high-quality counterfeits to make the product cheaper. The GOST rules include several points.

  1. The cocoa should be brown (light or dark). The use of light gray product is not permitted.
  2. The taste and smell must correspond to cocoa powder, there should be no various impurities and additives.
  3. Flavored additives may only be used in accordance with standards approved by the Ministry of Health.

To avoid purchasing low-quality or counterfeit products, you need to make sure that the composition does not contain chemicals, cocoa cake and flavorings. It is not recommended to indulge in powders with high sugar content. You should not be tempted by instant drinks with flavor enhancers and other unsafe substances in their composition.

It is better to buy natural grated cocoa. But it is worth considering that it does not dissolve in milk at all; to prepare a drink from it, you need to add boiled water.

To learn how to make chocolate from real cocoa beans, watch the video below.